Convert Sentence Examples
She'd not yet figured out how to convert their measures of distance to miles.
According to Christian writers, he was a convert to Christianity.
Hopefully that would convert to chores done on time without prompting.
This is the ideal way to convert glucose into energy.
Christian convert was his unanimous call by the Christian people to the head of the church in Carthage, at the end of 248 or beginning of 249.
He then journeyed to Wittenberg, where he was advised by Martin Luther to cast aside the senseless rules of his order, to marry, and to convert Prussia into an hereditary duchy for himself.
Oxidizing agents convert anthracene into anthraquinone; the production of this substance by oxidizing anthracene in glacial acetic acid solution, with chromic acid, is the usual method employed for the estimation of anthracene.
Renewable energy systems capture energy from the sun, wind or the earth's heat and convert them into usable electricity.
Though we can convert the whole of the energy possessed by any mechanical system into heat, it is not in our power to perform the inverse operation, and to utilize the whole of the heat in doing mechanical work.
This time she determined to make sure of her convert.
AdvertisementOne of the most common alterations made to older houses with pitched roofing is to convert the loft space into a habitable living space.
I shall convert British pounds sterling into gold roubles at a rate of ten gold roubles to one pound sterling.
A large sheet and a few sandbags convert the slope into a bedroom.
I have also heard of an adaptor to fit a 4 1/2 " grinder that would convert it to a mini belt sander.
The oldest cat on record was said to be 35 years old; which would convert to about 157 years old in human years.
AdvertisementYou can easily convert any spot into extra sleeping space for when you have a houseful.
The line of circuit passed through the secondary of the induction coil I to the line, from that to the telephone T at the receiving station, 'See Journal of the Telegraph, New York, April 1877; Philadelphia Times, 9th July 1877; and Scientific American, August 181 This term was used by Wheatstone in 1827 for an acoustic apparatus intended to convert very feeble into audible sounds; see his Scientific Papers, p. 32.
Bridges Adams, the intention being by " fishing " the joints to convert the rails into continuous beams. In the original design two chairs were placed, one under each rail, a few inches apart, as in fig.
He strove, with a success disastrous to the Portuguese empire, to convert the government in Goa into a proselytizing agency.
In middle age he became a convert to Christianity, and about 306 he went to Gaul (Treves) on the invitation of Constantine the Great, and became tutor to his eldest son, Crispus.
AdvertisementHe taught rhetoric at Rome (one of his pupils being Jerome), and in his old age became a convert to Christianity.
He subsequently professed himself a convert to the Anglican Church, and published a number of works, but was more esteemed for his ability than for his moral character.
Even the Dominicans, who began as a preaching order to convert heretics, soon became persecutors.
Salt is added in the roasting to convert any lime, magnesia or lead which may be present, into the corresponding chlorides.
There is a considerable area under vines, but it is generally more profitable to sell the fruit as grapes than to convert it into wine.
AdvertisementHis zeal prompted him to undertake an embassy to the king of Ethiopia, in order to stimulate him against the converts whom he had taken under his protection, but he returned a convert to the Mahommedan faith and joined the fugitive prophet at Medina.
These elements will enable us to convert, by a simple arithmetical operation, any historical date, of which the chronological characters are given according to any era whatever, into the corresponding date in the Christian era.
One of them, "John Fisher," who had his sphere at Oxford, succeeded in making a convert of young Chillingworth, and prevailed upon him to go to the Jesuit college at Douai.
Hence "to cash" means to convert cheques and other negotiable instruments into coin.
Since 1851 it has been known that all sea-water has an alkaline reaction, and Torniie defined the alkalinity of sea-water as the amount of carbonic acid which is necessary to convert the excess of bases into normal carbonate.
He knows that the great object of all my preaching and writing was to convert men from sin.
In 1703 a Mussulman convert of the Gond tribe held the country, and in 1743 Raghoji Bhonsla, the Mahratta ruler of Berar, annexed it to his dominions.
He was born of heathen parents at Tabatha near Gaza about 290; he was sent to Alexandria for his education and there became a convert to Christianity; about 306 he visited St Anthony and became his disciple, embracing the eremitical life.
It is, however, more simple to convert it into a single right trapezium.
It was decided, however, by the Austrian financial authorities that the obligation of the Austro-Hungarian Bank to convert its notes into gold on demand should remain suspended as hitherto, owing to fear lest the renewal of the obligation of the bank to cash its notes in gold should lead to a rise in the rate of interest.
He first fell in with some proselytizers of the Roman faith at Confignon in Savoy, and by them he was sent to Madame de Warens at Annecy, a young and pretty widow who was herself a convert.
Christianity was essentially a proselytizing religion, not content to appeal simply to one class or race of people, and to be one among many faiths, but believing in the falsity or insufficiency of all others and eager to convert the whole world.
There are no permanent rivers; but during the rainy season, from August to October, heavy floods convert the water-courses in the hollows of the mountains into broad and rapid streams. Numerous wells supply the wants of the people and their cattle.
