Copying Sentence Examples
In 1827 a combined expedition led by Champollion and Rosellini was despatched by the governments of France and Tuscany, and accomplished a great deal of valuable work in copying scenes and inscriptions.
Sonya sat in the drawing room at the round table, copying a design for embroidery.
The clerics preached and instructed the people, working chiefly among the poor; they also devoted themselves to the copying of manuscripts, in order thereby to earn something for the common fund; and some of them taught in the schools.
He notes the convenience of the method for solar observations and its previous use by some of the observers already mentioned, as well as its advantages for easily and accurately copying on an enlarged or reduced scale, especially for chorographical or topographical documents.
They laboured carefully in copying books, being instant continually in sacred study and devout meditation.
There are various copying processes by which it is possible to reproduce an original ruling in more or less perfection.
The copyist may erroneously suppose that something written in the margin, between the lines or at the top or the foot of the page which he is copying, is intended to be placed in the text.
This device was originally adopted in the d'Arlincourt copying telegraph.
The church was dedicated in 1260 by Walter Bronescombe, bishop of Exeter; and c. 1335 Bishop John Grandisson, on founding a secular college here, greatly enlarged the church; it has been thought that, by copying the Early English style, he is responsible for more of the building than is apparent.
He was not jealous of brother friars because of their funds, instruments and materials for copying and their ability as skilled copyists.
AdvertisementIt was used largely for copying, for reducing or for enlarging existing drawings.
In the first place we shall discard all manuscripts which are derived by copying from other extant manuscripts.
If a MS. is immediately or ultimately derived by copying from another MS., it cannot, qua copy, tell us anything that we do not know already if the latter MS. is known to us.
They had begun it together in Syria, she copying the pages as he wrote them, with a New Testament and a Josephus for all his library.
The copying can be done under the ' fair dealing ' defense.
AdvertisementTo use the mono copier, located in block A, students must first purchase a copying card from the Computer Helpdesk.
On the question of copying errors, in the many and various manuscripts that remain today, a large number have copyists ' errors.
Copying a compressed file from the Windows Setup CD-ROM automatically decompresses the file.
The values formed from direct copying have usually been created either mechanically or subconsciously, and hence are usually enshrouded in confusion and self-deception.
The objects are then copied into it using a copying garbage collector.
AdvertisementDust and other particles can scratch the surface of your disk, causing imperfections in copying and playback.
Disabled access facilities, self-service microfilm and a chargeable copying service are provided.
Customized scanning, copying and faxing for complex jobs are simple one-step, one-touch, operations.
Yes to cover costs of photocopying, postage and copying images such as x-rays and photographs.
With the coming of digital, the need to prohibit illegal copying becomes even more pressing.
AdvertisementThe trend in the European Union is not to allow exceptions for copying for a commercial purpose.
Why did copying what a mentally retarded person had to say seem like a good idea?
That fact, combined with his three-day, money-back guarantee, has resulted in lots of unauthorized copying and lost revenue, he says.
They may enact the rituals slightly differently, or embellish them a touch, so essentially they are copying them with slight variations.
The Microsoft Access format allows the backup of an entire database simply by copying a single file to a CD or a server.
The library does not permit the copying of any unpublished thesis without the prior permission of the author.
Copying from commercially produced videos or DVDs, including the capture of a single frame, requires permission from the copyright holder.
Several ingenious applications of his method were proposed and practically worked, as, for example, the copying telegraph of Bakewell and of Cros, by means of which a telegram may be transmitted in the sender's own handwriting; the pantelegraph of Caselli; the autographic telegraphs of Meyer, Lenoir, Sawyer and others; and the autographic typo-telegraph of Bonelli; all forms of the apparatus have, however, fallen into disuse.
He set at naught the jealousy of his superiors and brother friars, and despite the want of funds, instruments, materials for copying and skilled copyists, completed in about eighteen months three large treatises, the Opus Majus, Opus Minus and Opus Tertium, which, with some other tracts, were despatched to the pope.
According to Vasari, Marcantonio, in copying Diirer's series of the Little Passion on wood, had imitated the original monogram, and Darer, indignant at this fraud, set out for Italy in order to protect his rights, and having lodged a complaint against Marcantonio before the signory of Venice, carried his point so far that Marcantonio was forbidden in future to add the monogram of Darer to copies taken after his works.
The date of the Laocoon being now fixed (see Agesander) to 40-20 B.C., there can be no question of copying Virgil.
