Controversial Sentence Examples
The nasty field that dissolved any type of biological entity was one of the government's latest controversial creations.
There grew up a mass of controversial matter which it is amusing to read now.
As a religious teacher, literary critic, historian and jurist, Mr Harrison took a prominent part in the life of his time, and his writings, though often violently controversial on political and social subjects, and in their judgment and historical perspective characterized by a modern Radical point of view, are those of an accomplished scholar, and of one whose wide knowledge of literature was combined with independence of thought and admirable vigour of style.
In the midst of his scholastic and controversial activities Lanfranc became a political force.
His next period was stormy and controversial.
In Germany the new system called forth, a little later, no less enthusiasm and controversial heat.
His controversial writings are vigorous if prolix and his theological essays have little merit.
But paying extra makes such plans even more controversial.
They are controversial, but there is some evidence that they may be helpful.
The most important of the essays have been collected under the title Historische and politische Aufscitze (4 vols., Leipzig, 1896); a selection from his more controversial writings was made under the title Zehn Jahre deutscher Kampfe; in 1896 a new volume appeared, called Deutsche Kampfe, neue Folge.
AdvertisementThem being so very devout I always take care not to swear or say anything controversial when I visit.
Raw food is a controversial issue, and many veterinarians argue that it may be unsafe.
Among the Protestants who exerted themselves in theological and controversial writings were Nemeti, Alvinczy, Alexander Felvinczy, Martonfalvi and Melotai, who was attached to the court of Bethlen Gabor.
Autograph copies of his work De Ecclesia and of the controversial tracts which he had written against Paletz and Stanislaus of Znaim having been acknowledged by him, the extracted propositions on which the prosecution based their charge of heresy were read; but as soon as the accused began to enter upon his defence, he.
In 1614, at the instance of the Arminian party, an edict was passed by the states-general, in which toleration of the opinions of both parties was declared and further controversy forbidden; but this act only served, by rousing the jealousy of the Calvinists, to fan the controversial flame into greater fury.
AdvertisementHe took a keen interest in the secular quarrels of the Canterbury monks with their archbishops, and his earliest literary efforts were controversial tracts upon this subject.
Brothers Lucas, Blahoslav and Jaffet, as well as Augusta, a bishop of the community, have left us numerous controversial works.
He wrote (1672-1684) a series of controversial letters against Pope Gregory VII.'s doctrine of papal supremacy over princes; a voluminous History of the Remonstrance (1674); Hibernica (1682), a worthless history of Ireland; in 1686 a reply to the Popery of Thomas Barlow (1607-1691), bishop of Lincoln; and other works.
Between 1562 and 1567 he published many controversial tracts, especially against the Lutheran, Martin Chemnitz.
He also wrote in prison many short pamphlets, chiefly controversial, published a curious work on the famous storm of the 26th of November 1703, and started in February 1704 perhaps the most remarkable of all his projects, The Review.
AdvertisementHis Collected Works, edited for the Parker Society by John Ayre (3 vols.,Cambridge, 1851-1853), include, besides the controversial tracts already alluded to, two sermons published during his lifetime, a selection from his letters to Cecil and others, and some portions of his unpublished MSS.
Screening for prostate cancer is controversial.
The controversial literature connected with this latest schism is abundant, not only in Persian, but in English, for since 1900 many Americans have adopted the religion of Baha.
His first appearance before a wider public was in 1799, when he published against the Italian Jansenists a controversial work entitled Il Trionfo della Santa Sede, which, besides passing through several editions in Italy, has been translated into several European languages.
Cardinal Newman's celebrated Arians of the Fourth Century is interesting more from the controversial than from the historical point of view.
AdvertisementMalebranche was from that hour consecrated to philosophy, and after ten years' study of the works of Descartes he produced the famous De la recherche de la verite, followed at intervals by other works, both speculative and controversial.
He obtained a high reputation, but his work was impaired by his controversial temper, which frequently developed into an irritated f anaticism, though he was always entirely sincere.
Tillotson employed his controversial weapons with some skill against atheism and popery.
Obtaining also a copy of the work as it had been printed before Hobbes had any doubt of the validity of his solutions, Wallis was able to track his whole course front the time of Ward's provocation - his passage from exultation to doubt, from doubt to confessed impotence, yet still without abandoning the old assumption of confident strength; and all his turnings and windings were now laid bare in one of the most trenchant pieces of controversial writing ever penned.
He was eloquent (hence his nickname "the Siren") but controversial in tone.
Firmin promoted a remarkable series of controversial tracts (1690-1699).
We have been concerned about this as very large and sometimes controversial buildings slip through without committee approval.
Slumdog Millionaire's youngest actor, Rubina Ali, is in the middle of controversial allegations that her father, Rafiq Qureshi, once attempted to sell his daughter for a reported $300,000.
He also directed, produced, and penned the screenplay for the highly controversial film The Passion of the Christ in 2004.
Cruise has come under scrutiny for his devotion to Scientology, a controversial religion that attracts numerous Hollywood stars.
Puck, whose real name is David Rainey, was one of the first of many controversial characters on the MTV reality show.
The idea of abstinence rings is somewhat controversial.
Saying what you're really thinking is sometimes a bad idea - particularly if what you're thinking is in any way controversial, has the potential to hurt someone's feelings or is simply inappropriate.
It was somewhat controversial at the time due to conventions that housewives should only be portrayed wearing dresses.
The company's website is packed with information about their special formulas, comparison charts, myths surrounding pet foods, the controversial wild diet, and feeding charts.
Altering the DNA of animals for meat production has been far more controversial than it has for the GM crops.
There are many genetically modified food pros and cons and thus many sides to this controversial issue.
While his dream research is not necessarily empirical, his theories and dream interpretations that have become popular and controversial theories.
This is a controversial system, however, and many park guests do not approve of the required payment for the service - Flash Pass prices vary based on the number of guests who will be using the pass and costs begin at $29.
Governor Schwarzenegger has until the 9th of October to sign or veto the controversial bill.
Of course, the heroic CJ will continue shooting up the bad guys in Santos and engaging in all of the other activities that have made the Grand Theft franchise both controversial and beloved.
Fatalities were the most controversial part of the game but also generated most of the buzz.
