Convenes Sentence Examples
After a period of oppression, Samuel suddenly reappears as a great religious leader of Israel, summons the people to return to Yahweh, and convenes a national assembly at Mizpah.
Congress convenes each year on the 1st of June and sits until the 1st of September, but the president may prorogue an ordinary session for a period of 50 days, and with the consent of the council of state may convene it in extraordinary session.
The WFDB provides a legal framework and convenes to enact regulations for its 25 member diamond bourses.
He also convenes a forensic linguistics module for the MA program in Applied linguistics module for the MA program in Applied Linguistics.
For example, it was ruled by Lord Chancellor Jeffreys, as steward at the trial of Lord Delamere, that, in trials of peers which take place during the recess of parliament in the steward's court, the steward is the judge of the court, the court is held before him, his warrant convenes the prisoner to the bar, his,summons convenes the peers for the trial, and he to determine by his sole authority all questions of law that arise in the course of the trial, but that he is to give no vote upon the issue of guilty or not guilty; during a session of parliament, on the contrary, all the peers are both triers and judges, and the steward is only as chairman of the court and gives his vote together with the other lords.
It was the belief that she convenes with eleven other witches and the devil every Friday to conjure up mischief for the next week that made Friday the "Witches Sabbath".