Convincing Sentence Examples
Her words didn't sound convincing even to her own ears.
That would have been more convincing if you hadn't been so willing at first.
She tried to sound convincing, but her voice faltered.
Good luck in convincing Quinn!
Jonathan was doing a surprisingly convincing job on his part.
It had the effect they desired of convincing the Others he had crushed the gem and was unleashing hell on earth in his quest for revenge for them taking Jessi.
When the terms of the Austro-Piedmontese armistice were announced in the Chamber at Turin they aroused great indignation, but the king succeeded in convincing the deputies Piedmont that they were inevitable.
The fact that a considerable number of people sheltering under trees are killed by lightning is generally accepted as a convincing proof of the unwisdom of the proceeding.
The most convincing proof of this is that Origen (i) takes the idea of the immutability of God as the regulating idea of his system, and (2) deprives the historical "Word made flesh" of all significance for the true Gnostic. To him Christ appears simply as the Logos who is with the Father from eternity, and works from all eternity, to whom alone the instructed Christian directs his thoughts, requiring nothing more than a perfect - i.e.
Convincing evidence is offered by the qualities of the Spanish race in Cuba that white men of temperate lands can be perfectly acclimatized in this tropical island.
AdvertisementSam succeeded in convincing Miriam to meet with Jackson.
She focused them on Darian, the man she tried to protect by convincing him she felt nothing for him.
Among various reasons, the most convincing is that the presence of Aurelius was required in Rome; moreover, the real leader was evidently Cassius.
Josephus' history of the Jews contains accounts of John the Baptist and Jesus, the authenticity of which has been called in question for plausible but not entirely convincing reasons.
The argument from the sudden disappearance of persons in a position to know something of the truth is of a less convincing character.
AdvertisementThe official portrait by Muytens, engraved by Petit, gives a less convincing impression that an excellent chalk drawing of the head by Gabriel Mattei.
Watase has shown, in a very convincing way, how by deepening the pit-like set of cells beneath a simple lens the more complex ommatidia of the compound eyes of Crustacea and Hexapoda may be derived from such a condition as that presented in the lateral eyes of Limulus and Scorpio.
That line of descent can be made out with convincing clearness and with no particular difficulty from epoch to epoch, from the precarium and the patrocinium, through the benefice and commendation, to the fief and vassalage.
They have been identified with the AKarcpoc (perhaps AkKhazari, or White Khazars) who appear upon the lower Volga in the Byzantine annals, and thence they have been deduced, though with less convincing proof, either from the AyetOvpvoc (Agathyrsi) or the Kariapoc of Herodotus, iv.
So convincing a sign was irresistible; all the people fell on their faces and acknowledged Yahweh as the true God.
AdvertisementNo matter how convincing the machine is, once I know it is a machine, I won't care about it anymore.
Donnie's Ma needed a bit of convincing but figured I wasn't going to do him no harm.
The chief cause of the wastage of Napoleon's army was the rapidity of its movement, and a convincing proof of this is the corresponding decrease of the Russian army.
Convincing herself it was only his magic, she couldn't help sensing once more there was something else between them.
She spoke through clenched teeth and her tone must have been convincing because he looked scared.
AdvertisementThe Pythagorean school of philosophers adopted the theory of a spherical earth, but from metaphysical rather than scientific reasons; their convincing argument was that a sphere being the most perfect solid figure was the only one worthy to circumscribe the dwellingplace of man.
The argument that the Chronicler must have been contemporary with the last persons named in his book is by no means convincing and on the other hand his account of the Temple services, in which he seems to be describing the Temple of his own days, harmonizes far better with a date at the end of the third, or even in the second, century B.C. than with the close of the Persian or the beginning of the Greek period.
The Peshitta New Testament - according to the convincing theory which at present holds the field s - is not the oldest form of the Syriac version, at least as regards the Gospels.
The wonderful Roman remains at Trier and elsewhere, the Roman roads, bridges and aqueducts, are convincing proofs of what the Rhine gained from Roman domination.
But Bestuzhev succeeded, at last, in convincing the empress that Chetardie was an impudent intriguer, and on the 6th of June 174.4, that diplomatist was ordered to quit Russia within twenty-four hours.
The Cestodes of Elasmobranch fish offer more convincing examples of independent growth of the proglottides, for these are often set free with only the male organs developed, and each attains twice the size of the parental strobila.
