Cope Sentence Examples
The cope presented to the cathedral treasury by Pope Nicholas IV.
The rochet is worn without the chimere under the cope by those bishops who use this vestment.
With her diminished resources Athens could not indeed hope to cope with the great Macedonian king; however much we may sympathize with the generous ambition of the patriots, we must admit that in the light of hard facts their conduct appears quixotic.
This unique phenomenon will pass as we learn to cope with vast amounts of data.
They may have to cope with a wide range of personal and social challenges.
Poland, indeed, was far less able to cope with the Turks than compact, wealthy Hungary, which throughout the 15th century was one of the most efficient military monarchies in Europe.
The cope thus preserves the essential shape of its.
This means very much, though his modesty led him to call in the aid of his friend Saul to cope with the new and expanding situation (25 f.).
Divorce counseling and mediation can often help children learn to cope with divorce.
He had next to repel the invasions of Patzinaks (Petchenegs) and Kumans in Thrace, with whom the Manichaean sects of the Paulicians and Bogomilians made common cause; and thirdly, he had to cope with the fast-growing power of the Turks in Asia Minor.
AdvertisementDoing exercise releases the chemicals endorphins and seratonin, which improve your mood and make you more able to cope with pain.
This rugged boot is strong enough to cope with the most arduous agricultural conditions.
Once you become familiar with your early warning signs of anger, you are ready to learn anger management techniques to cope with your triggers.
The word "cope," now confined to this sense, was in its origin identical with "cape" and "cap," and was used until comparatively modern times also for an out-door cloak, whether worn by clergy or laity.
The word pluviale (rain-cloak), which the cope bears in the Roman Church, is exactly parallel so far as change of meaning is concerned.
AdvertisementThis origin is clearly traceable in the shape and details of the cope.
In its general effect, however, a cope now no longer suggests a "waterproof."
Before this the so-called cappa choralis, a black, bell-shaped, hooded vestment with no liturgical significance, had been worn by the secular and regular clergy at choir services, processions, &c. This was in its origin identical with the chasuble, and if, as Father Braun seems to prove, the cope developed out of this, cope and chasuble have a common source.'
Father Braun cites numerous inventories and the like to show that the cope (pluviale) was originally no more than a more elaborate cappa worn on high festivals or other ceremonial occasions, sometimes by the whole religious community, sometimes - if the stock were limited - by those, e.g.
In the 10th century, partly under the influence of the wealthy and splendour-loving community of Cluny, the use of the cope became very widespread; in the 11 th century it was universally worn, though the rules for its ritual use had not yet been fixed.
AdvertisementTheir statement, however, that it is "pretty clear" that the cope is derived from the Roman lacerna or birrus is very much open to criticism.
We do not even know what the appearance and form of the birrus were; and the question of the origin of the cope is not whether it was derived from any garment of the time of the Roman Empire, and if so from which, but what garment in use in the 8th and 9th centuries it represents.
The substitution of the cope for the chasuble in many of the functions for which the latter had been formerly used was primarily due to the comparative convenience of a vestment opened at the front, and so leaving the arms free.
A natural conservatism preserved the chasuble, which by the 9th century had acquired a symbolical significance, as the vestment proper to the celebration of Mass; but the cope took its place in lesser functions, i.e.
It is clear from this that the cope, though a liturgical, was never a sacerdotal vestment.
AdvertisementIn the Second Prayer -book vestment and cope alike disappear; but a cope was worn by the prelate who consecrated Archbishop Parker, and by the "gentlemen" as well as the priests of Queen Elizabeth's chapel; and, finally, by the 24th canon (of 1603) a "decent cope" was prescribed for the "principal minister" at the celebration of Holy Communion in cathedral churches as well as for the "gospeller and epistler."
Except at royal coronations, however, the use of the cope, even in cathedrals, had practically ceased in England before the ritual revival of the 19th century restored its popularity.
With the liturgical cope may be classed the red mantle (mantum), which from the 11th century to the close of the middle ages formed, with the tiara, the special symbol of the papal dignity.
If you pressed him for an opinion he took refuge in raillery, and threw out some paradox with which it was not easy to cope.
Such a government was ill fitted to cope with the dangers then gathering round France.
The successful issue of the Moscow riots was the occasion of disquieting disturbances all over the tsardom culminating in dangerous rebellions at Pskov and Great Novgorod, with which the government was so unable to cope that they surrendered, practically granting the malcontents their own terms. One man only had displayed equal tact and courage at Great Novgorod, the metropolitan Nikon, who in consequence became in 1651 the tsar's chief minister.
Demosthenes urges that such an enterprise would at present be useless; that it would fail to unite Greece; that the energies of the city should be reserved for a real emergency; but that, before the city can successfully cope with any war, there must be a better organization of resources, and, first of all, a reform of the navy, which he outlines with characteristic lucidity and precision.
The reign of Cleomenes is marked also by a determined effort to cope with the rising power of the Achaean League and to recover for Sparta her long-lost supremacy in the Peloponnese, and even throughout Greece.
The affairs of the colony were now in a critical condition; a man of experience and decision was needed to cope with the difficulties, and Louis XIV., who was not wanting in sagacity, wisely made choice of the choleric count to represent and uphold the power of France.
Sagasta derived much benefit from the divisions which made democracy powerless; and he Was able to cope with Carlism chiefly because the efforts of the pretender himself abroad, and of his partisans in Spain, were first restrained and then decisively paralysed by the influence of foreign courts and governments, above all by the direct interference of the Vatican in favor of the Spanish regency and of the successor of Alphonso XII.
On his return he joined two of his friends, Dolben and Fell, afterwards respectively archbishop of York and bishop of Oxford, then resident at Oxford, and later joined the household of Sir Antony Cope of Hanwell, near Banbury.
Raouf was recalled, and succeeded by Abdel Kader Pasha, a much stronger governor, who had some success, but whose forces were quite insufficient to cope with the rebels.
Cope, and their lead is followed in the present article.
The last is remarkable for an extraordinary endoand exo-skeletal carapace, Dissorhophus being described by Cope (13) as a "batrachian armadillo."
Cope, "Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia of North America," Proc. Ac. Philad., 1868, p. 208.
When the Cuban rising in 1895 assumed a serious aspect, he was sent out by the Conservative cabinet of Canovas to cope with the rebellion, but he failed in the field, as well as in his efforts to win over the Creoles, chiefly because he was not allowed to give them local self-government, as he wished.
Katie glanced towards her, surprised by the question from someone who barely seemed able to cope with the fact she was probably dead.
He directed most of his remarks to the sadness of those left to cope with "this untimely misfortune."
In addition to my hectic exercise schedule, we also had to cope with the social scene.
Also many paupers were not able-bodied and parishes were not big enough to cope with the problems.
The less acrimony there is between parents the better children can cope with the breakdown of their parents ' relationship.
The feeling was that evolutionary algorithms should be better able to cope with noise than heuristic state merging methods.
Award powers research into prosthesis success Most older vascular amputees fail to cope with their prostheses.
Regulations remain a blunt instrument, unable to cope with the complexity and needs of modern biomedicine.
A system designed to counter a 400 mph piston engined bomber just could not cope with the new threat.
This was not a deluge that my sun brolly could cope with and we ran for cover.
There was concern in Germany and abroad about a surge in forced prostitution as new brothels opened to cope with the influx of fans.
The airports cannot cope with the anticipated massive tourist buildup.
The robust outer casing is designed to cope with heavy usage even in public places.
