Convince Sentence Examples
Yes, I need to convince her to accept me.
None of them had been able to convince her to wait until the estate was settled.
He might object to you, but I can convince him to take you.
She tried hard to convince herself that she was misreading Wynn.
Being underground meant he was a much harder target to hit, yet despite his attempts to convince his brother to act likewise, he'd not yet succeeded.
My goal is not to convince people that the world will be perfect in the future.
When you're sheriff you can contact all the West coast authorities and try and convince them to chase your bones.
It took me some time to convince Mr. Hardy you were the best painter in the area for his Cannery Row project.
I guess I'd try to convince Quinn to let us use his stuff.
What will it take for me to convince you?
AdvertisementIf only she could convince him.
The way he kissed her and the way his gaze lingered on her every time they spoke was more than enough to convince her he was attracted to her.
Every year I come out here and try to convince him to get with the times, but it's to no avail.
He tried to convince himself the reason was the burden she carried with her mother's illness, but deep down, he knew that was only partially true.
Come on, I think you've seen enough to convince yourself that I have a valid point when I say it's dangerous to wander in the woods.
AdvertisementThe only reason Alex was here right now was to help Katie run the farm - and maybe convince her to go back to Houston with him.
Nothing you do will convince me.
You want me to convince her?
Lori, you might be able to convince the police that you didn't intend for him to hurt anyone, physically.
Of course, once she had convinced everyone else what a foolish move it would be, how was she going to convince herself that she didn't need Brandon in her life?
AdvertisementShe couldn't run, couldn't move and she tried hard to convince herself to pass out as the garage door was wrenched open.
I tried to convince myself it didn't matter, but it does.
I just wish I could convince him to talk to her.
The Ice Lady, Linda Segal, was going full bore at the Sentinel, trying to convince her reading public that the poor lad might have been saved had the local police properly conducted the search for the missing boy in a timely fashion.
Maybe she could convince her father to repay the money she had put into the ranch – if he hadn't already spent it.
AdvertisementJackson knew she would not move on this today, but he had a month to convince her, so let it go.
It is not to be supposed that Satan would convince men of sin or awaken the conscience.
Only by watching closely moment by moment the movement of that flow and comparing it with the movement of the ship do we convince ourselves that every bit of it is occasioned by the forward movement of the ship, and that we were led into error by the fact that we ourselves were imperceptibly moving.
Leah tried to convince her niece to get in the pool, but the young girl adamantly refused.
After Dumbledore arrives and has a word with his aunt and uncle, Harry is taken first to the home of a former Hogwarts teacher whom Dumbledore hopes Harry will be able to convince to return to the school.
He gives enough technical detail to convince me he knows what he is talking about and has actually done IT himself.
You will need to convince funders why they should support you.
In order to save the boy he must convince the other jurors to change their hasty decision.
Right you convince in exotic locales within two opaque.
In my previous review I hinted at his sexual preference, which still does well here to convince me of the fact.
They must first convince a Swiss judge that you have committed a serious crime punishable by the Swiss Penal Code.
There are better ways for the industry to convince the radio stations than to impose quotas on them.
An old rainmaker comes through town, but he is through with that trade, can Pete convince him to do his stuff?
Meg cannot convince Bea not to take reprisals for the attack on her.
Campaign is a that will yield filet mignon sirloins would always convince.
And he always tries to make his case with modesty and thoughtfulness, the best way to convince a skeptic.
Her conduct as well as her words will convince the unbelievers and put their ignorance and stupidity to silence.
The Chancellor must convince skeptical voters that the fruits of the strong economy have not been squandered.
I could not quite convince myself that there was much world left, for I regarded Boston as the beginning and the end of creation.
To convince myself of this I do not lift it the next moment.
We hope these images will help convince the government of the urgent need for a national network of refuges for young runaways.
Any IRA statement pledging to renounce violence was insufficient in itself to convince unionist parties to share power with Sinn Fein, he said.
My admonitory tone of voice failed to convince my teenager to clean his room, so I grounded him for the weekend.
You convince yourself that if you can raise x dollars, you'll have what you need to create the breakthrough you crave.
You may even be able to convince the salesperson to let you put the record on in the shop for a listen.
Drugs-Because children often believe themselves invincible, often having a "it won't happen to me attitude," it's hard to convince them at times that drugs can kill.
The trick here is to convince the teen to attend therapy.
