Conventions Sentence Examples
Concordats are undoubtedly conventions of a particular nature.
The city is a favourite meeting-place for conventions.
These are conventions for the regulation of intercourse between the subjects and citizens.
It was followed by several partial conventions.
The constitutional conventions of 1845 and 1875, and the state convention which issued the call for the National Liberal Republican convention at Cincinnati in 1872, met here, and so for some of its sessions did the state convention of 1861-1863.
At the risk no doubt of some defects of culture, the newer education cleared the way for a more positive temper, awoke a new sense of accuracy and of verification, and created a sceptical attitude towards all conventions, whether of argument or of practice.
He was quite unacquainted with the history of his own language and literature, and more here than anywhere else he showed the extraordinarily limited and conventional spirit which accompanied the revolt of the French 18th century against limits and conventions in theological, ethical and political matters.
Elected to the Ohio House of Representatives in 1845, he became one of the extremest of the state rights Democrats of his section, emphasizing his principles in the legislature in the local and national party conventions, and in the columns of a newspaper, the Western Empire, which he edited at Dayton, Ohio, in 1847-49.
With reference to their objects, treaties may perhaps be conveniently classified as (r) political, including treaties of peace, of alliance, of cession, of boundary, for creation of international servitudes, of neutralization, of guarantee, for the submission of a controversy to arbitration; (2) commercial, including consular and fishery conventions, and slave trade and navigation treaties; (3) confederations for special social objects, such as the Zollverein, the Latin monetary union, and the still wider unions with reference to posts, telegraphs, submarine cables and weights and measures; (4) relating to criminal justice, e.g.
Scrapbook conventions are the ultimate retreats for memory crafters.
AdvertisementListed below are a few of the favorites seen in retail stores, online, or at toy conventions.
Some special editions have been released at specific events, such as the San Diego Comic Con Cylon Centurion, so collectors should keep an eye out for exclusives at conventions.
It's important to know if your gamer friend is a gamer that enjoys going to a game conventions or if he plays in tournaments.
Visit the official site at Last Night on Earth for additional information.The creators of the game promote their game will by visiting conventions and continuing to revive the game with new releases.
Played everywhere from birthday parties to board game conventions, the rules can seem a bit complex at first, but once you get acquainted with the game, you won't want to walk away from it.
AdvertisementPoems and prayers may follow strict rhyme and meter conventions, or they may be free form expressions of sincere and heartfelt emotion.
They are popular attire at comic book and science fiction conventions, and costumed fans were in full force at the premieres of Episodes I-III, the newest Star Wars movies.
There are plenty of regular Star Wars conventions, many of which sponsor costume contests.
If you're interested in a swingers-friendly vacation, Lifestyles Tours and Travel offers several options or Lifestyles Conventions will let you enjoy time in the company of swinging couples in a popular tourist destination.
The fact that the proposal is unusual means that it is likely to defy conventions.
AdvertisementWhile it is true that following strict etiquette can stifle creativity and reduces the opportunity to defy conventions, etiquette also offers a good structure to work within.
If you are a serious toy collector and have stringent regulations regarding the condition of the toys you purchase, you may want to visit collectible shops or regularly attend toy conventions.
The program defies conventions by featuring a young Latina from Queens in the lead role.
Created by the legendary Agnes Nixon, One Life to Live soap opera defied wasp conventions of soap operas of the time by featuring more social, economic and racial diversity in the town.
Conventions, web sites and magazines help keep community members in the know and up on the latest technology and styles.
AdvertisementIf you really love tattoo culture and want to show off your ink (and maybe get some more), the many tattoo conventions held throughout the United States and the rest of the world are great places to enjoy a tattoo lifestyle.
Tattoo conventions originally started as a way for artists to display their work, as well as a place for people in the tattoo and body modification worlds to get together and talk about methods, technique, and tools of the trade.
These conventions can range from small in size, covering perhaps just a few shops from a specific geographic area, to quite large.
Most tattoo conventions have several different aspects that make the convention interesting to visit.
Many conventions offer a great way to see the work of several different artists and then pick the one you like best.
Tattooists often come from all over the country to work at the larger tattoo conventions, and this can mean that you may be able to get work from an artist based in San Francisco at your New York convention.
At most conventions for tattoos, no matter what size, contests will be held and prizes awarded to tattoo artists in several categories.
At the larger conventions, you can expect to see thousands of people looking to get inked or show off what they already have.
Be prepared to book your room in these areas ahead of time, because as tats gain in popularity, these conventions have expanded.
Tattoo magazines and conventions are other great places to find ideas for your design.
For a crash course in all things tattoo, attend tattoo and body art conventions.
Just like regular tattoo artists, airbrush tattoo artists attend conventions and host booths.
Also, special events and major conventions will increase the demand for certain hotels, which will drive the prices up.
On the internet as well, there is a huge market for pocket watches and avid collectors congregate on websites, message boards, and at occasional conventions to swap tips and admire each other's pocket watch stash.
Look around for crafting retreats, conferences and conventions that you could attend with your child.
For more information about the company, its extensive range of products, upcoming craft conventions, and retail opportunities, visit or call toll-free at 1-800-937-7686.
Try special craft shows and conventions geared toward anime, namely Pokemon.
However, you can find plenty of information about women who dress up as anime characters for sexual purposes or just to have fun and attend conventions.