I would love to own a chaser but know that I would find it very hard to cope with any serious or fatal injury.
I take a pill every day to help me cope with it, and I have to go for frequent checkups.
We had to rest every hundred meters or so, despite chewing coca leaves to help us cope.
Looking for care in the home Many elderly or disabled people find that they can no longer cope with living alone.
It should have sufficient resources to cope with a full organ situation when many notes are keyed with many stops drawn, including couplers.
I wonder how the already creaking transport network will cope with more residents?
Almost incessant weeping, and lots of talk about low self-esteem, inability to cope, fear, and generally depressive.
People who are able to eat a good diet can cope with the treatment better.
Maybe it was the fact that he had to cope with an American drawl, rather than his usual Northern accent.
In practice, adsorption dryers must be able to cope with the most varied states of the ambient air.
Helping your child cope with exam stress Some children take exams in their stride with relative ease, whilst others can really suffer.
Preparation of hospital emergency plans to cope with large influx of patients with burns, lung damage and trauma.
The pub features a well equipped trade kitchen and a large ground floor cellar ideally equipped to cope with the large wet sales.
Initiatives and projects DLR extensions The award-winning Docklands Light Railroad has expanded faster than any UK railroad to cope with demand.
The pair have to cope with everything from deadly chairs to a rather feisty neighbor.
This was because the simple Renaissance instrument cross fingerings could not cope with the new technical music.
There is a need to maintain personal fitness, to be able to cope with stress and also when operational to confront challenging situations.
In addition, it is not clear how such formalisms can cope in the development of large scale real-time systems.
Honda has beefed up the five-speed gearbox to cope with the torque.
Wildor deserved better support than she got from her Palemon, Jonathan Cope in a very glum mood.
Mind you, I'd tip my wooly bobble hat to anyone who can cope with the Karrimor.
Their capacity to cope with the trials which await them in Malaysia will be seriously impaired.
Stress can be defined as a perceived inability to cope with an unpleasant or painful life situation.
It is still sort of terra incognita we have to cope with.
Then you have to cope with the practically indestructible mines.
We describe these examples and others from the allied subject of graph theory, and show you how you can cope with instant insanity.
When children don't get enough sleep they are often irritable and unable to cope with stress.
Even allowing for a little leeway, this was hard to cope with.
I find the lethargy and confused reasoning the hardest to cope with, with social skills a close third.
Furthermore the system is able to cope with discontinuous multiword lexemes.
Louvre simple device is quick to install onto any greenhouse louver window and can be pre-set to automatically cope with fluctuations in Temperature.
Others prefer to remain in the background but still have to cope with some disruptions such as extra washing and irregular mealtimes.
More recently Lamar Cope has suggested that Paul did not originally write 10,1-22 it came from an early midrash 5.
They are voracious predators which the water vole has not evolved to cope with.
Your Estate Office can provide a range of support to help you cope with the problem.
The resolution of ordinary film cannot cope with the illusion of continuous tone captured in the half-tone reproduction of photographs in newspapers.
Our busy roads are no longer able to cope without putting lives at risk.
Ceri and I waited outside, as we both had more roubles than we knew how to cope with anyway.
It can cope with several tournament systems including round robins, simple leagues, swiss systems and more.
The whole operation is set up to be easily scalable to any size to cope with larger demands.
In the bottom half of the draw Jamie Cope claimed two notable scalps to move through to the quarter finals.
Ultimately people who cope with particularly severe schizophrenia should awarded the Victoria Cross.
To make money to cope with be taped for sam farha Scotty.
The mind seesaws and staggers, trying to cope with the realization that anyone could imagine such a thing to be true.
There exists several suitable techniques to cope with frequency selectivity.
She has also had to cope with potentially serious mechanical problems.
If you fit a sidecar to a motorcycle you really need to reduce it's gearing to cope better with the extra load.
How do I set up a template to cope with letterhead stationery?
In order to cope with this, plants have very succulent leaves in which they conserve water, similar to a cactus plant.
They feel they cannot cope and they feel rendered superfluous.
The innovator is an active information seeker, who can cope with the inherent uncertainty involved with innovation.
How in heaven's name do already understaffed teams cope with key individuals being moved away from them?
Barry Corr was also given a chance upfront - probably to cope with the physical threat from the Lions.
In 1998 the partnership decided to design its own materials recycling facility to cope with the increased volume of textile materials donated.
People still want to buy the latest technological wizardry even if they cannot cope with all the choice it brings.
We should be able to cope with most common pc word processor formats.
All the bareboat yachts have a good back-up service to cope with any problems.
Vitamin C and the mineral zinc strengthen the immune system to cope with other infections during the candida infestation.
Brave and sage as he was, he could hardly cope at one and the same time with the hostility of the Normans on the west, of the Petchenegs (Patzinaks) on the north, and of the Seljuks on the east and south.
New vestments were devised to take the place, on less solemn occasions, of those hallowed by association with the holy sacrifice; thus the processional cope (q.v.) appeared in the 11th century and the surplice (q.v.) in the 12th.
They have to cope with a changeable environment, because the saltiness of the water changes all the time.
To make money to cope with be taped for sam farha scotty.
The targeted councils cope with 11,000 schoolgirl pregnancies a year.
Then, drawing on self-determination theory, teaching practices that enable pupils to cope well with temporary failure are briefly described.
Time Out for Parents Handbook How do you cope with a strong-willed child?
There are no notes, no player names to refer to, and the camera struggled to cope with the blinding rain.
What pedestrian could cope with 45 horses tethered together, galloping at full speed past a frequented crossroads?
How in heaven 's name do already understaffed teams cope with key individuals being moved away from them?
If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a flat tire, can you cope?
This has helped her cope with the unthinkable things that have happened to her.
Although most weatherproof housings can withstand heavy rain, they are not designed to cope with a flood.
We should be able to cope with most common PC word processor formats.
Her method to cope with the situation was to equivocate whenever the issue was mentioned.
To cope with my depression, my doctor suggested I see a therapist and begin taking antidepressants.
For those who opt for formula, the easy way to cope with this is to pre-prepare bottles for the day ahead and before bedtime, too.
They may enjoy creating a special chart for their baby brother or sister, and it will often help them cope with their emotions of fear and helplessness when they see their smallest family member hooked up to machines and fighting for life.
Without a doubt, baby monitors serve an important purpose, but how do parents who are hearing impaired cope?
It is believed that purring calms them down, perhaps even triggering the release of endorphins that helps them cope in stressful situations.
Over the last few centuries, the Maine Coon has evolved into a breed that can cope with the harsh winters along the Atlantic seaboard.
Besides the split itself, discovering the best ways to cope with divorce remains one of the most difficult aspects of a breakup.
The tips listed below are a guide to maintaining wellness as you're searching for the best ways to cope with divorce.
Friends can provide valuable commiseration and help you cope with your divorce at the same time.
Practicing patience, understanding and comfort will help your children cope with divorce.
Like all new things, figuring out the best ways to cope with divorce requires the capacity to remain open to learning new skills.
As soon as divorce or separation discussions begin, parents can take steps like the ones below to promote mental and emotional wellness in their children while giving them tools to cope with divorce.
You may need the help of a doctor or mental health professional to get to the root of your stress and to help you determine better ways to relax and cope with stress or to get yourself out of a stressful situation, if necessary.
Often pressures build throughout the day as you cope with the stress of family, work, finances and more.
You may start to see differences in what you do each day, how you feel about what you do and how you cope with those feelings.
Employing different stress reduction techniques can help you cope more effectively with the stressors and hassles of everyday life.
