Copy Sentence Examples
But we have a copy of it.
Each of those new cells has a new copy of your DNA.
Dean started to copy the names but Monica stopped him.
That was why he asked for a copy of them.
Byrne could read his own copy for at least another month.
A small door—possibly leading to a bathroom or closet—was closed and blocked by one of Ully.s science toys the size of a copy machine.
His best known work was Die Betooverde Wereld (1691), or The World Bewitched (1695; one volume of an English translation from a French copy), in which he examined critically the phenomena generally ascribed to spiritual agency, and attacked the belief in sorcery and "possession" by the devil, whose very existence he questioned.
Like the college buildings, they are almost an exact copy of those of New College, mutatis mutandis.
Pick up a copy of your schedule as you head out.
He had not taken steps to publish this, but by some unknown channel a copy reached the council, and it could not be ignored.
AdvertisementThe earliest known edition of the Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs (of which an unique copy is extant) dates back to 1567, though the contents were probably published in broad sheets during John Wedderburn's lifetime.
Perhaps, if you would send a copy of this to the head of the Cambridge School, it might enlighten his mind on a few subjects, on which he seems to be in total darkness just now....
The original story was read to her from a copy of "Andersen's Stories," published by Leavitt & Allen Bros., and may be found on p. 97 of Part I. in that volume.
Each was nearly a copy of the others, unremarkable in its cold formality.
Dean explained how Annie Quincy too had ended her life, in a carbon copy fashion, with Edith mimicking the century-old life to its final extreme.
AdvertisementShe has since secured and forwarded to me a copy of the first edition.
I saw the copy Cynthia made for him in his and Edith's room.
What happened to your copy of the notebook Cynthia made for you?
Edith had to know about Annie's death—otherwise her carbon copy suicide is just too much of a coincidence.
Let them have the copy, for whatever it's worth to them.
AdvertisementHe fished around until he found his copy of the bicycle magazine he'd seen at the Byrne home.
I was told that it had been printed, but that every copy had been at the same time burnt at Rome, and that Galileo had been himself condemned to some penalty" 14 He has also seen a copy of Galileo's condemnation .
Two years after his marriage he became possessed of a copy of the Kabbalistic " Bible " - the Zohar of Moses de Leon.
The mosaic representing Christ surrounded by the four-and-twenty elders," which originally lined the cupola, had almost entirely perished by the 19th century, but was restored in 1882 from a copy made in the 17th century.
Those who believe the " Declaration " to be spurious argue that survivors remembered only one such document, that the Resolutions might easily be thought of as a declaration of independence, that Governor Martin in all probability had knowledge only of these and not of the alleged " Declaration," and that the dates of publication in the Raleigh and Charleston newspapers, and the politics of those papers, show that the Resolutions are authentic. In July 1905 there appeared in Collier's Weekly (New York) what purported to be a facsimile reproduction of a copy of the Cape Fear Mercury which was referred to by Governor Martin and which contained the " Declaration "; but this was proved a forgery.'
AdvertisementOnly two of the volumes are known to be in existence; one is a copy of John of Salisbury's works in the British Museum, and the other some theological treatises by Anselm and others in the Bodleian.
In 1902, an American named Walter Sutton noticed that chromosomes duplicated themselves before cells divided so that each new cell had a full copy of the chromosomes.
There were biographical forms and consent forms she hadn't really read, all signed in a loopy, angry signature, and a copy of Toby's birth certificate.
I might make 'em a copy, but the original stays in Ouray.
Did you get her to send a copy of the registration card so we could check the signature?
Scott Muldrow must have given Dad a copy of the map.
But the tale is not contemporary, and is an obvious copy of the story told of Jacques de Molay, grand-master of the Temple, and Philippe Le Bel.
A third theory, advanced by Professor Witherow and others, is that the modern elder is intended to be, and should be, recognized as a copy of the scriptural presbyter.
Furtwangler proposes to find in a statue of which the head is at Bologna, and the body at Dresden, a copy of the Lemnian Athena of Pheidias; but his arguments (Masterpieces, at the beginning) are anything but conclusive.
Apellicon's library contained a remarkable old copy of the Iliad.
Each took a copy and one was held by the scribe to be stored in the archives.
This machine reproduces a copy of the original transmitting slip, which can be passed on to any other Wheatstone circuit or can be run through a " Creed printer," which is a pneumatic machine actuating a typewriter by means of valves.
Although no contemporary copy of Bagimond's Roll is known to exist, at least three documents give particulars of the taxation of the Church of Scotland in the 16th century, which are based upon the original roll.
Its most important feature on the theological as distinct from the political side was the endeavour to promote the circulation of the Bible in the vernacular, by encouraging translation and procuring an order in 1538 that a copy of the Bible in English should be set up in every church in a convenient place for reading.
Bernini showed his design to Wren, but would not let him copy it, though, as he said, he "would have given his skin" to be allowed to do so.
A note of Fox, however, on the margin of a copy of The Decline and Fall records a very distinct remembrance of the historian's previous vituperation of the ministry; within a fortnight of the date of his acceptance of office, he is there alleged to have said that " there was no salvation for this country until six heads of the principal persons in administration were laid upon the table."
As for the " Declaration," the original records of the transactions of Mecklenburg county were destroyed by fire in 1800, but it is claimed that a copy of the " Declaration " was made from memory in the same year, and when, in 1819, a controversy had arisen as to where the movement for independence originated, this copy was published, first in the Raleigh Register and North Carolina Gazette and then in many other newspapers.
It is noteworthy, however, that Gerbert never writes for a copy of one of the Christian fathers, his aim being, seemingly, to preserve the fragments of a fast-perishing secular Latin literature.
Of this work, which exists in only one imperfect copy, the later portion was edited by Baethgen in 2884, and the earlier by Lamy in 1888.
The whole aim of Terence was to present a faithful copy of the life, manners, modes of thought and expression which had been drawn from reality a century before his time by the writers of the New Comedy of Athens.
A copy of the orders and an explanatory letter were in fact despatched to the II.
An excuse was provided in the fact that the poet had a copy of some unpublished poems of Frederick's, and as soon as Voltaire arrived hands were laid on him, at first with courtesy enough.