From The Koopa Projects to What about BOB, they have no trouble walking the fine line between what is tasteful and what is controversial.
The violent game where you played a main character whose main goal was to create havoc had one very controversial scene that could only be found with a hidden code.
Video games for kids can get controversial, but if you look carefully, there are countless gems out there that are both appropriate and fun!
An example of a controversial M-Mature game would be Grand Theft Auto IV.
The glass slabs are fitted around the device's main structure, a controversial stainless steel band, which also houses the main antennas.
A controversial British study, reported in 2003, found a peanut/soy link, which is clinically rare.
A promising but controversial treatment for mental retardation involves stem cell research.
Their use is controversial because such stem cells cannot be used in research without destroying the living embryo.
Kohlberg's idea of the prerequisite significance of an understanding of gender constancy for gender typing has been controversial, and empirical support for the notion has been mixed.
The use of these medications in children remains controversial because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.
In some cases breath holding spells may be associated with anemia (a reduced number of red blood cells) caused by an iron deficiency, although this is controversial.
The use of baby aspirin therapy remains controversial but theoretically it serves to preserve or improve blood flow to the placenta.
Ribavirin (Rebetol, Virazol), used for treatment of hospitalized infants and young children with severe lower respiratory tract infections caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), but its value is controversial.
Heparin, an anticoagulant, has been controversial in treating DIC, but it is often used as a last resort to stop hemorrhage.
Important, also, is the fact that elective abortions are safer and less controversial the earlier they are performed.
Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a common but controversial disorder with a variety of symptoms including, but not limited to, headache, dizziness, fatigue, and personality changes.
Corrected scores are sometimes used to evaluate these groups, but their use remains controversial.
The causes of homosexuality and bisexuality are unknown, although there are many controversial theories.
While linking chronic sinusitis to food is widely considered controversial, many practitioners link the problem to aero-allergies.
The use of this type of standardized tests is controversial.
The discussion of masturbation has been controversial for hundreds of years and still is to some extent in the early 2000s, more so in the United States than Europe and other Western nations.
The practice of sacrificing a virgin for a man's burial is controversial, though not uncommon in Chinese culture.
Controversial in many circles, this child led method of education can be very effective.
On March 30, 2007, the association expelled three sub-prime lenders for controversial practices and had previously expelled another.
The Like a Prayer - Madonna dyed her dishwater blonde hair to dark brunette and got those crazy, frizzy curls under control for this controversial music video.
The microwave oven has been hailed as a revolutionary, if controversial, invention ever since it was first created.
With such a turbulent and controversial history, a potential customer should do plenty of their own research before making the decision to purchase this air purifying product.
He continues to be credited as an influential contributor to science, especially in the areas of evolution, humanism and even eugenics, which has always been an extremely controversial topic and continues to be so.
If you're not afraid of being tasteles or controversial, there will always be topical routes.
In my opinion, interracial dating will always be a controversial subject because racism still exists and the people who seek to date outside of their race are currently outnumbered by the people who don't.
As interracial dating and relationships remains a controversial subject, it is important to surround yourself with supportive individuals.
The Well of Loneliness written by Radclyffe Hall in 1928 was so controversial that the author was taken to trial for obscenity - in spite of the fact that "there are no descriptions of sex in it, no rude words."
There will be plenty of time for the bigger questions later on, so avoid subjects that might be controversial and remember to both respond and bring up new topics.
Actually, society has always been fascinated by celebrity engagement rings, and the more controversial the celebrity, the greater the fascination.
Detailed information about conflict diamonds and how Kay avoids these controversial stones.
In fact, the degree of diamond production was controversial.
One of the most controversial types of freelance academic writing jobs is writing for a term paper mill.
Gun control is an extremely controversial issue in the United States.
The topic of children and weightlifting continues to be controversial.
Opinions on No Child Left Behind (NCLB) vary substantially among parents and teachers, proving that this legislation is one of the most controversial topics in education today.
Raising older children that still breastfeed is a controversial, yet ultimately personal, decision.
No, but most of the evidence for and against school uniforms is so controversial that it is difficult to base any school uniform decision on evidence alone.
He was convinced, in fact, that the whole film would be better off on the cutting room floor than being subjected to condemnation by an unforgiving public that was still divided on the country's controversial participation in VietNam.
Subject matter which was considered too controversial, yet topical, but still too real for normal television series was able to be addressed by a movie of the week.
One of the regular movies of the week specials that showed before primetime and addressed topical as well as controversial issues was After School Special.
Today, although the incident itself is largely controversial, the house still has a lot of interest for those who have read the story.
View the recreated video and decide for yourself.The Puckett's video remains controversial and unexplained.
The fact that this case remains so controversial means that this example of a ghost caught on video should remain in the "unexplainable" category of paranormal evidence.
However in recent years, this controversial subject has seeped into what Carl Jung termed "the collective unconscious", to the point where even Dr. Brian Weiss, a respected therapist, was featured on Oprah to discuss the topic.
There are many in the paranormal community, such as the controversial Lorraine Warren, who have dedicated their paranormal careers to demonology.
While many observers have labeled Hutchison as more of a performance artist than a scientist, other researchers believe that these controversial findings could explain the strange phenomena observed in the Bermuda Triangle.
Even decades after the first disappearances, the Bermuda Triangle remains one of the most controversial and strangest mysteries of all of the supernatural locations on the earth.
A Ouija board seance is a combination of two controversial methods for attempting to contact and communicate with spirits.
The existence of ectoplasm is a controversial topic.
This approach is controversial, however, as retirement planning is considered to be essential for long-term financial stability.
The most controversial aspect of the debt snowball approach is that it does not consider the possibility of variable interest rates on different types of accounts.
Of all the Dave Ramsey baby steps, this one seems to be the most controversial.
This view is controversial, however, and not all of Ramsey's fans follow his charitable giving recommendation.
The controversial ads--especially Jenny McCarthy's--are a combination of shocking, dirty, and sexy.
The controversial storyline turned away many long time viewers while damaging Days reputation.
Her controversial role in three separate storylines continues to pay forward on the modern show.
The chemistry between the two actors and their subsequent love affair began a controversial and enduring romance that is arguably the greatest love story ever told by a daytime drama.
