Copies Sentence Examples
Here in 1743 Christopher Sauer, one of the sect's first pastors, and a printer by trade, printed the first Bible (a few copies of which are still in existence) published in a European language in America.
Some copies, however, were saved by the efforts of Cordus's daughter Marcia, and after the death of Tiberius the work was published at the express wish of Caligula.
The book was condemned (June loth, 1734), the copies seized and burnt, a warrant issued against the author and his dwelling searched.
It is curious that the only two existing copies of Agas's map 2 were published in the reign of James I., although apparently they had not been altered from the earlier editions of Elizabeth's reign which have been lost.
Several copies of these lists from the library of Nineveh are in existence, the earliest of which goes back to 911 B.C., while the latest comes down to the middle of the reign of Assur-bani-pal.
A month later he had the good fortune to recover copies of a silver boss, or hilt-top, offered to various museums about 1860, but rejected by them as a meaningless forgery and for a long time lost again to sight.
The numerous copies of Odoric's narrative (both of the original text and of the versions in French, Italian, &c.) that have come down to our time, chiefly from the 14th century, show how speedily and widely it acquired popularity.
Having successfully completed his investigations and sent copies of inscriptions and drawings of the tombs to Renan in Paris, he determined to push on farther into the desert.
From Hail Huber followed nearly in Doughty's track to Aneza and thence across central Nejd to Mecca and Jidda, where he despatched his notes and copies of inscriptions.
St Louis read the books that he compiled, and supplied the funds for procuring copies of such authors as he required for his compilations.
AdvertisementWithin a month of publication, 10,000 copies had been sold.
They became feeble copies of Venetian palaces, in which one form of window, with an ogee arch, framed by the dentil moulding, is almost always used.
A much more moderate tone pervades the writings of the press since restrictions were entirely removed, and although there are now 1 775 journals and periodicals published throughout the empire, with a total annual circulation of some 700 million copies, intemperance of language, such as in former times would, have provoked official interference, is practically unknown to-day.
The largest circulation recorded in 1908 was about 150,000 copies daily, and the honor of attaining that exceptional figure belonged to the Osaka Asahi Shimbun.
The principal Japanese supporter of this school was TaigadO (1722-1775), but the volume of copies of his sketches, TafgadO sansui juseki, published about 1870, is one of the least attractive albums ever printed in Japan.
AdvertisementBefore this time the daily issue of the Spectator had reached 3000 copies; it then fell to 1600; the price was raised from a penny to twopence, but the paper came to an end in 1714.
In 1850 the sale of the first of them was placed at 175,000 copies, the second at 170,000, and Lloyd's at 95,000.
Between 1840 and 1850 Graham's Magazine was the leading popular miscellany in the country, reaching at one time a circulation of about 35,000 copies.
Most of the copies of the Deutsche Rundschau containing the extracts from the crown prince's diary were confiscated, but there is an English edition, published in 1889.
The discovery that the poet had printed secretly 1500 copies of The Patriot King caused him to publish a correct version in 1749, and stirred up a further altercation with Warburton, who defended his friend against Bolingbroke's bitter aspersions, the latter, whose conduct was generally reprehended, publishing a Familiar Epistle to the most Impudent Man Living.
AdvertisementIf not an original of the 5th century it is one of the finest of copies.
The fine execution is all that differentiates it from the numerous copies in various museums. The most important sculptures of the Roman period, however, are a group of colossal figures supporting an entablature, a large part of which has been recovered.
The particular tablets in question date only from about the 7th century B.C., but it is agreed among Assyriologists that they are copies of older texts current in Babylonia for many centuries before, and it is obvious that the compilers of Genesis had access to the Babylonian stories.
It was as easy to send copies of the French, and thus give no ground for the suspicion that the Scots letters were altered on the basis of information acquired between May and October 1568, and that the French versions were made to fit the new form of the Scots copies.
This French did not correspond with French copies of some of the originals recently discovered in Cecil's MSS.
AdvertisementOf these copies no more is heard, and they cannot be found.
Now, on the 11th of June 1568, Lennox was in the company of John Wood, a creature of Moray's, and Wood, as we saw, brought copies of the Scots renderings of the Letters into England in May - June 1568.
The reply may be that the Scots versions were regarded as a great secret; that Lennox was a married man; and that though Lennox in June knew about Mary's letters, doubtless from Wood, or from common report (Bishop Jewell in a letter of August 1567 mentions that he had heard of them), yet Wood did not show to him the Scots copies.
The manuscripts of the time are accurate and artistic, copies of valuable books were made and by careful collation the texts were purified.
When the authoritative version was completed all copies of Hafsa's record were destroyed, in order to prevent possible disputes and divisions.
The only other surviving document of the 12th century bearing on this subject is a letter of which MS. copies are preserved in the Cambridge and Paris libraries, and which is also embedded in the chronicles of several English annalists, including Benedict of Peterborough, Roger Hovedon and Matthew Paris.
There is no express mention of the title "Prester John" in what seem the more genuine copies of this letter..
The cry of atheism was raised, and the electoral government of Saxony, followed by all the German states except Prussia, suppressed the Journal and confiscated the copies found in their universities.
Autograph copies of his work De Ecclesia and of the controversial tracts which he had written against Paletz and Stanislaus of Znaim having been acknowledged by him, the extracted propositions on which the prosecution based their charge of heresy were read; but as soon as the accused began to enter upon his defence, he.
These " Poor Richard's Almanacks " were issued for the next twenty-five years with remarkable success, the annual sale averaging Io,000 copies, and far exceeding the sale of any other publication in the colonies.
Such Homiliaria as were in use in England down to the end of the i 5th century were at the time of the Reformation eagerly sought for and destroyed, so that they are now extremely rare, and the few copies which have been preserved are generally in a mutilated or imperfect form.'
In 1906 he began to publish, under the title of Histoire ancienne de l'eglise, a course of lectures which he had already delivered upon the early ages of the Church, and of which a few manuscript copies were circulated.
The choir-stalls and screen (1510) are finely carved, and of further interest are the ancient pulpit sounding-board (1432), some old stained glass, and the small models of ships, copies dating from 1638 of yet earlier models originally presented by the Dutch-Swedish Trading Company.
Sir Samuel Morland was sent on a special mission to Turin, and to him were confided by the Vaudois leaders copies of their religious books, which he brought back to England, and ultimately gave to the university library at Cambridge.
Following this hint, Seetzen, in 1810, was able to send to Europe, from porphyry blocks near Yarim, the first copies of Sabaean inscriptions.
Of the first number they sold about loo copies; of the second, nearly zoo.
There was an average increase for the next month of about loo copies per week.
The second volume began with a circulation of about 455 0 copies, and with a loss on the first year's publication of $3000.
By the end of the third year The New Yorker had reached a circulation of 9500 copies, and had sustained a total loss of $7000.
When, on the 2nd of May 1840, some time after the nomination by the Whig party of William Henry Harrison for the Presidency, Greeley began the publication of a new weekly campaign paper, The Log Cabin, it sprang at once into a great circulation; 40,000 copies of the first number were sold, and it finally rose to 80,000.
It was reprinted in London very inaccurately, and copies of the original edition are now exceedingly rare and correspondingly valuable.
Erasmus's features are familiar to all, from Holbein's many portraits or their copies.
In 1845 he published Mara, a poem in four cantoes (85 pp., Longmans), containing a description of a young poet who printed 1000 copies of his first poem, of which only 10 were sold.
This book is now of great rarity because his son Christopher, having been induced to become a Roman Catholic by the Jesuit Skarga, caused all copies of his father's Bible which he could find to be burnt.
The Diatessaron appears to have been the usual form in which the gospels were read until the beginning of the 5th century, when the Peshito was put in its place, and a systematic destruction of copies of the Diatessaron was undertaken.
It had a circulation, great for those days, of 12,000 copies.
Copies of the resolutions were sent to the governors of the various states, to be laid before the different state legislatures, and replies were received from Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia, but all except that from Virginia were unfavourable.
Linnaeus, even in his latest publication, placed it in the genus Hirundo; but the interleaved and annotated copies of his Systema naturae in the Linnean Society's library show the species marked for separation and insertion in the Order Grallae - Pratincola trachelia being the name by which he had meant to designate it in any future edition.