More convincing evidence of the absence of true regeneration, however, is the argument from malformation and the phenomenon known as " pseudo-scolex.
He had been chosen to meet Hamilton in controversy, with a view to convincing him of his errors, but the arguments of the Scottish proto-martyr, and above all the spectacle of his heroism at the stake, impressed Alesius so powerfully that he was entirely won over to the cause of the Reformers.
The terrible events in Minster, which was controlled for a short time (1533-34) by a group of Anabaptists under the leadership of John of Leiden, the introduction of polygamy (which appears to have been a peculiar accident rather than a general principle), the speedy capture of the town by an alliance of Catholic and Protestant princes, and the ruthless retribution inflicted by the victors, have been cherished by ecclesiastical writers as a choice and convincing instance of the natural fruits of a rejection of infant baptism.
But Dornberg, arrogating to himself the right of selecting the reports which were worth forwarding, sent it back, saying that, so far from convincing him that the emperor was advancing to give battle, it assured him of the contrary.
From 1875 onwards Smith contributed to the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica a long series of important articles, which, together with the articles of Cheyne, Wellhausen and others, made that work an important factor in the change which was to pass over English thought in regard to the Bible; in 1878, by his pleadings in the trial for heresy brought against him on the ground of these articles, he turned a personal defeat in the immediate issue into a notable victory for the cause which led to his condemnation; and subsequently (in 1880), in two series of lectures, afterwards published 2 and widely read, he gave a brilliant, and, as it proved, to a rapidly increasing number a convincing exposition of the criticism of the literature, history and religion of Israel, which was already represented in Germany 2 The Old Testament in the Jewish Church (1881); The Prophets of Israel (1882).
Quentin has produced some interesting but not convincing evidence to show that the MS. was used in Lyons in the 12th century, and Rendel Harris at one time thought that there were traces of Gallicism in the Latin, but the latter's more recent researches go to show that the corrections and annotations varying in date between the 7th and 12th centuries point to a district which was at first predominantly Greek and afterwards became Latin.
It is based upon revelation, which even at the present time is imparted to the individual, upon the more or less convincing force of the religious imagination and speculations of a few leaders, upon the voluntary and unstable grouping of the schools round the master.
I make them because I believe I can back them up with convincing proofs and arguments.
Players who are good at convincing people tend to win this game, which is all in good fun.
Some celebrity accounts can be quite convincing.
The words were spoken softly, but the gun in Davis' hand was convincing.
With regard to the date of the Psalms, internal evidence, from the nature of the case, leads to few results which are convincing.
In these his language is vigorous and dignified; he states the results of his labour and thought with freshness and lucidity; tells numberless stories in a most delightful manner, and exhibits a wonderful talent for the representation of personal character; the many portraits of historic persons of all orders which he draws in these prefaces are as brilliant in execution as they are exact and convincing.
The chief arguments to be urged against this late date are the character of the Hebrew style (Driver, op. cit., p. 233) and the alleged close of the prophetic canon by 200; but perhaps neither of these can be regarded as very convincing.
In his Socratic power of convincing his pupils of their ignorance he did more than perhaps any other man of his time to awaken in those who came under his sway the desire for knowledge and the process of independent thought.
In Mexico, Colombia and Peru the cutting of friable stone with tough volcanic hammers and chisels, as well as rude metallurgy, obtained, but the evidences of smelting are not convincing.
He succeeded in convincing the deputies that the peace was necessary, and it was (March 1871) voted by more than five to one.
Strachan had no difficulty in convincing Lord Bathurst of the justice of his claims on all essential matters, the most important of which was the exclusive right of the Church of England in Canada to the Clergy Reserves.
But the evidence is on the whole cumulative and convincing that there was a remarkable falling off in the birth-rate during the 19th century.
Against the "Chorizontes," who have advanced various hypotheses on all these points without convincing one another, it may be objected that they have not considered Aristotle's method of gradual and simultaneous composition of manuscripts within the Peripatetic school.
His own explanation of the act, connecting it with the martyrdom of a thousand Christians in the time of Diocletian, is not convincing.
Impressive in matter rather than in manner of delivery, and seldom rising to the level of eloquence in the sense in which that quality was understood in a House which had listened to Bright and Gladstone, his speeches were logical and convincing, and their attractive literary form delighted a wider audience than that which listens to the mere politician.
Such, a concordance between theory and experiment not only verifies the accuracy of thermodynamic reasoning as applied to dilute solutions, but gives perhaps one of the most convincing experimental verifications of the general validity of thermodynamic theory which we possess.