Her controversial firing drew a fan backlash.
Which soap featured a controversial abortion for the first time?
Sharon Rickman -Sharon enchanted fans for decades beginning with her controversial storyline in the mid-80s as an underage Sharon wanted to get birth control pills in order to attract a boyfriend.
Heaven was the most watched TV series ever on the WB due in large part to the series' controversial storylines.
The program's writers have never shied away from drawing viewer attention through controversial storylines, and as edgier plots have become more acceptable over time, the program has only continued to employ them through the years!
Erica Kane's controversial abortion in 1973 because she didn't want to ruin her figure or her modeling career not only snagged headlines, but marked a daytime first that even retconning in the early part of the 21st century can't change.
The show's riveting plots, which tackle controversial issues from addiction and abortion to homosexuality and transgender relationships, keep fans on their toes.
Due to its extremely devout fan base and controversial storylines, All My Children is often at the center of many soap rumors.
The network required her to change it because they felt it was too controversial.
All My Children's crazy characters and controversial plots are just two of the reasons millions of fans are hooked on the daytime serial.
Neighbours Australian soap opera has taken the world by storm thanks to its intoxicating romances, controversial storylines, and gorgeous cast.
While Eastenders embraces controversial storylines, at its core the show is primarily a testament to strong families and the idea that relationships help build communities.
The youth oriented show is an international hit and continues to gain critical acclaim for the way it addresses controversial topics.
The controversial episode tackled teen pregnancy as Manny discovers that she is pregnant.
The controversial onscreen actions paired with off-screen drama early in 2009 when Chris Engen who originated the adult role of Adam Wilson left The Young and the Restless citing unhappiness with the direction the role was taking.
The controversial character is one of the most talked about on daytime as the fans wait impatiently for the answer to will Adam get caught on Young and the Restless?
Braeden discussed his controversial exit with Hollywood Insider in October of 2009.
The telenovelas broadcast out of Brazil are more racy and controversial than Spanish telenovelas and the list of Brazilian telenovela actors includes both stunning beauties and the most macho of men.
During her tenure on Y& R, Davidson played out the controversial storyline wherein Ashley aborted lover Victor Newman's child when she believed he needed to be with wife Nikki.
You'll be able to find out everything about Meredith and Derek's emotionally-wrought relationship to Izzie and Denny's tragic pairing to Callie's controversial storyline regarding her sexuality.
It was a controversial daytime first because Erica’s reasons were selfish and personal.
The tats, along with his multi-colored hair, piercings, affinity for dresses and talent for creating trouble, all contribute to Rodman's reputation as one of the most controversial players ever to hit the court.
These can include such diverse imagery as graffiti styled letters and urban graphics, to even controversial images of drugs and guns.
Initially, the Wall was controversial, with some veterans feeling the wall was too modern and lacked the elements of a traditional war monument.
Practitioners of the somewhat controversial area of yoga known as Dahn Yoga tout one of the benefits of Dahn Yoga as improved sleep, as well as reduced stress.
Among the most controversial issues surrounding the rise in autism spectrum disorders is the relationship between childhood vaccinations and autism.
One of those toxins, mercury, and its connection to vaccines has been a controversial subject in the medical community.
Yet the controversial diet is not widely recognized or accepted in the medical community.
The study was highly controversial because it called into question the safety of one of the world's most effective vaccines against three major diseases.
The controversial study soon became the most cited study in arguments for a vaccine and autism connection.
In addition, there is no known cure for autism, which makes biomedical treatments experimental, and sometimes controversial.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield's high profile autism vaccine study retracted by The Lancet in 2010 remains a controversial issue in the autism vaccine debate.
One of the most controversial sets of alternative interventions are biomedical therapies because they involve techniques, such as chelation and the use of immunoglobins, which have the potential to be harmful.
However, there are still large groups of supporters for even the most controversial alternative treatments who claim these methods are helping children with autism.
Biomedical practioners who recommend chelation say the technique improves autism symptoms is highly controversial because most traditional doctors say that it is not safe and may even be fatal, if administered incorrectly.
Some are controversial because of safety concerns, but many people dealing with autism report excellent results.
However, be careful that your costume is simply controversial as opposed to being just plain bad taste.
Yet it has also turned into one of the most controversial and possibly beneficial parts of spirit week.
The following information dispels the controversial messages so decisions about low fat food choices can be made wisely.
Read on for more insight into this controversial diet plan and discover which foods are best if you decide the low carb path is right for you.
Sensa reviews are a great way to evaluate a controversial product that has revolutionized the way people lose weight.
The lemon detox diet is a controversial way to remove the toxins from your body and to lose weight quickly.
It is controversial because experts disagree on whether it is preferable to term life insurance.
The issue of government ratings on insurance companies can be confusing for consumers and potentially controversial in some instances.
Calvin Klein boxers, or "Calvins" as they are known by, stormed the market in the early 1990s with his trademark controversial advertisements that featured the lesser-known Mark Walberg.
Its controversial first airing was during Super Bowl XXXVIII in 2004.
Read on for the pros and cons of both, and you will be ready and prepared to make your own decision about this controversial, albeit sexy, piece of lingerie.
Despite her early success, there was also negativity as a racy photo shoot in Rolling Stone magazine fueled her already controversial status as a sex symbol and had her denying rumors she'd had breast implants.
There have been several controversial appearances by Ashlee that have helped to keep her in the spotlight.
Preston also got on well with Pete Burns, controversial punk rocker who achieved fame in the eighties with his new wave band Dead Or Alive.
However, it was the controversial second single, "Starf*ckers, Inc.", which dealt with Reznor's relationship with musical protege Marilyn Manson, that brought the most spotlight to the new album.
Similar to Hair in the 1960s, Rent came along in 1996 and challenged the conservatism of musical theater and forced audience members to consider controversial issues surrounding drug use, sexuality, and AIDS.
Though the album was controversial at the time of its release, it is now considered a rap classic and another landmark moment in the birth of the gangsta rap movement which would so influence hip hop in the 1990s and beyond.
Her soulful, driven music and willingness to sing about painful and even controversial issues have earned her a broad fan base among both youth and adults.
As the idea of popular Christian music is controversial for some, these attitudes may play a role in the popularity of Christian soundtracks.
