Cook Sentence Examples
I'll cook for all of us.
Consider the pan you most often cook in today.
And the cook shall begin.
After voyaging westward for nearly three weeks, Cook, on the 19th of April 1770, sighted the eastern coast of Australia at a point which he named after his lieutenant, who discovered it, Point Hicks, and which modern geographers identify with Cape Everard.
I'll cook supper tonight.
I'd rather cook a nice meal and stay here with you.
With a final glance at the approaching figures, she dropped from the wagon seat and sauntered over to join the men at the cook fire.
I mean - does he tell you what to cook for supper and what to wear?
A few of us hunt every night for meat then have a bonfire to cook it up.
At the dinner-table she was greatly disturbed because I didn't eat, and suggested that "Cook make tea for teacher."
AdvertisementYou don't cook, either.
She fed and hobbled the mules and then started a fire to cook supper.
Sure, you and Sarah can cook me a nice dinner and we'll break out a bottle of Cristal.
She was by far the best cook he'd ever known.
If you want to cook, then do it.
AdvertisementCarmen is a very good cook.
I can turn the heat down and it will cook slower – might even be better.
And the count turned to the cook, who, with a shrewd and respectful expression, looked observantly and sympathetically at the father and son.
Travel to Italy and learn to cook traditional Italian cuisine.
Fetch it on, but don't cook it, as you value your life.
AdvertisementFrom now on it would be crawl out of bed and cook, clean and then maybe rest a little.
That was sweet to cook supper.
She would remain in town for the weekend and Howie scheduled a cook out in her honor at his place.
I thought we agreed there was no point in using your mother's old dishes when we could just serve our food from the pans we cook it in?
Sherpa crew did an amazing task digging out all of the tent platforms and building cook shelters.
AdvertisementHow's about I cook up those muffins and stuff.
Sarah was an excellent cook.
You hired on as a cook.
Are you offering to cook?
Again, in 1683, numbers of them under John Cook departed for the South Sea by way of Cape Horn.
I can turn the heat down and it will cook slower – might even be better.
Cook gently for about 10 minutes, then add the broth.
Captain Cook's ensign What was the color of the ensign flown by Captain Cook?
For some people, it is important to have a popcorn feature that allows you to cook popcorn with the push of a single button.
Besides," he added, "Mrs. Glass was getting a mite too friendly and she's not much of a cook."
Alex gave her orders not to cook.
No television, no light for reading – the only thing she could do was cook.
She was watching the latest of his two TV shows, the one where he was a cook.
Xander understood; it was the same reaction Ingrid gave him whenever he claimed he could cook.
Araucaria excelsa, the Norfolk Island pine, a native of Norfolk Island and New Caledonia, was discovered during Captain Cook's second voyage, and introduced into Britain by Sir Joseph Banks in 1793.
The great voyage of Captain James Cook, in 1769-1770, was primarily undertaken for the purposes of observing the transit.
He also edited Captain Cook's Journals, and Clarendon's Diary and Letters (1763).
On the 12th of April 1769 the British expedition to observe the transit of Venus, under the naval command of James Cook, arrived at Tahiti.
He is only to meddle in his own vocation; and to remember that his office is only to be the physician's cook."
He then reached Tongatabu, one of the Friendly Islands of Cook; and returned by the north coast of New Guinea to Batavia.
The three voyages of Captain James Cook form an era in the history of geographical discovery.
The " Resolution " and " Discovery " sailed in 1776, and Cook again took the route by the Cape of Good Hope.
Returning to Hawaii, Cook was murdered by the natives.
The work of Captain Cook bore fruit in many ways.
In 1777 Cook returned, and stayed seven weeks among the islands.
Near the site of Gisborne Captain Cook landed in 1769, and gave Poverty Bay its name from his inability to obtain supplies owing to the hostility of the natives.
Cook in 1778, and after him La Perouse, settled definitively the broad features of the northern Pacific coast.
His father, Samuel Davis (1756-1824), who served in the War of Independence, was of Welsh, and his mother, Jane Cook, of Scotch-Irish descent; during his infancy the family moved to Wilkinson county, Mississippi.
Adjoining are two smaller parks, Cook Park and Philip Park, while north of these stretches the Domain and the botanical gardens.
The principal travelling agency in London is that of Messrs Cook, whose head office is at Ludgate Circus.
The processes of evaporation and concentration are carried on as they are in a cane sugar factory, but with this advantage, that the beet solutions are freer from gum and glucose than those obtained from sugar-canes, and are therefore easier to cook.
In 1770 Captain Cook here beached his ship the "Endeavour," to repair the damage caused by her striking a reef in the neighbourhood of the estuary, which he could only clear by throwing his guns overboard.
New Caledonia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1774.
In 1913 his party was in a minority in the Lower House and he therefore resigned in favour of Mr. (afterwards Sir) Joseph Cook; but at the special election of Aug.
He began life as a scullion in the imperial kitchen, became cook, then pursebearer to Khosrev Pasha, and so, by wit and favour, rose to be master of the horse, "pasha of two tails," and governor of a series of important cities and sanjaks.
Thus it was that a great South Land appeared on the maps, the belief in the prodigious extension of which certainly received a severe shock by Abel Tasman's voyage of circumnavigation, but was only overthrown after Cook's great voyages had proved that any southern land which existed could not extend appreciably beyond the polar circle.
Valuable observations were made in oceanography during the expeditions of Captain James Cook and the polar explorers, especially those of Sir John Ross in the north and Sir James Ross in the south, but the voyage of H.M.S.
The Hawaiian Islands came within the purview of George Vancouver, following the course of Cook in 1791.
Of these Canons Cook and Pusey declined to serve, and ten members died during the progress of the work.
Cook's Studies in Ruskin (1890), which contains the particulars of his university lectures and of his economic and social experiments.
Cook, published his Studies in Ruskin in 1890, with full details of his career as professor.
Kalo (Colocasia antiquorum, var., esculenta), which furnishes the principal food of the natives, and sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum), the cultivation of which has become the chief industry of the islands, were introduced before the discovery of the group by Captain Cook in 1778.
A day-flying bat, whales and dolphins are about the only indigenous mammals; hogs, dogs and rats had been introduced before Cook's discovery.
Drums, gourd and bamboo flutes,and a kind of guitar, were known before Cook's day.