In 797 Charlemagne commissioned Alcuin to prepare an emended text of the Vulgate; copies of this text were multiplied, not always accurately, in the famous writingschools at Tours.
Impressed by the popular ignorance of the Scriptures, he himself translated, or caused others to translate, the New Testament into French from the Vulgate, and formed an association to distribute copies systematically at low prices.
Thus the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (founded 1698), besides its other activities, has done much to cheapen and multiply copies of the Scriptures, not only in English and Welsh, but in many foreign languages.
The Canstein Institute has issued some 6,000,000 copies of the Scriptures.
By one of its original laws the British and Foreign Bible Society could circulate no copies of the Scriptures in English other than King James's Version of 1611.
During the year 1905-1906 the society's circulation reached the unprecedented total of 5,977,453 copies, including 968,683 Bibles and 1,326,475 Testaments.
Up to the 31st of March the society had expended altogether £14,686,072, and had issued 198,515,199 copies of the Scriptures-of which more than 78,000,000 were in English.
During 1905, with an income of £27,108, it issued 1,590,881 copies, 907,000 of which were circulated in China.
In Ireland the Hibernian Bible Society (originally known as the Dublin Bible Society) was founded in 1806, and with it were federated kindred Irish associations formed at Cork, Belfast, Derry, &c. The Hibernian Bible Society, whose centenary was celebrated in 1906, had then issued a total of 5,713,837 copies.
Up to 1816-1817 these societies had printed altogether 436,000 copies of the Scriptures, and had received from the British and Foreign Bible Society gifts amounting to over X 62,000.
During 1905, nine cantonal Bible societies in Switzerland circulated altogether 71,000 copies; the Netherlands Bible Society reported a circulation of 54,544 volumes, 48,137 of which were in Dutch; the Danish Bible Society circulated 45,289 copies; the Norwegian Bible Society circulated 67,058 copies; and in Sweden the Evangelical National Society distributed about 110,000 copies.
By the end of 1905 the society announced that over 400,000 copies of this volume had been sold at 2d.
During 1905 its issues were 34,475 copies, while the Societe biblique protestante de Paris issued 8061 copies.
In 1839 St Petersburg became the headquarters of an agency of the British and Foreign Bible Society, which enjoys special facilities in Russia, and now annually circulates about 600,000 copies of the Scriptures, in fifty different languages, within the Russian empire.
In the year ending March 31st 1909 the income of the Society was $502,345, and it issued 2,153,028 copies of the Scriptures, nearly half of which went to readers outside the United States.
Verified " Parliamentary Copies " of the imperial standard are placed at the Royal Mint, with the Royal Society, at the Royal Observatory, and in the Westminster Palace.
The Hebrew "shekel of the sanctuary" is familiar; the standard volume of the apet was secured in the dromus of Anubis at Memphis (35); in Athens, besides the standard weight, twelve copies for public comparison were kept in the city; also standard volume measures in several places (2); at Pompeii the block with standard volumes cut in it was found in the portico of the forum (33); other such standards are known in Greek cities (Gythium, Panidum and Trajanopolis) (11, 33); at Rome the standards were kept in the Capitol, and weights also in the temple of Hercules (2); the standard cubit of the Nilometer was before Constantine in the Serapaeum, but was removed by him to the church (2).
A series of sermons on the relation between the discoveries of astronomy and the Christian revelation was published in January 1817, and within a year nine editions and 20,000 copies were in circulation.
Copies of the full text of the Scotichronicon, by different scribes, are extant.
Briggs continued to labour assiduously at the calculation of logarithms, and in 1624 published his Arithmetica logarithmica, a folio work containing the logarithms of the numbers from to 20,000, and from 00,000 to ioo,000 (and in some copies to roi,000) to 14 places of decimals.
There are also copies with the title-page and introduction in French and in Dutch (Gouda, 1628).
In some copies, however, this " Admonitio " is absent.
In connexion with this controversy it should be noticed that the " Admonitio " on the last page of the Descriptio, containing the reference to the new logarithms, does not occur in all the copies.
It is printed on the back of the last page of the table itself, and so cannot have been torn out from the copies that are without it.
As there could have been no reason for omitting it after it had once appeared, we may assume that the copies which do not have it are those which were first issued.
As special attention has not been drawn to the fact that some copies have the " Admonitio " and some have not, different writers have assumed that Briggs did or did not know of the promise contained in the " Admonitio " according as it was present or absent in the copies they had themselves referred to, and this has given rise to some confusion.
Appended to the Catalogue is a full and careful bibliography of all Napier's writings, with mention of the public libraries, British and foreign, which possess copies of each.
The printing of the table of natural sines was once begun, and Lefort states that he has seen six copies, all incomplete, although including the last page.
The British Houses of Parliament passed a resolution ordering all copies of it to be publicly burned, and again in 1652 when another edition appeared.
Thus actual documents of native Aztec history, or copies of them, are still open to the study of scholars, while after the conquest interpretations of these were drawn up in writing by Spanish-educated Mexicans, and histories founded on them with the aid of traditional memory were written by Ixtilxochitl and Tezozomoc. In Central America the rows of complex hieroglyphs to be seen sculptured on the ruined temples probably served a similar purpose.
Other copies of the same manuscript, made by Leon y Gama, Jose Pichardo, Aubin and Brasseur, exist in the Paris National Library in the AubinGoupil collection.
Amongst the latter was the magnificently illuminated Norman Commentary on the Apocalypse, some of the earliest copies of which were written in an English hand.
The following brief extracts may exemplify the hermit's rendering and the change the text underwent in later copies.'
Three copies of this edition are in the British Museum, and it was reprinted in 1841 in Bagster's Hexapla.
The volume is provided with woodcuts and initials, the title-page and preliminary matter in the only two remaining copies (British Museum and Holkam Hall) being in the same type as the body of the book.
The volume was printed in black letter in double columns, and three copies are preserved in the British Museum.
According to the title-page the New Testament was " translated faithfvlly into English ovt of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred vvith the Greeke and other editions in diuers languages..
He caused engravings to be made, at his own expense, of Bartoli's copies from ancient pictures and published Nouveaux sujets de peinture et de sculpture (1755) and Tableaux tires de l'Iliade, de l'Odysse, et de l'Eneide (1757).
His work on The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies, left in MS. and incomplete (the remainder is in the Laing MSS., Edinburgh University library), was published (a hundred copies) in 1815 by Sir Walter Scott, and in the Bibliotheque de Carabas (Lang) there is a French translation.
One of its few surviving copies contains an article by Laurier opposing confederation as a scheme designed in the interest of the English colonies in North America, and certain to prove the tomb of the French race and the ruin of Lower Canada.
Texts may be either autographs or they may be transmitted texts; the latter, again, being immediate copies of autographs or copies of copies in any degree.
Of these several copies had to be made, both by way of prevention against the wear and tear of use and as a means of satisfying the desire of other persons than the original possessor to be acquainted with their contents.
Had the copies made of ancient writings been mechanical reproductions of the originals, such as the photographic facsimiles of modern times, there would have been little here for textual criticism to do.
The ancient texts have not come to us in this way, but through copies made by the human hand directed more or less by the human intelligence.
By manuscripts (q.v.) we understand copies of the text made before the art of printing came into general use.
When this has happened we have to rely upon mere copies, many times of inferior quality, or upon the information which old scholars have given us respecting them.
On the one hand, there is the curious story given partly by Strabo (608-609) and partly in Plutarch's Sulla (c. 26), that Aristotle's successor Theophrastus left the books of both to their joint pupil, Neleus of Scepsis, where they were hidden in a cellar, till in Sulla's time they were sold to Apellicon, who made new copies, transferred after Apellicon's death by Sulla to Rome, and there edited and published by Tyrannio and Andronicus.
Some who were writers were driven to publish by the occasion; and after the orders of government, which were occasionally published to be obeyed, occasional poems, such as the poems of Solon, the odes of Pindar and the plays of the dramatists, which all had a political significance, were probably the first writings to be published or, rather, recited and acted, from written copies.
No doubt then Aristotle's library contained published copies of the works of other authors, as well as the autographs of his own.
That in knowing objects certain thoughts are implied which are not presentations or their copies is at times dimly seen by Berkeley himself; but he was content to propound a question with regard to those notions, and to look upon them as merely Locke's ideas of relation.
