Contract Sentence Examples
Your contract goes on for years.
There's stuff I know...I don't want to be a squealer, but they got a contract on me, for God's sake!
It may be created by contract, by statute or by judgment.
They got a contract out on me!
I issued the contract to Gabe.
This contract is usually renewed from year to year.
Ol' Arthur didn't believe us when we told him there was a contract out on him and he went back out on the street.
He signed a contract.
Provided the parties could agree, the Code left them free to contract as a rule.
The relations of their bishops, priests or other ministers and lay office-bearers inter se and to their lay folk depend upon contract; and these Y P P contracts will be enforced by the ordinary courts of law.
AdvertisementThey're gone and the street says they're history and now there's a contract out on me!
Marriage is pronounced a civil contract.
Randy got money—lots of it—just for signing a contract.
He doesn.t have a contract out on him yet, Gabriel said.
The decision will not affect the validity of the remaining contract provisions.
AdvertisementCollege graduates were affected by the temporary contract workers flooding the job market.
The manager will take solace in signing a new contract at the club.
Your rental agreement is a binding legal contract.
Dogs who contract this parasite suffer significant illness and can even die.
The first place winner will receive a one-year modeling contract.
AdvertisementIt cannot then be excited to contract by any agent, though the inexcitable period is more brief for strong than for weak stimuli.
James retired to Brussels, the king having previously signed a declaration that he "never was married, nor gave contract to any woman whatsoever but to my wife Queen Catherine."
At the close of the monarchy, the plebeian possessed the private rights of citizenship in entirety, except for his inability to contract a legal marriage with a patrician, and one of the public rights, that of giving his vote in the assembly.'
The legal rate of interest is 5%, but this may be increased to 7% by written contract.
A treaty is a contract between two or more states.
AdvertisementFor example, it is not reasonable for me to perform my share of a contract, unless I have reason for believing that the other party will perform his; and this I cannot have, except in a society in which he will be punished for non-performance.
You are supposed to include all the new rules in your construction contract.
The nerve impulses cause the muscles to contract, thus narrowing the airway.
For example, a blanket refusal to undertake voluntary overtime will not be a breach of contract.
They gave me the contract right then and there.
In 1853 they sold their common property, the London Steelyard; until 1866 they enlisted by special contract their military contingents for the German Confederation, and down to 1879 they had their own court of appeal at Lubeck.
The zamindar seemed a solvent person, capable of keeping a contract; and his official position as tax-collector was confused with the proprietary rights of an English landlord.
In 1899 the Uruguayan government entered into a contract for the dredging of the bay, the construction of two long breakwaters, the dredging of a channel to deep water, and the construction of a great basin and docks in front of the city.
It need not even appear on the face of it to be a contract between the parties, but may take the form of a joint declaration, or of an exchange of notes.
The n formulae of this type represent a normal mode of free vibration; the individual particles revolve as a rule in elliptic orbits which gradually contract according to the law indicated by the exponential factor.
Another view is that the underwriter impliedly undertakes to repay sums which the law may require the assured to pay towards averting losses which would, by the contract, fall upon the underwriter.
In early and popular apocryphal histories the apostles are represented as insisting that their converts should either not contract wedlock or should dissolve the tie if already formed.
A contract by which he bound himself in 1860 to give up all his work for three years had placed him in possession of 1000 francs a month.
Under this act the maximum term of the labour contract is fixed at four years, and a minimum monthly wage is laid down, the payment of which, however, is contingent on the completion of a daily task by the labourer.
In addition to the labourers engaged under this act, a large number are employed under contract enforceable by Act XIII.
Neither does this act regulate in any way the terms of the contract, nor contain any special provisions for the protection of the labourer.
Solon left the rate of interest to be determined by free contract, and sometimes the rate was exceedingly high, but none of the evils so generally prevalent in antiquity were experienced.
A great dislike is shown generally to a written contract binding the parties to a fixed date; and, as a rule, on breaking it the Persian always appeals for and expects delay and indefinite days of grace.
This tendency of the surface to contract itself is called the surface-tension of liquids.
This film, however, tends to contract on itself, and the loose strip of metal BB will, if it is let go, be drawn up towards AA, provided it is sufficiently light and smooth.
The bubble will contract, forcing the air out, and the current of air blown through the tube may be made to deflect the flame of a candle.
We may conceive this pressure to arise from the tendency which the bubble has to contract, or in other words from the surface-tension of the bubble.
In 1700 these rights were transferred to Glasgow by contract, but were afterwards vested in a special trust created by successive acts of parliament.
The care of all defectives was let by contract to other states until 1906, when a state school for the deaf and blind was opened in Boise.
Bishops must be unmarried, and Priests And Deacons Must Not Contract A Second Marriage.
They may build them, contract for the use of them, agree for the reception of .
An urban council may also provide for the lighting of any street in their district, and may contract with any person or company for that purpose.
He now bears the title of archbishop. All bishops are to enter into a contract to obey and maintain the constitution and canons of the province.
