Coolness Sentence Examples
The sound of the water rushing over rocks and the coolness of the water lifted her spirits.
Max showed the greatest coolness and did his best to calm the populace.
She planted her hand on his forehead, coolness flowing through her.
Early in 1793 the "Juno" went to the Mediterranean under Lord Hood, and her captain distinguished himself by an audacious feat of coolness and seamanship in extricating his vessel from the harbour of Toulon, which he had entered in ignorance of Lord Hood's withdrawal.
The coolness of his touch turned to gentle electric currents that worked their paths through her skull.
Even Lori and Katie noticed their coolness toward each other at church.
The coolness and firmness of Bernstorff saved the situation.
Why didn't anyone notice the coolness between them?
He was almost done when the burst of coolness awoke her, and she looked down to see him smoothing the skin around her faded wound.
With a touch of vanity he expressed the fear lest "the coolness of fancy that attends advanced years should make me risk the reputation I had acquired."
AdvertisementCornelius de Witt on this occasion distinguished himself greatly by his coolness and intrepidity.
When putting together a warm weather ensemble, remember that comfort and coolness are your key factors, but don't forget a big dose of your personal style as well.
Don't expect Gran Turisimo quality gaming or Sega GT coolness, because as we all know...
Yet, it's hard to deny the charm and utter coolness that oozes from Sean Connery's James Bond's pores, even in digital form.
You can also earn Kudos racing clean laps (don't hit anything) and driving with coolness (drifting, barely missing cars).
AdvertisementHe tensed, guessing who it was without turning. He felt Death's cool presence, the same coolness that preceded Gabriel's visits.
The subsequent history of Benares contains two important events, the rebellion of Chait Singh in 1781, occasioned by the demands of Warren Hastings for money and troops to carry on the Mahratta War, and the Mutiny of 1857, when the energy and coolness of the European officials, chiefly of General Neill, carried the district successfully through the storm.
He gathered by degrees around him "a kind of feudal clan of servants and retainers," and he plunged, with more generous ardour than coolness of judgment, into the troubled politics of the country.
Lentulus played a prominent part in the recall of Cicero from exile, and although a temporary coolness seems to have arisen between them, Cicero speaks of him in most grateful terms. From 56-53 Lentulus was governor of the province of Cilicia (with Cyprus) and during that time was commissioned by the senate to restore Ptolemy XI.
Against the determination to secure a conviction, however, his courage, eloquence, coolness and skill were of no avail, and the verdict of " guilty " was given.
AdvertisementIn the same year his coolness and courage in a duel with Captain George Johnstone, M.P., assisted to rehabilitate him, and in 1775, having meantime taken an active part in politics, he became secretary of state for the colonies in the North cabinet.
Not till 1731 was there any appearance of opposition in the diet to Horn's "system"; but Horn, piqued by the growing coolness of the king, the same year offered his resignation, which was not accepted.
A crowd of 6000 persons gathered, and Hodson with marvellous coolness ordered them to disarm, which they proceeded to do.
Few men in American public life have possessed more intrinsic worth, more independence, more public spirit and more ability than Adams, but throughout his political career he was handicapped by a certain reserve, a certain austerity and coolness of manner, and by his consequent inability to appeal to the imaginations and affections of the people as a whole.
The residences are of the Spanish colonial type, with heavy walls and large rooms to insure coolness during the heat of the day.
AdvertisementAfter the battle of Fleurus, in which he greatly distinguished himself for coolness, he was promoted general of brigade by the representatives on mission.
Owing to the fact of his being unknown in London, to his exceptional courage and coolness, and probably to his experience in the wars and at sieges, the actual accomplishment of the design was entrusted to Fawkes, and when the house adjoining the parliament house was hired in Percy's name, he took charge of it as Percy's servant, under the name of Johnson_ He acted as sentinel while the others worked at the mine in December 1604, probably directing their operations, and on the discovery of the adjoining cellar, situated immediately beneath the House of Lords, he arranged in it the barrels of gunpowder, which he covered over with firewood and coals and with iron bars to increase the force of the explosion.
There is, however, a certain coolness about the hero's affection for his wife which somewhat detracts from the merit of his sacrifice; while the Christian part of the matter is scarcely so well treated as in the Saint Genest of Rotrou or the Virgin Martyr of Massinger.
Though Fox and he were on friendly terms in society, yet Burke admits that for a considerable period before 1790 there had been between them "distance, coolness and want of confidence, if not total alienation on his part."
The invading army even made its way into Laconia and devastated the whole of its southern portion; but the courage and coolness of Agesilaus saved Sparta itself from attack.
On the approach of a body of Illyrians, who, though summoned by Perdiccas, unexpectedly declared for Arrhabaeus, the Macedonians fled, and Brasidas's force was rescued from a critical position only by his coolness and ability.
He behaved with much coolness and self-possession when he was met in the streets by a noisy and disgraceful demonstration.
During his term of office as president (1876 to 1881) Pinto had to deal first with a severe financial crisis, and then to conduct the struggle with Peru and Bolivia, in which he displayed great coolness of judgment and devotion to duty.
