Converting Sentence Examples
I'm converting a room at this Sanctuary into a lab, for when we find Ully.
I'm converting them from that rip-rap stuff.
Stas, in his syntheses of silver iodide, weighed the silver and the iodine separately, and after converting them into the compound he weighed this also.
In the room three officers of Denisov's band were converting a door into a tabletop.
One of the simplest methods of displaying non-standard fonts on your website is by converting letters to images.
It combines directly with chlorine to form sulphuryl chloride and also with many metallic peroxides, converting them into sulphates.
Stolypin, there is no intention of converting the ministerial bench into a prisoners' dock.
An alternative method consists in converting it into ethyl benzoate by shaking with benzoyl chloride and caustic soda.
And as it always happens in contests of cunning that a stupid person gets the better of cleverer ones, Helene--having realized that the main object of all these words and all this trouble was, after converting her to Catholicism, to obtain money from her for Jesuit institutions (as to which she received indications)-before parting with her money insisted that the various operations necessary to free her from her husband should be performed.
The result was a whole series of wars with the Teutonic Order, which now acknowledged Swidrygiello, another brother of Jagiello, as grand-duke of Lithuania; and though Swidrygiello was defeated and driven out by Witowt, the Order retained possession of Samogitia, and their barbarous methods of "converting" the wretched inhabitants finally induced Witowt to rescue his fellow-countrymen at any cost from the tender mercies of the knights.
AdvertisementWhen the middle and hinder regions of the blastopore are closing in, an equatorial ridge of ciliated cells is formed, converting the embryo into a typical trochosphere.
First, however, Charles cleared Livonia of the invader (July 1701), subsequently occupying the duchy of Courland and converting it into a Swedish governor-generalship. In January 1702 Charles established himself at Bielowice in Lithuania, and, after issuing a proclamation declaring that "the elector of Saxony" had forfeited the Polish crown, set out for Warsaw, which he reached on the 14th of May.
His character was hardening, and he deliberately adopted the most barbarous expedients for converting the Augustan Poles to his views.
According to Gennadius he carried with him recently discovered relics of the protomartyr Stephen from Palestine to Minorca, where they were efficacious in converting the Jews.
In the formation of gaseous hydrobromic acid from liquid bromine and gaseous hydrogen H2+Br2=HBr+HBr, in addition to the energy expended in decomposing the hydrogen and bromine molecules, energy is also expended in converting the liquid bromine into the gaseous condition, and probably less heat is developed by the combination of bromine and hydrogen than by the combination of chlorine and hydrogen, so that the amount of heat finally developed is much less than is developed in the formation of hydrochloric acid.
AdvertisementThere, too, according to Yasht, 5, 105, he prayed that he might succeed in converting King Vishtaspa.
When these first four galleries were full others were mined on the same level at right angles to them, thus gradually converting the whole area into a net-work of corridors.
They are separated from the minerals by converting them into oxalates, which by ignition give the corresponding oxides.
All these animals have calcareous skeletons or shells of some form and they secrete the calcium from its solution as sulphate, converting it into carbonate.
A fund bearing this name was formed in the 18th century for the purpose The sous of converting to the Catholic faith the native Indians of fu d of Upper and Lower California, both of which then belonged to Mexico, and of maintaining a Catholic priesthood there.
AdvertisementThis unsightly mass of rubbish lay for a while as an eyesore, until the happy thought arose of converting it into a broad way joining the new .oNd at Hanover Street with the Old Town at the Lawnmarket.
The nitrates are also very insoluble substances, all the so-called solvents merely converting them into jelly.
By converting ferrous into ferric oxide the green tint is changed to yellow, which is less noticeable.
Methods have also been discovered for the electrolytic manufacture of calcium, which have had the effect of converting a laboratory curiosity into a product of commercial importance.
This method of separating gold from copper, by converting the latter into oxide and sulphate, is also used at Oker in the Harz.
AdvertisementThe first Christian archbishop of Granada, Talavera, made some progress in converting the people peacefully.
Sahlbom (Ber., 1906, 39, p. 2600) obtained 179.8 (H =1) by converting the metal into pentoxide at a dull red heat.
Picric acid can also be obtained from it by first treating acetylene with sulphuric acid, converting the product into phenol by solution in potash and then treating the phenol with fuming nitric acid.