The Company of Parish Clerks is named in an ordinance of 1581 (of which there is a copy in the Record Office) as the body responsible for the bills, and their duties were then said to be " according to the Order in that behalf heretofore provided."
Chosen to represent the provincial synod of Anjou, Touraine and Maine at the national synod held in 1631 at Charenton, he was appointed as orator to present to the king "The Copy of their Complaints and Grievances for the Infractions and Violations of the Edict of Nantes."
He made no attempt at a fair copy, and, when fresh information occurred to him, inserted it at random.
The mystery in which the composition was long enshrouded, no single copy being allowed to reach the public, the place and circumstances of the performance, and the added embellishments of the singers, account to a great degree for much of the impressive effect of which all who have heard the music speak.
In 1769 Mozart heard it and wrote it down, and in 1771 a copy was procured and published in England by Dr Burney.
The work referred to in the last two writers has Christian elements, which were absent from it in Lactantius's copy.
Nor could 1 A copy of the letter was taken by way of precaution, beforehand, by the Austrian ministers, and this copy is still in the Vienna archives.
From the creation of the world until about 1040 these Annales are a jejune copy of other annals, but from 1040 to their conclusion in 1077 they are interesting for the history of Germany and the papacy.
It has been said that the copy of the Pandects then taken by the Pisans from Amalfi was the first known to them, but in fact they were already acquainted with those laws.
The oldest known copy, in four folio volumes, of which the date and origin are unknown, but which is certainly almost entirely Walafrid's work, gives us his method.
There is in the British Museum a copy with notes by John Ward (c. 1679-1758), biographer of the Gresham professors.
At one end this street is terminated by the Siegestor, while at the other is the Feldherrenhalle (or hall of the marshals), a copy of the Loggia dei Lanzi at Florence, containing statues of Tilly and Wrede by Schwanthaler.
The Festsaalbau, erected by Klenze in the Italian Renaissance style, is adorned with mural paintings and sculptures, while the Königsbau, a reduced copy of the Pitti Palace at Florence, contains a series of admirable frescoes from the Niebelungenlied by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld.
Among the other churches of Munich the chief place is due to St Boniface's, an admirable copy of an early Christian basilica.
The Liber de Institutione Principum, a treatise on the duties of kings and their functionaries, has never yet been printed, and the only MS. copy the writer of this article has been able to consult does not contain in its prologue all the information which Echard seems to imply is to be found there.
In 1735 the few Indians remaining were put under guardianship. The township owns a copy of Eliot's Indian Bible.
Mr Hawtrey, afterwards headmaster, commended a copy of his Latin verses, and " sent him up for good "; and this experience first led the young student to associate intellectual work with the ideas of ambition and success.
In reply to a question in the House of Commons, Lord Palmerston accepted and adopted Gladstone's statement, expressed keen sympathy with the cause which he had espoused, and sent a copy of his letter to the queen's representative at every court of Europe.
In the former Piazza a copy of the lion of Venice has been erected.
By the famous Golden Bull of 1356 Frankfort was declared the seat of the imperial elections, and it still preserves an official contemporaneous copy of the original document as the most precious of the eight imperial bulls in its possession.
It has an Evangelical and seven Roman Catholic churches, among the latter the cathedral of St Wilibald (first bishop of Eichstatt), - with the tomb of the saint and numerous pictures and relics, - the church of St Walpurgis, sister of Wilibald, whose remains rest in the choir, and the Capuchin church, a copy of the Holy Sepulchre.
Whether a Japanese art-worker sets himself to copy what he sees before him or to give play to his fancy in combining what he has seen with some ideal in his mind, the result shows perfect facility of execution and easy grace in all the lines.
Thenceforth his example was largely followed, and it may now be said that the tendency of many of the best Japanese ceramists is to copy Chinese chef s-dteuvre.
A majority of the artists are content to copy old pictures of Buddhas sixteen disciples, the seven gods of happiness, and other similar assemblages of mythical or historical personages, not only because such work offers large opportunity for the use of striking colors and the production of meretricious effects, dear to the eye of the average Western householder and tourist, but also because a complicated design, as compared with a simple one, has the advantage of hiding the technical imperfections of the ware.
There is ample evidence that the civil law was soon once more a favourite study at Oxford, where we learn that, in 1190, two students from Friesland were wont to divide between them the hours of the night for the purpose of making a copy of the Liber pauperum.
The first charter, of which a copy only is preserved among the corporation records, is one given in 1262 by John Fitzalan granting the burgesses self-government.
A copy of the Orit or Mosaic law is kept in the holy of holies in every synagogue.
He also collected and emended valuable MSS., which his monks were instructed to copy, and superintended the translation of various Greek works into Latin.
Only one complete copy of the work is known to exist, and that is in the British Museum.
The book appears to have been known in the ages immediately succeeding his own; and, though there is no contemporary manuscript in existence, there are some half-dozen which appear to date from the end of the 13th or the course of the 14th century, while one at least appears to be a copy made from his own work in that spirit of unintelligent faithfulness which is much more valuable to posterity than more pragmatical editing.
Of this earlier copy' nothing seems to be known.
These volumes contain in addition to the four treatises already mentioned, Miscellaneous Reflections, now first printed, and the Inquiry concerning Virtue or Merit, described, as "formerly printed from an imperfect copy, now corrected and published intire," and as "printed first in the year 1699."
The copy, carefully corrected in his own handwriting, is preserved in the British Museum.
Paley, even went so far as to doubt whether a single written copy of the Iliad existed in Greece at the time of the Peloponnesian War.
This is attested as a "true copy," but Moray, who had been present when Bowton was examined (December 8, 1567), knew that the copy presented at Westminster (December 1568) had been mutilated because the excised passages were damning to Lethington and the earl of Morton, accomplices in the crime of Darnley's murder, and accomplices of Moray in his prosecution of his sister.
Compare the MS. copy of the confession in the British Museum, Cotton MSS.