Captain Cook estimated the number of natives at 400,000, probably an over-estimate; in 1823 the American missionaries estimated their number at 142,000; the census of 1832 showed the population to be 130,313; the census of 1878 proved that the number of natives was no more than 44,088.
The history of the islands before their discovery by Captain James Cook, in 1778, is obscure.'
They next seated themselves quietly in the dining hall, where the baker set bread in order, and the cook brought each a single dish of one kind of food.
His elder brother, Captain Alexander Hood (1758-1798), entered the Royal Navy in 1767, and accompanied Captain Cook in his second voyage round the world.
The great general houses such as Rylands's, Philips's and Watt's in Manchester, and Cook's and Pawson's in London, some of which are manufacturers to a minor degree, continue to flourish because under one roof they can supply all that the draper requires, and so enable him to economize in the time spent in buying and to save himself the trouble of attending to many accounts.
And as he came out from the chapel the master cook awaited him at the door and claimed his spurs as his fee, and said, 1 Selden, Titles of Honor, 639.
Organic acids such as vinegar, common salt, the natural ingredients of food, and the various extraneous substances used as food preservatives, alone or mixed together, dissolve traces of it if boiled for any length of time in a chemicallyclean vessel; but when aluminium utensils are submitted to the ordinary routine of the kitchen, being used to heat or cook milk, coffee, vegetables, meat and even fruit, and are also cleaned frequently in the usual fashion, no appreciable quantity of metal passes into the food.
Cook and William Peterson, set out from the gold-fields of Montana with the express purpose of verifying or refuting the rumours, and they returned full of enthusiasm.
About the same time Rurutu in the Austral Islands and Aitutaki in the Cook Islands were evangelized, also by natives, and Christianity spread from island to island.
This useful plant is one of the many which were discovered by Sir Joseph Banks and Dr Solander who accompanied Captain Cook on his first voyage of discovery.
Admiral Roggeveen reached it on Easter day 1722; in 1774 Captain Cook discovered it anew and called it Teapi or Waihu.
The chief groups thus included are Hawaii, the Ellice, Phoenix, Union, Manihiki and Marquesas groups, Samoa and Tonga, the Cook, Society, Tubuai and Tuamotu groups, and many other lesser islands.
In the Cook and Society Islands, when a human being was offered as a sacrifice, the priest presented an eye of the victim to the king, who either ate it or pretended to do so.
Thus it is pointed out that Cook's estimate of 240,000 for the Society Archipelago (Tahiti) was at the time reduced by his associate, Forster, to 150,000, so that the 300,000 credited by him to the Sandwich Islands should also be heavily discounted.
During the last two decades of the 19th century the decrease has been from 30,000 to 17,500 in Tonga; from 11,500 to 8400 in the Cook group; from 8000 to 3600 in Wallis;.
Limestone is found in about 30 counties, principally Cook, Will and Kankakee; the value of the product in 1906 was $2,942,331.
The urban population, on the basis of places having 4000 inhabitants or more, was 51% of the total; indeed the population of Cook county, in which the city of Chicago is situated, was two-fifths of the total population of the state; during the decade of the Civil War (1860-1870) the population of the state increased only 48.4%, and that of Cook county about 140%, while from 1870 to 1900 the increase of all counties, excluding Cook, was about 36%, the increase in Chicago was about 468%.
Members of the legislature, which meets biennially, are chosen by districts, three representatives and one senator from each of the 51 districts, 18 of which are in Cook county.
The judiciary consists of a supreme court of 7 members elected for a term of 9 years; a circuit court of 54 judges, 3 for each of 18 judicial districts, elected for 6 years; and four appellate courts - one for Cook county (which has also a "branch appellate court," both the court and the branch court being presided over by three circuit judges appointed by the Supreme Court) and three other districts, each with three judges appointed in the same way.
In Cook county a criminal court, and the supreme court of Cook county (originally the supreme court of Chicago), supplement the work of the circuit court.
The tendency is for property valuations to decline, the estimated valuation from 1873 to 1893 decreasing 27% in Cook county and 39% in the other counties, while the assessments from 1888 to 1898 were in inverse ratio to the increase of wealth.
In 1885 the governor found it necessary to use the state militia to suppress riots in Will and Cook counties occasioned by the strikes of quarrymen, and the following year the militia was again called out to suppress riots in St Clair and Cook counties caused by the widespread strike of railway employees.
On his return to Australia in 1916 he was obliged to reconstruct his Cabinet and to effect a coalition with Mr. Cook, leaving out most of his previous colleagues of the Labour party.
They were absent from Framheim (where Lindstrom the cook was left in charge) from Nov.
For these reasons, every Hindu household - whether Brahman, Kshatriya or Sudra - that can afford to keep a paid cook generally entertains the services of a Brahman for the performance of its cuisine - the result being that in the larger towns the very name of Brahman has suffered a strange degradation of late, so as to mean only a cook "(Jogendra Nath Bhattacharya, Hindu Castes and Sects).
A former activity in shipbuilding is of interest through the recollection that here were constructed the ships for Captain Cook's voyages.
Modern histories of the church have been written by Cook, Hetherington and Principal Cunningham; Dr Story's Church of Scotland in 5 vols.
Many of the early converts to the New Church were among the most fervent advocates of the abolition of slavery, one was the medical officer of the first batch of convicts sent to Botany Bay; from the house of another, William Cookworthy of Plymouth, Captain Cook sailed on his last voyage.
The name was given by Captain Cook, in his exploratory voyage in 1770, to the southern portion of the eastern coast of Australia, from some imagined resemblance of its coast-line to that of South Wales.
The favourable reports made by Captain Cook of the country around Botany Bay induced the British government to found a penal settlement on the south-eastern part of what was then known as New Holland.
During his third and last voyage, in 1778, Captain James Cook surveyed the eastern portion of the Aleutian archipelago, accurately determined the position of some of the more important islands and corrected many errors of former navigators.
Evidences of very recent volcanic activity are abundant about Cook Inlet.
The Panhandle, along with the lisiere (foreland), westward to Cook Inlet might be called temperate Alaska, its climate being similar to that of the N.W.