Form lasting friendships with hostesses and other consultants through home shows, trainings and conventions.
In the seventies, his 'shtick' at science-fiction conventions was to play the Dirty Old Man, signing books presented by young female fans with semi-lewd come-ons.
The Baum universe of Oz has a fandom as fanatical as any, with conventions, scholarly treatises, and collectors of Oziania.
Let's face it - episodic television has formulas and conventions that they simply will not violate, whether or not it would be better drama if they did.
Long before there were Star Trek conventions, local science fiction societies were organizing and hosting science fiction conventions.
Unlike the media-intensive conventions today, dependent upon the ability to attract a few actors who appeared in some incarnation of Star Trek to draw the crowds, the original science fiction conventions celebrated the written word.
Many of these societies' science fiction conventions are still being organized and held today.
They are less 'commercial' than the television-centric conventions, and often much more interesting.
There are certain conventions that can be posited and then ignored.
So in effect, writing science fiction is harder than writing 'plain' fiction, since you have to know how to write fiction AND how to world-build and all the conventions and mores of the science fiction genre.
Yes, there are some conventions that you violate at your peril, but breaking new ground in writing fantasy is much harder than the novice might believe.
Does the upperclass live frivolous lives involving many changes of clothing and elaborate social engagements, with conventions that one contravenes at one's peril?
People do dress up as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and assorted aliens for the day, but they do this at Star Wars conventions and other events, too.
However, even without this particular convention, Star Wars fans have dressed up and hosted parties at science fiction and comic book conventions since the release of the first movie.
Such conventions pre-date Star Wars, but generally encompass anything new in the field.
Many other science fiction and fantasy conventions take place around the world each year, and it would be unusual for an entire convention to occur without the appearance of some Star Wars-clad participants.
Even sound and video based chat clients such as Skype have chat built in, and the same conventions are used.
This method is especially used when sending a text message via phone, which uses many of the same conventions of instant messaging.
The popularity of Star Trek and its memorable characters resulted in a huge number of fans that enjoy conventions, parties and other Trekker events dressed in replica uniforms of their favorite Star Fleet characters.
Many Star Trek fans wear replica uniforms to Star Trek conventions, parties and other events.
Just make sure you have a good reason for either changing or keeping the conventions of web design. "Content is king", but the best content is only as good as your user's ability to get to it.
We cannot describe in detail the objects of concordatory conventions.
To write an account of symphonic instrumentation in any detail would be like attempting a history of emotional expression; and all that we can do here is to point out that the problem which was, so to speak, shelved by the polyphonic device of the continuo, was for a long time solved only by methods which, in any hands but those of the greatest masters, were very inartistic conventions.
This platform was endorsed by conventions in Florida and Virginia and by the legislatures of Georgia and Alabama.
The rise of arbitration as a method of settling international difficulties has carried it a step further, and now the Hague Peace Conventions have given pacific methods a standing apart from war, and the preservation of peace has become an object of direct political effort.
A departure of more recent origin has been the calling together of the smaller powers for the settlement of matters of general administrative interest, conferences such as those which led to the conclusion of the conventions creating the Postal Union, the Copyright and Industrial Property Unions, &c.
The conventions drawn up at the second conference were a deliberate codification of many branches of international law.
The conference, being held only a year before the time fixed for the second Hague Conference, applied itself mainly to the question of the extent to which force might be used for the collection of pecuniary claims against defaulting governments, and the forwarding of the principle of arbitration under the Hague Conventions.
Foremost among standing peace agreements are, of course, the International Hague Conventions relating directly to peace, agreements which have not only created a special peace jurisdiction for the settlement of international difficulties by judicial methods but also a written law to apply within the scope of this jurisdiction.
Alongside the Hague Peace Conventions and more or less connected with them are standing treaties of arbitration which have been entered into by different nations for terms of years separately.
There are, however, a large number of conventions which, although not concluded with the direct object of assuring peace where difficulties have arisen, tend in a very practical manner to contract the area of possible difficulties.
Such conventions obviously remove occasions for friction and are therefore among the most effective agencies contributing to the preservation of peace among civilized peoples.
In most cases such conventions have created international unions of states for all matters which lend themselves to international co-operation.
The act applies to all public elections except that of town officers, and also covers nominations by caucuses and conventions as well.
He was active as a Republican in state and national politics; was chairman of the Committee on Resolutions of the New York State Republican Conventions from 1874 to 1880 (excepting 1877), and was president of the convention of 1879; and was a delegate to several National Republican Conventions, drafting much of the Republican platforms of 1876 and 1896.
He was a delegate to the national Democratic conventions in 1884 and 1892, and in the latter year was elected vice-president of the United States on the ticket with Cleveland, serving from 1893 to 1897.
This was a direct challenge to Prussia, which under conventions with the elector had the right to the use of the military roads through Hesse that were her sole means of communication with her Rhine provinces.
Of its conventions the most memorable are those which gave birth to the Augsburg confession (1530) and to the Augsburg alliance (1686).
In the Senate he was one of the aggressive Republican leaders, strongly supporting the administration of President M`Kinley (whose name he presented to the Republican National Conventions of 1896 and 1900) in the debatespreceding, during, and immediately following the Spanish-American War, and later, during the administration of President Roosevelt, was conspicuous among Republican leaders for his independence.