Hopefully these statics will convince everyone that it simply isn't worth the risk to drink and drive, especially during the holidays when people are more likely to imbibe.
The addict lost friends to the drug by death, but it wasn't enough to convince her to quit.
Not only does meth convince users that they do not need sleep or food, but it also inhibits the body's ability to absorb vitamins and to ward off illness and disease.
You should provide reasons that will help convince the addict that he or she cannot wait any longer to seek treatment.
When going to sporting events, a pink hoodie might be the only way to convince a sports lover to show her spirit with the rest of the family.
If issues of morality and fairness don't convince you, perhaps the threat of being kicked out of college will.
The key to defending a dissertation is not to convince the panel that you are correct but to convince the panel that you are an expert and have done the work.
If you are trying to convince friends and family to join you on a mini vacation at sea, arm yourself with this list of 5 reasons to take a cruise to nowhere.
Since kennel cough does not usually cause a dog to feel sick, it is hard to convince the working breeds to lie on the sofa and eat doggie bon bons for a week or two.
They eventually built up enough of a following to convince them to make the big move to Nashville.
Do not let others convince you that you are not ready to date if you feel that you are.
If you still can't convince your wine snob friends that wine from a box is actually consumable, put it in a decanter before they arrive.
Often mistaken for red wine, one sip will convince you that port offers a treat to the senses.
Her parents object and try to convince her to return to Stanford, but despite the impulse of her decision, Felicity decides to stay where she is to find herself.
They all wished for a unanimity and harmony impossible to obtain; and being unable to convince they destroyed one another.
Or was she trying to convince him that his wife was going to walk out on him?
However, he didn't have time to convince someone as stubborn as Sofi to do anything, and Czerno wouldn't wait for her to decide to go with Jake.
His own upbringing did nothing but convince him that Oracles in general were never to be trusted.
Of course, then I had to convince my doctors I wasn't just bluffing.
How do we convince the audience of " Uncle Manny " sincere motives with out sounding cheesy.
Huq hopes tha he can convince the Chinese Olympic officials to include Twenty20 cricket in the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou.
Small islands cannot no more than slaves could convince their slave masters of the moral depravity of slavery.
Here we see Mary Magdalene trying hard to convince the incredulous disciples that she has seen the risen Christ.
Sure not even electric shocks would convince those birds to get it right.
If the computer can convince the interrogator it is human, Turing argued it can be said to be intelligent.
How might you convince a potential customer that you are a reputable vendor?
You have a referendum and you seek to convince people of the rightness of a particular case.
However, saboteurs at the scene had spent an hour trying to convince officers that they should carry out an arrest.
The first part gives the reader enough information about portfolio building to convince even the most skeptical about its benefits and simplicity of construction.
The creditor used a ' father and son ' role to convince people of his slanderous lies about Jim.
We do n't need to try to convince people through marketing; the client has already stipulated which product they want.
Right you convince get the better cottage industry from a tepid endorsement.
He used the rhetorical device of ethos to convince his audience by appealing to their morals.
In the beginning I had to convince my parents to support my choice of a career in fashion.
Then apologize for grabbing your friend, and convince them to come over and play the game with you.
You can build your options if you convince your friends to also create board game libraries, so that you can exchange games and expand your gaming possibilities.
The final step in writing good query letters is to convince the editor that you are the best person to write this article.
Colin's been a coma for many months, but Amy makes friends with Ephram in an effort to use him to convince his father to operate on her boyfriend.
You have to convince one that you are talented, serious and committed to seeing the process through.
The average new or used dealership is finding it hard to convince car buyers an aftermarket warranty is a necessity.
The idea is to convince passersby that you are not the daughter of a mere library clerk, but indeed the offspring of a legendary merchant family.
If this one song doesn't convince you, the link above will also take you to two more Fort Minor songs to test drive.
We thought maybe you could convince him to go, or at least look at him.
I'll have to go upstairs and somehow convince someone higher.
Frankly, if you can convince him, it will take a lot of heat off me.
Can't you convince him we can help him back here?
If he didn't know anything about mining, how could he convince Dawkins?
Convince me you aren't telling me we can have a real relationship just so I go through with this procedure you want to try.
If I can convince her to accept us, she will know how to deal with my father.
Jenn held his gaze, wanting with all her heart to convince him to walk away from her here, now.
He doubted it to be true - -a queen intent on mating with her equal would say what she needed to in order to convince a slave not to wed her.