Anger management programs for elementary students encourage emotional maturity, while teaching the necessary skills to cope with anger, teasing, bullying, and criticism.
Elementary students must cope with disrespect, failure, criticism, peer pressure, and social rejection.
It can also improve your quality of sleep, which will reduce fatigue and allow your body to cope with daily stress more effectively.
If you are leading group therapy sessions on how to cope with stress, you may consider using a relaxation and stress management workbook as part of your program.
Keeping your body at its best will help you cope mentally and emotionally with the demands of the holidays.
If you are experiencing significant symptoms of depression or feel unable to cope, seek professional help from a psychologist.
The key to managing holiday stress is to identify your specific triggers and find ways to cope with them.
When everyone is having a good time, any remaining stress will be much easier to cope with.
The healthiest option for your best friend to cope with stress may not be the best way for you.
If you're looking for effective ways to cope with stress, chances are, you feel as though you've lost control of certain circumstances in your life.
Taking back control of situations and events can help you better cope with daily stressors.
One of the best ways to cope with stress is to pay attention to your mind and body.
Stress management classes teach you how to effectively cope with, and mange, the stress you experience in life every day.
While your therapist can offer practical solutions, you may find it more helpful to hear how your peers cope.
The primary benefit of these facilities is helping you identify the cause of your anger and finding ways to cope.
Many employees cope with constant deadlines, long hours, staff shortages and feelings of being underappreciated and overworked.
Dr. Wanzer also found in a separate study that aging adults who used humor as a way to cope with stress also were more capable to deal with life and were more likely to experience satisfaction.
People may try to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs in order to cope with the anxiety symptoms which might lead to substance abuse problems.
However, when anxiety becomes excessive it can cause intense emotional reaction such as feelings like you can't cope These feelings could could lead to an anxiety disorder.
When a teenager has ADHD, he or she will need to learn skills to both understand and cope with the disorder, now and when the teen is older.
Older generations often feel that today's teenagers have a lot to cope with that past generations didn't have to worry about.
Once the abortion has taken place, there is no going back and support is needed right from the word 'go' to ensure the teen is able to cope with the physical and emotional consequences.
With all of the pressures of adolescence, many teenagers find it difficult to cope.
However, those committed to the diet learn to adapt and cope fairly easily.
The only way I could cope with the divorce was through drinking.
Other ways to cope with withdrawal cravings include avoiding smokers or smoking environments, exercising, getting enough sleep, and enjoying a favorite hobby or activity after a particularly hard day.
He/she can help you develop strategies to cope with the stress of motherhood.
Unlike their male counterparts, most women relapse due to stress, a fear of weight gain, or an inability to cope with negative emotions.
If you're trying to quit smoking, Nicorette gum may be able to help you cope with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
This treatment focuses on changing negative thought patterns and developing proactive behaviors to cope with stressful situations.
They work on recognizing situations when they're likely to use cocaine, finding ways to avoid these situations, and finding alternative ways to cope with the problems that accompany drug use.
They merely can't find another way to cope with the pain they are feeling.
The initial treatment for drug addiction often involves helping you cope with the withdrawals that are likely to occur once you stop taking the drug.
Bulimia nervosa testimonials of recovery can be an excellent way for individuals experiencing this disease to cope, gain perspective, and work on the healing process.
When attempting to quit smoking cigarettes, as well as dealing with the nicotine withdrawal, smokers also struggle to cope with not having an actual cigarette to hold at various times of the day.
These products offer a suitable distraction to help cope with the absence of chewing mechanism, as well as reduce nicotine cravings.
To mask the feelings, emotions and thoughts an adolescent experiences, the adolescent may start using drugs or alcohol to cope.
How long you experience depression symptoms as well as your ability to cope with them determines the severity of your depression as well as treatment options.
For some people, alcohol and drugs contributed to their suffering from depression, while for others alcohol and drugs are how they cope with the symptoms of depression.
Withdrawal should always be supervised by a qualified physician, and medications may be prescribed to help the addict cope during the detox stage.
Ideally, this treatment approach will give the addict the tools to cope with her particular situation.
Some people turn to cigarettes as a way to relieve stress and cope with life events.
If you can't avoid them, find alternate ways to cope such as talking to a friend, writing in a journal, exercising or engaging in an enjoyable activity.
Boots will protect his feet, not only from the cold ice and snow, but also from salt and sand or whatever your city uses on their streets to cope with winter freeze.
Most resources deal with grief after the fact without actually helping you cope with your own feelings as well as those of the person, or in this case our animal, that is actually dying.
This helps patients recover and cope with their illness by providing companionship and breaking up feelings of isolation and depression.
It is one of the few trees that can cope with prolonged flood conditions.
Regular, gently exercise is also believed to be useful, as it releases natural chemicals called endorphins which help cope with pain and discomfort and generally lift mood.
As the stages of Alzheimer's disease progress, the patient and family are forced to cope with the difficult changes.
However, learning about what is happening in your body and preparing for the inevitable changes may help you cope with this chapter of life.
It can be hard to cope without a means of closure or a formal opportunity to say good-bye.
Caregivers also benefit from much needed support and counseling to help them cope with the stresses involved with the caregiver role.
The dream might point to a specific fear or weakness that the dreamer has not been able to cope with.
In some cases, the problem may go away without any treatment but there are things you can do to cope with excessive daytime sleepiness.
National Sleep Foundation offers ways to cope with the sleep disorder.
The game story, penned by former Hulk scribe Paul Jenkins, chronicles the struggle of Bruce Banner, the alter ego of the Hulk, to cope with and hopefully discover a cure for his destructive inner demons.
The designers help you cope with the serious difficulty by throwing an unlockable character your way and promising more if you can beat it again.
When a depressed mood is severe and accompanied by other symptoms that persist every day for two or more weeks, the parent should ask for a referral to a mental health professional who can help the child cope and recover.
Support groups are available to help parents and caregivers cope with the challenges of providing care for a child with a congenital cardiovascular defect.
Social workers and psychologists can be consulted about possible counseling for children with the disease, helping them to cope with changes in their bodies that may be hard to accept.
Breathing exercises learned in childbirth classes can help the woman cope with the discomfort experienced during this phase.
In addition, parents who have had previous experience with children, whether through younger siblings, career paths, or previous children, are often times better able to cope with parenthood.
On the other hand, if a parent's personality and ability to cope with the infant's needs for care are minimal, the relationship is at risk and so is the infant's development.
However, research has shown that children cope more successfully with a death if they feel included in the group that has experienced the loss and share in grieving and mourning.
They must cope not only with the shock of life's unpredictability, but their own mortality.
Counseling may also help individuals to cope better with the symptoms of Tourette syndrome and to have more positive social interactions.
Psychological interventions may also help people cope better with stressors that can normally trigger tics.
Children with Tourette syndrome may need special attention to help them cope with the social implications of their disorder.
Stepfamilies must cope with outside influences and ongoing change due to issues with the other biological parent and family members.
A physician or other healthcare provider should be called whenever a woman experiences symptoms of PMS that exceed her ability to cope.
A counselor or therapist can also help retarded children cope with the low self-esteem that often results from the realization that they are different from other children, including siblings.
Counseling can also be valuable for the family of a retarded child to help parents cope with painful feelings about the child's condition and with the extra time and patience needed for the care and education of a special-needs child.
Psychological counseling or behavioral therapy may be recommended for some patients to reduce anxiety and stress and to learn to cope with the symptoms of IBS.