Consequently the rules relating to contract are not very numerous.
No contract affecting land was valid unless made with the consent of the fine and in the presence of the Aire-Forgaill.
The parties to a contract should be free citizens, of full age, sound mind, free to contract or not, and under no legal disability.
She was free to hold and deal with property of her own and bind it by contract.
If a son living with his father entered into a contract with his father's knowledge, the father was held to have ratified the contract unless he promptly repudiated it.
Contract of sale or barter with warranty could be dissolved for fraud, provided action was taken within a limited time after the fraud had become known.
These were treated as in their own homes according to the rank to which they belonged, and were discharged on the performance of the contract.
If the contract was broken, they became prisoners and might be fettered or made to work as slaves until the obligation was satisfied.
A witness was in all cases important, and in some essential to the validity of a contract.
His status affected the force of the contract as well as the value of his evidence; and the laws appear to imply that by becoming a witness, a man incurred liabilities as a surety.
These bodies have control of the local expenditures and tax levies, and without their consent the local administrative officers cannot contract debts.
Not more than 100 may be employed on any one contract, and the day's work is limited to eight hours.
This was especially the case with the insane contract which he made with Pope Innocent IV.
He rested this sovereignty on virtual mutual contract on the part of the people themselves to be so governed.
But the terms of the contract might be modified by the sovereign people themselves, from time to time, in accommodation to changing circumstances.
In the Jumjuma mound at the southern extermity of the old city the contract and other business tablets of the Egibi firm were found.
The Land Law of 1860, known as Deasy's Act, had been based on the principle that every tenancy rested on contract either expressed or implied.
Thus the Land Commission really fixed the price of all property, and the last vestige of free contract was obliterated.
For example, the conveyance of the field of Machpelah (xxiii.) is conspicuous for the absence of any reference to a written contract in contrast to the "business" methods in Jer.
To win them back Charles had to sign a new charter, by the terms of which loyalty was no longer a one-sided engagement but a reciprocal contract between king and vassal.
It should be well but not overfed, and while young not overworked, as an overtired animal is liable to refuse to pull, and thus contract a bad habit.
After residence in the state for three years divorce may be obtained on grounds of fraudulent contract, desertion, neglect for three years, adultery, cruelty, intemperance, imprisonment for life and certain crimes.
The individual muscle-fibres contract and expand more perfectly, and thus the diastole and systole of the heart are rendered more complete, the pulse is slowed, and the blood-pressure is raised.
Drugs acting on the blood vessels, which either dilate the vessels when taken internally or applied locally, or contract the superficial arterioles.
As clays they must be sufficiently plastic to be readily moulded, but at the same time possess sufficient stiffness not to contract too strongly in drying, whereby the objects produced would be liable to be warped or cracked before firing.
When enough acetylcholine attaches itself to the outer surface of a muscle cell, the muscle cell becomes ' excited enough ' to contract.
Actuary A life part qualified actuary A life part qualified actuary with profit testing experience for a 3 month contract needed.
The adjudicator can't change the contract; he only adjudicates quarrels about the contract.
The whole policy behind construction contract adjudication is precisely the opposite.
A nominee management agreement is a contract between yourself the beneficial owner of your offshore company and your company\ 's nominee administrator.
In October 1997, the contract to build and test six prototypes was received - including two static test airframes.
Contract upgrades are also subject to a further 12 months airtime contract.
Such additional amount of non guaranteed final bonus will not constitute a " related bonus " or bonus allotted under the contract " .
Kate Moss has lost her modeling contract with High Street chain H&M despite making a groveling apology earlier this week.
The book looks at procurement not so much from the legal contract as from the general contractual arrangements.
The yield on the futures contract due in December has gained 3 basis points this month to 5.26 percent.
You make a futures contract in which they agree to sell you 10,000 tons of pork belly at?1,000 a ton in three months.
To enter into a legally binding contract to purchase goods from our website you must be over 18 years of age.
Any terms which are intended to be contractually binding should be contained in the contract.
A rather bizarre group of Gospel Singers provided a contract in styles.
For this particular contract the EB24 windows and doors were polyester powdered coated black, and the fittings were finished in dark bronze.
Prolonged applications of cold water contract the tiny blood vessels and thus the amount of blood in the part is lessened.
Drafting and Understanding Boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses in your commercial contract.
The claimant commenced proceedings alleging breach of contract and negligence.
In order to bring a claim of constructive dismissal there must be a fundamental breach of contract by the employer.
Product Liability Product Liability is your legal liability to pay damages consequent upon a defective product being used in the contract.
I must now turn to the rather convoluted provisions of the contract and consider the rival contentions of the parties.
Either party may terminate the contract by giving the other party 28 days notice in writing.
Is there a process they must follow to cancel a contract with me?
The telecoms group has awarded the contract for the annual print run of.. .
At this stage, the conclusion of a binding contract for sale of Grove Lodge was a mere hope.
You can join on anything from a three-year contract, upwards.
