Conurbation Sentence Examples
Together with the neighboring settlements of Redruth and Pool it forms the largest urban conurbation in Cornwall.
It is in the center of a major conurbation not served well by the air travel industry.
Lively, ancient Chiang Mai is Thailand's second biggest conurbation.
This is around one fifth of traffic flowing through the west midlands conurbation each day.
Dover Castle Kentish Oast House Kent, tho close to the expanding conurbation of Greater London has managed to retain its individuality.
We believe that the Black country conurbation is a site of creative tension, with enormous cultural potential.
World Class Prices What is certainly already world-class about the conurbation are house prices.
The study now under way is looking at how the Tyne serves the conurbation and how the conurbation serves the river.
The lakes and reservoirs in Snowdonia provide water for towns and cities including the Merseyside conurbation.
The urban conurbation appears to provide a stronghold for the water vole.