But convincing proof of its authenticity lies in Macarius' reference to himself as merely archbishop of Jerusalem, and his avowal that he was unwilling to advise the Armenians, "being oppressed by the weakness of the authority conceded him by the weighty usages of the church."
To the majority of English readers Guenevere is best known in connexion with her liaison with Lancelot, a story which, in the hands of Malory and Tennyson, has assumed a form widely different from the original conception, and at once more picturesque and more convincing.
None of the efforts in this direction, whether by Moslem scholars or by Europeans, has led to convincing results.
A search by rival theorists for evidence which will prove that Cephallenia is Ithaca, has produced nothing more convincing, and efforts to find the city of the Phaeacians at Cape Kephali in Corfu were also unsuccessful.
There is no convincing evidence to suggest that the second- and third-generation cephalosporins are more efficacious than the first-generation cephalosporins in this indication.
In fact, she had been nothing more than a spectator for a convincing roll Cade was playing.
To win Gabriel, Deidre planned on lying to him, convincing him she was human-Deidre.
Certainly looks convincing. I see why Andre recruited you.
The evidence is not convincing; and certainly his recovery was very speedy.
His policy was to preserve constitutional government in the South and strengthen the anti-war party in the North by convincing it that the Lincoln administration had abandoned such government; to the same end he urged, in 1864, the unconditional discharge of Federal prisoners in the South.
Though the provisions of the Tanzimat were not fully observed, they afforded convincing proof that reform was entirely practicable in Turkey.
His remarkable speech of the 24th of November 1791 is a convincing proof of his sagacity.
In 1872 he undertook the defence of his friend Lord Chancellor Hatherley, when attacked for his appointment of Sir Robert Collier to the judicial committee of the Privy Council, and, by a line of argument more ingenious than convincing, secured a majority for the government.
The percentage (27.7) of loss sustained by the British is sufficient evidence of the intensity of the conflict, and provides a convincing answer to certain writers who have represented the battle as chiefly a French affair.
The story is so plain and convincing in itself that it gives at first sight an impression of completeness.
It had been inaugurated with Gotz von Berlichingen, and a few months later this tragedy was followed by another, Clavigo, hardly less convincing in its character-drawing, and reflecting even more faithfully than the former the experiences Goethe had gone through in Strassburg.
His police stories, though not so convincing as those of Emile Gaboriau, with whom his name is generally associated, had a great circulation, and many of them have been translated into English.
Mill may well have himself conceived his methods as practically fruitful and normally convincing with the limiting formula in each case more cogent in form but therewith merely the skeleton of the process that but now pulsed with life.
He was, however, the first whose analysis was sufficiently convincing to exorcise the tyranny of grammatical forms. The categorical and disjunctive judgment reduce to the hypothetical.
Written in simple convincing language, it was read everywhere, and the open movement to independence dates from its publication.
The proof deals with each symbol separately; as might be expected of its author, it is both scholarly and ingenious, but, it must be admitted, not very convincing.
But perhaps the most convincing testimony to the presence of this ineradicable naturalism is afforded by the Latin songs of wandering students, known as Carmina Burana, written by the self-styled Goliardi.
But the presbyter Hippolytus was successful in convincing the leaders of that church that the Modalistic doctrine taken in its strictness was contrary to Scripture.
Lenz (1804-1865), 1 Amongst the most important of Faraday's quantitative researches must be included the ingenious and convincing proofs he provided that the production of any quantity of electricity of one sign is always accompanied by the production of an equal quantity of electricity of the opposite sign.
Varley had advanced tentatively the hypothesis that it consisted in an actual projection of electrified matter from the cathode, and Crookes was led by his researches in 1870, 1871 and 1872 to embrace and confirm this hypothesis in a modified form and announce the existence of a fourth state of matter, which he called radiant matter, demonstrating by many beautiful and convincing experiments that there was an actual projection of material substance of some kind possessing inertia from the surface of the cathode.
When in 1897 King Oscar celebrated his jubilee of twenty-five years as king, the exhibition which had been organized in Stockholm offered a convincing proof of the progress the country had made in every direction.
His vast learning was the result of a powerful memory and unwearied industry, and he lacked the creative imagination necessary to mould this material into new forms. He was a powerful debater, but his victories were those of a dialectician rather than a convincing reasoner, and in him depth of insight and conviction were ill replaced by the controversial violence characteristic of the age.
