Contribution Sentence Examples
It isn't like they couldn't survive without her contribution to their family income.
I'll have to make another contribution.
YouTube's contribution to world peace is not simply to add empathy to current events, although that would be enough.
And the chief contribution of Aristotle to theism is a theory, found in his Physics as well as his Metaphysics, of God as first mover of the universe, himself unmoved.
But by laying bare in 1884 the upper stratum of remains on the rock of Tiryns (q.v.), Schliemann made a contribution to our knowledge of prehistoric domestic life which was amplified two years later by Chr.
The company's contribution to the environment is significant.
His first plan was to continue the work, already initiated by his predecessor Tourny, of making a fresh survey of the land (cadastre), in order to arrive at a juster assessment of the taille; he also obtained a large reduction in the contribution of the province.
To this is united the noble ideal of the suffering servant, which serves both as a contribution to the great problem of suffering as purifying and vicarious and as the interpretation to the mind of the nation itself of that nation's true function in the future, a lesson which the actual future showed that Israel was slow to receive.
Whatever the ostensible form of a railway tariff, the contribution of the different shipments of freight to these general expenses is determined on the principle of charging what the traffic will bear.
The cult was supported mainly by voluntary contribution.
AdvertisementBut it cannot be said that we possess in later literature any fresh contribution to the conception of God or any presentation of a higher ideal of human life or national destiny than that which meets us in chap. xl.
It is interesting, however, to know, that in the first volume is a review by Gibbon of Lord Lyttelton's History of Henry II., and that the second volume contains a contribution by Hume on Walpole's Historic Doubts.
Noble's List of European Birds (1898) is a useful compilation, and Dresser's magnificent Eggs of the Birds of Europe is another great contribution by that author to European ornithology.
Frederick's first policy was one of selfish abstention, and from 1793 until 1796, when he concluded a definite treaty of neutrality with France, he limited his contribution to the war to the bare contingent due from him as a prince of the Empire.
In the same field of literature Lord Selborne further laboured by the publication of another collection called The Book of Praise Hymnal; a contribution to an edition of Bishop Ken's hymns; a paper on English Church Hymnody at a Church Congress; and the article in the Encyclopaedia Britannica on "Hymns" (q.v.), which was republished as a separate volume in 1892.
AdvertisementBut mention must also be made of his founding of Carnegie Hero Fund commissions, in America (1904) and in the United Kingdom (1908), for the recognition of deeds of heroism; his contribution of £500,000 in 1903 for the erection of a Temple of Peace at The Hague, and of £150,000 for a Pan-American Palace in Washington as a home for the International Bureau of American republics.
Waclaw Sieroszewski has written Twelve Years in the Land of the Jakuts, a contribution to the literature of folk-lore and ethnology such as only a real artist could produce.
The Athenians defeated them by sea, and, after a siege that lasted more than two years, took the capital, Thasos, probably in 463, and compelled the Thasians to destroy their walls, surrender their ships, pay an indemnity and an annual contribution (in 449 this was 21 talents, from 445 about 30 talents), and resign their possessions on the mainland.
There are many small collections in different parts of Asia, but the only garden of great interest is at Alipore, Calcutta, supported chiefly by gate-money and a contribution from government, and managed by an honorary committee.
In 1873 he published an important contribution to science, a map and paper in which he proved that the existing maps of Asia entirely misrepresented the physical formation of the country, the main structural lines being in fact from south-west to north-east, not from north to south, or from east to west as had been previously supposed.
AdvertisementLowth's contribution to a more critical appreciation of the Old Testament lies in his perception of the nature and significance of parallelism in Hebrew poetry, in his discernment of the extent to which the prophetical books are poetical in form, and in his treatment of the Old Testament as the expression of the thought and emotions of a people - in a word, as literature.
Accordingly, when there are narratives which cannot be tested in this manner, should they show all the internal marks of didactic expansion and date from an age much later than the times with which they deal, their immediate value will not necessarily lie in the details which appear to be of historical interest, but in their contribution to later forms of tradition and phases of thought.
In December 1906, after long discussion, the contribution of the Basque Provinces to the state, according to the law of the 21st of July 1876, was fixed for the next twenty years; for the first ten years at 8,500,000 pesetas, for the next ten an additional 500,000 pesetas, from 31st December 1916 to 31st December 1926, the province of Guipuzcoa paying in addition 700,000 pesetas to the treasury.
These pacts have hitherto been scrupulously observed, and as the local authorities levy the contribution after their own local customs, landed property and the industrial and commercial classes are less heavily taxed in these territories than in the rest of Spain.
In 1824 he published The Poetical Remains of some of the Scottish Kings, now first collected; and in the same year he edited and presented as a contribution to the Bannatyne Club Robene and Makyne and the Testament of Cresseid, by Robert Henryson.
AdvertisementCuvier (1769-1832) is famous as the founder of vertebrate palaeontology, and with Alexandre Brongniart (1770-1847) as the author of the first exact contribution to stratigraphic geology.
The results of computations by the first two methods yield estimates of the contribution of foreign stock to the native element of 1900 varying among themselves by only 1.8%.
His first contribution 3 was a variation of the method of Archimedes.
Notwithstanding the great development which he gave to his work and the almost unprecedented amount of discussion to which it gave rise, it remains a matter of some difficulty to discover what solid contribution he has made to our knowledge, nor is it easy to ascertain precisely what practical precepts, not already familiar, he founded on his theoretic principles.
It was besieged and taken by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632, and in 1635 it surrendered to the imperial forces; in 1703 it was bombarded by the electoral prince of Bavaria, and forced to pay a contribution of 400,000 dollars; and in the war of 1803 it suffered severely.
His Shakespearian Grammar (1870) is a permanent contribution to English philology.