On reaching the age of Akhenaton, the peculiar style of that school is obvious in every relief; the older conventions were deserted, and, for good or for bad, a new start from nature was attempted.
His Britannic Majestys government, for their part, will respect the rights which France, in virtue of treaties, conventions and usage, enjoys in Egypt.
The Liberal Eiderdansk party was for dividing Schleswig into three distinct administrative belts, according as the various nationalities predomin ated (language rescripts of '85),but German sentiment was opposed to any such settlement and, still worse, the great continental powers looked askance on the new Danish constitution as far too democratic. The substance of the notes embodying the exchange of views, in 1851 and 1852, between the German great powers and Denmark, was promulgated, on the 28th of January 1852, in the new constitutional decree which, together with the documents on which it was founded, was known as the Conventions of 1851 and 1852.
The representatives of the duchies in the new common Rigsraad protested against it, as subversive of the Conventions of 1851 and 1852; and their attitude had the support of the German powers.
He was the permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention in 1868, was a delegate to the conventions of 1872, 1876 and 1880, was a member of Congress from December 1872 until March 1875 and again in 1879-1881, and was a United States senator from 1881 until the 3rd of March 1905, being one of the Republican leaders both in the House and the Senate.
But increasing culture presents new ideals, and the mind, absorbing the ethical spirit of its environment, gradually emancipates itself from conventions and superstitions.
Goethe's dramas, on the other hand, have not, in the eyes of his nation, succeeded in holding their own beside Schiller's; but the reason is rather because Goethe, from what might be called a wilful obstinacy, refused to be bound by the conventions of the theatre, than because he was deficient in the cunning of the dramatist.
The "principate," to give the new form of government its most appropriate name, was a compromise thoroughly characteristic of the combination of tenacity of purpose with cautious respect for forms and conventions which distinguished its author.
The analogy between treaty-making and legislation is striking when a congress agrees upon general principles which are afterwards accepted by a large number of states, as, for instance, in the case of the Geneva conventions for improving the treatment of the wounded.
Many political treaties containing " transitory conventions," with reference to recognition, boundary or cession, become, as it were, the title-deeds of the nations to which they relate.'
Semi-sovereign states, such as San Marino or Egypt, may make conventions upon topics within their limited competence.
A " transitory convention " operates at once, leaving no duties to be subsequently performed, but with reference to conventions.
Treaties are in most cases suspended, if not terminated, by the outbreak of a war between the contracting parties (though the Spanish decree of the 23rd of April 1898 went too far when it asserted that the war with the United States had terminated " all conventions that have been in force up to the present between the two countries "), and are therefore usually revived in express terms in the treaty of peace.
Minot (1844-1850); see also Mr Bancroft Davis's Notes upon the Treaties of the United States with other Powers, preceded by a list of the Treaties and Conventions with Foreign Powers, chronologically arranged and followed by an Analytical Index and a Synoptical Index of the Treaties (1873).
Hertslet, librarian of the foreign office, continued by his son, Sir Edward Hertslet, and later holders of the same office, entitled A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions and Reciprocal Regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws and Orders in Council concerning the same, so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation, the Slave Trade, Post Office, &c., and to the Privileges and Interests of the Subjects of the Contracting Parties (24 vols., 1820-1907).
For the innumerable conventions, to which Great Britain is a party, as to commerce, consular jurisdiction, fisheries and the slave trade, it must suffice to refer to the exhaustive and skilfully devised index to vols.
The social intercourse of the world is facilitated by conventions, such as those establishing the Latin monetary union, 1865; the international telegraphic union, 1865; the universal postal union, 1874; the international bureau of weights and measures, 1875; providing for the protection of submarine cables in time of peace, 1884; the railway traffic union, 1890.
General conventions, to which most of the European states are parties, were signed in 1883 at Paris for the protection of industrial, and in 1886 at Bern for the protection of literary and artistic, property, and, from 1899 onwards, a series of general treaties, to none of which is Great Britain a party, have been signed at the Hague, as the result of conferences, invited by the government of the Netherlands, for solving some of the more pressing questions arising out of " the conflict of laws."
Thus the declaration of Paris, 1856 (to which, however, the United States, Venezuela and Bolivia have not yet formally acceded), prohibits the use of privateers and protects the commerce of neutrals; the Geneva conventions, 1864 and 1906, give protection to the wounded and to those in attendance upon them; the St Petersburg declaration, 1868, prohibits the employment of explosive bullets weighing less than 400 grammes; and the three Hague declarations of 1899 prohibit respectively (I) the launching of projectiles from balloons, (2) the use of projectiles for spreading harmful gases, and (3) the use of expanding bullets.
The second Hague conference, of 1907, besides revising the convention made by the first conference, of 18 99, as to the laws of war on land, produced new conventions, dealing respectively with the opening of hostilities; neutral rights and duties in land warfare; the status of enemy merchant ships at the outbreak of war; the conversion of merchant ships into ships of war; submarine mines; bombardment by naval forces; the application of the Geneva principles to naval warfare; the rights of maritime capture; the establishment of an international prize court; and neutral rights and duties in maritime warfare.
These conventions, as well as a republication of the first Hague declaration, which had in 1907 expired by efflux of time, have been already largely ratified.