The revival of this claim by the elector provoked an invasion of the mark by an army of Pomeranians with their allies in 1420, when Frederick inflicted a severe defeat upon them at Angermiinde; but in 1424 a temporary coolness between the elector and the emperor Sigismund led to a renewal of the attack which Frederick was unable to repulse.
His hands traveled up her legs with the expertise and gentleness of a doctor, all the while spreading the soft coolness through her.
As we approached the scene of the crime I could see that my friend under all his habitual coolness was in truth deeply agitated.
A very skilled navigator, Mathy showed real audacity, coolness and daring, and he seemed unstoppable.
It has been said that he showed a want of personal courage; this is not improbable, the excess of feeling which made him so great an orator could hardly be combined with the coolness in danger required of a soldier; but no one was able, as he was, to infuse courage into others.
He was the anxious fanatic of Elizabeth's advisers; he lacked the patience of Burghley and the cynical coolness of Elizabeth.
Among its public buildings are the government palace, the legislative and municipal hall, the "Quatro de Setembro" theatre, Misericordia hospital, public market, sanitation and public works, building, courts, police headquarters, barracks, &c. The town is characteristically Portuguese in appearance, its buildings being one or two stories in height, plastered and frequently coloured outside, with large rooms, thick walls, and tile roofs to ensure coolness.
There is, however, a certain coolness about the hero's affection for his wife which somewhat detracts from the merit of his sacrifice; while the Christian part of the' matter is scarcely so well treated as in the Saint Genest of Rotrou or the Virgin Martyr of Massinger.
The best features of the iPod Nano are the large storage capacity and of course the "coolness" factor you get when carrying the most recognizable brand of portable music players in your pocket.
Stirring your drink will not result in the coolness provided by the microscopic chips of ice floating in your drink after a good turn in the cocktail shaker.
So the ideals to start with are homes built at a reasonable size using renewable resources that maximize heat in winter and coolness in summer.
Instead, you will find shades designed to add a subtle touch of warmth or coolness to pull your décor together.
Go for one of the brighter whites for some coolness or warm up with your room with the softer tones.
If it is coolness and calm you're looking for, then blue is the color for you.
Combining individual scents to create an aurora of feeling, this cologne expresses smell clusters as aromas resembling the tropical beach air, coolness and the essence of a home run.
Created by Davidoff Parfums, Cool Water is an aromatic fragrance inspired by the fresh, bracing coolness of the ocean.
Yigal Azrouel's innovative gauzy cotton fabrics were layered in disheveled coolness as he merged the season's activewear notion with formal suiting and Eastern cultural inspirations.
For years, they have stopped being the province of just bikers and cowboys and are embraced by a wide swathe of the male population who love them for their rugged coolness.
Rayon has become a popular fabric for larger size women because of the figure-flattering effects of the fabric's soft drape and the coolness of the fabric, particularly in the hot summer months.
Whether or not the coolness of this power ballad makes your old Poison records cool again, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
When it comes to MySpace page coolness, less is the proverbial more.
A touch of coolness grazed his heated frame, which always grew hotter than Hell when he changed forms.
She splashed some of it on her face and its coolness took her breath.
Probably the bishop was jealous of the high reputation of the teacher; and a coolness arose between them which led, fifteen years later, to an open rupture.
Opinions were divided in the emperor's circle between a Russian and an Austrian princess; but the marked coolness with which overtures for the hand of the tsar's sister were received at St Petersburg, and the skill with which Count Metternich, the Austrian chancellor, let it be known that a union with the archduchess, Marie Louise, would be welcomed at Schonbrunn, helped to decide the matter.
A coolness with Calvin was created by Farel's marriage, at the age of sixty-nine, with a refugee widow from Rouen, of unsuitable age.
He was soon encouraged by the growing coolness between Pompey and Caesar to attack the acts of Caesar during his consulship, and after his successful defence of Publius Sestius on the 10th of March he proposed on the 5th of April that the senate should on the 15th of May discuss Caesar's distribution of the Campanian land.
Michael's coolness and resource, however, never deserted him.
He owed the signal successes of his reign partly to his skilful choice of advisers and administrators, to his chancellors Jean and Guillaume de Dormans and Pierre d'Orgemont, to Hugues Aubriot, provost of Paris, Bureau de la Riviere and others; partly to a singular coolness and subtlety in the exercise of a not over-scrupulous diplomacy, which made him a dangerous enemy.
Ryu's village is the resting place of the Dark Dragon Blade, which is great for the "coolness" factor, but bad when the Vigor Empire comes knocking, and by knocking I mean killing everyone in the village and steals the blade.
When pulsing, the laser blasted a brief shot of coolness before the hot pulse to help balance the skin's temperature during treatment.
When you find the appropriate level, you can begin dappling in tonal families, which will vary the shade, warmth, and coolness of your color considerably.
On a very hot day, they offer more sun protection yet still maintain coolness.
Women today still love them just for their coolness and comfort, as well as the cuteness.