Controlled Sentence Examples
Finally he spoke in a controlled voice.
Terror washed over her at his calm, controlled words.
She controlled her breathing to keep her frantic emotions from consuming her.
They rippled with his controlled movements.
His tone was controlled, his features calm, his eyes the only indication of the fire in his blood.
He responded in a controlled tone without looking at her.
This method will allow us to treat the entire world as a controlled experiment in retrospect.
His tone became controlled.
Gas fires, as a substitute for the open coal fire, have many points in their favour, for they are conducive to cleanliness, they need but little attention, and the heat is easily controlled.
At Paris the cole Suprieure des Mines and the cole des Fonts et Chausses are controlled by the minister of public, works, the cole des Beaux-Arts, the cole des Arts Dcoratifs and the Conservatoire National de Musique et de Dclamation by the unr,ler-secretary for fine arts.
AdvertisementBefore the end of 1906 fifty-two separate trades in Victoria had obtained special boards, by whose determinations their operations were controlled.
The charitable and penal institutions of the state are controlled by separate boards of directors, but all are subject to the general supervision of a board of visitors composed of the governor, lieutenant-governor and speaker of the House of Representatives, and a woman appointed by the governor.
Here we have to deal with a transformation with which we can grapple, and which can be controlled for our purposes.
The submarine telegraphs are mainly controlled by companies, the amount of issued capital of the existing British telegraph companies (twenty-four in number) being £3 0, 447, 1 9 1, but a certain number of lines are in government hands.
The oscillations are controlled either by a key inserted in the primary circuit of the exciting induction coil or transformer, or by a key cutting in and out of the primary condensers or throwing inductance in and out of the closed oscillation circuit.
AdvertisementThe other supervisory lamp on the cord circuit is controlled in a similar manner by the subscriber who originated the call, and as that subscriber's telephone is off the hook when the peg is inserted, the lamp is not lighted at all until the subscriber replaces the receiver.
The operation of these meters is controlled by the operators.
The call is controlled by the trunk operators, the junction circuits being equipped in such a manner that the subscribers' signals appear at the trunk exchanges, from which point disconnecting signals are sent automatically to the local exchanges, when the connexions between the trunk and the junction circuits are removed.
The movements of the shaft are controlled by relays and electro-magnets which operate in response to the action of the subscriber whose telephone is fitted with a 'calling mechanism which, when the subscriber calls, earths the line a certain number of times for each figure in the number of the wanted subscriber.
At its close the provinces of Italy were placed beneath Greek dukes, controlled by a governor-general, entitled exarch, who ruled in the Byzantine emperors name at Ravenna.
AdvertisementIt was Hildebrands policy throughout three papacies, during which he controlled the counsels of the Vatican, and before he himself assumed the tiara, to prepare the mind of Italy and Europe for a mighty change.
At Milan it was more serious and lasted longer than elsewhere, as the movement was controlled by the anarchists under Arturo Labriola; the hooligans committed many acts of savage violence, especially against those workmen who refused to strike, and much property was wilfully destroyed.
An organism was to him something controlled by a formative organizing principle.
As regards water, its deficiency or excess is a relative matter, and although many of the minor maladies of pot-plants in windows and greenhouses controlled by amateurs depend on its misuse, water alone is probably never a primary cause of disease.
The actual and past distribution of plants must obviously be controlled by the facts of physical geography.
AdvertisementThe distribution of the mass of the atmosphere over the surface of the earth is also controlled by the relief of the crust, its greater or lesser density at the surface corresponding to the lesser or greater elevation of the surface.
The slope of the river bed diminishes until the plain compels the river to move slowly, swinging in meanders proportioned to its size, and gradually, controlled by the flattening land, ceasing to transport material, but raising its banks and silting up its bed by the dropped sediment, until, split up and shoaled, its distributaries struggle across its delta to the sea.
He now caused them to build a great capital, Ecbatana, with a royal palace, and introduced the ceremonial of oriental courts; he surrounded himself with a guard and no longer showed' himself to the people, but gave his judgments in writing and controlled the people by officials and spies.
In the Constituent Assembly he formed with Barnave and Adrien Duport a sort of association called the "Triumvirate," which controlled a group of about forty deputies forming the advanced left of the Assembly.
Trade is controlled by foreigners, the British being prominent in banking, finance, railway work and the higher branches of commerce; Spaniards, Italians and French in the wholesale and retail trade.
The last named was opened in 1904, and is controlled by the Winona Lake corporation, having official connexion with several national trade unions.
The rubber trade is controlled by the Liberian Rubber Corporation, which holds a special concession from the Liberian government for a number of years, and is charged with the preservation of the forests.
However, with Archbishop Arundel as his chancellor, Henry still controlled the government.
In Argentina about 15% of the railways are owned and operated by the government, the balance being in the hands of private companies, largely controlled in England.
When the lateral forces are too great to be controlled " climbing " occurs.
In the United States the Safety Appliance Act of 1893 also forbade the railways, after the 1st of January 1898, to run trains which did not contain a " sufficient number " of cars equipped with continuous brakes to enable the speed to be controlled from the engine.
The Federalists controlled the government until 1801.
For ordinary combustions compressed oxygen is used, so that the combustible substance burns almost instantaneously, the action being induced by means of some electrical device which can be controlled from without the calorimeter.
For a time the fate of Syria and Palestine seems to have been no longer controlled by the great powers.
At this period they controlled more of the foreign and colonial trade than all the other alien merchants in London put together.
With the principles of private morals he really deals only so far as is necessary to enable the reader to appreciate the impulses which have to be controlled by law.
The police of all towns containing more than 100,000 inhabitants was controlled by the central government.
He controlled all the lands from the Elbe to the Pyrenees, and had Spain and Italy at his beck and call.
The ancient glass-bead industry (conterie), which some years since suffered severely from over-production, has now regained its position through the union of the different factories, by which the output is controlled in such a way as to render trade profitable.
Owing to the prohibition of slavery the vast majority of the early immigrants to Ohio came from the North, but, until the Mexican War forced the slavery question into the foreground, the Democrats usually controlled the state, because the principles of that party were more in harmony with frontier ideas of equality.
To discourage the sinking of wells on land immediately adjoining productive territory, it has been usual to drill along the borders of the land as far as practicable, in order to first obtain the oil which might otherwise be raised by others; and on account of the small area often controlled by the operator, the number of wells drilled has frequently been far in excess of the number which might reasonably be sunk.
The political status of the country is controlled by the Ottoman Empire, of which Syria makes part, divided into the vilayets of Aleppo, Sham or Syria (Damascus), the Lebanon (q.v.) and Beirut, and the separate sanjaks or mutessarifliks of Zor and Jerusalem.
The conception of the world and of human life as controlled by natural law, a naturalistic cosmos, is alien not only to the prophetic and liturgical Hebrew literature but also to Hebrew thought in general.
In this capacity Thomas controlled the issue of royal writs and the distribution of ecclesiastical patronage; but it was more important for his future that he had ample opportunities of exercising his personal fascination upon a prince who was comparatively inexperienced, and thirteen or fourteen years his junior.
The aristocratic council of the Areopagus constituted the chief criminal court, and nominated the magistrates, among whom the chief archon passed judgment in family suits, controlled admission to the genos or clan, and consequently the acquisition of the franchise.
The police force of each municipality, or rather of each of 66 police districts, is maintained and controlled by the insular government; justice in each municipality is also administered by the insular government; the building, maintenance and repair of public roads are under the management of a board of three road supervisors in each of the seven insular election districts; and matters pertaining to education are for the most part under the insular commissioner of education and a school board of three members elected biennially in each municipality; nearly all other local affairs are within the jurisdiction of the mayor and municipal council.
It is the eastern terminus of the Pennsylvania, the Lehigh Valley, the West Shore, the Central of New Jersey, the Baltimore & Ohio, the Northern of New Jersey (operated by the Erie), the Erie, the New York, Susquehanna & Western, and the New Jersey & New York (controlled by the Erie) railways, the first three using the Pennsylvania station; and of the little-used Morris canal.
This was the route controlled and developed by the Ptolemaic kings.
Secondary and advanced education is controlled by the state.
In the municipality the alcalde (mayor) was appointed by the governor-general, and the ayuntamiento (council) was controlled by the veto of the provincial governor and by the assembly of the province.
The deputation was subject in turn to the same veto of the provincial governor, and he controlled by the governor-general.
As for the representation accorded Cuba in the Spanish Cortes, as a rule about a quarter of her deputies were Cuban-born, and the choice of only a few autonomists was allowed by those who controlled the elections.