Here is proof positive that Crawford does not copy Letter but gives Darnley's words as reported to him by Darnley - words that Darnley was proud of, - while Mary, returning on the second day of writing to the topic, does not quote Darnley's brave words, but merely contrasts his speaking "very bravely at the beginning" with his pitiful and craven later submission; "he has ever the tear in his eye," with what follows.
It will readily be understood, for example, that a copy will be halfsize if the distance of the object from the instrument is double the distance of the instrument from the copy.
The pope addresses it, carissimo in Christo filio Johanni, illustro et magnifico indorum regi (Hovedon's copy here inserts sacerdoti sanctissimo).
He belonged to the party of Oldenbarneveldt and Grotius, and brought down the displeasure of the government by a copy of Latin verses in honour of their friend Hoogerbeets.
He wrote a little in 1784, more in 1788, when he furnished a copy to his friend le Veillard, and a little more in 1790.
Temple Franklin, deciding to print, got from le Veillard the copy sent to him in 1788 (sending in return the original with autograph alterations and the final addition), and from the copy published (London, 1817) an edition supposed to be authentic and complete.
Garrick's farce of The Lying Valet, in which he performed the part of Sharp, was at this time brought out with so much success that he ventured to send a copy to his brother.
Euergetes (247-222) largely increased the library by seizing on the original editions of the dramatists laid up in the Athenian archives, and by compelling all travellers who arrived in Alexandria to leave a copy of any work they possessed.
To this end a copy of the whole English Bible was to be set up in each parish church where the people could read it.
He had made a copy of St Paul's epistles and committed them to memory, and from this arsenal of Scripture he attacked the unrighteousness of the state no less than the superstition of the Church.
Some time after a copy of the order of the new monarchs (William and Mary) to continue all Protestants in their offices in the colonies had been received, Leisler falsely announced that he had received a commission as lieutenant-governor.
Mme de Montaigne gave her a copy of the edition of 1588 annotated copiously; at the same time, apparently, she bestowed another copy, also annotated by the author, on the convent of the Feuillants in Bordeaux, to which the church in which his remains lay was attached.
She herself worked with her own copy, inserting the additions, marking the alterations and translating all the quotations.
But when she had got this to press she sent the proofs to Bordeaux, where a poet of some note, Pierre de Brach, revised them with the other annotated copy.
The Feuillants copy is in existence, being the only manuscript, or partly manuscript, authority for the text; but access to it and reproduction of it are subjected to rather unfortunate restrictions by the authorities, and until it is completely edited students are rather at the mercy of those who have actually consulted it.
Alcamenes, the rival or pupil of Pheidias, was the sculptor of a berm at Athens, a copy of which, dating from Roman times, was discovered at Pergamum in 1903.
Already in 1767 the book had disappeared from circulation, and no copy of it is now procurable; but the substance of it has been preserved in the Ami des hommes of Mirabeau, and the Physiocratie of Dupont de Netnours.
Its main object was ecclesiastical reform, but the provision that a copy of Magna Carta should be hung in all cathedral and collegiate churches seemed to the king a political action, and parliament declared void any action of this council touching on the royal power.
It is a copy of that of Sessa Aurunca, and preserves the type of the Latin basilica.
That the Arab was essentially a copy of the Hindu lunar zodiac can scarcely admit of doubt.
Their number is larger than is usually supposed, many of them being known to few beyond the writers who laboriously copy them and the professional "raconteurs" who draw upon them to replenish their stock-in-trade.
He was constitutionally inaccurate, and seems to have been unable to represent the exact sense of a document which lay before him, or even to copy from it correctly.
In 1531 the Book of Jonah appeared with an important and highly interesting prologue, the only copy known of which is in the British Museum.6 Meanwhile the demand for New Testaments, for reading or for the flames, steadily increased, and the printers found it to their advantage to issue the Worms edition of the New Testament in not less than three surreptitious reprints before 1534.
The only remaining copy, a 16mo, is in the Grenville library.
Still the work of improving and correcting went on through the centuries, and a modern copy of the Authorized Version shows no inconsiderable departures from the standard edition of 1611.
Library Square takes its name from the library, which is one of the four scheduled in the Copyright Act as entitled to receive a copy of every volume published in the United Kingdom.
In 1216 Magna Carta, a copy of which is to be found in the Red Book of the Exchequer, was granted to the Irish by Henry III.
But it was not till 1857 that he wrote his first poem in Catalan - a copy of verses to the Virgin of Montserrat.
These were regarded as a copy of the ranks of the kingdom of light.
His great work is his Commentarii in Organum Logicum Aristotelis (Bordeaux, 1618); the copy in the British Museum contains a number of highlyeulogistic poems in honour of Balfour, who is described as Graium aemulus acer.
There is an imperfect copy of the recension of alMarzugi (died 1030), with his commentary, in the Berlin collection.
Rich at Bagdad of a MS. with brief glosses; and at Vienna there is a modern copy of a MS. of which the original is at Constantinople, the glosses in which are taken from al-Anbari, though the author had access also to al-Marzugi.
In the mosque libraries at Constantinople there are at least five MSS.; and at Cairo there is a modern copy of one of these, containing the whole of al-Anbari's commentary.
In America there are at Yale University a modern copy of the same recension, taken from the same original as the Cairo copy, and a MS. of Persian origin, dated 1657, presenting a text identical with the Vienna codex.
Now a copy made thus can in no circumstances be a quite exact rendering of that from which it is copied or its exemplar.
A copy, qua copy, can never be the equal of the exemplar, and it may be much its inferior.
Let us suppose that from a text which we will call A a copy has been made which we will call B, and from this again a copy which we will call C. If the copyist of B goes wrong once and the copyist of C twice in a hundred times, then, assuming that there is no coincidence or cancelling of errors, the relative correctness of the three texts A, B, C will be zoo (absolute correctness), 99 and 97.
If C had made his copy direct from A, his percentage would have been 98.
If a MS. is immediately or ultimately derived by copying from another MS., it cannot, qua copy, tell us anything that we do not know already if the latter MS. is known to us.
The copy from which Shelley's Julian and Maddalo was printed was written on very narrow paper, and the punctuation marks at the ends of the lines were frequently omitted.