Clement's familiarity with the Old Testament points to his being a Christian of long standing rather than a recent convert.
Thompson, trained Philip Quaque, said to be " the first convert who ever received ordination since the Reformation in the Reformed Church."
In 1813 he was joined by a colleague, William Milne, and in 1814 baptized his first convert.
These operate by electrostatic induction and convert mechanical work into electrostatic energy by the aid of a small initial charge which is continually being replenished or reinforced.
Dilute alkalis convert it into paraxyloquinone.
Among the enzymes already extracted from fungi are invertases (yeasts, moulds, &c.), which split cane-sugar and other complex sugars with hydrolysis into simpler sugars such as dextrose and levulose; diastases, which convert starches into sugars (Aspergillus, &c.); cytases, which dissolve cellulose similarly (Botrytis, &c.); peptases, using the term as a general one for all enzymes which convert proteids into peptones and other bodies (Penicillium, &c.); lipases, which break up fatty oils (Empusa, Phycomyces, &c.); oxydases, which bring about the oxidations and changes of colour observed in Boletus, and zymase, extracted by Buchner from yeast, which brings about the conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbondioxide.
Moreover, the coals which deoxidized the iron would inevitably carburize some lumps of it, here so far as to turn it into the brittle and relatively useless cast iron, there only far enough to convert it into steel, strong and very useful even in its unhardened state.
In time the smith learnt how to convert this unwelcome product into wrought iron by remelting it in the forge, exposing it to the blast in such a way as to burn out most of its carbon.
Concentrated acids convert them into the isomeric nitro-amines, the - NO 2 group going into the nucleus in the orthoor paraposition to the amine nitrogen; this appears to indicate that the compounds are nitramines.
Halogen acids convert it into monohalogen fatty acids, and the halogens themselves convert it into dihalogen fatty acids.
He was still allowed his liberty, but one night while supping with Walsingham's servant he observed a memorandum of the minister's concerning himself, fled to St John's Wood, where he was joined by some of his companions, and after disguising himself succeeded in reaching Harrow, where he was sheltered by a recent convert to Romanism.
The work of Arnobius appears to have been written when he was a recent convert, for he does not possess a very extensive knowledge of Scripture.
It has a remarkable retarding effect on the hydration of the calcium aluminate, and consequently on the setting of the cement; thus it is that a little gypsum is often added to convert a naturally quick-setting cement into one which sets slowly.
The mixed chlorides are boiled down to dryness with sulphuric acid to convert them into sulphates, which are then separated by boiling water, which dissolves only the thallium salt.
Gardiner had almost been sent to the Tower, and Norfolk and Surrey were condemned to death, while Cranmer asserted that it was Henry's intention to convert the mass into a communion service.
Their defeat by the Picts, in 560, induced the Irish St Columba to endeavour to convert the conquering Picts.
Protestantism, and the disasters of James V., with the regency of his widow, were to convert the majority of Scots to the English party.
In 1535 Henry sent Dr Barlowe to convert James to his own religious ideas, Erastian, anti-papal, the seizure of the wealth of the church.
The politicians hoped that Elizabeth might convert Mary to her own invisible shade of Protestantism if the sister sovereigns could but meet, and for two years the promise of a meeting was held up before Mary.
They are Mahommedans and distinct in many other respects from the Hindu Balinese, who vanquished but could not convert them.
Cheke was visited by two priests and by Dr John Feckenham, dean of St Paul's, whom he had formerly tried to convert to Protestantism, and, terrified by a threat of the stake, he gave way and was received into the Church of Rome by Cardinal Pole, being cruelly forced to make two public recantations.
He issued an edict forbidding the reading of the law, the observance of the Sabbath, and the rite of circumcision; and determined to convert the still half-ruined Jerusalem into a Roman colony.
The first action of the lime is to convert the manganese chloride into manganous hydrate (Mn(OH) 2) and calcium chloride; then more lime is added which greatly promotes and hastens the oxidizing process.
The object of the latter is to convert the manganous hydroxide by the atmospheric oxygen into manganese dioxide, but this would take place much too slowly if there was not an excess of lime present ready to combine with the manganese dioxide to form a calcium manganite.
Perkin; the method being to sulphonate anthraquinone, and then to convert the sulphonic acid into its sodium salt and fuse this with caustic soda.
About the middle of the 3rd century B.C. Asoka, the king of Magadha or Behar, who reigned from 264 B.C. to 227 B.C., became a zealous convert to Buddhism.
Asoka did not think it enough to convert the inferior races without looking after their material interests.
To convert parallaxes into distance we may remember that a parallax of i" denotes a distance of 182 billion miles, or 206,000 times the distance of the sun from the earth.
Ali, on the other hand, was unable to convert enthusiasm for the principle inscribed on his banner into enthusiasm for his person.
How does it by the aid of identification convert probable into necessary conclusions, which become necessary principles of demonstration?
The mistake has been to convert three operations of mind into three processes in a fixed order - conception, judgment, inference.
