Contracted Sentence Examples
Her stomach contracted at his tone and the look on his face.
Her stomach contracted and then twisted into a knot.
Stopping by the employment office, she contracted for temporary help to put up the fence.
I sold nearly everything and even contracted four portrait commissions.
The smelting zone always has a bosh and a contracted tuyere section.
The word was afterwards contracted into its present form.
Its walls are fibrous and complete, and it holds a considerable volume of blood when the heart itself is contracted.
Narrow and contracted working-places are to be avoided, as in such places the cost of breaking ground is always large.
In Hindu law a Gandharva marriage is one contracted by mutual consent and without formality.
Their numbers constantly increased and were reinforced by new immigrants, and pushing inland in search of fresh mineral-bearing areas, they contracted frequent intermarriages with the Dyaks and other non-Mahommedan natives.
AdvertisementIf the primary axis, in place of being elongated, is contracted, it gives rise to other forms of indefinite inflorescence.
The separation of the Colombian republic into its three original parts took place in 1830, and in 1834 the foreign debt contracted was divided among the three, Venezuela being charged with 282%, or £2,794,826, of which £906,430 were arrears of interest.
Crispi was compelled to resign office, although the judicial authorities upheld the invalidity of his early marriage, contracted at Malta in 1853, and ratified his subsequent union with Signora Barbagallo.
The water question caused no great difficulty at Helles, but the very limited local supply found within the contracted area occupied by Birdwood's force gave out almost entirely when the dry season set definitely in, and much of that which was brought by sea or condensed had to be conveyed up steep inclines to the trenches.
Some of the water is sprinkled on him five times, and he drinks of it five times from the palms of his hands; he then pronounces the Sikh watchword given above and promises adherence to the new obligations he has contracted.
AdvertisementIn each of those years expenditure was greater than receipts by sums varying from £400,000 to £1,500,000 and new loans had to be contracted.
He had discovered a contraction in the vein of fluid (vena contracta) which issued from the orifice, and found that, at the distance of about a diameter of the aperture, the section of the vein was contracted in the subduplicate ratio of two to one.
He regarded, therefore, the section of the contracted vein as the true orifice from which the discharge of water ought to be deduced, and the velocity of the effluent water as due to the whole height of water in the reservoir; and by this means his theory became more conformable to the results of experience, though still open to serious objections.
His object was to measure the contracted part of a fluid vein, to examine the phenomena attendant on additional tubes, and to investigate the form of the fluid vein and the results obtained when different forms of orifices are employed.
Hinde shows that during these years "he certainly followed a secular employment as agent to the York Buildings Company, who had contracted to purchase and were then in possession of the Widdrington estates."
AdvertisementWith this may be compared a passage in the Ursprung der Sprache, where there is a curious adumbration of Spencer's idea that intelligence, as distinguished from instinct, arises from a growing complexity of action, or, to use Herder's words, from the substitution of a more for a less contracted sphere.
His dark eyebrows were singularly flexible, and they perpetually expanded and contracted in harmony with what he was saying.
In the course of the next 50 years debt was contracted to the amount of 126,772 florins.
It is possible that he had to go into hiding to avoid the danger of being accused as a real Jacobite, when those with whom he had contracted to assume the character were dead and could no longer justify his attitude.
Not a few, however, lead a nocturnal life, and many of them have, accordingly, their pupil contracted into a vertical or more rarely a horizontal slit.
AdvertisementThe pupil remains contracted and reacts to light.
The eye is small, with round pupil, which is so much contracted by the light when the snake is taken out of the water that the animal becomes blinded and is unable to hit any object it attempts to strike.
His marriage with Elisabeth Christine, daughter of Duke Charles of Brunswick, contracted in 1765, was dissolved in 1769, and he soon afterwards married Frederika Louisa, daughter of the land grave Louis IX.
Besides his relations with his maitresse en titre, the countess Lichtenau, the king - who was a frank polygamist - contracted two "marriages of the left hand" with Fraulein von Voss and the countess Ddnhoff.
He was mayor of the Loth arrondissement of Paris under the Consulate, and died at Paris on the 27th of October 1800, of small-pox, contracted during a visit to a workshop for the blind which he had founded.
Charles had previously contracted a union, probably of an irregular nature, with a Frankish lady named Himiltrude, who had borne him a son Pippin, the " Hunchback."
From 13,000,000 to 17,000,000 francs is the annual amount of the state budget, and the debt, consisting of loans contracted principally for the construction of railways, of which there are about 350 m., is 12,000,000 francs.
It is true that Gentile converts carried over into the new religion many ideas and habits of cult contracted under the old; this was inevitable, for no one lightly changes his religious habits and categories.
A householder with a family may, by recording the proper declaration in a registry of deeds, hold exempt from attachment, levy on execution, and sale for the payment of debts thereafter contracted an estate of homestead, not exceeding $800 in value, in a farm or lot with buildings thereon which he lawfully possesses by lease or otherwise and occupies as his residence.
Bricked vault tombs were discovered containing bodies outstretched (not contracted); the deposits were of an unusually fine character and comprised silve, alabaster and even iron.
It is a contracted form of khagan (khakan), a word equivalent to sovereign or emperor, used among the Mongol and Turki-nomad hordes.
Later, it was used in the sense of the imposition itself, in which it has survived in the contracted form of cess.
Yet Canada has seen statesmen of more contracted view insist on such small points, fall, and drag down their party with them.
The Russians' semicircle, now contracted, rested on the Taitszeho above and below the town, and their forces were massed most closely on either side of the " Mandarin " road that the 1st Army had followed.
About 1802 he contracted with Madame de Condorcet a liaison which lasted till her death (1822).
He then defeated the Turks who were besieging Scutari, but he there contracted an illness of which he died.
The skin disease he had contracted in the subterranean haunts was rapidly closing his life; he could only ease his pain by sitting in a warm bath, where he wrote his journal; and accused the Girondins, who were trying to raise France against Paris.