Here Ahabbu Sir'lai (Ahab the Israelite) with Baasha, son of Rulhub (Rehob) of Ammon and nine others are allied with Bir-'idri (Ben-hadad), Ahab's contribution being reckoned at 2000 chariots and 10,000 men.
Yet this contribution is far more mellow than the article contributed on Johnson twenty-five years before to the Edinburgh Review in correction of Croker.
This law was followed by one authorizing the government to suspend,in every diocese where the bishop continued recalcitrant, the payment of that contribution to the Roman Catholic Church which by agreement had been given by the state since 1817.
The only result of this was that large sums were collected by voluntary contribution amon the Roman Catholic population.
The natural course when the new source of income had been obtained would have been simply to relieve the states of part or all of their contribution.
From 1871 to 1879 the contribution of the states had varied from 94 to 67 million marks; under the new system the surplus of the contributions made by the states over the grant by the imperial treasury was soon reduced to a very small sum, and in 1884-1885 the payments of the empire to the states exceeded the contributions of the states to the empire by 20 million marks, and this excess continued for many years; so that there was, as it were, an actual grant in relief of direct taxation.
The -Accident Law of 1883 was rejected, for it stifi included the state contribution to which the Reichstag would not assent, and also contributions from the workmen.
In 1907 Hungary's contribution was raised to 36.4%.
The total contribution of Hungary would have been some 6500 and of Austria some 14,500 men.
This arrangement represents a potential economy of some £2,000,000 capital for Hungary as compared with the original Austrian demand that the Hungarian contribution to the service of the old Austrian debt be capitalized at 4.2%.
His contribution to the discussion was a suggestion that the Irish members should form a grand committee to which every Irish bill should go after first reading.
The "philosophic" declamations perhaps constituted its chief interest for the general public, and its significance as a contribution to democratic propaganda.
They are no consolidated party, but to Mahomet they are all equally vexatious, because, as soon as danger has to be encountered, or a contribution is levied, they all alike fall away.
It emphasizes still more than pragmatism the personal aspect of all knowing and its contribution to the "making of reality" which necessarily accompanies the making of truth.
Lord Hailes's most important contribution to literature was the Annals of Scotland, of which the first volume, " From the accession of Malcolm III., surnamed Canmore, to the accession of Robert I.," appeared in 1776, and the second, " From the accession of Robert I., surnamed Bruce, to the accession of the house of Stewart," in 1779.
It is strongly fortified by forts and guns of modern type upon which large sums have been expended by the imperial government, aided by a heavy annual military contribution payable by the colony and fixed at 20% of its gross revenue.
Ober Anmut and Wiirde, published in 1793, was a further contribution to the elucidation and widening of Kant's theories; and in the eloquent Briefe fiber die cisthetische Erziehung des9Menschen (1795), Schiller proceeded to apply his new standpoint to the problems of social and individual life.
His chief contribution to ancient history was his article on Roman history in the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1886), which was republished with additions as the Outlines of Roman History (1890).
Here they were happily in a position to make a very important contribution.
If we ask what is the special contribution to history, apart from theology, which St John's Gosepl makes, the answer would seem to be this - that beside the Galilean ministry reported by St Mark there was a ministry to " Jews " (Judaeans) in Jerusalem, not continuous, but occasional, taken up from time to time as the great feasts came round; that its teaching was widely different from that which was given to Galileans, and that the situation created was wholly unlike that which arose out of the Galilean ministry.
Up to 1921 an annual grant of £1,000 was the only contribution of the Government to education; no provision was made for the instruction of white children.
The usage generally took the form that any one who visited a church, to which the Indulgence had been attached, on a day named, and gave a contribution to its funds, had his penance shortened by one-seventh, one-third or one-half, as might be arranged.
To this work, and that of Owen Jones, can be traced the origin of the eclecticism which has laid all past styles of art under contribution.
He never sympathized with the principles of the Tractarian movement, and on the appearance of Tract XC. in 1841 he drafted the famous protest of the "Four Tutors" against it; but this was his only important contribution to the controversy.
His fine library of over io,000 volumes was purchased at a low price by Congress in 1815, and a national contribution ($16,50o) just before his death enabled him to die in peace.
After the Chronica the chief work of Severus is his Life of Martin, a contribution to popular Christian literature which did much to establish the great reputation which that wonder-working saint maintained throughout the middle ages.
His most important contribution to organic chemistry was a series of researches, begun in 1835, on the haloid and other derivatives of unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Gaol fees were levied ruthlessly - "garnish" also, the tax or contribution paid by each individual to a common fund to be spent by the whole body, generally in drink.
His exhaustive report, published in 1834, was a valuable contribution to the whole question of penal discipline.
It is natural, then, that the central contribution of the Sceptics to the knowledge controversy lies in the modes (Tp07rot) in which the relativity of phenomena is made good, that these are elaborated with extreme care, and that they have a modern ring and are full of instruction even to-day.
The taxation on flocks and herds exists either as a supplementary method of land taxation, or as a contribution of a certain sum per animal, and the tax on shopkeepers, artisans and trades sometimes takes the form of a poll-tax, sometimes that of an impost on the profits of the trades.
In 1808 he published an Inquiry into the Extent and Stability of National Resources, a contribution to the discussion created by Bonaparte's commercial policy.
The most important contribution to Urania was his sentimental novel, Fanni Hagyomanai, much in the style of La nouvelle Héloise and Werther, the most exquisite product of Hungarian prose in the 18th century and one of the finest psychological romances in the literature.
Perhaps Grote's most distinctive contribution to the study of Greek philosophy is his chapter in the History of Greece on the Sophists, of whom he took a view somewhat more favourable than has been accepted before or since.
But at first sight there is little sign of any greater contribution to the reconstruction than is to be found in Ramus or many another dead thinker.
Bacon's Logic, then, like Galilei's, intended as a contribution to scientific method, a systematization of discovery by which, given the fact of knowledge, new items of knowledge may be acquired, failed to convince contemporaries and successors alike of its efficiency as an instrument.