Foley's narrative includes copies of the most important documents connected with his trial, and gives full information of the original sources.
At the end of the year 1864 Ruskin delivered at Manchester a new series of lectures - not on art, but on reading, education, woman's work and social morals - the expansion of his earlier treatises on economic sophisms. This afterwards was included with a Dublin lecture of 1868 under the fantastic title of Sesame and Lilies (perhaps the most popular of his social essays), of which 44,000 copies were issued down to 1900.
Or, again, the memory might be confused by this variety, and the verification of quotations, especially of brief ones, was difficult, not only from the comparative scarcity of the copies of books, but also because ancient books were not provided with ready means of reference to particular passages.
If an application is made for leave to withdraw a petition, copies of the affidavits in support are to be delivered to him; and he is entitled to be heard and to call evidence in opposition to such application.
These copies are invaluable as being the only evidence we now have of pictorial art in India before the rise of Hinduism.
It was preserved in MS. during the reign of Elizabeth, and handed down in copies, many of which were carelessly made.
He therefore bought back the sheets, says Calamy, for an old song, bound them and sold them in his own shop. This in turn was complained of, and he had to beg pardon on his knees before the council-table; and the remaining copies were sentenced to be "bisked," or rubbed over with an inky brush, and sent back to the kitchen for lighting fires.
Such "bisked" copies occasionally occur still.
The phrase dies cinerum appears in the earliest extant copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary, and it is probable that the custom was already established by the 8th century.
He sold some art copies to a local amateur, where he came under the notice of Vincent.
Through the exertions of Prinsep, Csoma de Koros, Emil Schlag intweit, Chandra Das, Rockhill, Huth, Waddell and others, we possess many copies of lists of kings, forming the dynasties of Tibet from the legendary beginnings between the 5th and 2nd century B.C. down to the end of the monarchy in 914.
Thus the metaphysic of Plato finds reality only in the "Idea," of which all phenomena are merely imperfect copies.
It was also the site of one of the earliest printing-presses, and copies of the stannary laws and of a translation of Boethius issued from the Tavistock press in the reign of Henry VIII.
His own honorarium as author consisted of 200 copies, of which, however, he had to give away many to friends, to the king, the principal courtiers, the papal nuncio, &c. What remained he sold for his own profit at the price of a crown each, but the sale did not recoup him his outlay.
The door was re-opened by the treaties of 1882-1886, and even before that copies of the gospels had been circulated from the Manchuria side.
Further, we know that in the 8th century B.C., there were observatories in most of the large cities in the valley of the Euphrates, and that professional astronomers regularly took observations of the heavens, copies of which were sent to the king of Assyria; and from a cuneiform inscription found in the palace of Sennacherib at Nineveh, the text of which is given by George Smith,5 we learn that at that time the epochs of eclipses of both sun and moon were predicted as possible - probably by means of the cycle of 223 lunations or Chaldaean Saros - and that observations were made accordingly.
It has perished, but late copies exist, of which the most faithful is in the Vatican gallery.
The publisher of the first two volumes, John Noone, gave him -£50 and twelve bound copies for a first edition of one thousand copies.
Mr Millar told me that in a twelvemonth he sold only forty-five copies of it."
In Edinburgh, as we learn from one of his letters, the book succeeded well, no fewer than 450 copies being disposed of in five weeks.
Ideas are secondary in nature, copies of data supplied we know not whence.
It remains to be seen how knowledge can be explained on such a basis; but, before proceeding to sketch Hume's answer to this question, it is necessary to draw attention, first, to the peculiar device invariably resorted to by him when any exception to his general principle that ideas are secondary copies of impressions presents itself, and, secondly, to the nature of the substitute offered by him for that perception of relations or synthesis which even in Locke's confused statements had appeared as the essence of cognition.
Thus general or abstract ideas are merely copies of a particular impression conceived in a particular manner.
The psychological conception, then, on the basis of which Hume proceeds to discuss the theory of knowledge, is that of conscious experience as containing merely the succession of isolated impressions and their fainter copies, ideas, and as bound on.
It is almost superfluous to remark, first, that Hume here deliberately gives up his fundamental principle that ideas are but the fainter copies of impressions, for it can never be maintained that order of disposition is an impression, and, secondly, that he fails to offer any explanation of the mode in which coexistence and succession are possible elements, of cognition in a conscious experience made up of isolated presentations and representations.
Huser did not employ the early printed copies only, but collected all the manuscripts which he could procure, and used them also in forming his text.
Additional matter intended to suit the document to the special circumstances of the time was added, and the covenant was adopted and signed by a large gathering in Greyfriars' churchyard, Edinburgh, on the 28th of February 1638, after which copies were sent throughout the country for additional signatures.
Twenty-five thousand copies were sold; Delavigne was famous.
His original map, which was probably intended to illustrate, above all, the distribution of the Apostolic missions throughout the world - depicting the head of Peter at Rome, of Andrew in Achaia, of Thomas in India, of James in Spain, and so forth - has survived in ten more or less modified copies.
His collections of original materials were vast; beginning with his residence in England, he brought together at enormous pains and expense the authenticated copies of archives, family papers, and personal journals written by historic personages, which now constitute an invaluable treasure in the New York public library.
In November 1640 the Long Parliament succeeded to the Short, and sent Laud and Strafford to the Tower, and Hobbes, who had become, or thought he had become, a marked man by the circulation of his treatise (of which, " though not printed, many gentlemen had copies "), hastened to Paris, " the first of all that fled."
Though it was forthwith printed in the course of the year 1642, he was content to circulate a limited number of copies privately 1; and when he found his work received with applause (it was praised even by Descartes), he seems to have taken this recognition of his philosophical achievement as an additional reason for deferring publication till the earlier works of the system were completed.
But though about this time he had got ready all or most of the materials for his fundamental work on Body, not even now was he able to make way with its composition, 1 The book, of which the copies are rare (one in Dr Williams's library in London and one in the Bodleian), was printed in quarto size (Paris, 1642), with a pictorial title-page (not afterwards reproduced) of scenes and figures illustrating its three divisions, " Libertas," " Imperium," " Religio."
It first showed itself in the publication of the De cive, of which the fame, but only the fame, had extended beyond the inner circle of friends and critics who had copies of the original impression.
No sooner did copies of the book reach Paris than he found himself shunned by his former associates, and though he was himself so little conscious of disloyalty that he was forward to present a manuscript copy " engrossed in vellum in a marvellous fair hand" 3 to the young king of the Scots (who, after the defeat at Worcester, escaped to Paris about the end of October), he was denied the royal presence when he sought it shortly afterwards.
In 1812 the Human Nature and the Liberty and Necessity (with supplementary extracts from the Questions of 1656) were reprinted in a small edition of 250 copies, with a meritorious memoir (based on Campbell) and dedication to Horne Tooke, by Philip Mallet.
Indeed, the diction and versification of his own Latin compositions show that he had paid at least as much attention to modern copies from the antique as to the original models.
In consequence probably of the good offices of Bubb Dodington, who was then the confidential adviser of Prince Frederick, two of his royal highness's gentlemen carried a gracious message to the printing office, and ordered seven copies for Leicester House.
The author lived to see thirteen thousand copies spread over England alone.
Some large cities, notably Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Dresden, Leipzig and Munich, have, however, newspapers with a daily circulation of over 100,000 copies, and in the case of some papers in Berlin a million copies is reached.
Most readers receive their newspapers through the post office or at their clubs, which may help to explain the smaller number of copies sold.
Its introduction into Germany was of course forbidden, but it was soon found possible regularly to distribute thousands of copies every week in every part of the country, and it continued to exist till 1887 at Zurich, and till 1890 in London.
Copies were widely distributed, and university and author received much praise.
On 12th September the decree had been published accepting the Bohemian claims; before the end of the year copies of it were seized by the police, and men were thrown into prison for circulating it.
In any case, when Mahomet died, the separate pieces of the Koran, notwithstanding their theoretical sacredness, existed only in scattered copies; they Trans= were consequently in great danger of being partially mission of or entirely destroyed.
According to it, he collected the revelations from copies written on flat stones, pieces of leather, ribs of palm-leaves (not palm-leaves themselves), and such-like material, but chiefly " from the breasts of men," i.e.