The amount of methyl alcohol present in wood spirit is determined by converting it into methyl iodide by acting with phosphorus iodide; and the acetone by converting it into iodoform by boiling with an alkaline solution of iodine in potassium iodide; ethyl alcohol is detected by giving acetylene on heating with concentrated sulphuric acid, methyl alcohol, !under the same circumstances, giving methyl ether.
These formulae also hold for converting moments of a solid figure with regard to a plane into moments with regard to a parallel plane through the centroid; x being the distance between the two planes.
The Statute of Uses (1535), by converting the bargainee's interest into a legal estate, had an effect contrary to the intention of its framers.
Waddell has shown that, in some cases, it is convenient to erect simple independent spans, by building them out as cantilevers and converting them into independent - (5) The Poughkeepsie bridge over the Hudson, built 1886-1887.
The influence of London in converting villages into outer residential suburbs is to be observed at many points, whether seaside, along the Thames or inland.
About the year 565 he applied himself to the task of converting the heathen kingdom of the northern Picts.
The vowel signs have no sound by themselves, but act upon the vowel sound" aw "inherent in the consonants, converting it into" a," i," o," ee," ow,"&c. Each of the signs has a name, and some of them produce modulations so closely resembling those made by another that at the present day they are scarcely to be distinguished apart.
Boleslaus III., moreover, with the aid of St Otto, bishop of Bamberg, succeeded in converting the heathen Pomeranians (1124-1128), and making head against paganism generally.
The stream poured itself over the level and fertile country to the southwards, sweeping whole villages before it, and converting the plain into one vast lake.
In large doses it is a dangerous poison, converting the oxyhaemoglobin of the blood into methaemoglobin.
As the trustees of this institution were Federalists with the right to fill vacancies in their number, the Democrats attempted to gain control by converting it into a state university and increasing the number of trustees, but when the case reached the Supreme Court of the United States that body pronounced (1819) the charter a contract which the Federal constitution forbade the state to violate.
They may be prepared by converting nitriles into amidoximes by the action of hydroxylamine, the amidoximes so formed being then acylated by acid chlorides or anhydrides.
Thus the protoand per-salts of iron, as well as the protoand per-salts of tin, including also a large variety of tannin, sumac, divi-divi, chestnut, valonia, the acacias (Areca Catechu and Acacia Catechu from India), from which are obtained cutch and gambier, &c., are no longer used solely as mordants or tinctorial matters, but mainly to serve the object of converting the silk into a greatly-expanded fibre, consisting of a conglomeration of more or less of these substances."
Of these the most important is cause, of which his theory, in short, is that by this a priori category and the process of reason we go on from sequence to consequence; first stating that an effect may be caused by several alternatives, then negating all but one, next concluding that this one as sufficient reason is cause, and finally attaining the necessity of the causal nexus by converting causality into identity, e.g.
Hamilton went still further; he tried to combine the oil of Reid with the water of Kant; and converting.
Their author Milaraspa (unless the work should be attributed to his disciples), often called Mila, was a Buddhist ascetic of the I ith century, who, during the intervals of meditation travelled through the southern part of middle Tibet as a mendicant friar, instructing the people by his improvisations in poetry and song, proselytizing, refuting and converting heretics, and working manifold miracles.
He obtained a commanding influence over the Dalai Lama, impressed upon him the dangers which threatened Tibet from England, and suggested the desirability of securing Russian protection and even the possibility of converting the tsar and his empire to Buddhism.
In the 4th and 5th centuries may be mentioned Gregory the Illuminator, the " apostle of Armenia " (about 300), Ulfilas, the " apostle of the Goths," about 325; Frumentius, 1 a bishop of Abyssinia, about 327; Nino, the Armenian girl who was the means of converting the kingdom of Iberia (now Georgia), about 33 0; 2 Chrysostom, who founded, at Constantinople in A.D.
Meanwhile, in 1664, Von Welz, an Austrian baron, issued a stirring appeal to the Church at large for a special association devoted to extending the evangelical religion and converting the heathen.
Besides these matters which concerned Hinduism there was the problem of converting sixty million Mahommedans.
Vegetable refuse of all kinds, when smother-burned in a similar way, becomes a valuable mechanical improver of the soil; but the preferable course is to decompose it in a heap with quicklime and layers of earth, converting it into leaf-mould.
