Contracting Sentence Examples
The muscles in her legs were contracting painfully.
Her heart hesitated a moment, contracting for a race.
Another characteristic of cancer is that it spreads far and wide, drawing other tissues to itself by contracting fibrous bands.
Stephen contrived to hold his own by adroitly contracting an alliance with the powerful Neapolitan Angevins who had the ear of the pope; but Ladislaus (q.v.) was so completely caught in the toils of the Kumanians, that the Holy See, the suzerain of Hungary, was forced to intervene to prevent the relapse of the kingdom into barbarism, and the unfortunate Ladislaus perished in the crusade that was preached against him.
All the errors, except that depending on a, and especially those depending on -y and S, can be diminished, without loss of resolving power, by contracting the vertical aperture.
Thus it is laid down in large quantity in cirrhosis of the liver, kidney or lung, and reacts upon these organs by contracting and inducing atrophy.
The Burmese court, in contravention of the express terms of the treaty of 1869, created monopolies to the detriment of the trade of both England and Burma; and while the Indian government was unrepresented at Mandalay, representatives of Italy and France were welcomed, and two separate embassies were sent to Europe for the purpose of contracting new and, if possible, close alliances with sundry European powers.
The first article declared that " The high contracting parties engage to take such measures as shall constitute an absolute and complete guarantee that no open or disguised bounty shall be granted on the manufacture or exportation of sugar."
The seventh article provided that bountied sugars (sucres primes) must be excluded from import into the territories of the signatory powers, by absolute prohibition of entry or by levying thereon a special duty in excess of the amount of the bounties, from which duty sugars coming from the contracting countries, and not bountyfed, must be free.
On the 1st of August 1907 the Belgian minister in London transmitted to Sir Edward Grey a draft, additional act prepared by the commission for carrying out the proposal of His Britannic Majesty's government, and on the 28th of August following an additional act was signed at Brussels by the plenipotentiaries of the contracting parties, by which they undertook to maintain the convention of the 5th of March 1902 in force for a fresh period of five years.
AdvertisementThe organization of cities and villages is provided by the legislature, which may restrict their powers of taxation and of contracting debts and may fix salaries.
The London protocol of 1871, with a view to prevent such abuses, lays down, perhaps a little too broadly, " that it is an essential principle of the law of nations that no power can liberate itself from the engagements of a treaty, nor modify the stipulations thereof, unless with the consent of the contracting powers, by means of an amicable arrangement."
Nicholas was allowed no respite and no peace, and those who had seemed to pity the old man--the cause of their losses (if they were losses)--now remorselessly pursued the young heir who had voluntarily undertaken the debts and was obviously not guilty of contracting them.
In addition to looking for openings on the websites of major overseas contracting companies, you may also want to include regular reviews of free job search engines that publish information about these types of job openings. site is aimed at pregnant mothers, for whom contracting fifth disease can have serious complications for the health of the baby.
AdvertisementBecause of the maze of regulations and the cultural divide, contracting with this agency may be a wise choice.
Push up and rest your body on your elbows or hands while contracting your abs.
This may occur by the dissolution of one of the contracting states, by the object-matter of the agreement ceasing to exist, by full performance, by performance becoming impossible, by lapse of the time for which the agreement was made, by contrarius consensus or mutual release, by " denunciation " by one party under a power reserved in the treaty.
Treaties are in most cases suspended, if not terminated, by the outbreak of a war between the contracting parties (though the Spanish decree of the 23rd of April 1898 went too far when it asserted that the war with the United States had terminated " all conventions that have been in force up to the present between the two countries "), and are therefore usually revived in express terms in the treaty of peace.
Hertslet, librarian of the foreign office, continued by his son, Sir Edward Hertslet, and later holders of the same office, entitled A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions and Reciprocal Regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, and of the Laws and Orders in Council concerning the same, so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation, the Slave Trade, Post Office, &c., and to the Privileges and Interests of the Subjects of the Contracting Parties (24 vols., 1820-1907).
AdvertisementThe most important powers of the Confederacy were those relating to defence, and in case of an invasion its entire force, consisting of 1 00 men from Massachusetts and 45 men from each of the other colonies (or some other proportion which the commissioners might name), was to march out if so requested by three magistrates of any of the contracting colonies.