The analogy between the mathematical relations of infinitely small displacements on the one hand an-d those of force-systems on the other enables us immediately to convert any theorem in the one subject into a theorem in the other.
In order to convert a chain into a mechanism it is necessary to fix one link in it.
If a priest becomes a convert to the Church of England he need not be re-ordained.
In 1848, Zachary Taylor, a Mexican War hero, and hardly even a convert to the Whig party, defeated Clay for the nomination, Kentucky herself deserting her "favourite son."
Shaft furnaces are in use for ores rich in sulphur, and where it is desirable to convert the waste gases into sulphuric acid.
About the middle of the 17th century the chief became a convert to Hinduism.
The determining feature of their recent history has been the attempt made by the Russian government (since 1881) and the Orthodox Greek Church (since 1883) to russify and convert the inhabitants of the province, Germans and Esths alike, by enforcing the use of Russian in the schools and by harsh and repressive measures aimed at their native language.
His father being a convert to Christianity, Uriel was brought up in the Roman Catholic faith, and strictly observed the rites of the church till the course of his inquiries led him, after much painful doubt, to abandon the religion of his youth for Judaism.
Osterman was appointed governor to the young emperor, and on his death (1730) he refused to participate in the attempt of Demetrius Golitsuin and the Dolgorukis to convert Russia into a limited constitutional monarchy.
Mme d'Aubigne returned to France, and from sheer poverty unwillingly yielded her daughter to her sister-in-law, Mme de Villette, who made the child very happy, but converted or pretended to convert her to Protestantism.
Every means was now used to convert her back to Catholicism, but at the last she only yielded on the condition that she need not believe that the soul of Mme de Villette was lost.
The first ten were written in 337, the following twelve in 344, and the last in 345.1 The author was early known as hakkima pharsaya ("the Persian sage"), was a subject of Sapor II., and was probably of heathen parentage and himself a convert from heathenism.
It is idle, however, to read definite historical events intc such traits, or to attempt, with some scholars, to convert them into history itself.
From the first, it aims at propaganda; and the nationality of the convert is a matter of indifference.
He appears to have been a convert from Paganism to Christianity, although it was asserted in later times that his father had been a bishop. That report is probably as untrustworthy as another, that he was excommunicated from the Church for seducing a virgin.
In February 1679 the king had consented to order James to go abroad, and even approved of the attempt of the primate and the bishop of Winchester to convert him to Protestantism.
Rep. 6 Bengal, 39 2, 45 6, 49 8), and it has also been applied to settle controversies between Hindus and missionaries as to the custody of a young convert (R.
He appears to have been a (not very enthusiastic) convert to Christianity.
Antimony, however, occurs chiefly as the sulphide, stibnite; to a much smaller extent it occurs in combination with other metallic sulphides in the minerals wolfsbergite, boulangerite, bournonite, pyrargyrite, &c. For the preparation of metallic antimony the crude stibnite is first liquated, to free it from earthy and siliceous matter, and is then roasted in order to convert it into oxide.
Shortly before his death in Paris he became a convert to the Romantic movement, and he prepared the way for its definite triumph in the person of Almeida Garrett, who belonged to the Filintistas, or followers of Nascimento, in opposition to the Elmanistas, or disciples of Bocage.
Warasdin is the seat of a district court, and possesses an old castle, a cathedral The Contracting Powers which do not at present own perfected mines of the pattern contemplated in the present Convention, and which, consequently, could not at present carry out the rules laid down in Articles i and 3, undertake to convert the materiel of their mines as soon as possible so as to bring it into conformity with the foregoing requirements.
Meanwhile Jenghiz Khan had founded the Mongol empire, and his grandson Kublai Khan became a convert to the Buddhism of the Tibetan Lamas.
Nearly all lead ores contain more or less sulphur; and as in the process of solution in nitric acid this is oxidized to sulphuric acid which unites with the lead to form the very insoluble lead sulphate, it is simpler to add sulphuric acid to convert all the lead into sulphate and then evaporate until the nitric acid is expelled.
The commission to go and convert Gentile peoples Olin) is given after Christ's resurrection (xxviii.
Complex silver minerals (sulph-arsenides and antimonides) which are difficult to amalgamate must be made amenable to quicksilver, and the simplest way of doing this is to convert the silver into chloride.
At the same time efforts were made to weaken the Triple Alliance, the principal instrument employed being the entente with France, which Prince Lobanov helped to convert into a formal alliance between the two powers.
The government acquired Metcalfe Hall, in order to convert it into a public library and reading-room worthy of the capital of India; and also the country-house of Warren Hastings at Alipur, for the entertainment of Indian princes.
In 1906 it was arranged to convert this into a residential college for students,, the hospital being removed to a site outside the town.
She knows that if the wings are driven with sufficient rapidity they practically convert the spaces through which they move into solid bases of support; she also knows that the body in rapid flight derives support from all the air over which it passes.
The council may convert corporate land, with the approval of the Local Government Board, into sites for workmen's dwellings.