None of these is very convincing, though support may be found for them all in the versions.
Zahn is now its main supporter, and his contentions are not convincing.
This manual for the middle ages arranged the rise and fall of e mpires with convincing exactness.
Neither attribution can be counted convincing.
The more, however, the case so intimately associated with the name of Lord Morton is considered, the less convincing is the evidence it affords in favour of "infection."
He had no forensic eloquence; but the cold obstinacy with which he pressed his charges was more convincing than any rhetoric, and he seldom failed to secure a conviction.
The attribute of the torch will apply equally well to the goddess of the chase, and epithets such as ckcoa46pos, a€Xao opos, aiOoria, although applicable, are by no means convincing.
But more convincing than most of the philosophical arguments by which the theories of psychophysical parallelism have been assailed is the fact that it runs counter to the plain evidence of the ordinary consciousness.
Is it possible to hold that determinist arguments are of so convincing a character as to enable us to perceive at the moment of action the untrustworthy nature of our consciousness that we are free to choose between alternatives and to grasp beneath the appearance the underlying necessity which rules our wills ?
Men desire strength or power not as ends but as means to ends beyond them; Nietzsche is most convincing when the Ubermensch is left undefined.
He ought to hold, and in disputing with Descartes he did apparently hold, that the evidence of the senses is the only convincing evidence; yet he maintains, and from his special mathematical training it was natural he should maintain, that the evidence of reason is absolutely satisfactory.
It was the Italian Orsini who, by attempting to assassinate him as a traitor to the Italian nation on the 14th of January 1858, gave him an opportunity to impose his will indirectly by convincing his wife that in the interests of his own security he must "do something for Italy."
The philological arguments advanced are extremely weak, and by no means convincing.
Not more convincing is a second experiment devised by Fresnel.
Of commanding presence, firm, decisive, courteous in manner, convincing in argument, and deeply attached to his native province, he had all the qualities of a popular leader.
Afghanistan, forming part of a thick series of marine beds known as the Salt Range group. This group of sediments in the extrapeninsular area of India includes a basal boulder-bed, referred on convincing evidence to the same geological horizon as the glacial deposits of the Indian peninsula (Talchir boulder-beds), South.
The evidence adduced by Nathorst and some other writers is, however, not convincing; until we find well-preserved sporocarps in connection with vegetative fronds we prefer to keep an open mind as regards the position of Sagenopteris.
To this theory the objection is raised that it is but a theory; that it is unsupported by any convincing evidence; and that the process which it postulates, that, namely, of the transformation of the gods into heroes by the popular imagination, is contrary to all that we know of the fate of dethroned deities, who are apt to live on in fairy stories in very unheroic guise.
The evidence for a fourfold authorship is strong though not convincing.
For the third no convincing evidence has been adduced, nor does it seem likely that any can be.
This section is free from such notable Hebraisms as we have just dealt with, and no convincing grounds have been advanced to prove that it is a translation from a Semitic original.
Langen, Hilgenfeld, Wieseler, Stahelin, Renan, Hausrath, Drummond, Dillmann, Rosenthal, Gunkel, have maintained on various grounds the priority of 4 Ezra; and Scharer, Bissell, Thomson, Deane, Kabisch, De Faye, Wellhausen, and Ryssel the priority of Baruch on grounds no less convincing.
Despite vigorous protests, Berisha reluctantly conceded defeat as the Socialists, led by Fatos Nano, won a convincing victory.
A convincing argument backed by a previously stated policy may limit escalation of a crisis.
As a former atheist, his account is very convincing.
Perhaps the evidence for simply adding cereal bran to your breakfast is less convincing than that for adopting a broader fiber diet.
It is a convincing medium caliber, and in Scout configuration it offers the best of two worlds.
Could it really be presented as a convincing casus belli?
If not in our schools where, pray, is the convincing catechesis to be done - and how will it convince?
Some say the most convincing explanation of his WMD is, as Tariq Aziz once confided, to prepare for revenge against Iran.
The music reaches another level suddenly and the vocalist spits out lyrics and sounds utterly convincing.
Actually, the attempts to render the speech of ordinary people are not wholly convincing.
Either way, I do not find their excuses entirely convincing.
Not only does she look exactly like the Canadian chart sensation she has all the right mannerisms to make the look totally convincing.
A not altogether convincing attempt to construct a narrative of Scottish kings between the ninth and eleventh centuries.
