Contributes Sentence Examples
The 12th century contributes the Diwan Mukhtarat ush-Shu`ara'i with fifty gasidas.
In this manner the food absorbed by one individual contributes to the welfare of the whole colony, and the coenosarc has the 6 C FIG.
Its presence contributes to the dark colour of many basalts and other basic rocks, and may cause them to disturb the compass.
Louisiana also contributes largely to the 84 m.
The state contributes to the support of the Church, builds its churches and provides for the salaries of its clergy, and at the same time it has the right to approve or reject all ecclesiastical appointments and to permit or forbid the execution of all decrees of the Roman See relating to Venezuela.
The following cause also contributes to the latter effect.
This upheaval - the consequences of which have been felt even within the historic period, by the drainage of the formerly impracticable marshes of Novgorod and at the head of the Gulf of Finland - together with the destruction of forests, contributes towards a decrease of precipitation over Russia and towards increased shallowness of her rivers.
The middle schools are maintained by the state, which contributes 25% of the expenditure of the classical and technical schools, by the fees of the pupils (30%), and by donations from the zemstvos and municipalities.
The trade of Hodeda, which contributes by far the largest share to that of Turkish Yemen, fell off considerably during the period from 1901-1905, chiefly owing to the disturbed state of the country.
To the theory of knowledge Spencer contributes a "transfigured realism," to mediate between realism and idealism, and the doctrine that "necessary truths," acquired in experience and congenitally transmitted, are a priori to the individual, though a posteriori to the race, to mediate between empiricism and apriorism.
AdvertisementGerman New Guinea The German protectorate of New Guinea, so called after the island which contributes the greatest area, comprehends, besides Kaiser Wilhelms Land, the islands which are now commonly called the Bismarck Archipelago - viz.
The commonwealth contributes to the support of textile schools in cities in which 450,000 spindles are in operation.
The materials made use of are driftwood, green willows, birch and poplars; also mud and stones intermixed in such a manner as contributes to the strength of the dam; but there is no particular method observed, except that the work is carried on with a regular sweep, and that all the parts are made of equal strength.
Though it is perhaps needlessly long, the thread of the story is never lost amid a crowd of details; every incident is made subordinate to the general idea, appears in its appropriate place, and contributes its share to the perfection of the whole.
Any documentary analysis of the Pentateuch may be right or wrong; but archaeology contributes nothing either one way or another as to the answer.
AdvertisementFreethinking is a right which cannot and must not be limited, for it is the only means of attaining to a knowledge of truth, it essentially contributes to the well-being of society, and it is not only permitted but enjoined by the Bible.
The copious snowfall protects vegetation, supplies moisture, and contributes nitrogen to the soil.
Lying in the vicinity of the capital, the district contributes largely to its food-supply.
The surface of the walks should be kept well rolled, for nothing contributes more to their elegance and durability.
Although rivers rising in more favoured regions may traverse deserts on their way to the sea, as in the case of the Nile and the Colorado, the fundamental physical condition of an arid area is that it contributes nothing to the waters of the ocean.
AdvertisementIf the Aksu (or Murghab) and the Pamir river from Lake Victoria are to be considered in the light of independent tributaries, it is probable that the Ab-i-Panja contributes as large a volume of glacial flood to the Oxus as either of them.
There is no reason to believe that any transfer of air takes place across the Himalayas in a southerly direction, unless indeed in those most elevated regions of the atmosphere which lie beyond the range of observation; but a nocturnal flow of cooled air, from the southern slopes, is felt as a strong wind where the rivers debouch on the plains, more especially in the early morning hours; and this probably contributes in some degree to lower the mean temperature of that belt of the plains which fringes the mountain zone.
To the cost of the troops Mauritius contributes 51% of its annual revenue - about £30,000.
It is this department which contributes most to the success of any printing firm, and it requires a really good man at its head.
Such pairs of colour may be regarded as infinite in number; but there are three pairs which stand out prominently, and admit of easy expression for the ratio in which each contributes to the total action.