These brought together as many copies as they could lay their hands on, and prepared an edition which was to be canonical for all Moslems. To prevent any further disputes, they burned all the other codices except that of IIaf sa, which, however, was soon afterwards destroyed by Merwan the governor of Medina.
These three manuscripts will therefore be those which the caliph, according to trustworthy tradition, sent in the first instance as standard copies to Damascus, Basra and Kufa to the warriors of the provinces of which these were the capitals, while he retained one at Medina.
Copies of this northernized Chronicle afterwards found their way to the south.
Some of these, books are known only in copies of the New Kingdom.
Much of these texts is of extreme antiquity; one incantation at least has been proved to belong to an age anterior to the unification of the Northern and Southern kingdoms. Later copies also exist, but possess little independent critical value.
When a pretence was made of opening, with an iron instrument, the mouth of the divine statue, to the accompaniment of recited formulae, this can hardly be termed anything but magic. Similarly, the potency attributed to ushebli-figures and the copies of the Book of the Dead deposited in the tombs is magical in quality.
But the study of this with the other scanty monuments and imperfect copies of inscriptions that were available enabled the celebrated physicist Thomas Young (1773-1829) to make a beginning.
He painted various other portraits of Washington; probably the best known in a full-length, which was made in 1778, and of which Peale made many copies.
The date of composition, which varies in the different copies from 552 to 582 A.H., must be fixed in 574 o r 575 (1178-1179 A.D.).
His claim to the title of the foremost Persian romanticist he fully established only a year or two after the Makhzan by the publication of his first epic masterpiece Khosrau and Shirin, composed, according to the oldest copies, in 576 A.H.
The commissioners, ten in number, were directed to go through all the constitutions of which copies existed, to select such as were of practical value, to cut these down by retrenching all unnecessary matter, and gather them, arranged in order of date, into one volume, getting rid of any contradictions by omitting one or other of the conflicting passages.
It is this revised Codex which has come down to the modern world, all copies of the earlier edition having disappeared.
In the western provinces, which had been wholly severed from the empire before the publication of the Basilica, the law as settled by Justinian held its ground; but copies of the Corpus Juris were extremely rare, nor did the study of it revive until the end of the 1 ith century.
It may seem strange that so important a body of law as the Basilica should not have come down to us in its integrity, but a letter has been preserved, which was addressed by Mark the patriarch of Alexandria to Theodorus Balsamon, from which it appears that copies of the Basilica were in the 1 2th century very scarce, as the patriarch was unable to procure a copy of the work.
The great bulk of the code was an obstacle to the multiplication of copies of it, whilst the necessity for them was in a great degree superseded by the publication from time to time of synopses and encheiridia of its contents, composed by the most eminent jurists, of which a very full account will be found in the Histoire au droit byzantin, by the advocate Mortreuil, published in Paris in 1846.
The original MS. is in the Hamburg town library; a copy was made for the university library of Göttingen, 1814, and other copies are known to exist.
Giustiniani printed 2000 copies at his own expense, including fifty in vellum for presentation to the sovereigns of Europe and Asia; but the sale of the work did not encourage him to proceed with the New Testament, which he had also prepared for the press.
The University Press could not supply copies fast enough.
When writing to Atticus Cicero frequently sent copies of letters which he had received.
Tiro may have obtained from Terentia copies of letters written to her.
An important discovery was made at Lodi in 1422 of a MS. which, in addition to complete copies of the de Oratore and Orator, hitherto known from mutilated MSS., contained an entirely new work, the Brutus.
The speeches pro Roscio Comoedo, pro Rabirio perduellionis reo and pro Rabirio Postumo are only known from Italian copies of the transcript (now lost) made by Poggio from lost MSS.
Hence the fallacy of those who, like Bosanquet, or like Paulsen in his Einleitung in die Philosophie, represent the realistic theory of inference as if it meant that knowledge starts from ideas and then infers that ideas are copies of things, and who then object, rightly enough, that we could not in that case compare the copy with the original, but only be able to infer from idea to idea.
Logical inference never goes through the impossible process of premising nothing but ideas, and concluding that ideas are copies of things.
If genuine, its naive theory that thought copies things and other features of its contents would tend to place it among the earliest works of the philosopher.
The Lives of the Bishops was reprinted for the Bannatyne Club, Edin., 1825, in a limited edition of sixty copies.
The city has a number of good statues, chief among which are copies of the Farnese Hercules (Victoria Square) and of Canova's Venus (North Terrace), statues of Queen Victoria and Robert Burns, Sir Thomas Elder's statue at the university, and a memorial (1905) over the grave of Colonel Light, founder of the colony, in Light Square.
There he became greatly impressed by the writings of Wycliffe, of whose Dialogus and Trialogus he made copies.
But the question is - From what time are we to suppose that the preservation of long poems was generally secured by the existence of written copies?
It is chiefly interesting as a proof of the confusion in which the text must have been before the Alexandrian times; for it is impossible to understand the readiness of Aristarchus to suspect the genuineness of verses unless the state of the copies had pointed to the existence of numerous interpolations.
The passage is unfortunately corrupt, but it is at least clear that in the time of Solon, according to Diogenes, there were complete copies of the poems, such as could be used to control the recitations.
Even in copies of Jerome this is transformed into millibus; and it is perhaps not impossible that to this misreading we may indirectly owe the "thousands" in the Ursula legend.
Sixty thousand copies were rapidly sold.
He made copies of the Polk manuscripts and was working upon a detailed biography at the time of his death in 1891.
These copies, now deposited in the Lenox Library, New York City, contain a diary in 24 typewritten volumes, besides some correspondence and other private papers.
A prolonged battle took place in July 657 in the plain of Siffin (Suffein), near the Euphrates; the fighting was at first, it is said, in favour of Ali, when suddenly a number of the enemy, fixing copies of the Koran to the points of their spears, exclaimed that "the matter ought to be settled by reference to this book, which forbids Moslems to shed each other's blood."
Amongst the papers seized at his request were Coleman's, and in them were found copies of letters written by the latter to Pere la Chaise, suggesting that Louis should furnish him with money, which he would use in the French and Catholic interest among members of parliament.
In December 1588 the first complete Welsh Bible, commonly known as " Bishop Morgan's Bible," was issued from the royal press at Westminster under the patronage of queen and primate, about Boo copies being supplied for distribution amongst the parish churches of Wales.
The "dolce libriccino," the famous Trattato utilissimo del beneficio di Gesu Christo crocifisso verso i christiani, which was the composition of a Sicilian Benedictine and had been touched up by the great latinist Flaminio, just appeared at Mantua in 1542 under the auspices of Morone, and had a wide circulation (over 40,000 copies of the second edition, Venice 1543, were sold).
It is not clear how the first printers struck off their copies, but without doubt Gutenberg did use at an early period in his career a mechanical press of some kind, which was constructed of wood.
The results from this press were, at the time, considered fairly satisfactory, the number of copies (about 8000) printed per hour from one type-forme having been materially increased by the employing of the eight different stations to feed the sheets in, all of which in turn were printed from the same single type surface.
As its name implies, the type bed and impression platen are both flat surfaces as in the hand-press, but as they are self-inking and are easily driven, the average output is about moo copies per hour, and but one operator is required, whereas two men at a handpress can produce only 250 copies in the same time.
The average production is about woo copies per hour.
As a rule most double-cylinder presses produce on an average about moo copies per hour, printed both sides.
Its speed is greater than the stop cylinder (it may be geared to produce from 1500 to Two copies per hour, printed one side only).
As the name implies, these presses are so constructed that both printing surfaces and paper to duplicate the type pages and to run several machines at the same time, thus producing copies with far greater rapidity.
A quadruple machine will produce 48,000 copies per hour of four, six or eight pages; and proportionately less of a greater number of pages; all folded, counted and pasted if required.
They then descend into the two different folders, where they are folded and cut - the copies being discharged on to the delivery boards situated at the two sides of the left-hand portion of the machine, and each quire is counted or told off by being jogged forward.
In addition to the body of the paper it prints a cover, and is capable of producing 24,000 complete copies per hour, folded, insetted, cut, pasted and covered.
In 1855 he published an edition of Benefizio della Morte di Cristo, a remarkable book of the Reformation period, attributed to Paleario, of which nearly all the copies had been destroyed by the Inquisition.