In passing from the Sitkan district westward toward Kodiak and the Aleutians the climate becomes even more equable, the temperature a little lower and the rainfall somewhat less; 1 the fogs at first less dense, especially near Cook Inlet, where the climate is extremely local, but more and more persistent along the Aleutians.
The forests of the coastal region eastward from Cook Inlet, and particularly in south-eastern Alaska, are of fair variety, and of great richness and value.
Captain James Cook in 1778 made surveys from which the first approximately accurate chart of the coast was published; but it was reserved for Vancouver in 1793-1794 to make the first charts in the modern sense of the intricate south-eastern coast, which only in recent years have been superseded by new surveys.
Wallace (Natural Selection), " when the first skin was used as a covering, when the first rude spear was formed to assist in the chase, when fire was first used to cook his food, when the first seed was sown or shoot planted, a grand revolution was effected in nature, a revolution which in all the previous ages of the earth's history had had no parallel; for a being had arisen who was no longer necessarily subject to change with the changing universe, - a being who was in some degree superior to nature, inasmuch as he knew how to control and regulate her action, and could keep himself in harmony with her, not by a change in body, but by an advance of mind."
The western group of islands, demarcated by Brecknock Peninsula, includes Clarence Island and Captain Cook's Desolation Land, with Dawson Island and numerous rocks and islets.
Desolation Land was supposed by Cook to form a continuous mass stretching from the western entrance of Magellan Strait to Cockburn Channel, but it actually consists of several islands, separated from each other by very narrow channels flowing between the Pacific and the western branch of Magellan Strait.
On Cook's death his successor, Edward Davis, undoubtedly the greatest and most prudent commander who ever led the forces of the buccaneers at sea, met with a certain Captain Swan from England, and the two captains began a cruise which was disastrous to the Spanish trade in the Pacific.
Captain James Cook in March 17 78 sighted the coast of Oregon in the lat.
Cook had sailed by without suspecting its presence; Captain John Meares (c. 1756-1809), another English navigator, who visited the region in 1788, declared that no such river existed, and actually called its estuary "Deception Bay"; and George Vancouver, who visited the coast in 1792, was sceptical until he learned of Gray's discovery.
It lies on the southwestern shore of North Island, on the inner shore of Port Nicholson, an inlet of Cook's Strait, the site affording a splendid harbour, walled in by abrupt hills.
On his third voyage, while seeking some land reported to have been found by Kerguelen, Cook in December 1776 reached the cluster of desolate islands now generally known by the name of the French explorer, and here, among many other kinds of birds, was a Sheathbill, which for a long while no one suspected to be otherwise than specifically identical with that of the western Antarctic Ocean; but, as will be seen, its distinctness has been subsequently admitted.
From the time the sheaves of wheat are tumbled into the wagon until the flour reaches the hands of the cook, no hand touches the wheat that passes through the great Minneapolis mills.
In other places they wave green branches, and on the south coast, pour water over their heads, a custom noticed by Cook at Mallicolo (New Hebrides).
The southernmost of the group, Turtle Island, was discovered by Cook in 1773.
Cook, History of the English Turf (1903); The General Stud-Book (issued quinquennially); and the Stud-Books of the various breed societies.
The island was subsequently visited in 1772 by a French naval officer, Captain Marion du Fresne; in 1773 by Captain Furneaux, of the British man-of-war " Adventure "; in 1 777 by the great circumnavigator Captain Cook; by Bligh in 1788, and again in 1792, when he planted fruit trees.
Captain Cook pursuing the same track rediscovered this group, with the addition of Fatuhuku, in 1774.
That bond and the unswerving praise of Mr. Fulton at the bank was probably why she was given the job as cook.
No television, no light for reading – the only thing she could do was cook.
Because apparently, to humans, explosions were more interesting than the fact they were watching him – a creature that hunted humans – cook their food.
It's at times like this I lament the loss of people like Robin Cook.
Alastair Cook has been included in the squad for the national cricket academy at Loughborough this winter.
Never be tempted to cook with a chip pan after consuming alcohol.
Harvard biological anthropologist, Richard Wrangham, believes that humanity may have been launched by an ape learning to cook.
Place chopped apples in a pan with a little water and cook until soft.
British asparagus couldn't be easier to cook its one of nature's fast foods!
Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and gently cook the aubergine until soft.
Using a heavy frying pan gently cook 2 rashers of streaky bacon cut into strips.
Walter Cook, the farm bailiff said deceased was perfectly sober.
Sarah helped cook bangers and mash before displaying another talent as a Spice Girl during the evening's entertainment.
There were a lot of soldiers billeted in Fairford; the cook's husband was overseas in the Army.
Cook, stirring occasionally, for 30-40 minutes or until slightly blackened.
Rather strangely, this was actually the first night I'd spent where I didn't have a bothy to cook in.
They try and make bread in a 17 th century style bread oven, and cook up a contemporary rustic feast.
The Cobb uses 4 - 9 standard barbecue briquettes which will provide enough heat to cook on for about 3 hours.
Cook the pasta according to pack instructions, adding the broccoli for the last 3 minutes of cooking.
Cook regular green broccoli with the short stubby stems attached.
Workers in McDonald's make profit through their ability to cook burgers at very low pay rates.
Interesting objects include a feather cape collected in Hawaii during the third voyage of Captain Cook.
Shock the first weigh over poundsmanatees tourcall captain cook had been with.
When boiling add the cauliflower and cook for five minutes.
Method In a covered saucepan, cook the celery in the stock for 15 minutes.
Louise, gaining her revenge for the previous weekend's club champs loss against Jane Cook.
They use only natural casings which cook with the sausage, absorb the flavor and are not chewy.
They neither gave them anything nor did they cook a chicken for them.
Cook went close again on 25 minutes, Yaku forcing a corner a minute later with a deft chip cross the face of goal.
John Arnold was the first to mass produce chronometers, tho his first three performed poorly on Cook's second voyage.
Tony Blair and Robin Cook have underlined that the white paper is genuinely consultative.
In quick succession, he became pastry cook, cafe manager, restaurant magnate.
While the vegetables are cooking place the pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water and cook until tender.
Ryan is a Lance Corporal in the Slough Company of the Boys Brigade and he is a keen cook.
This microwave pressure cooker allows you to cook meals in your microwave in minutes.. .
Meanwhile cook the couscous as per the packet instructions and set aside, keeping warm.