On these grounds Peter complains that, when he was setting out for the Gentiles to convert them from their worship of many gods upon earth, the Evil Power (KaKla) had sent Simon before him to make them believe that there were many gods in heaven.
He was a son of Maturin Ballou, a Baptist minister, was self-educated, early devoted himself to the ministry, became a convert to Universalism in 1789, and in 1794 became a pastor of a congregation at Dana, Massachusetts.
After this, quarrels arose between the negus and Bermudez, who had returned to Abyssinia with Christopher da Gama and who now wished the emperor publicly to profess himself a convert to Rome.
Oxidizing agents readily convert it into selenic acid, whilst reducing agents transform it into selenium.
In this sense alone quinine is a tonic. The hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is stated to convert any salt of quinine into a chloride, and it seems probable that the absorption of quinine takes place mainly from the stomach, for when the drug reaches the alkaline secretions of the duodenum it is precipitated, and probably none of it is thereafter absorbed.
But the fact of a government levying so general a charge may be held ipso facto to convert the charge into a tax, having much the same economic effects and consequences as a tax.
A country which is so devoted to free trade that it not only practises free trade itself but endeavours to convert others by nullifying their protectionist measures as far as it can, even with immediate loss to itself, departs from the guidance of selfinterest so far; hut its political action may be justifiable in the long run by other considerations.
When danger of foreign intervention cast its threatening shadow across the national path, he went to England, and by his famous addresses did what probably no other American could have done to strengthen the spirit in England favourable to the United States, and to convert that which was doubtful and hostile.
Oxidizing agents, such as arsenic acid, convert it into ellagic acid, C 14 H 8 0 9 +H 2 0, probably a fluorene derivative, a substance which occurs in gall-nuts, in the external membrane of the episperm of the walnut, and prob ably in many plants, and composes the "bezoar stones" found in the intestines of Persian wild goats.
But a Buddhist convert thinking "she does not understand," said to her, "My good girl, I myself have no such medicine as you ask for, but I think I know of one who has."
Fraction of a Fraction.-To find of 7 of A we must convert 7 of A into 4 times some unit.
Similarly, to convert £153 into shillings we must multiply it by a factor 2 £I ' ' so that we get 2£I.
If we count forwards we find that to convert £3, 5s.
For multiplication by a proper fraction or a decimal, it is sometimes convenient, especially when we are dealing with mixed quantities, to convert the multiplier into the sum or difference of a number of fractions, each of which has i as its numerator.
Other causes helped to convert their enthusiastic loyalty into bitter hatred.
It had desired (I) to follow up the reform of English corLord fife!- porations by a corresponding reform of Irish munibournes cipalities; (2) to convert the tithes, payable to the dlffl Irish Church, into a rent charge, and to appropriate cullies.
Although the first attempt to convert the Lapps to Christianity seems to have been made in the 11th century, the worship of heathen idols was carried on openly in Swedish Lappmark as late as 1687, and secretly in Norway down to the first quarter of the 18th century, while the practices of heathen rites survived into the 19th century, if indeed they are extinct even yet.
About 1878 an unsuccessful attempt was made to convert Arandyelovats into a popular health-resort.
These differences are so insignificant that it was very natural that the Croats after having tried to convert the chaka y ski dialect into a separate literary language were compelled to abandon that attempt and to adopt the shtokayski.
When the restoration took place, Camacho sat in the Cortes among the dynastic Liberals with Sagasta as leader, and became finance minister in 1881 at a critical moment when Spain had to convert, reduce, and consolidate her treasury and other debts with a view to resuming payment of coupons.
In the following century the Aetolians gained such dominance in the amphictyony as to convert the council into an organ of their league.
There he became a convert from republicanism to monarchism, being convinced that only under the auspices of King Victor Emmanuel could Italy be freed, and together with Giorgio Pallavicini and Giuseppe La Farina he founded the Societd Nazionale Italiana with the object of propagating the idea of unity under the Piedmontese monarchy.
But although much zeal and self-denial were shown by these men, their efforts were abortive, and the mission was at length abandoned, leaving no fruit of their labours in a single church or convert.
We cannot convert Max Muller's proposition " there was nothing told of the sky that could not in some form or other be ascribed to Zeus" into " there was nothing ascribed to Zeus that had not at some time or other been told of the sky."
In December he repaired personally to Rome, full of confidence that the weight of his arguments and the vivacity of his eloquence could not fail to convert the entire pontifical court to his views.
Anticipating events Gebhard had collected some troops, and had taken measures to convert his subjects to Protestantism.
Many metallurgists were sceptical on theoretical grounds about his results, and only became convinced when they saw that his process was really able to convert melted cast iron into malleable iron in a perfectly fluid state.
Even for the worst miscreant there is hope - for who can say but that God may yet think fit to convert him?
In 1595 Zamoyski, in his capacity of commanderin-chief, at the head of S000 veterans dethroned the anti-Polish hospodar of Moldavia and installed in his stead a Catholic convert, George Mohila.