Many children's self-esteem falls when they have to cope with adults and peers in a new situation with rules that may be new and strange.
Nightmares are common throughout childhood, changing somewhat in content and frequency as children move through different developmental phases and acquire more skills to cope with the changing realities and stresses in their lives.
Older children may refuse to leave a parent who is ill or who has a substance abuse problem, in effect trying to cope for the parent.
Professional counseling can help children and their families cope with the emotional aspects of deformed features.
Support group meetings provide the chance to talk to other young people and parents of children with JA and may help a child and the family cope with the condition.
Besides comforting their children simply by their presence, parents can also help them cope by trying as much as possible to help the child feel he or she has some control over things, such as what toys to play with, or what to eat or wear.
It can be helpful for children to cope with their feelings about hospitalization once they are home by playing with dolls and other toys.
The primary treatment for dependent personality disorder is psychotherapy, with an emphasis on learning to cope with anxiety, developing assertiveness, and improving decision-making skills.
Learning about AD/HD and the various treatment options helps parents cope with their own concerns at the same time they are helping their child.
To cope with the impact of AD on other family members, parents may find counseling and support groups helpful.
Make an appointment with a therapist or counselor who can talk to the child about his or her problems and ways to cope.
How we cope before and after the fact will depend on whether the death was to be expected (as the result of a chronic condition or terminal illness) or occurred suddenly.
Know that you will learn to cope without your spouse.
Books on Christian grief counseling can prove to be an invaluable help to those who are seeking to cope with a loss.
Sometimes the best way to help someone cope with a loss is to offer them words of wisdom.
In the past, families who made the decision to continue carrying a baby with a terminal diagnosis were left to cope on their own as best they could, sometimes even with the disapproval and censure of their medical team.
Since most men are not big talkers when it comes to sharing emotions, he will use other venues as a way to cope with his child's death.
There are many positive things you can do to cope with your miscarriage grief and finally receive some closure.
There are many ways of helping children cope with grief that allows them to understand the loss of a loved one, whether it be a family member, friend, or pet.
Once you have identified how your child is grieving, the next step is helping him or her cope with it.
The most important thing to remember when helping children cope with grief is to be there to listen if they want.
While workers in Germany enjoy high salaries, they also cope with a high cost of living.
However, over the course of my professional life, I have learned to cope with my weakness as far as time management by making schedules and learning to break large projects down into small pieces.
It improves flexibility, reduces stress, increases your stamina, and teaches you relaxation techniques that can help you cope with the pain of childbirth.
She had planned to go this route for Apple's delivery, but later began to worry about how she'd cope with pain.
According to Jennie, her marriage is the force that has helped her cope with the pressures of acting.
This therapy was originally designed for animals, but has been adapted to help people cope with physical pain as well as anxiety and other issues.
This method promotes childbirth as a natural and healthy process and offers techniques for women to cope with labor.
Freedom of movement makes it easier to cope with contractions.
Luckily, lessons have been learned from the city's past quakes, and there are solid plans laid out for residents and visitors on how to survive should a new quake hit, as well as how to cope in the aftermath.
It could be to combat the toll of daily stress, or it could be gaining an extra edge for sports, or it could simply be new parents trying to cope with the irregular sleep patterns of the little one.
Cope with stress - Bee pollen is a mood regulator and contains the perfect mix of chemicals and amino acids that promote feelings of serenity.
You also have to cope with the mess of cleaning a large quantity of oil out of a frying pan or pot after you have finished cooking.
Veteran's charities work to alleviate the emotional and financial strain caused by war injuries, cope with the loss of a loved one or support service members while abroad.
The nasal spray is not recommended for children younger than two-years-old, and children younger than six- months-old cannot be vaccinated at all because their immune systems cannot cope with the makeup of the vaccine.
Let her know what she can do to help you cope with all your feelings of insecurity.
As he struggles to cope with this new information about you, he may do or say things that make you feel bad and make him feel strong.
Summerland follows the lives of the uprooted children, their aunt and her three housemates as they struggle to cope with their new living situation and adjust to life as an extended quasi-family.
Later in the decade, actor Kenneth Cope, who made his first appearance on the show in 1961 and left in 1966, returned for the first time in 42 years!
Keep This Party Going Sookie and Bill make up and cope with Jessica's presence in their life.
Lily could not cope with the reality that the man she loved was actually her uncle and she ran away, believing Holden knew the truth and kept it from her.
Pilot - Stefan Salvatore arrives for his first day at Mystic Falls High while Elena and Jeremy Gilbert cope with their first day back to school after a summer of mourning.
Set on the fictional base of Fort Marshall outside of Charleston, South Carolina, Lifetime TV's Army Wives follows the lives and exploits of four army wives and one army husband as they cope with life, marriage, family and more.
Claudia Joy and her husband continued to cope with their younger daughter's rebellion while Pamela struggled with whether her marriage was worth saving.
The series third season focuses on Violet's difficult struggle to cope with her post-traumatic stress disorder and emotional distance from her son Lucas as well as Pete's struggle to reach out to Violet across the gulf.
Alicia's children are angry with their parents and struggling to cope with their changes.
Claudia Joy - She and Michael struggle to cope with their daughter's death.
Lucas reeled under the loss of his uncle while his mother Karen (pregnant with Keith's child) had to cope with losing the man she had finally come to love.
Lily helped Cane cope with the loss and pushed him to do the right thing.
Despite multiple ups and downs in the relationship, Diana had to cope with a manipulative mother, a dangerous ex-husband and a scheming Victor Kiriakis.
Britney Spears' Hebrew tattoo showed up not too long after pop mogul Madonna took Spears under her wing to show her not only the ways of Kabbalah but also ways to cope with mega-stardom.
Yoga helps participants develop the tools to cope with the stress of everyday life.
Using various yoga poses as a way to cope is one way to help prepare your body for the relaxed state of sleep.
Because teens with Aspergers may not be able to cope alone, it is imperative that those involved in the teen's life, including parents, educators, and peers, learn how to help.
The more you know about the syndrome, the more adept you'll be at helping your child learn to cope with challenges.
Helping your teenager cope with his challenges and work through his difficulties will not only help him, but will make life with a teenager with Aspergers easier for you as a parent also.
Although some parents are concerned about labeling their child as autistic, giving a name to your child's symptoms and behaviors may help you cope.
Creating a flexible lesson plan will allow for these days without disrupting future activities by allowing extra time for the students to cope with issues that may arise.
It is a lifelong condition, though many adults do learn to cope with the condition enough to blend in better with the crowd.
Gaining an education about Asperger syndrome symptoms and treatment can equip you to cope appropriately with a family member who experiences the disorder.
The approach involves talking about emotions and developing ways to cope with them.
Finding reputable autism treatment centers for children and adults with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) can help patients and family members better cope with the diagnosis.
In addition to the Geneva Center's clinical skill-building and behavioral treatments for children with autism, parents receive support and educational services that help the entire family cope with the disorder.
Since experiencing stress is a natural side-effect of working, it only makes sense to seek out new ways to effectively cope with the emotional and physical effects of stress.
The unit charges quickly, so you don't have to cope without having it on hand for long.
Many causes are known to trigger individual binges, but almost all emotional eating can be traced to some trauma that a person was not able to effectively cope with at the time it occurred.
However, most emotional eaters already understand basic nutritional theory and understand how they should eat; they just find themselves helpless to cope with pain in any way other than eating.
The Celiac Sprue Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Celiac Disease patients cope with the illness and make the necessary diet and lifestyle adjustments needed to keep it under control.