Cook made his first 1000 run season in first-class cricket this summer, scoring three centuries on the way.
Place sprue bundles on the skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, until the ham begins to go crispy.
Cook Chicken stir and eat very quickly as only eaten two crumpets all day!
Sprinkle in the flour and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes then add the tahini paste and crumbled stock cube and mix well.
Cook the marinated lamb cutlets on the griddle pan, allowing 3-4 minutes on each side.
Robin Cook was instructed by Blair to sell weapons to the genocidal rulers of Indonesia and then demoted.
If you have to cook the dinner, let him come to help you.
Falcon Domestic Kitchen Ranges are designed with the truly discerning cook in mind.
But our lady, the cook, with true British pluck, was not dispirited.
Even war wobblers Clare Short and Robin Cook were run by the damning proof contained in the 50-page dossier.
Well someone in the USA can cook, the food was superb and the beer was quite drinkable.
Do not cook the turkey drumsticks in the microwave.
And then the new cook had proved to be a violent, intermittent drunkard.
He entered a tacking duel with Bickford (Upper Thames) who eventually managed to cross the line about 2ft in front of Cook.
I am a good cook, I enjoy entertaining I am a bit of a car freak, older cars I mean.
Where glider means a periodic structure moving through time on a periodic background called ether by Cook.
But with Lesley Waters, TV chef extraordinaire, this is food that you will rush to cook.
They spit roast some mutton and cook up some hearty period fare.
We don't mind because we only cook the best ones and other fishmongers shouldn't either.
Meanwhile Head of Prison Security Perry (Ron Cook) smells something fishy.
Club members don't just use the things they grow to cook food.
Make sure you cook fresh tuna all the way through to prevent food poisoning.
Continue to cook the gammon, uncovered for 30 minutes.
Pour the stock over them, bring to the boil and cook until the stock begins to thicken and go glossy.
Add the bacon and continue to cook for a further 15 minutes stirring occasionally, until lightly golden.
High quality satire, such as Peter Cook's famous impersonation of Harold Macmillan, includes impressionism, but is not reducible to it.
Premier artist Paul Cook of the Sex Pistols was also inducted at the recent ceremony.
Alastair Cook had a highly promising debut innings of 60 during yesterday's test match against India.
The Great British Cookery Paradox is evidence that supermarkets have made substantial inroads in undermining the nation's inclination to cook.
I thought I was going insane, I kept singing the theme song to Big Cook Little Cook.
Cook down for a few seconds to make a jus.
They may not even have two taka (2p) to buy kerosene to cook their rice.
Cooking kidney beans If you buy dried kidney beans, it's important to cook them properly.
Rinse well and put the red kidney beans on to cook.
We watch TV and films, we cook - I love making lasagna.
If you are feeling lazy, a local chef can be booked to come to the villa to prepare and cook dinner for you.
Lightly cook 1 sliced leek in a 1 tbsp olive oil to soften.
The traveling party is organized by Cook's Travel Agency, assisted by the Norwegian legation.
Cook great-grandmother's favorite recipes and retell the family legends, especially to younger members of the family.
Add the onion and cook for 1 minute to soften, then add the chopped lettuce and cook for 1 minute.
To cook, a large pan of boiling liquid is required, often white wine or cider based.
Bought artichoke (rather larger than mine) in arjuna; cook it; pleasant to eat and the " petals " look lustrous.
To get the most lycopene, cook tomatoes with a little " healthful " fat, such as olive oil.
Add the bay leaf, dried marjoram and thyme and cook gently for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Place the dhal sauce aside whilst you go on to cook the meatballs.
When the oil is heated add the meatballs to the frying pan and cook until they are browned.
This microwave pressure cooker allows you to cook meals in your microwave pressure cooker allows you to cook meals in your microwave in minutes.. .
Sally the Cook, played by television actor Rodney Bewes, was sadly miscast.
Cook gently, stirring occasionally, till the apples fall to a soft mush.
Robert Gater, her boyfriend, was calling from their flat in Chelmsford, asking how to cook mussels.
However, Dr. Robert Cook has suggested that the pressure of the bit in the horse's mouth might directly cause this neuralgia.
To boil, bring a pan of water to the boil, add the prepared okra and cook for 4-6 minutes or until tender.
Dinner Chickpea and Vegetable Satay Heat a tsp olive oil in a saucepan and gently cook a sliced onion.
To cook a pancake you can use either a light oil or butter.
A cook's best friend, Petroselinum crispum, commonly known as curly parsley, is used in myriad ways in the kitchen.
Cooking cut the parsnips into chunks and cook them in boiling water until easily penetrated with a kitchen knife (about 20 minutes ).
The next day, place the soaked peas in fresh water to cover and cook until tender, about 3 hours.
Reduce the heat to low and add the ground peanuts Continue to cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes.
The poached pears, which can also be prepared in advance, are also easy to cook.
Cook 50g pasta according to packet instructions, drain well and stir in roasted vegetables and 1 tbsp of fresh pesto.
More about Scarborough The picturesque fishing port of Whitby is little changed since the days of its famous son, Captain Cook.
Bring a jacket potato wrapped in foil to cook in a bonfire.
Ainsley Harriott is the charismatic, larger-than-life presenter of BBC Two's ' Ready Steady Cook ' .
And did you know that using a pressure cooker is undoubtedly the best way to cook the oranges?
I would ride over thee. ' The cook fell prostrate, then turned over on his back.
In 1888 the Cook Islands were made a protectorate of Great Britain, and in 1901 they were annexed to New Zealand.
Spoon over the pineapple slices, place the ramekins on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 20 mins until well risen.
Add 2 chopped rashers lean back bacon and cook for a few minutes.
Wait until the charcoal is glowing red, with a powdery gray surface, before you start to cook.
Our cook Mrs Bernadette O'Gara provided a splendid repast and the guest of honor was Miss Melanie McDonagh.
To slow cook help in place he sayswholesale retail.
To cook plain rice & noodles see ' How to cook the Basics ' .
At last a chef in London who knows how to cook a risotto.
Once all the flour has been added, cook the roux for a few minutes, stirring it all the time.
Cook until the eggs are still slightly runny in the middle.
Cook's tip The fresh salsa is delicious but if you are pushed for time you can use a bought salsa or dip.