Consequent upon this, after a longer or shorter period, those changes commence in the embryo-sac which result in the formation of the embryo plant, the ovule also undergoing changes which convert it into the seed, and fit it for a protective covering, and a store of nutriment for the embryo.
These include such bodies as pepsin, diastase, the pancreatic ferments, papain, the pine-apple ferment, taka-diastase and others, and serve to convert starch into saccharine substances, or albumen into peptone and albumoses.
I'll try to convert you to a leaf peeper.
There were eccentric recluse plans to convert the entire building into a private summer residence.
For those that do not we can help them convert to computerized accounting with a fixed price installation and training program.
They convert energy from food into chemical energy called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.
Copper also helps convert amino acids into pigment, thereby adding color to hair and skin.
Most of the attributes listed above have an analog in convert.
A pension annuity is used to convert capital within a pension plan into a regular guaranteed lifetime income.
Samurai converts to Christianity also tended to use the arquebus although Shimazu Takahisa did not himself convert.
WinOncd includes the ability to convert analog audio from LP or tape into audio CDs.
I want to convert the old Tackle store in the stone belfry into the new Reserve Store.
Several colleges have bought shredders which convert woody biomass into suitable material or mulching.
These options include from a simple cylinder to convert standard disk brakes to the fluid type, to a full twin disk system.
Later he returned to convert his former captors to Christianity.
They are an excellent source of vitamin A our bodies convert the orange pigment carotene into it.
With Italy's entry to WWII Morini was forced to convert his factory to produce military equipment, in particular alloy castings for aircraft.
Sastak has chippers and shredders to convert this to wood fuel, mulch etc.
A virtuous circle that frees you to do the crucial bit - convert the traffic into sales.
There are a large number of coke ovens, which convert about half the output into coke ovens, which convert about half the output into coke.
Try couching down into embroidery for elements of texture. £ 1.90 per 100g cone [Convert Currency] Giant Gems *New* BARGAIN OFFER!
Hand wash, dry flat, do not iron £ 2.50 per 250g cone [Convert Currency] Festival Knops BARGAIN OFFER!
The function installs a forward type converter to convert string values to numerical representation type values.
Some web sites also offer online convertors and some jobs in textile programs allow you to convert MIDI into RTTTL.
All prices are in pounds sterling - use the currency convertor to convert to your local currency.
Next week will see a serious session with the Jim crow to convert the switches from right to left.
Next week will see a serious session with the jim crow to convert the switches from right to left.
A PL /SQL function to convert decimal to hex is described in a separate note.
Then convert the day of birth to a single digit or master number.
They protect the environment by using oxygen to convert poisonous carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons into harmless carbon dioxide and water.
No matter how much Margaret tried to convert her husband from his wrong doings, she never succeeded.
Constantine, who was proclaimed emperor at no less a place than York, would himself become the first Emperor to convert to Christianity.
In July 2000 the Society's voting members overwhelmingly endorsed a proposal from the Board of Directors to convert to a public limited company.
Our projects also reduce emissions of greenhouse gases other than CO2, and convert these to carbon dioxide equivalents.
You can convert them to your own currency at today's exchange rates.
The best solution to all these problems is to convert to a standard sutured extracapsular extraction.
These proteins convert plasminogen to plasmin, which in turn degrades fibrin, the main component of the clot.
A catch and drive saw flanker Redford Pennycook touch down for a try, which fly half Tommy Hayes was unable to convert.
I would suggest writing a front-end to convert your favorite language into Exstatic's intermediate format (which is an XML variant ).
Thankful to be rid of him the leaders of the Jerusalem Church allowed him to go on his self appointed mission to convert gentiles.
If your objects don't have getters and setters, we can still convert them.
Dan Carter, sporting the haircut I had two years ago, fails to convert.
Without leaving her convent in Spain she would convert heathens in New Mexico.
Browsers will convert two-digit hex digits that are preceded by a percent sign into a valid character.
If you have a 10 digit hex key then you need to convert it to ASCII with a hex editor or something.
But the small minority of advocates boasted one particularly high-profile convert.
In 1931, it was decided to discontinue live performances and convert the hippodrome into the Plaza Cinema.
He told one rich convert, ` Go and see the sick in their own poor little hovels.
Shoppers are frequently unable to compare the prices of similar products without using a calculator to convert imperial into metric.
The part is then impregnated with furfural alcohol in a furnace to convert it to carbon.
Jim crow to convert the switches from right to left.
Existing licensees will have six months to convert their existing licenses.
Its action here is to convert maltose to glucose (a monosaccharide) ready for absorption.
The normal rule is that interpreters convert spoken statements from another language into their own mother tongue.
Denitrification filters convert nitrate to nitrogen gas, the bacteria in such filters are anaerobic.
Other bacteria in a mature aquarium convert the nitrite to nitrate.
They gather inorganic nitrogen from the soil and convert it into protein as a means of storing it.
