Copiously Sentence Examples
This means no doubt that gold and silver were copiously used in its decoration.
Manure is copiously applied to the more valuable crops whenever manure is available, its use being limited by poverty and not by ignorance.
It occupies the site of the Tacape of the Romans and consists of an open port and European quarter and several small Arab towns built in an oasis of date palms. This oasis is copiously watered by a stream called the Wad Gabes.
Melastomaceae, copiously represented in tropical America, are more feebly so in Peru and wholly wanting in Chile.
This reduction of the temperature, carried to an undesirable extreme, is the reason why the man who has copiously consumed spirits "to keep out the cold" is often visited with pneumonia.
The contemporary historians Cantacuzenus and Nicephorus Gregoras deal very copiously with this subject, taking the Hesychast and Barlaamite sides respectively.
The interwoven hyphae fuse and branch copiously, filling up all interstices.
Tyers, &c.; far above all, of course, the unique Life by James Boswell, first published in 1791, and subsequently encrusted with vast masses of Johnsoniana in the successive editions of Malone, Croker, Napier, Fitzgerald, Mowbray Morris (Globe), Birrell, Ingpen (copiously illustrated) and Dr Birkbeck Hill (the most exhaustive).
Each wrote copiously in verse, but Johan (1640-1684), who was professor of poetry at Upsala, almost entirely in Latin, while Samuel (1642-1679), especially in his Odae sveticae, showed himself an apt and fervid imitator of the Swedish hexameters of Stjernhjelm, to whom he was at one time secretary, and whose Hercules he dramatized.
His principal work, an elaborate account of Stonehenge, appeared in 1740, and he wrote copiously on other supposed Druid remains, becoming familiarly known as the "Arch-Druid."
AdvertisementIn many bamboos they are long and spreading or drooping and copiously ramified, in others they are reduced to hooked spines.
And for the same reason Bise, reflecting blew most copiously, shall appear blew by the excess of those Rays in its reflected light; and the like of other bodies.
It seems possible to trace some of the older and better frescos in the catacombs to a very early age; and Bible manuscripts were often copiously illuminated and illustrated even before the middle of the 4th century.
Repetition of one crop exhausts the ground; rotation will lighten the strain, only the exhausted soil must be copiously dressed with manure or ashes.
To destroy the red spider, syringe the plants copiously at night, and splash the paths with water.
AdvertisementHow ridiculous it is to say I had drunk so copiously of the noble spirit of Dr. Howe that I was fired with the desire to rescue from darkness and obscurity the little Alabamian!
Scorpion Iris (Iris Alata) - A beautiful bulbous kind with fine large blossoms, the ground color delicate lilac-blue, with showy blotches of bright yellow, copiously spotted with a darker hue.
The hardy kinds are S. pinnatus, 1 1/2 to 3 feet high, its rosy-purple and yellow blossoms copiously spotted.
Lilium Auratum - Some forms have flowers nearly I foot across, with broad white petals copiously spotted with reddishbrown, and having broad bands of golden-yellow down the centre.
It should be planted about the beginning of April in deep open soil mulched with rotten manure, and watered copiously in hot dry weather.
AdvertisementTo make matters worse, a multitude of wonderful prose is available in libraries, on the Internet and copiously complied in volumes.
Some retailers advertise these codes copiously; others keep them quiet, so you may need to do some searching to find out if there are any offers out there.
Wehnelt discovered that the same effect could be produced by using instead of a carbon filament a platinum wire covered with the oxides of calcium or barium, which when incandescent have the property of copiously emitting negative ions.
Water must now be copiously supplied to the border, and air admitted in abundance, but cold draughts which favour the attack of mildew must be avoided.
Mme de Montaigne gave her a copy of the edition of 1588 annotated copiously; at the same time, apparently, she bestowed another copy, also annotated by the author, on the convent of the Feuillants in Bordeaux, to which the church in which his remains lay was attached.
AdvertisementHe wrote books of travel, of popular biography, or of historical or political discussion, &c., from time to time; but his principal literary achievements were editions, between 1868 and 1888, of Franklin's autobiography and autobiographical writings, copiously annotated; and of the complete works of Franklin, in ten octavo volumes (New York, 1887-1889).
Mill's logic has the great merit of copiously exemplifying the principles of the variety of method according to subject-matter.
The abundant discharge of electricity by points was observed by Franklin is his earliest experiments, and also the power of points to conduct it copiously from an electrified body.
And therefore minium reflecteth Rays of any colour, but most copiously those indued with red; and consequently when illustrated with day-light, that is with all sorts of Rays promiscuously blended, those qualified with red shall abound most in the reflected light, and by their prevalence cause it to appear of that colour.
Both rock-salt and carbon bisulphide are extremely transparent to the luminous and also to the infra-red rays The iodine in the solution, however, has the property of absorbing the luminous rays, while transmitting the infra-red rays copiously, so that in sufficient thicknesses the solution appears nearly black.
In most species many of these buds, which alternate with the leaves, remain dormant, but in others the aerial shoots are copiously and repeatedly branched.
The unfitness of persecution as a means of propagating truth is copiously insisted on by Locke.