Isn't there an easier way to cook sausages than turning them every few minutes?
Captain Cook Memorial Museum This museum is housed in the building where James Cook lodged as an apprentice seaman.
I've painted many seascapes from photos taken whilst on honeymoon in the Cook Islands.
Heat the oil in a large pan and cook the shallots over a medium heat until softened.
The window sills of the cook house are still there in the wall across the lane, left.
Synopsis Agnes Meadowes is cook to the Blanchards of Foster Lane, the renowned silversmiths.
When cooking baked potatoes in the oven put a skewer through them and they will cook quicker as the metal conducts the heat.
Second was Dave Cook using similar tactics taking seven bream and a few skimmers from Peg 39.
Cook until slightly softened and add the diced potatoes, milk and stock.
Robin Cook was due to be the keynote speaker.
Three runs come off the over, as Cook ably sees the spinner off for now.
Or cook up some bubble and squeak with mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts.
Who would have thought the guardians of Robin Cook's ethical foreign policy would have become the standard-bearers for an illegal war in Iraq?
But whatever the tensions between Blair and Cook, the Prime Minister was inexorably drawn into Cook's new ethical statesmanship.
Cook has observed that his work seems to ' evoke some stirrings within the spectator's subconscious ' .
I find the perfect solution is to cook the apple and melt the suet in separate saucepans before adding them to the remaining ingredients.
Thomas Cook and Chelsea have withdrawn the train charter to Cardiff - not enough takers.
Each week Food Chain volunteers gather at six kitchens to cook and deliver tasty, healthy meals to housebound Londoners affected by HIV.
Magnificent walled Italian gardens, pool, Cook and banquet ' tavern ' in grounds.
You could cook up some scrambled eggs on wholemeal toast.
One could either buy hard tofu or soft tofu depending on how you wanted to cook it.
One of the earliest pieces of teletext documentation so far unearthed for Teletext Then and Now has been contributed by Mark Cook.
Previously unheard Peter Cook material is to be aired in a new Radio 4 archive series.
Villa in Lucca with pool Large luxury villa in Lucca with pool Large luxury villa with 6 bedrooms for up to 12 people, staffed with Cook.
The opponent Mr Cook is the proprietor of a registration for the mark viper in respect of " Motor Vehicles " .
Cook was on hand to capitalize, lifting a left-footed volley over Matt Clarke.
White pepper, milled (organic) Finely ground white pepper, milled (organic) Finely ground white pepper has traditionally been used in Western cook... .
We can have some new stuff, something that needs more than a microwave and an electric wok to cook.
Jennifer Cook is a freelance writer living in Boulder, Colorado.
Hon. Robin Cook was unveiled yesterday by the Speaker, Rt.
His account of Cook's voyage (A Voyage round the World, London, 1777; in German, Berlin, 1778-1780), is almost the first example of the glowing yet faithful description of natural phenomena which has since made a knowledge of them the common property of the educated world.
Chosen by Cook himself, she was renamed the " Endeavour," in allusion to the great work which her commander was setting out to achieve.
It was in 1788, eighteen years after Captain Cook explored the east coast, that Port Jackson was founded as a penal station for criminals from England; and the settlement retained that character, more or less, during the subsequent fifty years, transportation being virtually suspended in 1839.
The impulse given to the study of natural history by the example of Linnaeus; the results brought back by Sir Joseph Banks, Dr Solander and the two Forsters, who accompanied Cook in his voyages of discovery; the studies of De Saussure in the Alps, and the lists of desiderata in physical geography drawn up by that investigator, combined to ' Printed in Schriften zur physischen Geographie, vol.
In 1797 Bass, who had been a surgeon, made an expedition southwards, continued the work of Cook from Ram Head, and explored the strait which bears his name, and in 1798 he and Flinders were surveying on the east coast of Van Diemen's land.
There was another palace of still more wonderful character, built by the presbyter's father in obedience to a heavenly command, in the city of Bribric. Should it be asked why, with all this power and splendour, he calls himself merely "presbyter," this is because of his humility, and because it was not fitting for one whose sewer was a primate and king, whose butler an archbishop and king, whose chamberlain a bishop and king, whose master of the horse an archimandrite and king, whose chief cook an abbot and king, to be called by such titles as these.
He may have The younger Forster remarked that the birds of Norfolk Island, though believed by the other naturalists of Cook's ship to be generally the same as those of New Zealand, were distinguished by their brighter colouring (see also Nestor).
There has also been great inequality in valuations, the increase of valuation in Cook county made in compliance with the revenue law of 1898 being $200,000,000, while that for the rest of the state was only $4,000,000.
It may be well to explain here that a claim has been set up by his admirers for the celebrated artist, architect and engineer, Leonardo da Vinci, to be regarded as the discoverer of the principles and practice of flight (see Theodore Andrea Cook, Spirals in Nature and Art, 1903).
Sunday morning the ground was covered, and Helen and the cook's children and I played snowball.
Dearest, I'm afraid this morning's fruschtique *--as Foka the cook calls it--has disagreed with me.
The cook began running hither and thither in the passage like a frightened hen, just as Alpatych entered.
The cook and a shop assistant came to the gate.
At that moment the pitiful wailing of women was heard from different sides, the frightened baby began to cry, and people crowded silently with pale faces round the cook.
The cook's moans had now subsided.
The cook used them all in the raisin bread.
Special Notes Make sure you cook slowly or they will burn and still be raw in the middle.
This will allow you to cook the recipe for 6 servings.
Mama Ike quickly retorted we are in mourning no-one has had time to cook.
Retracing the history of Captain Cook we visit Ships Cove.
To cook plain rice & noodles see ' How to cook the Basics '.
Make a roux with the butter and flour, add the stock and cook out.
Cook 's tip The fresh salsa is delicious but if you are pushed for time you can use a bought salsa or dip.
Is n't there an easier way to cook sausages than turning them every few minutes?
A long pass through to Cook gave him the space he needed and having side stepped the defense he scored the equalizer.
Captain Cook was one of the most successful at combating scurvy on board ship by providing fresh lime or lemon juice.
Heat a pan until searing hot, add salmon and cook for 5 mins, turning once.
I 've painted many seascapes from photos taken whilst on honeymoon in the Cook Islands.
Barrie Cook is 71, his work was recently shown at the the Tate Britain, to celebrate his seventieth birthday.