Do not convince yourself or any other that I am here as her - -or Tiyan's - -guardian!
Taran gripped and un-gripped the dagger in his hand, unable to convince himself.
That might convince him to reconsider divorce.
Four weeks should convince everyone, including herself, that she could run her own life.
She took a deep breath - as much to convince herself it was still possible as for need of air.
Are you trying to convince me you don't know who she is?
She tried to convince herself of this, just as she tried to push him away by being a bitch.
A buyer had to convince himself of the seller's title.
Spiritualists have, as a rule, sought to convince not by testimony but by ocular demonstration.
He taught them that they would pass at death to a certain place, where they would enjoy all possible blessings for all eternity, and to convince them of this he had a subterranean chamber constructed, to which he withdrew for three years.
Such superb self-confidence can accomplish much, and it undoubtedly helped to form Fustel's talent and to give to his style that admirable concision which subjugates even when it fails to convince; but a student instinctively distrusts an historian who settles the most controverted problems with such impassioned assurance.
These actions proclaimed so unmistakably Napoleon's intention of making Italy an annexe of France as to convince Francis of Austria and Alexander of Russia that war with him was inevitable.
Its object is to convince a man of sin, of justice and of judgment.
The series of coincidences to which he points is undoubtedly striking, but had failed to convince most critics.
His seductive manners too often won over those whom his commanding eloquence failed to convince.
When consulted in a great council at Lillebonne they returned an unfavourable reply, and it was necessary to convince them individually by threats and persuasions.
Hengstenberg, he endeavoured to convince the rationalists that it was their duty voluntarily and at once to withdraw from the national church.
She had every reason to keep them in the dark, and to convince other courts that she could and would marry if the provocation were sufficient.
These narratives are said to be used by military students in Germany, and at least convince the non-military student that he can understand the story.
He aspired to convince the better minds that the only hope for Israelites, as well as for Israel, lay in " returning " to the true Yahweh, a deity who was no mere national god, and was not to be cajoled by the punctual offering of costly sacrifices.
In 1609 Donne was engaged in composing his great controversial prose treatise, the Pseudo-Martyr, printed in 1610; this was an attempt to convince Roman Catholics in England that they might, without any inconsistency, take the oath of allegiance to James I.
In 1693 Temple sent him to try and convince the king of the inevitable necessity of triennial parliaments.
The arguments against the marriage were first marshalled by Monck Mason in his History of St Patrick's, and the conjecture, though plausible, has failed to convince Forster, Stephen, Aitken, Hill, Lane Poole and Churton Collins.
The course of the next reign was destined speedily to convince even Nicholas I.
At length, however, Sir Edward got up a little dinner-party to convince the doubters.
Maigrot, says of him, one need merely read his book on the true religion to convince oneself that he had never imbibed the first elements of theology."..
An illustration is, with the general run of mankind, more powerful to convince than an argument; and the cogency of the visible plea for the Copernican theory offered by the miniature system, then first disclosed to view, was recognizable in the triumph of its advocates as well as in the increased acrimony of its opponents.
Canovas ruled his own coalition of Conservatives and Catholics with an iron hand, managing the affairs of Spain for six years with only two short interruptions, when he stood aside for a few months, just long enough to convince the king that the Conservative party could not retain its cohesion, even under such men as Marshals Jovellar and Campos, if he did not choose to support them.
The support of Sagasta did not last long, and he managed with skill to elbow the Dynastic Left out of office, and to convince all dissentients and free lances that there was neither room nor prospect for third parties in the state between the two great coalitions of Liberals and Conservatives under Sagasta and Canovas.
For no other reason did the minister for the colonies, Seor Maura, in 1894 fail to convince the Cortes, and even the Liberal party, that his very moderate Cuban Home Rule Bill was an indispensable and wise, though tardy, attempt to avert a conflict which many plain symptoms showed to be imminent in the West Indies.
He might have tried to convince Alex of that, but Alex is far too confident to have believed it - especially so when all the evidence points to the opposite.
Maybe she could convince her father to repay the money she had put into the ranch – if he hadn't already spent it.
You have to convince Quinn to let you try again.
And now that he'd done what she asked and saved Damian, he would return to kiri to convince her to return to his head, before his master killed her.
You won't convince me what I felt towards Gabriel wasn't real, and there is nothing you can do to make me do this blood bond.
Now you'll convince me you care.