The chief reason for contracting local debt being the establishment of works that are, directly or indirectly, reproductive, the governing conditions are evidently to be found in the character and probable yield of those businesses.
The evils must be partly met by the general principles applicable to all contracts (the fitness of the contracting parties, &c.) and partly by provisions for bankruptcy.
It is certain to be met by fictitious devices which at the best will cause needless inconvenience to the contracting parties; restraints will be placed on the natural flow of capital, and industry will suffer.
Its sanction is required for all territorial changes, for the alienation of state property, for the granting of concessions, for the contracting of loans, for the construction of roads and railways, for the ratification of treaties, &c. There was to be a senate of 60 members of whom 3d were to be appointed to represent the shah and 30 to be elected on behalf of the national council, 15 of each class being from Teheran and 15 from the provinces (the senate, however, was not immediately formed).
AdvertisementUntil 1888 the yearly expenditure was less than the yearly income, but subsequently the revenues were not sufficient to cover the expenditure, and many payments fell in arrear in spite of emptying the treasury of its reserve and contracting numerous loans.
Long before the shaft had been cut as deep as now the water flowed away by a channel gradually contracting to a serpentine way, so extremely narrow as to be called the Fat Man's Misery.
If to increase the area of the surface requires the expenditure or or of work, the surface must resist extension, and if the bubble in contracting can do work, the surface must tend to contract.
Warasdin is the seat of a district court, and possesses an old castle, a cathedral The Contracting Powers which do not at present own perfected mines of the pattern contemplated in the present Convention, and which, consequently, could not at present carry out the rules laid down in Articles i and 3, undertake to convert the materiel of their mines as soon as possible so as to bring it into conformity with the foregoing requirements.
Article 1, after expressing the regret felt by Her Majesty's government for the escape, in whatever circumstances, of the "Alabama" and other vessels from British ports, and for the depredations committed by these vessels, provided that "the claims growing out of the acts of the said vessels, and generically known as the ` Alabama ' claims" should be referred to a tribunal composed of five arbitrators, one to be named by each of the contracting parties and the remaining three by the king of Italy, the president of the Swiss Confederation and the emperor of Brazil respectively.
By Article 2 all questions submitted were to be decided by a majority of the arbitrators, and each of the contracting parties was to name one person to attend as agent.
Under the revised constitution of 1908 the former classification of cities into four classes and the practice of granting special charters were abolished, and the legislature is required to provide by general laws for the incorporation of cities and villages; "such general laws shall limit their rate of taxation for municipal purposes and restrict their powers of borrowing money and contracting debts."
They may dispense with the disqualification of a parish or district councillor arising only by reason of his being a shareholder in a water company or similar company contracting with the council, and, as has above been stated, they have large powers of altering the boundaries of parishes.
By the treaty of Paris in 1856 the principalities with their existing privileges were placed under the collective guarantee of the contracting Powers, while remaining under the Paris, suzerainty of the Porte - the Porte on its part engag 1856.
It would by contracting or dilating become more brisk, or faint, and by the loss of many Rays, in some cases very obscure and dark; but I could never see it changed in specie.
Treaties and occasional very important contracts were made "blood-covenants" and inviolable by drawing a drop of blood from the little finger of each of the contracting parties, blending this with water, and both drinking the mixture out of the same cup. The forms of legal evidence were pledges, documents, witnesses and oaths.
On the other hand, an Employers Liability Bill, introduced by Mr Asquith, the home secretary, was ultimately dropped by Gladstone after passing all stages in the House of Commons, rather than that an amendment of the Peers, allowing contracting out, should be accepted.
In Scotland, at the date of the only statute respecting bigamy, that of 1551, cap. 19, the offence seems to have been chiefly considered in a religious point of view, as a sort of perjury, or violation of the solemn vow or oath which was then used in contracting marriage; and, accordingly, it was ordained to be punished with the proper pains of perjury.
Marriage by purchase was universal, and the wealth of the contracting parties constituted the primary element of a legitimate union.
State, he shall be deemed to be a resident of the Contracting State in which he has an habitual abode.