If judged by his positive contribution to the theory of method he may claim to find a more than negative justification for his teaching in its success.
It is because of the failure of this endeavour to bring the technique of induction within the setting of his Humian psychology of belief that the separation of his contribution to the applied logic of science from his sensationism became necessary, as it happily 1 Mill, Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, cap. 17.
The difference between Bacon and Mill lies chiefly in this, and it is because of this difference that Mill's contribution, spite of its debt to the Baconian tradition, remains both characteristic and valuable.
Kant's influence, then, upon subsequent logic is least of all to be measured by his achievement in his professed contribution.
The laws of the pure activity of thought must be independently determined, and since the contribution of thought to knowledge is form they must be formal only.
Ueberweg (System § Ioi) is, on the whole, justified in exclaiming that Hegel's rehabilitation of syllogism " did but slight service to the Aristotelian theory of syllogism," yet his treatment of syllogism must be regarded as an acute contribution to logical criticism in the technical sense.
Franck, Esquisse d'une histoire de la logique (1838) is the chief French contribution to the subject as a whole.
This latter aspect of the fraternity was to be satisfied by the contribution from each fellow of five dollars by way of initiation fee.
Of the current expenses of the common schools about three-fourths is borne by the localities; the state distributes its contribution annually among the counties.
His earliest contribution to the question took the form of a letter published in the Chemical News in February 1863.
Harriet Hanson wrote Early Factory Labor in New England (1883) and Loom and Spindle (1898), an important contribution to the industrial and social history of Lowell.
The term average originally meant what is now distinguished as general average; and the expression "particular average," although not strictly accurate, came to be afterwards used for the convenience of distinguishing those damages or partial losses for which no general contribution could be claimed.
Whether the law would require contribution to a loss of goods, say, by thieves or by fire, while landed for repairs, is not clear.
Thus, if goods to the value of £soo have been thrown overboard for the general safety, the owner of those goods must not receive the full £ioo in contribution.
The explanation seems to be that the practice of the underwriter to pay the contribution has been so uniform, and his liability has been so fully recognized, that express provisions were needless.
The liability of the insurer was thus made to depend, not upon the character of the loss, but upon the fact or possibility of contribution.
He had insured the cargo but not the ship. The cargo underwriters were held liable to pay a contribution to damage done to the ship by cutting away masts for the general safety.
An important contribution to a history of Finnish literature is Krohn's Suomenkielinen runollisuns ruotsinvallan aikana (1862).
In order to meet the cost of the early wars a special contribution from property (tributum ex censu) was levied at times of emergency, though it was in some cases regarded as an advance to be repaid when the occasion of expense was over.
The development of the doctrine has been the most characteristic and important contribution of British thinkers to philosophical speculation.
John Canton (1718-1772) made the important contribution to knowledge that electricity of either sign could be produced on nearly any body by friction with appropriate substances, and that a rod of glass roughened on one half was excited negatively in the rough part and positively in the smooth part by friction with the same rubber.
The writer made a contribution to the discussion in 1874 in a paper on " The Contact Theory of the Galvanic Cell," Phil.
His most important contribution at this date was the invention of the voltameter and his enunciation of the laws of electrolysis.
The emergency suggested to some of the bishops the idea of a voluntary contribution, which was eagerly taken up by the noblemen and crown officials.
The Kama,' which brings to the Volga a contribution ranging from 52,500 to 144,400 cub.
The literature has not been fully explored for its contribution to the various branches of antiquarian research.
Perhaps his greatest contribution, however, was his attempt to account for our perception of quality of tone.
Affiliated to the territorial force are officers' training corps, cadets, "veteran reserves," and some of the other organizations mentioned below, the Haldane scheme having as its express object the utilization of every sort of contribution to national defence, whether combatant or non-combatant, on a voluntary basis.
His great contribution to philosophy proper was the De Eodem et Diverso (On Identity and Difference), which is in the form of letters addressed to his nephew.
He proposed that the whole matter should be thoroughly investigated by a special committee before the meeting of the next Riksdag, and that in the meantime a contribution should be levied on all classes proportionately.
About 1377 Ystelstein descended to the house of Egmont, and in 1551 to the house of Orange, and by paying an annual contribution to the United Provinces remained an independent barony till 1795.
The form is that of question and answer, and the method is rigidly scholastic. Of small intrinsic value, it is interesting partly as the first philosophical contribution of the Franciscans who were afterwards to take a prominent part in medieval thought (see Scholasticism), and partly as the first work based on a knowledge of the whole Aristotelian corpus and the Arabian commentators.
But the county includes all other places, such as liberties and franchises, which before 1888 were exempt from contribution to county rate.
Plato's Republic and Hegel's Philosophie des Rechts are the most typical examples of a fully developed philosophy of the state, but in the earlier modern period the prolonged discussion of natural rights and the social contract must be regarded as a contribution to such a theory.
The most important of his books are two large botanical treatises, On the History of Plants, in nine books (originally ten), and On the Causes of Plants, in six books (originally eight), which constitute the most important contribution to botanical science during antiquity and the middle ages.
Into this movement he threw himself with militant ardour, his own goods being distrained upon, with those of numerous other Nonconformists, rather than that any contribution should be made by them in taxation for the purpose of an Education Act which in their opinion was calculated to support denominational religious teaching in the schools.
A simultaneous invasion of Walachia by a large Turkish and Tatar host was successfully defeated; victorious sultan from massacring the prisoners and adding to the tribute a yearly contribution of 3000 javelins and 4000 shields.
His own contribution to ethics was vitiated at the outset by the fact that he never shook himself free from the trammels of the philosophy which his own system was intended to supersede.
Appreciate the contribution and coordination of expression nuclear and organellar genomes in organelle biogenesis.