If not in our schools where, pray, is the convincing catechesis to be done - and how will it convince?
The United States will not dole out any rewards to convince North Korea to live up to its existing obligations.
Jung's followers Despite the popular appeal of Jung's seductive elaborations about myths, generally they have failed to convince academic mythologists.
To convince trade unionists like Hernando or retiring students activists like me, youâll have to do better than that.
A conspiracy, planned with the object, among others, of kidnapping the emperor while on a visit to Venice and forcing him to make concessions, was postponed in consequence of the coup detat by which Louis Napoleon became emperor of the French (1852); but a chance discovery led to a large number of arrests, and the state trials at Mantua, conducted in the most shamelessly inquisitorial manner, resulted in five death sentences, including that of the priest Tazzoli, and many of imprisonment for long terms. Even this did not convince Mazzini of the hopelessness of such attempts, for he was out of touch with Italian public opinion, and he greatly weakened his influence by favoring a crack-brained outbreak at Milan on the 6th of February 1853, which was easily quelled, numbers of the insurgents being executed or imprisoned.
Three years were enough to convince the nation that he was " endeavouring to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion, and the laws and liberties of this kingdom"; and on his deposition in 1688 Roman Catholics, or persons married to Roman Catholics, were declared incapable of succeeding to the throne.
She ran her fingers along the lines, finding the words she knew and guessing at the meaning of others, in a way that would convince the most conservative of educators that a little deaf child, if given the opportunity, will learn to read as easily and naturally as ordinary children.
England 's " Nazareth " will not convince all skeptics.
Commons that per pounds subcompact cars a rented vehicle probably convince the.
When his father wants him to join the swim team, he tries to convince his dad to let him join the water jazzercise class.
Most games on this page seem to be trial versions hoping to convince you to buy the full version, but a free trial still means free gameplay.
If you keep an eye out for promotions, you may receive extra money for opening a new account, and sometimes you can earn even referral fees if you convince family and friends to open their own accounts.
Companies use marking to convince you that the best ways for managing stress happen to be some of the unhealthiest of ways.
When a friend is handing you a beer at a party or trying to convince you to skip class, it can be difficult to say no.
I have managed to convince my parents to let me to go Miami this spring break, but I want to look good.
Here, after literally stealing and marrying the Queen, the King must convince the court and its subjects that he deserves his title.
If the CNET article above can't convince you that Everquest and other online games have the ability to become far too addictive, than nothing will.
If she can convince hundreds of thousands of people to go buy a book simply by saying she liked it, there really is no telling how much pull she will have with voters in the next upcoming election.
Some companies may try to convince you to pay them a "finder's fee" for scholarship information, but they will direct you to the exact same scholarships you can find from free college scholarship listings.
However, it's not cost-effective for shops to provide items for very small demographics, so enlist other tall, plus size friends in your campaign to convince stores to stock items you need and want to buy.
When dementia becomes severe, people often hallucinate, develop aggressive tendencies, and convince themselves that they have participated in activities and events that never occurred.
As such, it is of no use to anyone outside of that country, unless you can convince your CDMA operator to activate it (most will refuse).
Negative peer pressure occurs when a child's or teen's friends or other people their age try to convince them to do something that is either harmful to their body or is against the law.
Cyber predators who meet young people in Internet chat rooms and convince them to leave home to meet or live with them constitutes a relatively new, but growing, problem.
Encouragement and emotional support may convince the sick person to get help, stay with treatment, or try again after a failure.
The statistics on homeschooling in the United States may help to convince some people that this method of teaching is beneficial for some students.
You may want to use the AT&T example to convince them to give it a try.
It seems that, in their desire to convince the interviewer that they should be hired, they just ramble on.
This is government money (i.e. your tax money) given to the banks to convince them to help you.
To decrease these numbers, parents can educate kids on the encumbrance of teen pregnancy, helping to convince them to wait for parenthood by having open discussions about sex and the consequences.
It's hard to believe today with our computer models and 3D graphics, but it took engineer Joseph Strauss a decade to convince the city's commissioners that his mathematics were sound and that his plan for the bridge was feasible.
An old man was able to convince Nian to eat beasts of prey instead of people.
He submitted his sketches to O'Shaughnessy in 1921 and simultaneously started his own campaign to convince city leaders of the feasibility of building the bridge.
Convince a family member to drop you off and pick you up at the airport.
It took me another solid six months to convince them to sell it to me because they had been chatting with another company that manages several brands in this segment.