The purport, then, of ablutions is to remove, not dust and dirt, but the - to us imaginary - stains contracted by contact with the dead, with childbirth, with menstruous women, with murder whether wilful or involuntary, with almost any form of bloodshed, with persons of inferior caste, with dead animal refuse, e.g.
Skilfully taking advantage of the jealousies of Poland and Lithuania, as they were accentuated by the personal antagonism of Jagiello and Witowt (q.v.), with the latter of whom the Knights more than once contracted profitable alliances, they even contrived (Treaty of Salin, 1378) to extend their territory by getting possession of the province of Samogitia, the original seat of the Lithuanians, where paganism still persisted, and where their inhuman cruelties finally excited the horror and indignation of Christian Europe.
He concluded the truce of Nice (1538) between Charles and Francis, and contracted an alliance with each.
Some difficulties had arisen between France and the dey of Algiers with reference to the debts contracted to Bacri and Busnach, two Algerine Jews who had supplied corn to the Frenchovernment under the Directory.
But he lost 15,000 men in the course of his seven days' retreat, and 20% of the remainder became ineffective from disease contracted in the swamps of the Chickahominy, while enormous quantities of valuable stores at White House on the Pamunkey had been burnt to avoid seizure by the enemy.
In 1871 the government contracted aloanof £1,000,0001n London, and in 1872 it borrowed an additional £2,400,000 for railway construction.
His possessions had been enlarged by four successive marriages, particularly by that which he contracted in 1221 with Margaret, the sister of Alexander II.
The next great advance on the Trigonometria artificialis took place more than a century and a half afterwards, when Michael Taylor published in 1792 his seven-decimal table of log sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant; it was calculated by interpolation from the Trigonometria to 10 places and then contracted to 7.
Both as regards structure and habits, the leopard may be reckoned as one of the more typical representatives of the genus Felis, belonging to that section in which the hyoid bone is loosely connected with the skull, owing to imperfect ossification of its anterior arch, and the pupil of the eye when contracted under the influence of light is circular, not linear as in the smaller cats.
Other loans and obligations contracted during periods of disorder were afterwards consolidated under this type, and later on unpaid railway subsidies were also included.
In 1824 he had contracted a morganatic marriage with the countess Auguste von Harrach, whom he created Princess von Liegnitz.
In moral effect the battle proved anything but a defeat to the Americans, who now drew a cordon of works around Boston, hemming Howe's army in a contracted, and, as it proved, untenable, position.
Soon after his arrival at Gratz, Kepler contracted an engagement with Barbara von Miihleck, a wealthy Styrian heiress, who, at the age of twenty-three, had already survived one husband and been divorced from another.
After completing his university course and visiting foreign museums he was sent to Egypt by the Prussian government in 1853, and contracted an intimate friendship with Mariette.
The free edge of the left half of the mantle-skirt b is represented as a little contracted in order to show the exactly similar free edge of the right half of the mantle-skirt c. These edges are not attached to, although they touch, one another; each flap (right or left) can be freely thrown back in the way carried out in fig.
In the newer texts, on the other hand, as experience has already shown, it will have from the outset but a very contracted field.
The constitution of 1901 exempted a homestead of 80 acres of farm land, or of a house and lot not exceeding $2000 in value, from liability for any debt contracted since the 30th of July 1868 except for a mortage on it to which the wife consented; personal property to the value of $l000 is exempted.
The remaining and more typical members of the family, one of which is aquatic, are characterized by their short incisors, the strong masseteric ridges on the sides of the lower jaw, the long and curved par-occipitals and the palate contracted in front.
The palate is so much contracted in front that the premolars of opposite sides touch by their antero-internal edges.
The jugal is without an inferior angle, and extends forwards to the lachrymal; the palate is contracted in front and deeply emarginate behind; the incisors are short, and the molars divided by continuous folds into transverse plates; and the two halves of the lower jaw are welded together in front.
Skull depressed, frontals contracted and without post-orbital processes; p.; or; molars rootless, with transverse enamel-folds.
The area of infection increased rapidly, and with that the demand for healthy graine correspondingly expanded, while the supply had to be drawn from increasingly remote and contracted regions.
His views and feelings contracted under the combined influences of his professional practice and of public employment.
It is sometimes employed, too, in a more contracted sense, to denote the palaeography, in inscriptions.
For a time he was not unhappy, but the debts which he had contracted in Hamburg weighed heavily on him, and he missed the society of his friends; his health, too, which had hitherto been excellent, gradually gave way.
From this place he proceeded to Constantinople, where he received similar civilities from Sir Thomas Bendish, the English ambassador, and Sir Jonathan Dawes, with whom he afterwards contracted an intimate friendship. While at Constantinople he read and studied the works of St Chrysostom, whom he preferred to all the other Fathers.
Pursuing a policy intended to reconcile the peasantry to Russian rule and to break the power of the Polish nobility, the Russian government promulgated, during the outbreak in 1864, a law by which those peasants who were holders of land on estates belonging to private persons, institutions (such as monasteries and the like), or the Crown were recognized as proprietors of the soil-the state paying compensation to the landlords in bonds, and the peasants having to pay a yearly annuity to the state until the debt thus contracted had been cleared off.
When therefore he, after the lapse of years, resumed his pen, the mannerism which he had contracted while he was in the constant habit of elaborate composition was less perceptible than formerly, and his diction frequently had a colloquial ease which it had formerly wanted.
In 1905, 485,906 marriages were contracted in Germany, being at the rate of 8o per thousand inhabitants.
The first matter was .the debt, amounting to over 3000 million gulden, in addition to the floating debt, which had been contracted during recent years.
The Hungarians laid down the principle that they were in no way responsible for debts contracted during a time when they had been deprived of their constitutional liberties; they consented, however, to pay each year 291million gulden towards the interest.
He was one of the oldest disciples of the Prophet, and had often rendered him personal service; but he was a man of contracted views, although he is one of the pillars of Moslem Masud theology.