That's the end of Bingham's brave challenge as Ebdon has dominated frame ten for a 6-4 victory and a thoroughly convincing performance.
Such parents will need some convincing to visit a children's center at school.
The first, and perhaps least convincing, example of a plot line involving prisoners related to officers.
The choreography was remarkable for all the soloists and the male groups, less convincing for the corps de ballet.
How what seems very convincing can be one sided or wrong.
She appeared so convincing that her captors entrusted her with the key to the main door.
To children in Sunday school this sounds quite convincing.
In a similar vein, special effects again look more convincing.
This skill becomes important at the book's denouement which, it must be said, is not wholly convincing.
All of these looked entirely convincing, and all of them were entirely fake.
But if Wales is to really establish itself worldwide, we will need a rather more convincing figurehead than Rhodri.
Instead a rather fitful performance fell away to become one of our least convincing of the season.
Pakistan then claimed a convincing win in the re-arranged fixture.
Comment The evidence for using glutamate is not convincing.
This results in the most convincing piano sample yet released, where the performance actually interacts with the soundboard like a real grand piano.
As a bonus most models now have a convincing harpsichord.
His explanation of certain developments in later hominids, explained solely through the necessity to search for food, is less convincing.
As it was, both sides huffed and puffed, but never looked at all convincing in attack.
Do there exist convincing alternatives to the transcription of the guitar solos or to venture upon new guitar improvisations?
In terms of capturing insurgents the figures are less convincing.
Dame Edna then metamorphosed into a very convincing Billy Connolly, who in turn took off the cast Dad's Army with attitude!
But such a priori slicing up of European Orientalism needs to be given a better and more convincing reason.
Pieces of date palm leaf have been found on the bones but are not convincing evidence for wrapping.
Not likely to make it onto the increasingly philistine Channel 4. A convincing religious parable about nuclear war and, well, sacrifice.
A deft and convincing portrayal of alcoholism, with a delicious last line.
The second and third cases showed convincing positivity, however, the pattern of staining was dissimilar from that seen in cases of vCJD.
You will have to take my word that there is convincing proof for what I'm about to say.
You are a convincing speaker, but are not especially receptive to the ideas and opinions of others.
She's a fine actress who oozes sensuality, but she's also a convincing cop's wife.
It is more difficult to create a convincing digital simulacrum of reality than it is to create a reality that only exists digitally.
Among the trees, girls dance in a not completely convincing simulacrum of wild abandon.
He was a more convincing prose stylist than he imagined.
As a symbol of irresistible temptation, the apple is deeply convincing.
At elections to the Supreme Soviet in March 1990, the Popular Front of Latvia won a convincing victory.
The year started for the first team with a convincing win over rivals St. Anne's.
According to the latest reports, the spam zombies will scan inboxes, gather information and compose convincing replies to existing messages.
In an age of superstition no people had so great a reputation for credulity as the Paphlagonians, and Alexander had little difficulty in convincing them of the second coming of the god under the name of Glycon.
His paper on the variation of the specific heat with temperature, which appeared in 1907, was the first extension of Planck's fundamental hypothesis, and its verification in essentials is one of the most convincing arguments in its favour.
As foreign minister of a young state which had attained unity in defiance of the most formidable religious organization in the world and in opposition to the traditional policy of France, it could but be ViscontiVenostas aim to uphold the dignity of his country while convincing European diplomacy that United Italy was an element of order and progress, and that the spiritual independence of the Roman pontiff had suffered no diminution.
While convincing us that the plants of past ages in the earths history were exposed to very similar conditions of life, and made very much the same adaptive responses as their modern representatives, one of the main results of this line of work has been to reveal important data enabling us to fill various gaps in our morphological knowledge and to obtain a more complete picture of the evolution of tissues in the vascular plants.
The bold criticism of Middleton's recently (174.9) published Free Enquiry into the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church appears to have given the first shock to his Protestantism, not indeed by destroying his previous belief that the gift of miraculous powers had continued to subsist in the church during the first four or five centuries of Christianity, but by convincing him that within the same period most of the leading doctrines of popery had been already introduced both in theory and in practice.
The structure of the adult Linguatula or Pentastomum, above described, does not supply convincing evidence of relationship with the Acari.
To rescue Merswin from the charge of deceit involved in this theory, Jundt puts forward the suggestion, more ingenious than convincing, that Merswin was a "double personality," who in his primary state wrote the books ascribed to him, and in his secondary state became "the Friend of God from the Oberland," writing the other treatises.