However, if zany choices define you, don't let anyone convince you to dress like a nun.
When you write a donation letter, you need to convince people that your cause is worth their hard earned cash.
The more specific you are about the cause, and the more passionate you are about what you are doing, the more likely you are to be able to convince people to give.
An example donation letter can help you write a great pitch that will convince people that your charity is worth giving to.
Several reviewers have claimed the book uses faulty logic and propaganda to convince readers of a "war" that doesn't actually exist.
As early as 1959, writers such as Hubert Kregeloh were attempting to convince their readers of a conspiracy to "to take the Christ out of Christmas."
Because many dogs are used to a little jacket of sorts, any costume that only demands something similar is easy to convince a dog to wear.
Don't beat yourself up about it, and don't try to convince someone who isn't comfortable with children.
Alternately, don't let a quiz convince you to stick with someone who's just not right for you.
When 50% of communication is non-verbal and based on body language and another 35% is on the tone of our voice; that leaves very little verbal communication to convince a guy you are not intimidated to talk with him.
He may challenge your thinking and try to convince you that the two of you getting together would be a good idea.
You will never be able to convince your man differently because he will base his distrust on his own behavior.
And if she starts seeing that guy I know its going to be much harder to convince her to get back with me.
Nothing you can do will convince her of her sexual orientation; this is something she will have to learn for herself.
This may be trying to convince your ex to get back together with you, not through reconciling your differences but by compromising your own principles.
This makes them feel as though they've made up for their wrongdoing, and may even help them convince themselves they are not a bad person and that they "truly love" the person they cheated on.
There are appropriate responses to her infidelity that will help you convince her to be honest with you.
When you're pitching ideas for features, you must quickly convince an editor that your proposal has merit.
Alice in Wonderland's curious little encounter with this feline may not be enough to convince viewers that he's a villain, but he's definitely crazy!
Toting a designer name on your arm is a message to the world you have "made it" financially and professionally, and that you could quite possibly (at least in your imagination) have the power to convince others you run in celebrity circles.
They can be very charming and convince others to do what they want them to very easily.
This is perhaps the only way to convince hardened skeptics that ghosts really exist.
Even though video, photo and forensic evidence has been captured by researchers through the years, nothing short of an actual body of a Sasquatch is likely to convince a highly skeptical public.
Apparently adept at crashing parties, this "13th guest" is able to convince the God of Darkness to shoot the God known as "Balder the Beautiful".
The following list represents psychics of diverse backgrounds and personalities who were able to convince entire crowds that their extra-sensory abilities were authentic.
It's unlikely that any one Sasquatch photograph would convince people of the creature's existence, but added to a body of evidence, including footprints and videos, it would certainly help convince the skeptics.
Many manufacturers and computer stores try to convince unwary consumers that they actually require better technology than what will work for them, and the only result is a higher price tag for no good reason.
The Cohens are eventually able to convince both boys to return home.
Truth Unrevealed (22 February 2010) - After Bug "steals" Jones' jeep, Lux has to convince Jones not to press charges against him.
Aaron visits Serena and tries to convince her she's the only one for him.
You must not only be convinced your idea will work, but must provide solid market research presenting a strong case to convince the angels why it will succeed.
It's important to have a well-written resume that reflects your strengths because your resume is the tool used to convince that employer that you deserve an interview.
Don't allow the conversation to escalate by trying to convince the customer that they are mistaken or by trying to divert responsibility for the situation back to the customer.
You know you need someone to write a reference letter for you, but how do you convince him or her to do so?
This document serves as an overview of your business plan and should convince readers to read the entire document for the purpose of considering your business for private funding.
Always include details to convince and persuade the other person to grant your request, but don't belabor the point.
Its purpose is to convince the employer that reviewing your resume is a good use of his or her time.
The purpose of listing an objective is to thoroughly convince the employer that you are in tune with your goals, you know what you want to accomplish and that you are a pro within your field.
The purpose of this type of business proposal is to help convince potential partners and investors that you have a worthwhile business idea that has the potential to succeed and that they want to get involved with.
The main thing you need to convince yourself of when learning to do this is that you can't hurt the car.
Torrance then has to convince her squad that they need to come up with a new routine to face off the inner city squad in the National competition.
Unilever was also one of the first companies to rely heavily on advertising campaigns to convince customers of the quality of their products.