With the second period began, in the 14th century, the gradual displacement of the direct extraction of wrought iron from the ore by the intentional and regular use of this indirect method of first carburizing the metal and thus turning it into cast iron, and then converting it into wrought iron by remelting it in the forge.
The second period, by converting the metal into the fusible cast iron and melting this, for the first time removed the gangue of the ore; the third period by giving a temperature high enough to melt the most infusible forms of iron, liberated the slag formed in deriving them from cast iron.
In the former case there is no later chance to remove sulphur, a minute quantity of which does great harm by leading to the formation of cementite instead of graphite and ferrite, and thus making the cast-iron castings too hard to be cut to exact shape with steel tools; in the latter case the converting or purifying processes, which are essentially oxidizing ones, though they remove the other impurities, carbon, silicon, phosphorus and manganese, are not well adapted to desulphurizing, which needs rather deoxidizing conditions, so as to cause the formation of calcium sulphide, than oxidizing ones.
In order to utilize this power, the converting mill, in which the pig iron is converted into steel, and the rolling mills must adjoin t h e blast - furnace.
The numerous converting mills which treat pig iron made at a distance will now have the crushing burden of providing in other ways the power which their rivals get from the blast-furnace, in addition to the severe disadvantage under which they already suffer, of wasting the initial heat of the molten cast iron as it runs from the blastfurnace.
The processes for converting cast iron into steel can now remove phosphorus easily, but the removal of sulphur in them is so difficult that it has to be accomplished for the most part in the blast-furnace itself.
Beside this their chief and easy work of oxidizing carbon, silicon and phosphorus, the conversion processes have the harder task of removing sulphur, chiefly by converting it into calcium sulphide, CaS, or manganous sulphide, MnS, which rise to the top of the molten metal and there enter the overlying slag, from which the sulphur may escape by oxidizing to the gaseous compound, sulphurous acid, S02.
Here each mould and each ingot was handled as a separate unit twice, instead of only once as in the car casting system; the ingots radiated away great quantities of heat in passing naked from the converting mill to the soaking furnaces, and the heat which they and the moulds radiated while in the converting mill was not only wasted, but made this mill, open-doored as it was, so intolerably hot, that the cost of labour there was materially increased.
The government, however, could not make up their minds what course to pursue, and by allowing things to drift ended by converting a popular riot into a national revolt.
His success in converting the soldiery to his views does not seem to have been very great, but he preserved his own consistency and fidelity in a remarkable degree.
By diplomacy, which, although he was a capable and brave soldier, he preferred to war, he succeeded in freeing his country, and converting it from a ruined and divided land into a respectable independent power of the second rank, and, after Venice, the best-governed state in Italy.
Rupert, bishop of Worms, had already made some progress in the work of converting the Bavarians and Alamanni, as had Willibrord among the Thuringians when St Boniface appeared in Germany in 717.
He is perhaps best remembered by his destruction of the church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem (1010), a measure which helped to provoke the Crusades, but was only part of a general scheme for converting all Christians and Jews in his dominions to his own opinions by force.
But by the time that Charles had succeeded in " converting " the Saxons, the Viking raids were already at their height, and though generally triumphant, necessity occasionally taught the Northmen the value of concessions.
It is mainly religious and philosophical, and purports to give the discussion, extending over several days, in which a Buddhist elder named Nagasena succeeds in converting Milinda, that is Menander, the famous Greek king of Bactria, to Buddhism.
In 681 Wilfrid of York, on his expulsion from Northumbria by Ecgfrith, retired into Sussex, where he remained until 686 converting its pagan inhabitants.
The principles of the condensation, that is of converting the gaseous hydrochloric acid given off during the decomposition of common salt into a strong solution of this gas in water, can be summarized in a few words.
The excesses of Icelandic poetry were specially seen in the so-called rimur, ballads of heroes, &c., which were fiercely attacked by Jonas Hallgrimsson, who at last succeeded in converting the educated to his view.
It is therefore often possible to measure quantities of heat indirectly, by measuring the energy in some other form and then converting it into heat.
All M is P. Proceeding from one order to the other, by converting one of the premises, and substituting the conclusion as premise for the other premise, so as to deduce the latter as conclusion, is what he calls circular inference; and he remarked that the process is fallacious unless it contains propositions which are convertible, as in mathematical equations.