In connexion with this work it must be remembered that Vambery could write down but a few furtive notes while with the dervishes, and dared not take a single sketch; but the weird scenes, with their misery and suffering, were so strongly impressed on his memory that his, book is convincing by its simplicity, directness and evidence of heroic endurance.
The argument is developed with convincing ingenuity, but it may be doubted whether it has permanently " rescued Odin from the misty dreamland of mythology and restored him to history."
Against the " Chorizontes," who have advanced various hypotheses on all these points without convincing one another, it may be objected that they have not considered Aristotle's method of gradual and simultaneous composition of manuscripts within the Peripatetic school.
But his speeches were packed with epigram, and expressed with rare felicity of phrase; his terse and telling sentences were richer in profound aphorisms and maxims of political philosophy than those of any other statesman save Burke; he possessed the orator's incomparable gift of conveying his own enthusiasm to his audience and convincing them of the loftiness of his aims.
FunckBrentano's attempt to prove that Mattioli did not die in 1694 is far from convincing; but the assumption that he did is inferential, and to that extent arguable.
The simple facts would be so much more convincing!
I saw him lying on a bed," said she, making a gesture with her hand and a lifted finger at each detail, "and that he had his eyes closed and was covered just with a pink quilt, and that his hands were folded," she concluded, convincing herself that the details she had just seen were exactly what she had seen in the mirror.
She 's a fine actress who oozes sensuality, but she 's also a convincing cop 's wife.
His conclusions should be convincing to the most skeptical reader.
Against that we spurned a couple of one and ones which would have made the scoreline more convincing.
Give us the convincing evidence that 800 beds will suffice when 1200 now do not.
In principle, the idea of the ubiquity of the Internet looks convincing.
And the transformation of Fran 's ugly duckling into the beautiful swan is convincing.
The year started for the first team with a convincing win over rivals St. Anne 's.
Although he dressed the part, the high priest's vatic eloquence was not convincing.
Much of the information about penny stocks comes from people with a financial interest in selling information or convincing investors to buy certain stocks.
Both styles were impressively simple, yet still immensely convincing with the help of subtle makeup.
Whether it's desired for a healthy dose of pre-wedding color or as a base for an upcoming vacation, a faux tan can be a convincing alternative to the sun's damaging rays when applied correctly.
With the demand of convincing faux-tanning on the rise, self-tanning companies have developed new ways to create gorgeous color without error during application.
While often overlooked, face makeup plays a very important role in creating a realistic and convincing costume.
With my sensitive skin, though, I've always been hesitant to add anything completely new to my regimen, and it takes a bit of convincing to get me there.
However, a skimpy eyelash condition and a convincing spokesperson made me try this new mascara.
If you still need convincing consider this.
This can be an effective method of convincing alcoholics that their behavior hurts others as well as themselves.
She also started singing early in life but had a difficult time convincing the world of her talent.
Leoni reportedly began seeing Thornton while she was convincing her husband to seek treatment for his addiction and continued to see him while Duchovny was in rehab.
Because of her dedication to her craft she's willing to have a fluctuating body size to be convincing in her roles.
Maybe that's why Lea plays such a convincing diva on screen?
Whether he's playing a student wizard or a dangerous vampire with a tender heart, Pattinson has easily won over millions of teens and tweens with his good looks and convincing character portrayals.
Instead of drawing attention to one star actor, the cast is a blend of talent and convincing character portrayals.
Sources close the pair leaked stories about their troubles, but the most convincing evidence that the separation was old news came in the timing of a Vanity Fair cover story featuring Lopez.
They are stepping forward and providing financial incentives to high school graduates in hopes of convincing them to enter the nursing field.
The first usage of a graphic for a T shirt seems to be in 1948, when the competing presidential campaigns each employed a T shirt slogan convincing well-known people to wear them on TV.
Allergy testing provides convincing evidence of specific antibodies to which the child is reacting.
Nutrition experts have built up convincing evidence that there are major problems with the conventional American diet, which is centered on meat products that are high in cholesterol and saturated fat and low in fiber.
Poignant gals with a jaded, tough side have the mysterious ability to look cool while convincing the world they invested little care or effort.
If you opt for artificial flowers, make sure the variety is convincing and appears fresh.
They should be able to help you deal with common problems to new moms such as bad positioning or convincing a sleepy baby to wake up and eat.