Zwingli, who details these articles, as he says, that the world may see that they are "fanatical, stolid, audacious, impious," can scarcely be acquitted of unfairness in joining together two of them, - the fourth and fifth, - thus making the article treat "of the avoiding of abominable pastors in the church" (Super devitatione abominabilium pastorum in Ecclesia), though there is nothing about pastors in the fourth article, and nothing about abominations in the fifth, and though in a marginal note he himself explains that the first two copies that were sent him read as he does, but the other copies make two articles, as in fact they evidently are.
Yet for this bulky collection of essays, philosophical and others, Schopenhauer received as honorarium only ten free copies of the work.
He wrote also treatises on the astrolabe (a copy of this is in the British Museum), on the abacus (three copies exist in the Vatican library, the library of Leiden University and the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris), translations of the Kharismian Tables and an Arabic Introduction to Astronomy.
Of these the coins are chiefly Roman and Byzantine gold pieces of the 5th century, the bracteates copies of Roman coins of the same period.
Olof Wexionius (1656-1690?) published his Sinne-Afvel, a collection of graceful miscellaneous pieces, in 1684, in an edition of only loo copies.
It is less to be wondered at that we have a large collection of ancient epistles, especially in the realm of magic and religion, for epistles were meant to live, were published in several copies, and were not a difficult form of literary effort.
The copies were not spread far, and were soon 1 It was approved by Clement VII.
Doubtless many editions have perished without leaving a trace of their existence, while others are known by unique copies.
Four copies have been preserved of it, of.
Luther, who had some personal acquaintance with Eck, sent him in 1517 copies of his celebrated 95 theses.
Skilful copies of Moorish metal-work may be purchased in the goldsmiths' and silversmiths' shops of.
Hodgson, and other copies have been received since then; but only one of them has as yet been published in Europe (the Lalita Vistara, edited by Lofmann), and only two have been translated into any European language.
Turning again to the legislative history, in 1567 the prayers were done into Gaelic; in 1579 parliament ordered all gentlemen and yeomen holding property of a certain value to possess copies.
The reader must, however, be on his guard against confusing the authenticity of the fifth book generally with that of supposed early copies of it.
Flandin had, however, made careful drawings and copies of all objects of importance from Khorsabad.
The book was printed in a private press at Stonor Park, Henley, and 400 copies were found on the benches of St Mary's, Oxford, at the Commencement, on the 27th of June 1581.
Pippin the Short and the early Carolings made use of intaglios, both actual antiques and copies from them; their successors had seals of ordinary types usually showing their busts.
Gathered and collected according to the true Copies and Wrytinges certificatorie as well of the Parties themselves that Suffered, as also out of the Bishop's Registers, which were the Doers thereof, by John Foxe, commonly known as the Book of Martyrs.
The criticism lavished on Cattley and Townsend's edition led to a new one (1846-1849) under the same editorship. A new text prepared by the Rev. Josiah Pratt was issued (1870) in the "Reformation Series" of the Church Historians of England, with a revised version of Townsend's Life and appendices giving copies of original documents.
Of the fifteenth, seventeenth and nineteenth Yashts the few useful copies that we possess are derived from a single MS. of the year 1591 A.D.
According to the Dinkard, there were two copies, of which one was burned, while the second came into the hands of the Greeks.
Even the statement as to the one or two complete copies of the Avesta may be given up as the invention of a later day.
Finally, all idea of the divine vanished, and the artists merely presented her as the type of a beautiful woman, with oval face, full of grace and charm, languishing eyes, and laughing mouth, which replaced the dignified severity and repose of the older forms. The most famous of her statues in ancient times was that at Cnidus, the work of Praxiteles, which was imitated on the coins of that town, and subsequently reproduced in various copies, such as the Vatican and Munich.
A highlyreputed series of life-sized chalk drawings of the same heads, of which the greater portion is at Weimar, consists of early copies, and is interesting though having no just claim to originality.
A sheet of sketches drawn there in 1508 shows the beginning of a Madonna now lost except in the form of copies, one of which (known as the "Madonna Litta") is at St Petersburg, another in the Poldi-Pezzoli Museum at Milan.
This picture was at Fontainebleau in the 16th century and is known from several copies, the finest of them at the Borghese gallery, as well as from one or two preliminary sketches by the master himself and a small sketch copy by Raphael.
His Pantheisticon, sive formula celebrandae sodalitatis socraticae, of which he printed a few copies for private circulation only, gave great offence as a sort of liturgic service made up of passages from heathen authors, in imitation of the Church of England liturgy.
Printed in tens of thousands of copies are certain apocalyptic legends dealing with eschatological problems. The ancient Apocalypse of Peter appears here under the name of Paul, then there is an Apocalypse of the Virgin Mary, who, like Peter, is carried by the Archangel through the torments of Hell and the bliss of Paradise, and through whose intervention sufferers are granted pardon on certain days of the year.
The Pilgrimage of Tender Conscience, the Pilgrimage of Good Intent, the Pilgrimage of Seek Truth, the Pilgrimage of Theophilus, the Infant Pilgrim, the Hindoo Pilgrim, are among the many feeble copies of the great original.
But the actual name is perhaps also found as that of a people in this position (Ptolemy's Kabolitae), if not in the name of a city apparently identical with Ortospana, Carura, in some copies read Cabura.
On the 29th of January 1696/7 Newton received from France two copies of the printed paper containing the problems, and on the following day he transmitted a solution of them to Montague, then president of the Royal Society.
In this year appeared Hegel's Encyclopddie der philosophischen Wissenschaften, of which Cousin had one of the earliest copies.
The extant remains of these laws are manuscript transcripts from earlier copies made on vellum from the 8th to the 13th century, now preserved with other Gaelic manuscripts in Trinity College and the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, the British Museum, Oxford University, some private collections and several libraries on the continent of Europe.
Eleven editions were exhausted in little more than a year, and there is probably not much exaggeration in the estimate that 30,000 copies were sold before Burke's death seven years afterwards.
He also formed a large library at Athens, and engaged a staff of slaves to make copies of valuable works.
Flamsteed denounced the production as surreptitious; he committed to the flames three hundred copies, of which he obtained possession through the favour of Sir Robert Walpole; and, in defiance of bodily infirmities, vigorously prosecuted his designs for the entire and adequate publication of the materials he continued to accumulate.
The academy possesses 14,000 original drawings and sketches by the great masters, 24,000 engravings, and 248 water-colour copies of Italian originals; the municipal gallery contains valuable specimens of the local school; and the same is the case with the Schulte collection.
He also copied out Landnamabok and Sverri's Life from his MSS., of which surviving copies were taken.
Manuscript copies of his works abound, and are to be found in almost every library which possesses a collection of ancient writings.
The heresy was successfully stamped out in Britain, but distinct traces of it are to be found some three centuries later in Ireland, and it is to Irish monks on the European continent that we owe the preservation of the recently discovered copies of Pelagius's Commentary.
Copies of the new The Re= liturgy were sent over, and St Leger had the com- formation.
Their iron-work is of excellent quality, and in copper and brass they can produce copies of anything made by Europeans.
They are copies of the Egyptian, both in form and posture, wearing the pshent and the uraeus, but distinguished by having the Assyrian wings.
A fine portrait of the admiral by Reynolds is in the possession of the earl of Lichfield, and there are copies in the National Portrait Gallery and at Greenwich.
The predisposing causes of the Donatist schism were the belief, early introduced into the African church, that the validity of all sacerdotal acts depended upon the personal character of the agent, and the question, arising out of that belief, as to the eligibility for sacerdotal office of the traditores, or those who had delivered up their copies of the Scriptures under the compulsion of the Diocletian persecution; the exciting cause was the election of a successor to Mensurius, bishop of Carthage, who died in 311.
The immediate effect of his suspension was the sale of 18, 000 copies of the condemned sermon; its permanent effect was to make Pusey for the next quarter of a century the most influential person in the Anglican Church, for it was one of the causes which led Newman to sever himself from that communion.
It is said that nearly all the copies were lost on the passage to England.
Both Joseph Warton and Dr Parr accused Middleton of deliberate plagiarism, which was the more likely to have escaped detection owing to the small number of existing copies of Bellenden's work.
For the nature and causes of the variations between different copies the reader may consult Lane, iii.