Pierpont set up in Richmond a government, based upon the Lincoln plan and supported by President Johnson, which continued till the 2nd of March 1867, when the famous reconstruction order converting the state into Military District No.
The process of converting the Alto Douro grapes into wine differs in some material particulars from those employed elsewhere.
The Turks and British have added little, and destroyed much, converting churches into mosques and grain-stores, and quarrying walls and buildings at Famagusta.
Under favourable conditions in the larger works of the United States the cost of converting a 50% matte to metallic copper is generally understood to be only about 1 o to iw of a cent per lb.
Since John Hollway's and other early experiments of Lawrence Austin and Robert Sticht, no serious attempts have been made to utilize the heat escaping from a converting vessel in smelting ore and matte either in the same apparatus or in a separate furnace.
Among other engineers, Telford and Stephenson favoured the project of converting Wallasey Pool into a great basin for shipping; but, largely owing to the fears of Liverpool lest a formidable rival should thus be created, it was not until 1843 that parliamentary powers were obtained, and the work entrusted to James Rendel, who finished it in less than five years.
Crude acetone may be purified by converting it into the crystalline sodium bisulphite compound, which is separated by filtration and then distilled with sodium carbonate.
They are also conical on section from within outwards and from before backwards, this shape converting the pinionsinto delicately graduated instruments balanced with the utmost nicety to satisfy the requirements of the muscular system on the one hand and the resistance and resiliency of the air on the other.
If, again, the wing be suddenly elevated in a strictly vertical direction, as at c d, the wing as certainly darts upwards and forwards in a double curve to e, thus converting the vertical up strokes into an upward, oblique, forward stroke.
Edwards's grandfather and predecessor, Solomon Stoddard, had been even more liberal, holding that the Supper was a converting ordinance and that baptism was a sufficient title to all the privileges of the church.
Physically handsome and strong, model knights of the days of chivalry, hard fighters, wise statesmen, they were born leaders of men; always ready to advance the commerce of the country, they were the supporters of the growing towns, and likewise the pioneers in the task of converting a land of marshes and swamps into a fertile agricultural territory rich in flocks and herds.
Stas, in his stoichiometric researches, prepared chemically pure bromine from potassium bromide, by converting it into the bromate which was purified by repeated crystallization.
To Warren Hastings (1772-1785) belongs the glory of consolidating the British power, and converting a military occupation into a stable civil government.
The solution is strongly oxidizing, even converting manganous salts to permanganates in the cold, a property not possessed by monopersulphuric acid.
By employing suitable precautions, a gas of approximately uniform composition is obtained, containing from 6 to 8% sulphur dioxide, S02, with a little trioxide, SO 3, and about t 2% of oxygen, which is more than sufficient for converting later all the SO 2 into SO 3 or H 2 50 4.
One of the most cherished prerogatives of the king of England, at the time when his power was at the highest, was that of converting any portion of the country into a forest in which he might enjoy the pleasures of the chase.
The converting factor mentioned under (i) therefore represents a rate; and partition, applied to concrete cases, leads to a rate.
In reference to the use of the sign X with the converting factor, it should be observed that " lb X " symbolizes the replacing of so many times 4 lb by the same number of times 7 lb, while " 4 X " symbolizes the replacing of 4 times something by 7 times that something.
The process was begun of converting Irish Scotland.
Upon removing the material from the vessel and exposing it to the atmosphere the sulphide of iron undergoes a revivifying process, the oxygen of the air displacing the sulphur from the sulphide as free sulphur, and with moisture converting the iron into hydrated oxide of iron.
It is a strong reducing agent, giving a precipitate of cuprous oxide from alkaline copper solutions at ordinary temperature, converting mercuric chloride to mercurous chloride, and precipitating metallic silver from solutions of silver salts.
Ulrich's son and successor, Christopher (1515-1568), completed the work of converting his subjects to the reformed faith.
He entered a monastery, but under the influence of Western missionaries he became possessed with the idea of propagating Western ideas and culture in Armenia, and of converting the Armenian Church from its monophysitism and uniting it to the Latin Church.
Katla caused very serious destruction in this way by converting several cultivated districts into barren wastes.