Munford, Virginia's Attitude toward Slavery (New York, 1909); and the Debates of the Virginia Conventions, 1776, 1829, 1850, which are very important, especially for 1829.
The work of a couple in any infinitely small rotation of a rigid body about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the couple is equal to the product of the moment of the couple into the angle of rotation, proper conventions as to sign being observed.
In 1584 were passed the acts called the Black Acts, which made it treason to speak ill of the bishops, declared the king to be supreme in all causes and over all persons, thus subverting the jurisdiction of the church, and made all conventions illegal except those sanctioned by the king.
In the national Republican nominating conventions of 1880 and 1884 he was a candidate for the presidential nomination.
To counteract this influence, Baptist State Conventions were formed by the friends of missions and education, only contributing churches, associations, missionary societies and individuals being invited to membership (1821 onward - Massachusetts had effected state organization in 1802).
Four influences may be mentioned as having acted upon young Sweden, and as having combined to release its literature from the old hard-bound conventions.
It was the sensation caused in 1884 by the lawsuit brought against Strindberg's Married (a collection of short stories dealing realistically with some of the seamy sides of marriage) which brought to a head the rebellion against the elegant and superficial conventions which were strangling Swedish literature.
During the latters tenure of office an agreement was concluded between the Persian and British governments regarding the British telegraph settlement at Jask, and the telegraph conventions of 1868 and I872 relative to telegraphic communication between Europe and India through Persia, in force until the 1st of January 1895, were prolonged until the 31st of January 1905 by two conventions dated the 3rd of July f887.
Since then these conventions have been prolonged to 1925.
Nominally the sultan is still ruler, but virtually his powers were greatly curtailed by his conventions with the Dutch-Indian government, under which he surrendered, with the concurrence of his grandees, many of his former rights to the Dutch resident, who became the de facto governor of the easternmost colonial possessions of Holland, especially since the transfer of Dutch New Guinea in 1901.
All rights and obligations under conventions and agreements which were binding on any of the colonies have devolved upon the Union.
Bolivia is a member of the International Postal Union, and has parcel and money order conventions with some foreign countries.
The status of consuls commissioned by the Christian powers to reside in Mahommedan countries, China, Korea, Siam, and, until 1899, in Japan, and to exercise judicial functions in civil and criminal matters between their own countrymen and strangers, is exceptional to the common law, and is founded on special conventions or capitulations.
Under various treaties and conventions they enjoy large privileges and jurisdiction.
There was an influential political club here from 1786 to 1790, and here, too, sat the several conventions - nine in all - which asked for a separation from Virginia, discussed the proposed conditions of separation from that commonwealth, framed the first state constitution, and chose Frankfort as the capital.
In 1903 a law (revised in 1908) was passed providing for the conduct at public cost of primary elections for the nomination of nearly all elective officers, and for the nomination of delegates to party nominating conventions; nominations for primary elections are made by petitions signed by at least ten voters (except in very small election districts) who make affidavit as to their party affiliations; the nominee thus indorsed must file a letter of acceptance.
Under this act a " political party " is one which polled at least one-twentieth of the total number of votes cast in the next preceding election in the area for which the nomination is made; and in party conventions there must be one delegate from each election district, and one delegate for each Zoo votes cast by the party in the next preceding gubernatorial election.
But as this political monstrosity had already been guaranteed by the Conventions of 1851-1852, Hall could not rid himself of it, and the attempt to establish this "Helstat" was made accordingly by the Constitution of the r3th of November 1863.
Entering politics as a Democrat, he first attracted general attention by his violent campaign in Lowell in advocacy of the passage of a law establishing a ten-hour day for labourers; he was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1853, and of the state senate in 1859, and was a delegate to the Democratic national conventions from 1848 to 1860.
He was a believer in woman's rights, but he was lukewarm towards conventions in favour of woman suffrage.
Strauch, the president of the Association, addressed to the French minister for foreign affairs a note in which he formally declared that the Association would not cede its possessions to any power, "except in virtue of special conventions, which may be concluded between France and the Association, for fixing the limits and conditions of their respective action."
By his will dated the 2nd of August 1889 King Leopold bequeathed to Belgium "all our sovereign rights over the Independent State of the Congo, as they are recognized by the declarations, conventions and treaties concluded since 1884 between the foreign powers on the one side, the International Association of the Congo and 2 After 1900 Nyangwe and Kasongo again became towns of some importance, and traffic along the route to Tanganyika revived with the advent of railways, though the main traffic continued down the Congo river.
The romantic side of music appeals to Mackenzie far more strongly than any other, and the cases in which he has conformed to the classical conventions are of the rarest.
In 1890 he reaped the fruits of his labours, and nine years later he was destined to witness the abrogation of the old treaties, and the substitution in their place of conventions which place Japan on terms of equality with the European states.
Three constitutions, framed by conventions in 1820, 1865 and 1875, have been adopted by the people of the state, and a fourth (1845) was rejected, principally because it provided for popular election of the state judiciary, which was then appointed.
In addition to these four constitutional conventions, mention should be made of the special body chosen in 1861 to decide the question of secession, which retained supreme though irregular control of the state during the Civil War, and some of whose acts had all the force of promulgated constitutional amendments.