AdvertisementThus it appears that of the coal raised in England the county of Durham contributes about 22%, Yorkshire 17%, Lancashire 16%, Stafford and Derbyshire each about 9%, and Northumberland 7%; while of the coal raised in Wales 85% is contributed by the county of Glamorgan; and that the coal production of England and Wales together constitutes, in quantity and value, 85% of the whole production of the United Kingdom.
Thus that harmony of separate doctrines which contributes to the impressive simplicity of the Stoic physics is only attained at the cost of offending healthy common sense, for Body itself is robbed of a characteristic attribute.
If n +4 be positive, the attraction of infinitely distant parts contributes to the result; while if n+4 be negative, the parts in immediate contiguity act with infinite power.
The alternate stretching of the superior and inferior elastic bands contributes to the continuous play of the wing, by preventing dead points at the end of the down and up strokes.
In addition to the grants above mentioned, the county council is required to grant to the guardians of every poor-law union wholly or partly in their county an annual sum for the costs of the officers of the union and of district schools to which the union contributes.
The Volkhov, which conveys the waters of Lake Ilmen, is the largest; Lake Onega discharges its waters by the Svir; and the Saima system of lakes of eastern Finland contributes the Vuoxen and Taipale rivers; the Syas brings the waters from the smaller lakes and marshes of the Valdai plateau.
Several of them consist of a singing-match, conducted according to the rules of amoebean poetry, in which the second singer takes the subject chosen by the first and contributes a variation in the same air.
To it contributes the balance of the skull on the cervical vertebrae, while the human form of the pelvis provides the necessary support to the intestines in the standing attitude.
Women hold spinning-parties at which the leader begins a ballad, and each in turn contributes a verse.
For small supplies such a well may be perfectly successful; but however small the quantity drawn, it must obviously have the effect of diminishing the volume of fresh water, which contributes to the maintenance of the level of saturation above the sea-level; and with further pumping the fresh water would be so far drawn upon that the mean level of saturation would sink, first to a curved figure - a cone of depression - such as that represented by the new level of saturation dd, and later to the figure represented by the lines ee, in which the level of saturation has everywhere been drawn below the mean sea-level.
A tapetal layer is derived from the cells surrounding the sporogenous group, and the arrest of a number of the spore-mother-cells further contributes to the nourishment of the remainder, each of which gives rise to four spores.
The Lower Lias appears at intervals under the scarp of the basaltic plateaus, and contributes, as in Dorsetshire and Devonshire, to the formation of landslips along the coast.
The primary schools for both sexes are kept up by the municipalities, at an annual cost of about 1,000,000, to which the state contributes a small subvention.
Badalona thus largely contributes to the export trade of Barcelona, and may, in fact, be regarded as its industrial suburb.
In some genera this coccyx is fused with the ninth vertebra, and contributes to the FIG.
Supplementing the educative influence of the schools are the public libraries (161 in number in 1907); the state appropriates $200 to establish, and $100 per annum to maintain, a public library (provided the town in which the library is to be established contributes an equal amount), and the Public Library Committee has for its duty the study of library problems. Higher education is provided by Yale University; by Trinity College, at Hartford (nonsectarian), founded in 1823; by Wesleyan University, at Middletown, the oldest college of the Methodist Church in the United States, founded in 1831; by the Hartford Theological Seminary (1834); by the Connecticut Agricultural College, at Storrs (founded 1881), which has a two years' course of preparation for rural teachers and has an experiment station; by the Connecticut Experiment Station at New Haven, which was established in 1875 at Middletown and was the first in the United States; and by normal schools at New Britain (established 1881), Willimantic (1890), New Haven (1894) and Danbury (1903).
Each man contributes to a medical fund which maintains the fever, accident and general hospitals, providing also laundries and baths.
And everything both within and without contributes to the profane and pagan character which it was Sigismondo's purpose to impress on the Christian church.
Smog was cited as a major factor that contributes to global warming.
Often, ATS contributes directly to the identification of aircraft for the host-nation airspace system.
It contributes between 10% to 40% to the total ammonium deposited on the central Greenland ice sheet during the Holocene.
The charity also contributes by supporting research and through promoting education on farm animal husbandry and welfare.