The preliminaries of the elections of December 1905 and March 1906 being marked by frauds and injustice, the Liberals deserted the polls at those elections, and instead of appealing to judicial tribunals controlled by the Moderates, issued a manifesto of revolution on the 28th of July 1906.1 This insurrection rapidly assumed large proportions.
This position he founded on the law of wages formulated by Ricardo, and accepted by all the leading economists, that wages are controlled by the ordinary relations of supply and demand, that a rise in wages leads to an increase in the labouring population, which, by increasing the supply of labour, is followed by a corresponding fall of wages.
The government supports elementary free schools, controlled by a nominated board of education, while committees partly elected exercise local supervision.
At the time of the Austrian annexation in 1908, the only remaining token of Ottoman suzerainty was that the foreign consuls received their exequatur from Turkey, instead of Austria; otherwise the government of the country was conducted in the name of the Austrian emperor, through the imperial minister of finance at Vienna, who controlled the civil service for the occupied territory.
The Turkish triumph was the opportunity of the Bogomils, who thenceforth, assuming a new character, controlled the destinies of their country for more than three centuries.
Here also, with the unimportant exception of the islands of Samos and Cyprus and the somewhat privileged district of Lebanon, all the Turkish possessions constitute vilayets directly controlled by the Porte.
Many economic changes probably occurred in consequence of the variations in tide-generating force, as, for instance, the decline in the mediaeval Baltic herring fisheries controlled by the Hanseatic League.
By this time, French armies, to a great extent controlled by Napoleon from a distance, had advanced - Soult from Galicia to capture Oporto and Lisbon (with General Lapisse from Salamanca moving on his left towards Abrantes) and Marshal Victor, still farther.
He pointed out that it followed that the electric forces did not cause the interchanges between the opposite parts of the dissolved molecules but only controlled their direction.
He was a leading member of the "Albany regency," a group of politicians who for more than a generation controlled the politics of New York and powerfully influenced those of the nation, and which did more than any other agency to make the "spoils system" a recognized procedure in national, state and local affairs.
The city has a public library, a business college and Central College (1897), controlled by the United Brethren in Christ (Old Constitution).
In the latter part of the 18th century and the first years of the 19th it was constantly the scene of bloody dissensions between two rival parties, one led by the local janissaries, the other by the sherifs (religious); and the Ottoman governors took the side, now of one, now of the other, in order to plunder a distracted city, too far removed from the centre to be controlled by the sultans, and too near the rebellious pashalik of Acre and the unsettled district of Lebanon not to be affected by the disorders natural to a frontier province.
Education other than elementary is controlled by the Union government.
It controlled the operations for improving the sea entrance until 1893, when on the establishment of responsible government it was abolished.
He was assisted by a council of Persians, to which also provincials were admitted; and was controlled by a royal secretary and by emissaries of the king (esp. the " eye of the king ").
In harmony with the conditions of his age, he approved of absolute governments, though at the same time they must, he thought, be controlled by constitutional laws.
Just west of the city limits is Earlham College (co-educational), opened in 1847, chartered in 1859 and controlled by the Society of Orthodox Friends; in 1908-9 it had 30 instructors, 620 students and a library of 18,000 bound volumes.
Actively interested with Cyrus Field in the laying of the first Atlantic cable, he was president of the New York, Newfoundland & London Telegraph Company, and his frequent cash advances made the success of the company possible; he was president of the North American Telegraph Company also, which controlled more than one-half of the telegraph lines of the United States.
The speed due to the excess of weight on the loaded side is controlled by a brake on the drum.
The circulation of air in any given division of the mine is further controlled and its course determined by temporary or permanent partitions, known as brattices, by the erection of stoppings, or by the insertion of doors in the mine passages and by the use of special airways.
It was now intended to re-establish the government on the basis of the old republican institutions, but it was found that sixty years of Medici rule had reduced them to mere shadows, and the condition of the government, largely controlled by a balia of 20 accoppiatori and frequently disturbed by the summoning of the parlamento, was utterly chaotic. Consequently men talked of nothing save of changing the constitution, but unfortunately there was no longer an upper class accustomed to public affairs, while the lower class was thoroughly demoralized.
For the next twenty years, during a period of exceptional difficulty, he practically controlled the foreign policy of Russia.
Hybridization can also be readily controlled in the case of tobaccos, and in this connexion it is useful to note that, if pollen is desired of some variety growing at a distance, it will retain its vitality for several weeks if kept perfectly dry, and so can readily be sent by post from one place to another.
The ordinary tobacco and cigarette trade is controlled by the Regie Compagnie interessee des tabacs de l'empire Ottoman, and Narquileh tobacco (called " tumbeki " and used in " hubble-bubbles ") is in the hands of a similar organization.
The fermentation is very carefully controlled, and to obtain the desired light colour the temperature is kept comparatively low.
Brett controlled the Newfoundland Telegraph Company on the other side of the ocean, Bright organized with them the Atlantic Telegraph Company in 1856 for the purpose of carrying out the idea, himself becoming engineer-in-chief.
The flood-water is controlled by a system of dams and channels constructed so as to utilize every drop, and the extent of cultivation is limited more by the supply of water available than by the amount of suitable soil.
So long as Abu Tahir lived the Carmathians controlled Arabia.
As a dweller in the town he was independent of the old forms of poetry, which controlled all others, but his influence among poets was not great enough to perpetuate the new style.
Cologne and the Westphalian towns, the most important of which were Dortmund, Soest and Munster, had long controlled this commerce but now began to feel the competition of the active traders of the Baltic, opening up that direct communication by sea from the Baltic to western Europe which became the essential feature in the history of the League.
He also controlled, with consummate ability, the operations of the brand-new Russian diplomatists at the various foreign courts.
Adrian is the seat of Adrian College (1859; co-educational), controlled by the Wesleyan Methodist Church in 1859-1867 and since 1867 by the Methodist Protestant Church, and having departments of literature, theology, music, fine arts, commerce and pedagogy, and a preparatory school; and of St Joseph's Academy (Roman Catholic) for girls; and 1 m.
Until 1909, when a constitutional amendment was adopted, he had no power of veto, and his very limited nominal powers of appointment and removal are controlled by a rotten-borough Senate.
In this case stimulants and strychnine may be given, but they should be avoided until it is certain the bleeding has been properly controlled, as they tend to increase it.
The situation was saved by a newspaper whicl from the outset of its career obeyed the best canons of journalism - Born in 1882, the fiji Shimpo (Times) enjoyed the immense advan tage of having its policy controlled by one of the greatest thinker of modern Japan, Fukuzawa Yukichi.
The vehemence of his temper was controlled by an affectionate disposition.
Rome is served by the New York Central & Hudson River, the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg (controlled by the New York Central), the New York, Ontario & Western, and the Utica & Mohawk Valley (electric) railways.
Marcy, who for many years virtually controlled their party within the state.
The emperor agrees that the custom might lead to "political factions," and should therefore be strictly controlled (117).
Lugudunum controlled the trade of its two rivers, and that which passed from northern Gaul to the Mediterranean or vice versa; it had a mint; it was the capital of all northern Gaul, despite its position in the south, and its wealth was such that, when Rome was burnt in Nero's reign, its inhabitants subscribed largely to the relief of the Eternal City.
Greece she controlled the Italian and Adriatic trade-routes and secured a large share of the commerce with the western Greeks.
This citadel, one of the "fetters of Greece," was eagerly contended for by the Macedonian pretenders after Alexander's death; ultimately it fell to Antigonus Gonatas, who controlled it through a tyrant.
Taxation was in many directions reduced, and the financial exactions of the imperial officers controlled by the erection of a special court.
Under the act of 1905, the want of which was long felt, the port and the city water-ways are controlled by the harbour master.
They sent their own ambassadors to foreign powers, transacted business with the cities of the Florentine domain, and controlled the military establishment of the commonwealth.
From then until 1850 it was controlled by the Federalist or Whig parties.
Owing to a clause in the constitution forbidding the issue of bank charters, the financial business of the state was controlled by national and private banks until 1904, when the constitution was amended and provision was made for the incorporation of state banks under a system of state supervision, regulation and control, deposits being guaranteed as in the Oklahoma banking system.
The Salt Lake field, controlled by the Salt Lake Oil Company, near Rancho de Brea, W.S.W.
As supreme governor of the Church of England the sovereign strictly controlled all ecclesiastical legislation and appointed royal delegates to hear appeals from the ecclesiastical courts, to be a " papist " or to " hear Mass " (which was construed as the same thing) was to risk incurring the terrible penalties of high treason.
Bonaparte, in the Concordat which he forced upon the pope in 1801, did not provide for the return of any of the lands of the Church which had been sold, but agreed that the government should pay the salaries of bishops and priests, whose appointment it controlled.