Vanadium may be detected by converting it into the pentoxide, which on passing sulphuretted hydrogen through its acid solution becomes reduced to the dioxide, the solution at the same time becoming lavender blue in colour; or if zinc be used as a reducing agent, the solution becomes at first green and ultimately blue.
Owing to these controversies the real work of the early Irish missionaries in converting the pagans of Britain and central Europe, and sowing the seeds of culture there, is apt to be overlooked.
The principal product of the mills was plain cloths for printing or converting, of a quality finer than No.
The American Civil War, and the report that the Confederates were converting the "Merrimac" into an ironclad, caused the navy department to invite proposals for the construction of armoured ships.
Arsenic can also be estimated by volumetric methods; for this purpose it must be in the arsenious condition, and the method of estimation consists in converting it into the arsenic condition by means of a standard solution of iodine, in the presence of a cold saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate.
The systematic raiding of Lithuania by the knights under the pretext of converting it had long since united all the Lithuanian tribes against the common enemy; but Gedymin aimed at establishing a dynasty which should make Lithuania not merely secure but mighty, and for this purpose he entered into direct diplomatic negotiations with the Holy See.
Basil's policy was to make the great Armenian fortresses, garrisoned by imperial troops, the first line of defence on his eastern frontier; but it failed in the hands of his feeble successors, who thought more of converting heretical Armenia than of defending its frontier.
This separation is effected by converting the alkali soaps of the fatty acids into lead soaps and treating the latter with ether, in which the lead salts of the saturated acids are insoluble, whereas the salts of the above-named unsaturated acids are soluble.
On the other hand, a great advantage is gained in the absorption machine by using the direct heat of the steam, without first converting it into mechanical work, for in this way its latent heat of vaporization can be utilized by condensing the steam in the coils and letting it escape in the form of water.
We settled for improving last years car by converting to 16 " wheels with covers, improving the aerodynamics & fixing the gears.
Lockheed Martin has chosen the high performance option when it proposed converting F-16 airframes into UCAVs.
Some of the achievements include converting disused allotments in East Oxford into a Nature Park.
Necessary algorithmic problems are then solved by converting types to finite tree automata.
I have begun the job of converting the basement into habitable space for a growing family!
Converting that to " should of " drives many of us completely batty.
And in the meantime the US is converting fossil-fuel power stations to burn biomass.
And converting debt into secured borrowing, such as a mortgage, puts the property at risk if the borrower defaults.
The business also has expertise in converting or refurbishing existing buildings.
Guggul helps rid your body of harmful cholesterol by converting it into bile Until recently the mechanism by which guggul lowers cholesterol was unclear.
Converting between TIFF and JPEG Digitizing microfiche and microfilm The PNG file format What is wavelet compression?
Take into account the cost of converting currency or sending money outside the UK.
The Museum of Leeds has done much to make the Abbey site an attractive prospect by converting the former inner gatehouse into a museum.
The latter is interested in converting the granary into flats.
The main toxic action is the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, converting all cellular energy in the form of heat and causing extreme hyperthermia.
When converting a larger size integer to a smaller size integer, only the less significant bytes are moved.
With chances having been squandered at both ends, it was County who succeeded in converting one to retake the lead on 81 minutes.
Provides personal office space without converting the loft or building an extension.
He's been taking clients ' storm chasing for the past eight years; converting a childhood obsession into a career.
She also has time to work on the house she is converting with Barry, and can enjoy the seaside she lives moments from.
The airfield was occupied by the 352nd Fighter Group, They used P-47 thunderbolts until converting to P-51 Mustangs in April 1944.
These calculations are little more than three-dimensional trigonometry in most cases involving converting tape, compass and clino measurements into an XYZ vector.
August 18, 2005 Converting a barn can be a risky venture.
An adjacent block has been sold to a property company which is converting a former warehouse into over 150 flats called Ocean Apartments.
They occupy and destroy the red corpuscles, converting the haemoglobin into melanin; they multiply in the blood by sporulation, and produce accessions of fever by the liberation of a toxin at the time of sporulation (Ross).
Mai, Ber., 1889, 22, p. 2135); from the higher alcohols by converting them into esters which are then distilled (F.
They even extended the limits of Roman imperialism by converting the pagans of the Baltic to Christianity, and further reinforced the work of ecclesiastical centralization by enlisting in their service a force which had recently come into existence and was rapidly becoming popular - the mendicant orders, and notably the Dominicans and Franciscans.