There isn't a weakness in this group as Mini plays a mean bongo and contributes some stunning harmonies.
Our team now includes the school bursar and the SENCO and everyone contributes.
Language and Communication The musical cadence contributes to baby's language development.
The multidisciplinary character of the Department directly contributes to the distinctiveness of Psychology ot Loughborough.
Recently the psychologists and criminologists have come to admit that the absence of parental guidance contributes to increasing delinquency.
He also contributes his own personal memoir and a selected discography listing the most representative Waller recordings.
He contributes infectious enthusiasm to all forms of teaching using a wide range of media.
The University contributes an amount equal to approximately 14% of salary.
She currently freelances for the Guardian newspaper and contributes to ' Comment is Free ' the Guardian's blog site.
The hip extensor action of the lower gluteus maximus contributes to knee stability through two mechanisms.
This contributes to mucosal inflammation - " alcoholic enteropathy " .
All of this contributes to the smooth running of the base keeping the communal living nice and easy.
The division teaches the ma in Economics and contributes significantly to MAs in Economics and Finance and in Transport Economics.
At present, he has an occupational pension with his employer, which contributes 15 per cent of basic salary.
Randy Greif, always interesting, contributes a subdued, lightly percussive composition that unfortunately sounded a bit muddy.
Brass contributes greatly to the effect and the highly expressive recitatives that follow set a standard for Mozart and others to follow.
Agricultural runoff contributes to nutrient levels leading to eutrophication.
Anyway, landfill sites release a large amount of methane, a greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change.
Each reduction rule contributes to the final summation formula by a numerical factor or by an additional summation variable.
The current value of the adaptive threshold also contributes to the adaptive threshold in adjacent channels.
Maintaining a pH level of 5.5 to 6.5 contributes to optimal nutrient uptake.
A particular gene that produces a protein called vasopressin in their brains contributes to these behaviors.
The only wage earner in the family is eldest Michael, who contributes £ 20 a week from his factory job.
In a colony formed by sympodial budding, a polyp always produces first a bud, which contributes to the system to which it belongs, i.e.
This upheaval - the consequences of which have been felt even within the historic period, by the drainage of the formerly impracticable marshes of Novgorod and at the head of the Gulf of Finland - together with the destruction of forests (which must be considered, however, as a quite subordinate cause), contributes towards a decrease of precipitation over Russia and towards increased shallowness of her rivers.
A tender, however, is so much dead-weight to be hauled, whilst the weight of the water and fuel in a tank engine contributes largely to the production of adhesion.
Structural characters no less important separate the rheas from the emeus; the former can be readily recognized by the rounded form of their contour-feathers, which want the hyporrhachis or after-shaft that in the emeus and cassowaries is so long as to equal the main shaft, and contributes to give these latter groups the appearance of being covered with shaggy hair.
The United States contributes much to this, including its movies, products such as iPhones, and websites such as Google, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, and eBay.
The C-terminal SSX domain present in SYT-SSX translocation protein contributes a transcriptional repressor domain to the protein.
The slim chassis and small power supply contributes to the small overall low weight of only 1.7kg.
In this way, the book contributes to some of the most crucial debates on the nature of subaltern politics and consciousness.
Rose (1976) wrote about different ' universes of discourse ', each of which contributes to our understanding of behavior.
He contributes enthusiastically within university sessions and clearly has some well-grounded insights into the lives of young people.
In cases of cradle cap, too much stimulation is already present for hormonal reasons and not washing the scalp enough contributes to the buildup of cradle cap.
Texture also contributes a lot to the overall look of the pants.
The clay litter does not really biodegrade, and it contributes millions of pounds of waste to landfills each year.
Sometimes these cats come from several different areas or shelters, which contributes to the introduction of harmful diseases.
The USAA supports the Association of Graduates (AOG) and contributes for every active account.
The burning of fossil fuels contributes to greenhouse gas accumulation, acid rain, air and water pollution.
The oil contains sulfur and nitrogen and therefore contributes to the green house effect and to pollution.
Sitting still with the car running contributes to unnecessary greenhouse gases.