They were extremely controversial, however, as the new lyrics were often violent and/or obscene.
American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert is one of Idol's most successful - and controversial - contestants to date.
Paramore was one of the first major acts to sign one of these controversial, if increasingly common, record deals.
For this song to come in second place is actually a bit controversial, as some believe that it has probably sold more copies than Candle in the Wind, but that many of them moved before sales were closely tracked.
It went to number four in the US, number one in Australia and landed at a very controversial number two position in the UK.
In fact, the song is so much a part of the American landscape that most have forgotten how controversial the song and video were upon release.
Temptation Island - Probably the most controversial show on this list of reality TV shows in which couples agree to live with singles of the opposite sex to see who would and wouldn't cheat.
Because Cade was so reclusive and entertained controversial ideas, he was a target for that kind of gossip.
Then followed in rapid succession the Twenty-seven Sermons (1651), "for the summer half-year," and the Twenty-five (1653), "for the winter half-year," The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living (1650), The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying (1651), a controversial treatise on The Real Presence..
But it must remain possible that contact with new scenes and persons, and especially such controversial necessities as are exemplified in Colossians, stimulated Paul to work out more fully, under the influence of Alexandrian categories, lines of thought of which the germs and origins must be admitted to have been present in earlier epistles.
His writings, which are chiefly theological and controversial, are largely formed of charges to his clergy, and sermons on different topics; but, though valuable and full of thought, they lose some of their force by the cumbrous German structure of the sentences, and by certain orthographical peculiarities in which the author indulged.
Father Fitzherbert, who is described as "a person of excellent parts, a notable politician, and of graceful behaviour and generous spirit," wrote many controversial works, a list of which is given in the article on him by Mr Thompson Cooper in the Dictionary of National Biography, together with authorities for his life.
Isho`yabh III., Nestorian catholicus from 647 to 657/8, wrote controversial tracts, religious discourses and liturgical works.
Exclusive of his controversial writings, he left behind him a very voluminous series of practical evangelical books, which have long remained the fireside favourites of the peasantry of French Protestantism.
Of a controversial character are the Confessio Catholica, (1633-1637), an extensive work which seeks to prove the evangelical and catholic character of the doctrine of the Augsburg Confession from the writings of approved Roman Catholic authors; and the Loci communes theologici (1610-1622), his principal contribution.
Arminius's works are mostly occasional treatises drawn from him by controversial emergencies, but they everywhere exhibit a calm, well-furnished, undogmatic and progressive mind.
As his quotations from Scripture appear to be made from the Peshitta, he probably wrote the homilies before he embarked upon the Philoxenian version.2 Philoxenus wrote also many controversial 'works and some liturgical pieces.
The controversy his intolerance provoked was closed by Augustine's controversial treatise De Baptismo, in which the validity of baptism administered by heretics is based on the objectivity of the sacrament.
Osiander, besides a number of controversial writings, published a corrected edition of the Vulgate, with notes, in 1522, and a Harmony of the Gospels - the first work of its kind - in 1537.
Bishop Challoner was the author of numerous controversial and devotional works, which have been frequently reprinted and translated into various languages.
Some of these bring the poet before us as either corresponding with, or engaged in controversial conversation with, his great friend.
Quenstedt (c. 1685) and others - in a controversial interest, to blacken the Calvinists still more - distinguished which articles were " fundamental."
Maine was generally averse from controversy, but showed on this occasion that it was not for want of controversial power.
Besides being a busy natural philosopher, Boyle devoted much time to theology, showing a very decided leaning to the practical side and an indifference to controversial polemics.
As the and century wears on, we come to controversial or philosophical works by Agrippa, Castor, Quadratus, Aristides.
For all this, manuscripts of Purvey's Revision were copied and re-copied during this century, the text itself being evidently approved by the ecclesiastical authorities, when in the hands of the right people and if unaccompanied by controversial matter.
In 1530, however, the whole of the Pentateuch was printed in Marburg by Hans Luft; it is provided with prefaces and marginal annotations of a strongly controversial character.
It was first taught, in the interests of the "monarchia" of God, by Praxeas, a confessor from Asia Minor, in Rome about 190, and was opposed by Tertullian in his wellknown controversial tract.
The latest extant works of Tertullian (all after 217) are his controversial writings against the laxity of the Catholics, full of the bitterest attacks, especially upon Calixtus, the bishop of Rome; these are De monogamic, De jejunio, De pudicitia, and De ecstasi Libri VII.
He wrote a great number of controversial works.
As regards now the endemic element as a whole, the question as to the time and place of its origin is of a highly complicated and controversial nature.
Over and above the numerous editions, there is a bulky literature of an explanatory and controversial character, for which the world is indebted to Paracelsus's followers and enemies.
Drelincourt's controversial works were numerous.
Isaac Barrow said that "his practical writings were never minded, and his controversial ones seldom confuted," and John Wilkins, bishop of Chester, asserted that "if he had lived in the primitive time he had been one of the fathers of the church."
After a time Hobbes took heart again and began a third period of controversial activity, which did not end, on his side, till his ninetieth year.
All these controversial writings on mathematics and physics represent but one half of his activity after the age of p y g Years.
In three years the many controversial questions were discussed and settled, and in October 1648 the treaty of Westphalia was signed and the Thirty Years War was at an end.
Of course an administration of this kind could not take a definite line on any controversial question, but during 1894 they carried through the commercial treaty with Russia and the laws for the continuance of the currency reform.
His chief passion, after that for his own fame and glory, seems to have been for theology and religion; it was in this field that his literary powers exerted themselves (for he wrote controversial treatises and hymns), and his taste also, for among his numerous buildings the churches are those on which he spent most thought and money.
Controversial writings also passed between him and Bucer, with whom he had several interviews in Germany, when he was there as Henry VIII.'s ambassador.
His writings are largely controversial, though without being bitter, and are in great part levelled against the Roman Catholic Church.
Aristotelianism approved itself as the controversial instrument, and in due course held the field alone.
It is to the schoolmen of the two centuries preceding the Turkish capture of Constantinople that the controversial refinements usually associated with the name of Scholasticism are attributable.