The terrible events in Minster, which was controlled for a short time (1533-34) by a group of Anabaptists under the leadership of John of Leiden, the introduction of polygamy (which appears to have been a peculiar accident rather than a general principle), the speedy capture of the town by an alliance of Catholic and Protestant princes, and the ruthless retribution inflicted by the victors, have been cherished by ecclesiastical writers as a choice and convincing instance of the natural fruits of a rejection of infant baptism.
For many years Massachusetts controlled a vast lumber trade, drawing upon the forests of Maine, but the growth of the west changed the old channels of trade, and Boston carpenters came to make use of western timber.
Trade with China and India from Salem was begun in 1785 (first voyage from New York, 1784), and was first controlled there, and afterwards in Boston till the trade was lost to New York.
In 1890 Congress, now controlled by the Republican party, passed the McKinley Bill, by which the revenues of the government were reduced by more than $60,000,000 annually, chiefly through a repeal of the sugar duties.
Until the king came of age in 1171 the government was controlled first by the chancellor Stephen of Perche, cousin of Marguerite (1166-1168), and then by Walter Ophamil, archbishop of Palermo, and Matthew d'Ajello, the vice-chancellor.
All primary and some secondary public schools are controlled by provincial education boards elected by school committees of the parents of pupils.
Up to January 1891 the Conservative forces which overthrew Sir George Grey in 1879 controlled the country in effect though not always in name, and for ten years progressive legislation was confined to a mild experiment in offering crown lands on perpetual lease, with a right of purchase (1882), a still milder instalment of local option (1881) and an inoffensive Factories Act (1886).
There is everywhere a readiness to handle traditional, largely historical, materials with a sovereign freedom, controlled and limited by doctrinal convictions and devotional experiences alone.
Whitman College (Congregational, 1866) at Walla Walla, Gonzaga College (Roman Catholic, 1887) at Spokane, Whitworth College (Presbyterian, 1890) at Tacoma and the University of Puget Sound (Methodist Episcopal, 1903) at Tacoma are institutions of higher learning maintained and controlled by their respective denominations.
Suppose that a mass M is controlled by some sort of spring, so that moving freely it executes harmonic vibrations given by -µx, where µx is the restoring force to the centre of vibration.
A Forest Department, in which experienced officers recruited from the Indian Forest Service are employed, has for many years controlled the forests of Siam.
The revenue administration is controlled by the ministers of the interior, of metropolitan government and of finance, by means of well-organized departments and with expert European assistance.
The Girondists, who had a majority in the Convention, controlled the executive council and filled the ministry, believed themselves invincible.
Pache, with Chaumette, procureur of the Commune, and Hebert, deputy procureur, controlled the armed organization of the Paris Sections, and prepared to turn this against the Convention.
This conception, which came over from Judaism, controlled all the life of the early Christians both individual and social.
It was believed among the Jews that the Messianic age would be the age of the Spirit in a marked degree, and this belief passed over into the Christian Church and controlled its thought and life for some generations.
The energy of a succession of distinguished abbots and the disciples whom they inspired succeeded in bringing about the victory of the reforming ideas in the French monasteries; once more the rule of St Benedict controlled the life of the monks.
When we turn to the szlachta who absolutely controlled the diet, we find not the slightest trace, I will not say of political foresight - that they never possessed - but of common patriotism, or ordinary public spirit.
The king of Saxony, as grand-duke, took the initiative in all legislative matters; but the administration was practically controlled by the French.
It is controlled by the Zoological Society of New York, with representatives of the municipality of the City of New York, and is financed largely out of municipal funds, and is open free to the public five days a week.
They are controlled by the Zoological Society of Philadelphia, founded in 1859, and are supported partly by subscriptions of members, partly by gate-money and partly by an allowance from the city of Philadelphia.
At Lyons and at Marseilles in France there are beautifully situated Gardens with small collections, in each case owned and controlled by the municipalities.
His government was a military despotism resting upon a well-appointed army; it was administered through officials absolutely subservient to an inflexible will and controlled by a widespread system of espionage; while the exercise of his personal authority was too often stained by acts of unnecessary cruelty.
Hartford is served by two divisions of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railway, by the Central New England railway, by the several electric lines of the Connecticut Company which radiate to the surrounding towns, and by the steamboats of the Hartford & New York Transportation Co., all of which are controlled by the N.Y., N.H.
The more important railway lines are the Baltimore & Ohio, the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington (controlled by the Pennsylvania and a consolidation of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore, and the Baltimore & Potomac), the Western Maryland, the West Virginia Central & Pittsburg (leased by the Western Maryland), the Northern Central, the Maryland electric railways (including what was formerly the Baltimore & Annapolis Short Line), and the Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis electric railway.
Virginia, and with it the Federal navy yard at Norfolk and the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, was controlled by the rebels.
All these divisions except Guanacaste - which takes its name from a variety of mimosa very common in the province - are synonymous with their chief towns; and each is controlled by a governor or prefect appointed by the president.
The state banking laws are stringent and most of the business is still controlled by banks operating under state charters.
She was so entirely confined in her authority to the sea and the creatures in it, that she was never associated with her husband either for purposes of worship or in works of art, except when he was to be distinctly regarded as the god who controlled the sea.
Melbourne has a complete tramway system; all the chief suburbs are connected with the city by cable trams. The tramways are controlled by a trust, representing twelve of the metropolitan municipalities.
Prevost, making Savannah his headquarters, controlled Georgia.
The direct route to Dublin from London and other parts of England is by the Holyhead route, controlled by the London & North Western railway with steamers to the port of Dublin itself, while the company also works in conjunction with the mail steamers of the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company to the outlying port of Kingstown, 7 m.
Motor Automatism, on the other hand, is a non-reflex movement of a voluntary muscle, executed in the waking state but not controlled by the ordinary waking consciousness.
In the Hellenistic period it gained inportance as a fortress by which the Macedonian rulers controlled central Greece.
In Pliny's time there existed in many towns public schools controlled by the municipal authorities, concerning which Pliny remarks that they were a source of considerable disturbance in the town at the times when it was necessary to appoint teachers.
The watersupply was also provided out of the municipal budget, and controlled by magistrates appointed for the purpose.
The chief features of the climate of the United States may be best apprehended by relating them to the causes by which they are controlled.
If the Senate is controlled by the same party as the House, it is likely to secure the acceptance of many of its amendments.
Important legislation is almost impossible when one of the houses is controlled by one party and the other house by the other.
The president is given a free hand in choosing his cabinet ministers; but for most other appointments, whether or not they are by law in his sole gift, the senators belonging to the presidents party have practically controlled the selections for offices lying within their respective states, and a nomination made by the president against the will of the senator concerned will generally be disapproved by the Senate.
For the next eighteen years he so absolutely controlled both the foreign and the domestic affairs of Sweden that the period between 1720 and 1738 has well been called the Horn period.
A fine water-supply controlled by the city is obtained from Skaneateles Lake, 18 m.
Elgin combines with Banff, Cullen, Inverurie, Kintore and Peterhead to return one member to parliament, and the town is controlled by a council with provost and bailies.
All crown lands controlled by the provinces must be paid for, save in certain districts of Ontario, where free grants are given, but the price charged is low.
Until 1663 this company controlled New France.
In Quebec the Roman Catholic schools, which constitute the majority, are chiefly controlled by the local clergy of that church.
Augusta is served by the Southern, the Augusta Southern (controlled by the Southern), the Atlantic Coast Line, the Charleston & Western Carolina (controlled by the Atlantic Coast Line), the Georgia and the Central of Georgia railways, by an electric line to Aiken, South Carolina, and by a line of steamers to Savannah.
Both the Austrian ambassadors and the papal legates testify to the care with which he controlled "this nation so difficult to lead."
It was stipulated that the dismantling should be controlled by a technical commission of three officers of foreign nationality, to be chosen, one by each of the contracting powers and the third by the two officers thus appointed, or, in default of an agreement on their part, by the president of the Swiss Confederation.
From that time until the creation of the North-West Frontier Province the settled districts formed part of the Punjab, while the independent tribes were controlled at different times by the Punjab government, and the government of India.
The fishings are controlled by the Loch Leven Angling Association, which organizes competitions attracting anglers from far and near.
But even Isaiah tended to think of the spiritual life and worship of the nation as a department of political organization only, controlled by the king and his princes.
Beaufort controlled the council, and it was under his guidance that the king began to take part in the government.
The harbour, with quayage at the suburb of Hythe, is controlled by the corporation.
Kankakee is served by the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis, the Illinois Central, and the Chicago, Indiana & Southern (controlled by the New York Central) railways.
Not only in the daily routine of the society, but generally, the activity of the members was controlled by their presidents.