Fenster has written several lifestyle manuals and cookbooks focused on helping people with gluten-intolerances learn to cope with their dietary needs.
Taking recommended diabetic snacks is one way you can maintain your blood sugar levels and help you cope with your diabetes.
Dietary changes give you the necessary tools to cope with diverticulosis in your life.
Take control of your diet and life with a diet which will help your body cope with this condition.
By controlling the type of stress your body endures, you can improve your ability to cope with both physical and mental challenges.
Not only does it decrease stress, but it also enhances your ability to cope with stress.
No matter the reason for your pain, these stretches can help you cope.
The studio kept her on a frantic schedule of filming, and to cope with the demands, Garland began using amphetamines.
The Beatles' 1968 release Hey Jude was a slightly tweaked version of a song Paul McCartney wrote for John Lennon's son Julian to help him cope with his parents' divorce and his father's relationship with Yoko Ono.
During her time in elementary school, Taylor began writing her own songs to help cope with the bullying that was directed at her by her classmates.
One of the biggest themes of Little People Big World is the challenges faced by Matt and Amy in their daily lives as little people and how they cope with them.
The show wraps with T.I. and his family making plans to cope with his absence.
The draw of Wife Swap is to see how two families with two completely different outlooks on life, family and parenting will cope when their ideas and norms are questioned.
Not only must he deal with more attempts on his life, but the gloominess of his past is placed directly in front of him and he is forced to cope with it.
Will is a twelve-year-old boy, who lives with his mother and shoulders burdens too heavy for a boy his age to have to cope with.
During his stay on Deep Space Nine, Constable Odo struggles to cope with existing with humanoids and fights a constant battle within himself to accept who he is and what his people have done as the Founders.
In the end, Miles learned to cope with his memories and integrated himself into his old life.
Stitching and buttons that are extra-durable, to cope with extreme movements.
Cope's Diatryma of New Mexico, based upon a gigantic FIG.
According to the light railway commissioners, experience satisfied them (a) that light railways were much needed in many parts of the country and that many of the lines proposed, but not constructed, were in fact necessary to admit of the progress, and even the maintenance, of existing trade interests; and (b) that improved means of access were requisite to assist in retaining the population on the land, to counteract the remoteness of rural districts, and also, in the neighbourhood of industrial centres, to cope with the difficulties as to housing and the supply of labour.
He is vested in surplice, stole and cope.
The interior contains some good pictures by Umbrian artists, a fine episcopal throne in carved wood, and a fine Flemish cope given by Pope Marcellus II.
But at this moment the archers, taking their hatchets, swords or other weapons, penetrated the gaps in the now disordered French, who could not move to cope with their unarmoured assailants, and were slaughtered or taken prisoners to a man.
A state of intermittent rebellion, however, continued, and in 1904 a general revolt took place with which the normal garrison of Yemen, the 7th army corps, was quite unable to cope.
Internal, skeletal characters, useless for ordinary practical purposes, are the various apophyses on the ventral side of the vertebrae and the penial armaments fancied by Cope.
But the Federal armaments were not on such a scale as to enable the government to cope with a "nation in arms," and the first call for volunteers was followed by more and more, until in the end the Federals had more than a million men under arms. At first the troops on both sides were voluntarily enlisted, but the South quickly, the North later, put in force conscription acts.
When used to hunt rabbits it is provided with a muzzle, or, better and more usual, a cope, made by looping and knotting twine about the head and snout, in order to prevent it killing its quarry, in which case it would gorge itself and go to sleep in the hole.
In future the philosophic method of palaeontology must continue to advance step by step with exploration; it would be a reproach to later generations if they did not progress as far beyond the philosophic status of Cuvier, Owen and even of Huxley and Cope, as the new materials represent an advance upon the material opportunities which came to them through exploration.
Cope), was also a philo -Ya (-lb.
This is exactly the nomenclature system laid down by Owen, Cope, Marsh and others, although established without any understanding of the law of mutation.
It was early perceived by Huxley, Cope and many others that Cuvier's broad belief in a universal progression was erroneous, and there developed the distinction between " persistent primitive types " (Huxley) and " progressive types."
More or less independently, Huxley, Kowalevsky and Cope restored the stem ancestor of the hoofed animals, or ungulates, a restoration which has been nearly fulfilled by the discovery, in 1873, of the generalized type Phenacodus of northern Wyoming.
Among American contributions to vertebrate palaeontology, 'the development of Cope's theories is to be found in the volumes of his collected essays, The Origin of the Fittest (New York, 1887), and The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution (Chicago, 1896).
The institution by Diaz of the guardias rurales, a mounted gendarmerie composed of the class who in former days drifted into revolution and brigandage, was a potent means of maintaining order, and the extension of railways and telegraphs enabled the government to cope at once with any disturbance.
It was not until the 11th century, when the cope (q.v.) had become established as a liturgical vestment, that the chasuble began to be reserved as special to the sacrifice of the Mass.
There is some difference of opinion as to the derivation of the vestment in the latter case; the Five Bishops (Report to Convocation, 1908) deriving it, like the cope, from the birrus, while Father Braun considers it, as well as the cope, to be a modification of the paenula.'
It was built by Sir Walter Cope, lord of the manor, in 1607, and obtained its present name on coming into the possession of Henry Rich, earl of Holland, through his marriage with Cope's daughter.
France had no resources to cope with those of Britain in America, and the British command of the sea proved decisive.
He also wrote a preface to the Report on the Proceedings of the Board of General Officers on their Examination into the Conduct of Lieutenant-General Sir John Cope, in which he gave an apology for the battle of Prestonpans.
Owing to the extension of railways, in the famines of 1898 and 1901 there was never any dearth of food in any famine-stricken tract; and the only difficulty was to find enough rolling-stock to cope with the demand.
At Holy Communion the officiating priest was to wear "a white Albe plain with a vestment or Cope," and the assistant clergy were to wear "Albes with tunicles."
Whenever a bishop was celebrant he was to wear, "beside his rochette, a surplice or albe, and a cope or vestment," and also to carry " his pastoral staff in his hand, or else borne or holden by his chaplain."
The priest, vested in a violet cope, prays that God may send His angel to hallow the ash, that it become a remedium salubre for all penitents.
In December 1529 he preached his two " sermons on the cards," which awakened a turbulent controversy in the university, and his opponents, finding that they were unable to cope with the dexterity and keenness of his satire, would undoubtedly have succeeded in getting him silenced by force, had it not been reported to the king that Latimer " favoured his cause," that is, the cause of the divorce.
Dalmatic and tunicle are never worn by priests, as priests, but both are worn by bishops under the chasuble (never under the cope) and also by those prelates, not being bishops, to whom the pope has conceded the right to wear the episcopal vestments.
A mile to the east of the village is the site of the battle of the 21st of September 1745, in which Prince Charles Edward and his highlanders gained a complete victory over the royal forces under Sir John Cope.
Colonel James Gardiner was mortally wounded after an heroic stand, and an obelisk in the grounds of his house at Bankton, close to the battlefield, commemorates his valour, while the ballad of Adam Skirving (1719-1803), "Hey, Johnnie Cope!"
In their efforts to cope with the prevailing disorder Lionel and his advisers summoned a parliament to meet at Kilkenny early in 1366 and here the statute of Kilkenny was passed into law.
It has since remained, with the exception of the cope (q.v.), the sole vestment authorized by law for the ministers, other than bishops, of the Church of England (for the question of the vestments prescribed by the "Ornaments Rubric" see Vestments).