Comparatively little scholarly work has been done on the contribution of F.B. Meyer.
It is at the same time commonplace enough in conception; but there is much that is charming in the descriptions, Jonson and Lyly being respectively laid under contribution in the course of the dialogue, and in one of the incidental lyrics.
A review of Byron's Letters on Pope in 1821 constituted his first contribution to the North American Review, to which he continued for many years to send the results of his slighter researches.
One may almost say an English translation also, for Major Feilden's contribution to the Zoologist for 1872 on the same subject gives the most essential part of Herr Miiller's information.
The above abstract shows the general drift of this very remarkable contribution to ornithology, and it has to be added that for by far the greater number of his minor groups Huxley relied solely on the form of the palatal structure, the importance of which Dr Cornay had before urged, though to so little purpose.
Perhaps his edition of the Leges Visigothorum (1579) was his most valuable contribution to historical science; in the same line he edited the Capitula of Charlemagne, Louis the Pious, and Charles the Bald in 1588, and he also assisted his brother Francois in preparing an edition of the Corpus juris canonici (1687).
Boyle's masterly exposition of this method is his most important contribution to scientific progress.
Chem., 1832, 3, p. 2 49) is to be regarded as a most important contribution to the radical theory, for it was shown that a radical containing the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which they named benzoyl (the termination yl coming from the Gr.
The lake really lies on the watershed between the two, and is probably a glacial relic. Its contribution to either infant stream appears to depend on conditions of overflow determined by the blocking of ice masses towards one end.
His most direct contribution to medicine was the invention for his own use of bifocal eyeglasses.
There is no lack of humour in them, and there is never a hint of affectation in the writing; indeed, the author, doing spontaneously the work nearest to his hand, was very likely unconscious that he was making a contribution to history.
This is taken verbatim from Lilye's contribution to the Brevis Institutio, originally composed by Colet, Erasmus and Lilye for St Paul's School (1527), and ultimately adopted as the Eton Latin Grammar.
Waagen's law of mutation, or the appearance of new parts or organs so gradually that they can be perceived only by following them through successive geologic time stages, appears to be directly contradictory to the saltation principle; it is certainly one of the most firmly established principles of palaeontology, and it constitutes the contribution par excellence of this branch of zoology to the law of evolution, since it is obvious that it could not possibly have been deduced from comparison of living animals but only through the long perspective gained by comparison of animals succeeding each other in time.
The reply to this indictment is that the British land revenue is L16,000,000 annually, whereas Aurangzeb's over a smaller area, allowing for the difference in the value of the rupee, was X110,000,000; though the Indian Civil Service is expensive, its cost is more than covered by the fact that India, under British guarantee, obtains her loans at 31% as against 10% or more paid by native rulers; though India has a heavy military burden, she pays no contribution to the British navy, which protects her seaboard from invasion; the drain of the home charges cannot be very great, as India annually absorbs 6 millions sterling of the precious metals; in 1899-1900, a year of famine, the net imports of gold and silver were 1 3 o millions.
Both operatives and employers are highly organized and both parties are able to make articulate contribution to the solution of the various problems connected with the trade.
It has been said that Daniel Defoe wrote his fiction of Mrs Veal (A True Relation of the Apparition of Mrs Veal), who came from the other world to recommend the perusal of Drelincourt on Death, for the express purpose of promoting the sale of an English translation of the Consolations; Defoe's contribution is added to the fourth edition of the translation (1706).
So it came to pass that, while he was unable, by reason of imperfect training and too tardy development, with all his pains, to make any contribution to physical science or to mathematics as instrumental in physical research, he attempted a task which no other adherent of the new " mechanical philosophy " conceived - nothing less than such a universal construction of human knowledge as would bring Society and Man (at once the matter and maker of Society) within the same principles of scientific explanation as were found applicable to the world of Nature.
It is the paradox involved in the function of intuition, the acceptance of the psychological characters of clearness and distinctness as warranty of a truth presumed to be trans-subjective, that leads to Descartes's distinctive contribution to the theory of knowledge.
He himself must bear a part of it, for those goods formed part of the adventure for whose safety the jettison was made; and it is owing to the partial safety of the adventure that any contribution at all is received by him.
In imperial Athens large revenues were derived from the states of the Delian league, while in both Carthage and Rome inferior or dependent districts and races were laid under contribution to a very considerable extent (see Finance).
Kepler's greatest contribution to geometry lies in his formulation of the "principle of continuity" which enabled him to show that a parabola has a "caecus (or blind) focus" at infinity, and that all lines through this focus are parallel (see Geometrical Continuity).
Providing the contribution limits above are not exceeded, the contributions will qualify for full tax relief.
Disclosure is the name of the game; emotional equilibrium being reached when everybody 's contribution is reciprocated by all others.
Finally, a lack of contribution rights or limited contribution rights should cause professional firms to reexamine the extent of their malpractice insurance.
Theological reflection must make its contribution within the context of that history.
The advisors ' experience of such meetings is that they stimulate discussion of remediable factors and the pathologist 's contribution is valued.
It was RESOLVED to make a contribution of £ 50.
Restate briefly why you think you can make an exceptionally strong contribution on the job.
Pension All pilots will be entitled to a 7% of basic salary pension contribution from the company paid into the existing easyJet scheme.
Weathering makes a small additional contribution, but there is no evidence of seepage erosion.
Tina McClelland 's contribution to the collaborative self-portrait project ' The Quiet Ones ' is a stunning collection of photographs.
Each person will make a contribution of no more than five minutes during the seminar presentation.
And the black was centuries of accumulated soot and the white was the contribution from London 's pigeons.
A stalwart of the national side, his gutsy batting performances have provided a crucial contribution to many an England victory.
The contribution of effective dose from terrestrial gamma radiation and from airborne radon and thoron daughter products depends on the local geology.
