Convulsed Sentence Examples
The current stopped, and she convulsed on the cold marble floor.
A cold feeling constricted her throat and she convulsed in a dry heave.
For the next two years all Hungary was convulsed by a horrible civil war, during which the unhappy young king, who fought for his heritage to the last with desperate valour, was driven from one end of his kingdom to the other like a hunted beast.
The whole social fabric had been convulsed and transformed.
The outburst of fanaticism which convulsed Arabia twenty years later had not then reached Yemen, and Europeans, as such, were not exposed to any special danger.
Her heart bolted and her body convulsed.
She tried to pull away, took one gasping breath, then convulsed before dropping unconscious to the floor.
Little remained to him of his light acquisitions; but he had convulsed Italy by this invasion, destroyed her equilibrium, exposed her military weakness and political disunion, and revealed her wealth to greedy and more powerful nations.
While this work of reconstruction was in progress domestic politics in England were convulsed by the tariff reform movement and Mr Chamberlain's resignation.
Another followed in the next reign; and in 115, during Trajan's sojourn in the place with his army of Parthia, the whole site was convulsed, the landscape altered, and the emperor himself forced to take shelter in the circus for several days.
AdvertisementAfter more than a century of enforced repose in the land and of prosperity in the towns, all Wales was suddenly convulsed by a wide-spread revolt against the English crown, which reads more like a tale of romance than a piece of sane history.
The city of Belfast, however, was periodically convulsed by sectarian rioting.
It was terrible and amazing to see such a woman so convulsed with joy at such a sight.
It also convulsed on two occasions while rolled over.
Internal dissensions, invasion and disturbances of every kind convulsed the province, and neither prince nor people enjoyed security.
AdvertisementHe was evidently distressed, and breathed painfully, but could not restrain the wild laughter that convulsed his usually impassive features.
Thus in the Sandwich Islands the god Oro gave his oracles through a priest who "ceased to act or speak as a voluntary agent, but with his limbs convulsed, his features distorted and terrific, his eyes wild and strained, he would roll on the ground roaming at the mouth, and reveal the will of the god in shrill cries and sounds violent and indistinct, which the attending priests duly interpreted to the people."
The new city was strongly fortified and figured prominently in the struggle for independence, and also in the various revolutions which have convulsed the republic. Its political autonomy dates from 1836, when it was made a coast department.
He succeeded indeed in putting down the four formidable rebellions which convulsed the realm from 1525 to 1542, but the consequent strain upon his resources was very damaging, and more than once he was on the point of abdicating and emigrating, out of sheer weariness.
The bombardment of Beira, the fall of Acre, and the total collapse of the boasted power of Mehemet Ali followed in rapid succession, and before the close of the year Lord Palmerston's policy, which had convulsed and terrified Europe, was triumphant, and the author of it was regarded as one of the most powerful statesmen of the age.
AdvertisementZola played a very important part in the Dreyfus affair, which convulsed French politics and social life at the end of the 19th century.
A generation before it is certain that England would have been convulsed by a great feudal rising when such an opportunity was granted to the barons.
While France was thus inwardly convulsed, its rulers were doubly bound to husband the national strength and practise moderation towards other states.
The rivalry between the English and the French, which had already convulsed the south, did not penetrate to Bengal.
Clement's motive for this reso- Settlement lution was his fear that the independence of the ecclesiastical government might be endangered among the frightful dissensions and party conflicts by which Italy was then convulsed; while at the same time he yielded to the pressure John 334.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, the Odense Recess of the 10th of August 1527, which put both confessions on a footing of equality, remained unrepealed; and so long as it remained in force, the spiritual jurisdiction of the bishops, and, consequently, their authority over the " free preachers " (whose ambition convulsed all the important towns of Denmark and aimed at forcibly expelling the Catholic priests from their churches) remained valid, to the great vexation of the reformers.