The success of the Etudes d'histoire religieuse and the Essais de morale had made the name of Renan known to a cultivated public. While Mademoiselle Renan remained shut up at home copying her brother's manuscripts or compiling material for his work, the young philosopher began to frequent more than one Parisian salon, and especially the studio of Ary Scheffer, at that time a noted social centre.
Then just copying from the RAM disk to hard drive.
Copying Website Information into a computer cache or storage device for private on or off-line browsing purposes is also permitted.
Second, the use of the term ' work ' means that the definition covers more than word-for-word copying.
Try searching for a newer version on the Internet or copying the file from your Workbench disks.
The changing of your voice and the emphasizing of certain syllables will hold onto your child's attention, and she'll become more fascinated with copying your sounds.
While people in America often choose names for their children based on the popularity of the word, copying someone else's exact name is often frowned upon in the Chinese culture.
Because you will want your baby's name to be special and unique, copying a name from a book or computer site may not be in your best interest.
Online, there are many sources to buy the perfect machine for your CD copying needs.
If they charge you anything at all, it will likely be a nominal fee to cover their operating costs, such as copying your paperwork.
If you covet a particular designer lamp but the price makes it out of your budget, consider copying the design yourself.
Once the code is created, it is simply a matter of copying and pasting the code to his website to offer visitors the ease of an online dictionary lookup.
It gets the book out there in one coherent piece, retaining all of your formatting, and you can set it up so no one can steal your text by copying and pasting it.
If you don't want the hassle of copying brackets and totaling each participant's points (a huge task, if you're in a big office), there are online services that will do it for you for a small fee.
After copying and pasting your text into the "original text" box, you select the languages you want to translate from and to, then click translate.
Sharing your DailyMotion video files with friends through your blog or your Facebook account is as easy as copying and pasting a snippet of code.
Avoid copying a space you saw online or in a magazine.
Whether it's copying work from the Internet or using cheat sheets, most seasoned teachers are aware cheating occurs and are working toward putting a stop to it.
However, with today's access to the Internet pretty much at your fingertips at all times, copying sentences and even whole paragraphs is quite easy to do.
He would even ask me questions, not copying but generally wanting to know.
If you have trouble remembering things, try copying your notes over after school.
Perhaps you'll have someone custom design your dress so you'll be sure no one else at the prom will be copying you.
Copying a short prayer into a card will make it a keepsake.
So instead of just copying or printing a poem on a piece of paper, go the extra mile.
Many theme character cake pans come with diagrams or decorations for making character cakes, too, so if you're not artistic, you can simply follow the instructions for copying the given design layout.
Teen and preteen girls, particularly girls ages nine to 14, began copying Hannah Montana's trendy wardrobe by purchasing items from her clothing line as well as the show's related merchandise.
It may start innocently enough with copying most of your information from the encyclopedia for an elementary school report, and soon repeating the words you find in reference materials becomes the only research method you know.
Prior to version 1.12.70, you had to do a lot more work to install mods by copying a file called "resources.cfg" and "hacking" the game in different ways to incorporate the new mod packages.
Many pundits say that the very act of copying a video game falls into a legal gray area.
The copying of video games will continue to be a hot topic for many years to come.
To read about the various techniques for copying game discs, read the article on how to burn PS2 games.
During treatment, the therapist helps the patient to become aware of his or her thinking patterns and how they came to be, and works with them to develop healthy problem solving and copying skills.
The performance section includes picture completion, copying geometric designs, using blocks to reproduce designs, working through a maze, and building an animal house from a model.
Michael Jackson impersonators and dance troupes are copying entire segments of MJ's choreography, whereas in the 80s, most people only associated the moonwalk and the signature pelvic thrust with Michael Jackson.
That's the kind of stylistic touch that doesn't get covered when just copying moves, and is the mark of a good dance teacher.
The real key to learning ballroom dancing, whether from the web, from a teacher, or just copying moves on the dance floor, is to enjoy what you are doing.
Copying rates vary from 25 cents for paper-to-paper copies to 50 cents for microfilm-to-paper copies.Visitors should get approval from a staff person before copying original material.
They can help you recreate the look with your own personal flair, giving you an emo-esque style perfect for you without copying another look.
One of the benefits will be your child developing his own artistic style rather than copying someone else's.
With any of the above job sites, you can put a resume on file and send it with a click of the button, which beats pasting and copying your resume over and over again.
The fact that it's a good idea to review sample proposals before you start writing your own does not mean that it's appropriate to resort to copying content or ideas that are not yours.