Since Kant the two phrases have become purely adjectival (instead of adverbial) with a technical controversial sense, closely allied to the Aristotelian, in relation to knowledge and judgments generally.
Even greater was the support it received later on from the Puranas, a class of poetical works of a partly legendary, partly discursive and controversial character, mainly composed in the interest of special deities, of which eighteen principal (maha-purana) and as many secondary ones (upa-purana) are recognized, the oldest of which may go back to about the 4th century of our era.
He published numerous sermons, a few Old Testament expositions and some controversial tracts.
The working of the system in modern times is perhaps too controversial a question to be discussed here; but one or two points may be noted on which all fairly well informed writers would probably agree.
The main authority for Spinoza's life is the sketch published in 1705, in Dutch, with a controversial sermon against Spinozism, by Johannes Colerus.
He was a scholar, a preacher, and a man of affairs, temperamentally quiet and dignified; and his administration differed radically from that of Archbishop Hughes; he was conciliatory rather than polemic and controversial, and not only built up the Roman Catholic Church materially, but greatly changed the tone of public opinion in his diocese toward the Church.
Bloody tap or blood in epidural catheter is controversial.
Cars were a highly controversial issue, he said.
I don't think there were any complaints about my potentially controversial room assignments.
The optimal number of sets of an exercise to develop muscle strength remains controversial.
Swimming Optimum body fat for swimmers has become controversial of late.
At the risk of sounding controversial it should not be forgotten that much of the damage is caused by ever larger agricultural machinery.
It is controversial whether administering corticosteroids to a premature foal is beneficial.
Lord Reed spoke on the controversial topic of the confidentiality of jury deliberations.
Abstract Whether pregnant women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of spontaneous abortion is controversial.
How exactly we read Ecclesiastes as a whole and relate the joy passages to the vanity passages remains a controversial point.
Despite controversial proposals in the 1980s, the academic case for further large-scale excavation on the southern part of the amphitheater is not overwhelming.
They also want a " fundamental rethink " of the government's highly controversial airport expansion program.
Fashion and Fetishism is concerned with the idea of the corset throughout history yet covers important and controversial issues including feminism and abortion.
Joe McCarthy, the controversial senator from Wisconsin, was asked to be the child's godfather.
Some say the ghost is that of George Marsh, a sixteenth century preacher with a highly controversial even heretical outlook.
The local planning policy was to allow no new build in the area and so the 4 new ho me s were controversial.
In 1986 the prion hypothesis was still regarded as highly controversial.
We are reminded of the biblical call to shun sexual immorality, and the controversial question of ' What about genital acts?
The significance a fracture of the posterior malleolus is controversial.
I think it's more the corporate mentality of why mess with anything that could potentially be controversial in a messy way.
More controversial, and not likely to be fully acceptable, was the hope that maybe we could standardize nomenclature as well.
However, the use of conditionality to advance nonproliferation in the EU's relations with developing countries is likely to be more controversial.
They want someone provocative who is weird and strange and controversial.
The police watchdog is to conduct a second inquiry into Scotland Yard's controversial Forest Gate anti-terror raid, it has been confirmed.
I'll pass over the Masonic regalia in Mordrin's office for something less potentially controversial.
Comparison of ancient with modern principles occupies the remainder and is bound to be controversial; but it is important as well as fascinating.
There has also been a controversial " blank rune " added to the set.
The controversial and gritty portrayal of teenage life in west London was written by actor screenwriter Noel Clarke.
Never fear, however, as for this ballot there'll be no controversial postal voting shenanigans.
Then mix in a jaw dropping performance by the film's controversial director as a degenerate white slaver.
The controversial first single, Gett Off, is a particular standout in that regard.
Member countries, including the UK, will vote on a controversial proposal by five southern African countries to sell off their ivory stockpiles.
D.A.V.E. 's roots are in the controversial London acid techno movement.
The treatment of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies is one of the most complex and controversial topics in oncology.
The tariff reform movement in England started by Mr Chamberlain had the result of giving new boldness to the opponents of Manchesterism, and the whole subject once more became controversial (see Free Trade; Corn Laws; Protection; Tariff; Economics).
The order of his surnames is a controversial matter, and they are sometimes reversed.
A few fragments and numerous quotations in his principal book form our only knowledge of the Kitab al-Tashwir (" Book of Refutation") a controversial work in four parts, in which Rabbi Jonah successfully repelled the attacks of the opponents of his first treatise.
The controversial treatises which he published in rapid succession attracted much attention, particularly his Catholic Christian Instructed (1737), which was prefaced by a witty reply to Dr Conyers Middleton's Letters from Rome, showing an Exact Conformity between Popery and Paganism.
The De Ecclesia was published by Ulrich von Hutten in 1520; other controversial writings by Otto Brumfels in 1524; and Luther wrote an interesting preface to Epistolae Quaedam, which were published in 1537.
His Friendly Debate between a Conformist and a Nonconformist was a controversial tract which excited considerable feeling at the time of its publication in 1668, but he lived long enough to soothe by his moderation and candour the exasperation it had caused.
They permeate his controversial and political writings and historical studies, of which his Handbook of Dutch History (in Dutch) and Maurice et Barnevelt (in French, 1875, a criticism of Motley's Life of Van Olden-Barnevelt) are the principal.
The first example of polite controversial irony since Lucian, the Provinciales have continued to be the best example of it during more than two centuries in which the style has been sedulously practised, and in which they have furnished a model to generation after generation.
This labour was followed in 1877 by observations of the surface of Mars, whereon he detected, among other peculiar characters, certain streaky markings or canals, the nature and origin of which is still controversial (see MARS).
Once more an interchange of recriminations began, charged with all the violent hyperbole characteristic of the controversial style of the age.
I make the predictions in this book not to be sensational or controversial.
Some methods and technologies that show promise to end famine are controversial.
I know this is a controversial forecast, and to many people a very depressing one, but I think it is both inevitable and good.
The police watchdog is to conduct a second inquiry into Scotland Yard 's controversial Forest Gate anti-terror raid, it has been confirmed.
And now Lovell 's is joining Convoys, Borthwick and Paynes Wharves in Deptford in the the roll-call of controversial riverfront developments.
This year has seen the launch of his famous and highly controversial C5 a battery-powered, three-wheeled, single-seater runabout car.
