Convective Sentence Examples
There is a rising convective plume beneath the Azores.
This is the law of convective equilibrium.
Deep convective clouds also produce large extensive anvils in the upper troposphere and are a major source of tropical cirrus.
The flooding event at Boscastle in August 2004 highlights the damage that can be caused by heavy convective precipitation in the UK.
Infrared gas heaters provide direct heat to objects in a room and blue flame heaters use convective heat that gives warmth to the air around you.
These equations can be made to represent the state of convective equilibrium of the atmosphere, depending on the gas-equation p = pk =RA (6) where 0 denotes the absolute temperature; and then d9 d p R dz - dz (p) n+ 1' so that the temperature-gradient deldz is constant, as in convective equilibrium in (I I).