Copying other people's work is plagiarism, which is an unethical practice.
Before writing or copying your Christmas card text, take a moment to consider your recipient and the message that you wish to express.
Many go on to post instructions for copying their success and you can study these to create a kind of pattern of your own.
Don't be excessive, as true copying will have the opposite effect.
However, do your best to make the love letter your own by using some of your own words when copying a love letter.
Many modern cushion diamond rings are copying the original vintage versions.
By copying an already booming high designer label, it is almost assured that your designs will sell, especially if your prices are substantially less than the original style.
Writing assignments could also include copying a bug word or two.
If this was a successful manner of parenting, then there typically isn't a problem in copying your own parents' style.
Nowadays it seems that Hollywood has almost entirely run out of brilliant new ideas and is just copying old ideas, remaking them into feature films for children.
Popular films that she has acted in include Troy, Wicker Park, Narco, Copying Beethoven, Days of Darkness, Anything for Her, Inglorious Basterds, and Mr. Nobody.
Copying a document on both sides of the paper is one of the easiest ways to save money for your home business.
While this does require more time than simply copying a list you find online, having a list customized to your family's unique needs can be a great timesaver.
This style comes from the old practice of copying texts and important documents by hand, in calligraphy.
Meeting rooms, an on-site notary public, copying, and shipping services ensure a businessperson is able to complete his or her work efficiently and conveniently.
You want your cover letter to reflect you and simply copying a prewritten one won't help you reach this goal.
Copying moves is likely to land you at the bottom of the pile in a competition, right along with the other squads that copied the moves.
Be wary of copying your entire routine from a video, and be wary of creating too many moves that are too sexy for your squad.
However, be aware that the cost of printing out full color images is a lot more than simple copying.
Soon, other cheerleaders noticed and began copying the visually appealing jump.
In the 1950s, when exaggerated curves and padded bras became the rage, girls in early adolescence became more concerned about copying their older sisters and the lingerie industry saw a chance to make some money.
This site lets you preview the page before copying the specialized code onto your MySpace site profile.
Installing the countdown is a simple matter of copying and pasting a piece of code into your MySpace profile.
Before you decide to put a MySpace Nightmare Before Christmas layout in your profile, make sure you are copying code from a site that allows this to be done.
You can add icons with images or quotes, music videos, different cursors, graphics, and games by copying the HTML codes on the sites listed above.
The good news is that you don't have to learn anything except searching the Internet and copying and pasting.
Many Facebook users and others accuse Zynga, the developer of FarmVille, with copying the Farm Town platform.
The process of adding a graphic to your comments on MySpace is rather simple; it is a matter of copying and pasting the link code into your comment box.
The application is either copying the original format of listing friends by interaction, or simply pulling random names to flesh out the list.
Still another method is just copying and pasting from a site that has the heart like this ?.
Using these layouts is as simple as copying and pasting a string of code.
Instead of copying the new XML file over to your hosting account, IceRocket will publish the RSS feed directly to your web server for you.
This is useful if you're already in the habit of copying the XML file from your web host to your computer for editing.
When you're done copying each piece of the template and customizing them, just make your eBay listing active and watch how many people come to and look at your listing.
You can find an HTML source for a guestbook on the Internet for download or for simply copying and pasting into your web page design program.
Shared guest amenities include business services, such as copying and faxing, evening turn-down service, a concierge desk and local restaurant delivery.
Besides copying the Roman habit of planting military colonies, the First Consul imitated the old conquerors of the world by extending and completing the road-system of his outlying districts, especially at those important passes, the Mont Cenis and Simplon.
Certain kinds of copying inks are greatly improved by the substitution of glycerin, in part or entirely, for the sugar or honey usually added.
When very young he showed his interest in the past history of his native land, and in 1617, at the age of twenty-three, he had set to work looking through archives, copying charters, and corresponding with the principal men of learning of his time, the brothers Dupuy, Andre Duchesne and Jean Besly, whom he visited in Poitou.
After taking sketches of the most interesting objects and copying a number of inscriptions, he returned to Smyrna through Caria and Lydia.
Such objects might be imitated in other materials and by successive copying lose their identity, or their first meaning might be otherwise forgotten, and they would ultimately exercise a purely decorative function.
To archaeology also his services were of equal importance, for, besides copying numerous inscriptions in the district between Hail and Tema, he succeeded in gaining possession of the since famous Tema stone, which ranks with the Moabite stone among the most valuable of Semitic inscriptions.