The book appeared on the 23rd of June 1863; before November sixty thousand copies of it were in circulation.
They have records of her vitals—like her body temperature and shit like that—and copies of her medical records.
About a hundred years of a weekly paper—that's about five thousand copies.
I can then provide copies of the audited accounts for anyone who asks for them.
Other documents were also handed in, including copies of official reports of previous acquittals of writers accused of conspiracy.
Copies of the new addendum are now available to purchase, at a cost of GBP £ 50.
Digital copies of the letters give the opportunity for a more integrated scholarly apparatus.
Copies should be made available for all the jurors too.
Specializing in color printing, color vinyl banners, color copies, and poster printing.
You can pick up some real bargains - I sometimes even buy copies of my own books there!
Showing Fawcett in a red bikini, the poster sold more than 8m copies.
All authors included in the book boho review of contemporary poetry will be offered the chance to purchase copies at a reduced price.
I'm just about to take some hardback copies of their books to the charity bookshop.
Production of 10 copies in Welsh, which is different from English Braille.
You can connect an 8mm camcorder to a television to view tapes and you can make copies of your film using a video recorder.
The protein subunits in a virus capsid are multiply redundant, i.e. present in many copies per particle.
Each has a centromere linking its two copies together.
Many copies were made by European ceramists in the eighteenth century.
The audited circulation for the July 2003 - June 2004 period was total average net 37, 029 copies.
Copies in 18mo examined often collate in sixes, but sometimes in twelves and sixes, whereas 16mo generally collate in sixes, but sometimes in twelves and sixes, whereas 16mo generally collates in eights.
Most have compositors ' names written in, indicating that the printer had to make do without fair copies.
The Council signed up to the enforcement concordat in 1998 and copies of the enforcement policy are available at the Council offices.
A former confidante of Ferdinand Marcos, Curtis possessed copies of the 172 treasure maps made by Japanese cartographers.
A normal, conventional office copier may have a copy speed of anything from 20 to 60 A4 copies per minute.
If you only have original hard copies we offer a scanning service at an additional cost.
Bland copies would make no positive contribution but would simply devalue the historic character of the area.
In the Step and repeat docker, type a value in the Number of copies box.
All attached documents must be either original or certified copies.
Caroline has very generously donated 5 copies which you may be lucky enough to win.
The sections range from very rough drafts to fair copies.
Instead, this Liverpool group were acclaimed as wildly eclectic, their 2004 debut album selling an astounding 600,000 copies.
Copies can also be sent out upon receipt of a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Copies of previous years ' degree examination papers are available online.
The art of spotting fakes Art deco collectors must know their stuff; even major dealers can be fooled by copies.
An excellent fanzine; he sends three copies to the UK, which is proof of the current insularity of British fandom.
These include fiche holding back copies of Lancashire magazine, and those which are one name studies for example.
The first 2000 copies will be issued in a limited, numbered, collectors edition gatefold digipack.
The more closely related two people are, the more likely they are to carry copies of the same mutated gene.
In patients with HD, this protein contains multiple copies of the amino acid glutamine stacked next to another.
For blind and visually impaired students, copies of the standard printed handouts may not be very helpful.
However, if you have System Restore running, then copies of the registry hives will be kept as part of each restore point.
There are also 2 copies of a plan for a typical 2 bedroom house at 2 feet to 1 inch scale.
The new copy consists of n copies of the loops computations ie n iterations.
The number of copies of any given record varied from minimum of 500 to few lakhs, depending upon the popularity / sale.
Copies of these booklets are available from the lea, or from a local school or library - please contact your LEA for details.
The Finance Division keeps micro filmed copies of the accounts nominal ledger from 1976 onwards.
This depends on the liaison librarian receiving copies of reading lists.
Published by ASH FINE ART as an artist signed limited edition lithograph of 500 copies only.
The AGS has already distributed 300 copies of its draft manifesto for consultation with community and green groups throughout the city.
The book has been printed about once a month for 450 years; no one knows how many millions of copies.
Their work was eventually published (in 1882) as The Northumbrian minstrelsy, and original copies are now much sought after.
Our latest news releases and copies of all Skills Challenge publications can be found here.
Copies of the briefing notes are attached as annexes.
The present authors have not seen original bindings of Irish novelettes of the period, because all copies known to us have been rebound.
Authors receive 25 free offprints and one complete copy of the relevant issue, and may purchase further offprints and copies from the publisher.
Copies of the website held on local machines would rapidly become out-of-date.
Finding out if there are any local pagan or occult discussion forums where you might be able to sell a few copies.
Beside, the editions of Holy Writ are so numerous that he could hardly suppose that two copies would have the same pagination.
The rep-2 parallelogram also has tilings in which the copies have two different orientations.
It is therefore permissible for a course instructor to distribute multiple copies of extracts to all students enrolled on the course taught.
Each individual phage expresses 5 copies of the same peptide, and the library contains phage expressing over 10 10 different peptides.
Also, please check whether local teachers would like to receive further copies of SPUC's revised notes on the morning-after pill.
Obtain patents from the BLM Eastern States Office, which also has copies of the tract books and township plats.
Copies of his qualifications at his branches, if they were kept, have also proved pointless.
Copies price 50p including postage, may be obtained from the School.
Copies are available from Steve at a cost of £ 3.75 plus 75p postage.
Written Opinions (whether principals or copies) but not preparatory personal notes prepared for the solicitorâs benefit.
All persons making presentments are requested to hand written copies to the Clerk.
There is a charge for copies of medical records or a computer printout of your medical record.
Slough Library also has copies of UK university prospectuses.
As the band's unofficial publicist, I urge everyone to buy at least two copies.
Over the next 24 hours, say the pundits, 10 million copies will be sold.
If copies were made on the sticky chemical paper used by a lot of microfilm readers it's easy for pages to stick together.
Tablet Indexes Useful for quick reference to past articles, these can be kept with your copies in the binders.
These replication initiators recognize the plasmid, begin its replication initiators recognize the plasmid, begin its replication and control the number of copies made, but ignore the host DNA.
He's created an artificial retina that copies the function of a real one down to the firing of individual neurons.
Transgenic poultry have been created using retroviruses carrying copies of the DNA coding for a new gene.
You may also be able to get copies from your family doctor, hospital rheumatology department or local library.
Copies were smuggled out to encourage supportive risings in Gelderland, West Frisia and Minden in January 1535.
Runtime copies can be distributed royalty free to unlimited numbers of users.
Fooling the police The London Greenwich Railroad, 1833 He had a clever ruse for getting the copies out under their noses.
The awards are copies of a unique sculpture by Liliane Caumont, a French sculptress currently living in Spain.
First of all I had serious self-doubts about whether I would sell any copies of the book at all.
In the absence of any possibility of separating copies from ostensible originals, each thing, in simulation, is thus an absolute singularity.
On 7th April the claimant's solicitors faxed to them copies of the documents they had filed with the court six weeks earlier.
The hotel was recently refurbished to restore its Art Nouveau charm with decorative stuccoes and copies of etched glass window panes.
Hunter also possessed two illustrated copies of the celebrated surgical treatise of the 14th century Royal physician, John Arderne.
I started off doing this by just sending carbon copies to multiple people in my mail program, but this rapidly got unwieldy.
They may not all be available at UEA, but you may also find inexpensive used copies on amazon marketplace or other book venders.
Copies of all Management QC listings must be retained for a minimum period of 2 years before they can be destroyed as restricted wastepaper.
They are copies of those sold in souvenir shops in Lourdes, but they have been painted an acidic yellow.
The fragments of it which have been recovered from Assur-bani-pal's library at Nineveh and later Babylonian copies show that it was studied, divided into chapters entitled Ninu ilu sirum from its opening words, and recopied for fifteen hundred years or more.
In this way several thicknesses of paper can be perforated at the same time, which is a great convenience for press work, since copies of the same message have often to be transmitted to several newspapers at the same time.
In 1710 the duke had published Copies and Extracts of some letters written to and from the Earl of Danby.
This duty occupied three days, negotiations between the two parties taking place over several disputed points, and it was completed by Friday the 19th, when several copies of the charter were sealed.
Nearly all the pieces were taken from the Bannatyne MS., though they are by no means verbatim copies.