Meanwhile, midfielder Jody Morris has agreed a new one-year contract with the option to stay for a further year.
In February 2004 Mears also secured a five year response, voids and planned maintenance contract with Thanet District Council.
Astute Class Submarine BAE Systems is the prime contractor for the Astute Class of submarine under a contract worth around £ 2 billion.
The contract team is lead by Robin Widdison from Durham, an experienced first generation courseware developer.
At a time when links are being made between poverty, disempowerment and terrorism this erosion of the democratic contract is downright dangerous.
If the arms dealers sign a risky contract and end up not getting paid for their goods - thats ok!
The author introduces an element of verisimilitude into the play by allowing declarer to make the contract in spite of herself.
In the end she played small, declarer scored his 10 and went on to make his doubled contract.
If he had been allowed to do so he would probably have completed the contract and rectified any defects.
No director has a contract of service with the company which is not determinable within one year without payment of compensation.
How are claims for breach of contract or constructive dismissal handled?
But the JCT's new contract for homeowners and builders has a fast and efficient system to solve disputes.
The vast majority of overseas doctors training to get a specialist qualification take one six-month contract after another.
A party, therefore, who could not offer the other party substantial restitutio in integrum could not avoid a contract procured by duress.
People who engage the services of contract workers employed by someone else.
It constitutes the entirety of OUR contract with YOU.
In return we are willing to grant brand exclusivity for the life of a contract, based on an agreed business plan.
Northampton's Scott McGleish has been handed a two-year contract extension after firing the Cobblers into League One.
The 20-year-old signed a one-year contract extension at Gresty Road during the summer after impressing on his first year as a professional.
A basic familiarity with the Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge is assumed in posting.
Their biggest ever contract was with the Kuwaiti royal family to persuade the American public to support the first Gulf War.
The light causes the pupils to contract thereby making the feint stars impossible to see.
The livestock contract has now been included as part of the lifeline ferry services which are currently out to tender.
The first feu from the estate was the Botanic Garden, the date of the feu contract of which was August, 1841.
Either zero or its contract with billion or more grabbed the checkered flag.
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 Gills sign striker Sidibe BBC Online Gillingham have signed former Swansea striker Mamady Sidibe on a three-year contract.
The jobs in hand included six gunboats and the contract for Westminster Bridge in London, which was built in 1862.
All mobile phone and prepaid SIM card connections (excluding prepay handsets) are subject to a 12 month airtime contract.
Recent freight haulage contract wins for EWS include a five year contract with TOTAL UK Limited.
The membership includes hoteliers, restaurateurs, contract caterers and clubs as well as suppliers.
With the rosy hue of hindsight, once the contract was signed the actual project was quite straightforward.
A contract arrangement with Westcountry Ambulance Trust was modified to allow patients to attend hydrotherapy at St Austell.
Mark Stallard joins The imps on a two year contract from League Two rivals Shrewsbury Town.
First of all, several methods of endowment contract indexation are described.
The second phase, known as Compass, is the procurement of a managed service through a private finance initiative contract.
Muscat, who has just returned from serious injury, has two years left on his current contract.
On graduation in 1984 he went to work as a prison officer, only escaping from a life contract by feigning insanity.
The lessee has to payoff the contract amount through weekly installments.
Greater uncertainty exists over indicates the intention of the consumer to cancel the contract.
Should any term of this contract be held invalid, such invalidation shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms.
The contract states that one of my main task is to run Isis.
Lincolnshire £ 4,500 Sep 26th 73 Maintenance joiner We require a maintenance joiner for an ongoing temporary contract in the Bradford area.
Rowland also took another contract with the GWR to repair landslips in the Vale of the White Horse.
Leasing Quote offers car leasing Quote offers car leasing & contract hire quotes.
Lex also offer contract vehicle hire for company car fleet leasing.
Part Time Purchase ledger - Derby Purchase ledger assistant required for a long term contract in the central derby area.
Dogs can contract leptospirosis if they drink or swim in rivers or canals that are inhabited by infected rats.
Well, because Alan and Steven manage the libertines it kinda delayed things with our contract.
Claims By far most frequently litigated incident of the duty of the utmost good faith in relation to matters after the contract is concluded.
Vehicle fully liveried vehicle is provided with the first three months contract hire paid for.
Remember you can always change your mind; there is no " booking contract " involved in obtaining NHS maternity care.
Archant is a community media company active in the fields of regional newspaper and magazine publishing, contract printing and internet communications.
We also have the right to terminate the contract and repay any monies paid by you in accordance with the preceding sentence.
He is among six players currently mulling over new contract offers.
Making people miss lectures has some symbolic value, making them contract mumps has none whatsoever.
Vaccination does not guarantee that a rabbit will not contract myxomatosis, there is still a small risk.
These could include an end to centralized contract negotiations, a key feature of recent NHS history.
Secondly, you have a legal obligation to complete the purchase contract.
The contract of care was broken on numerous occasions.