As in most agricultural countries, there is a great expansion of the circulation in the autumn and winter months in order to move the crops, followed by a long period of contracted circulation throughout the rest of the year.
In the eight years of his government the Tulunid empire contracted, owing to the revolts of the deputies which HrUn was unable to quell, though in 898 he endeavoured to secure a new lease of the sovereignty in Egypt and Syria by a fresh arrangement with the caliph, involving an increase of tribute.
The contracted state, instead of rapidly subsiding after discontinuance of the stimulus, slowly and only partially wears off, the muscle remaining in a condition of physiological "contracture."
In June 1672 a French army invaded the Netherlands; whereupon the elector of Brandenburg contracted an alliance with the emperor Leopold, to which Denmark was invited to accede; almost simultaneously the States-General began to negotiate for a renewal of the recently expired Dano-Dutch alliance.
The prevailing mode of sepulture in all the different varieties of these structures is by the deposit of the body in a contracted position, accompanied by weapons and implements of stone, occasionally by ornaments of gold, jet or amber.
David was now free to subdue John of the Isles, to repudiate all his own debts contracted before 1368, and to make preparations for a crusade.
The hinder part of the body is much contracted, and the femur long and vertically placed, so that the knee-joint is lower in position, and the thigh altogether more detached from the abdomen than in most mammals.
Astura was the site of a favourite villa of Cicero, whither he retired on the death of his daughter Tullia in 45 B.C. It appears to have been unhealthy even in Roman times; according to Suetonius, both Augustus and Tiberius contracted here the illnesses which proved fatal to them.
In 461 they contracted an alliance with Athens, thus renewing a connexion established by Peisistratus.
After leaving his second post he was received into the house of a merchant at Riga named Johann Christoph Behrens, who contracted a great friendship for him and selected him as his companion for a tour through Danzig, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam and London.
He retired to Rome, where he was imprisoned in the castle of St Angelo for six months for his disobedience to the papal orders, and died in 1817, a year or two after his release, of disease contracted in prison and of chagrin.
In 1804-1805 he contracted a friendship with Aaron Burr; and at the latter's trial in 1807 Jackson was one of his conspicuous champions.
In the Glasgow case the wife of a laundryman employed in handling plague linen contracted the disease.
Healthy rats contracted plague from infected rats when the only apparent means of communication between the two was the rat flea (pulex cheopis).
In 21 experiments out of 38, 55% of healthy rats living in flea-proof cages have contracted plague after receiving fleas collected from rats either dead or dying of septicaemic plague; consequently it is proved the rat flea can transmit plague from rat to rat.
Simultaneously Wladislaus contracted an offensive and defensive alliance with Venice against the Porte, a treaty directly contrary indeed to the pacta conventa he had sworn to observe, but excusable in the desperate circumstances.
What was even worse from an artistic point of view, they had contracted puerilities of style, vanities of rhetoric, stupidities of wearisome citation.
His disorder was an oedematous affection of the wind-pipe, contracted by exposure during a long ride in a snowstorm, and aggravated by neglect and by such contemporary remedies as bleeding, gargles of "molasses, vinegar and butter" and "vinegar and sage tea," which "almost suffocated him," and a blister of cantharides.
Deficits can be transferred to the capital account, and the country's resources employed most usefully by repaying liabilities contracted in times of extreme need.
Local debt on the other hand can only be contracted under the sanction of the appropriate administrative organ of the state.
The modern Greek custom is "(a) that most candidates for Holy Orders are dismissed from the episcopal seminaries shortly before being ordained deacons, in order that they may marry (their partners being in fact mostly daughters of clergymen), and after their marriage, return to the seminaries in order to take the higher orders; (b) that, as priests, they still continue the marriages thus contracted, but may not remarry on the death of their wife; and (c) that the Greek bishops, who may not continue their married life, are commonly not chosen out of the ranks of the married secular clergy, but from among the monks."
At Paris also he contracted the friendship with Lothar of Segni, the future Innocent III., which played so important a part in shaping his career.
Elizabeth never forgave him; but Cecil corresponded with the Scottish lords, and their answer in July 1559, in Knox's handwriting, assures England not only of their own constancy, but of "a charge and commandment to our posterity, that the amity and league between you and us, contracted and begun in Christ Jesus, may by them be kept inviolated for ever."
The national debt was practically nil until c. 1855, and the debt contracted thereafter owes its existence almost wholly to railway construction.
The problems to be solved were the frontier difficulty with Argentina, the question of the possession of Tacna and Arica with Peru, and the necessity of fulfilling the obligation contracted with Bolivia to give that country a seaport on the Pacific coast.
Hence it is that even the holy Ganges resorts underground once in the year to the source of the Cauvery, to purge herself from the pollution contracted from the crowd of sinners who have bathed in her waters.
Considerable delay ensued, but the outcome of the whole proceedings was not only acceptance but fulfilment of all the engagements contracted.
His death (29th of August 886) was due to a fever contracted in consequence of a serious accident in hunting.
The small contracted kidney, which is so common in elderly gouty people, is usually associated with a very large secretion of urine containing only a minute trace of albumin.
The upper end is contracted and is fitted with a rubber tube under the control of a pinch-cock.
There is a trade route across the plains from Santa Cruz de la Sierra to Puerto Suarez, on the Paraguay, and the Bolivian government contracted in 1908 for a railway between these two points (about 497 m.) but the traffic is inconsiderable.
By that time he had contracted his first "spiritual marriage," and had persuaded himself that he had been absorbed into the personality of God and had become a visible embodiment of the Holy Spirit.
In 1411 John the Fearless contracted an alliance with Henry IV.
He died, however, on the 4th of May 1865, of inflammation of the lungs supervening on a severe cold contracted during excavation work at La Palisse, leaving a half-finished book, entitled Reliquiae Aquitanicae, being contributions to the Archaeology and Palaeontology of Perigord and the adjacent provinces of Southern France; this was issued in parts and completed at the expense of Christy's executors, first by Lartet and, after his death in 1870, by Professor Rupert Jones.