In 1884 Mr Hofmeyr led the Bond in strongly supporting the Transvaal Boers who had invaded Bechuanaland (q.v.), proclaiming that if the Bechuanaland freebooters were not permitted to retain the territories they had seized, in total disregard of the terms of the conventions of 1881 and 1884, there would be rebellion among the Dutch of Cape Colony.
The conventions of both the great parties had just affirmed the finality of every provision of the Compromise of 1850.
In May 1918 he told the House of Commons that the French Government had denounced all commercial conventions containing " mostfavourable-nation " clauses; and that, in view of the probable scarcity of raw material after the war, the British Government would take a similar course.
In the West Indies, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, provincial and diocesan synods or conventions have been formed on one or other of the types above mentioned and have enacted canons.
The city has been the meeting-place of other important conventions, and is sometimes called " The Convention City."
Wilmot supported Van Buren in 1848 and entered the Republican party at the time of its formation, and was a delegate to the national conventions of 1856 and 1860.
She more than once appealed to the British to cause the Boers to respect the terms of the conventions, and before the outbreak of the Anglo-Boer war in 1899 she took the side of the British.
Among the many treaties and conventions signed here may be mentioned the treaty of the Triple Alliance (January 23, 1688)1688) between England, Sweden and the Netherlands; the concert of the Hague (March 31, 1710) between the Emperor, England and Holland, for the maintenance of the neutrality of the Swedish provinces in Germany during the war of the northern powers against Sweden; the Triple Alliance (January 4, 1717) between France, England and Holland for the guarantee of the treaty of Utrecht; the treaty of peace (Feb.
Even in this negative use of the notion it is necessarily implied that whatever active tendencies in man are found to be " natural " - that is, independent of and uncorrupted by social customs and conventions - will properly take effect in outward acts, but the adoption of " conformity to nature " as a general positive rule for outward conduct seems to have been due to the influence on Zeno of Academic teaching.
The first telegraph line was constructed as early as 1855; telegrams between Constantinople, Sofia, Budapest and Vienna pass over lines constructed by the Servian government (under conventions with Austria-Hungary and Turkey) in 1899 and 1906.
He was long conspicuous in the State Republican organization, was chairman of the New Jersey State Republican Committee from 1880 to 1890, became a member in 5884 of the Republican National Committee, and was the delegate-at-large from New Jersey to five successive Republican national nominating conventions.
The decade1870-1880was marked by the work of the two constitutional conventions described above.
The state board of agriculture holds annual conventions for the discussion of agricultural problems. Minerals.
In addition Fortran array storage is directly comparable to the array storage conventions used in Excel.
Such designs violated the conventions by which the machinists plied their trade.
Their naming and structure are bound by set conventions and they are often tightly regulated, unlike a bulletin board.
The mask allows the actor to explore an entirely different mode of performing from that required by modern theatrical conventions.
Like her elder cousin Lizzie has ambition and the will to go against the conventions of her Victorian peers.
Carriage by carrier is also subject to international conventions, which limit liability for death injury delay and baggage delay or loss.
Ann has been attending conventions since shortly after she discovered fandom in the early ' 60s.
The process of defining rights through international conventions and laws has been long and politically fraught.
This is a recurring headache with using mpich; the library interface names have to match the conventions used by the compiler.
This vocabulary will be related to the conventions of drawing that form the history and traditions of western illusionism.
This drama tries to include most of the drama conventions include most of the drama conventions included in the curriculum.
In other words, science communities suddenly metamorphose themselves into the highly competitive news conventions of the media code.
Work with frequent misspellings or inconsistent use of conventions, will be marked down.
In the online world, community mores, taste and conventions must be established and observed.
They are deliberately not naturalistic in every detail but formal and stylized according to certain strict conventions.
Gaelic orthography is the set of spelling conventions used in Gaelic.
The conventions developed from the scholastic disputatio and, especially, the pamphlet polemics of the Wars of Religion.
The manner in which they did this challenged the conventions of human/animal interaction as well as the traditional wisdom of lion pride behavior.
Both models use the same parameters and naming conventions reported in this paper and both are fully probabilistic.
File names, where expected, are expanded via the normal shell conventions [see sh (1)] .
No preparatory sketches were made, the figure or mask being conceived form a mental picture, often based on long established conventions.
Global aid shipments exceeded 10 m. tons in most years under these two Conventions.
For an orthographic transcription, decisions will have to be taken over spelling conventions.
About the Course This new online course covers the ethics, conventions and often unwritten rules of publishing in peer-reviewed journals and at conferences.
I care not a whit for genre conventions or who shot John?
Both women broke with social conventions, but while George Sand (if the expression may be allowed) kicked over the traces, George Eliot was impelled all the more emphatically, because of her exceptional circumstances, to put duty before inclination and to uphold the reign of law and order.
It is, therefore, to the general interest that all these matters should be settled pacifically, by a common accord; and hence originated those conventions between the two powers which are known by the significant name of concordat, the official name being pactum concordatum or solemnis conventio.
Other conventions secure the exercise of the jurisdiction of the bishops in their diocese, and determine precisely their authority over seminaries and other ecclesiastical establishments of instruction and education, as well as over public schools, so far as concerns the teaching of religion.
In these circumstances the conventions of 1883 were concluded, and the great companies partially relieved the government of its obligations by agreeing to contribute a certain proportion of the cost of the new lines and to provide the rolling stock for working them.