Many WAHMs have had difficulty convincing their partner to help with household chores so they can focus on building a home-based business.
Other players then try to write a convincing definition of the word.
Players win by guessing the correct definition or convincing the most people that their definition is the correct one.
Not only can this person edit and proofread if need, but he or she can also let you know if your language is convincing and has a proper tone to it.
The key to a convincing Renaissance or medieval costume is in the details.
While this outfit doesn't include gloves or a light saber, it does have a convincing injection-molded mask, boots, cape, and suit.
If you're interested in being an especially convincing Darth Vader and have a large budget for Halloween this year, take a look at the Supreme Edition Darth Vader Costume from
You'll also find convincing helmets, gloves, and even a Darth Vader trick or treat bucket.
There are many convincing artificial diamond engagement rings available and this can be a good way to save money.
These replica handbags are usually convincing, sometimes to the point that only designer employees can recognize the difference.
It doesn't take much convincing to realize that an embroidered formal handbag is one of the best choices available for glamorous nights out.
However, convincing the general population might be a more difficult proposition.
Below are a few examples of some cases where the ghost videos are so convincing that even years later, no one can explain the images that appear on these videos.
In the process of hypnotizing his ten-year-old daughter Isabel, she began answering his questions before he even asked them, convincing Jose that she was clairvoyant.
If you need even more convincing, check out the customer testimonials on the Z Coil Footwear website.
Because many youngsters love wearing bright colors, you may have more luck convincing a child to sport neon jellies than you will an adult.
Meghan created a spell so that Felicity could travel back in time to be with him, and even after more convincing and even Noel finally agreeing that he believes her story, Felicity knows that he is still not convinced.
However, it takes a lot of convincing and still the guys decide that Felicity should go see a doctor.
Convincing an established tattoo artist to take you under wing is no easy feat.
For example, no matter how convincing a random email message you receive seems, it is a fact that you don't have a rich unknown relative whose attorney wants to wire you an enormous sum of money.
This part of the document exists for the purpose of convincing people to want to learn more.
If you need any convincing, these photos may be just what you need!
It was Dawson who took some convincing to come on board to the project.
Sinatra got a shot at recording a solo album in 1942, and rumors persist that the mob had some role in convincing Dorsey to release Sinatra from this restrictive contract (a story that was written into the movie The Godfather).
After convincing the Beauty and The Beast cast to sing background vocals, he got Nick to record the song for inclusion on Broadway's annual Christmas fundraising album, Carols for a Cure.
Phillips appreciated the so-called "race records" that had enamored Elvis, but he had had a hard time convincing white audiences to give the music a chance.
She is known for convincing drug users to give up their dealers.
The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship -- This site includes convincing background that the shows the Lord of the Rings Elvish languages are incomplete.
If you're looking for something more decorative than functional, many costume resources such as Fun House Theatrical have replicas that even have working lamps and convincing shapes.
She wasn't very convincing.
You're welcome for convincing Gabe not to knock down the rest of your walls to get to this one.
What they have not done is to suggest a convincing rationale for why this may be so.
Berkeley's statement of the view that all knowledge is relative to the subject - that no object can be known except under the form which our powers of sense-perception, our memory and imagination, our notions and inference, give it - is still the most striking and convincing that we possess.
Now the integrity of Japan was worth little if the Russians could hope ultimately to invade her in superior force, and as Port Arthur was the station of the fleet that might convoy an invasion, as well as the symbol of the longed-for hegemony, the fortress was necessarily the army's first objective, a convincing Sedan was the next.
Furthermore, the prevailing philosophies of the r8th century tended to demand that a real divine revelation should be one which expressed itself in a form convincing to the reason of the average plain man, whatever his predispositions might be; it was obvious that the New Testament did not wholly conform to this standard.
From comparative anatomy alone it is possible to arrange a series of living forms which, although structurally a convincing array because placed in a graded series, may be, nevertheless, in an order inverse to that of the actual historical succession.
The attorney hoped his client's veracity would be convincing to the jury.
Needless to say, Sarah Connor and her teenage son need some serious convincing and it opens the door to a little levity.
That A'Ran guy sounded pretty convincing about kidnapping her.
Chance puts the Duc d'Enghien in his hands and unexpectedly causes him to kill him--thereby convincing the mob more forcibly than in any other way that he had the right, since he had the might.
I expected to be convincing you to accept me today.