The station had to remain operational at all times during the contract.
Sanofi pasteur has signed a contract with the Australian government for the supply of vaccine in the event of a pandemic influenza outbreak.
Firstly, Contract Hire requires a low initial outlay compared to conventional finance deals, usually only three monthly payments in advance.
In your case it is noted that the council excluded this overtime from your contract, although other overtime was included.
A broad overview of the standard forms of contract is presented.
Our client is a high quality contract packer and filler.
The first sample contract is suitable for a limited or flat fee license, the second is for more complex licenses involving royalty payments.
Our trial period is followed by a minimum contract period of 3 months.
This role is an initial 6- month contract with the possibility of going permanent.
At Newton Abbott, a recent contract called for the removal of a pen stock wall in a sewage treatment plant.
Suppose a contractor in the United Kingdom engages a self-employed plumber from another Member State to work on a contract.
Services scheme has fund providing preferential the contract a company.
Prior to the assignment, the assignee has neither privity of estate nor privity of estate nor privity of contract with the Landlord.
Her contract of employment contained a right to incremental progression on an annual basis.
The study showed that those men who are sexually promiscuous are more likely to contract prostate cancer.
Short lead times for delivery and flexible contract terms drive a compelling proposition within key market sectors, such as retail.
Among our portfolio are hotels, restaurants, gastro pubs, leisure industry, healthcare, education and contract caterers.
This is how an animal can contract a fatal disease, including rabies, or be injured, killed or stolen.
Support can be provided on an hourly rate, daily rate or annual support contract.
Mondus designs and manufactures contemporary furniture which includes modern rattan and retro veneered furniture for the home and contract use.
The palette of propositions and transformational techniques give students a (floating) knowledge base for making claims recognizable as good contract arguments.
That contract did not intend to confer rights to domain name registrants.
We respectfully remind guests that a booking with us is a legally binding contract.
The deposit may also be retained to cover unpaid rent or bills, or cleaning cost specified in the contract.
This car is in stock awaiting a contract restoration.
A PILON clause is necessary in a contract that contains restrictive covenants.
If you contract your muscles, your body may stay rigid in places and not join the wave.
From April 2003, some Highways Agency trunk roads will be transferred into the contract.
Clients may also choose whether they wish to pay their employe an hourly rate or a pro rata salary for a fixed term contract.
He went on to build sawmills on contract for others.
Since November 2001 LGC has been providing scrapie genotyping under contract to Defra as part of the UK's National scrapie genotyping under contract to Defra as part of the UK's National Scrapie Plan.
The catering industry makes substantial use of contract labor, particularly where demand for labor is highly seasonal.
Breach of contract â suing the seller The most straightforward cause of action in a share sale dispute will always be breach of contract.
This work includes new sewerage pumping station construction and alterations to existing works (Contract Identification Number KC 232 ).
After the contract was signed and it was time for Just Sunshine to deliver, there was an embarrassed silence.
The standing jokers usually have snowflakes in the corners and the Contract Bridge score cards come with or without black borders.
We tried to take a holiday from the round of one-night stands, But the manager objected with the contract in his hands.
All such fees and payments due should be clearly stated In your exhibition contract with the gallery.
OyezStraker has grown to become the UK's largest independent contract stationer, with a turnover of £ 160 million.
Cabin categories each day at the contract calls solaris Stella oceanis.
The exceptions are women aged over 54 and men over 60, who should contract in simply because the contracting-out payment becomes too stingy.
From 2001/02 estates PFI contract will measure all waste streams.
Wherever possible the artist's contract should be direct with the commissioner and not as ' nominated subcontractor ' .
Following our approval the tenant and proposed subtenant must agree a written contract to establish the sublet.
Like I say, the move was all quite sudden and I only signed the contract less than a week ago.
The sale was canceled while Mr Sidebottom was queuing and he subsequently sued for breach of contract.
It was a typical piece of political and verbal swordplay by Ecclestone at a time when he is renegotiating F1's contract with Indianapolis.
For Teachers The contract will be changed so that a whole range of routine administrative tasks will no longer be required of teachers.
This raised the question whether the earlier recap telex contract could be referred to in attempting to construe the Booking Note.
He starts with breach of contract, then thumps you hard on causation.
For example, the heart contains muscle tissue composed of cells that contract to pump the blood around the body.
Talk Talk Are In The Middle Of Canceling My Contract And even told Me To Cancel My Own Direct Debit!
She has very extensive experience in genetic toxicology over many years both in industrial research laboratories and contract laboratories.
Windows trainer Microsoft certified trainer required on contract basis to deliver MCSE training to internal support staff.
For an example stretching the triceps, requires the biceps to contract.
Should the boss resign he will be breaching his contract which could result in a legal tussle.
Under the unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 a contract deemed unfair may be completely void and unenforceable against a consumer.
Now, when you contract your group or meeting through American Airlines, you'll receive unlimited Avis cars at reduced rates.
They may reduce prior to delivery causing the uterus to contract.