I, 1 355 a 33-35); rhetoric, since its artificial evidences involve characters, passions and reasoning, is called a kind of offshoot of dialectic and morals, and a copy of dialectic, because neither is a science of anything definite, but both faculties (SvvItyas) of providing arguments (i.
In 33 B.C. Augustus during his Dalmatian wars built a wall and towers there, as an inscription records; in a medieval copy of it the emperor Frederick III.
Several additions were made by Briggs to the original work of Ferishta, but he omitted the whole of the twelfth book, and various other passages which had been omitted in the copy from which he translated.
By mistake they printed from a poor copy and not from the original, from which their German text varies at over 450 places.
For three years, it is true, the founders of the "Free Press" went on printing, "not only without selling a single copy, but scarcely being able to get a single copy introduced into Russia"; so that when at last a bookseller bought ten shillings' worth of Baptized Property, the half-sovereign was set aside by the surprised editors in a special place of honour.
Stories tell how on one occasion a merchant, who had bought several cases of sardines at Nijni-Novgorod, found that they contained forbidden print instead of fish, and at another time a supposititious copy of the Kolokol was printed for the emperor's special use, in which a telling attack upon a leading statesman, which had appeared in the genuine number, was omitted.
They sent a copy of their old creed to Babken, and it closely resembles the Adoptianist creed of Archelaus, the gist of which was that Jesus, until his thirtieth year, was a man mortal like other men; then, because he was righteous above all others, he was promoted to the honour and name of Son of God.
At the first reception, in 1858, of Motley at the royal palace at the Hague, the king presented him with a copy of Groen's Archives as a token of appreciation and admiration of the work done by the "worthy vindicator of William I., prince of Orange."
This copy, bearing the king's autograph inscription, afterwards came into the possession of Sir William Vernon Harcourt, Motley's son-in-law.
Within the grounds, which comprise nearly 1500 acres, is the mausoleum erected by the 10th duke, a structure resembling in general design that of the emperor Hadrian at Rome, being a circular building springing from a square basement, and enclosing a decorated octagonal chapel, the door of which is a copy in bronze of Ghiberti's gates at Florence.
In the 9th Alcuin sends to Charles the Great for a copy of the earlier books (Epp. 103, Jaffe); and Dicuil gathers extracts from the pages of Pliny for his own Mensura orbis terrae (c. 825).
Registers of death are, in law, evidence of the fact of death, and the entry, or a certified copy of it, will be sufficient evidence without a certificate of burial, although it is desirable that it should also be produced.
Added to this the spiders commonly copy to the life the mode of progression and the restless activities of their models.
Myrmecium nigrum, which is an accurate copy of the large black ant (Pachycondyla villosa).
This figure, with a copy of Thevet's and a detailed description, was repeated in the posthumous edition (1585) of his larger work (pp. Boo, 801).
Polybius and the authors who copy him regard the Bastarnae as Galatae; Strabo, having learned of the Romans to distinguish Celts and Germans, first allows a German element; Tacitus expressly declares their German origin but says that the race was degraded by intermarriage with Sarmatians.
Among its auxiliary establishments are a good natural history museum, an observatory, a laboratory, and a library which contains a copy of Erasmus' New Testament with marginal annotations by Luther.
It shares with the royal library the right of receiving a copy of every book published in Denmark.
These essays Butler, to whom he had sent a copy of his Treatise, but with whom he had failed to make personal acquaintance, warmly commended.
Whenever Hume finds it impossible to recognize in an idea the mere copy of a particular impression, he introduces the phrase " manner of conceiving."
As this thing can only be an impression or perception, and is not itself present, it is represented by its copy or idea.
This manuscript was made later than Hauk's, probably in the early part of the 15th century, but it is not a copy of Hauk's.
Apparently he remained the greater part of the time in or about 3 Among the Hardwick papers there is preserved a MS. copy of the work, under the title Elementes of Law Naturall and Politique, with the dedication to the earl of Newcastle, written in Hobbes's own hand, and dated May 9, 1640.
No sooner did copies of the book reach Paris than he found himself shunned by his former associates, and though he was himself so little conscious of disloyalty that he was forward to present a manuscript copy " engrossed in vellum in a marvellous fair hand" 3 to the young king of the Scots (who, after the defeat at Worcester, escaped to Paris about the end of October), he was denied the royal presence when he sought it shortly afterwards.
But it happened that Hobbes had allowed a French acquaintance to have a private translation of his reply made by a young Englishman, who secretly took a copy of the original for himself; and now it was this unnamed purloiner who, in 1654, when Hobbes had become famous and feared, gave it to the world of his own motion, with an extravagantly laudatory epistle to the reader in its front.
Obtaining an unbound copy of the De corpore, he saw by the mutilated appearance of the sheets that Hobbes had repeatedly altered his demonstrations before he issued them at last in their actual form, grotesque as it was, rather than delay the book longer.
Obtaining also a copy of the work as it had been printed before Hobbes had any doubt of the validity of his solutions, Wallis was able to track his whole course front the time of Ward's provocation - his passage from exultation to doubt, from doubt to confessed impotence, yet still without abandoning the old assumption of confident strength; and all his turnings and windings were now laid bare in one of the most trenchant pieces of controversial writing ever penned.
In the early days an attempt was made to copy the Chinese methods, and the various processes were manual.
On each visit to Rome it was his delight to collect relics for his native land; and to his favourite basilica at Ripon he gave a bookcase wrought in gold and precious stones, besides a splendid copy of the Gospels.
He began systematically to copy monumental inscriptions and to search for antiquities in the city and neighbourhood.
The façade, with its three elaborate doorways, belongs to the 14th century and is a copy of French models of the 13th.
The book shows signs of his indebtedness to Joachim Jung of Hamburg, who had died in 1657, leaving his writings unpublished; but a MS. copy of some of them was sent to Ray by Samuel Hartlib in 1660.
From these he wrote a fair copy, which he gave to Abu Bekr, from whom it came to his successor Omar, who again bequeathed it to his daughter IIafsa, one of the widows of the Prophet.