The exemption does not extend to a sale for unpaid taxes, for labour done on the homestead, materials furnished to it, or for a debt contracted in the purchase thereof, or prior to the recording of the notice.
Thereupon the governor and legislature of New Jersey protested that such a measure was an infringement of the reserved rights of the state, since the state had contracted with the Camden & Amboy not to construct nor to authorize others to construct within a specified time any other railway across the state to be used for carrying passengers or freight between New York and Philadelphia.
The entrance is contracted by Tiran and other islands, so that the passage is rendered somewhat difficult; and its navigation is dangerous on account of the numerous coral reefs, and the sudden squalls which sweep down from the adjacent mountains, many of which rise perpendicularly to a height of 2000 ft.
On the outbreak of the Seven Years' War, he contracted an armed neutrality treaty with Denmark (1756); but in the following year acceded to the league against Frederick IL of Prussia.
Foot expanded distally into a symmetrical disk with a crenate edge or simple and vermiform without well-developed lateral processes; shell often contracted towards the anterior aperture.
This may be expanded or contracted at pleasure, and is moved up and down for the purpose of causing the machine to ascend or descend.
Lynxes are found in the northern and temperate regions of both the Old and New World; they are smaller than leopards, and larger than true wild cats, with long limbs, short stumpy tail, ears tufted at the tip, and pupil of the eye linear when contracted.
Before his marriage he had been contracted to Lady Eleanor Butler, and this was alleged by Richard III.
In 1420 Jacoba fled to England; and there, declaring that her marriage with John of Brabant was illegal, she contracted a marriage with Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, in 1422.
A public debt of £20,000, repayable in thirty annual instalments, was contracted in 1899.
One bad habit he contracted, that of using profane language; but he tells us that a single reproof cured him so effectually that he never offended again.
By means of the stinging nettle-cells or nematocysts with which the tentacles are thickly covered, living organisms of various kinds are firmly held and at the same time paralysed or killed, and by means of longitudinal muscular fibrils formed from the cells of the ectoderm the tentacles are contracted and convey the food to the mouth.
On the removal of any plug, this wire gauze prevented the sand from flowing with the water into the well; but while the finer particles of sand remained in the neighbourhood of the orifice, the flow of water through the contracted area was very small.
To pay bounties to soldiers in the Civil War a debt of $237,000 was contracted; but in 1870 only $90,000 of it was still outstanding.
The depth is continued with an increased width for a mile and a quarter to near Fells' Point, where the width is contracted to one-fourth of a mile with a depth of 16 ft.
In 1791 Fessler was converted to Lutheranism and next year contracted an unhappy marriage, which was dissolved in 1802, when he married again.
Contracted Multiplication.
Edward left Spain with a discontented and unpaid army, and had himself contracted the seeds of a disease which was to leave him an invalid for the rest of his life.
Edward IV., as he asserted, had been privately contracted to Lady Eleanor Talbot before he ever met Queen Elizabeth.
In order to legitimatize the issue born before the marriage, the earl in 1801 made declaration of an earlier marriage contracted privately at Berkeley in r 785.
C. Bischof at Magdesprung (both in Germany), consisted of simple perpendicular shafts of masonry contracted at the top and the bottom, with or without a grate for the coal.
The inside shape of the producer is such that the upper, less hot portion cannot get stopped, as it widens out towards the bottom; the lower, hotter portion, where the ashes are already fluxed, is contracted to a slit a, through which the air ascends.
To prevent such extravagant expenditures for internal improvements as had brought disaster to Michigan and other states, the framers of the constitution of Wisconsin inserted a clause limiting its aggregate indebtedness to $100,000 for all purposes other than to repel an invasion, to suppress an insurrection or for defence in time of war, and the state is free from debt with the exception of that contracted on account of the Civil War.
The title was revived in 1851, when Alexander (1823888), a younger son of Louis II., grand-duke of Hesse, contracted a morganatic marriage with a Polish lady, Countess Julia Theresa von Haucke (1825-1895), who was then created countess of Battenberg.
His indifference to works of art and ignorance of their value is shown by his well-known remark to those who contracted for the shipment of the treasures of Corinth to Rome, that "if they lost or damaged them, they would have to replace them."
This area, at one time very extensive, gradually contracted as subject tribes and towns acquired independence.
Stephen was a keen and circumspect politician, and for his future security contracted, during his father's lifetime, a double' matrimonial alliance with the Neapolitan princes of the House of Anjou, the chief partisans of the pope.
From this time forward until the date of his death, Filelfo's history consists of a record of the various towns in which he lectured, the masters whom he served, the books he wrote, the authors he illustrated, the friendships he contracted, and the wars he waged with rival scholars.
Her only daughter Frederica had contracted in 1748 an unhappy marriage with Charles Eugene, duke of Wurttemberg.
A homestead in lands to the value of $t000, the products of the same, and personal property to the value of $500 which belong to the head of a family or to the husband and wife jointly are exempt from attachment, levy or sale except for taxes, purchase money or debts contracted in making improvements or repairs.
The obligations contracted in support of the war, amounting to about $3,000,000 were of course nullified by the Fourteenth Amendment.
Their empire in Gaul, encroached upon in the north by the Belgae, a kindred race, and in the south by the Iberians, gradually contracted in area and eventually crumbled to pieces.
With a biaxal plate perpendicular to the optic axis in the diagonal position, the hyperbolic brush becomes an hyperbolic line and the rings are expanded or contracted on its concave side, with a positive plate, according as the plane of the optic axes is parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the quarter-wave plate, the reverse being the case with a negative plate.
The American commission, presided over by secretary Day in Paris, absolutely refused to admit the Spanish contention that the United States or the new administration in Cuba and the Philippines should be saddled with several hundred million dollars of debts, contracted by the colonial treasuries, and guaranteed by Spain, almost entirely to maintain Spanish rule against the will of the Cubans and Filipinos.