To its unification Austria was the chief obstacle; she owned Lombardo-Venetia; she controlled the three duchies, whose rulers were Austrian princes; and she upheld the autocracy of the king of Naples and that of the pope against all revolutionary movements.
Strangely enough, this liberty meant increase of power for the Clericals; for besides putting an end to stringent state interference in the education of future priests, it made possible a free and far-reaching Catholic school system whose crown was the episcopally controlled university of Louvain (1834).
The tendency to direct trading is naturally controlled by the exigencies of capital.
The sinking fund was formerly divided among certain favoured banks in such manner as would best advance the political interests of the organization which controlled the state; but just after the reform victory in the election of 1905 the sinking fund commission instituted the policy of buying bonds at the market price, and the debt is now being reduced by that method.
Both are directed and controlled by the high Chinese officials residing at Lhasa, Sining Fu; and the capital of the Chinese province of Szechuen.
His career as a lawyer in Alabama was exceptionally brilliant; but his political career was abruptly wrecked by his opposition in 1819 to Andrew Jackson, whose friends controlled the state.
For some time after the marriage, the young couple were controlled by the empress Elizabeth, who appointed court officials to keep a watch on their conduct; but before long these custodians themselves had become the agents of Catherine's pleasures and ambition.
Like many other geographical designations the use of which is controlled neither by natural nor political boundaries, the name has been very differently employed by different writers and at different periods.
To facilitate this mechanical lifting, gear is provided which is readily controlled, and can raise or lower the periscope at a speed approaching 25 ft.
The algal cells are usually controlled in their growth by the hyphae and are prevented from forming zoospores, and in some cases, as already described, the algal cells are killed sooner or later by the fungus.
This is the system of the Presbyterian Churches, the missions of which are entirely controlled by the General Assemblies in Edinburgh, Belfast and London respectively.
The tail is capable of free vertical motion, and controlled by strong muscles, so that, at least in the true toucans, when the bird is preparing to sleep it is reverted and lies almost flat on the back, on which also the huge bill reposes, pointing in the opposite direction.
After annexing Boeotia (by 245) the Aetolians controlled all central Greece.
The general assembly, convoked every autumn at Thermon to elect officials, and at other places in special emergencies, shaped the league's general policy; it was nominally open to all freemen, though no doubt the Aetolian chieftains really controlled it.
Another result of Lessing's labours in Hamburg was the Antiquarische Briefe (1768), a series of masterly letters in answer to Christian Adolf Klotz (1738-1771), a professor of the university of Halle, who, after flattering Lessing, had attacked him, and sought to establish a kind of intellectual despotism by means of critical journals which he directly or indirectly controlled.
Some boezems, again, which are less easily controlled, have a " danger water-level " at which they refuse to receive any more water from the surrounding polders.
For the successful completion of this great road his strong will and mental grasp were largely responsible, and he it was who not only controlled but steadily extended its operations during the lean years which followed.
Of these several qualities which cast iron may have, fluidity is given by keeping the sulphur-content low and phosphoruscontent high; and this latter element must be kept low if shock is to be resisted; but strength, hardness, endurance of shock, density and expansion in solidifying are controlled essentially by the distribution of the carbon between the states of graphite and cementite, and this in turn is controlled chiefly by the proportion of silicon, manganese and sulphur present, and in many cases by the rate of cooling.
After the fall of John Kelly he became the leader of Tammany Hall (q.v.), and for some time almost completely controlled the organization.
Each pair of wheels is built in three storeys, and the outflow of the water is controlled by a cylindrical gate or sluice, which is moved up and down by the action of the governor.
Though they succeeded in establishing a kind of imperium in imperio, and were allowed to drill the natives to the use of arms, the Jesuits never controlled the government of Paraguay; indeed they had nearly as often to defend themselves from the hostility of the governor and bishop at Asuncion as from the invasions of the Paulistas or Portuguese settlers of Sao Paulo.
The different varieties of rays used are controlled by the intervention of screens or filtering substances, such as silver, lead or aluminium.
The municipal government of the city, and also of South Brisbane, is in the hands of a mayor and ten aldermen; the suburbs are controlled by shire councils and divisional boards.
There seems to be no relationship between the commercial value and the analysis, the arbitrary personal methods of the expert tea-taster being controlled by factors that chemistry does not appear to deal with.
From profiting by robberies in which he had no share, Wild naturally came to arrange robberies himself, and he devised and controlled a huge organization, which plundered London and its approaches wholesale.
He was elected to the state House of Representatives, from which he immediately resigned to become a candidate for United States senator from Illinois, to succeed James Shields, a Democrat; but five opposition members, of Democratic antecedents, refused to vote for Lincoln (on the second ballot he received 47 votes-50 being necessary to elect) and he turned the votes which he controlled over to Lyman Trumbull, who was opposed to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and thus secured the defeat of Joel Aldrich Matteson (1808-1883), who favoured this act and who on the eighth ballot had received 47 votes to 35 for Trumbull and 15 for Lincoln.
The smallest mileage controlled by a direction is Berlin, with 380 m., and the greatest, Konigsberg, with 1200 m.
The Bavarian system embraces 4642 m., and is controlled and managed, apart from the general direction in Munich, by ten traffic boards, in Augsburg, Bamberg, Ingolstadt, Kempten, Munich, Nuremberg, Regensburg, Rosenheim, Weiden and Wurzburg.
The system of the kingdom of Saxony has a length of i6i6 m., and is controlled by the general direction in Dresden.
Except Kiao-chow, which is controlled by the admiralty, the dependencies of the empire are under the direction of the colonial office.
When the news reached Germany that he had been drowned, an event which took place in Cilicia in June 1190, men felt that evil days were coming upon the country, for the elements of discord would no longer be controlled by the strong hand of the great emperor.
No longer had the princes as in former years any reason to dread the designs of an ambitious king; the destinies of the kingdom were in their own hands and they would not permit them to be controlled by an alien power.
The diet, then, properly controlled, was capable of being converted into an effective instrument for furthering the policy of stability which Metternich sought to impose upon Europe.
The first step was the inclusion of Hamburg and Bremen in the Zollverein; this was necessary if German maritime enterprise was to become a national and not merely a local concern, for the two Hansa cities practically controlled the whole foreign trade and owned three-quarters of the shipping; but so long as they were excluded for the Customs Union their interests were more -cosmopolitan than national.
They continued to look on the whole machinery of government, emperor and army, church and police, as their natural enemies, and remained completely under the bondage of the abstract theories of the Socialists, just as much as fifty years ago the German bourgeois were controlled by the Liberal theories.
From 1358 to 1526 the republic was a vassal state of Hungary, and no longer controlled by its greatest commercial rival.
The Perfect formed the ordained priesthood, were women no less than men, and controlled the church; they received from the Believers unquestioning obedience, and as vessels of election in whom the Holy Spirit already dwelt, they were adored by the faithful, who were taught to prostrate themselves before them whenever they asked for their prayers.
Lysias was a man of kindly and genial nature, warm in friendship, loyal to country, with a keen perception of character and a fine though strictly controlled sense of humour.
The minister of war controlled the common army, but even the laws determining the method by which the army was to be recruited had to be voted separately in each of the parliaments.
In Adamawa and German Bornu are various Mahommedan sultanates controlled by residents stationed at Garua and Kusseri.
Alexandria, Antioch and Pergamum, were normally controlled altogether by royal nominees.
A police force is similarly organized and controlled by a second enactment.
Both systems are more or less fully controlled by the ministry of public instruction.
There is perhaps no age where nature is so little controlled by convention in either the living character or its sculptured expression.
The power of the Caisse de la Dette, which had virtually controlled the execution of the international agreements concerning the finances, was swept away, together with almost all the other financial fetters binding Egypt.
The same policy was victoriously pursued by his nephew and pupil Andreas Bernstorff, an even greater man than the elder Bernstorff, who controlled the foreign policy of Denmark from 1773 to 1778, and again from 1784 till his death in 1797.
Except !in India, where it is controlled by the government, In 1878 seventeen lecture-rooms of the Azhar had 3707 students, of whom only 64 came from Constantinople and the northern parts of the Ottoman Empire, 8 from North Arabia, I from the government of Bagdad, 12 from Kurdistan, and 7 from India with its thirty million Sunnites.
In comparison with the higher plants, algae exhibit so much simplicity of structure, while the conditions under which they grow are so much more readily controlled, that they have frequently been the subject of physiological investigation with a view chiefly to the application of the results to the study of the higher plants.
The whole of the fisheries are controlled by the Fishery Board for Scotland, which was established in 1882 in succession to the former Board of White Herring Fishery.
In the territory controlled by the Emir of Nejd the official religion is Wahabi, but a few Shiahs are still to be found in the districts of El Hasa and Hofuf.