Member for Lewes (Norman Baker), who made a particularly thoughtful contribution.
This collection is a fitting token of gratitude for his contribution to philosophy.
Cultural tourism will continue to make a significant contribution to the economy of Wales.
A Tale of Two Fish Our October 2001 contribution from Jon Beer There were once two trout in a Scottish loch.
One contribution to the DIS total cross-section is the electroproduction of low mass vector mesons, here typified by the data.
In the meantime we have Phoenix House, their beautifully understated contribution to London 's ever growing number of serviced apartments.
This is a compelling read and a substantial contribution to the social history of a relatively understudied period.
This work is also significant in terms of our contribution to forward planning through our involvement with the emerging Unitary Development Plans.
This was in response to a contribution from the floor by SSP member Sarah McDonald, who criticized her party 's unsophisticated approach.
John Bale 's lasting contribution to history was to perpetuate the veneration of this splendid saint.
The latter also made a vital contribution in the various African campaigns.
You should win the Nobel Prize of Peace, for your contribution to the well-being of mankind !
Etant Donnes combine such an approach with whispered vocals to evoke a peculiarly personal contribution.
The ongoing income of a contribution based benefit such as widows pension is thus an important safeguard.
Influence is a will o'the wisp but this may be Chris 's greatest contribution.
Just type up your contribution using a word processing package.
He appealed to musicians worldwide to play the adagio for world peace, and so this my contribution.
Regardless of the type of cloth diaper you choose, know that by choosing cloth over disposable you are making a considerable contribution to the good of the environment.
In 1980, the Florida Supreme Court found that special equity was "a vested interest which a spouse acquires because of contribution of funds, property, or services made over and above the performance of normal marital duties."
If one spouse worked while the other one attended college or university, then that person's contribution to the marriage will be weighed when determining how much alimony should be ordered.
Inch thick shelves, quality woods and excellent craftsmanship will take a little extra time and money but may spell the difference between an heirloom piece and just another contribution to your community landfill.
By reducing your reliance on fossil fuels, you can reduce your contribution to global warming.
Therefore, ways to reduce your energy demands also cut your contribution to these environmental ills.
Although its extremely likely that some damage has been done, it is possible to make changes in order to lessen our contribution to the greenhouse effect.
Donna made her usual contribution to the task - shopping - and was caught by the cameras snacking on an apple and taking a nap in the van while the others were hard at work.
Alternatively, you could ask each person to bring one item instead of making a cash contribution.
The medal goes to an individual book that is deemed "the most outstanding contribution to children's literature."
A symbol on each star indicates the celebrity's category of contribution.
Beckham has played soccer in multiple countries, for multiple leagues, and has won recognition for his talents including an Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his contribution to the sport.
He didn't win the Oscar, but he did earn a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award for his contribution to the film.
This application will ask for information about your income and assets in order to determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), a measurement of your financial need.
The expected family contribution is also a factor in the final amount of any subsidized loans.
This is due to the fact that the government expects parents to make a reasonable contribution to your education.
While it may seem like a waste of time to apply for scholarships that are "only" $500 or $1,000 each, if you succeed in obtaining five of these, you have a hefty contribution to your education right there.
For instance, the Purdue Financial Aid Estimator asks for residency, expected family contribution and income, GPA and test scores.
The ACT Financial Aid Need Estimator offers detailed information to help you determine whether you will be classified as a dependent or independent student and then collects financial information to calculate your expected contribution.
The federal government uses this information to determine the EFC, or expected family contribution.
Once the FASFA is processed, an applicant will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) by mail or e-mail that includes an EFC (Expected Family Contribution) rating.
Your EFC, or Expected Family Contribution, is the amount of money that your family might be expected to give toward the cost of your college tuition and other costs, and an EFC Calculator can help you to determine your EFC number.
In addition, the expenses will be different and your Expected Family Contribution will be unique for each college or university.
Your financial information is evaluated and an Expected Family Contribution is arrived at.
The Board's College Financing Calculators will help you figure out your expected family contribution (EFC), the total price that you'll eventually have to pay, and how much money you may be able to get through loans.
You must also have some purpose for applying for the grant; in other words, you should have a clear idea in mind for what you would do abroad and why your work would be a valuable contribution to the program.
In 2008, the school reevaluated its financial need calculations, making the required family contribution even lower for students receiving aid.
A dissertation requires the graduate to make a creative and informative contribution to their field of study.
The contribution of nudism to the aesthetics of the race was regularly cited as one of its benefits.
Today's casual rain gear outerwear offers functionality and makes a fashion contribution to any wardrobe.
If you work a 9 to 5, ladies plus size business suits can make a valuable contribution to your proper business attire selection.
Now I realize my contribution can be being a real-size or normal-size model, showing women that it is OK to have some meat on your bones and it is OK to love yourself that way."
A contribution plan is considered a benefit plan when it offers a benefit for the employee and does not fall under the defined contribution plan.
Both public and private benefit contribution plans exist.
Add a retirement contribution to your monthly budget.
Along with providing for your future, a 401K offers additional benefits such as an immediate tax deduction, tax-deferred growth on your savings and, in many cases, a matching contribution from the company you work for.
This reduces your federal taxable income by the amount of your contribution.
Then if the government adds to your retirement income, their contribution will be a bonus, not a meager, sole source of income.
You will make assumptions based on what your salary may or may not increase, your annual contribution and that of your employer, and what your current tax situation is.
The biggest unknown factor, of course, is your contribution to your retirement nest egg.
The ideal contribution is the amount you calculate that you will need divided by the number of years that you will contribute.
Ben Franklin's contribution is a well-known step in the evolution of glasses.
Inventor Ralph Baer won the "Legend Award" for his contribution to the video game industry; he created the first video game console machine - the Odyssey - in 1972.
