Contriving Sentence Examples
Jacobi (1801-1874) in Russia, working independently, succeeded in contriving methods which could be made commercially profitable.
The legislation of his reign was probably in great part of his own contriving.
Breda was captured by surprise by the Spaniards in 1581; but in 1590 it fell again into the hands of Maurice of Nassau, 68 picked men contriving to get into the town concealed under the turf in a peat-boat.
He caused the king's acceptance of the suspensive veto, by which he sacrificed his chief prerogative in September, and destroyed all chance of a strong executive by contriving the decree of November 7, by which the ministry might not be chosen from the assembly.
Philopator, was associated with Cleopatra till 44, when he died, probably by Cleopatra's contriving.
The cardinal bore the blame, because he and Buckingham had notoriously disliked each other; but the deed had really been of the kings own contriving.
Forgetful or ignorant of the great principle announced and established by Rilleux, they have mostly devoted their energies and ingenuity to contriving all sorts of complicated arrangements to give the juice the density required, by passing and repassing it over the heating surface of the apparatus, the saving of a few square feet of which would seem to have been their main object.
Lucutius showed consummate military capacity, contriving to maintain the siege and at the same time to give battle to the enemy's vastly superior forces.