Meet The Staff Guy Watson Technical Officer Guy's career in arboriculture includes contracting, consulting and local government arboriculture.
Each contracting Power is entitled to have access to this register and to be supplied with duly certified extracts from it.
In the future I'd like to get involved in environmentally considerate contracting.
Beyond contracting with smith is a carries the California delta dental insurance titles.
I developed ME after contracting glandular fever about four years ago.
In 2000, a baby died from contracting salmonella believed to be passed from a pet iguana.
Part of his career Andrew worked in a range of contracting fields from landfill gas installation to bioremediation.
Unfortunately still today people feel ashamed about contracting leprosy.
You don't want her contracting malaria again once she's better.
However, Mr Sharp is unsympathetic, blaming the Briggs children for his son contracting German measles.
However, only very close household contacts of the patient are at an increased risk of contracting meningitis.
Like many other cancers, smoking greatly increases the risk of contracting mesothelioma.
Young people living in halls of residence are at increased risk of contracting mumps.
Ensuring You get paid When Contracting This articles discusses how to mitigate the risk of non payment when contracting.
Muscle means little mouse in Latin, from the fancied resemblance of the muscle body contracting beneath the skin.
When contracting collets are used the blank is roughed down to a cylinder between centers and a small spigot turned on each end.
The Convention shall remain in force for the other Contracting states.
However, after contracting typhoid in 1863 she was sent home.
He will succeed merely by showing that an employer's wrongdoing had materially increased the risk of the Claimant contracting the disease.
The most common in modern times is that of a diplomatic convention debated between the authorized mandatories of the high contracting parties and subsequently ratified by the latter; as, for example, the French concordat of 1801.
Finally, they do not assume the contracting parties to be totally independent, i.e.
The bride brings no dowry to her husband; she is purchased at a stipulated price, and earnest-money is paid at the betrothal, which usually takes place while the contracting parties are still children.
Mancini, moreover, wished the treaty of alliance to provide for reciprocal protection of the chief interests of the contracting Powers, Italy undertaking to second Austria-Hungary in the Balkans, and Austria and Germany pledging themselves to support Italy in Mediterranean questions.
Nevertheless, during its first period (1882-1887) the triple alliance failed to ensure cordiality between the contracting Powers.
By alternate contracting they can cause a slight rotation of the animal in its stalk.
After intermingling their blood in the earth and performing other peculiar ceremonies, the two contracting parties with grasped hands swore to avenge any injury done to either of them.
To guarantee still further the integrity of Poland, Casimir, who had no male issue, concluded a compact with Charles Robert whereby he recognized Louis, Charles Robert's son, as the successor to the Polish crown; Louis on his part contracting to confirm the privileges of the Polish gentry and clergy, and to rule Poland through natives only.
Article 8 of the Treaty of Paris, concluded in the same year, stipulated that "if there should arise between the Sublime Porte and one or more of the other signing powers any misunderstanding which might endanger the maintenance of their relations, the Porte and each of such powers, before having recourse to the use of force, shall afford the other contracting parties the opportunity of preventing such as extremity by means of mediation."
Lastly, the high contracting parties have agreed that in questions of a legal nature, and especially in interpretation or application of international conventions, arbitration is recognized as the most effective, and at the same time the most equitable, means of settling disputes which diplomacy has failed to adjust.
In the treaty which partitioned Poland there was a secret clause which engaged the contracting powers to uphold the existing Swedish constitution as the swiftest means of subverting Swedish independence; and an alliance with the credulous Caps, " the Patriots " as they were called at St Petersburg, guaranteeing their constitution, was the corollary to this secret understanding.
By contrast, the knee extension involves sitting in a machine and simply contracting the quadriceps in isolation to extend the knee.
The Convention shall remain in force for the other Contracting States.
He will succeed merely by showing that an employer 's wrongdoing had materially increased the risk of the Claimant contracting the disease.
A baby will receive antibodies through her mom's milk, and breastfeeding your baby will lower her chances of contracting meningitis, diabetes, allergies, respiratory illnesses, obesity, and childhood cancers, such as leukemia.
If you have a local craftsman who makes custom rocking chairs, visit his woodworking studio before contracting him to do the job.