Neither the Petimetra nor the Lucrecia (1763), an original tragedy still more strictly in accordance with French conventions, was represented on the stage, and two subsequent tragedies, Hormesinda (1770) and Guzman el Bueno (1777), were played with no great success.
Thus it was with the abolition of the grist tax, the reform of the suffrage, the railway conventions and many other bills.
At the same time he carried to a successful conclusion negotiations begun by Crispi for the renewal of commercial treaties with Austria and Germany upon terms which to some extent compensated Italy for the reduction of her commerce with France, and concluded with Great Britain conventions for the delimitation of British and Italian spheres of influence in north-east Africa.
In times past, biblical exegesis, religious ideals, and ecclesiastical organization, the purely political aims of statesmen, chance combinations of party politics and the intrigues of diplomatists, class prejudice, social conventions, apparently sudden changes of economic policy, capricious changes of fashion - all these causes and many others have exerted a direct and immediate influence on the economic life of the community.
At the same time, the essence of eclecticism is the refusal to follow blindly one set of formulae and conventions, coupled with a determination to recognize and select from all sources those elements which are good or true in the abstract, or in practical affairs most useful ad hoc. Theoretically, therefore, eclecticism is a perfectly sound method, and the contemptuous significance which the word has acquired is due partly to the fact that many eclectics have been intellectual trimmers, sceptics or dilettanti, and partly to mere partisanship. On the other hand, eclecticism in the sphere of abstract thought is open to this main objection that, in so far as every philosophic system is, at least in theory, an integral whole, the combination of principles from hostile theories must result in an incoherent patchwork.
In 1900 he was nominated for the presidency by the Democratic, Silver Republican, and Populist party conventions; but although "imperialism" was declared to be the paramount issue, he had insisted that the "platforms" should contain explicit advocacy of free-coinage, and this declaration, combined with the popularity of President McKinley, the Republican candidate for re-election, again turned the scales against him.
Conventions for the suppression of the slave trade, including the Brussels General Act of 1885, and the North Sea Fisheries Convention, have placed restrictions on the freedom of the high sea, and possibly, in the general interest, other agreements will bring it further under control, on the principle that what is the property of all nations must be used without detriment to its use by others (see HIGH SEAS).
Accordingly, on the 30th of April, they signed a treaty and two conventions, whereby France sold Louisiana to the United States (see Louisiana Purchase).
In Democratic conventions a state delegation, when instructed by the state convention to cast its whole vote solid for the particular aspirant favored by the majority of the delegation, must do so (this is called the unit rule); in the conventions of the other parties individual delegates may vote as they please.
But his frequent use of antithesis and paradox, the varied and fanciful imagery by which he realizes religious emotion, though they are indeed in accordance with the poetical conventions of his time, are also the unconstrained expression of an ardent and concentrated imagination.
Lastly, the high contracting parties have agreed that in questions of a legal nature, and especially in interpretation or application of international conventions, arbitration is recognized as the most effective, and at the same time the most equitable, means of settling disputes which diplomacy has failed to adjust.
If the experiment cannot be regarded as successful, the fault lies in the difficulty of reconciling the artificial conventions of the Greek theatre, the chorus and the oracle - here represented by dreams and superstitions - with the point of view of the poet's own time.
Are there not many individuals in the country who do not attend conventions?
It is also planned to resume negotiations on new conventions with Poland and Chile.
File names, where expected, are expanded via the normal shell conventions [see sh (1) ].
Any changes of style with respect to these twofold stylistic conventions are likely to change the epistemological claims.
It does not seek to challenge society or to wreck or subvert the conventions of jewelry making.
PortAsm/68K for ColdFire can be used with a number of different source 680x0 assembler syntax conventions, together with several ColdFire toolsets.
In the transliteration conventions followed by the corpus most enclitics are preceded by a hyphen linking them to their host.
In essence, the advice in this section is about observing basic grammatical conventions that typify an academic writing style.
Respect the typographical conventions of the language you are working into.
Willful killing is a grave breach (war crime) under the " grave breach " article in each of the four Geneva Conventions.
Hit the floor of the show room at Star Trek, science fiction, gaming, and comic book conventions for an impressive selection of Star Trek merchandise, including the chance to buy Star Trek patches.
There were conventions, teachings, and lectures that were attended by the leaders in many areas of American culture, including government.
Share your creative passions, learn new skills, and get inspired at rubber stamping scrapbook conventions.
Conventions are designed with all levels of artists in mind, so you can find new ideas and techniques no matter what level you're at.
Most conventions require an admission cost, which may range from five to over ten dollars.
Since conventions are held in many areas, many also choose to only attend shows close enough to commute to.
The conventions are typically held at expo or convention centers, fairgrounds buildings, or other civic or community centers.
Stamp and scrapbook shows may be help alone or as part of a larger craft or art conventions.
While your local paper may advertise upcoming scrapbook shows in your area, online calendars are a valuable resource that can help you to find the conventions you want to attend.
Stamp and scrapbook organizations holding the conventions may be national, or only hold shows in a few localities.
Since many conventions offer contests for cards and scrapbook pages, be sure to find out about the contests well enough in advance that you can create your entry if you are interested in doing so.
Rubber stamping scrapbook conventions are not only fun, but productive as well -- allowing you to hone and learn new skills.
The Creating Keepsakes conventions feature a weekend full of scrapbooking fun.