Italy's contribution to the sparkling wine market is Prosecco, a light, affordable frizzante style wine that tickles and pleases the palate in equal measure.
Allotting children chores that are proper to their abilities teaches responsibility and makes them feel the worth of their contribution to the family.
There was, however, a resurgence of interest in the contribution of temperament to children's development after the 1950s.
Keeping the eustachian tubes open is an important contribution to optimal function in the tonsils and adenoids.
As a user-created text, it's also impossible to verify the credentials of writers and whether they have enough dance experience to make a valuable contribution.
Choreographers such as Shane Sparks are also recognized for their contribution to dance as a whole, not only to the realm of hip hop.
Actor, comedian, musician, action hero, and mentor, his achievements are numerous and he made a great contribution to the arts.
Musicals are loved both for their dancing, and for their songs, and these 10 unforgettable musical dance numbers have made a considerable contribution to the love of musical theater dancing over the last 50 years.
Whether you choose this style of burial container or a more traditional option, his or her contribution to the service can be recognized if the family requests military honors at the funeral service.
These may be people you know, and who you want to consider business partners, or they may be people who are investors who expect a return from their financial contribution.
A portion of the lease money you pay serves as a contribution to the down payment for the property.
The seller's contribution cannot be applied to the down payment.
Rather than making financial contribution, which is costly and can have gift tax implications, family members can use their own creditworthiness and willingness to assist relatives simply by agreeing to a co-borrower arrangement.
After you've determined your true financial contribution to your household, examine how you can "trim the fat" from your budget.
Folic acid intake prior to and during pregnancy is a huge contribution to the prevention of neural tubal defects.
The transforming Tonka toys are an integral part of the company's contribution to playtime, and they continue to spark interest in collectors and kids alike.
If answered correctly, then that point value is given to another player thus making his or her contribution to pay off George's tab more.
As part of the total $4 million contribution to educational programs from the Oprah Winfrey Foundation in 2008, Oprah personally sent a $365,000 check to Ron Clark, the founder of a private academy in a poor South Atlanta neighborhood.
The Concerned Citizens group seeks to improve the quality of life in Whitesboro, and Oprah's $1 million contribution would go directly toward their goals of developing the community's youth.
Another reason to donate furniture is that you will be able to get a tax break for your contribution.
You may be able to solicit a sponsor to defray the cost or locate a relatively new designer who will offer a reduced rate or partial in-kind contribution to your nonprofit organization.
If you live on the west coast and would like to donate a car, California has a lot of charities who will enthusiastically accept your generous contribution.
A "donation" includes any monetary contribution as well as clothing and household items.
Rather, it is the responsibility of the individual or organization making the contribution to assign a reasonable and accurate value to the donated items.
Undoubtedly you've made a charitable contribution that is tax deductible at some point in life, but what about this year?
When people donate money to charities, they have done so both because they want to help the charity and because they want to feel as if they made a difference and a valuable contribution to a cause they believe in.
When donors feel their contribution was valued, they are more likely to contribute to your cause again in the future.
Many charities or organizations send a form letter thanking donors for their contribution.
A brief description of how the donation money was used or how the donor helped with through their contribution.
From simply asking for donations to offering some sort of good/service in exchange for a contribution, letters are regularly mailed out to congregants in many churches.
This will increase the amount of money a charity can receive off of your contribution.
You want this person to know that the contribution, which you will ask for later, is important to your mission and is for a really good cause.
Don't forget to thank the person for his or her contribution.
You can choose to pledge by mile or just make a contribution of a sum of your choice.
Type of contribution - This is where you want to write in whether the donation was money or a type of good, such as clothing or furniture.
Amount of contribution - Only applicable if the donation was monetary, this is where you write in exactly how much money was donated.
In some cases, this makes part of your contribution nondeductible.
The Internal Revenue Service states that the deductible amount of a charitable contribution is limited to the value of cash or property donate minus what the donor receives in return in exchange for the contribution.
Selling fundraising gift cards is a way to allow people who want to help your organization make a contribution without spending any extra money.
Then you may report the Kelly Bluebook Value for fair market value as your charitable contribution.
Verify with your tax advisor that you will qualify to take a tax deduction for your charitable contribution.
If your date has a favorite charity, make a contribution to it for them.
Labor Day originated in 1882, when the members of the Central Labor Union in New York City decided the hard working citizens of America deserved a day off for recognizing their contribution to both the economic and social civilization.
This contribution plan is run and organized by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board.
Another excellent reason to participate in the company's 401K plan is most companies match a portion of your contribution.
The average company matches between two and five percent of your 401K contribution.
If your employer offers a matching contribution, it would be better to simply reduce your own contribution to the minimum amount required in order to take advantage of the match.
While it may cost you a few dollars now, the matching contribution is free money you will enjoy in your retirement.
Invention of the world's thinnest mechanical watch movement remains Jean Lassale's greatest and most famous contribution to the watch making industry.
I want to obtain a career position in a progressive company where I can use my skills and abilities to make a real contribution.
For healthy eating habits, therefore, these beverages should be limited to prevent their contribution to dehydration or, worse, replacing the necessary water in the diet.
A generous government contribution that pays between 72 and 75 percent of a chosen health plan.
Payroll records will also reveal the exact amount of an employers workers ' compensation contribution and allow the insurance company to make any premium adjustments.
The members of the fund decide whether or not to renew each employers membership in the fund, and contribution rates can be increased each year.
Long-term insurance is usually funded entirely by an employee, unlike other types of insurance, which are usually coupled with the contribution of an employer.
Many employers will offer plans in which they will match your contribution, thus doubling the amount going into your retirement.
The employee then has to include the amount of the contribution on his or her income tax return.
The deductible is the cash contribution you have to make before the insurance company has to pay.
Girlish, contemporary, and absolutely kicky are terms to describe Huit's contribution to the world of French lingerie.