This condition is difficult to diagnose until it has advanced to the point where the heart muscles thicken and prevent the cat's heart from pumping or contracting normally.
Adult cats may also become sterile after contracting the disease.
Keep your cat inside to reduce the possibility of her contracting another illness.
Your cat's chance of contracting feline leukemia and other contagious diseases will be far lower.
Some animals are at minimal risk of contracting such diseases because they are kept indoors with no exposure to other cats.
Remember that if your table is getting a lot of use and is expanding and contracting frequently, a higher quality table will get years more use than a less expensive option.
Doing so allows the flooring to adjust to the room temperature by expanding and contracting before installation.
For many years, they thought that the cause of this type of headache was due to the muscles of the scalp, neck and face contracting in response to elevated levels of stress, tension or emotion.
Contracting a Chicago wedding and event planner is a surefire way to start your wedding planning process.
In addition to vaccinating your working dog, here are some additional measures you can take to prevent your dog from contracting kennel cough.
Despite the best vaccine protocol, the differing maternal antibody levels within each puppy will leave some vulnerable to contracting the dangerous virus.
Maintaining a clean environment, limiting the puppy's contact with other dogs and maintaining a vaccine schedule can all help prevent a puppy from contracting the parvo virus.
It is often recommended that spacers be placed between the flooring and the wall, which will allow for any expanding and contracting that might occur as the floor settles into place or as the temperature in the room changes.
They have lower VOCs, clean up easier and last longer on your home's exterior, swelling and contracting with your home's siding.
Timberwolf has taken extreme measures to ensure your pet is not in danger of contracting Mad Cow Disease by eliminating the risk of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), better known as Mad Cow Disease, contamination.
Best of all, the likelihood of contracting an illness from grass fed beef is very small.
When it is injected, the recipient's body produces antibodies to protect him or her from contracting the flu.
The following are general food safety guidelines that you should follow to reduce your chances of contracting a foodborne illness.
Following food safety fundamentals and recommendations keeps your food safe and reduces the risk of contracting a food borne illness or disease.
In this condition, individuals usually have the first signs of infection within a few weeks of contracting it.
For example, many game publishers have their own in-house development teams as well as contracting with outside video game developers to provide games for them to publish.
Besides the benefits of the contracting uterus, the process of producing milk burns calories, which helps the mother to lose excess weight gained during pregnancy.
With spasticity, muscles receive improper nerve signals, causing them to contract, while the brain is unable to communicate with the motor nerves to stop the muscles from contracting.
The greatest risk for contracting trachoma is having a family member with the disease.
They are also used to stop superficial bleeding by contracting the capillaries and for relief of conjunctivitis.
These children are at greatly increased risk of contracting bronchiolitis and of having a more severe course of the illness.
Babies up to about eight months of age are usually protected from contracting measles, due to immune cells they receive from their mothers in the uterus.
Hospitals that do not have their own MRI systems may schedule MRI scans by contracting with a company that brings an MRI scanner in a specially designed mobile trailer.
The Hib vaccine is an injection that helps protect children from contracting infections due to Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib), a bacterium that is capable of causing serious illness and potential death in children under age five.
Many statistics show significantly smaller risks for vegetarians contracting certain conditions.
The risks of women getting breast cancer and men contracting prostate cancer are nearly four times as high for frequent meat eaters as for those who eat meat sparingly or not at all.
However, hard, dry stools and constipation occur when too much water is absorbed by the colon from the stool, which can result from the muscle of the colon contracting too slowly.
Contracting tetanus does not provide immunity against future infections, so tetanus immunizations are also given.
The risk of contracting a mosquito-borne virus is greatest in mid- to late summer, when mosquitoes are most active, in those rural areas where these viruses are known to exist.
Because compromise of the immune system is so often a facet of children contracting Bell's palsy, good nutrition is necessary to rebuild and strengthen that immune system.
The Bell's Palsy Information Site notes that half of all people contracting this condition recover completely within "a short time," and another 35 percent have "good recoveries within a year."
Concern has also been raised about the possibility of hemophiliacs contracting a fatal slow virus infection of the brain (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) from blood products.