The third tractatus of this volume deals with birds - including among them bats, bees and other flying creatures; but as it is the first printed book in which figures of birds are introduced it merits notice, though most of the illustrations, which are rude woodcuts, fail, even in the coloured copies, to give any precise indication of the species intended to be represented.
It is well known that the earlier editions of this work, especially if they be upon large paper, command extravagant prices; but in reality the copies on smaller paper are now the rarer, for the stock of them has been consumed in nurseries and schoolrooms, where they have been torn up or worn out with incessant use.
Then we have Selby's Illustrations of British Ornithology, two folio volumes of coloured plates engraved by himself, between 1821 and 1833, with letterpress also in two volumes (8vo, 1825-1833), a second edition of the first volume being also issued (1833), for the author, having yielded to the pressure of the " Quinarian " doctrines then in vogue, thought it necessary to adjust his classification accordingly, and it must be admitted that for information the 6 Copies are said to exist bearing the date 1814.
The treasures he brought to light at Reichenau, Weingarten, and above all St Gall, restored many lost masterpieces of Latin literature, and supplied students with the texts of authors whose works had hitherto been accessible only in mutilated copies.
Such an identification doubtless led Marcion to alter the title in his copies.
Of some tablets portions of two, and of some tablets portions of as many as four, copies have turned up, pointing therefore to the great popularity of the production.
These maps existed, as a matter of course, before such an index could be compiled, but it is doubtful whether the maps in our available manuscript, which are attributed to Agathodaemon, are copies of Ptolemy's originals or have been compiled, after their loss, from this index.
That of Ezra, in its Latin translation, must have been all but a canonical book - the numbers of extant manuscripts of the so-called 4 Ezra being incredibly great, while several of them are found in copies of the Latin Bible at the beginning of the 16th century.
By the 12th of July, de Silva, the Spanish ambassador, reports on the authority of the French ambassador that du Croc, French envoy to Scotland, avers that Mary's Scottish enemies have autograph letters of hers proving her guilt, and himself possesses copies.
Christianismi restitutio (1553; perfect copies in Vienna and Paris); a copy in Edinburgh University Library is complete except that the missing first sixteen pages are replaced by a transcript from the original draft, containing matter not in the print (this supplementary manuscript was reproduced by photography, 1909); a transcript of other portions of the draft is in the Bibl.
This Revised or Later Version is in every way a readable, correct rendering of the Scriptures, it is far more idiomatic than the Earlier, having been freed from the greater number of its Latinisms; its vocabulary is less archaic. Its popularity admits of no doubt, for even now in spite of neglect and persecution, in spite of the ravages of fire and time, over 150 copies remain to testify to this fact.
It was corrupted to abilior by omission of the h and confusion of t and 1, and this corruption, which is attested by the oldest extant copy, the Ambrosian palimpsest, was still further corrupted in the other copies to agilior.
Griffiths, had copied in colours a number of them before the last vestiges had disappeared, and other copies of certain of the paintings have also been made.
Having sold some copies to a local amateur, Guerin started for Paris, where he came under the notice of Vincent, whose counsels were of material service.
According to Vasari, Marcantonio, in copying Diirer's series of the Little Passion on wood, had imitated the original monogram, and Darer, indignant at this fraud, set out for Italy in order to protect his rights, and having lodged a complaint against Marcantonio before the signory of Venice, carried his point so far that Marcantonio was forbidden in future to add the monogram of Darer to copies taken after his works.
And the most useful distinction to emphasize is, not the ambiguous and misleading geographical one - derived from the places where the modern copies of the MSS.
The original MS. is in the Hamburg town library; a copy was made for the university library of Göttingen, 1814, and other copies are known to exist.
Each press produces of that number of pages 50,000 copies per hour, printed both sides, cut, folded and counted off in quires complete; by increasing the sets of Rotary stereotype pages the same machine will produce 100,000 Machines.
His voluminous works, of which the most famous are the Sumbun and the Lam Nim Tshenpo, exist in printed Tibetan copies in Europe, but have not yet been translated or analysed.
Our only existing memorials of the great work are a number of small pen-studies of fighting men and horses, three splendid studies in red chalk at Budapest for heads in the principal group, one head at Oxford copied by a contemporary of the size of the original cartoon (above life); a tiny sketch, also at Oxford, by Raphael after the principal group; an engraving done by Zacchia of Lucca in 1558 not after the original but after a copy; a 16th-century Flemish drawing of the principal group, and another, splendidly spirited, by Rubens, both copies of copies; with Edelinck's fine engraving after the Rubens drawing.
I will present from you the book you desire to the Royal Society, Mr Boyle, Mr Paget, Mr Flamsteed, and if there be any else in town that you design to gratify that way; and I have sent you to bestow on your friends in the University 20 copies, which I entreat you to accept.
The ordinary bazar copies of the poem, repeatedly reproduced by lithography, teem with interpolations and variations from the poet's language.
These essays may be quoted with proper attribution and printed out in single copies for personal use and study, without permission.
If copies were made on the sticky chemical paper used by a lot of microfilm readers it 's easy for pages to stick together.
Reference numbers are on the reverse of the copies.
These replication initiators recognize the plasmid, begin its replication and control the number of copies made, but ignore the host DNA.
He 's created an artificial retina that copies the function of a real one down to the firing of individual neurons.
A child ends up having two copies of each gene, including the retinoblastoma gene.
The reverence paid to their holy books by Jews in antiquity meant that old or damaged scrolls were replaced regularly by fresh copies.
The paper was the work of Richard Hall and scannable copies of the Proceedings were generously made available by John Schuessler.
To date, 2.9 million copies have scuttled off the UK 's shelves.
Copies of the guidance have been sent to all branch secretaries.
His album The Wedding Samba sold three million copies in 1949 alone.
The latest edition of the paper has sold over 8,500 copies.
The house seller 's conveyancer draws up two copies of the same contract, and each party signs their own copy.
These sheaf binders contain duplicate copies of the typed slips in the Index of MSS.
You should initially submit two copies in softbound format.
Three softbound copies of the thesis should be prepared.
To order copies, or for more information on any of the Junior Songbook series or accompanying CDs and binders, please click here.
Synod members have recently been sent copies of Building faith in our future Windsor Report 2004 both of which can be downloaded.
They will choose which case you will discuss on the day. here are 10 triplicate copies of the form in each pad.
You can buy duplicate or triplicate invoice books with carbon sheets or produce them on a computer and file hard copies.
The other fuses with genetic material in the ovule to produce a triploid tissue (has three copies of each chromosome).
The web site is a treasure trove of information ranging from briefing notes to old copies of the bi monthly magazine PI focus.
Tuxedo Junction was one such record-breaking recording, selling 115, 000 copies in its first week of release.
The whole lecture should be submitted in typescript on A4 paper (original plus 3 copies) including prints of any slides.
Unnumbered copies are to be provided to other interested parties on request.
Today, almost without exception, all printed copies of the Qur'an are fully vocalized.
The application (assign t v w) copies (sizeof t) bytes of data from w into v.
There were appparently less than a dozen copies pressed and these really WERE test pressings.
He donated his copies of charts and other material he no longer needed to other yachtsmen at the marinas as he headed north.
If you are designing this chart on the computer, you can print out several copies for the next few weeks.
You could also copy a footprint and reduce the size of the subsequent copies.
If you need a large number of cards, however, you'll probably want to enlist the help of a local printer for extra copies.
However, you can find copies of most kinds of growth graphs online.
Other websites may also have copies of these standard graphs or more specialized growth charts.
She should then make enough copies to give to each person.
If you're a digital camera junkie and want hard copies of your pictures, go with an inkjet.
Legitimate retailers will provide you official copies of Windows XP you must register at Microsoft's Web site in order to qualify for future system updates.
Swap meet retailers and some online sales sites offer systems for a good price but include burned copies of Windows XP.
Make copies of the report and be prepared to hand it out to realtors you meet.
Many online bookstores carry both new and used copies of books, and it's very easy to select the used copy as your book of choice.
Because many times these books are so widely read and available (think of titles by mega-popular writers like King, Danielle Steel, Tom Clancy) that used bookstores end up with too many copies which they markdown drastically.
In many cases, there will be a multitude of used copies available from authorized sellers.
Demand for the book and how many copies are in stock also determines value.
Our language changes rapidly, so buy new copies every other year.