Airport developments are usually controversial and invariably pitch the self-styled guardians of the environment against the advocates of economic growth.
Then mix in a jaw dropping performance by the film 's controversial director as a degenerate white slaver.
Obtaining stem cells from umbilical cords is far less controversial than sourcing them from embryos (as many scientists would like to do).
A more controversial example may be the universal thirst for revenge.
In the early nineteenth century, the transmutation of species was still a controversial, and indeed dangerous, topic for naturalists.
The weather vane on top of the dome was controversial at the time the church was consecrated in 1825.
At this point Anselm wields what is perhaps his most controversial premise.
The controversial comedian's set was rude enough to cause apoplexy among the more conservative audience members.
Breastfeeding a baby in public continues to be a very controversial issue.
Infant feeding tends to be a controversial area even among the experts.
Today, this issue has become quite controversial.
A controversial aspect of this diet is that if the child does wet his training pants, he is required to wear the wet pants for at least a little while.
This is found in many pet foods, but it's use is controversial.
In fact, it is so controversial that companies that produce pet foods without it say so on the package.
Clay cat litter remains controversial, even to this day.
Social Security identity theft is particularly controversial as it relates to immigration.
The environmental impact is highly controversial.
Nuclear energy is a controversial form of energy, that produces different kinds of environmental waste than some other power sources currently available.
By asking yourself, "What is nuclear energy", you are taking the first step in understanding this controversial energy source.
The original design for the cantilever platforms was controversial at the time it was being built, and the chief engineer on the project debated with Wright as to the amount of steel reinforcements needed.
Because hunting is a topic that splits society, hunting games can also be viewed as controversial.
Black is a controversial color in the world of family portraits.
Keep in mind that this is a controversial theory.
This is one of the most controversial questions in the ski industry.
From the 1960's general unrest, to NWA's "Cop Killer", we as a society, have seen and felt the impact of controversial lyrics.
Christian t shirts, especially strong issue-based messages or shirts that infuse humor, are sometimes considered controversial, particularly among certain sects and older generations.
Whatever decision is made, the teen will no doubt find themselves under scrutiny, as either decision will always be controversial to someone, somewhere.
Milk is enjoyed by many vegetarians, while rennet is a little bit more controversial.
Along with the controversial cash bars and dollar dances, a money tree is traditionally viewed to be a ploy for cash by a money-grubbing couple.
Rapid detox is a controversial tool in the fight against opiate addiction.
Rapid detox is a new and somewhat controversial way of detoxifying from drug use.
This method can be controversial, but is often preferred because the addict is under anesthesia during the withdrawal process.
Marilyn Manson - The controversial rock star is the undisputed champion of Celebrity Deathmatch.
At one point, the controversial star was suspected by industry insiders as being a police informant, and did play one in the movie Caught in the Crossfire.
Along the way, Borat conducts interviews which touch on such controversial issues as racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and other taboos.
Being a controversial comedian is not without its legal implications.
Jerry Springer, of course, became famous for the controversial daytime talk show, The Jerry Springer Show.
The controversial film, starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, was a hit.
In the controversial, groundbreaking film, he plays a sheep herder who falls in love with another cowboy, played by Heath Ledger.
Many celebrity wannabes extend their fifteen minutes of fame when something controversial lands them in the headlines again.
Though she loved the script, Natalie thought the role of Mathilda was a bit controversial (some critics referred to it as "Lolita-esque") and didn't want her film choices to negatively affect her family.
Applegate's depiction of airhead Kelly drew rave reviews, despite the program's controversial, often risqué jokes and storylines.
What has become very controversial is the way Beyoncé went about dropping the weight.
What she has done right in this process is that although she is willing to go on controversial diets just to land a role, she goes on record as saying it's not a good way to go about losing weight.
As long as they keep recognizing the best in film and television instead of recognizing little-known controversial work, they'll keep that reputation.
Slipknot has made their mark on the musical landscape of the last decade by being both innovative and controversial.
Figure in their controversial appearance (they play in matching jumpsuits and all members wear dark, sinister-looking masks), and you have a band that continues to create a tremendous buzz.
The meteoric yet controversial rise of this band means guitarists and bassists can expect more Kings of Leon tabs to make their way online.
While perhaps a bit controversial, Organic Life appears to have anticipated the recommendations of medical research in this case.
You'll then fill out a detailed questionnaire and go through a somewhat controversial screening process before gaining access to those who share your interests.
After completing the extensive questionnaire, prospective members have to pass a somewhat controversial screening process before receiving possible matches.
Grand Theft Auto II brought that same capricious, violent behavior into hard-hitting 3D, and the franchise has been controversial ever since.
Although experience with these medications in children suggests they are safe, their use in children remains controversial because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.
Early introduction of highly allergenic foods may predispose a child to reactions, but this is controversial.
Treatment of intersex states is controversial.
Diagnosing GERD in children is sometimes controversial.
The use of antimicrobial drops after a myringotomy is controversial.
Indications that are more controversial include breech presentation, previous c-section, major congenital anomalies, cervical cerclage, and severe Rh isoimmunization.
Because of this range in form and severity, the use of corporal punishment as a disciplinary method is controversial.
Grade retention has become increasingly controversial as early 2000s education initiatives such as No Child Left Behind have pressed schools to meet certain standards defined by scores on standardized tests.
The mumps vaccine has been controversial in the early 2000s because of concern that its use was linked to an increased rate of childhood autism.
Some physicians consider intravenous ceftriaxone the best therapy for any late manifestation of disease, but treatments for late Lyme disease are still controversial as of 2004.
However, some more naturally-oriented brands have decided to eliminate controversial ingredients such as sulfates and parabens in favor more natural detergents and ingredients.
Further, controversial loans were given to individuals who may not have been able to repay the loans, based on an evaluation of income and assets (often referred to as subprime mortgages).
How did my fairly conventional family become a part of one of the most controversial health movements of the late twentieth century?
Episiotomies are controversial; many doctors and midwives believe they are not necessary in most cases.
Some of her advice is a bit controversial, but modern moms-to-be will appreciate Iovine's honesty.
The issue of drinking milk to increase fertility is still controversial.
When a woman's water breaks before she is actually in active labor, although this is a controversial reason to induct.