A woman's rights to her property are not affected by marriage, except that it becomes liable for payment of debts contracted for necessaries to the family when a judgment against the husband for the payment of the same cannot be satisfied.
These provisions were construed to mean that not more than $100,000 of debt could be contracted in addition to appropriations made by the legislature.
In Saxifraga umbrosa (London-pride) and in the horse-chestnut we meet with a raceme of scorpioid cymes; in sea-pink, a capitulum of contracted scorpioid cymes (often called a glomerulus); in laurustinus, a compound umbel of dichasial cymes; a scorpioid cyme of capitula in Vernonia scorpioides.
The so-called catkins of the birch are, in reality, spikes of contracted dichasial cymes.
Contracted or shortened form (Umbel), Cowslip, Astrantia.
Contracted or shortened form(Capitulum), Daisy,Dandelion, Scabious.
Contracted form, Witsenia corymbosa.
Contracted form, Erodium, Alchemilla arvensis.
Contracted form (Verticillaster), Dead-nettle, Pelargonium.
Capitulum of contracted Scorpioid Cymes (Glomerulus), Sea-pink.
The axis is usually very much contracted, no internodes being developed, and the portion bearing the floral leaves, termed the thalamus or torus, frequently expands into a conical, flattened or hollowed expansion; at other times, though rarely, the internodes are developed and it is elongated.
The action of a drug may be called direct when it acts on any part to which it is immediately applied, or which it may reach through the blood; and indirect when one organ is affected secondarily to another, as, for instance, in strychnine poisoning when the muscles are violently contracted as the result of the action of the alkaloid upon the spinal cord.
The causes for divorce are impotency, bigamy, adultery, desertion for two years, conviction of an infamous crime, the attempt of one of the parties to take the life of the other, the husband's cruel and inhuman treatment of his wife, refusal of the wife to remove with her husband into the state without a reasonable cause, pregnancy of the wife at the time of the marriage by another person without the knowledge of the husband, and habitual drunkenness, provided the habit has been contracted subsequent to the marriage.
A homestead of a head of a family to the value of $1000 is exempt from forced sale except for the collection of taxes, debts contracted for its purchase or in making improvements upon it, or fines for voting out of the election district, for carrying concealed weapons, or for giving away or selling intoxicating liquors on election days.
They both contracted ague and fever on the survey from which he died.
Most airlines provide around-the-clock air-to-ground radio consultation either with their own medical department personnel or contracted medical consultants.
It was never sufficient to keep us in health and very soon we contracted beriberi and other illnesses.
It will place limits on the quantity of work that can be contracted out, and will prohibit subcontracting chains.
In the absence of a satisfactory local NHS chiropody service, should not this private service be contracted in by the NHS?
Private firms contracted to local councils have been notoriously corrupt, but the arms sector is equally notorious for overcharging the government.
In fact, he nearly died there as he contracted double pneumonia for his troubles.
Many fell ill on the march, including Venables himself who contracted dysentery.
He proposed that as the endoplasm to ectoplasm transformation took place, the forming ectoplasm contracted pulling the cell forward (Figure 3A ).
She was contracted to create embellishments for major British fashion companies.
Respondents were given a list of 23 problems potentially experienced by people who have contracted encephalitis.
At this time he contracted gonorrhea, an affliction that he was to endure many times in the course of his life.
The bar facility is operated by a contracted local hotelier who will provide a professional service to suit the hirer's needs.
A few months ago he contracted mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer whose only known cause is asbestos.
I spent two months in a coma following an appendix operation and at the age of thirteen I contracted chronic pleurisy.
Mr Wardlaw worked in a foundry for eight years and was exposed to silica dust and contracted pneumoconiosis.
At the age of eighteen months, however, he contracted polio, which would leave him lame for the rest of his life.
Having contracted poliomyelitis, she was left without the use of her right leg in 1923.
Figure 3 shows the endoscopic view of the pharyngeal pouch at the bottom of the picture with contracted cricopharyngeal ring at the top.
Charles is shocked to learn that he may have contracted rabies through a dog bite on his arm.
Subsequent support for the system may be contracted for on either an annual retainer or on an ad-hoc basis.
In the last two years, 13 people in the UK have contracted salmonella from pet reptiles.
At the age of five Goodricke had contracted scarlet fever which left him totally deaf.
It is usually contracted through eating or drinking food or water contaminated by infected sewage or feces.
On a visit to England after the Restoration of her brother, Charles II, she had contracted smallpox and died there.
Both hind legs were inflamed, and the ligaments contracted, and the animal was suffering from bone spavin.
How could this test be used to diagnose whether this patient has contracted syphilis?
Regrettably, toward the end of his service, he contracted pulmonary tuberculosis.
There he was " employed " as a medical orderly, until he again contracted typhus.
Pliny, H.N. 35.6 Regulations concerning an undertakers ' service " contracted out " by the local authorities.
The defendant, a master wheelwright, had contracted with the firm to keep their vans in good and substantial repair.
A few months later, while visiting troops in Mobile, Alabama, he contracted yellow fever and died on July 3, 1849.
An enumeration of George Sand's novels would constitute a Homeric catalogue, and it must suffice to note only the most typical and characteristic. She contracted with Buloz to supply him with a stated amount of copy for the modest retaining fee of 160 a year, and her editor testifies that the tale of script was furnished with the punctuality of a notary.
At the same time he succeeded in obtaining the annulment of his marriage with the countess Raimondi (with whom hehadneverlived) and contracted another marriage with the mother of his children, Clelia and Manlio.
In Lyons their views were publicly known; Roland was elected a member of the municipality, and when the depression of trade in the south demanded representation in Paris he was deputed by the council of Lyons to ask the Constituent Assembly that the municipal debt of Lyons, which had been contracted for the benefit of the state, should be regarded as national debt.
In 1890 the crisis came, the mortgage banks failed, credits were contracted, the value of property declined, defaults were common, imports decreased, and the losses to the country were enormous.