He inaugurated the new departure a few years ago by copying a Gobelin, but it may safely be asserted that no Gobelin will bear comparison with the pieces now produced in Japan.
Great numbers of monks, each in solitary cell, spent lonely lives, scorched by the sun, ill-clad and scantily fed, pondering on portions of Scripture or copying MSS.
If Crawford "refreshed his memory by the letter," he exposed himself, and the entire case, by copying whole passages, often with few verbal changes.
In copying engraved plates for printing purposes, copper may be deposited upon the original plate, the surface of which is first rendered slightly dirty, by means of a weak solution of wax in turpentine or otherwise, to prevent adhesion.
Returning to the cloister, a vaulted passage admitted to the small cloister (I), opening from the north side of which were eight small cells, assigned to the scribes employed in copying works for the library, which was placed in the upper story, accessible by a turret staircase.
The importance of this must be borne in mind when we are dealing with transmitted texts, which have passed through many stages of copying.
But it will be the most ancient one according to the direct line of transmission, and the purest in the sense of being the freest from traceable errors of copying and unauthorized improvements.
Texts which have had a long history will often show by the letter-confusions which they exhibit that they have passed through several distinct stages of copying.
This is very common in half intelligent or half mechanical copying.
A scribe again who scrupulously records the presence of a lacuna or illegibility in what he is copying, inspires us with confidence in the rest of his work.
One kind of work practised with great zeal and success by the Studite monks, was the copying of manuscripts, so that to them and to the schools that went forth from them we owe a great number of existing Greek MSS.
From the surfaces of all objects there are continually flowing thin filmy images exactly copying the solid body whence they originate; and these images by direct impact on the organism produce (we need not care to ask how) the phenomena of vision.
The latter maintain themselves by private teaching and by copying manuscripts, and the former in the same manner, or by reciting the Koran.
Demotic.Widely varying degrees of cursiveness are at all periods observable in hieratic; but, about the XXVLth Dynasty, which inaugurated a great commercial era, there was something like a definite parting between the uncial hieratic and the most cursive form afterwards known as demotic. The employment of hieratic was thenceforth almost confined to the copying of religious and other traditional texts on papyrus, while demotic was used not only for all business but also for writing literary and even religious texts in the popular language.
The supervision should be adequate to remove all temptation to copying.
It was valuable in teaching how to work within definite limitations, but without slavish copying; it also emancipated a considerable body of craftsmen from the tyranny of manufacturers whose sole idea was that machine-work should supersede handicraft.
The convent of Mount St Agnes was poor, and most of the monks had to earn money to support their household by copying MSS.
He was intent on his copying, on his little books, and on his quiet conversations.
As everybody knows, however, books could be and were multiplied by the process of copying tolerably freely, and a copy at first or second hand which belonged to the fiddler king Rene of Provence in the 15th century was used for the first printed edition in 1547.
The great library of Nineveh was to a considerable extent his creation, and scribes were kept constantly employed in it copying the older tablets of Babylonia, though unfortunately their patron's tastes inclined rather to omens and astrology than to subjects of more modern interest.
Certain Carolingian monarchs, probably copying the practice of the papal chancery, issued diplomas authenticated by leaden seals, examples of the reign of Charles the Bald being still extant.
On this occasion he visited Paris, Ghent, Liege, Cologne, making the acquaintance of learned men and copying the manuscripts of classical authors.
He wrote a beautiful, distinctive and clear hand, in spite of the thousands of lines of MS. copying he had done in his early life.
The idea of copying anything is a complete anathema to him.
Click on the links below to have a go at copying the ornate carvings on the columns, or creating a symmetrical ceiling rose.
Copying by reverse transcriptase is prone to errors, leading to a high mutation rate and appearance of drug resistant clones.
Some will custom-paint something for you, including copying a photograph.
Four oboli a day, earned by copying manuscripts, sufficed for his bodily sustenance.
And soon after, under Rameses II., mere mechanical copying, hard lifeless routine of stone-cutting, regardless of truth and of nature, dominated the whole.
Lafayette, who imagined himself to be copying the American constitution, proposed that the king should have a suspensive veto.
Toward midnight, after he had left the countess' apartments, he was sitting upstairs in a shabby dressing gown, copying out the original transaction of the Scottish lodge of Freemasons at a table in his low room cloudy with tobacco smoke, when someone came in.
Sonya was sitting close to Nicholas who was copying out some verses for her, the first he had ever written.