Though highly controversial, women who are undergoing fertility treatments may have a greater chance of picking the gender of their baby.
This controversial finding supports many parents' beliefs that the media is too full of sexual scenes and references.
It is always a bit controversial when pictures of a politician in a swimsuit emerge.
While it is a controversial topic in scientific circles, ome evidence shows vitamin E may help fade the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
One of Pauling's most controversial studies involves intravenous and oral vitamin C doses for patients with terminal cancer.
The elaborate ring was controversial due to its size and price.
In spite of this, other symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity remain controversial.
The effect of gluten on neurological function remains a controversial subject among doctors and scientists, but mounting evidence supports the notion that gluten sensitivity triggers a number of behavioral, emotional and motor conditions.
The sometimes controversial designs and slogans of Juicy Couture drew international attention as tracksuits and underwear began to sport sayings on the rears, and phrases such as "Go Couture Yourself" became synonymous with the Juicy name.
This can be quite a thrill for those who simply can't afford to spend thousands of dollars on a handbag; on the other hand, supporting the production and sale of impostor designs is a controversial subject, to say the least.
Clifford is another PBS Kids program that has a group of experts who work on the content of each episode to ensure that everything is appropriate for preschool children and that nothing on the show is deemed as offensive or controversial.
Health savings accounts are a controversial topic in health care.
Whole life insurance is a controversial form of life insurance.
She is also known for her roles in movies, her controversial relationship with her manager and her personal life.
His flamboyant personality made him a fan favorite and he made a controversial decision when he turned down a portion of his prize.
His win was controversial based on some questions as to whether he indeed did all the work he claimed to have done.
Kat is controversial, outspoken, and larger than life, and her tattoo studio in California features several other female tattoo artists.Two other spinoffs have been created.
Christopher Knight's Controversial Relationship - In season four, Adrianne Curry became enamored with Christopher Knight, who was 25 years older than her.
In 2004, Padma married controversial author Salman Rushdie.
The third season of The Next Food Network Star, which began on June 3, 2007, was to date the most controversial.
Natalie has become one of the most controversial winners in Survivor history.
The contestants can't hide from the cameras, even while in the shower, so the bathrooms have been ground zero for some of the most shocking and controversial Big Brother scenes.
The Bachelor's picks are almost always controversial but rarely actually end in marriage.
In present day, he is a reality TV sensation as the controversial father figure on TLC's Sister Wives.
Polygamists generally attempt to keep their lifestyle under wraps, which is what makes Kody Brown such a controversial figure.
Viewers may recognize Dr. Terry Dubrow from the controversial reality TV show The Swan.
They even engaged in a controversial hot tub scene in which Tamra had something of a wardrobe malfunction.
For the duration of the season Gretchen caused divisions in the cast and despite her sympathetic storyline, she was also controversial with the viewers.
Card has become a rather controversial figure in sci-fi culture, due to his Mormon beliefs, particularly his 'family values' beliefs that many characterize as actively homophobic.
In the controversial episode of the original Star Trek series "Plato's Stepchildren", the crew of the Enterprise fell under the influence of powerful telepaths.
The controversial moment of television history featured the first on-screen interracial kiss.
This was during the same episode "Plato's Stepchildren" where Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura shared a controversial kiss.
Sagan remains one of the most prolific and controversial visionaries of the 20th century.
Although this theory is somewhat controversial, it is often used as a social networking analysis tool.
Other newspapers looked for unconventional, albeit controversial ways to save money and keep their newspaper alive.
While these web hosts may not agree with many of the controversial and unpopular opinions hosted on their servers, they are standing up to protect every person's basic right to publish them.
If you have something to say that may be considered a form of unpopular dissent, or controversial, consider hosting your website with one of these web hosts.
This was supplemented in r8 55 by the controversial Menschenseele and Physiologie.
In spite of the vast increase in national wealth, it was found a matter of increasing difficulty to meet a comparatively slight strain without recourse to measures of a highly controversial character; and the search for new sources of revenue (as in 1909) at once raised, in an acute form, questions of national commercial policy and the relations between the United Kingdom and the colonies.
Various summaries, controversial articles, &c., formerly quoted, are now superseded by recent discoveries.
The first of his controversial works was Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor (1717), which were considered by friend and foe alike as one of the most powerful contributions to the Bangorian controversy on the high church side.
His controversial writings have not received due recognition, partly because they were opposed to the drift of his times, partly because of his success in other fields.
A friendly letter from Alcuin, and a controversial pamphlet, to which Felix replied, were followed by the sending of several commissions of clergy to Spain to endeavour to put down the heresy.
The doctrines of Marcion and the history of his churches from the and to the 7th century are known to us from the controversial works of the Catholic fathers.
His controversial ardour was, indeed, somewhat damped by Luther's refusal to answer his arguments, and with a view to earning fresh laurels he turned his attention to Switzerland and the Zwinglians.
His vast learning was the result of a powerful memory and unwearied industry, and he lacked the creative imagination necessary to mould this material into new forms. He was a powerful debater, but his victories were those of a dialectician rather than a convincing reasoner, and in him depth of insight and conviction were ill replaced by the controversial violence characteristic of the age.
In 1826 he became professor extraordinarius in theology; and in July 1827 appeared, under his editorship, the Evangelische Kirchenzeitung, a strictly orthodox journal, which in his hands acquired an almost unique reputation as a controversial organ.
Unfortunately in consequence of the systematic destruction of all Bohemian writings which took place through the agency of the Jesuits, after the battle of the White Hill (1620), a large part of this controversial literature has perished.
Steinmetz (ibid., 1908, 177 f.); and Schmiedel in Hibbert Journal (1903), pp. 537 f heart of the gospel with all his heart, and while a certain controversial' element inevitably enters into his expositionsince he is writing with his eye on the Roman Church-any such considerations are quite subordinate to his dominating aim.
He protests against its use for controversial pamphlets which distort the truth.
For complete bibliography of all works of Bellarmine, of translations and controversial writings against him, see C.Sommervogel, Bibliotheque de laCompagnie de Jesus (Brussels and Paris, 1890 et seq), vol.
There for ten years he acted as professor of Arabic and philosophy, and composed many controversial treatises.