The ability to nurse a baby, cook a meal and sew on a button all at the same time?
The sherpa crew did an amazing task digging out all of the tent platforms and building cook shelters.
Finally, the Cook simulators output will be delivered from this site by late 2007.
Cook until sizzling then remove from heat and leave to get cold.
He ignores her apology, but softens when she offers to cook a romantic meal for the two of them.
He also finds time to cook a mean spaghetti bolognaise !
Cook the spinach in a large pan covered with a lid for 3 minutes.
Who would have thought the guardians of Robin Cook 's ethical foreign policy would have become the standard-bearers for an illegal war in Iraq?
But whatever the tensions between Blair and Cook, the Prime Minister was inexorably drawn into Cook 's new ethical statesmanship.
Cook has observed that his work seems to ' evoke some stirrings within the spectator 's subconscious '.
Stir briefly until softened then add 4 x 300g cans drained butter beans and 2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary and cook until heated through.
Add the tarragon vinegar and white wine, and cook for a few minutes until the sauce is reduced down to syrup.
Bring to the boil and cook until thickened slightly.
Continue to cook until thickened then remove from the heat and stir in the cheese until melted.
Plain tofu is quick and versatile - no need to cook unless you want to.
Cook for 15 minutes, turning half way through and serve just like a burger with your favorite toppings - very satisfying !
Cook each tortilla for about 1 minute on each side, or until the surface begins to blister and turn golden.
In the kitchen Cook beetroot whole, trimming the stalks to about 3cm above the bulb, if you havenât already done so.
With two locations to choose from this is your chance to learn how to cook south east Asian food in unabashed luxury.
Add the wine and cook, uncovered for 10 minutes.
The opponent Mr Cook is the proprietor of a registration for the mark VIPER in respect of " Motor Vehicles ".
Here are displays and maps showing how the world was mapped before Cook 's voyages of exploration.
You may have to cook in batches depending on the size of your waffle iron.
Add the whipping cream, cook for a further 2 minutes to reduce a little more.
White pepper, milled (organic) Finely ground white pepper has traditionally been used in Western cook....
Add two wineglasses of stock, put on the fire, and cook for twenty minutes, stirring all the time.
A wis talkin aboot they 3 legged pots you know the anes the cook the Missionaries in !
Would you like to show condolence by helping me cook a meal for the widow?
I don't cook and I don't have a fireplace, but my grandmother's andiron is displayed in my kitchen to pay tribute to our family history.
If mom loves to cook have a recipe party, decorating with cool kitchenware (ask each guest to bring a recipe for a quick-cooking meal).
New parents do not have a lot of time to cook, so having quick snack ideas on hand can make life easier.
Just let her sit on the floor and play while you cook.
In actuality, when Gerber began the hunt for a baby face to illustrate their new product line of baby food, a commercial artist by the name of Dorothy Smith submitted her charcoal drawing of her neighbor's four month old baby, Ann Cook.
The Beaba Babycook Baby Food Maker, available at Williams Sonoma, can steam or cook meats and vegetable in less than twenty minutes.
You can also "cook" with your toddler, but this will be a modified form of cooking, of course.
Once you prepare your dish, set it in the oven and it will be kept cool until you’re ready to cook it.
If you like to cook, then you know that no kitchen is complete with out a good set of knives.
A bigger oven will cook more food at once, of course, but it will also require more wall space or more counter space.
A basic microwave oven should be able to cook, defrost and reheat.
Once you learn the range and power of each button on your microwave oven, you will be able to cook many types of food.
You have to have a reliable set of pots and pans to cook well.
Now that you have some basic knowledge about cookware set materials, think about how you cook.
Every passionate and busy cook should have one.
Start by considering what you cook and how you cook it.
On the other hand, if you usually cook for just one or two, consider a mini-processor.
Every eager cook needs a food processor to lighten the load.
Chef's Catalog offers a range of food processor prices and colors for the serious cook.
Water regularly and you will be rewarded with tasty herbs to snip and cook with.
The only way to learn how to use herbs and spices is to try them, move beyond recipes and cook by feel.
Consider breakability, how likely it is to scratch while you cook, reactivity, and heat conduction.
It's non-reactive, can be used to cook or store food, and doesn't stain.
Also, you'll be more likely to get metal in your food as you could accidentally scrape the bottom of the pots or pans with utensils while you cook.
The site suggests that you use them as decorations, to hold pencils and pens, to drink from, or to cook.
If you were wondering where to buy tin cups, hopefully you will now be able to find what you were looking for whether you were looking for something to drink from, put on display, cook in, or just have as a keepsake.
While most mini muffin pans cook up two dozen muffins at a time, some of these, such as the Norpro Mini Muffin Tin and the Wilton Excelle Elite Mini Muffin Pan, make just twelve.
With the pet food recall, I have had many people ask me how to cook for their cat.
Remove the treats from the oven, wait five minutes and turn the treats over so the other side will cook.
Sometimes we just do not have time to cook or bake for our cats and yet we still want to give them a treat.
However, it really is always best to cook the fish for the following reasons.
Cook for one minute and remove from heat.
Add enough water to cover and cook on low until thickened.
Add enough water to cover and cook until very thick.
Cook the turkey in a large pan on the stove until brown.
Combine ingredients in a saucepan and cook on medium heat until well incorporated.
Cook the ground beef over low flame until light brown, stirring frequently.
For a backyard camp-out, keep it simple and plan to cook hotdogs and marshmallows over a hot grill or fire pit (if zoning allows) on a long skewer.
Fresh cranberries may be too tart for most people, but you can certainly make them into cranberry sauce or cook them into various dishes to enjoy.
You can make it as a tea for sipping or soak the dried mushroom and cook it to enjoy in a host of dishes like sushi and stir-fry.
In 1732, Captain James Cook arrived in Australia and made the fated decision to brew a tea from a plant he later named tea tree.
Generally centered around a cooking station, today's outdoor kitchens are excellent places to relax, to entertain, and to cook.
They allow family members to watch television, eat cook, do homework and play games all together.
If you love to cook, you can design a kitchen island with a prep area, a stove top, a double sink and plenty of work space.
Is it a place where you come to cook and relax, spend time with family, or entertain guests?