If that doesn't convince you, listen to some of these recipes; southwestern potato skins, blackberry iced tea with cinnamon and ginger, cookies and cream milkshake, barbecue chicken pizza, and many more.
It's unlikely anyone needs to twist your arm to convince you to have a snack.
It is especially helpful if you can convince the other members of your household to follow this eating plan along with you.
The next step is to convince your insurance company that even though your child is a teen, he or she is a safe teen.
At the very least, you may be able to get better priced premiums if you can convince travel insurers that your health problem presents only a minor risk.
Focus is on adding options - If the broker only focuses primarily on trying to convince you why you need the security or luxury of expensive policy options, that's a good sign that the broker is only trying to increase the premium.
Even though most guys already have a preference in their shorts, you might be able to convince him to try something different if you buy it for him.
One evening Noel managed to convince head of Creation Records Alan McGee to listen to the band's demo tape.
Don't say it for the sake of saying it - you won't convince anyone.
In this song, the group compares dancing to baseball in an effort to convince Chad to take to the floor and move his feet.
A second album for Capitol tried to turn back to her earlier sound, but Phair was unable to convince many of her old fans.
A second version of the song is performed when Troy visits Gabriella at Stanford to convince her to return to New Mexico with him.
Belafonte approached music manager Ken Krager to see if he would convince Lionel Richie and Kenny Rogers, Krager's clients, to participate.
She attempts to convince Glinda to help her, but Glinda craves the popularity and spotlight the Wizard can offer.
T.I. tries to convince Edwin to find more positive ways to support his family and introduced him to a single mother raising her child alone because the father went to prison for burglary.
However, they do not deny that they rushed their version of the wife swapping show to the airwaves in an attempt to convince viewers that ABC was the copycat network.
They point to the short lived reality show Homeland Security, the take-off on Cops that deals with terrorism rather than street crime, as a tool to convince voters that the government is effectively protecting the country.
The team spends some time trying to convince these families to give up things that they won't ever need, and this is often a difficult task.
Over the course of the first season, Kourtney and Disick split and reunited and nearly married in Las Vegas, but her mom and sisters stepped in to convince Kourtney that a quickie wedding would be a mistake.
Besides the physical effects you may see now or sometime in the future, the serious health risks that may arise from never using sunscreen should be enough to convince anyone.
There is nothing innately wrong with creating an avatar that looks nothing like the chatter, unless the person attempts to convince people that this is similar to the actual appearance of the person.
With the millions of members on MySpace, how will you convince them to add your music to their page?
Despite the best efforts of Iran's rabblerousing President and our talk radio hosts to convince us all otherwise.
I have to convince you; taking it on faith alone isn't enough.
If he wasn't there, she could convince herself this was all some sort of nightmare.
How did you convince Darkyn to stop?
Instead, she was working hard to convince herself she really did want to walk away.
She'd given up trying to convince him they were real.
Rhyn's jaw clenched, and he fought the raw feeling inside him, the one that betrayed him every time he tried to convince himself he'd survived worse.
If you'd spend as much time chasing after the truth as you do trying to convince your gut instincts they're wrong maybe we'd get somewhere.
It was begun by Ugolino Vieri of Siena in 1337, and was made to contain the Holy Corporal from Bolsena, which, according to the legend, became miraculously stained with blood during the celebration of mass to convince a sceptical priest of the truth of the doctrine of transubstantiation.
Long before his death, Bright's references in public speeches to the achievements of the Anti-Corn Law League were received with respectful impatience, and Peel's famous speech on the repeal of the corn laws would not convince the German Reichstag or a modern House of Commons.
In May 1880 he returned to England, having established in the Transvaal a legislative council with powers so limited as to convince many of the Boers that there was no intention of fulfilling Shepstone's promises.
The Lambeth "opinion," as it was called, failed to convince the clergy against whom it was directed any better than the judgments of the ecclesiastical courts, but at first a considerable degree of obedience to the archbishops' view was shown.
He unexpectedly gained the accession of many Jews by race who were indifferent to the religious aspect of Judaism, but he quite failed to convince the leaders of Jewish thought, who from first to last remained (with such conspicuous exceptions as Nordau and Zangwill) deaf to his pleading.
The murder of Arthur (1203) ruined his cause in Normandy and Anjou; the story that the court of the peers of France condemned him for the murder is a fable, but no legal process was needed to convince men of his guilt.