The combination of pieces of different origin may proceed partly from the possessors of the codices from which Zaid compiled his first complete copy, partly from Zaid himself.
But there is probably no copy quite faithful in this respect.
The inference is that, shortly after the compiling of this Alfredian chronicle, a copy of it was sent to some northern monastery, probably Ripon, where it was expanded in the way indicated.
It was a splendid edifice dedicated to the sun-god Re by a king of the Vth Dynasty, and was probably a close copy of the famous temple of Heliopolis.
The sickle was of wood (92), with flints (91) inserted, apparently a copy of the ox-jaw and teeth.
In 1527 the first survey of Egypt under the Ottomans was made, in consequence of the official copy of the former registers having perished by fire; yet this new survey did not come into use until 1605.
The government 0 the pashalik of Egypt was made hereditary in the family of Mehemet Ali.i A map showing the boundaries of Egypt accompanied the firman granting Mehemet Ali the pashalik, a duplicate copy being retained by the Porte.
The Egyptian copy is supposed to have been lost in a fire which destroyed a great part of the Egyptian archives.
The Turkish copy has never been produced and its existence now appears doubtful.
The man who gave the orders did not censor the "copy," and was not in continuous and direct touch with those who did.
Nor can our truth be a copy of a transcendent and absolute truth (Dewey).
After the organization of the Federal government, President Washington offered him at different times appointments as associate justice of the Supreme Court (1791), secretary of war (1795) and secretary the document sent by Pinckney to Adams in 1818 is a genuine copy of his original plan.
He submitted to various eminent Parisian thinkers a manuscript copy of the Meditations, and defended its orthodoxy against numerous clerical critics.
This altarpiece was afterwards replaced at Frankfort (all except the protraits of the donors, which remained behind) by a copy, while the original was transported to Munich, where it perished by fire in 1674.
The copy, together with the many careful and highly finished preparatory studies for the heads, limbs and draperies which have been preserved, shows that this must have been the one of DUrer's pictures in which he best combined the broader vision and simpler habits of design which had impressed him in the works of Italian art with his own inherited and ingrained love of unflinchingly grasped fact and rugged, accentuated character.
It may seem strange that so important a body of law as the Basilica should not have come down to us in its integrity, but a letter has been preserved, which was addressed by Mark the patriarch of Alexandria to Theodorus Balsamon, from which it appears that copies of the Basilica were in the 1 2th century very scarce, as the patriarch was unable to procure a copy of the work.
The sculptures have been mostly published in hand copy, not facsimile, by Mariette in his Abydos, i.
The term is in fact susceptible of two opposite connotations; on the one hand, it implies that the thing to which it is applied is only a copy; on the other that as a copy it is faithful and accurate.
Lutherum (1521), a copy of which, signed by Henry himself, is at Windsor.
The Latin MS. (Codex lxvii.) at Magdalen College, Oxford, is probably a copy of another Latin text, for it contains obvious slips.
The original MS. is in the Hamburg town library; a copy was made for the university library of Göttingen, 1814, and other copies are known to exist.
In 1562 an act of parliament had made provision for translating the Bible into Welsh, and the New Testament was issued in 1567; but the number printed would barely supply a copy for each parish church.
Accordingly so much of St Mark's Gospel has been taken over word for word in the Gospels of St Luke and St Matthew that, if every copy of it had perished, we could still reconstruct large portions of it by carefully comparing their narratives.
Thanks to a manuscript copy of the play in its earliest form - discovered as recently as 1887 - we are now able to distinguish how much of this tragedy was the immediate product of the Sturm and Drang, and to understand the intentions with which the young poet began his masterpiece.
The unexpected effect of the Theses was that the sale of Indulgences began to decline rapidly, and the archbishop of Mainz, disappointed in his hopes of revenue, sent a copy to Rome.
So highly did he think of Poisson's memoir that he made a copy of it with his own hand, which was found among his papers after his death.
As yet the public was ignorant of its contents, and although the Senate had enjoined secrecy on its members even after the treaty had been ratified, Senator Mason of Virginia gave out a copy for publication only a few days later.
Each human being is in the first instance a citizen of his own nation or commonwealth; but he is also a member of the great city of gods and men, whereof the city political;s only a copy in miniature.
The Bolsa (exchange), custom-house, cathedral, and Cabildo are in the old town; the Bolsa is a copy of the Bordeaux exchange.
Thus, writing to Ansbald of Prum, he says, " I will collate the letters of Cicero which you sent with the copy 3 Quintil.
A strange mystification was practised by the last named, a scholar of singular brilliancy, who claimed to have a mutilated MS. which he called his Decurtatus, bought from a common soldier who had obtained it from a sacked monastery; also to have been furnished by a friend, Pierre de Crouzeil, a doctor of Limoges, with variants taken from an old MS. found at Noyon, and entered in the margin of a copy of the Lyons edition.
The consequence is that the proposition, being different from a judgment arising after a judgment, and remaining an imperfect copy of judgment, is only a superficial evidence of its real nature.
Hence the fallacy of those who, like Bosanquet, or like Paulsen in his Einleitung in die Philosophie, represent the realistic theory of inference as if it meant that knowledge starts from ideas and then infers that ideas are copies of things, and who then object, rightly enough, that we could not in that case compare the copy with the original, but only be able to infer from idea to idea.
Another copy, preserved originally in the Tower of London, is now also in the Record Office.
The latter record, containing the various acts of homage and fealty extorted by Edward from Baliol and others in the course of his progress through Scotland in the summer of 1296 and in August at the parliament of Berwick, was published by Prynne from the copy in the Tower and now in the Record Office.
The polity of the new community, often founded in defiance of the home authorities, might either be a copy of that just left behind or be its direct political antithesis.
The name is, however, also applied to the alphabet on the coins of the Parthian or Arsacid dynasty, which in its beginnings was clearly under Greek influence; while later, when a knowledge of Greek had disappeared, the attempts to imitate the old legends are as grotesque as those in western Europe to copy the inscriptions on Roman coins.
Further, that the former (Roman) is the more original of the two, being related to the latter (Antiochene) as fuller first draft to severely pruned copy.