For example, if you aren't a gourmet chef, you may need a simple layout, whereas an accomplished cook may require a separate preparation area and a larger workstation.
Characters can interact with televisions to watch them, get in beds to sleep in them, cook food in the kitchen (but not if they don't have a stove or a microwave) and they can even have disasters.
They play games to make Kinz cash, they cook food, they take them out to play and they celebrate birthdays.
SpongeBob has a job working as a cook at a restaurant called the Krusty Krab, which is owned by Mr. Krabs.
The choices are only limited by the cook's imagination.
Before you begin to cook, soak the bamboo skewers in water.
Stir-frying is really all about quick cooking and understanding which ingredients cook fastest and slowest.
Meats and tougher vegetables, such as celery, carrots, and broccoli will cook longest, while vegetables such as bean sprouts or green onions don't require much cooking at all, so you add them last for the least amount of cooking.
All of the vegetables should be fresh and chopped or sliced before you begin to cook.
Whether you're a new cook or a seasoned chef, owning a nice selection of cooking pots is sure to bring much joy to the kitchen.
Made from various materials and coming in all shapes and sizes, there are pots to meet the needs of every cook.
The ability to cook with less oil and ease of cleaning are the advantages of non-stick pans.
A double boiler is a sauce pan or stock pot fitted with a smaller pan used to slow cook things like pudding and rice.
However it's only a starting place as not every cook has the same needs.
A cook with a fondness for deep fried foods and chocolate desserts will use different tools than one who regularly enjoys poached eggs and apple sauce.
If you cook for a lot of people, it's likely that you need bigger cooking pots and time saving appliances like a food processor or blender.
I would suggest a fresh turkey if you are going to cook it very soon or the frozen variety if you need to transport it or store it for a long time.
Frozen turkeys need quite a long time to thaw before you can cook them.
Regardless of the method you choose, you will want to start thawing your turkey well before Thanksgiving Day or it won't cook properly.
A 10-14 pound bird should take four hours to cook.
However you decide to cook your turkey, there are a few things you should know.
This cold soup is amazingly refreshing on days when you don't want to cook.
However, if you are going to cook the potatoes to a consistency that is similar to mashed, creamy potato soup can really handle any kind of potato.
Read all recipes thoroughly and set aside more than enough time to prepare and cook each item.
Cook until the internal temperature is at least 175-180 degrees fahrenheit, which should be about 30 minutes for each pound of lamb.
Add spinach to the fat and cook until the spinach begins to wilt.
Hopefully, he has watched you cook in the kitchen and helped you create a few dishes.
Letting your child cook is a great ego and self-esteem booster for him.
Once he learns how to cook from some easy for kid breakfast recipes, he may want to make his own breakfast every morning.
Good food processors can offer tremendous help to the busy cook.
Food safety for children is an important part of teaching your kids how to cook.
For children, time spent in the kitchen learning how to cook is fun.
If you follow this practice every time you teach your kids how to cook, they will learn this good habit.
As you cook with your kids, explain to them that bacteria love food that has been left out at room temperature for hours.
Legend has it that the 100 pleats in the traditional chef's hat represent the number of different ways a person had to be able to cook eggs before they were admitted to the ranks of chefs.
Cook over a medium flame until the onions become translucent.
Add the chestnuts and continue to cook for 5 minutes.
Cook over low heat until the onions become translucent.
Every carnivore and chef has a different answer when asked how long to cook steak.
Grilling a T-bone, porterhouse, or sirloin seems is the "good old fashioned" way to cook steak.
How long to cook steak always depends on the cut's thickness, but when dealing with slices just a few minutes on each side is the general rule.
No matter how you choose to cook steak, it is a quick and delicious option for any meal.
They may have several varieties of meat available and they'll be able to tell you the best way to cook it, too!
Ramen - These noodles originally came from China and differ from other Japanese noodles in the fact that the broth used to cook ramen usually contains meat like poultry or pork while other noodle dishes in Japan are vegetable or fish based.
When the macaroni has 3 or 4 minutes left to cook, add the vegetables.
Cook about 1 minute, until the liquid is reduced.
Add the pineapple rings and cook until they're heated through.
Once the butter is melted, whisk in the flour and cook over a medium low flame.
Let this roux cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally for about four minutes.
Cook until the onions soften a bit and the garlic becomes fragrant.
Cook over a low heat, stirring occasionally, until heated through.
Anyone who has had to cook dinner in a hurry knows that chicken is a great option.
Turn the chicken pieces over and cook until golden brown.
Cook the flour over a medium heat for one minute.
Chicken piccata, the classic lemon chicken recipe, is usually the first recipe that comes to mind when a cook finds that life has handed them chicken and lemons.
Sometimes, chicken piccata recipes ask the cook to pound the chicken, but I have found that I get good results just by butterflying them and separating the halves.
Thanks to George Foreman, grilling indoors has become easier and less time consuming and is an excellent way to cook most any meat or fish.
Cooking bags give today's health conscious cook an opportunity to serve moist, flavorful meat without artery clogging fat.
Simply place the meat you want to cook inside one of the bags before cooking--it helps lock in the natural juices.
A good example of how puff pastries save the chef time happens when the cook opens a number 10 can of pre-cooked sweet potatoes, drains them, and places them in a bowl.
Using a fork, the cook seals the triangle and bakes them at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until they are golden brown.
A chef can have a cook pull the prepared food out of the freezer and get it cooking quickly rather than having that cook spend an hour preparing the vegetables.
Other times, secrecy rules as in the case of ras elhanout, a dry mix of any number of spices known only to the cook.
Cook without stirring until the eggs are just set on the bottom - about five minutes.
Cook stuffed bread for about four minutes per side - until golden brown.
Add in shrimp and cook just long enough to heat - you don't want to overcook them!
Cook until cheese is melted and roast beef is warm, about seven minutes.
To time it properly, cook the potatoes while you allow the lamb to rest.
Remove lamb, tent with foil, and allow it to rest while potatoes cook.
Cook your roux for a few minutes to cook out the raw flour taste.
Yes, I became a vegetarian, but my mom was still cooking meat dishes, so we decided to have her teach me how to cook so I can cook my own separate vegetarian meals.
Good sites to try include the Food Network, Epicurious, Cooking Light, Gourmet, Cook's Illustrated, and Eating Well.