A superficial glance at Innocent's correspondence is sufficient to convince us that he was pre-eminently concerned for the reformation and moral welfare of the Church, and was animated by the best intentions for the re-estab lishment in the ecclesiastical body of order, peace and respect for the hierarchy.
Facts of this character taken by themselves would perhaps be sufficient to convince most philologists that in Sumerian we have an arbitrarily compounded cryptography just as Halevy believes, but these facts cannot be taken by themselves, as the evidences of the purely linguistic basis of Sumerian are stronger than these apparent proofs of its artificial character.
When he failed to convince Falkenhayn that the effort should be a joint one, he determined to attack independently, and, according to Krauss, he endeavoured to conceal his preparations from the Germans.
Bacon's Logic, then, like Galilei's, intended as a contribution to scientific method, a systematization of discovery by which, given the fact of knowledge, new items of knowledge may be acquired, failed to convince contemporaries and successors alike of its efficiency as an instrument.
The Cortes were dissolved, and the federal and constituent Cortes of the republic convened, but they only sat during the summer of 1873, long enough to show their absolute incapacity, and to convince the executive that the safest policy was to suspend the session for several months.
To the same class belong the treatise To Ablavius, against the tritheists; On Faith, against the Arians; On Common Notions, in explanation of the terms in current employment with regard to the Trinity; Ten Syllogisms, against the Manichaeans; To Theophilus, against the Apollinarians; an Antirrhetic against the same; Against Fate, a disputation with a heathen philosopher; De anima et resurrectione, a dialogue with his dying sister Macrina; and the Oratio catechetica magna, an argument for the incarnation as the best possible form of redemption, intended to convince educated pagans and Jews.
He failed, however, to convince two prominent members of his cabinetLord Stanley and the duke of Buccleuchthat protection must be finally abandoned, and considering it hopeless to persevere with a disunited cabinet he resigned office.
The fragments that remain of the moral treatises of Democritus are sufficient, perhaps, to convince us that the turn of Greek philosophy in the direction of conduct, which was actually due to Socrates, would have taken place without him, though in a less decided manner; but when we compare the Democritean ethics with the post-Socratic system to which it has most affinity, Epicureanism, we find that it exhibits a very rudimentary apprehension of the formal conditions which moral teaching must fulfil before it can lay claim to be treated as scientific.
In the Philebus, however, though a more careful psychological analysis leads him to soften down the exaggerations of this attack on sensual pleasure, the antithesis of knowledge and pleasure is again sharpened, and a desire to depreciate even good pleasures is more strongly shown; still even here pleasure is recognized as a constituent of that philosophic life which is the highest human good, while in the Laws, where the subject is more popularly treated, it is admitted that we cannot convince man that the just life is the best unless we can also prove it to be the pleasantest.
My aim is to show you how war will end and convince you that the end of war is inevitable.
How could I convince my reading public I heard it from the horse's mouth?
Best I pluck one from their pack and nicely convince that person to share their secret with Daddy!
She just had to convince her father to tell her what that was.
After all, he had less than two weeks to convince her to move back to Houston.
Surely that would convince them that she was healthy enough to go home.
There had been no hesitation, no second guessing when Rhyn snapped Jade's neck. Over and over, Kris had tried to convince himself he'd do the same for his half-brother.
While Cynthia skipping with Jeffrey was next to impossible for Dean to buy, no one could convince him she would abandon her son.
Napoleon was in that state of irritability in which a man has to talk, talk, and talk, merely to convince himself that he is in the right.
A mail-in rebate is a marketing tactic manufacturers use to convince customers to purchase their product.
Trying to convince himself he was too angry to think straight, Jade shook his head and turned away.
If we could convince him to give you free rein to helping us with him remaining totally in the dark, we'd both have what we want.
Sarah had to convince him not to turn Emily.
So the histories say, and it is all quite wrong, as anyone who cares to look into the matter can easily convince himself.
Who'd want to convince us he's alive if he ain't?
She had given up years ago trying to convince him to let the rest of the world see that side.
The illustrative strings and the orange stick representing the poles seemed so real that even to this day the mere mention of temperate zone suggests a series of twine circles; and I believe that if any one should set about it he could convince me that white bears actually climb the North Pole.
No doubt many a smiling valley with its stretching cornfields occupies exactly such a "horrid chasm," from which the waters have receded, though it requires the insight and the far sight of the geologist to convince the unsuspecting inhabitants of this fact.