On the same day Sir John Cope at the head of 1500 men left Edinburgh in search of Charles; but, fearing an attack in the Pass of Corryarrick, he changed his proposed route to Inverness, and Charles thus had the undefended south country before him.
Cope had by this time brought his disappointed forces by sea to Dunbar.
The lower border and the orphrey with coats of arms do not belong to the original cope and are of somewhat later date.
The cope belonged to the convent of Syon near Isleworth, was taken to Portugal at the Reformation, brought back early in the 19th century to England by exiled nuns and given by them to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Branches of palm, olive or sprouting willow (hence in England known as "palm") having been placed before the altar, or at the Epistle side, after Terce and the sprinkling of holy water, the priest, either in a purple cope or an alb without chasuble, proceeds to bless them.
The direct-acting lift is perhaps the simplest of all machines using pressure-water, but as the height of the lift increases, certain problems in construction become exceedingly difficult to cope with, notably those due to the great increase in the weight and displacement of the ram.
Unable at first to cope with their unfamiliar ideas, he determined to become a scholar, and until 1628 was engaged in a careful study of Greek and Latin authors, the outcome of which was his great translation of Thucydides.
In these contests the German king met with indifferent success, but the struggle with Saxony was not very serious, and when dying in December 919 Conrad recommended the Franconian nobles to offer the crown to Henry, the only man who could cope with the anarchy by which he had himself been baffled.
The Magyars, unable to cope with a disciplined army, were cut down in great numbers, and those who survived rode in terror from the field.
The Saxons were able to cope with the Danes and the German boundary was pushed forward in the south-east; but the Slays fought with such courage and success that during the reigns of the emperors Otto II.
Under such disheartening conditions it is not surprising that this body was totally unable to cope with Sickingens insurrection, and that a few weeks after its meeting at Nuremberg in 1524 it succumbed to a series of attacks and disappeared from the history of Germany.
He was the first bishop of London, since the Reformation, to "pontificate" in a mitre as well as the cope, and though no man could have been less essentially "sacerdotal" he was always careful of correct ceremonial usage.
It is extremely hard to draw any fixed line in Egypt between magic and medicine; but it is curious to note that simple diagnoses and prescriptions were employed for the more curable diseases, while magical formulae and amulets are reserved for those that are harder to cope with, such as the bites of snakes and the stings of scorpions.
Shawar, being unable to cope with the Syrians, demanded help of the Frankish king of Jerusalem Amalric (Amauri) I., who hastened to his aid with a large force, which united with Shawars and besieged Shirgflh in Bilbeis for three months; at the end of this time, owing to the successes of Nureddin in Syria, the Franks granted Shirguh a free passage with his troops back to Syria, on condition of Egypt being evacuated (October 1164).
After the English had evacuated French territory Charles still had to cope with feudal revolt, and with the hostility of the dauphin, who was in open revolt in 1446, and for the next ten years ruled like an independent sovereign in Dauphine.
The murderers rode to the west, joined the company of Robert Hamilton, defeated Graham of Claverhouse with a small force of horse at Drumclog, occupied Glasgow, and proved the total inability of the regular forces to cope with a rising.
None the less a small ill-armed force of some 2000 men marched south; Cope did not oppose them, but evaded them and went to Inverness, leaving open the road to Edinburgh.
But Lord George's previous dealings with Cope inspired in Charles a distrust which was to prove fatal.
Charles entered Edinburgh unopposed on the 16th of September, made his quarters in Holyrood, and on the 21st of September routed Cope at Prestonpans.
In the interval it had been a prey to armed bands from the highlands of Chota Nagpur, with whom the raja was unable to cope, and who practically brought the trade of the Company in the district to a standstill.
He had very little adaptability in dealing with his fellows; the crowd, as a crowd, fired his enthusiasm, but he was unable to cope with the individuals that composed it.
The Carmathians drove the Fatimites out of Syria, and threatened Egypt, but, notwithstanding their intrepidity, they were not able to cope with their powerful rival, who, however, in his turn could not bring them to submission.
He was quick to grasp the situation, and effective in the measures he took to cope with it.
Revolutions have passed from the tumultuous stages of their origin into some settled and recognizable state before we have been called upon to cope with them.
It is compelled to accept its first principles on trust from the science in which it is employed; it cannot cope with the subtlety of nature; and it is radically vitiated by being founded on hastily and inaccurately abstracted notions of things.
The rotary presses in use at the present time are indeed wonderful specimens of mechanical ingenuity, all the various operations of damping (when necessary), feeding, printing (both sides), cutting, folding, pasting, wrapping (when required) and counting being purely automatic. These machines are of various kinds, and are specially made to order so as to cope with the particular class of work in view.
And this doctrine was generally understood to mean that human thought, limited as it was by its own weakness and acquired habits, could hardly hope to cope successfully with the problem of apprehending the real things.
This force, though aided by considerable bodies of local militia and volunteers in the northern and western provinces, was insufficient to cope with the 60,000 Carlists in arms, and with the still formidable nucleus of cantonalists around Alcoy and Cartagena.
Cope, who have catalogued twentyeight species truly subterraneous, besides those that may be regarded as stragglers from the surface.
Army opposite Kochana was not only suspended but actually reversed to cope with a crisis.
When Charles left for the Netherlands in 1520 he made Adrian regent of Spain as such he had to cope with a very serious revolt.
The officiating priest wears a cope, or at least a surplice with a violet stole, the other priests and clergy wear surplices.
So, when the friars came and established themselves in the poorest localities of the towns, and brought religion to the destitute and the outcasts of society, assimilating themselves to the conditions of life of those among whom they worked, they supplied a need with which the parochial clergy were unable to cope.
Menshikov relied apparently on being able to detach his reserves to cope with them, but the assailants moved with a rapidity which he had not counted upon, and the Russians only came into action piecemeal in this quarter.
Cope and some other recent authors have attempted to enforce.
Some laminate flooring, for example, does not cope too well with leaks.
Liverpool rallied briefly and Hastie sent a shot over the bar before keeper Cope made a superb last-ditch tackle to thwart Thomas.
However, in 1959, Mira developed the first thermostatic mixer shower designed to cope with the unique UK domestic water supplies.
How do they cope when peers express strong views diametrically opposed to their own?
If you think you can cope with sheer hardwork and the isolation of the Aussie outback then click here.
How would my balding pate cope with the hood down?
Research suggests children can cope with seeing ill patients in ICU.
How do you cope at times when you are feeling pessimistic?
Besides the strictly liturgical vestments there are also numerous articles of costume worn at choir services, in processions, or on ceremonial occasions in everyday life, which have no sacral character; such are the almuce, the cappa and mozzetta (see Cope), the rochet (q.v.), the pileolus, a skullcap, worn also sometimes under mitre and tiara.
Thus the alternative use of cope or chasuble (vestment) is allowed at the celebration of Holy Communion - an obvious compromise; of the amice, girdle (cingulum), maniple and stole there is not a word, 2 and the inference to be drawn is that these were now disused.
He soon came to be recognized as one of the foremost debaters on those economical and commercial questions which at that time so much occupied the attention of parliament; and the most prejudiced and bitter of his opponents were fain to acknowledge that they had to deal with a man whom the most practised and powerful orators of their party found it hard to cope with, and to whose eloquence, indeed, the great statesman in whom they put their trust was obliged ultimately to surrender.
In 1353 the Ottoman commercial greed of the Venetians, who refused to aid him with a fleet to cut off the Turks in Europe from the Turks in Asia Minor, nullified Louis' last practical endeavour to cope with a danger which from the first he had estimated at its true value.