Lobo's own narrative was translated from a MS. copy into French in 1728 by the Abbe Joachim le Grand, under the title of Voyage historique d'Abissinie.
It would seem therefore that the meeting in Agamemnon's tent was only a copy or adaptation of the true constitutional " council of elders," which indeed was essentially unfitted for the purposes of military service.
The most ancient of these, it is now agreed, is the fragmentary copy of the Iliad, on vellum, in the Ambrosian Library of Milan, which consists of cuttings of the coloured drawings with which the volume was adorned in illustration of the various scenes of the In 1897 Illorin was occupied by the forces of the Royal Niger Company, and the emir placed himself "entirely under the protection and power of the company."
The next step was to collect MSS., to hunt out, copy and preserve the precious relics of the past.
A copy of it, in the poet's own Northumbrian dialect, and in a handwriting of the 8th century, appears ona blank page of the Moore MS. of Beeda's History; and five other Latin MSS.
The author has borrowed some 70 lines from the beginning of a poetical rendering of the Prayer of Azarias and the Song of the Three Children, of which there is a copy in the Exeter Book.
A temporary government was established at Boston in May 1686, with Joseph Dudley as president, and in December of the same year Edmund Andros arrived with a commission and instructions which were a copy of those to the governor of New York and made him governor of all New England except Rhode Island and Connecticut.
At present there is a tendency among them to copy the one-storey huts of the Mexicans.
He invented a system of shorthand (2nd ed., with a copy of verses by Joseph Priestley) .
He wrote several times to England to prepare a conference, but only received a rude reply from Somerset, who sent him a copy of the Book of Common Prayer.
This labour had to be repeated in order to release the printed sheet and before another copy could be struck off.
The principle of the two-revolution press is that the cylinder always rotates in the same direction, and twice for each copy given, once for the actual impression, and again to allow of the return of the forme-carriage in its reciprocating action.
The oldest known copy is dated 1597; there is also a poetical version by Sir George Buc (published 1623).
Ostermalm, lying east, that is, on the seaward side, of Norrmalm, is a good residential quarter, containing no public buildings of note, save the barracks of the Swedish Guards and the fine royal library, which is entitled to receive a copy of every work printed in Sweden.
In 1854 Richard Wagner sent him a copy of the Ring of the Nibelung, with some words of thanks for a theory of music which had fallen in with his own conceptions.
He wrote also treatises on the astrolabe (a copy of this is in the British Museum), on the abacus (three copies exist in the Vatican library, the library of Leiden University and the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris), translations of the Kharismian Tables and an Arabic Introduction to Astronomy.
It was a copy of this proposed treaty which, on falling into the hands of the British on the capture of Henry Laurens, the duly appointed minister to the Netherlands, led to Great Britain's declaration of war against the Netherlands in December 1780.
In front of the southern facade, which looks on to Khedive Avenue, is a bronze statue of General Gordon seated on a camel, a copy of the statue by Onslow Ford at Chatham, England.
The Royal Library in the Humlegard Park at Stockholm, and the university libraries at Upsala and Lund are entitled to receive a copy of every publication printed in the kingdom.
Its existence was presently forgotten, and the name of Wexionius had dropped out of the history of literature, when Hanselli recovered a copy and reprinted its contents in 1863.
Six years after his death Georges de Scudery edited his work with a Tombeau (copy of obituary verses), and a challenge in the preface to any one who might be offended by the editor's eulogy of the poet.
Nevertheless her picture, painted by Holbein by the king's command (now in the Louvre, a modern copy at Windsor), pleased Henry and the marriage was arranged, the treaty being signed on the 24th of September 1539.
The building of the court of appeal (Oberlandesgericht), with a valuable library of 60,000 volumes and many MSS., including a priceless copy of the Sachsenspiegel, the museum and the hall of the estates (Landschaftshaus) are also worthy of notice.
An old oak lectern, dating from the middle of the 15th century, carries a chained copy, in a Tudor binding of brass, of Dean Comber's (1655-99) book on the Common Prayer, and a black-letter copy of Erasmus's Paraphrase of the Gospels.
In 1564 a new and enlarged edition was printed in Edinburgh, and the Assembly ordered that "every Minister, exhorter and reader" should have a copy and use the Order contained therein not only for marriage and the sacraments but also "in Prayer," thus ousting the hitherto permissible use of the Second Book of Edward VI.
As everybody knows, however, books could be and were multiplied by the process of copying tolerably freely, and a copy at first or second hand which belonged to the fiddler king Rene of Provence in the 15th century was used for the first printed edition in 1547.
Three years later a 14th-century copy was found at Brussels, and this is the standard manuscript authority for the text of Joinville.
After providing "copy" for the newspapers for a few days, however, the whole thing was forgotten.
There is therefore a certain element of artificiality in his treatment; and this, since it is easier to copy defects than excellencies, has been perpetuated with wearisome monotony by versifiers who chose him for their model.
A copy of the accounts has to be deposited for public inspection for seven days before the audit.
The former do not come into force until the expiration of forty days after a copy of them has been sent to the secretary of state, during which forty days the sovereign in council may disallow any by-law or part thereof.
The leather thongs, by which the tablets of Confucius's copy were tied together, were thrice worn out by his constant handling.
The copy which belonged originally to Burke is now in the National Gallery.
A small and charming strip of an oblong "Annunciation" at the Louvre is generally accepted as his work, done soon after 1470; a very highly wrought drawing at the Uffizi, corresponding on a larger scale to the head of the Virgin in the same picture, seems rather to be a copy by a later hand.
Of these one or two, as we have evidence, tried their hands at engraving; among their engravings were these "knots," which, being things of use for decorative craftsmen to copy, were inscribed for identification, and perhaps for protection, as coming from the Achademia Leonardi Vinci; a trifling matter altogether, and quite unfit to sustain the elaborate structure of conjecture which has been built on it.
A cartoon of this composition in the Esterhazy collection at Vienna is held to be only a copy, and the original cartoon must be regarded as lost.
This picture was at Fontainebleau in the 16th century and is known from several copies, the finest of them at the Borghese gallery, as well as from one or two preliminary sketches by the master himself and a small sketch copy by Raphael.