In 1609 Donne was engaged in composing his great controversial prose treatise, the Pseudo-Martyr, printed in 1610; this was an attempt to convince Roman Catholics in England that they might, without any inconsistency, take the oath of allegiance to James I.
All his treatises are occasional pieces, born of controversy and intended for controversial ends.
Yet the new administration did very well till, after resettling the government of India, and recovering from a blunder committed by their Indian secretary, Lord Ellenborough, they must needs launch a Reform Bill to put that dangerous question out of controversial politics.
As if upon the impulse of this transaction, Disraeli opened the next session of parliament with a bill to confer upon the queen the title of empress of India - a measure which offended 2 For a detailed, if somewhat controversial, account of this affair, see Lucien Wolf's article in The Times of December 26, 1905, and Mr Greenwood's letters on the subject.
He proved a diligent student, devoting much attention to controversial theology, graduated as M.A.
In 1622 he published a controversial Discourse of the Religion anciently Professed by the Irish and British, designed to show that they were in agreement with the Church of England and opposed to the Church of Rome on the points in debate between those churches.
In addition to controversial writings on physical questions, there appeared during this period the first of the works by which he is known in the history of philosophy.
Between churchmen of Irish and English race there was bitter rivalry; but the theory that the ancient Celtic church remained independent, and as it were Protestant, while the English colony submitted to the Vatican, is a mere controversial figment.
In all probability Zeno did not observe that in his controversial defence of Eleaticism he was interpreting Parmenides's teaching anew.
In 1774-1775 he wrote two influential anonymous pamphlets, which were attributed to John Jay; they show remarkable maturity and controversial ability, and rank high among the political arguments of the time.
In November, I delivered the presidential address which has proven to be quite controversial.
Precisely how much residual angulation constitutes a failed attempt at reduction remains controversial.
The writer, both in text and photographs, frankly avows the prejudices and selectivity inevitable in any account of controversial and divisive events.
Controversial cleric vows to defy mosque ban 18 January 2003 Charity bosses remove Abu Hamza.
The topic remains controversial especially in terms of international trade of hormone-treated beef.
A controversial antislavery pamphlet has been republished in advance of next year's bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act.
All somewhat ironic, since von Hagens ' intention is precisely to combat the taboos that make cadavers so controversial.
The REACH law, seven years in the making, is immensely complicated and exceptionally controversial.
Last night, campaigners called for further reforms to the controversial system, that has also faced computer problems, to restore public confidence.
In a hugely controversial move, an influential group of frontline officers is demanding a radical change in the law.
Although Law Commission Bills do not tend to be politically controversial, that can operate against them at this stage.
This movie features a somewhat controversial scene in which Dunst, then aged eleven, had to kiss Brad Pitt, who was 29.
However, their ownership proved controversial to some, which is why they want to find an exit.
Hunting live quarry with hounds is a controversial subject in the UK at present.
However, this method has become more controversial in recent years, due to the amount of time many patients require the maintenance to abstain from using.
The Golden Globes have surpassed that controversial reputation they received after Pia Zadora's win and are now seen as a precursor to the Oscars, even after Heath Ledger's win.
In Bagdad he stayed several years, studying the Koran and other works of Moslem theology, for controversial purposes, arguing with Nestorian Christians, and writing.
But the materials for his biography are so controversial and so personal - his own Confessions and the memoirs of associates whose accuracy and honesty are disputed - that the correct historical view can hardly be said yet to be standardized.
One of his latest public acts was a proposal laid before parliament for improving the revenues of the church, and a project for a college of controversial divinity at Chelsea.
The book was deliberately unpopular in tone; it excited much controversial comment and some serious and useful discussion.
The opposition, as might be expected, came from the side of the Jews, and was due partly to the controversial use which was made of the version by the S Christians, but chiefly to the fact that it was not suffi- ciently in agreement with the standard Hebrew text estab.- lished by Rabbi Aqiba and his school.
The public interest in the ex-Speaker's later life centred entirely in his somewhat controversial connexion with the drink traffic. A royal commission was appointed in April 1896 to inquire into the operation and administration of the licensing laws, and Viscount Peel was appointed chairman.
The Heidelberg Catechism, set forth by order of the elector, is perhaps the most widely accepted symbol of the Calvinistic faith, and is noteworthy for its emphasis on the less controversial aspects of the Genevan theology.
But be this as it may, he had no sooner adopted his new creed than he resolved to profess it; " a momentary glow of enthusiasm " had raised him above all temporal considerations, and accordingly, on June 8, 1753, he records that having " privately abjured the heresies" of his childhood before a Catholic priest of the name of Baker, a Jesuit, in London, he announced the same to his father in an elaborate controversial epistle which his spiritual adviser much approved, and which he himself afterwards described to Lord Sheffield as having been " written with all the pomp, the dignity, and self-satisfaction of a martyr."
He also dealt with the condemnation of Pope Honorius, carried on a controversial correspondence with John Stuart Mill, and took a leading part in the discussions of the Metaphysical Society, founded by Mr James Knowles, of which Tennyson, Huxley and Martineau were also prominent members.
After working as a vine-dresser and then as a goldsmith he became a travelling doctor, and displayed great skill in disputations on medical subjects; but his controversial power soon found a wider field for its exercise in the great theological question of the time.
Recent investigations have recalled attention to the work of Lowthian Green, but the question is still in the controversial stage.'
The controversial introduction is later than the Crusades; but the rituals, as far as Regarding Paulician beliefs we have little except hostile evidence, which needs sifting.
Presently, labeling of GMO content isn't a requirement—and since labeling is a complex and controversial issue that has no bearing on my thesis, I will pass it by.
The annual reports, of which he was the chief author, became controversial pamphlets; he published bold replies to criticisms upon the work of the Commission; he explained its purposes to newspaper correspondents; when Congress refused to appropriate the amount which he believed essential for the work, he made the necessary economies by abandoning examinations of candidates for the Civil Service in those districts whose representatives in Congress had voted to reduce the appropriation, thus very shrewdly bringing their adverse vote into disfavour among their own constituents; and during the six years of his commissionership more than twenty thousand positions for government employes were taken out of the realm of merely political appointment and added to the classified service to be obtained and retained for merit only.