Indeed its owl-like visage, its short wings and soft plumage, do not indicate a bird of very active habits, but the weapons of offence with which it is armed show that it must be able to cope with vigorous prey.
Cope has first shown, the siren must be regarded as a degenerate rather than a primitive type.
Cope's philosophic contributions to palaeontology began in 1868 (see essays in The Origin of the Fittest, New York, 1887, and The Primary Factors of Organic Evolution, Chicago, 1896) with the independent discovery and demonstration among vertebrates of the laws of acceleration and retardation.
Illustrations of this law were set forth by Cope as early as 1861 (see " Origin of Genera," reprinted in the Origin of the Fittest, pp. 95 -106) in pointing out the extraordinary parallelisms between unrelated groups of amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
These are undoubtedly the organs which react most strongly to the parasites, and their enlarged condition is to a great extent due to their enhanced activity in elaborating blood-corpuscles and leucocytes to cope with the enemy.
In the Church of England, though it was prescribed alternatively with the cope in the First Prayer-Book of Edward VI., it was ultimately discarded, with the other " Mass vestments," the cope being substituted for it at the celebration of the Holy Communion in cathedral and collegiate churches; its use has, however, during the last fifty years been widely revived in connexion with the reactionary movement in the direction of the pre-Reformation doctrine of the eucharist.
Rome, however, had greater dangers to cope with than the indignant reproofs of her friends the monks, and the opposition Growth of of the bishops, who were displeased at the spectacle of their authority waning day by day.
They are designed to eat freshly killed animals and seem to have lost the ability to cope with rancid food.
During the course of this module, a student 's ability to cope with ' real-world ' programming environments will be developed.
Tired old arguments that small schools cannot cope with the curriculum are now being thoroughly refuted in ways the public understands.
You need to be resilient enough to cope with the demands and pressures of police work.
If you fit a sidecar to a motorcycle you really need to reduce it 's gearing to cope better with the extra load.
Looking For A Babysitter who can cope with a sleepless baby?
Because it has the snap in booster, it can quite easily cope as an overnight diaper.
Straight adolescents from stigmatized groups receive support from and learn from parents and family how to cope with hostility from society.
Next week London around the clock, RAF unable to cope.
Poor Woyzeck is a simple man, who can not cope with a world treating him like a unworthy creature.
Like The Victorian style, it is versatile enough to cope with internal and external corners.
How will Marla, still weak and confused, cope with such a virile man as Steele?
The Scots pine forests gradually died out and broadleaved trees able to cope with the wetter soils became dominant.
I cannot cope with white-hot heat unless I can avoid moving about for more than a minute at a time - carrying a fan.
Young healthy cats may cope more easily with the pressures of the great outdoors.
These grants not consolidation loans, but can help you manage and cope with your debt load nonetheless.
There are thousands of divorce support groups throughout the United States that will help you and your children cope with life after divorce.
They may notice behavior and emotions from your children and can help you help them cope with the divorce.
You should begin to cope with the end of your marriage before any legal papers are even filed.
Talking to others who are also newly single may help you cope with all of these feelings.
If you're trying to figure out how to cope with divorce, keep in mind that there is no guaranteed method that you can use in order to make the process of divorce easier.
When trying to figure out how to cope with divorce, accept that both of you were probably at fault in one way or another and now it is time to move on as a divorced couple.
What that will look like depends largely on whether or not the two of you have children or if there are business ties between the two of you, but the more in agreement the two of you can be, the easier it will be to cope with the divorce.
Frank discussions peppered with appropriate displays of affection along with peer-based therapy can help teens cope with an ongoing divorce while equipping them to make their own personal relationships last the duration of their lives.
This will help you to feel calmer and more able to cope with what is going on.
Physical stressors include anything that places strain on the body or reduces its ability to cope with chronic stress.
To reduce stress and achieve stress free living, it is important to identify and reduce life stressors, improve the way we react to common stressors, and ensure our body is able to cope with stress by feeding and caring for it.
Another way to interpret a low score is that the person truly has the ability to handle anxiety and cope with stress.
Once you've found an alternative way to cope with something in your life, you will feel like you are in power again and reduce your stress levels.
By understanding what work stress can be and how to cope with it, you can make your job less stressful so it will be more enjoyable and fulfilling.
Sometimes a third party can help a teenager learn ways to cope with stress in better ways than being defiant.
Valium simply helps the body to cope with it.
Children who participate in a funeral by reading a poem or offering a gift are often better able to cope with their loss.
At that time the doctor overseeing the delivery can give the parents helpful resources and refer them to the appropriate medical professionals to begin to discuss possible treatment paths and to help the parents cope effectively.
Family therapy has worked well for many patients, educating both patients and their families about the nature of schizophrenia and helping them in their cooperative effort to cope with the disorder.
Support groups are available to help parents and caregivers cope with the challenges of providing care for children with special medical needs.
Parents can also help children cope emotionally with this disease.
Parental support will help children and teenagers cope with GERD.
Relaxation and stress management techniques may help the child cope with headache symptoms.
Children or adolescents who are severely disfigured by facial injuries may require extra reassurance from family members as well as professional counseling in order to cope with their changed appearance.
Support groups are available to help parents and caregivers cope with these challenges.
In addition, they should offer counseling to help their children cope with their smaller stature.
Most parents are concerned about how their child will cope and adapt to being cared for by someone else.
Emphasizing their childrens strengths, especially when these children appear sad or depressed, and encouraging them to stay active and see their friends can help a child cope with the disease.
Parents should be alert to Internet sites and movies that promote and/or glorify self-mutilation as a way to cope with problems.
Availability of and quality of social support influence family life and well-being as individuals cope with raising children in poverty.
Learning how to cope with these different feelings fosters good mental health.
Therapists and counselors can listen to the child talk about his or her problems and may be able to suggest ways to cope which the teen will find useful.
This problem has been linked to anxiety, and one of the major ways in which both children and adults attempt to cope with anxiety is by avoiding whatever provokes the anxiety.
Over time, a child with selective mutism becomes mute because of an inability to cope with fearful feelings that occur when he or she is expected to speak.
Family therapy may be recommended to help parents and siblings understand and cope with a child's mental illness.
The divorce process is often more emotionally traumatic for the children than for the parents, because children are less able to cope with the separation.
Psychological counseling may also be needed to help the child understand and cope with the divorce.
Symbolic play may be used by children to cope with fear of separation when they go to school or to the hospital.
Recognizing these feelings and seeking the help of professional care providers and support groups is the best way to cope with this issue.
To help a child cope with fatigue, parents should plan rest periods, provide nutritious meals to maintain energy and meet caloric needs, limit caffeine, and encourage exercise and activity.
To help the child cope with a dry mouth, parents should encourage him or her to drink plenty of liquids.
A primary reason for such emotional lack of control in a child, especially above the age of three or four, is having not learned how to cope with their own frustration.
Support will be necessary to help an adolescent girl cope with body image issues and to help some women accept the fact that they will never be able to have children.
The tantrum occurs because the small child, who is still learning to cope with her feelings, is simply unable to contain strong emotions of anger, frustration, or disappointment.
Parents who are concerned about their ability to calmly deal with the child's temper tantrums may talk to the child's pediatrician about ways to cope more effectively with this natural part of the child's development.
Psychological counseling may also be needed to help the child understand and cope with the abandonment.
Support groups can help people with hypogonadism and related conditions cope with similar situations and challenges.