The sample also demonstrates how to convert easting northing values in the coordinate space of the view, into latitude/longitude values.
If this is the case you need to ensure your affiliates do not outbid you â even if they convert at a better CPA.
His mission was to convert the pagan Irish people to Christianity.
Most modern pal DVD players convert NTSC into the PAL format.
Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is needed to convert glucose into the energy the body requires.
Windows XP has a Convert utility that converts a FAT32 partition to NTFS without having to copy all of the data elsewhere.
Matt Vaughan failed to convert having missed a penalty also, hitting the post 7 minutes earlier.
People who lack the enzyme to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine are not able to metabolize phenylalanine normally.
The potential of uveal melanoma cell lines to convert plasminogen to angiostatin was tested in an in vitro assay.
Currently in command of an anti-tank platoon, he is about to convert to the new Javelin weapons system.
Then you will need to convert the postscript files to pdf.
The cavalier attitude of France and Germany to the stability pact cannot have helped to convert the fairly puritanical Swedes to further continental entanglement.
The researchers use pyrolysis - heating materials in the absence of oxygen - to convert polystyrene into styrene oil.
Is there any move to convert analog radios in this way and, if so, can you recommend any devices?
The conversion between ream weight depends on the basis sheet size, to convert from ream weight depends on the basis sheet size, to convert from ream weight to gsm use the following multipliers.
Convert a piece of newspaper reportage into high art.
I wanted a nice way to convert the string representation into its object counterpart.
For ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing.
The estate sawmill is used to convert logs for a variety of end-products, some of which are utilized on the estate.
It can convert to a belt position booster seat by removing the harness for larger children.
To convert to a dressing, whisk in an additional tablespoon oil, 2 tablespoons rice vinegar, and 1 tablespoon soy sauce.
We can also convert existing digital data to meet the specifications of a new system.
Then, you will need to convert the tiff files to postscript.
Worms consume huge amounts of decomposed organic material deposited on the soil, helping convert it into rich, fertile topsoil.
They may convert onto a 4-seat type instead of the two-seat trainer so that they can take family and friends flying.
Plants have two other pathways to convert tryptophan to IAA [8 ], and the seed containment system introduces a third.
Shastri reported the conference in an article, " Convert imperialist war into civil war.
Adjustable laptop holder to convert a laptop computer into an ergonomic desktop workstation.
At maturity, the protoplasts convert to sporangia, which release zoospores into the soil.
In an old confession of faith, the convert is pledged to abjure the theft and robbery of cattle and the ravaging of villages inhabited by worshippers of Mazda (Yasna, 12, 2).
Accord ing to Christian writers, he was a convert to Christianity.
The Hebrew and Greek terms, however, lost the connotation of a change of residence, and both ger and " proselyte " came to apply to a convert without regard to his nationality.
The justices of a county may convert it or any portion of it into a highway district to be governed by a highway board, the powers and responsibilities of which will be the same as those of the parish surveyor under the former act.
While, therefore, scarcely any impediment is offered to the progress of an animal in motion in the air, it is often exceedingly difficult to compress the air with sufficient rapidity and energy to convert it into a suitable fulcrum for securing the necessary support and forward impetus.
Last year Abdel Kawy failed to convert a match ball while losing 10/8 in the fifth in a pulsating final.
The conversion between ream weight depends on the basis sheet size, to convert from ream weight to gsm use the following multipliers.
The eccentric is used to convert the rotary motion of the crank axle into the reciprocating motion required to operate the valve.
One hundred and fifty Jews took refuge in the castle and were told to convert to Christianity or be killed.
For ribbing knit 4 more rows then drop every other row and convert to ribbing.
I have also heard of an adaptor to fit a 4 1/2 grinder that would convert it to a mini belt sander.
The ground floor would easily convert to provide self-contained accommodation.
Islam allegedly is the best and final religion for all humankind, and the Muslim man may convert his submissive wife.
Did men in the House of Commons suddenly convert to the cause of the suffragist movement?
Hot gases from the furnace will pass to a boiler, which will convert the energy from the gases into superheated steam.
A typical thermoelectric generator (TEG) used to convert temperature differences into electrical power.
The new Constitution is stated by a leading Moslem convert to be the greatest blow against the tottering walls of Islam.
Handwrite a math equation, and then convert it into a neatly typewritten image to paste into a report or a presentation.
Thus we have to convert each character to a lower case character before we hand it over to the umlaut facet object.
Unwrapping conversions convert objects of class types to values of primitive types.
Eighty square meters of the station 's roof are now covered with around 80 photo voltaic panels, which convert daylight into electricity.
Shastri reported the conference in an article, Convert imperialist war into civil war.
After trying the newest electric car, Doug was a convert and couldn't wait to proselytize to his friends about it.
Additionally, many cribs today are designed to grow with your child, and can convert from an infant crib, to a toddler bed, and finally to a twin bed for your older child.
Note that the WHO operates in kilograms, so convert your child's weight in pounds into kilograms before trying to place your child's weight on the graph (1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds).