The Antarctic-Alpine region is the complement of the ArcticAlpine, but unlike the latter, its scattered distribution over numerous isolated points of land, remote from great continental areas, from which, during migrations like those attending the glacial period in the northern hemisphere, it could have been recruited, at once accounts for its limited number of species and their contracted range in the world.
Apart from Susa, the most important part of the country was Anzan (Anshan, contracted Assan), where the native population maintained itself unaffected by Semitic intrusion.
It is possible, though not probable, that malaria may also be contracted in some other way than by mosquito bite, but there are no well-authenticated facts which require any other theory for their explanation.
The pupa either shows the appendages of the perfect insect, though these are encased in a sheath and adherent to the body, or else it is entirely concealed within the hardened and contracted larval integument, which forms a barrel-shaped protecting capsule or puparium.
Meanwhile in Turkey national bankruptcy was brought within measurable distance by the sultan's extravagance and the incompetence of his ministers; it was staved off only by loans contracted almost annually to pay the interest on their predecessors.
There appear to be moving and stationary radiants, contracted and diffused radiants, and long-enduring and brief radiants.
The early history is therefore contracted into a series of tribal and priestly genealogies, which were doubtless by no means„ the least interesting part of the work at a time when every contained also matter not derived from these works, for it is pretty clear from 2 Kings xxi.
The ostensible cause of their animosity to the king was his second marriage, secretly contracted before his accession, with the beautiful Lithuanian Calvinist, Barbara Radziwill, daughter of the famous Black Radziwill.
Being often very hungry when he sat down to his meals, he contracted a habit of eating with ravenous greediness.
The cynical use he made of his "freedom" to repudiate obligations solemnly contracted is described elsewhere (see Naples, History).
As the ellipse degenerates into the straight line joining its foci, the contracted parts of the unduloid become narrower, till at last the figure becomes a series of spheres in contact.
He afterwards served on board the "Washington" (74) carrying the broad pennant of Commodore Chauncey in the Mediterranean, and pursued his professional and other studies under the instruction of the chaplain, Charles Folsom, with whom he contracted a lifelong friendship. Folsom was appointed from the "Washington" as U.S. consul at Tunis, and obtained leave for his pupil to pay him a lengthened visit, during which he studied not only mathematics, but also French and Italian, and acquired a familiar knowledge of Arabic and Turkish.
That interestingly is roughly the contracted price for Pelamis sea snake wave device.
Robert contracted smallpox as a child, surviving disfigured and scarred.
Hours of Work/Working Arrangements The post holder will be contracted to work 37 hours per week.
It has now been almost 15 years since I contracted this disease, and thankfully, there has been very little further deterioration, and I am still going strong.
Since he used to be an outdoor cat, it is possible he has contracted the Cat Flu virus at some point.
It can also be contracted by bite wounds from affected cats.
The most important factor in saving a cat that has contracted the disease is prompt medical attention when feline distemper symptoms are suspected.
Treating a cat that already has contracted the disease may cost several hundred dollars.
However, there are many business people who have contracted with specific Amish families or collective groups to sell their wares online.
Freelancing means that you work for yourself, and that you are contracted by companies on a project-by-project basis.
To use progressive muscle relaxation, you must tense a group of muscles in your body and hold them as tightly contracted as possible for several seconds.
Fawcett was dissatisfied with Charlie's Angels and left the show after the first season even though she was contracted to do the series for another year.
He graduated from high school at 17 and travelled to Africa where he contracted Malaria.
In 2004, Abdul contracted a staph infection reportedly from an unsanitary manicure.
Mirken contracted Stewart to write her first cookbook, Entertaining, which went on to become a New York Times bestseller.
In December 2009, Carnival announced they have contracted with an Italian cruise ship builder for a 130,000-ton cruise ship with a 3,690 passenger capacity to be delivered in 2012.
If so, will it be your regular vet or one the sitter/agency is contracted with?
There's a possibility that your dog could have contracted heartworms after a month without preventative, but I honestly don't think you'd see such obvious symptoms this early.
Since kennel cough is transmitted via the air, it can be found in even the cleanest kennels and can be contracted by even the most pampered and pedigreed pooch.
The soft, lavender-blue flowers are drooping, distinctly contracted about the middle, and openly bell-shaped at the mouth.
The pendent flowers are pure white, globose, and contracted to a much narrower mouth than in E. campanulatus.
Campanula Macrantha - The stems of this handsome plant rise to a height of 5 feet, terminated by clusters of large deep blue flowers almost as large as Canterbury Bells, but less contracted at the mouth of the tube.
Instances where someone has contracted GBS after receiving a flu shot are very rare.
The H1N1 flu has also killed some people who have contracted it.
Seniors must use the health care facilities, doctors and other providers contracted with their specific plan.
Once Care for You is contracted to provide home care, a companion is assigned to the senior.
Individuals who believe they may have contracted the disease, such as those who may have recently visited Africa, should speak to their doctors about it as soon as possible.
When your leg begins to cramp, a gentle massage can often help relax the contracted muscle.
When massaging the cramped muscle use a firm, but gentle grip and work your fingers along the length of the contracted muscle, squeezing lightly.
At first you either changed from the plague or died from the hands of someone who contracted the plague.
For many people, prepaid cellular phone plans provide a valuable alternative to contracted cell phones.
Later in a pregnancy, if the fetus has contracted the disease, treatment with the antibiotic pyrimethamine (Daraprim, Fansidar) and folinic acid (an active form of folic acid) may be effective.
Spastic muscles are resistant to the normal stretching that occurs during use and may remain contracted for long periods.
Like most types of respiratory viruses, the viruses that cause bronchiolitis are usually contracted through breathing in infected droplets that are sprayed out by another ill individual during coughing or sneezing.
Muscles that receive defective messages from the brain may be constantly contracted and tight (spastic), exhibit involuntary writhing movements (athetosis), or have difficulty with voluntary movement (dyskinesia).