The conventions work well for all ability levels, whether you have beginning or advanced scrapbooking skills.
Volunteers are used to run the conventions.
The Creating Keepsakes conventions give you an excuse to pull out the scrapbooking supplies, even if they haven't seen the light of day for a while.
Since 1996, the GASC has held annual conventions both in Texas and Virginia.
Scrapbook conventions are a haven for experienced scrappers and beginners alike.
Another major component of the conventions is to inspire creativity.
Scrapbook vendors from around the globe descend on conventions to sell the latest and greatest scrapbook materials and tools.
Vendor fairs are a huge part of scrapbook conventions and allow ticketed guests the chance to view and purchase new scrapbook wares.
Cropping parties are informal additions to general conventions.
Demonstrations are another vital portion of scrapbook conventions.
Conventions often have sponsors who bring in experts in the field of scrapbooking.
Most of the workshops and classes offered at scrapbook conventions have a large number of interested scrappers but very limited space.
Many scrappers anxiously wait for conventions to come to a city near their hometown, so they can get in on the action.
Keep in mind that major scrapbooking conventions often cost a fair amount of money to attend.
Free bridal gown catalogs are often available at bridal expos and conventions.
In its online correspondence course for wedding and event planning, the U.S. Career Institute instructs students on how to plan and organize small events and weddings as well as large conventions, trade shows, and fundraisers.
It was somewhat controversial at the time due to conventions that housewives should only be portrayed wearing dresses.
Class trips, reunions, birthday parties, conventions, and other events are often eligible for a discount if you have enough people.
This will become another funny story for us to tell at conventions just like American Greetings, eFront or Kiwi Publishing.
Many enthusiasts spend endless hours at doll conventions and hunting for favorite dolls at antique stores.
Dolls may also be purchased from fellow collectors, on eBay or at Madame Alexander Doll Club conventions.
To increase your chances of getting a higher price you should advertise your collection on collectors' websites or use the collectibles auctions often found at conventions.
This often occurs when people work in other countries or cultures and come face to face with different sets of moral conventions.
Peer-authority morality is moral conformity based on the conventions and rules of a social group.
Eccentric-Deviating from the center; conduct and behavior departing from accepted norms and conventions.
Each style has its own design techniques and conventions.
However, sticking to the conventions of the dance makes for a fairly boring story.
Homeschool conventions sometimes allow attendees to rent booths where they can sell used curriculum.
Your state's major homeschooling support groups will have information on any conventions in your area.
You can also get used materials through homeschool conventions or even in your local co-op.
These products are chosen by The Rainbow Resource Center, whose members attend a variety of homeschool conventions throughout the year.
Paid individual memberships include a quarterly magazine subscription, use of the group's lending library, discounts and invitations to conventions and special events.
Although she had been working since she was a child, the success of the television show Heroes catapulted her to instant stardom and sent her around the various science fiction/fantasy conventions where she was mobbed.
They also show up to do boating events, grand openings and conventions.
Many foundations will not give funding for special events, conventions, staff salaries or annual operating expenses.
Several conventions guarantee the free communication of the bishops, clergy and laity with the Holy See; and this admits of the publication and execution of apostolic letters in matters spiritual.
By the 1859 conventions the state railway system obtained an entry into Paris by means of running powers over the Ouest from Chartres, and its position was further improved by the exchange of certain lines with the Orleans company.
Tompkins in state, and a National Republican in national politics, after 1828 became allied with the Anti-Masonic party, attending the national conventions of 1830 and 1831, and as a member of the organization he served four years (1830-1834) in the state Senate.
Depretis and his colleague Genala, minister of public works, experienced great difficulty in securing parliamentary sanction for the conventions, not so much on account of their defective character, as from the opposition of local interests anxious tc extort new lines from the government.
Unfortunately, the calculation of probable railway revenue on The railwhich the conventions had been based proved to be way C0fl enormously exaggerated.
Intimately bound up with the forced currency, the railway conventions and public works was the financial question in general.
Eritrea has now approximately the same extent as before the revolt of Bath-Agos, except in regard (I) to Kassala, which was transferred to the Anglo-Egyptian authorities on the 25th of December 1897, lfl pursuance of the above-mentioned Anglo-Italian convention; and (2) to slight rectifications of its northern and eastern boundaries by conventions concluded between the Eritrean and the Anglo-Egyptian authorities.
Convinced that the onward march of the Colossus could not be permanently arrested by mere diplomatic conventions, the cabinet of Tokio suddenly broke off diplomatic relations and commenced hostilities (February 8, 1 9 04).
Both parties in the state in 1888 declared in favour of free coinage, and in 1892 instructed their delegates to the national conventions to oppose any candidate who did not favour this policy.
The elections of 1909 returned a strong Giolittian majority, but the Premier found himself faced with the necessity for renewing the steamship conventions which were about to lapse.
Its natural form is the aphorism, and to this and to its epigrammatic brilliance, vigour, and uncompromising revolt against all conventions in science and conduct it owes its persuasiveness.
The history of international arbitration is dealt with in the article Peace, where treaties of general arbitration are discussed, both those which embrace all future differences thereafter to arise between the contracting parties, and also those more limited conventions which aim at the settlement of all future differences in regard to particular subjects, e.g.
Their eastern boundary, in the teeth of the spirit of the conventions, and with but scant observance of the letter, was by this means considerably extended.