This causes the ventricles to contract forcing the blood to leave via the semi lunar valves to the arteries.
In 2002 ADI Limited was awarded a contract to build six watercraft and provide logistics training and in-service support.
Quadrille may therefore be regarded as the chief progenitor of solo whist, just as partnership Whist was that of Contract Bridge.
Can I offer a permanent contract to a migrant worker?
He is a construction worker who chose to take a contract in Iraq.
The contract with British Sugar was in an instant rendered as worthless as toilet paper and the beet growers lost thousands of pounds.
In the words of the theme song, which sadly got excluded due to contract wrangles, ' you should be mine ' .
But the purpose of the law of contract is not to punish wrongdoing but to satisfy the expectations of the party entitled to performance.
The contract was sacred and inviolable, undertaken in the name of Jupiter Hospitalis, and could only be dissolved by a formal act.
It is customary for young men who are attached to each other to swear eternal brotherhood (compare the Slavonic pobratimstvo); the contract is regarded as sacred, and no instance has been known of its violation.
Putting aside those created by statute, recoverable by civil process, debts may be divided into three classes, (I) judgment debts, (2) specialty debts, and (3) simple contract debts.
Until 1869 specialty debts had preference under English law over simple contract debts in the event of the bankruptcy or death of the debtor, but this was abolished by the Administration of Estates Act of that year.
In the provinces of Foggia and Lecce long leases (up to twenty-nine years) are granted, but in them it is explicitly declared that they do not imply enfiteusi (perpetual leasehold), nor any other form of contract equivalent to co-proprietorship. Mezzadria is rarely resorted to.
The contract for this work, signed with Master Zuan de Franza, conjures up a vision of the Ca' d'Oro ablaze with colour and gleaming with the gold ornamentation from which it took its name.
In Roman Law, the relationship of landlord and tenant arose from the contract of letting and hiring (locatio conductio), and existed also with special incidents, under the forms of tenure known as emphyteusis - the long lease of Roman law - and precarium, or tenancy at will (see Roman Law).
In 1898 Russia obtained a lease of the Liao-tung peninsula, and a clause of this contract empowered her to connect Port Arthur and Dalny (now Tairen) with the main Manchurian railway by a branch southward from Harbin.
Reluctantly he agreed, with the assent of the home government, to the proposal of the mineowners to import Chinese coolies on a three years' contract, the first batch of Chinese reaching the Rand in June 1904.
Ignorance of a matter of fact may in general be alleged in avoidance of the consequences of acts and agreements, but such ignorance cannot be pleaded where it is the duty of a person to know, or where, having the means of knowledge at his disposal, he wilfully or negligently fails to avail himself of it (see Contract).
Rival kings, Pungunilaand Immerum,are mentioned in the contract tablets as reigning at the same time as Sumu-la-ilu (or Samu-la-ilu); and under Sin-muballidh, the great-grandson of Sumu-la-ilu, the Elamites laid the whole of the country under tribute, and made Eri-Aku or Arioch, called Rim-Sin by his Semitic subjects, king of Larsa.
This was destroyed by fire in 548 B.C., and the contract for rebuilding was undertaken by the exiled Alcmaeonidae from Athens, who generously substituted marble on the eastern front for the poros specified (see Cleisthenes, ad init.).
Thus, if a railway contractor has to make a tunnel through a hill of gravel., and if one cubic yard of the gravel is so like another cubic yard that for the purposes of the contract they may be taken as equivalent, then, in estimating the work required to remove the gravel from the tunnel, he may, without fear of error, make his calculations as if the gravel were a continuous substance.
Leidenfrost (De aquae communis nonnullis qualitatibus tractatus, Duisburg) showed that a soap-bubble tends to contract, so that if the tube with which it was blown is left open the bubble will diminish in size and will expel through the tube the air which it contains.
In 1654, observing that the admeasurement and division of the lands forfeited in 1641 and granted to the soldiers had been "most inefficiently and absurdly managed," he entered into a contract to execute a fresh survey, which he completed in thirteen months.'
A contract made by an urban council, whereof the value and amount exceed X50, must be under seal, and certain other formalities must be observed, some of which are imperative; for example, the taking of sureties from the contractor, and the making provision for penalties to be paid by him in case the terms of the contract are not observed.
It may be noticed, too, that he still accepts the "social compact " as the natural mode of constituting government, and regards the obligations of subjects to civil obedience as normally dependent on a tacit contract; though he is careful to state that consent is not absolutely necessary to the just establishment of beneficent government, nor the source of irrevocable obligation to a pernicious one.
This is not to say that businesses are so materialistic they will favor a war to get a government contract.
You get the contract.
Punctual payment is of the essence of the contract.
Second, and more likely, when a term in the contract purports to confer a benefit on the third party.
In Pegler v Wang (UK) the contract had clauses purporting to exclude Wang 's liability in various situations.
Assignment The Purchaser shall not assign or transfer or purport to assign or transfer the Contract or the benefit thereof to any other person.