Manure from cattle, a primary food source worldwide, contributes to methane gas levels.
This is a practical water bootle that also contributes to low-impact living.
Burning fossil fuels increases greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to global warming.
Human caused global warming, however, contributes to the release.
Carbon dioxide contributes to ground-level ozone, like the analogy of the greenhouse.
These acids appear in many foods, and the ratio or balance of various types of fatty acids contributes to health and longevity.
Evidence suggests that a lack of essential fatty acids or an imbalance among the fatty acids contributes to disease formation.
Used in cuisines throughout the world, saffron contributes not only flavor, but also visual pop.
Meditation, mindfulness, and gentle exercise such as yoga may also help if stress contributes to hypertension.
You can get quercetin in your diet by eating red apples and red onions since quercetin is the phytochemical that contributes to the red coloration.
Located in New Jersey, Garcia's designs have been featured in a number of local publications including Design NJ, and she contributes a regular column to The Star Ledger newspaper.
This causes insulin to build up in the blood stream and causes high blood pressure, abnormal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, and contributes to glucose intolerance.
Untreated stress contributes to several serious health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, depression, and heart disease.
Lack of physical activity negatively affects overall health and contributes to a number of health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, that may prevent us from coping with stress effectively.
It is estimated that alcoholism contributes to more than 100,000 deaths each year, and the number only continues to grow.
Even though most people are aware that cigarette smoke contains toxic chemicals and contributes to an increased risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other health problems, the dependency on nicotine causes a powerful craving.
It becomes BDD when the preoccupation is time consuming and contributes to considerable disruption in important area of someone's life, such as work, school and relationships.
In addition, she contributes much of her time to good causes such as The Dishes Project for Pediatric AIDS.
He contributes a regular column for conservative news website World Net Daily.
The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) has dedicated itself to the belief that lifelong learning contributes to fulfillment and positive social change.
The stress of working on the ship and not being able to leave at the end of the day also contributes to high turnover.
Not only that, broccoli is a great source of iron, and cheese contributes natural calcium to the mix.
Obesity contributes to major health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and hip dysplasia, so all dogs should be kept at a weight that is within proportion to their size to promote good health.
Next to the lights, the presents and the food, the thing that contributes the most significantly to the Christmas spirit is the music.
This contributes to the popularity of bluegrass guitar lessons.
Another consideration is the added heat halogen lighting contributes to a room.
More remarkable is the "pinching" on either side of the hat; this effect has a very vintage-like appeal that contributes greatly to its popularity in the 21st century, particularly among those who favor retro style clothing and accessories.
The brim of the hat contributes to its functionality.
Your support contributes to the overall good of the environment, and provides you with a way to vote for environmentally responsible farming practices with your shopping dollars.
A good thick layer of mulch prevents weeds, keeps roots cool and moist, and contributes valuable organic matter to the soil.
This contributes to the appeal of wearing a plus size wedding dress with long sleeves as it allows you to change your look throughout the wedding.
It's cut slim throughout, so it contributes to an overall lean appearance, and is ideal to wear out and about no matter what's on the agenda.
The hassle of returning or exchanging a product also contributes to the overall negative experience.
For best results, look for wide straps, shelf bras and self-ties at the waist, which keep the material from bunching too much and contributes to an overall polished silhouette.
Anything that contributes to a happier life will help you feel younger and livelier.
Each employee of the college contributes one percent to the fund and it is matched by the employer.
The trustees of the fund are members from each of the different unions, and each employee contributes three percent of his salary to the trust fund.
The weight gain can contribute to the sleep disorder, but the sleep disorder also contributes to the inability to lose the excess weight.
Age contributes to snoring, with the rate of snoring increasing after middle age.
The physical inactivity of sitting contributes to sleepiness.
This type of radiation contributes to premature aging, wrinkling and has recently been linked to skin cancer.
It also contributes to sunburns and cataracts.
You may not know what many of these features entail, but be assured, the detailed specifications above are what contributes to your vision acuity, even in the brightest of sunlight, and the dependability of the frames.
If you've played Sly 2, then you know that the levels are intertwined is such a way that each objective contributes to the main goal of the level.