Chickenpox vaccine or varicella zoster vaccine (VZV) is an injection that protects children from contracting chickenpox (varicella), one of the most common childhood diseases.
Thus it prevents children from contracting chickenpox.
The longer the period of catheterization, the higher the risk of contracting a UTI.
Prognosis for sinus infections is usually excellent, although some individuals may find that they are particularly prone to contracting such infections after a cold.
Although prompt tick removal will cut down on the chance of contracting RMSF, removal requires great care.
The risk of contracting the disease increases if the child spends time in close contact with the local population at schools, crowded markets, or public buildings.
In addition, young adults living in close quarters on college campuses are at risk for contracting the disease.
These muscles can open or close the opening by relaxing or contracting.
The vaccine helps the body produce antibodies (protective substances) that will prevent an individual from contracting polio.
Because the risk of contracting measles in other countries is greater than in the United States, infants and children should be as well protected as possible before traveling.
Without any brain intervention, these muscles may respond to an appropriate stimulus by contracting.
Hunched shoulders and contracting neck muscles are signs of narrowed airways.
For example, with one exposure of unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman has a 1 percent chance of acquiring HIV, a 30 percent chance of acquiring herpes, and 50 percent chance of contracting gonorrhea if her partner is infected.
The hepatitis B vaccine (HBV or HepB) is an injection that protects children from contracting hepatitis B, a serious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus.
When done manually, the person performing the vibration places his or her hands against the patient's chest and creates vibrations by quickly contracting and relaxing arm and shoulder muscles while the patient exhales.
Sensory information provides critical input on the current position and velocity of body parts, and spinal nerve cells (neurons) help prevent opposing muscle groups from contracting at the same time.
Worldwide, the highest risk groups for contracting rabies are boys under the age of fifteen.
So, if it becomes coated with dirt, every time it revolves it's expanding and contracting wherever it comes into contact with the ground.
Fred did say Chip Burgess was gone, his contracting job now completed.
In theory these agreements may result from the spontaneous and pacific initiative of the contracting parties, but in reality their object has almost always been to terminate more or less acute conflicts and remedy more or less disturbed situations.
Resolution 67 warned Anglicans from contracting marriages, under actual conditions, with Roman Catholics.
She was early regarded as a useful medium for contracting an alliance with England, more necessary than ever to Portugal after the treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659 whereby Portugal was ostensibly abandoned by France.
The AustroGerman alliance of 1879 formally guaranteed the territory of the contracting parties, but Austria could not count upon effectual help from Germany in case of war, since Russian attack upon Austria would certainly have been followed by French attack upon Germany.
The sun is thus slowly contracting; but as it contracts it gains heat by the operation of the law just referred to, and thus the further cooling and further contraction of the sun is protracted until the additional heat obtained is radiated away.
It has been estimated that the sun is at present contracting so that its diameter diminishes 10 m.
A person of unsound mind can grant or take a lease if he is capable of contracting.
An agricultural tenant may not contract himself out of his statutory right to compensation, but " contracting out " is apparently not prohibited with regard to the right given him by the acts of 1883 and 1900 to remove fixtures which he has erected and for which he is not otherwise entitled to compensation, after reasonable notice to the landlord, unless the latter elects to purchase such fixtures at a valuation.
The Roman colonus was originally a free person who took land on lease, contracting to pay to the proprietor either a fixed sum annually or (when a colonus partiarius) a certain proportion of the produce of the farm.
Its southern range is gradually contracting, and it appears that it is no longer met with west of the Mackenzie river, though formerly abundant as far as Eschscholtz Bay.
By additional secret articles it was agreed that, in the event of the Porte not accepting the offered mediation, consuls should be established in Greece, and an armistice proposed to both belligerents and enforced by all the means that should " suggest themselves to the prudence " of the high contracting powers.
The history of international arbitration is dealt with in the article Peace, where treaties of general arbitration are discussed, both those which embrace all future differences thereafter to arise between the contracting parties, and also those more limited conventions which aim at the settlement of all future differences in regard to particular subjects, e.g.
This treaty contains reservations of all questions involving the vital interests, the independence or the honour of the contracting parties.