A muscle that is tensed and contracted is hypertonic, while excessively loose muscles are hypotonic.
Clenched fists and contracted feet (equinus or equinovarus) are common in people with CP.
Tenotomy-A surgical procedure that cuts the tendon of a contracted muscle to allow lengthening.
The type of meningitis contracted will determine the specific antibiotic used.
In the pre-vaccine years, most children contracted mumps between the ages of four and seven.
Once individuals have contracted mumps, they become immune to the disease, despite how mild or severe their symptoms may have been.
Without proper flow of charged particles, the muscle cannot return to its relaxed state after it has contracted.
Before the varicella vaccine (Varivax) was released for use in 1995, nearly all of the 4 million children born each year in the United States contracted chickenpox, resulting in hospitalization in five of every 1,000 cases and 100 deaths.
Most experts contend that they are contracted by sexual contact with an infected person who carries HPV and are more contagious than other warts.
Neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis develops within five to 12 days after birth and is contracted as the child passes through the mother's cervix.
When inclusion conjunctivitis is diagnosed in an adolescent, it is almost always has been contracted through sexual activity.
In older babies, if there is a lack of range of motion in one hip or even both hips, it is possible that the movement is blocked because the hip has dislocated and the muscles have contracted in that position.
Prior to the introduction of VZV, approximately 4 million Americans contracted chickenpox each year, and 95 percent of children contracted the disease before the age of 18.
Babies whose mothers contracted chickenpox during pregnancy are at risk for multiple birth defects.
Breakthrough infection-A disease that is contracted despite a successful vaccination against it.
The prognosis of a neonate who has contracted an infection perinatally depends on the specific infection.
Once it is contracted, it is always in a person's system.
Symptoms are similar among young children who have contracted gonorrhea from a sexual abuser.
The abdomen is then contracted, and the patient exhales.
Although this lump disappears by itself after about three months, the SCM muscle becomes tight, contracted, and fibrous.
In one case, a man who had contracted rabies in the Philippines was not diagnosed until he began to feel ill in the United Kingdom.
Your initial mortgage was contracted at six percent interest for 30 years, and your current monthly principal and interest payment is around $600 a month.
Landmark provides both a written report, a detailed record of the inspection and a full review of the findings with the individual who contracted the inspection.
They are employed or contracted by a financial institution or mortgage lender to review a mortgage application as part of the mortgage application process.
Stevens Electric contracted with the Racine, Wisconsin-based Arnold Electric Company to produce these blenders for Horlick's.
For example, offers SafePay but the method of payment is stipulated at the beginning of the transaction before the work is contracted.
Once you have contracted an illness, you will always have antibodies specific to the virus circulating in your bloodstream which are ready to defend you against the virus any time you re-encounter it.
Many countries as well as school districts in the U.S. have contracted with OLPC to bring these laptops and the educational help they contain to children all over the world.
Emma became sexually active at a young age and contracted gonorrhea as a result.
The pretty Degrassi character attempts suicide after she discovers she contracted an STD, but some how Darcy is able to pull herself together and moves to Kenya.
Depending on how established or popular a given mountain biking event is you may also get hotel discounts even if the organizer has not contracted with it.
Rather, these services are contracted out to fill seats by the airlines at deeply discounted rates.
Bailey Banks contracted a brain inflammation, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) after receiving the MMR vaccine as a toddler.
The first is that rates are generally higher than contracted service plans and you'll pay more for prepaid plans long term.
Carrier cell phone technology offered are older units lacking the whistles and bells heavily advertised by contracted carrier plans, including text messaging, picture transmission or customizable ring tones.
The franchise owner is contracted to operate the business within set parameters.
While cell phone technology may be limited, the technology will constantly improve as contracted cell phone carriers strive to meet increasing market demand for new bells and whistles.
Contracted carriers avoid passing these charges onto consumers by including them at low costs in their contracted plans.
When and if that becomes the case, you can opt for a contracted plan.
If you have these, be prepared to offer explanations as to why you failed to repay under your contracted obligations.
The Internet has made this transition possible, by allowing the global transmission of ideas to any company or contracted individual.
I contracted with two clients to do their accounting.
In the past, static stretches were often recommended, but some gyms have moved to a model where muscles are stretched and then contracted and stretched again.
The calf and hamstring of the rear leg are contracted.
Isometrics can increase blood flow to your breast region, strengthen, and tone the muscles being contracted.
Hold your abdominals in a contracted position for 10 counts.
By the end of that year, 3,700 policies had been contracted with federal government and military employees.
With DHMOs, a certain group of dentists are contracted to provide dental care for the members of the plan.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plans - With these plans, contracted dentists offer lower fees for PPO patients.
Capitation Plans - These plans pay contracted dentists a fixed dollar amount per patient.
Prepaid Dental - This plan involves an approved group of dental care providers who are contracted by the company to supply services to the members.
In 2006, the Department contracted for an update to the study.
In other areas, Medicaid billing has been contracted out to private companies.
The X-ray images show a narrow contracted chest, especially the lower rib cage, in a corseted woman compared to one who was not.
Not all models who strut down the catwalk are contracted by Victoria's Secret.
These specifically contracted VS models also promote the event.
Insiders speculate that this could be the final installment of the popular reality competition, as MTV has not contracted additional seasons with the production company in charge of the physically intense Survivor-type show.
Contestants must apply to be on the show, and finalists are chosen by a contracted casting company.
A symptom you may notice if you have contracted basal cell carcinoma is a bump on your face or neck that feels waxy or has a pearl quality to it.
The same goes for any symptoms that suggest you may have contracted an illness, such as West Nile virus, yellow or dengue fever or malaria, from the mosquito.
Something else occurred to her and her stomach contracted.
Her stomach contracted into a tiny ball.
In order to prevent youthful unchastity, marriages are contracted between children of eight years old, the girl being brought home to live with the lad at his parents' home till a child is born, when a separate dwelling is provided for the youthful couple.