Purposive interpretation of a contract is a useful tool where the purpose can be identified with reasonable certainty.
We urge that any renegotiated contract should allow for the release of all reported cases, free of charge, on the internet.
Two years ago a contract in a job was not renewed when I told my employer and colleagues that I was HIV positive.
In the event of accident the Company may repossess the boat and the hiring contract shall then terminate without liability on the Company.
Taken altogether the breaches were enough to conclude that he had repudiated the Contract.
The vendor claimed that he had rescinded the contract on the purchaser 's failure to comply with the notice to complete.
In such cases the consumer may require rescission of the contract or reduction of the price.
His ' Contract with America ' allowed him to romp home in a record election victory at the end of last year.
Should you contract rubella during early pregnancy, it can result in serious damage to your developing baby.
If he returns a spade you ruff in dummy, draw trumps and play a club to the ten and the contract is secure.
Nestle would not confirm rumors that its Israel branch held the contract in the past.
This is about the same as the total of grants given to charities by the UK government (excluding public service contract funding).
Why, that would destroy the sanctity of contract !
Since November 2001 LGC has been providing scrapie genotyping under contract to Defra as part of the UK 's National Scrapie Plan.
The final selection process will lead to award of the contract around the middle of the year.
On the completion of their contract my father received instructions to sell by public auction the whole of their plant.
The house seller 's conveyancer draws up two copies of the same contract, and each party signs their own copy.
Even if the contract administration element was severed from the rest, again, the scale of fees applied.
This work includes new sewerage pumping station construction and alterations to existing works (Contract Identification Number KC 232).
For example, we arranged a short-term contract for a teacher from Mallorca to spend three months with us in January 2002.
The manager will take solace in signing a new contract at the club, stretching to June 2010, within the next 24 hours.
Norfolk Chronicle - 31st January 1846 TO MILLERS To be SOLD by Private Contract, To be removed off the Premises.
All such fees and payments due should be clearly Stated In your exhibition contract with the gallery.
OyezStraker has grown to become the UK 's largest independent contract stationer, with a turnover of £ 160 million.
It causes the muscles in these tubes to contract, the tubes themselves to swell and also causes sticky mucus to be produced.
Such a contract stipulates a deadline for delivery for each possible type of agent efficiency.
Of course every policy is different and your rights will depend on what was stipulated in the contract.
The state of insolvency has no effect on contracts of employment, in the absence of a stipulation in the contract to the contrary.
They are now acting as a sub contractor to BAE Systems for the Nimrod Support Group Contract.
Wherever possible the artist 's contract should be direct with the commissioner and not as ' nominated subcontractor '.
Primarily, of course, it protects one from being sued for breach of contract by a client.
Three parking bays next to the plant room will be suspended for the duration of the contract.
As well as causing heart rate to increase, sympathetic stimulation also makes the heart muscle contract more forcefully.
Officials at the MoD are said to be shocked at BAE 's arrogance on the contract for the tanker aircraft.
From ticks your dog may contract tapeworm infestation or Lyme disease.
There are term contract arrangements in place for these various requirements.
We have the right to terminate any contract between us without penalty.
Her contract has a guaranteed termination payment of £ 12.4 million.
Failure of an audit or the terms of the Contract may result in termination of the Contract.
This is an initial contract of three-four months however this is extremely likely to run on much longer.
Talk Talk Are In The Middle Of Canceling My Contract And Even Told Me To Cancel My Own Direct Debit !
Windows Trainer Microsoft certified trainer required on contract basis to deliver MCSE training to internal support staff.
The contract required us to comply with the customer 's request to transact in euro.
The outcome of this process of tripartite negotiation is a learning contract.
It is trite law that one cannot take an advantage from one 's breach of contract.
In the early 1990's we were awarded our first turnkey contract with the Ministry of Defense at Aldermarston.
A unanimous decision was taken to award the contract to Test Valley Garden Care.
Continue reading Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson insists he is unconcerned that new contract talks with Rio Ferdinand have reached deadlock.
Under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 a contract deemed unfair may be completely void and unenforceable against a consumer.
He set out the various vicissitudes in progressing the contract on the lines I have described above.
A mistake of fact in some circumstances could vitiate the contract.
The contract also said that his employers could pay him wages in lieu of notice.
If at any time we waive a breach of contract on your part, these terms will continue to apply in full.
By stating the above, I was trying to warn of the possible consequences of violating the contract with the cable company.
In May 2003 the contract was confirmed and work commenced on the building of a new £ 30million waste recycling facility in Leicester.
Additionally, the Humber Sea Terminal offers fully bonded contract warehousing and transportation facilities as well as the traditional wharfage facility.
Quadrille may therefore be regarded as the chief progenitor of Solo Whist, just as partnership Whist was that of Contract Bridge.
There are some circumstances where a buyer is legally entitled to withdraw from a contract without financial penalty.
Already one of the most exploited and low-paid groups in the workforce, their situation worsened when contract cleaning was introduced.
