Cookie-dough Sentence Examples
You can also use your hands and mold the peanut butter cookie dough into shapes before baking.
You can join their eClub to receive a newsletter with exclusive offers, including a coupon for free cookie dough on your birthday.
Start with a roll of sugar cookie dough or prepare your favorite sugar cookie recipe.
If you are in the mood for dessert, try my cookie dough eggroll.
Unique edible centerpieces are designed by baking cookie dough on lollipop sticks.
You never have unwanted cookie dough chasing you around.
Britney Spears enjoys pasta, cookie dough ice cream and hot dogs.
You should wind up with a batter that is the consistency of cookie dough.
This was to facilitate the removal of sticky cookie dough from the cutter.
For example, stirring batter provides a good workout for the hand and arm muscles, and cutting and spooning out cookie dough requires hand-eye coordination.
AdvertisementAlso watch out for homemade ice cream, meringues, tiramisu, and unbaked cookie dough or cake batter.
The catalog sales are enormously popular because the catalog will feature a wider array of items versus the candy bar, cookies and cookie dough.
It sells pre-scooped cookie dough in a number of flavors.
No one will care that you bought slice-and-bake cookie dough or didn't bake Aunt Agatha's famous fruitcake recipe.
You can use a cookie press to form small cookies using the peanut butter cookie dough.