O'Connell, having long before attained an undisputed and easy ascendancy, stood at the head of this great national movement; but it will be observed that, having been controlled from first to last by himself and the priesthood, it had little in common with the mob rule and violence which he had never ceased to regard with aversion.
Enormous meetings, convened by the priesthood, and directed or controlled by O'Connell, assembled in 1842-1843, and probably nine-tenths of the Irish Catholics were unanimous in the cry for repeal.
He maintained an army of 600,000 infantry, 30,000 horsemen, 36,000 men with the elephants, and 24,000 men with the chariots, which was controlled by an elaborate waroffice system.
The telescope is moved in right ascension and declination by electric motors controlled from positions convenient for the observer.
Walled in by towering rocks and watered by a perennial stream, Petra not only possessed the advantages of a fortress but controlled the main commercial routes which passed through it to Gaza in the west, to Bostra and Damascus in the north, to Elath and Leuce Come on the Red Sea, and across the desert to the Persian Gulf.
If this be "imprisonment," so called to distinguish it from "penal servitude," although both mean deprivation of liberty and are closely akin, it is undergone in one of the "local" prisons - the prisons till 1878 under local jurisdiction, but now entirely controlled by the state through the home secretary and the commissioners of prisons.
Van Buren was the most adroit politician of his time; and Jackson was in the hands of very astute men, who advised and controlled him.
In irrational creatures the particular will or greed of the individual is controlled by external forces, and thus used as an instrument of the universal.
Cheribon has been for many centuries the centre of Islamism in western Java, and is also the seat of a fanatical Mahommedan sect controlled from Mecca.
The Federal and Confederate forces controlled at this time different parts of the state; there was some ebb and flow of military fortune in 1864, and for a short time two rival governments.
In 1900 it was estimated that lumbermen controlled somewhat less than a fifth of the timber of the state, and the same part of the redwood.
The state controlled the actual preparation and sale of text-books for the common schools from 1885 to 1903, when the Perry amendment to the constitution (ratified by popular vote in 1884) was declared to mean that such text-books must be manufactured within the state, but that the texts need not be prepared in California.
They viewed with displeasure and foreboding the fall of Iturbide's empire and the creation of the republic. They were not treasonable, but talked much, refusing allegiance to the new government; and as they controlled the resources of the colony and the good will of the Indians, they felt their strength against the local authority; besides, they were its constant benefactors.
They controlled commerce, and were more energetic, generally, than were the natives; many were naturalized, held generous grants of land, and had married into Californian families, not excluding the most select and influential.
As early as the 13th century the lower orders among the inhabitants formed an organization under officers of their own, side by side with that of the commune, which was controlled by the great and the rich; e.g.
These were the avvogadori di commune, and, since Tiepolo's conspiracy in 1310, the Consiglio dei Dieci, the Council of Ten, which controlled the whole of the state, and out of which there developed in the 16th century the state inquisition.
This provides for a storage reservoir, controlled by Shoshone dam on Shoshone river, about 8 m.
In the earliest period the services were characterized by extreme freedom, and by manifestations of ecstasy which were believed to indicate the presence of the spirit of God; but as the years went by the original enthusiasm faded away, the cult became more and more controlled, until ultimately it was completely subject to the priesthood, and through the priesthood to the Church.
There were federal officers, all the military forces of the cities were controlled by the league, and federal finance was quite separate from city finance.
Although not officially connected with the college, the South Atlantic Quarterly, founded by a patriotic society of the college and published at Durham since 1902, is controlled and edited by members of the college faculty.
Virginia held the position of leadership in Congress, controlled the cabinet and supplied many justices of the Supreme Court.
Each was an independent establishment controlled entirely by its own abbot and apparently divided into two sections, one priestly and the other lay and even marriedAt St Andrews about the year lioo there were thirteen Culdeesholding office by hereditary tenure and paying more regard tQ their own prosperity and aggrandizement than to the services of the church or the needs of the populace.
The object of the foregoing paragraphs has been to show in what way the positive, inquisitive, secular, exploratory spirit of the Renaissance, when toned and controlled by humanism, penetrated the regions of literature, art, philosophy and science.
Elsewhere the surface movements at least are controlled by the prevailing winds, which give rise in places to complex "transverse" currents, and near the coast are modified by the channels enclosed by the coral reefs.
The senate also controlled the administration of the law.
The operation called an electric current consists in a diffusion or movement of these electrons through matter, and this is controlled by laws of diffusion which are similar to those of the diffusion of liquids or gases.
Here, with Manning as president and Hezekiah Smith (1737-1805), his class-mate at Princeton, as financial agent and influential supporter, the institution (since 1804 known as Brown University) was for many years the only degree-conferring institution controlled by Baptists.
The forces of the British Crown may be classed as (a) the regular, or general service, army, together with the Indian army; and (b) the home territorial force; while there are also certain forces controlled by the governments of the various selfgoverning dominions.
In Bacon's New Atlantis (1624-29) science is the key to universal happiness; Tommaso Campanella's Civitas Solis (1623) portrays a communistic society, and is largely inspired by the Republic of Plato; James Harrington's Oceana (1656), which had a profound influence upon political thought in America, is a practical treatise rather than a romance, and is founded on the ideas that property, especially in land, is the basis of political power, and that the executive should only be controlled for a short period by the same man or men.
Private railways are controlled by the regulations of the board, while a joint traffic union has as its object the provision of uniformity of administration, tariff, &c. The government has made grants towards the construction of some of the private lines, and has in a few cases taken over such lines.
By revisers elected annually the Riksdag controls the finances of the kingdom, and by an official (justitieombudsman) elected in the same way the administration of justice is controlled; he can indict any functionary of the state who has abused his power.
It prepared all bills for the Riksdag, created and deposed all ministries, controlled the foreign policy of the nation, and claimed and often exercised the right of superseding the ordinary courts of justice.
Always feeble in character, he was at that time old, and, from the first, was wholly at the mercy of the mutinous soldiery in Delhi, who were controlled by a council called the Barah Topi, or Twelve Heads.
All private meetings and public gatherings, with the expressions of opinion and the class of subjects discussed, were to be controlled by the police.
Until 1843 the Cape synod was controlled by government commissioners; it was then given power to regulate its own internal affairs.
They might at the outset either have let the trek Boers go, and given them their blessing and liberty, or they might have controlled the trek and ' Part of the territory thus reannexed was added to Cape Colony while the region between the Keiskamma and Kei was created a separate territory under the name of British Kaffraria.
In its external, as in most of its internal policy, the Transvaal was controlled from 1881 onward by Paul Kruger, who The AM- was elected president of the state in 1883.
The general distribution of animal life is determined by much the same conditions that have controlled the vegetation.
In Malacca they possessed the connecting link between the traderoutes of the Far and Middle East, and thus they controlled the three sea-gates of the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea - the Straits of Hormuz, Bab el-Mandeb and Malacca - and diverted the maritime trade with Europe to the Cape route.
Once more, as in 1580, Portugal was governed by ecclesiastics in the name of an absolute monarch; once more, as in 1580, the chief strength of the ecclesiastical party was the Society of Jesus, which still controlled the conscience and mind of the nation and of its nominal rulers, through the confessional and the schools.
The Liberal leaders, John Leverett (1662-1724), William Brattle (1662-1713) - who graduated with Leverett in 1680, and with him as tutor controlled the college during Increase Mather's absence in England - William Brattle's eldest brother, Thomas Brattle (1658-1713), and Ebenezer Pemberton (1671-1717), pastor of the Old South Church, desired an "enrichment of the service," and greater liberality in the matter of baptism.
Several are controlled by the national government and fortified.
In 1903 almost ten-elevenths of the street railways were controlled by one Eastern corporation, which was involved in the charges of municipal corruption that were the most prominent feature of the recent political history of the city.
When the Civil War came in 1861 the attitude of San Francisco was at first uncertain, for the pro-slavery Democrats had controlled the state and city, although parties were remaking in the late 'fifties.
The princess landed at Deal on the 27th of December; Henry met her at Rochester on the 1st of January 1540, and was so much abashed at her appearance as to forget to present the gift he had brought for her, but nevertheless controlled himself sufficiently to treat her with courtesy.
Here manifestly the dose may be easily controlled, and may be gradually increased in successive inoculations.
A large number of favourable results obtained by such treatment controlled by the observation of the opsonic index have already been published, but it would be unwise at present to offer a decided opinion as to the ultimate value of the method.
Dumbarton is controlled by a provost and a council.
The force is well controlled, and the work of cleaning and removing snow after a heavy fall is thoroughly and efficiently carried out.
The plural (Fata, the Fates) was used for the "destinies" of individuals or cities, and then for the three goddesses who controlled them.