The wood of the barrel also contributes flavor characteristics of the wine.
In addition to the natural appeal of these foods, peer pressure contributes to the choice of a diet soft drink over milk or juice, or pizza over broccoli.
Antihistamines and decongestants have also been used to treat otitis media, but they have not been proven effective unless the child also has hay fever or some other allergic inflammation that contributes to the ear problem.
Another aspect of sports that contributes to a healthy mind is goal-setting.
The structure of the human hand contributes to the frequency with which closed-fist bites are likely to become infected.
The consumption of alcohol directly contributes to malnutrition because it contains no vitamins or minerals, and it uses up what the woman has for metabolism.
Copper contributes to healing, energy production, taste, and hair and skin color.
Some researchers think epinephrine contributes to smokers' increased risk of high blood pressure.
However, progress has been made regarding what contributes to the development of the disability; therefore, in some cases it can be prevented in childhood with the help of therapy early on.
As of the early 2000s no answers had been found to explain the causes of stuttering; still, much has been learned about what contributes to stuttering's development and how to prevent it in children.
Methylphenidate contributes to the treatment of ADHD by increasing attention and decreasing restlessness in children and adults who are overactive, cannot concentrate for very long, or are easily distracted, and are impulsive.
This slight change in posture contributes to the 'loose' illusion that you should aim for in order to look good on the dance floor.
Saw palmetto is known to block the action of a certain male hormone which contributes to male pattern baldness.
Shorter faces with a square jaw line and hairline want a hairstyle that contributes length and roundness.
As well as presenting with hair loss on the scalp, it also contributes to hair loss elsewhere on the body.
Another factor that contributes to the issue of tummy troubles is the fact that pregnant women have a heightened sense of smell.
It contributes to healthy bone formation and mineralization.
It contributes to healthy functioning of the immune system.
It contributes to the composition of teeth and bones and it helps regulate levels of calcium and other minerals in the body.
Improving the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids to a healthier level can help to fight inflammation that contributes to these disorders.
Vitamin E contributes to healthy appearing skin in a variety of ways.
It contributes to the health of the oceans and the ocean's ecosystems, providing places for feeding, breeding and hiding many marine species.
Soluble fiber slows down digestion, which contributes to a prolonged feeling of fullness and more stable blood sugar.
In a white elephant gift exchange, each person contributes one wrapped gift.
Not everyone who contributes to the site is a professional writer, or even a native English speaker, so the clarity of the instructions will vary, but you can at least get a sense of how the costume is considered and put together.
It's likely that one or more of the following contributes to the problem.
This contributes to its understated elegance, and to its timeless nature, because this type of leather develops a richer color, or patina, over time.
The ruling planet behind Aries is Mars which also contributes to the sign's color (red).
Though some kids are pre-destined to be overweight by genetics, today's society contributes to the problem.
It is hard to say, and there is not a lot of research that in fact indicates that the act of wearing uniforms in and of themselves actually contributes to academic achievement.
This has been shown to increase the shoe's longevity, and because a decent pair of golf shoes is often costly, the practice of exchanging studs also contributes to the shoe's value.
Sure to be unforgettable, buying a pair of these striped high-top Rainbow Converse sneakers contributes to a worthy cause.
Davidson remains a busy actress, in addition to her work on television, she has authored novels, helped her niece with a fashion line and contributes to charity events.
This contributes to a lower cost of ownership, making the car a little friendlier for your wallet.
Disorganization contributes to other problems, too, like running late because you can't locate your car keys.
The plaque contributes to heart disease.
Calculators to provide personalized body mass index and exercise target heart rate results, as well as to help users understand how exercising contributes to the calories burned from a meal, snack, or treat.
Research suggests a diet deficient in enzymes contributes to the early maturation of children and teens today.
Saturated fat contributes to increased rates of heart disease, high cholesterol, and clogged arteries.
Insulin also contributes to hunger and cravings, and you are typically not as hungry on a low-carbohydrate diet.
Likewise, the type of diet that contributes to these diseases and others like heart disease may also increase an individual's likelihood of getting gout.