Large deficits in the financial budgets of the state resulted, involving increased taxation and the contracting of loans from foreign countries.
Its favourite situation is the outlet (pyloric cancer), where a hard, fibrous growth forms a contracting ring of the scirrhous variety.
The contracting parties were to retain their names, laws, administrative institutions, financial and military organizations.
These negotiations bore important fruit in the Anglo-French convention of 1896, the chief provision of which was the neutralization by the contracting parties of the central portion of Siam, consisting of the basin of the river Menam, with its rich and fertile land, which contains most of the population and the.
After the close of the war efforts were first directed to clearing the financial situation by funding the floating debt, and taking steps (never fully consummated) towards contracting the currency.
As a result of incurring the large debt, a clause in the constitution prohibits the legislature from contracting a debt without providing by the imposition of taxes for the payment of the interest annually and the principal within fifteen years, except to meet a temporary deficiency not exceeding $50,000.
Any town upon application, and by contracting to appropriate annually a certain fixed sum for its maintenance, may receive state aid for establishing a library, and in 1904 libraries had been established by this means in 146 towns.
Under it the high contracting powers have agreed not to have recourse to armed force for the recovery of contractual debts claimed from the government of one country by the government of another country as due to its subjects.
It was stipulated that the dismantling should be controlled by a technical commission of three officers of foreign nationality, to be chosen, one by each of the contracting powers and the third by the two officers thus appointed, or, in default of an agreement on their part, by the president of the Swiss Confederation.
The international bureau of weights and measures at Paris was created by a convention signed there in 1875, for the purpose of comparing and verifying weights and measures on the metric system, and preserving their identity for the contracting states.
It applies outside territorial waters to all legally established submarine cables landed on the territories, colonies or possessions of one or more of the high contracting parties.
To obviate them statesmen have been led to adopt the principle of the " most-favoured-nation-clause " - that is to say, a clause providing that if any reductions of tariff or other advantages are granted by either contracting state to any third state, the others.
The understanding, however, between the two contracting parties was very far from being clear and complete, as each party still sought to attain its own aim by spreading in the Christian world divergent interpretations of the concordat and widely-differing plans for reducing it to its final form.
Violated by the Liberal constitution of 1867, which granted religious liberty, depotentiated by laws setting up lay jurisdiction over matrimonial cases and state control of education, it was abrogated in 1870 by Austria, who alleged that the proclamation of papal infallibility had so altered the status of one of the contracting parties that the agreement was void.
This was a natural consequence not only of the want of self-control which we see everywhere in the middle ages, but also of the custom of contracting child-marriages for unsentimental considerations.
The United Provinces were recognized as free and independent, and Spain dropped all her claims; the uti possidetis basis was adopted in respect to all conquests; the Scheldt was declared entirely closed - a clause which meant the ruin of Antwerp for the profit of Amsterdam; the right to trade in the East and West Indies was granted, and all the conquests made by the Dutch from the Portuguese were ceded to them; the two contracting parties agreed to respect and keep clear of each other's trading grounds; each was to pay in the ports of the other only such tolls as natives paid.
But this excess of their contraction is resisted by the almost incompressible inner layers so that the outer layers are prevented from contracting as much as they naturally would if unopposed, and they are thereby virtually stretched.
The cooling of the thinner, the outer, and in general the more exposed parts of the casting outruns that of the thicker and less exposed parts, with the consequence that, at any given instant, the different parts are contracting at very different rates, i.e.
No other known drug has an equally marked action in contracting the arterioles.
As for treaties to the contrary, he was to avow in his Reminiscences that these have little force when no longer reinforced by the interests of the contracting parties.
Or again, contracts might be made with a neighboring temple, the priesthood of which bound itself to reserve for the contracting party some portion of the offerings that had already been used for the divine cult.
Though alarmed by the revolutionary agitation in Germany, which culminated in the murder of his agent, the dramatist Kotzebue, Alexander approved of Castlereagh's protest against Metternich's policy of " the governments contracting an alliance against the peoples," as formulated in the Carlsbad decrees, 1819, and deprecated any intervention of Europe to support " a league of which the sole object is the absurd pretensions of absolute power."