If you're not sure whether your crib will convert, check the instructions or packaging materials.
Your best bet may be to convert a regular bra into a nursing bra.
For complete instructions and pictures on how to convert a regular bra into a nursing bra, visit Mamas Worldwide.
Manufacturers offer repair kits free of charge to convert your drop side crib into a fixed side crib.
Some car seats convert from an infant seat to a toddler and finally to a booster seat that can carry children to a weight of as much as 100 pounds.
There are diapers that convert into pants and diapers made for wearing overnight.
In a process called "tanning", mechanical and chemical treatments preserve the skins and convert them to leather.
If you have old paper bonds, you can call the Treasury Department to convert them to electronic bonds.
They convert the tools to run using a diesel powered hydraulic pump or a belt drive system.
Once you understand how the sun's rays can provide electricity to your whole house, any appliance or piece of equipment in your home, or replace a furnace altogether, you may be inspired to convert to this form of clean energy.
Using silicon or another form of semi-conductor, solar panels convert light into energy by creating a flow of electrons and a magnetic field.
Space heaters convert energy to heat and although heaters used within the home are typically electric, they can also burn gas, oil or solid fuels.
A photovoltaic battery can convert solar light into usable energy.
In 1954, the first solar cell able to convert enough of the sun's power so as to run electrical equipment was developed.
From there, they absorb the sun's rays and convert them into power for the building.
By taking this approach, cells are stacked so that as light passes through the cells, the lower solar cells convert the band of light that the higher cells can't - increasing the efficiency of the entire photovoltaic cell tremendously.
The potential uses for photovoltaic cells throughout the world in order to convert the world to a more "green" existence are limited only by the size and efficiency of the technology.
You'll need storage batteries and a charge controller, as well as an inverter that will convert the DC power from the batteries into the AC power necessary to run your home or office.
Produce direct current (DC), but special devices called "inverters" can convert solar DC current to alternating current (AC) to power regular appliances.
Factoring in the fact that most states offer multiple financial incentives in the form of tax rebates or refunds, making the choice to convert your home to solar power a very simple decision.
Installing solar panels enables homeowners to harness the natural energy of the sun and convert it to usable energy, thereby decreasing the need for other resources.
The use of direct solar power requires only one step, called electromagnetic radiation, in order to convert solar energy into useable power.
Indirect solar power requires multiple steps in order to convert solar power into useable energy.
Renewable energy systems harness energy from nature and convert it into energy that can heat and power your home.
One forces steam into a generator and is used to make electricity.The second uses a flashed method of hot water that's depressurized into steam, and the third method uses a heat exchanger system to convert water into steam.
Wind turbines harness the power of the wind and convert its kinetic energy into electricity.
Scientists can convert heat produced from beneath the Earth's crust to generate geothermal energy.
These panels are filled with photovoltaic cells, which convert the sun's energy into electricity.
If you need a compact home study, consider a hideaway office inside an armoire or convert a closet into a clever office space.
A large den or a roomy loft will work nicely, but some gamers even convert their garages or build an addition to hold their dream entertainment room.
Some tables convert from billiard to ping pong, while others are more versatile and allow for air hockey, foosball, cards and more.
With a little research and hardly any effort, you could easily become a liberated lip stain convert!
The reason is that CD/DVD-based games are harder to convert on a computer, so cartridge-based games dominate the sites of users who felt the need to combine the games into one simple server where anyone can play Nintendo games online.
Use the guide below to convert smaller measurements into larger quantities.
For more equivalents, or to convert to the metric systems follow conversion table.
When trying to convert recipes for diabetics you often just need to use a good sugar substitute.
If you are overwhelmed at the number of photos you have to convert into layouts, follow this game plan to complete your album quickly.
For layouts of the the Vietnam Wall convert the photos to black and white for a more contemplative feel.
Taking out your aggressions on tackling people, hitting a tennis ball, or kicking a soccer ball can help you convert some of the feelings you have into positive actions.
Some are designed to convert to chairs, so they benefit from the extra room.
The only downside to leggings is that they truly convert outfits, giving them a more casual appeal.
This lets you pick half, quarter and eighth of an inch thickness without having to convert fractions to decimals.
A process called nitrogen fixation helps convert nitrogen from the air into ammonia.
While you can actually play your guitar with an engraved pick, it has become very popular to convert these picks into keepsake jewelry.
Wood fireplace inserts convert the traditionally inefficient masonry fireplace into a high efficiency heat source.
Lower voltage systems convert line voltage via a transformer mounted directly on the fixture itself.
These kits allow a person to convert different types and styles of existing indoor or outdoor lights into motion sensor lights.
To save money on heating bills and create a more functional heating system in your home, convert old radiators to new radiant floor heating.
To convert old radiators to new radiant floor heating, you will need to hire a skilled contractor.
Spoken by the observant Jewish convert Walter Sobchak.
Zip-off pants that convert from regular slacks to shorts are ideal for everything from hiking to fishing, and you'll find them in plentiful sizes.