Working your chest without working your back contributes to a slouching posture, which in turn hastens the forces of gravity.
Properly performed push ups exercise and strengthen your core, which contributes to good posture and decreased incidence of back injuries.
It contributes to the two-in-one factor of the underwire camis by making them that much more efficient.
Alcohol consumption often contributes to losing control of a party.
A Space Odyssey contributes to this sense of letdown.
Drinking plenty of water also contributes to a healthy complexion.
It also contributes to the skin's supple nature, allows it to retain moisture and makes it thicker.
Not only does it exfoliate dead skin cells and eliminate impurities, it also contributes the long term health of the facial skin.
These over-the-counter and prescription products typically contain a combination of strong ingredients formulated to attack the blemish, minimize the chances of future breakouts and reduce excess oil (which contributes to acne formation).
One of the most common and effective AHAs is glycolic acid, which contributes to collagen production and essentially plumps the cells from within, resulting in a more luminous, radiant complexion.
Onychomycosis, also known as Tinea Unguium or Ringworm of the nail is a nail fungus that contributes to nearly 50 percent of all diagnosed nail disorders or disease.
It's best to be a positive, interactive individual who contributes good things to the group.
The added incentive of saving money just contributes to the fun of earning Foursquare badges.
By the act of 1903 the state contributes half and the province a quarter of the cost of roads connecting communes with the nearest railway stations or landing places.
Bonnier has drawn attention to the fact that the mistletoe in its turn, remaining green in the winter, contributes food material to its host when the latter has lost its leaves.
There are only two or three vertebrae which are equivalent to those of the reptiles; these true sacrals are situated in a level just behind the acetabulum; as a rule between these two primary sacral vertebrae issues the last of the spinal nerves which contributes to the composition of the sciadic plexus.
The last nerve which contributes to the ischiadic plexus leaves the spinal column in most birds either between the two primary sacral vertebrae, or just below the hindmost of them, and sends a branch to the pubic portion which is composed of post-ischiadic nerves, partly imbedded in the kidneys, and innervates the ventral muscles between the tail and pubis, together with those of the cloaca and copulatory organs.
Though this action doubtless contributes to its remarkable therapeutic power, it is very far from being an adequate explanation of the virtues of the drug in gout.
In most other Mollusca (Anisopleurous Gastropods, Pteropods and Conchifera) there is a want of such continuity; the primitive shell-sac contributes no factor to the permanent shell, or only a very minute FIG.
Northern Nigeria contributes to the cotton exported from Lagos.
We assume that each carbon atom and each hydrogen atom contributes equally to the thermal effect.
The scene on any part of the river from Oxford down on public holidays, and on Saturdays and Sundays during the summer, would be sufficient to show how it contributes to the public enjoyment.
The middle element alone contributes without deduction; the effect of every other must be found by introduction of a resolving factor, equal to cos 0, if 0 represent the difference of phase between this element and the resultant.
By the Metropolitan Poor Act 1867, the metropolitan common poor fund, to which each union in London contributes in proportion to its rateable value, was established.
Each science contributes its philosophy.
He conceived it as " a religious monopoly " to which " the nation at large contributes," while " Presbyterians alone receive," and which placed him in " a relation to the state " so " seriously objectionable " as to be " impossible to hold."5 The invidious distinction it drew between Presbyterians on the one hand, and Catholics, Friends, freethinking Christians, unbelievers and Jews on the other, who were compelled to support a ministry they " conscientiously disapproved," offended his always delicate conscience; while possibly the intellectual and ecclesiastical atmosphere of the city proved uncongenial to his liberal magnanimity.
Each contributes an arranged stake to the pool.
Similarly and conversely, when the wing ascends, it creates an upward current, which, being met by the wing when it descends, powerfully contributes to the efficiency of the down stroke.
When the wings descend they elevate the body, the wings being active and the body passive; when the body descends it contributes to the elevation of the wings,' the body being active and the wings more or less passive.
The elasticity contributes also to the continuous play of the wing, and ensures that no two parts of it shall reverse at exactly the same instant.
Mouth breathing, related to the small nasal airway, contributes to fissured tongue and lips.