Before 1897 the administration of the state was controlled by the Republican party; but in 1896 Democrats, Populists and those Republicans who believed in free coinage of silver united, and until 1902 elected a majority of all candidates for state offices.
But Ajmere having been ceded to the East India Company in 1818, the Mhair country was soon afterwards brought under British influence, and the predatory instincts of the people were at the same time controlled and utilized by forming them into a Merwara battalion.
Among the latter class are the Atlantic City railway (controlled by the Philadelphia & Reading) from Philadelphia to various coast resorts in southern New Jersey; and the West Jersey & Seashore (controlled by the Pennsylvania), from Philadelphia to Atlantic City and Cape May.
It is used chiefly for the transportation of Pennsylvania coal to New York, and is controlled by the Pennsylvania railway.
The Delaware & Raritan Canal Company and the Camden & Amboy Railroad Company, both chartered in 1830 and both monopolies,' had been practically consolidated in 1831; in 1836 these joint companies gained control of the Philadelphia & Trenton railway; in 1867 these " United New Jersey Railroad & Canal Companies " consolidated with the New Jersey Railroad & Transportation Company (which was opened in 1836 and controlled the important railway link between New Brunswick and Jersey City), and profits were to be divided equally between the four companies; and in 1871 these entire properties were leased for 999 years to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Before 1800 the state was dominated by the Federalist party; from that date until 1896 it was generally controlled by the Democrats, and from 1896 to 1911 by the Republicans.
In 1751 he succeeded Gustaf Tessin as prime minister, and controlled the foreign policy of Sweden for the next nine years.
The majority of the private schools are controlled by one or other of the religious bodies.
Spartanburg is served by the Southern, the Charleston & Western Carolina (controlled by the Atlantic Coast line), the Glenn Springs, the Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio, and inter-urban (electric) railways.
So far-reaching were the interests controlled by him in this capacity of humanist that his achievement as an Italian lyrist seems by comparison insignificant.
Its horizontal movements, which ought to be the more important, are accidental movements due to air currents, and cannot be controlled; the balloon, in short, cannot be guided.
The balloon is controlled by the wind; the flying creature controls the wind.
In her calculations she never forgets that her flying subjects are to control and not to be controlled by the air.
If the wings were not driven at a high speed, and if they were not eccentrics made to revolve upon two separate axes, they would of necessity be large cumbrous structures; but large heavy wings would be difficult to work, and what is worse, they would (if too large), instead of controlling the air, be controlled by it, and so cease to be flying organs.
He controlled the movements of the wings, and made them strike downwards and forwards in imitation of natural wings.
In the Black Country and neighbourhood the numerous ramifications of the Birmingham Canal navigations bear a large mineral traffic. This system is connected with the rivers Severn and Trent and the canal system of the country at large, and is controlled by the London & NorthWestern company.
The treasury department has chartered the coasts, sought to enforce the prohibition law, controlled and protected the fur seals and fisheries, and incidentally collected the customs. Since the creation of the department of commerce and labour (1903), it has taken over from other departments some of these scattered functions.
The Fondation controlled the most valuable rubber region in the Congo, and in that region the natives appeared to be treated with the utmost severity.
He worked with Jay Gould for the completion of the Wabash line, and at the time of his greatest stock activity bought The New York Evening Express and The Mail and combined them as The Mail and Express, which he controlled for six years.
The researches of Helbig (Die Italiker in der Po-Ebene, Leipzig, 1879) show that the lower valley of the Po was at an early period occupied by people of the Palaeolithic and Neolithic stages of civilization, who built houses on piles along the swampy borders of the streams. It is possible that even they may have begun by crude dikes the great system by which the waters are now controlled; at least it is certain that these works date their origin from pre-Roman antiquity.
The season of navigation, controlled by the opening and closing of the Sault Ste Marie canals, averages about eight months - from the middle of April to the middle of December.
Canning had the glaring examples of Burke and Sheridan himself to show him that the great "revolution families" - Cavendishes, Russells, Bentincks - who controlled the Whig party, would never allow any man, however able, who did not belong to their connexion, to rise to the first rank.
Apart from the aesthetic considerations to which has been due the construction of spires, towers, domes, high roofs, &c., the form and height of buildings have always been largely controlled by a practical consideration of their value for personal use or rental.
It is probable that the ephebia was in existence in the 5th century B.C., and controlled by the Areopagus and strategus as its moral and military supervisors.
When some time has elapsed before treatment and the phosphorus has become absorbed, the organic degenerative changes cannot be easily controlled.
The Pruth and Sereth are navigable for a short distance by small sailing craft; the conservancy of the Danube (q.v.) is controlled by a European commission, which sits at Galatz.
For purposes of local government, Rumania is divided into 32 departments, each controlled by a prefect, and subdivided into sub-prefectures and communes.
The elections, though often controlled by the Turkish Divan, were still constitutionally in the hands of the boiars, who were split up into various factions, each with its own pretender to the throne.
The city is served by the Port Townsend Southern railway (controlled by the Northern Pacific, but operated independently) and by steamship lines to Victoria (British Columbia), San Francisco, Alaska and Oriental ports.
Numerous other pamphlets appeared, inspired or controlled by Sarpi, who had received the further appointment of censor over all that should be written at Venice in defence of the republic.
As a member of the second Delian League it was again controlled by a garrison and an archon.
There is a state system of primary education controlled by a superintendent-general of education and the education department which administers the parliamentary grants.
In well-equipped waterworks each house service pipe is controlled by a stop-cock accessible from the footpath to the officials of the water authority, and the process of waste detection by this method depends upon the manipulation of such stop-cocks in conjunction with the differentiating meter.
The former, in which philosophy is the dominating force, is characterized by war, egotism and anarchy; the latter, which is controlled by religion, is marked by the spirit of obedience, devotion, association.
In an impervious clay the flow of the water is much impeded and the water-table can be controlled only by frequent lines of pipes.
An alternative arrangement consists in providing two loose pulleys on the counter-shaft, driven by open and crossed belts respectively, and arranging two clutches on the shaft, so that by the movement of a sliding block, controlled by hand, one or other of the clutches can be put in gear.
The vast mass of material made known by these and many other distinguished writers has to be included in our classification, and that classification itself must be controlled by the story it reveals.
They provided that he was to do nothing without the consent of a permanent council of fifteen barons and bishops, and that all his finances were to be controlled by another committee of twenty-four persons.
This so disheartened the king and the council that controlled him that they concluded a two years truce with Robert of Scotland, thus for the first time acknowledging him as a regular enemy and no mere rebel (1319).
Behind these legal contrivances stood the fact that the army was organized in the same way as the nation was organized, being officered by gentlemen who had no desire to overthrow a constitution through which the class from which they sprung controlled the government.
Shipping is controlled by a harbour board (1880).
Until 1830 the fur-trade, controlled largely by John Jacob Astor's American Fur Company, continued to be the predominating interest in the Wisconsin region, but then the growing lead mining industry began to overshadow the fur-trade, and in the mining region towns and smelting furnaces were rapidly built.
Yet for seventeen years, with very brief intervals, he controlled the destinies of Sweden, and his influence in France was for some time pretty considerable.
The power of Byzantium controlled once more the Illyrian peninsula.
The common law courts controlled the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts, claiming to have "the exposition of such statutes or acts of parliament as concern either the extent of the jurisdiction of these courts or the matters depending before them.
Previous to the 16th century they were controlled by the Italian republics.
For a short period (about 1806) the British government controlled the fisheries, and now they are again in the hands of the French authorities.
The Protestant Church is controlled (under the minister of religion and education) by a consistory and a synod - the former consisting of a president, 9 councillors and 6 general superintendents or " prelates " from six principal towns, and the latter of a representative council, including both lay and clerical members.
They opened letters, arrested suspects, controlled the trade in corn, and sent their National Guards on such errands as they thought proper.
Whether even he could have controlled the Revolution is highly doubtful; but his letters and minutes drawn up for the king form the most striking monument of his genius (see Mirabeau and Montmorin De Saint-Herem).
The Jacobins controlled the parent club with its affiliated societies and the whole machinery of terror.
But it was inevitable that the enormous advances made by the physical and other sciences in modern times should bring with them a reasoned attempt to bring the phenomena of consciousness within the sphere controlled by physical laws and natural necessity.
And though reflection upon conduct may lead us to suppose that our past acts were determined, that desire of pleasure or the wish to avoid pain controlled our wills, the unphilosophical observer interprets, in offenders against morality, such arguments as a mere excuse.
These committees are controlled by the committees of the syslur (county boards), and these again are under the control of the amtsra5 (quarter board), consisting of three members.
Apart from country lanes and footpaths, there are three classes of highways, controlled, respectively, by the nation, department and commune.