This same program is encountered online, especially on eBay, where pirated copies abound.
However, if the game has not received high ratings or has sold enough copies, the store may stop ordering them for their inventory.
You can buy Star Wars Bounty Hunter PS2 here with used copies starting at $15 dollars.
If you need to buy programming books online, eBay is a good source to find new and used copies.
Several used copies of each DVD are also available.
Once you set it up to start, the machine can work multiple hours and produce a large quantity of copies.
However, you do not have control over naming files, labeling or keeping track of the number of copies made.
This system is more ideal for making copies for specific events like a church sermon or workshop presentations.
The advantage of this device is you can create labels for your copies, keep track of the number made and have control over naming the files (if needed).
You may find yourself wading through a few copies of Tin Cup the movie and tin cup jewelry, but the payoff is unbelievable.
You can by them new, which are often from independent booksellers or major retailers or you can peruse the used copies that sometimes have small defects in them, but are perfectly fine.
However, it's common for a high school to purchase extra copies of the yearbook to have on-hand for their archives, as well as for students who may have forgotten to buy one by the deadline.
If you know of specific classmates who might be willing to part with their copies for a price, contact them directly.
You might also put out an ad in a local newspaper or classified ad website announcing that you are interested in purchasing old copies of HD-DVD. eBay is another place that you can still purchase HD-DVDs.
Be aware that you may have to pay for copies, but insist that you receive them.
Your local library will more than likely have back copies of woodworking and project magazines as well as cat magazines.
Most are available as free PDF downloads, although some groups will allow teachers to order multiple copies for classroom use.
If you are looking for an older child or student who needs to read a classic, visit, where copies of classics like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer are available.
The companies that manage merchant accounts can provide you with an online gateway to manage your account and either send you copies of your monthly statements in the mail or allow you to download them online.
Provide notarized copies of your driver's license or government-issued identification and a copy of a billing statement.
Send all letters certified mail and keep copies for your file.
Only deal with debt collectors in writing and keep copies of all communication with them.
Also, make copies of all related documentation.
Merchants and service providers accepting the card for payment may not even realize that the card is issued by the government, so there will not be any request for special identification or copies of military orders.
In this case, all you will need to do is provide copies of your marriage license, vehicle titles, property deeds, health insurance papers, bank statements, and other supporting documents.
When meeting with an attorney about child-support payments, bring copies of bills, bank statements, pay stubs, and tax returns.
You can also use resources to get copies of your own marriage or divorce certificates.
You and your spouse should receive copies of the official document. provides copies of records from the United States, as well as Guam, Northern Mariana, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
If you decide to order copies of public divorce records, marriage certificates, birth or death records, you will be charged a fee to do so.
Copies of a decree should be provided to you upon request, but usually require payment of a fee.
You will likely be charged a fee for any copies.
Because these records are not provided by a Texas state court, they are not considered legal copies and cannot be relied upon in a court of law.
Both parents should keep copies of all papers connected with the child support payments.
She can explain the filing fees, the number of copies to make, where to file the petition and any other requirements specific to your state and your situation.
Keeping copies of the list throughout the home, school or workplace will ensure that people stay focused on reducing waste.
However, the fabric designers of Tarascon in Provence began to produce copies of these fabrics, which were called Indiennes Provencales.
Run some copies, and distribute them around your office.
You can print these free online maps out or order larger copies for your wall.
Project Gutenberg was one of the first online organizations to offer scanned copies of public domain books.
Search, view, save, or print copies of posted checks.
Be wary of sites that allow you to download Mario Brothers games because chances are, they are completely illegal copies of the game.
If you take a lot of pictures, but don't have the time to get copies made and sent to everyone, invite friends and family to visit your photo albums.
They can have copies of favorite photos made into prints and be able to pick them up at their local Target store.
While it's true that scanning purchased paper and printing your own copies will save you some cash, it's also a clear violation of copyright laws.
If you're worried about archival safety, test your supplies with a pH pen or use copies of photos that would be hard to replace.
Go to the copy shop and get high-quality color copies of your pictures, then cut out people, start stacking and gluing and see what comes out.
Include copies of your favorite recipes next to photos of everyone enjoying Christmas dinner.
Copies of magazines such as Memory Makers and Creating Keepsakes with free bride scrapbooking ideas may also be helpful if several of the guests have never made a scrapbook page before.
It's also a good idea to keep copies of your photos and kit elements in a separate folder on your hard drive.
You can place the postcard in a pocket in the scrapbook so you can see both sides or buy two copies of the postcard so the layout can show both the front and back at the same time.
Then, have as many copies as you need printed by your photo developer.
Emailing copies of digital scrapbook pages is a fun way to share memories of your little bundle of joy.
Decoupage with copies of your favorite photos, magazine cut outs, images from greeting cards, maps, travel brochures or old sheet music.
Get in the habit of periodically burning a CD with copies of your favorite digital scrapbook supplies.
Print two copies of the same sticker design, then layer one on top of the other with small foam adhesive squares for a bit of dimension.
Do you want to order copies of individual pages so you have the option of mixing in a few traditionally created layouts?
The first folder is for copies of all the photos you want to use in your album.
Having all the copies in one place will make it easier to work on the project when you have time.
Print multiple copies of the same sticker, then layer them on top of each other with foam adhesive squares to create dimension.
You can include photos of your craft space, pictures of you shopping at your favorite store, reduced copies of some special layouts, and journaling that describes some of your favorite aspects of scrapbooking.
For a heritage scrapbook, it's best to scan your family photos and create copies to use with your scrapbook album.
Copies of handwritten recipes, love letters, greeting cards, and old school projects can add a personal touch to your scrapbook page.
You can also order multiple copies of the finished album, which is helpful if you'd like to give a scrapbook to each of your children.
Feel free to make copies of your notes and share them with your family and friends, so you can all be at ease during one of the most hectic times of year.
In rare instances, teens break into teachers' desks or offices to steal copies of tests and distribute them to their peers.
For instance, ADV Films offers the ADVocates program for anime clubs, sending promotional copies of DVDs and offering news and discounts on the latest releases to club sponsors.
Make at least 10 copies of each of your photos so you have them to send out.
The cost for these photos may be as little as $50, including additional copies of favorite photos.
Pass out copies of The Drunk Driving Poem to every teen you encounter, and ask him or her to read it immediately.
While you may not be able to borrow the yearbook, you can certainly look at it, and you may be allowed to make copies of needed photos.
In some cases, the yearbook staff may have held on to more recent copies of a yearbook, and you may be able to purchase these.
Things like transcripts, copies of birth certificates, and letters of recommendation can take time to generate.
Others retain full copyright which prohibits others from making copies of prints.
However, many feel the newsletter may be more of a hassle, because it involves making copies, purchasing postage and then mailing.
Copies of these documents are available, and instructions on how to obtain the records are different for each state.
Some states offer copies of free marriage records, but others may charge a small fee.
Once you've created the card you like, you can print the copies yourself or have them printed at a local print shop.
You can add clip art designs to your discount wedding invitations, create the card you like the best, then take it to a local print shop and order as many copies as you need.
Having the option to purchase online or own the negatives might be important if it would be hard to visit the photographer to get copies of photographs.
Many stores have review copies, allowing potential customers to look through the book prior to making a purchase.
If you do decide to print your program at home, make sure the alignment is correct and be sure to do test copies before printing off all the programs.
While these numbers are impressive, they don't come close to the 396,000 copies of Clay Aiken's debut single.Katharine McPhee has revealed that at the same time she was auditioning for "American Idol", she was also suffering from bulimia.
In 2005, he released his second commercial album, The Massacre, which sold 1.14 million copies in the first four days of its release.
The album eventually sold more than 6 million copies worldwide and won the 2004 Grammy for Best Reggae Album.
Not only did Faith earn the Recording Industry Association of America (or RIAA) Diamond Award for selling more than 10 million copies, four singles from the album reached the top of the US Top 100 Chart.
With an eclectic combination of English translations of Spanish songs, songs written in English, and songs left in Spanish, Laundry Service sold over 13 million copies.
Justin Timberlake's first solo album was an instant success, debuting at number two on the Billboard 200 album chart and selling 493,000 copies during the first week's release.
In total, the album sold over 7 million copies worldwide.
It debuted at number one on the Billboard chart and sold 684,000 copies during the first week.