Johnny Cash, "the man in black," made an almost unparallel contribution to popular music.
The films might be more well known for their contribution to the action genre, but Terminator theme music has been almost as influential as the movies themselves.
In 2005, MTV awarded the movie a Silver Bucket of Excellence Award, for outstanding contribution to cinema.
The Bee Gees themselves make the largest contribution with six tracks of their own, although two tracks, Jive Talkin' and You Should Be Dancing, were hits that were previous releases from other Bee Gees albums.
Hip hop producers are also usually among the best paid in the production field, since they usually have a signature sound and are brought into a project specifically for their original contribution to the project.
Some teens would rather receive a large gift or a contribution towards a car fund than spend hundreds of dollars on a party.
Debuting in 1948, Alan Funt's Candid Camera certainly made its contribution to the genre.
For a while there was also a rumor that TLC purchased the family's home as a contribution to their roles on the show.
Do not overwrite existing opinions; if you do, the article will be restored to an earlier version and your own contribution will vanish.
The SciFi Channel continues to be a great contribution to the canon of speculative fiction in general.
However, because this contribution to the online social gaming universe came relatively late, they were well-aware of the potential hacks that could come from Cheat Engine.
Most of all, it eliminates the personal satisfaction you can get from using your blog to make a real and valid contribution to other people's lives by sharing your story.
Because employers and employees must both contribute, FICA is therefore more akin to a contribution program, despite technically being regarded as a tax.
Dean caught sight of Paulette Dawkins grabbing wildly at a purple contribution.
Actually, she wasn't that interested in making a business out of it, but she felt the need to make some monetary contribution to their marriage.
After this the island began to furnish con siderable supplies of corn; it was treated as a conquered country, not containing a single free city, and the inhabitants were obliged to pay a tithe in corn and a further money contribution.
Science and Literature.-Though the university of Cordoba is the oldest but one in South America, it has made no conspicuous contribution to Argentine literature beyond the historical works of its famous rector, Gregorio Funes (1749-1830).
They include the land tax,1 the personal and habitation tax (contribution personnelle-mobihre), and door and window tax.
The next notable contribution to the permanent growth of Hebrew prophetic religion was made about a century after the lifetime of Isaiah by Jeremiah and Ezekiel.
There can be little 1 We shall have to note the emergence of the doctrine of the resurrection of the righteous in later Judaism, which is obviously a fresh contribution of permanent value to Hebrew doctrine.
Menelaus supplanted Jason, obtaining his appointment from the king by the promise of a larger contribution.
The tithe had been replaced by an export tax on exported agricultural produce levied at the custom-houses, and the smaller peasant proprietors and shepherds of the mountainous districts were practically exempt from any contribution to the state.
Check my contribution to see all my changes and discuss them with me if i did something wrong.
Again we must recur to that indefatigable and most original investigator Nitzsch, who, having never intermitted his study of the particular subject of his first contribution to Nitzsch.
The city's contribution to the Liberty and Victory loans was $625,429,600, to the Red Cross 810,194,765, and to the seven relief agencies $13,909,000, making a total of $649,533,365.
His studies both in English and foreign speculation led him to cherish the design also of making some worthy contribution to philosophy.
Its interest lies, not in its doctrines, which have often been absurdly over-estimated (particularly among Christians), but in its contribution to the study of human thought.
Abundant supplies of berroquena, a granitelike stone, were obtained in the neighbourhood, and for rarer materials the resources of both the Old and the New World were put under contribution.
In return for a contribution to the costs of a crusade, he obtained from the emperor Frederick I.
It was also a distributory tax (impot de repartition); every year the king in his council fixed the total sum which the taille was to produce in the following year; he drew up and signed the brevet de la taille (warrant), and the contribution of the individual taxpayer was arrived at in the last analysis by a series of subdivisions.
Then the elus in each election divided the contribution due from it among the parishes.
The closing verses strike that deep note of absolute dependence on God, which is the glory of the religion of the Old Testament and its chief contribution to the spirit of the Gospels.
The notable group of treatises communicated, 1781-1784, to the Berlin Academy was designed, but did not prove to be his final contribution to the theory of the planets.
Besides this most important contribution to the general fabric of dynamical science, we owe to Lagrange several minor theorems of great elegance, - among which may be mentioned his theorem that the kinetic energy imparted by given impulses to a material system under given constraints is a maximum.
But his best known contribution to general chemistry is his work on the phenomena of reversible reactions, which he comprehended under a general theory of " dissociation.
Natal makes an annual contribution of £35, 00 0 towards the upkeep of the British navy.
Whatever value is to be attached to Mendel's observation of the breaking up of self-fertilized hybrids of cultivated varieties into the two original parent forms according to the formula " 'PP, 2PN, INN," it cannot be considered as more than a contribution to the extensive investigation of heredity which still remains to be carried out.
It was translated into Latin, and more than once printed, as were some of his lesser works, which thus formed a part of the contribution made by the Arabians to European medicine.
The great Aldine Press made an important contribution to the work, by editiones principes of Hippocrates and Galen in the original.
The contribution of Morgagni to medical science must be regarded as in some respects the counterpart of Sydenham's.
It remains to speak of two systematic writers on medicine in the 18th century, whose great reputation prevents them from being passed over, though their real contribution to the progress of medicine was not great - Cullen and Brown.
Sir Henry's own principal contribution to the discussion was rather unfortunate, for while insisting on the blessings derived by England from its free-trade policy, he coupled this with the rhetorical admission (at Bolton in 1903) that "12,000,000 British citizens were underfed and on the verge of hunger."
The interest on the annual contribution to the sinking-fund or its equivalent should be reckoned at a low rate of interest, for such funds are assumed to be invested in perfectly safe securities.