Place the steaks in the hot oven for 4-5 minutes to allow the gorgonzola to start to melt and the steaks to cook slightly.
Place salmon filets, flesh side down, on oiled grill and cook for three minutes.
Lower the heat to medium-low flame and cook the vegetables, stirring frequently, until they start to soften.
Add the shrimp to the oil and let it cook until a light golden brown.
Since tempura is always served hot, you need to have your family or guests seated at the table as you cook.
This makes it the responsibility of the cook to make sure the food is palatable.
Usually, a weekday dinner is a quick fix affair, which rarely gives the cook time to contemplate the side dish not to mention actual time to cook the sides.
One of the best parts of Thanksgiving is that the main dish, turkey, takes at least two hours to cook.
Using a 2" deep skillet, cook the bacon until golden (medium crispy).
Cook over a medium low heat until the leeks are softened.
Add 1/2 cup of the stock and cook until the stock has reduced by half.
Add the cream and cook until reduced by half.
If you are trying to watch your weight, use vegetable oil or olive oil, but what I learned about professional cooking and how it helps me cook better than my friends is to use butter and lots of it.
This is because pieces that are the same size cook at the same rate so you don't end up with some pieces that are overcooked and some that are undercooked.
No one can learn to ride a bike by reading a book, but for some reason many people believe they will learn to cook if they read enough cookbooks.
What I learned about professional cooking and how it helps me everyday is that in order to learn how to cook, you have to cook.
And yes, things will burn, overcook, undercook, turn out blue, but if each time you crash a meal you walk away just a bit smarter and knowing why it crashed, you will be a much better cook than you ever thought possible.
The Tasman Glacier at Mount Cook National Park is one of the few heli skiing areas that has terrain suitable for skiers who can ski blue or intermediate trails.
It may seem strange, but facing down a robber (hopefully, a onetime occurrence) is much less stressful on the body than constantly having to cook dinner for a family of four (an everyday occurrence).
Some games give you a specific timeframe to serve food to customers in a virtual diner, while others require that you care for children or cook dinner in a specified period of time.
Taking a home economics class is a good way to learn how to take care of children, as well as how to cook, which might be convenient when you have to watch kids for a long time.
Learning how to cook tofu can add variety to your vegetarian menu.
The fact is tofu doesn't have a lot of taste, so it's important to learn how to cook tofu using marinades, seasonings and other flavorful foods, if you want to bring taste to the meal.
Now that we understand why to eat tofu and how much to eat, let's take a look at how to cook tofu to make it tasty, too.
A good way to start building the diet bridge is to offer to bring a vegetarian dish to a dinner party so the host doesn't have to cook something special.
How to cook tofu, a great source of calcium and plant-based protein.
Those looking to follow the raw vegan diet specifically need to remember this when looking to buy cook books or purchase packaged foods that claim to be raw.
What animals in the wild cook their food?
Boil beets by submerging them in bubbling hot water and letting them cook for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on their size.
Raw food diet followers eat a vegan diet but do not cook their food.
There's nothing like starting to cook dinner and getting to the middle of the recipe to realize you're out of a major ingredient!
Cook lasagna noodles according to package directions.
Let pancakes cook until they begin to bubble and sides start to solidify.
Generally, they take less time to cook than meat, and since any vegetable can be prepared at the grill, they're also quite versatile.
If you want beautiful grill marks and a lovely smoky flavor to your vegetables, it's worthwhile to cook them directly on the grill, although the process may be a bit messier than other methods.
Let them cook for several minutes before flipping.
Use the thickness and consistency of your vegetables as a guide to estimate how long they'll take to cook.
Cook veggie burgers or tofu alongside vegetables on the grill to round out a meal with some extra protein.
This allows the corn to steam and cook through.
Soak the grains if necessary, and cook them according to package directions.
Take off the lid, and cook for ten more minutes, stirring frequently until the potatoes are brown on all sides.
Stir in wine; cook until onion is caramelized and wine is reduced.
Cook the unsprouted seeds in broth or water and honey to make a porridge.
Learning to cook with different curries adds a whole new world of exciting flavors to vegetarian cooking.
Make large-batch meals you can freeze and portion as leftovers for times when you don't have a chance to cook.
Cook the rice as directed on the package, and spread a thin portion of it on most of a nori sheet.
Cook County, which serves Chicago, has a website with information on getting married there.
The Internet has changed the way that people shop, gather information, and even cook.
Christie Brinkley's quiet separation from her husband of 10 years, Peter Cook, exploded into media melodrama when rumors emerged that Cook had an affair with a then 18-year-old employee of his architecture firm.
And just when Cook thought it couldn't get any worse, more allegations emerged about his conduct - this time singer Samantha Cole came forward to claim she also had an affair with Cook - ten years ago, when she was 18.
One of the more high profile cases in the world of celebrity divorce is the split of serial bride Christie Brinkley and fourth husband, architect Peter Cook.
Cook's alleged affair with a teenager was cited as the cause of the breakup.
Christie Brinkley and Peter Cook - Your loved one cheats on you with a teenager, and the whole world finds out.
Model Christie Brinkley and her fourth husband, Peter Cook, have separated.
All the things any man would want in a woman, and I can cook my ass off, too!
Christina announced on The Ellen DeGeneres Show they keep their marriage alive with "Naked Sundays" where the two cook, eat and lounge around naked.
Dane Cook was born March 18,1972 in Boston, Massachusetts, to George and Donna Cook.
In 2000, Cook appeared on Comedy Central Presents.
Fame for Dane Cook came via the Internet in 2000 when, in a bold move, he spent $25,000 to launch
Cook also made history in 2005 when his second album, Retaliation, debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 -- making him the highest-charting comedian in 25 years.
From small, dingy comedy clubs to headlining Carnegie Hall, Dane Cook has paid his dues to become one of the most influential comics of his time.
It also starred funny men Jay Cook, Gary Gulman and Robert Kelly.
Early in his career, Dane Cook took the leap from comedian to actor -- a gutsy move that helped skyrocket the livelihoods of fellow comedians Ray Romano, George Lopez and Denis Leary.
Dane Cook's latest film, Employee of the Month (October 2006), with Jessica Simpson received only mediocre reviews.
While reviewers said it had its funny moments, Cook's comedic talents just didn't shine.