By the treaty of Paris (9th November 1815) the contracting powers - Great Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia - agreed to place the "United States of the Ionian Islands" under the exclusive protection of Great Britain, and to give Austria the right of equal commercial advantage with the protecting country, a plan strongly approved by Count Capo d'Istria, the famous Corfiot noble who afterwards became president of the new republic of Greece.
This is some symbolic object, stick or what not, which passes between the parties to a contract, the obligations under which, if not fulfilled by the contracting parties during their lives, become hereditary.
Thus in the second stage the star is still contracting, but its temperature is decreasing.
Seoul was opened in 1884 to foreign residence, and the provinces to foreign travel, and the diplomatic agents of the contracting powers obtained a recognized status at the capital.
People with a high risk of contracting the disease should receive preexposure vaccination.
Red/green color blindness may slightly increase an affected person's chances of contracting leprosy.
First of all, the hora also frequently includes a movement of the circle expanding and contracting.
Rubicon Marketing Group was part of the beta test group and quickly became Fortune Compass believers, after implementing the compass readings which resulted in a record for contracting new business.
You can search by type of job, like contracting or engineering jobs.
Before contracting the services of a mortgage broker which is arbitrarily chosen from the phone book, the customer may want to check with the Better Business Bureau to make sure no complaints have been lodged against that particular broker.
They have over 25 years of building and contracting experience.
Be sure to allow enough time before contracting with a home inspector to check their license and if there are any complaints.
In fact, there's some evidence that using them can increase the chance of contracting HIV, because the virus can get in through tiny breaks in the skin.
Women who are at risk of contracting a STD may want to consider alternative forms of birth control.
Bed rest takes pressure off the cervix, thus keeping the uterus from contracting.
While a man who has had a vasectomy has a very small chance of making a woman pregnant, his risk of contracting or spreading sexually transmitted diseases remains unchanged.
It is very important to protect yourself during pregnancy against contracting herpes.
The same organizations are also offering tips to their members about how to minimize the risks of contracting or passing along the disease.
Safety. There's no risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
While you can't make a man wear a condom to protect you, you have the power to refuse to have sexual relations with a man who isn't willing to protect you from an unwanted pregnancy or contracting STDs!
Not only is promiscuous behavior dangerous when it comes to contracting a sexually transmitted disease, unplanned pregnancies are numerous amongst young mothers who have had multiple sex partners.
Yes, sometimes fear of the possible pain is a big factor, as well as the fear of contracting HIV or hepatitis C from improperly sterilized equipment.
If you receive a body piercing in an unclean environment with equipment that is not properly sterilized, you take the risk of contracting a potentially life threatening disease.
The bottom line is vaccines prevent children from contracting potentially deadly diseases and they save lives.
Whether extending or contracting, you maximize the benefit through deliberateness.
Inhale as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor, contracting your abs as you do so.
Contracting the muscle, i.e. lifting the barbell in a bicep curl, should take about two seconds, while the descent should be about three seconds.
Concentrate on contracting your bicep muscles as you lift the weight.
Isometric contractions are a squeezing and contracting of muscle groups without much motion.
Squeeze your arms in tight against the sides of your breasts, contracting your pectoral muscles to bring your arms in tighter to your breasts.
By voluntarily contracting the abdominal muscles, you force them to share the work load.
As you exercise, whether through weight lifting or running, you are tightening and contracting your muscles.
Contracting multiple policies with one companycan probably get you the cheapest car insurance rate.
There are some urban legends about serious dangers of buying bras previously tried on, such as contracting someone's highly contagious and devastating skin disease.
A disastrous economy led to Todd Bruce losing the contracting company that had provided the blended family of nine with a lavish lifestyle.
The greater exposure to sunlight there is, the darker the tan and the likelier the chances of contracting skin cancer, experiencing premature aging, developing rashes and dealing with eye injuries.
Grave robbers (yes, grave robbers) relied on lavender to protect them from contracting the Great Plague that afflicted London in the 17th century.
In public wet environments such as pools, shower rooms and locker rooms, wear a pair of flip flops to avoid contracting the bacteria.
Additionally, many newspapers have been firing and laying off professional journalists and hiring - or more often contracting with - freelance bloggers.