Leaving the Democratic party on the Kansas-Nebraska issue, he assisted in the formation of the Republican party in Connecticut, and was its candidate for governor in 1856; he was a delegate to the Republican national conventions of 1856 and 1860.
The originality of the motive did not prevent the adoption of all the Chinese conventions, and of some new ones of the artists own.
The strength of Meicli, Sessh, Motonobu and Tanyu gave place to a more or less slavish imitation of the old Japanese painters and their Chinese exemplars, till the heirs to the splendid traditions of the great masters preserved little more than their conventions and shortcomings.
In spite of his activity at the bar, Tilden maintained an interest in politics, serving in the State Assembly in 1846 and in the state constitutional conventions of 1846 and 1867.
If one aspirant has obtained on the first roll-call an absolute majority of the whole number of delegates votingor, in Democratic conventions, a majority of two-thirds of those votinghe is held to have been duly chosen, and the choice is then made unanimous.
Syracuse has been the meeting-place of some historically important political conventions; that of 1847, in which occurred the split between the " Barnburner " and " Hunker " factions of the Democratic party, began the Free Soil movement in the state.
Moreover, he ordered that "no officer should be required or permitted to take part in the management of political organizations, caucuses, conventions or election campaigns," and that "no assessment for political purposes on officers or subordinates should be allowed"; and he removed from their offices the heads of the post-office in St Louis and of the customhouse in New York - influential party managers - on the ground that they had misused their official positions for partisan ends.
Formalized agreements on conventions, measurements, borders, and international conduct.
It had to be replaced by new concordats concluded with Wurttemberg in 1857 and the grand-duchy of Baden in 1859; but these conventions, not having been ratified by those countries, never came into force.
These examples show that Napier was in possession of all the conventions and attributes that enable the decimal point to complete so symmetrically our system of notation, viz.
The telegraph lines of Argentina are subject to the national telegraph law of 1875, the international telegraph conventions, and special conventions with Brazil and Uruguay.
Both in 1876 and 1884, after his failure to receive the nomination for the presidency, he was nominated by the Democratic National Convention for vice-president, his nomination in each of these conventions being made partly, it seems, with the hope of gaining "greenback" votes - Hendricks had opposed the immediate resumption of specie payments.
He had not based his case against the Transvaal on the letter of the Conventions, and regarded the employment of the word "suzerainty" merely as an "etymological question," but he realized keenly that the spectacle of thousands of British subjects in the Transvaal in the condition of "helots" (as he expressed it) was undermining the prestige of Great Britain throughout South Africa, and he called for "some striking proof" of the intention of the British government not to be ousted from its predominant position.
Elizabeth rightly regarded the treaty of Westminster (January 16, 1756, whereby Great Britain and Prussia agreed to unite their forces to oppose the entry into, or the passage through, Germany of the troops of every foreign power) as utterly subversive of the previous conventions between Great Britain and Russia.
There is a Carnegie library, and Forest Park, within the city limits, is a popular meeting place of conventions and summer gatherings, including the annual Ottawa Chautauqua Assembly.
Encouraged by these and other conventions in order to obstruct the collection of debts and taxes, a mob prevented a session of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace at Northampton on the 29th of August, and in September other mobs prevented the same court from sitting in Worcester, Middlesex and Berkshire counties.
The psychologist must study mankind from the historical or comparative standpoint, analysing the elements which constitute the fabric of society, with its customs, its conventions and the main tendencies of its evolution.
With the aid of Sella he concluded conventions for the redemption of the chief Italian railways from their French and Austrian proprietors.
On the 6th of March 1885 parliament finally sanctioned the conventions by which state railways were farmed out to three private companiesthe Mediterranean, Adriatic and Sicilian.
We cannot suppose that there occurred, at or about the commencement of the 19th century, a breach of historical continuity of such a character that institutions, customs, laws and social conventions were suddenly swept away, the bonds of society loosened, and the state and people of England dissolved into an aggregate of competing individuals.
He held this position till 1848, and worked with a remarkable intensity - holding teachers' conventions, delivering numerous lectures and addresses, carrying on an extensive correspondence, introducing numerous reforms, planning and inaugurating the Massachusetts normal school system, founding and editing The Common School Journal (1838), and preparing a series of Annual Reports, which had a wide circulation and are still considered as being "among the best expositions, if, indeed, they are not the very best ones, of the practical benefits of a common school education both to the individual and to the state" (Hinsdale).
Many of the burghers would have at this time welcomed union with the Transvaal, but learning from Sir George Grey that such a union would nullify the conventions of 1852 and 1854 and necessitate the reconsideration of Great Britain's policy towards the native tribes north of the Orange and Vaal rivers, the project dropped.
Nine conventions were held at Danville from 1784 to 1790 to demand separation from Virginia.
Where candidates are to be nominated for a state election, the number of delegates from primaries would be too large, so the state nominating convention is composed of delegates chosen at representative conventions held in.
The frontier towards Mexico was determined by conventions of the 27th of September 1882, the 17th of October 1883, the 1st of April 1895, and the 8th of May 1899.
They have the perpetuity of conventions which contain no time limitation; but, like every human convention, they can be denounced, in the form in use for international treaties, and for good reasons, which are summed up in the exigencies of the general good of the country.