Anyone who wears bamboo is an instant convert, but to those who don't know how comfortable and pleasant it can be, the assumption is that it is fibrous and scratchy.
A small home office can easily convert into a guestroom with a just a few adjustments if you have a futon in it.
Many people are unable to digest grains or produce the enzymes necessary to convert the grain starch.
The oils and amino acids in nuts begin to break down under the high temperatures of commercial roasting and cause chemical changes that can convert some amino acids into carcinogens.
Nitrogen-fixing plants convert it a chemical form which plants can use.
These styles help the bra to convert for wear with strapless, halter-style, tube top and spaghetti strap tops, to name a few.
The Convertible Contour Bra from Fashion Bug can convert from strapless to criss-cross and halter styles.
It is a British site, so Stateside customers will have to convert the currency (although they conveniently list the U.S. sizes along with the UK), but it's worth the extra fuss to end up with a perfect dress.
If you're ending employment, the company's 401K is ready to convert to an IRA or Roth IRA.
When you exercise, it stimulates your adrenal glands, which convert androstenedione into estrogen, plus it offers a host of other health benefits.
As individual photons (light) from a dimly lit room or night scene enter the goggles, they strike a photoelectric plate, which uses the "photoelectric effect" to convert those photons into electrons, or electricity.
Even so, what is available online should help you to convert your reading glasses into flip ups.
Since most sites let you earn points redeemable for Wii points or actual money that you can convert to Wii points, you will undoubtedly want to recruit your friends.
One of the easiest ones to use, which is designed to convert files that can be directly read by the PSP, is 3GP Converter.
When you get videos from the Internet, they can come as any number of file formats, so you may need to convert them to a format that your Blackberry will recognize.
Depending on the model of phone, you may need to convert videos to a certain format.
In effect, it could take the 3G wireless broadband connection of the cell phone and convert it into a Wi-Fi signal that could then be picked up by nearby laptops and other supported devices.
The Clarks company, which took control of Ravel footwear in 1974 (originally Chaussures Ravel), reported that it would convert many of Ravel's stores to Clarks, but would close any that overlapped existing Clarks businesses.
The wedding opened up many issues, not the least of which was Matt's intention to convert to Judaism.
This design is believed to have come into existence when St. Patrick was struggling to convert the Celts to Christianity, although many people contend the design was around long before Patrick ever reached Ireland's shores.
While the program is powerful, it does take some time to convert the song.
After that, the website will convert the song to your mobile phone specifics.
It also comes loaded with a personal hotspot function, allowing you to take that 3G or 4G connection and convert the phone into a Wi-Fi hotspot that can then be shared with up to eight different devices.
Dental caries-A disease of the teeth in which microorganisms convert sugar in the mouth to an acid that erodes the tooth.
It is a chronic disease characterized by the inability of the body to produce or respond properly to insulin, a hormone required by the body to convert glucose to energy.
Psychometric tests convert an individual's psychological traits and attributes into a numerical estimation or evaluation.
In-born errors of vitamin D metabolism can also cause vitamin D deficiency and rickets; these children cannot convert inactive vitamin D to active vitamin D and suffer the same symptoms as children with a nutritional deficiency.
These new immigrants were required to convert to Catholicism in order to own land.
The calculator can then convert the savings to today's money for a more accurate comparison.
A reverse mortgage allows individuals to convert their home's value into cash.
Once the term is up, the mortgage will convert into a Standard Variable Rate Mortgage.
To convert the rate to American money, some American banks are averaged into the rate.
For homeowners who are sixty-two years or older, a reversible or reverse mortgage allows the homeowner to convert a portion of equity into tax-free income.
Financial assistance for those who are willing to convert their new living space into a more environmentally friendly home is available as well.
Housing Vouchers convert rental vouchers to homeownership with this program.
The program allows renters to convert rental vouchers to mortgage payments.
Convert your photos into cards, DVDs, calendars, scrapbooks, mugs, posters, stationary, or a multitude of other keepsakes.
The top comes with removable straps to convert it to a bandeau.
Available in a rich, chocolate brown, you'll like the fact that not only are the straps of the suit removable, they also convert to criss-cross, halter and strapless styles.
The simplest way to convert a sarong into a dress over a bathing suit is to hold it under your arms, making two bunches.
Niacin helps convert carbohydrates into glucose and metabolize fats and protein.
Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight initiates a string of chemical reactions in your body which convert the raw form to one which your body can use through conversion by your liver and kidneys.
As adults age, their kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to an active, usable form.
Juicers are machines that convert fresh fruits and vegetables into delicious, wholesome juice.
The Multivac is easy to use and convert from one style to another.
The unit's oxygenator kicks in to convert ozone to oxygen, and the air revitalize freshens stale air by releasing negative ions.
Solar battery chargers convert heat derived from the sun to charge rechargeable batteries.
It is also used to restore historic buildings and to convert old schools and centers.
For example, you can choose 'willing to convert' as your answer to the religious background question.