In relation to God this Logos or Son was a copy of the original, and as such inferior to that.
This view was accepted by the Society, and a copy of the lecture was forwarded to all similar associations in Europe.
A MS. Psalter more recently discovered shows close affinity to this edition, and, in spite of the opinions held by some critics, must be considered as a copy of it made about 1585; it even reproduces the printer's errors of Koresi's edition.
In these may also be traced a few reminiscences of the older version by Koresi, of which a copy, made by Radu Gramatik (1574), and once the property of Peter Cercel, is now in the British Museum.
The first printed copy appeared in 1794, and has been reprinted in innumerable editions.
His knowledge of the Bible was such that he might have been called a living concordance; and on the margin of his copy of the Book of Martyrs are still legible the ill-spelt lines of doggerel in which he expressed his reverence for the brave sufferers, and his implacable enmity to the mystical Babylon.
The loose atheistical wits at Will's might write such stuff to divert the painted Jezebels of the court; but did it become a minister of the gospel to copy the evil fashions of the world?
But, two years before, he had accidentally fallen in with a Latin copy of Euclid, which he eagerly devoured; and at twelve he attacked Newton's Arithmetica universalis.
In 18 3 2 four Indian chiefs from the Oregon country journeyed to St Louis to obtain a copy of the white man's Bible; and this incident aroused the missionary zeal of the religious denominations.
In the following November Newton redeemed his promise to Halley by sending him, by the hand of Mr Paget, one of the fellows of his own college, and at that time mathematical master of Christ's Hospital, a copy of his demonstration; and very soon afterwards Halley paid another visit to Cambridge to confer with Newton about the problem; and on his return to London on the 10th of December 1684, he informed the Royal Society " that he had lately seen Mr Newton at Cambridge, who had showed him a curious treatise De Motu," which at Halley's desire he promised to send to the Society to be entered upon their register.
Oscil., a copy being presented to me, in my letter of thanks to him I gave those rules in the end thereof a particular commendation for their usefulness in Philosophy, and added out of my aforesaid paper an instance of their usefulness, in comparing the forces of the moon from the earth, and earth from the sun; in determining a problem about the moon's phase, and putting a limit to the sun's parallax, which shews that I had then my eye upon comparing the forces of the planets arising from their circular motion, and understood it; so that a while after, when Mr Hooke propounded the problem solemnly, in the end of his attempt to prove the motion of the earth, if I had not known the duplicate proportion before, I could not but have found it now.
In 1691 a copy of the Principia was hardly to be procured.
Although Cotes was impatient to begin his work, it was nearly the end of September before the corrected copy was put into his hands.
At last, about midsummer 1713, was published the long and impatiently expected second edition of the Principia, and, on the 27th of July, Newton waited on the queen to present her with a copy of the new edition.
Having one day been told by Sir Isaac that he had composed a new system of chronology while he was still resident at Cambridge, she requested him to give her a copy.
He accordingly drew up an abstract of the system from his papers, and sent it to the princess for her own private use; but he afterwards allowed a copy to be made for the Abbe Conti on the express understanding that it should not be communicated to any other person.
The abbe, however, lent his copy to M Freret, an antiquary at Paris, who translated it, and endeavoured to refute it.
Upon receiving a copy of this work, Sir Isaac Newton printed, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1725, a paper entitled " Remarks on the observations made on a Chronological Index of Sir Isaac Newton, translated into French by the observator, and published at Paris."
The greater part of this chronicle is merely a copy of the work of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, but Le Fevre is an original authority for the years between 1428 and 1436 and makes some valuable additions to our knowledge, especially about the chivalry of the Burgundian court.
His MS. inventory is preserved in the original and in copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, and transcriptions are in the national archives in Paris, at the record office in London, and elsewhere.
No copy of it now existing is complete, and some portions are missing from all.
The Christian oath might be on a copy of the Gospels, a saint's crozier, relic or other holy thing.
A book called The Priest in Absolution was compiled, and at first privately circulated among the clergy; but in 1877 a copy was produced in parliament, and gave rise to much scandal and heated debate, especially in the House of Lords and in the newspapers.
The latter, designed as a miniature copy of Windsor Castle, in the midst of a park in the English taste, was formerly the summer residence of the emperor William I.
A copy of the Book of the Testimonies to the Mysteries of the Unity, consisting of seventy treatises in four folio volumes, was found in the house of the chief Akil at Bakhlin, and presented in 5700 to Louis XIV.
The medieval world did not copy the free scientific spirit of Aristotle; it made him, so far as known, a sort of philosophical Bible side by side with the theological Bible.
But he was not entirely self-educated; at sixteen he entered the college of his native place, though his family was so poor that he could not procure the necessary books, and had to borrow them from his mates in order to copy the lessons.
There is a copy of this book in the British Museum.
They are also embodied in the Leabhar Gabhala or Book of Invasions, the earliest copy of which is contained in the Book of Leinster, a 12th-century MS., Geoffrey Keating's History, Dugald MacFirbis's Genealogies and various collections of annals such as those by the Four Masters.
That there was substantial identity in the character of original and copy may be inferred from the fact that the well-known tract called Modus tenendi parliamentum was exemplified under the Great Seal of Ireland in 6 Hen.
No perfect copy is known to exist, and the five or six which alone have title-pages give no name of publisher or place of publication.
In March 1548 he was at Frankfort, when the new English Order of Communion reached him; he at once translated it into German and Latin and sent a copy to Calvin, whose wife had befriended Coverdale at Strassburg.
The Hebrew really means "and he [the king] shall write out for himself a copy of this law," where there is not the slightest suggestion that the author intended to describe "this law" delivered on the plains of Moab as a second code in contradistinction to the first code given on Sinai thirty-eight years earlier.
Moreover the phrase "this law" is so ambiguous as to raise a much greater difficulty than that caused by the Greek mistranslation of the Hebrew word for "copy."
Of neither of these works, however, does any known copy now exist.
The campaign of 1809, however, was but a pale copy of the Spanish insurrection.
Accordingly they produced a copy of a forged charter from.