In the words of the theme song, which sadly got excluded due to contract wrangles, ' you should be mine '.
So Guy 's made Higgs & Hill happy with a revised contract price and wrap-up deal at £ 84.3m.
We are finally clinching the contract for our new home.
Clinching a contract can be stressful between all parties involved in the deal.
Be sure to make yourself aware of the explicit details of the contract before signing the paperwork.
Lindsay felt that she had been beguiled into signing the rental contract.
If the employee decides not to abide by the contract, he will surely lose his job.
Nanny Contract-Many agencies suggest both parties sign a contract that protects the interests of the family and the nanny.
A contract should be written in such a manner that it protects the interests of both parties.
The key to a successful contract, however, is modification based on the needs of all parties involved.
A nanny service will typically offer a standard contract that can be modified if all parties agree.
Your nanny service can help you with issues regarding the contract.
This contract is often used to state specific details about the duties, responsibilities, behavior, benefits, and salary of the nanny.
Making up a "contract" with them outlining your expectations is a good idea.
Once you have someone to facilitate the adoption process, in most cased the potential adoptive parents must sign a contract or some type of fee engagement.
If you know of a woodworker with a great reputation you would like to contract who is long distance, you may not have the opportunity to visit his studio.
Occasionally, even the best prevention methods may fail, and babies still contract a serious rash in the diaper region.
You eventually enter into a contract when you purchase precious metals futures-you will buy or sell at a specific time at a specific price.
Make sure to read the contract closely for terms and agreements.
Once you've chosen an apartment to rent, you will usually receive a rental contract in the mail.
Look this contract over carefully before you sign and return it.
To avoid such charges, be sure to carefully read and follow your contract, as well as any checklists provided by the owner/ manager.
If anything on the contract is incorrect or fails to meet your approval, call the manager, agent, or owner to discuss the problem.
Otherwise, sign and return the contract and get ready to have fun!
You WILL be liable for any damage not noted on the contract when you return the vehicle.
Most car rental companies -- whether they advertise it or not -- will typically pick you up from the airport, your hotel, or wherever you are and drive you to the branch to fill out the rental contract.
When you lease a car, the contract allows you to put a certain number of miles on the vehicle, or you will have to pay extra when you turn it in.
A standard rental contract in Mexico requires a deposit equal to the rent plus the first month's rent.
Check your contract to see how much notice you will need if you decide to move.
If for some reason you cannot make your monthly payments and decide to turn in the vehicle early, you will be required to make a "balloon" payment on the rest of your contract.
The notary will also require that the terms of the contract can be understood, therefore a non-German speaker will be required to employ the services of an official translator.
Your cats didn't contract worms because of anything you failed to do.
When pregnant cats contract the virus, they may spontaneously abort the fetuses.
Felines under the age of six months are the most susceptible to this disease, although a cat can contract it at any age.
This action causes the glottis to contract, and this in turn causes a vibration when the cat inhales and exhales.
Not only is your FeLV diagnosed cat in danger of serious health problems, any other cats in your household may contract the virus as well.
Doing these things will minimize the potential for your pet to contract FIP.It is always a good idea to contact your veterinarian for diagnosis at the earliest sign of illness.
Many breeders will not sell to customers who plan to keep their cats outdoors, so read your breeder contract carefully before making a purchase.
Cats can contract flu viruses and bacterial illnesses the same as any pet or human, and many of these sick periods will produce fits of sneezing.
The ingredient list and nutritional information is like a contract between you and the manufacturer.
The issuer only has the consumer's promise to pay off the card per contract terms.
Examine your contract closely to determine the facts communicated to you verbally are actually on paper.
Watch out for suspiciously low rates, make sure you understand the contract before you sign it, and ask for details on what it takes to cancel the contract and if there is a termination fee or time commitment.
So, be sure you do your homework before you sign a contract.
Be sure you read the contract before you sign.
However, read the contract carefully to determine what the interest rate will be after the introductory time period has lapsed.
You may additionally want to verify that there are no past or existing complaints filed about the processing company before signing a contract.
Before signing up for this type of financing arrangement, it's important to make sure that you understand all the terms and conditions of the contract.
How long of a contract must I sign to obtain processing at a low cost?
It is also a good idea to check out the processor with the local Better Business Bureau and conduct an Internet search for reviews or complaints regarding a company before signing a contract.
When hiring a divorce attorney, he should provide you with a contract that specifically states his fees and when he must be paid.
When buying electronics, ask for a warranty and service contract.
The company leases solar panel systems to homeowners who pay a security deposit (typically $500) and choose a contract period of one, five or twenty-five years.
The security deposit is returned with interest at the end of the contract period.
The rate is locked in for the duration of the contract selected, meaning that a twenty-five year contract, will prevent energy costs from increasing during the next twenty-five years.
If you're not sure how to identify problem areas within your home, contract a home energy auditor to evaluate your location and let you know of any problem areas.