Of a controversial character are the Confessio Catholica, (1633-1637), an extensive work which seeks to prove the evangelical and catholic character of the doctrine of the Augsburg Confession from the writings of approved Roman Catholic authors; and the Loci communes theologici (1610-1622), his principal contribution.
On the 7th of June 1649 he was assessed to the monthly contribution laid on the country by parliament.
Early meanings of the root gild or geld were expiation, penalty, sacrifice or worship, feast or banquet, and contribution or payment; it is difficult to determine which is the earliest meaning, and we are not certain whether the gildsmen were originally those who contributed to a common fund or those who worshipped or feasted together.
Each member took an oath of admission, paid an entrance-fee, and made a small annual contribution to the common fund.
The Germans recognized the staple rights of Bruges for a number of commodities, such as wool, wax, furs, copper and grain, and in return for this material contribution to the growing commercial importance of the town, they received in 1309 freedom from the compulsory brokerage which Bruges imposed on foreign merchants.
Deismus (1841), is still regarded as a valuable contribution to the study of religious thought in England.
Manning, afterwards cardinal archbishop. The State in its Relations with the Church was his practical contribution to a controversy in which his deepest convictions were involved.
Prefectural roads are maintained by a joint contribution from the government and from the particular prefecture, each paying one-half of the sum needed.
Many other smaller towns suffered both in Sicily and in Calabria; the loss of life was appalling and the distress widespread, in spite of the prompt assistance rendered by Italian naval and military forces and by the crews of British, Russian and German warships and other vessels, and the contribution of funds for relief works from every part of the world.
Sweden The Swenska Argus (1733-1734) of Olof Dalin is the first contribution of Sweden to periodical literature.
His Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, a valuable contribution to scientific biography, was published in 1795 (2nd ed., 1815), and the four volumes of Recreations in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, mostly a translation from the French, in 1803.
C. Roberts-Austen's six Reports (1891 to 2904) to the Alloys Research Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, the last report being concluded by William Gowland; the Cantor Lectures on Alloys delivered at the Society of Arts and the Contribution a l'etude des alliages (2902), published by the Societe d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale under the direction of the Commission des alliages (2896-2900), should be consulted.
His most original contribution to the substance of Roman literature was that he first shaped into poetry the experience of his own heart, as it had been shaped by Alcaeus and Sappho in the early days of Greek poetry.
His greatest contribution to poetic art consisted in the perfection which he attained in the phalaecian, the pure iambic, and the scazon metres, and in the ease and grace with which he used the language of familiar intercourse, as distinct from that of the creative imagination, of the rostra, and of the schools, to give at once a lifelike and an artistic expression to his feelings.
For some notice of the Arabic, Syriac and Hebrew translations of works professedly by Hippocrates (Ibukrat or Bukrat), the number of which greatly exceeds that of the extant Greek originals, reference may be made to Fliigel's contribution to the article " Hippokrates " in the Encyklopadie of Ersch and Gruber.
The Ionians were naturally averse from prolonged warfare, and in the prosperity which must have followed the final rout of the Persians and the freeing of the Aegean from the pirates (a very important feature in the league's policy) a money contribution was only a trifling burden.
He was crowned on Christmas Day, I ioo, by the patriarch himself; but the struggle of church and state was not yet over, and in the spring of IIoi Baldwin had Dagobert suspended by a papal legate, while later in the year the two disagreed on the question of the contribution to be made by the patriarch towards the defence of the Holy Land.
It also leaked out during the investigation that he had received in 1868, as a campaign contribution, a gift of $4000 from a contractor who had supplied the government with envelopes while Colfax was chairman of the post office committee of the House.
A peculiar passage, more valuable for the light it throws upon primitive ideas than for its contribution to the history of Abram, narrates the patriarch's visit to Egypt.
Geoffroy, son of Claude Joseph Geoffroy, whose contribution to our knowledge of this metal appeared in the Memoires de l'academie francaise for 1753.
The greater number of the methods discussed above have made no permanent contribution to the exegesis of Revelation; the method among them that has done most in this direction is the contemporary-historical.
As a theologian his outlook was that of the 16th rather than the 9th century; and, reading his Bampton Lectures now, it is difficult to realize how they can ever have been hailed as a great contribution to Christian apologetics.
To this inconceivably slowly-growing deposit of inorganic material over the ocean floor there is added an overwhelmingly more rapid contribution of the remains of calcareous and siliceous planktonic and benthonic organisms, which tend to bury the slower accumulating material under a blanket of globigerina, pteropod, diatom or radiolarian ooze.
Debarred from taking an active part, Fichte made his contribution by way of lectures.
Thus the contribution to the total impulsive pressure exerted on the area dS in time dt from this cause is mu X udtdS X (11 3 m 3 /,r 3)e hm (u2+v2+w2 )dudvdw (I o) The total pressure exerted in bringing the centres of gravity of all the colliding molecules to rest normally to the boundary is obtained by first integrating this expression with respect to u, v, w, the limits being all values for which collisions are possible (namely from - co too for u, and from - oo to + oo for v and w), and then summing for all kinds of molecules in the gas.
In 1894 also appeared his last contribution to Mind.
Was this vast amount of property to increase indefinitely without contribution to the maintenance of the secular government?
Yet besides the particular contribution that Aristotle made to idealistic philosophy in his logical and ethical interpretations, he advanced the case in two directions.
Besides the breadth of its scope, in which the American census stands unrivalled, the most important American contribution to census work has been the application of electricity to the tabulation of the results, as was first done in 1890.
Among the results were the increase of the naval contribution (first to £40,000 and then, in 1908, to £100,000), and the imposition in 1903 and again in 1907 of severe discriminating duties against imports from foreign countries.
When it was already firmly established (in July 1841), he took in Thomas McElrath as an equal partner, upon the contribution of $2000 to the common fund.
The old monk's keen observation makes the book a far more valuable contribution to history than his professed chronicle.