We find that this connexion is what gives intelligibility to ceaseless and what seemed chaotic changes, converting them into the divinely concatenated system which we call the universe."
Certain combinations of minerals, herbs and vitamins bind with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme to stop it converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
The airfield was occupied by the 352nd Fighter Group, They used P-47 Thunderbolts until converting to P-51 Mustangs in April 1944.
In the process of converting solar energy to sugar, the plant transpires water.
Did you know that converting an empty room into a lovely nursery only takes a gallon or two of paint?
Handyman Wire provides free plans for a bunk bed with instructions for converting it to a loft bed.
By the simplest definition, solar systems work by absorbing sunlight and converting it into energy - such as heat, hot water, and light.
Wind power involves harnessing the kinetic energy in wind and converting it to electricity via a wind turbine.
The only thing stopping most people from converting the majority of their household electrical supply from the utility company over to solar panels is the "fear factor."
Solar panels work by converting sunlight directly into electricity.
Polycrystalline panels are typically more affordable than monocrystalline panels, but they are not as efficient at absorbing sunlight and converting it to usable electricity.
Hydropower works by converting flowing water into energy.
The turning blades connect to a main drive shaft that spins a generator, converting the kinetic energy to electrical energy.
Converting to renewable energy sources is not as simple and installing solar panels and building wind turbines.
Hydropower as the method of converting a flow of water into electricity was first created in 1892.
Converting to a renewable energy source whenever possible will create a cleaner environment and help reduce dependency on sources that will eventually be depleted.
That may seem low, but consider that photovoltaic panels (solar panels) are 15 percent efficient, while plants are only three percent efficient at converting the sun to energy.
The turbine has many components and each does a part in converting the raw energy of the wind into usable energy to run appliances, air conditioners, and other items used every day.
Power is generated from the wind by converting the speed of the wind into electricity.
In fact, solar energy is not being used to its fullest potential, yet, more industries are converting to solar power each year.
The journal Atherosclerosis reports that pomegranate juice reduces angiotensin converting enzyme activity and thus lowers blood pressure.
Some blood pressure medications, called ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors, already work in a similar fashion through chemical means.
Alpha-linolenic acid, however, is often confused with alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that assists the body with converting glucose (sugar) into energy.
Converting the image to black and white or a sepia tone can also create a unique look for your page.
For example, converting a page to black and white or a sepia tone can give it a very sophisticated look.
Converting photos to black and white is also a way to deal with pictures that hold special memories, but are of a poor quality.
Generally speaking, the smallest and therefore least invasive brush style will be the easiest for converting your dog.
Backyard composting reduces the amount of waste you create in your yard and kitchen by converting it into a soil amendment that you can use to keep your lawn and garden healthy.
Converting to the use of compact fluorescent bulbs is one way to help the environment by reducing electric consumption and thus pollution.
If you find it difficult to motivate yourself to get to the gym on a regular basis, then perhaps it is time to consider converting an under-used basement space into a home exercise room.
Converting old radiators to new radiant floor heating is a major undertaking, but one that will make your heating system much more energy efficient.
According to an Irish legend, St. Patrick created the Celtic cross while converting Druids to Christianity.
Perhaps converting a basement or attic would provide you with sufficient space, allowing you to move your bedroom elsewhere.
By converting them into night vision goggles, you are transforming them into devices that increase a specific wavelength of light that enters your eyes.
Infrared goggles take this low-energy light and converting it so that images can be picked out of the dark by the human eye.
These work by accessing the infrared spectrum and converting it into visible light.
If you don't have a two-story house, then I would suggest converting one of your closets to wine racks, or maybe even just half of the closet.
So maybe converting a closet is not for you…that's OK.
In the beginning, Cellular One service was based on analog TDMA technology, though they are quickly converting to a digital GSM-based network.
Mitochondrial disorders, also called mitochondrial cytopathies, are a diverse group of diseases caused by damage to small structures found in human cells that are essential in converting food to energy.
Mitochondria contain genetic material (DNA and RNA) and are responsible for converting food to energy.
In addition, diagnosis is complicated by the fact that children often learn to mask their tics by converting them to more socially acceptable or apparently voluntary movements or sounds.