A homestead not exceeding $1000 in value may be set apart, provided that it is recorded before the debt against which it was claimed was contracted.
In the years1471-1472to 1474 Waynflete was largely engaged in completing the church, now called chapel, at Eton, his glazier supplying the windows, and he contracted on the 15th of August 1475 for the rood-loft to be made on one side "like to the rode lofte in Bishop Wykeham's college at Winchester," and on the other like that "of the college of St Thomas of Acres in London."
On the 23rd of August 1480, the college being completed, the great west window being contracted to be made after the fashion of that at All Souls' College, a new president, Richard Mayhew, fellow of New College, was installed on the 23rd of August 1480, and statutes were promulgated.
His Morgenstunden appeared in 1785, and he died as the result of a cold contracted while carrying to his publishers in 1786 the manuscript of a vindication of his friend Lessing, who had predeceased him by five years.
The federal government has no public debt, but each of the six states has contracted debts which aggregate £237,000,000, equal to about £58, 8s.
The bulk of this indebtedness has been contracted for the purpose of constructing railways, tramways, water-supplies, and other revenue-producing works and services, and it is estimated that only 8% of the total indebtedness can be set down for unproductive services.
There is said to be but one exception to the rule that marriage must be contracted outside the totem name.
He had contracted a second marriage in 1869 with Mlle Autard de Bragard, daughter of a former magistrate of Mauritius; and eleven out of twelve children of this marriage survived him.
Rent was as contracted.
The man was responsible for debts contracted by his wife, even before her marriage, as well as for his own; but he could use her as a mancipium.
Hence the Code allowed a proviso to be inserted in the marriage contract, that the wife should not be seized for her husband's pre-nuptial debts; but enacted that then he was not responsible for her pre-nuptial debts, and, in any case, that both together were responsible for all debts contracted after marriage..
Perry commanded the "Java" in the Mediterranean expedition of 1815-1816, and he died at Port of Spain in Trinidad on the 23rd of August 1819, of yellow fever contracted on the coast of Brazil.
The government contracted to buy the company's plant in 1911, thus in effect annulling the act of 1899 which had failed to accomplish its object of establishing all-round competition.
The Venetians, who contracted for the transport of the crusaders, and whose blind doge Dandolo was first to land in Constantinople, received one-half and onefourth of the divided Greek empire for their spoils.
Hydranth (hydriform person) contracted.
When fully dilated, the pupil is round in all birds; when contracted it is usually round, rarely oval as in the fowl.
The president of the senate, Juan Cuestas, in accordance with the constitution, assumed the duties of president of the republic. He arranged that hostilities should cease on the conditions that representation of the Blancos was allowed in Congress for certain districts where their votes were known to predominate; that a certain number of the jefes politicos should be nominated from the Blancos; that free pardon be extended to all who had taken part in the revolt; that a sufficient sum in money be advanced to allow the settlement of the expenses contracted by the insurgents; and that the electoral law be reformed on a basis allowing the people to take part freely in e1ctions.
Charles came to Naples with a new fleet from Provence, and was preparing to invade Sicily again, when he contracted a fever and died at Foggia on the 7th of January 1285.
As this vast mass cooled it must by the laws of heat have contracted towards the centre, and as it contracted it must, according to a law of dynamics, rotate more rapidly.
The energy due to their separation is thus less in the contracted state than in the original state, and as that energy cannot be lost it must reappear in heat.
Their language differs very slightly from Roman Latin of that date; for apparently contracted forms like Fougno instead of Fucino may really only be a matter of spelling.
By the constitution personal property to the value of $500 and any homestead to the value of $1000 is exempt from sale for debt, except for taxes on the homestead, or for obligations contracted for the purchase of said premises.
It is noteworthy, however, that Ireland year by year places less reliance upon the potato crop. In 1888 the area of potatoes in Ireland was 804,566 acres, but it continuously contracted each year, until in 1905 it was only 616,755 acres, or 187,811 acres less than 17 years previously.
In 1834 he was appointed professor of physics, but in 5839 contracted an affection of the eyes while studying the phenomena of colour and vision, and, after much suffering, resigned.
The Senatus Consultum of the 18th of May 1804 awarded to Napoleon the title of emperor, the succession (in case he had no heir) devolving in turn upon the descendants of Joseph and Louis Bonaparte (Lucien and Jerome were for the present excluded from the succession owing to their having contracted marriages displeasing to Napoleon).
The subsequent expansion of the body causes fresh air to enter the tracheal system, and if the spiracles be then closed and the body again contracted, this air is driven to the finest branches of the air-tubes, where a direct oxygenation of the tissues takes place.
The change that is required to transform Exopterygota into Endopterygota is merely that a cell of hypodeimis should proliferate inwards instead of outwards, or that a minute hypodermal evaginated bud should be forced to the interior of the body by the pressure of a contracted cuticle.
In that year he was ordered to the west coast of Africa, where he visited Dahomey, and contracted fever, which told severely on his constitution.
Where there is no express stipulation creating a yearly tenancy, if the parties have contracted that the tenant may be dispossessed by a notice given at any time, effect will be given to this provision.
Even if he be an inhabitant of the sacred city he must traverse it once in the year to free himself from the impurities and sins contracted within the holy precincts.
They were certainly originally stone-quarries, and the hardness of the rock has made the construction practicable of wide, lofty of corridors and spacious halls, very unlike the narrow galleries and contracted chambers in the Roman cemeteries.
Under the budgetary heading " Public Debt " is included, as it should be, all expenditure in connexion not only with the public debt proper, but also with advances from banks and others, railway guarantees, an account of which will also be found below, and all capitalized liabilities, as far as known, contracted by the state.
The pupil is at first contracted, and afterwards dilated.
In the iron cylinder and ovoid, which expanded when magnetized, compression caused a diminution of magnetization; in the nickel rod, which contracted when magnetized, pressure was attended by an increase of magnetization.