His reign was an inferior copy of his fathers.
Linnaeus's copy of the book evinces the great assiduity with which he studied it; he laboured throughout to remedy the defect of the want of synonyms, sub-joined his own generic names to nearly every species, and particularly indicated the two remarkable passages where the germination of plants and their sexual distinctions are explained.
Galland's MS. copy, again, was in existence in 1548.
In addition to his achievements in black-letter bibliography he threw great light on ancient Celtic language and literature by the discovery, in 1857, of the Book of Deer, a manuscript copy of the Gospel in the Vulgate version, in which were inscribed old Gaelic charters.
What else could an artist do but make a slavish and exact copy of old pictures which worked miracles and perhaps had the reputation as well of having fallen from heaven?
Unfortunately, the biography of the poet, called Gosain-charitra, by Benimadhab Das, who was a personal follower and constant companion of the Master, and died in 1642, has disappeared, and no copy of it is known to exist.
Soon after their arrival these colonists drew up a " plantation covenant " which made the Scriptures the supreme guide in civil as well as religious affairs; but no copy of this is now extant.
They originally took the form of marginal notes in a copy of Bachet's Diophantus, and were published in 1670 by his son Samuel, who incorporated them in a new edition of this Greek writer.
If so, the copyist has modernized his copy, for some features of the Apoxyomenus belong to the Hellenistic age.
It was a small matter that Count Prokesch-Osten, the Austrian ambassador, was discovered to be supplying a " foul Jew " editor with copy; more serious was Austria's attitude in the troubles that led up to the Crimean War.
A small door—possibly leading to a bathroom or closet—was closed and blocked by one of Ully.s science toys the size of a copy machine.
Edith had to know about Annie's death—otherwise her carbon copy suicide is just too much of a coincidence.
The emaciated, and now exhausted visitor presented Dean with a signed copy of his book, which Dean summarily dumped in the trash without even breaking the spine before the black exhaust of Arlen's rusty Toyota had left the street.
We resolved to build a temple on Earth, as a sort of copy of its spiritual archetype.
Her only solace is her copy of Woolf's novel.
What is the connection between an old copy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstien and a horrific car accident?
Please bring a copy of your chosen piece of music for the pianist should you require an accompanist for your audition.
If you need a copy of acrobat Reader to read this file download it (for free) from the acrobat download page.
Addendum to CTO Report The CTO presented addendum to CTO Report The CTO presented Addendum to his Report, a copy of which had been previously circulated to each Member.
The copy addressees would be at the top right hand corner under the date.
Copy these sentences, adding an adjective into each one to make the sentence complete.
A copy of the sworn affidavit was obtained at the federal high court.
Bible alive - the January issue is available from the porch today at £ 1.75 per copy.
We were seldom able to copy our own compositions, and have employed an amanuensis for the last six years.
Failure makes more interesting copy than success but try telling that to a proud man who has just achieved his lifetime's ambition.
This isn't Gus Van Sant making Psycho as an exact copy, rather anarchic invention loosely tied to distant coat-tails.
There were typesetters there who could hurl anathemas at bad copy which would have frightened a Bengal tiger.
It is wise to obtain a copy of any Admon for a deceased ancestor " just in case " .
You should produce printed copy or screen dumps that are appropriately annotated to describe their purpose.
Three major histocompatibility antigens are encoded on each copy of chromosome 6, but they are inherited as a group.
Below is a copy of a message which I sent to The Lancet in response to the published articles.
The litany, for example, looks bald to a degree in the music copy.
If laundering at home you will need to send a copy of your baby's birth certificate.
After the birth has been registered the registrar will issue a short copy birth certificate which is free of charge.
On reaching 18, your child will be legally entitled, to get a copy of the original birth certificate.
The fee for the short copy birth certificate is £ 5.50.
The copy numbers of these Che proteins were accurately determined by quantitative western blot.
To download a copy of our full timetable booklet click on the link at the bottom of the page.
Each copy has a signed bookplate on the front page, with the inscription " Daniel Handler.
The Library's copy contains the small bookplate of Peter Arney.
A copy of the book is retained on the PC's hard drive or the virtual online bookshelf.
To write copy for a variety of regular business briefings to the sales force.
United wave bye bye to Maritimo - Matt Reeder Copy from Yorkshire Evening Post of 28/09/2001.
Apparently back when Roberto's father lead the cabal, they made a copy of the Dagger.
Should we all carry a copy of the DM or wear a red carnation like spies in old war films?
He too has an electronic casebook which, however, is available in addition to the hard copy version.
Listen to song samples, read reviews and order a copy of her demo cd & stunning forthcoming album.
I visited the chandlery to replace a worn-out copy of Nicholson and ended up buying several other books.
The HTML errors column contains the results of running an html syntax checker against a cached copy of your pages.
They each consist of two threads called chromatids, each an exact copy of the parent chromosome.
A copy of the review report had been previously circulated for Members ' information.
But while girls also copy boys, boys are only slightly affected by their female classmates ' behavior.
But if you can supply a fairly cogent reason their special liaison unit will often sell you a copy ' at BBC cost ' .
Inside, have something visually compelling like a color copy or photo on one side and your bio immediately available on the other.
Once the sentence has been created, the children can then copy it and draw a picture to demonstrate comprehension.
Recent studies conduced in the United States reveal how an effective copy control solution will actually drive people back to the stores.
A normal, conventional office copier may have a copy speed of anything from 20 to 60 A4 copies per minute.
Click on the MS Word icon to download a sample copy of the Monthly Outlook.
Please contact me if you would like a copy of either of these.
To request a copy of the report please contact us.
For a hard copy or help in reading the Scheme, please contact the Policy Unit.
The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
Click on the icon to download a free copy.
The Goose up the road in Kings Heath is almost a carbon copy, in both style and clientele.
Like all other forms of advertising copy, job adverts are written by copywriters - people employed to sell you the job.
I am a freelance copywriter who would love to help you get your copy into shape.
Once approved, one copy countersigned by the vendor will be sent back to the EUROPRACTICE Member and the SMI Company.
This is a near fine copy with a lightly creased front cover.