You may also want to ask about the possibility of converting from a variable rate to a fixed rate.
Part of the chart's use includes converting your age and the month in which you are conceiving from solar months to lunar.
Liquid vitamins send the signal and respond by sending bile juice, which assists by converting the vitamins into enzymes.
It also plays an important role in converting food into energy.
It does this by converting vitamin D into another form.
Instead of taking on the task of converting an electric chandelier into a candle one, or forging your own design, use simple supplies and everyday items to create a unique candle chandelier that fits into your home's interior design.
This involves collecting donations of recycled cards from people, removing the backs, and converting them into new cards that can be sold.
Converting an old brides maid dress or evening gown into a fairy costume might be the easiest.
There are plenty of options for converting conventional holiday favorites into those that even your gluten-free guests can enjoy.
Some Germanic cultures believed that the werewolf could be cured by a sort of exorcism, and in medieval Europe, many believed that converting to Christianity was a cure.
This is generally cheaper than converting money at the airport or in cities abroad. Expect to lose money in conversion fees if you exchange money at small boutiques that cater to tourists.
Do I want a watch that has multiple functions for converting speeds, lengths and other measurements?
Eco-Drive watches work by absorbing light through a solar panel and converting it into energy which is stored in an energy cell.
The key is doing what you enjoy, such as converting a hobby into a business that can earn you money.
Converting your digital photos or pictures into a downloadable cross stitch pattern will make cross stitching even more fun.
For the purpose of this article, metabolism has to do with the process of converting food into energy and how efficiently your body burns calories as you consume them.
Diets higher in protein with moderate amounts of carbohydrates have tremendous potential for reducing blood lipids, maintaining lean tissue and converting fat to fuel.
Protein foods, such as meats, nuts and poultry are proven to not only help dieters stay full, they are also beneficial for building muscle and converting fat to fuel.
Typically, converting the policy will result in higher rates, because the risk of death increases with age.
Once these service members retire, they have the option of extending their government life insurance coverage by converting their SGLI coverage to VGLI coverage.
In fact, most free music download websites are compatible with the PSP, and even if they're not, it could be a simple matter of converting the files into a format that will work with the PSP.
They either reproduce sexually with other Wraeththu, or, in their earlier years, by converting a young-enough human male to a Wraeththu by transmitting a blood infection.
Another way to display font through graphics is by converting individual letters within the font into letters.
Traffic is essential, but converting that traffic into paying clients is what generates revenue and grows the business.
For all of the clients listed in their portfolio, Optimum 7 did more than just the design - they also list things like SEO, Social Media, and Conversion Optimization (converting visitors to the site into actual customers).
Having obtained a papal bull, he founded it by deed of the 12th of June 1458, converting the hospital into a college with a president and six fellows, to which college two days later Magdalen Hall surrendered itself and its possessions, its members being incorporated into "the New College of St Mary Magdalen."
A special feature of his rule was the sending out of numerous cleruchies (q.v.), which served the double purpose of securing strategic points to Athens and converting the needy proletariate of the capital into owners of real property.
From his pillar he preached and exercised a great influence, converting numbers of heathen and taking part in ecclesiastical politics.
He proposed to make the armature partake of the vibrations of the atmosphere either by converting it into a suitable vibrator or by controlling its vibrations by a stretched membrane of parchment armature had the form of a hinged lever one end, which pressed against the centre.
They are forty-eight in number, and on them Magna Carta was based, the work of converting them into a charter, which was regarded as a much more binding form of engagement, being taken in hand immediately.
Dumas (Ann., 1860, 113, p. 32), by converting the trioxide into the metal, obtained the value 95.65.
The acid renders it available as a manure by converting the calcium phosphate, Ca 3 P 2 O 8, that it contains into the soluble monocalcium salt, CaH 4 P 2 O 8, or "superphosphate."
They continued in Paris for two years longer; but on November 15th, 1536, they started for Italy, to concert with Ignatius plans for converting the Moslems of Palestine.
The hellenizers had not lost all hope of converting the nation and were indisposed to acquiesce in the concordat.
It acts as an oxidizing agent, liberating iodine from potassium iodide, converting alcohol into acetaldehyde, &c.
Philosophy he criticized for converting forms into formal numbers..
Bunsen by converting the metal into its oxide.