Jeremiah Horrocks had some intuition, previously to 1639, that the motion of the moon was controlled by the earth's gravity, and disturbed by the action of the sun.
Among the institutions of learning, neither maintained nor controlled by the state, are Epworth University (Methodist Episcopal, 1901) at Oklahoma City, and Kingfisher College at Kingfisher.
The Public Library, the Art Museum, and the Museum of Natural History are controlled by the City Library Association, organized in 1857.
Naturally, too, it controlled the expenditure.
A regular service of passenger steamers controlled by the company runs to Holyhead, Wales, 80 m.
The House of Lords, composed largely of borough mongers and controlled by political bishops, was.
The city and territories of Fiume, the sole important harbour on this coast, are included in Hungary proper, and controlled by the Budapest government.
But the so-called "Constitution of February" (21st February 1861) placed all practical power in the hands of an executive controlled by the government at Vienna.
Moreover, since the palace controlled the whole of each kingdom, the mayors gradually extended their official authority so as to include functionaries and agents of every kind, instead of merely those attached immediately to the kings person.
In the meantime Philip II., being rid of Don John of Austria, whose ambition he dreaded, was to crush the Protestants of England and the Netherlands; and the double result of the compact at Joinville was to allow French politics to be controlled by Spain, and to transform the wars of religion into a purely political quarrel.
By his alliance with the Grisons (1603) he guaranteed the integrity of the Valtellina, the natural approach to Lombardy for the imperial forces; and by his intimate union with Geneva he controlled the routes by which the Spaniards could reach their hereditary possessions in Franche-Comt and the Low Countries from Italy.
Thus the progress of the Revolution, so far, had left the mass of the people still excluded from any constitutional influence on the government, which was in the hands of the well-to-do classes, which also controlled the National Guard and the municipalities.
The city is served by the Alabama Great Southern (Queen and Crescent), the Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific (partly controlled by the Southern), the Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis (controlled by the Louisville & Nashville), and its leased line, the Western & Atlantic (connecting with Atlanta, Ga.), the Central of Georgia, and the Chattanooga Southern railways, and by freight and passenger steamboat lines on the Tennessee river, which is navigable to and beyond this point during eight months of the year.
The state also maintains a variety of technical schools, for agriculture, engineering, architecture, painting, music, &c. The whole system of public instruction is controlled by the minister of education and an advisory council.
No general law controlled these local usages and fueros.
The schools are controlled by a board of education, the members of which are nominated by the government, and small fees are charged in all schools.
The foreign policy he controlled absolutely.
The Fusionists practically controlled the state government from 1897-1899; they held the legislature from1891-1895and from 1897-1899, the supreme court from 18 991901, and the governorship and executive departments from 1895-1901; they elected a Democratic governor also for 1891-1893; but he was not of the true Fusion type, and vetoed a maximum railway freight-rate bill, although his Republican successor approved one.
Apart from these temporary Fusion successes the Republicans have always controlled the state.
The courts of justice became corrupt, administrative power was abused and degenerated into a despotism controlled only by personal considerations, oppressive taxes destroyed industry and gradually desolated the country.
The adjustment is easily controlled.
After Washington's death the Federalist leadership was divided (and disputed) between John Adams, who had the prestige of a varied and great career, and greater strength than any other Federalist with the people, and Hamilton, who controlled practically all the leaders of lesser rank, including much the greater part of the most distinguished men of the country, so that it has been very justly said that " the roll of his followers is enough of itself to establish his position in American history " (Lodge).
The air is distributed by means of wood air trunks with openings controlled by slides, and similar trunks are pro vided in connexion with the suction of the compresser to conduct the air back to the machine.
One company, the New York, New Haven & Hartford, controlled 87% of this railway mileage in 1904, and practically all the steamboat lines on Long Island Sound.
For many years the Federalist party controlled the affairs of the state.
How we controlled ourselves sufficiently as not to gasp and startle Howie awake, I don't know.
He controlled his equipment; no one else knew how and you can't do your regression thing without it and him.
He closed the distance between them, his own tightly controlled god-power unfurling.
Talon fought with fury, his eyes glowing red, while Dusty fought with a calm, controlled intensity.
In our time, whoever controlled the Oracle, controlled the battle.
Whereas Gabriel was willing to give-and-take, Darkyn toyed with her and demanded submission in exchange for controlled pleasure.
It slid open, and she gazed at the keys that controlled sensitive military systems.
Her voice was controlled – just in case it was Alex.
Anger simmered beneath her controlled façade.
His secret – that the gem controlled him – erased any doubt she had about him.
I need for you to analyze the dynamics of the controlled reverse flow reactor.
Carbon adsorbents Controlled pore size represents a " holy grail " for carbon science, since highly selective adsorbents could then be produced.
The JPL facility will produce the aerogel for the STARDUST mission and provide well controlled media properties and purity.
Dispersion Stability Ensuring that the dispersion stability is controlled can prevent agglomeration leading to voids within the green body.
Britain must in the ultimate resort have independently controlled nuclear power to deter an aggressor.
Large high quality beds with duvet covers and sift cotton sheets, sofa seating, pivotal televisions, individually controlled air conditioning.
All rooms are fitted with full remote controlled air conditioning which can be used as heating if you require it.
Radar services outside controlled airspace might also be affected.
In women with patient controlled epidural analgesia only 69% did not need a top up.
If the sparks are not controlled they can cause life-threatening arrhythmia.
The driving hydrostatic pressure (head of pressure) is controlled by the afferent and efferent arterioles, and provided by arterial pressure.
Controlled trial of fish oil for regression of human coronary atherosclerosis.
The efficacy of this dressing to promote autolysis has been identified through a randomized controlled trial undertaken by Bale et al.
Nothing worse then hearing bach played in a totally controlled and souless way.
The equilibrium is supposed to undergo a reversible pitchfork bifurcation, controlled by the system's parameter.
By creating artificial biospheres, it is possible to study plants and other life within a controlled environment.
Well now you can have instant bling by having your very own radio controlled plane.
Our long shot bias is more controlled because we have bookies dictating prices that we can have rather than a free flowing pool bet.
So well have copper compounds controlled bunt that today this seed-borne disease is no longer of any economic importance.
Stephen Hopper was the soloist in a tightly controlled Haydn Trumpet Concerto, with a lovely cadenza at the end of the Allegro.
There has been no other drug in the history of veterinary cardiology that has undergone such extensive controlled clinical trials proving its value.
Fully controlled three-way catalytic converter with two oxygen sensors Six-speed gearbox with helical gears.
The most rigorous method of establishing causality is the randomized controlled trial.
It has a 1/3 " format CCD and is controlled via the main camera, thus avoiding extra cables and computers.
The rest of the band were tight and provided a bank of controlled chaos behind Mr Flowers.
This is because a substantial number of accessibility checkpoints can be controlled via a CMS, both technical and editorial.
Bacterial chemotaxis is brought about by alterations in the direction that the motor rotates in, this in turn is controlled by phosphorylation.
A controlled virus taxonomical and functional classification has been used for all the proteins and protein families in the database.
There was very little, and strictly controlled, use of ECT, and insulin coma therapy had gone for good.
This is often not the case, and we need to consider restarting the computation in a controlled fashion.
A future of controlled fertility and rapidly changing roles of women make projections of sex ratios highly conjectural.
Controlled Area The area contained by the outer cordon that may be divided in geographical sectors.
Under controlled conditions it can be used to inhibit corrosion.
This is when a small muscle in the ear, which is also controlled by the 7th cranial nerve, stops working temporarily too.
How not to do a junction 46 views A grade seperated junction with a traffic signal controlled crossroads.
The fire is then controlled by using the secondary air vents and flue damper only.
A wheel arch that is covered with Ultraseal is a good indication that the tire has experienced a controlled deflation.
Due to the volatile nature of all types of video and film the environmental storage conditions must be strictly controlled to minimize degradation.
You just don't get this with a conventional controlled demolition?
Increased plasma atrial natriuretic factor and reduced plasma renin in patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.
But the Sharm docs should well know that a fit, well controlled diabetic is allowed to dive.
A remote controlled gel cutter dispenses samples into 96-well plates for trypsin digestion and mass analysis.
Brightness of the image is controlled with a light dimmer fitted to the illuminator.
Trigger logic and timing is derived using leading-edge discriminators in remotely controlled 16-channel VME modules.
To minimize physical distractions, the Wireless Car kit is controlled from a single small button.
The quality of the included studies does not appear to have been systematically assessed, however, only double-blind randomized controlled trials were included.
Q. Can a student Nurse act as an approved witness when administering a controlled drug?
On reflection, I might have said ' ' a controlled drug ' ' rather than ' ' controlled drugs ' ' .