Any attempt would inevitably end in failure due to my inability to cope with her success.
Breaking up is hard and blame is the way we cope with our loss and disappointment.
Embarrassment - A lover who has been publicly embarrassed by a cheating spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend may find writing a break up letter easier to cope with.
Cope with receiving this kind of letter by writing one in return.
Unfaithfulness is heartbreaking and understanding the causes of infidelity may help you cope with the after effects.
You can budget your money well enough to cope with the stress of an uncertain income.
Individuals who participate actively in the forums share testimonials and advice with newcomers on how one can emotionally cope with gluten intolerance.
Among the many challenges that people with celiac disease must cope is finding gluten-free fast food when you want a quick bite.
The center's website contains several educational videos to help families cope with the disease in everyday life.
Support groups for celiac disease such as Raising Our Celiac Kids (ROCK) recognize the issues parents face as they try to find ways for their children to cope with their illness.
Fire signs won't cope well and in the end, Scorpio will either become boiling mad or steamed over her fire sign lover.
Aquarius collects friends the way some people collect eclectic pieces of art, and not all sun signs can cope with this type of lifestyle.
It's a game that helps babies learn and cope with separation issues.
Recognizing the symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is the first step to helping these children cope and succeed in life.
They provide many programs and activities to help these kids cope with their illness.
Children in permissive households may also learn behaviors that do not serve them well in adulthood, such as manipulative behavior, lacking a sense of self-discipline, and an inability to cope with authority.
A rural lifestyle doesn’t mean the empath becomes immune to the emotions and energies of others, but she certainly is able to cope better than she might in a metropolitan environment.
Ryan becomes a cage fighter to cope with his anger issues and Seth's girlfriend Summer heads to Brown University where she avoids calls from Seth who stayed in Newport Beach.
Felicity and her friends cope with the pain of growing up and the consequences of bad decisions.
Helping your child learn effective ways to deal with the disorder will not only help him cope, it may help other teenagers relate to him and understand the daily struggles and setbacks he endures.
When you run a spa, you will need skin care solutions to cope with clients' various skin problems, like dry or oily skin.
The common law as it existed before his time was wholly inadequate to cope with the new cases and customs which arose with the increasing development of commerce.
By judicious use of the railway Kitchener concentrated sufficient troops in the colony to cope with the attempt, and, after being hunted for eighteen days, De Wet escaped back into the Orange River Colony with the loss of all his guns, munitions of war and half his force.
Another expression of the same method, due to Cope, and specially valuable to the taxonomist, is that when the relationship between orders is being considered, characters of subordinal rank must be neglected.
In spite of its wide basis and great energy, the monte dei riformatori, the heart of the new government, could not satisfactorily cope with the attacks of adverse factions and treacherous allies.
The government maintains experimental farms and forestry plantations and a veterinary department to cope with lung sickness, rinderpest, East Coast fever and such like diseases.
He is quite conscious of the great importance and of the difficulty of his task; but he feels his own ability to cope with it.
A still more remarkable resemblance exists in the shape and striking, red, black and yellow coloration between Scolecophis aemulus of Chihuahua and the poisonous Elaps fulvius, the American coral-snake, but Cope has been careful to point out that these two creatures are not known to inhabit the same district.
But the anarchy, manifest or latent, existing throughout the provinces proved too great for Selim to cope with.
Many Russian historians even maintain that, but for the fact that Witowt had simultaneously to cope with the Teutonic Order and the Tatars, that energetic prince would certainly have extinguished struggling Muscovy altogether.
Treaties were concluded at La Jaunaie (February 1 5, 1 795) and at La Mabillaie, and were fairly well observed by the Vendeans; and nothing remained but to cope with the feeble and scattered remnant of the Vendeans still under arms, and with the Chouans.
This involved a large extension of wires to cope with increased traffic. The reduced rate took effect as from the 1st of October 1886.
Docks, wharves, piers, curing stations and warehouses have been provided or enlarged to cope with the growth of the trade, and an esplanade has been constructed along the front.
Of the liturgical vestments not immediately or exclusively associated with the sacrifice of the mass the most conspicuous are the cope and surplice.
In the additional explanatory notes at the end of the book, after directions as to the wearing of surplice and hood in quire, in cathedral and collegiate churches (they are not made obligatory elsewhere), bishops are directed to wear, besides the rochet, a surplice or alb, and a cope or vestment, with a pastoral staff borne either by themselves or their chaplains.'
They consist of a number of circular or rectangular pits sunk from the cap of a hill, and going down to a depth of in some cases as much as 120 ft., until in fact the miners have been stopped by being unable to cope with the quantity of water made when the level of the valley was reached.
Though too weak and good-natured to cope with the problem which confronted him, Agis was characterized by a sincerity of purpose and a blend of youthful modesty with royal dignity, which render him perhaps the most attractive figure in the whole of Spartan history.
From that day the role of the Natal Field Force was changed from that of a mobile field army into that of a garrison, and two days later it was completely isolated, but not before General French had succeeded in escaping south by train, and the naval authorities had been induced by Sir George White's urgent appeals to send into the town a naval brigade with a few guns of sufficient range and calibre to cope with the heavy position artillery which Joubert was now able to bring into action against the town.
In conformity with this determination the various state legislatures enacted new laws or amended the existing laws to cope with the difficulty; these remained until they were in effect superseded by Commonwealth legislation.
At the present day the Lutheran Churches of Denmark and Scandinavia retain the use of alb and chasuble in the celebration of the eucharist (stole, amice, girdle and maniple were disused after the Reformation), and for bishops the cope and mitre.
Wherever the Reformation was introduced the stole was done away with, even when chasuble, alb and cope were retained; the reason being that it was the ensign of the major orders, which in the Catholic sense were rejected by the Reformers.'
As a court of justice its main drawback is that it is wholly unable to cope with the vast mass of documents representing appeals from all parts of the empire.
Then followed a long period of groping for a means to cope with the development of guerrilla tactics, which for the next six months were at their zenith.
Three years after his defeat at Beresteczko, Chmielnicki, finding himself unable to cope with the Poles single-handed, very reluctantly transferred his allegiance to the tsar, and the same year the tsar's armies invaded Poland, still bleeding from the all but mortal wounds inflicted on her by the Cossacks.
A capital expenditure of 1/24,000,000 annually was decided on to bring the lines up to the necessary state of efficiency to be able to cope with the rapidly increasing traffic. It was estimated in 1906 that this would have to be maintained for a period of ten years, with a further total expenditure of 1/21 4,000,000 on new lines.
The original malady being thus got rid of, the vital force would easily be able to cope with and extinguish the slighter disturbance caused by the remedy.
Italy, in constant danger from France, needed good relations with Austria and Germany, but could only attain the goodwill of the former by firm treatment of the revolutionary Irredentist agitation, and of the latter by clear demonstration of Italian will and ability to cope with all anti-monarchical forces.
Under their peaceful rule their territories flourished, until the weakening of the Mogul empire and the rise of the predatory Bundela and Mahratta powers, with the organized forces of which their semi-barbarous feudal levies were unable to cope, brought misfortune upon them.
By extensive reorganizations, and in spite of having to cope with a rising in Nandi, his commission resulted in the reduction of expenditure and increase of local revenue.
Several of his immediate predecessors had come to recognize that Russia, with her antiquated military organization, was unable to cope with her Western neighbours, and had begun to organize, with the help of foreigners, a military force more in accordance with modern requirements; but the progress made in that direction had been slow and unsatisfactory.