From the 11th century the entire area was controlled by the Savoys, becoming a duchy in the Middle Ages.
Then lower the dumbbells in a controlled fashion to the starting position.
Carefully controlled electrolysis migrates metal atoms to the mandrel until the desired thickness is attained.
Skin piercing The skin piercing activities which are controlled by registration are Acupuncture Tattooing Ear piercing electrolysis A fee is required.
The condition of the water in the pool is controlled automatically by the latest salt electrolysis system whereby no chemicals are used.
What makes plasma TVs different is that each sub pixel is individually controlled by " advanced electronics " to produce over 16 million colors.
The users wear active stereo LCD shutter glasses, which are controlled by an infra-red emitter.
The magnitude of the numerical uncertainity of the results is controlled through the input parameter epsilon.
Celestron's well-respected 14 " SCT on the new computer controlled equatorial mount.
Physiology lab with computer controlled exercise treadmill, exercise ergometers, microscopes and blood and gas sampling and analysis equipment.
The social sciences are also hard because certain kinds of controlled experimentation are hard.
The other is that some pockets here are controlled by Sudanese rebel faction, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA ).
A randomized controlled trial to investigate the effect of a high fiber diet on blood pressure and plasma fibrinogen.
A controlled study of the effects of a supervised cardiovascular fitness training program on the manifestations of primary fibromyalgia.
To avoid having an oil or fat pan fire use a thermostatically controlled deep fat fryer.
This means that emissions from domestic chimneys are controlled and only smokeless fuels can be burned.
Ignition is controlled by the same integrated engine management system that also controls fuel injection.
The disease can be controlled with triazole fungicides, which also control powdery mildew.
Since the rediscovery of Mendelian genetics at the start of the 20th century, crop improvement has been possible in a more controlled fashion.
The distribution of this element in stream sediments is controlled by the underlying bedrock geology.
The results of the first controlled study in acute gout.
She had the controlled delivery of a singer, a light airiness combined with a certain gravitas.
Well now you automatically get challenged by three computer controlled training gremlins, to get you under way quicker.
The result is a perfect balance between easy riding, controlled braking and effective damping over rough ground.
Frequently these systems are not hard-wired but controlled using wireless technology.
Fog can be controlled with the Fog slider, which influences the degree to which the view becomes hazy with distance.
The new generation of electronically controlled directional headlamps enhances the driver's visibility considerably on bends.
During the controlled times you must not park in permit holders ' bays without a permit.
Sodium balance in the body normally is controlled by aldosterone and ADH (antidiuretic hormone ).
The five hill packs are controlled by a huntsman on foot and operate over hilly terrain.
Feeding is controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus.
They are controlled by the pituitary gland, which is controlled by the hypothalamus.
One potential therapy that we are now testing on patients is controlled moderate hypothermia.
Through a process called hysteresis, the temperature is controlled to a very fine degree.
Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures.
Trebellius, who was somewhat indolent, and never ventured on a campaign, controlled the province by a certain courtesy in his administration.
The method could detect genetically-modified bacterial inoculants in controlled release experiments down to 1-10 cells per g soil.
Farmers have traditionally controlled the problem using highly toxic insecticides.
Rather, it's out-of-band interference, which is regulated and controlled in a variety of ways, coherent the authors note.
The junction is currently controlled by ground frame electrically interlocked from Wareham signal box.
They ask how we can speak of free elections when the Saigon press is censored and controlled by the military junta.
The growth rate is controlled by diffusion of Y through the boundary layer adjacent to the growth surface.
Because of the long lead times, funding allocations should extend beyond Treasury controlled 2-3 year spending cycles.
Research has shown that rice leafhoppers are controlled by GM rice with Cry1Ab toxin.
His brain was infected at the back left-hand side which controlled his vision and balance.
You should have good manual dexterity, be pc literate & have some experience working with computer controlled analytical equipment.
Specifically you will be involved with the design of low power, portable, microprocessor controlled data loggers from concept through to production.
Prior to this most prisons were owned and controlled locally by both county and boro magistrates.
Settings The resolution of the underlying triangular mesh can be controlled using the appropriate slider to the right of the view.
The templates were used to grow surface microstructures by controlled crystallization of calcium carbonate by immersion in calcium chloride solution.
And the easy listening experience is enhanced by a detailed, expressive midrange and tightly controlled low frequencies.
Mills are largely controlled by elite landowning families, who together account for 77 per cent of the country's sugar milling.
The Elbow Cryo/Cuff combines the therapeutic benefits of controlled compression to minimize hemarthrosis and swelling, and cold to minimize hemarthrosis and swelling, and cold to minimize pain.
The correct intensity for the pixel is controlled by tilting each mirror on and off (pulse-width modulation ).
The surface properties will be controlled by chemically grafting monolayers with different functional groups on the outer surface.
Pain is controlled by strong pain killing drugs delivered continuously via a drip (e.g. morphine ).
It allows people to regain weight in a controlled environment to minimize the occurrence of potentially life-threatening complications such as re-feeding syndrome.
Modular construction involves manufacturing a building off-site in a controlled factory environment.
New features in this release include the use of controlled vocabulary anatomy ontology terms in association with expression patterns.
Randomized controlled trial of the cost-effectiveness of water-based therapy for lower limb osteoarthritis (ROAR ).
Then the first two disciplines were commenced involving controlled handbrake turns and controlled ' lift off oversteer ' .
You should be very controlled and not allow the momentum to dictate the pace.
Diseases caused by external parasites should be controlled by appropriate parasiticides.
Pay and display On all lengths of road which are controlled by pay and display parking meters parking is free for Blue Badge holders.
During the controlled times you must not park in permit holders ' bays without a permit holders ' bays without a permit.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer maximum at polluted sites, such as Payerne, Hohenpeissenberg and Indiana is controlled by tropospheric photochemistry.
Currently it is a seedy, dirty, unregulated underworld controlled by pimps.
At this moment there is no single homeopathic remedy that has shown a specific effect in a double blind randomized placebo controlled trial.
In a double-blind, placebo controlled study, patients were treated with magnets applied to the skin.
Results from a 2 year double blind placebo controlled trial.
Parts of the body controlled by the lumbar plexus include the reproductive system and the abdomen, and the lumbar region of the back.
For palliative care, some additional Poms are recommended for inclusion but strong opiod controlled drugs are not.
Without controlled culling, the majority of the fox population would be killed, probably less humanely by poisoning, snaring or shooting.
Controlled trial of homeopathic potency, with pollen in hayfever as model.
The basic operation is the capacitor is charged at a speed controlled by the potentiometer.
The light output from the units can be varied over a very wide range and is either preset or controlled via a Serial link.
The system includes three proprietary, custom ICs controlled by a Motorola 68000 32/16 bit microprocessor.
Easy to use ratchet controlled independent back height adjustment.
We should also include experimental reductionism, the use of controlled laboratory studies to gain understanding of similar behaviors in the natural environment.
Trains clatter overhead on the top tier, while on the lower level barely controlled chaos reigns.
It provides controlled real-time access to information held within the central data repository.
Package includes resuscitator With Patient Valve, Valve Controlled Oxygen Resevoir Bag, Oxygen Supply Tube And A Transparent Plastic Bag For Storage.
In proactive retrieval, the issue of controlled change impacts the user interface.
The point is that broadcasters are controlled by statute with the threat of fines and license revocation but they still make mistakes.
The Ares modular controlled strain rheometer is a research and development instrument capable of handling a wide range of samples from water to solids.
The SR5 is a universal controlled stress rheometer suitable for use with complex fluids such as polymer melts, creams and lotions.
A controlled trial of shared care for chronic rheumatoid arthritis.
The transgenic construct included a barnase ribonuclease gene controlled by a tapetum promoter.
To descend steep ground rapidly by a controlled slide down a fixed rope.
To operate a rudder that's controlled by the foot.
Scorpio stellium is probably highly controlled and only likely to surface when they are seriously emotionally threatened.
These processes were thought to be controlled by the sex hormones - estrogen in women and testosterone in men.
In the event of the power not being restored and the batteries becoming exhausted, the UPS initiates a controlled server shutdown.
The under floor heating is controlled using radio signals being received by aerials in the roof, connected to the BMS system.
The outlet channel became a lagoon controlled by sluices and the mudflats were reclaimed as pasture.
The air supply will be controlled by air solenoids which in turn are controlled by automotive indicator relays to provide the pulses.
These systems are also an excellent model of how enzyme specificity is controlled in a more general sense.
Feeling confident you have the muscle tone required for a controlled venting operation, you allow the sphincter to slightly relax.
A DC servo controlled motor is used to rotate the disk spindle at 300 rpm.