Check with the Better Business Bureau to make sure there are no recent complaints about a specific company before signing a contract.
Once you've found the designer with whom you want to work, give them the job But first, get a contract together.
If your designer doesn't have a standard contract, than write one up yourself that you will both sign.
Make sure the contract includes the agreed fee for the job, the timeframe in which the job is to be completed, and the specific tasks the designer will perform.
In everyone's best interests, work should not begin until a contract is in place.
He was awarded with a contract to host his own show on HGTV.
If you happen to live near an Amish community, stop in to any Amish run furniture showroom to contract for a custom piece.
Perhaps it is best characterized by the Russian artist Erte who had a contract with Harpers Bazaar for many years and drew beautiful images for the magazine's cover.
Doing so can cause buckling and cracking as the panels expand and contract.
Although these mark-ups are an important part of income for interior designers, it is worth discussing in advance what mark-ups/commissions you will be charged before signing a contract.
Warm colors, such as gold, orange, red or yellow contract visually when viewed, making a space seem smaller.
Warm colors, such as red, gold, yellow and orange contract when viewed, making a room seem smaller.
Any agency that asks you for "service fees", "contract deposits", or anything else that sounds suspicious should be treated with the utmost caution.
In fact, it is almost impossible to land a contract with one of the larger modeling agencies until you taken a few steps up the ladder.
Electromagnetic pulses cause the tube and needle bar to rapidly contract up and down.
Expect to sign a bridal makeup contract and be sure that everything in it is clear before you give it your signature.
Research the details of your current contract and messaging plan.
Photographers can simply submit their photos to these stock photography businesses, agree to the terms of the contract, and sit back and wait to get paid.
In House Corporate Counsel- An in house attorney for a company gets to do a variety of things, mostly involving low stress contract work and if someone decides to sue, an outside team conducts the litigation.
It will also allow your skin to contract slowly as you lose weight.
Legitimate agents won't ask you to put down a deposit or pay them anything in order to get an agency contract.
Don't expect a modeling agent to track you down to give you a contract.
If the company or agency decides to use you, there may be a contract you will have to sign and your parent will be able to read it over to make sure everything looks legitimate.
Get a good behaviorist psychologist who can come up with a contract with the patient.
If you are a parent of a teenager, download a copy of SADD's Contract for Life, and ask your teen to sign it.
Talk to kids about the dangers of alcohol abuse, especially for girls, who may become pregnant and/or contract an STD due to irresponsible behavior while drunk.
Even if you don't win the ultimate prize (often a modeling contract with a famous agency), you may make contacts along the way to help you get started with a smaller agency.
Before you place your final order for your gown, make sure you read all the contract terms and conditions.
If the designer is making modifications to the original design, make sure these are explicitly explained in the contract.
Make sure you read all the fine print in the contract and that the company has live help via telephone in case you have any questions regarding your gown.
If you found a photographer you like, you'll have to sign a contract.
Don't be afraid to ask if you can take the contract home to read before it's signed, and don't allow yourself to be pressured into signing something that doesn't sit right with you.
By knowing what you want, looking into samples and packages, reading over the contract and taking your time, you're sure to find the perfect professional to capture your wedding day.
A prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is a contract signed by the bride and groom- to -be prior to their wedding.
Make sure your betrothed knows the reason for the contract is not because you envision the marriage ending, and that in fact, is the last thing you want to happen.
After answering in the affirmative three times and signing the marriage contract, the union is considered legitimate.
Be sure you want to go overboard before signing a contract.
Once you choose a limo company for your wedding, you'll be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit and sign a contract.
Additional charges may be included on the final bill, so find out what they may be before signing your contract.
Speak with him or her on the phone, and have them mail you package information, along with a sample copy of the contract.
Before signing a contract with a beach wedding photographer, read it over carefully.
Restrictions for how large the band is, the type of equipment they have, and noise levels may be within the venue contract.
To pick the best one, ask to see a sample wedding contract and price list, and check package arrangements that may be suitable for your special day.
Give vendors like Ethereal Events, McKenzieKate Weddings or Aisle of View a call and discuss details before signing a contract.
This may be included in the vendor contract for the location or available for a small additional fee.
This is often read aloud and the irreversibility of the contract is symbolized by the breaking of a plate.
Additionally, you will need to do some pre-planning with regard to legalities and the marriage contract.
A good liar might also make too much eye contract or use a direct stare as a way of overcompensating.
A Warner Brothers executive heard Faith Hill singing with Gary Burr in a Nashville cafe, and signed the young singer to a country music contract.
She was subsequently offered a modeling contract with the company and became their "Blue Zone" girl.
Michael turned to baseball after his first retirement and was signed to a minor league baseball contract.
As he puts it, "I am currently negotiating the right contract with the right race team to continue my climb to the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series."
I have a contract with Claire's, for my own accessory line and Revelation Fragrances, for my own perfume.
Less than one year later, she signed a contract with an agent.
Luckily, Sony had signed her to a three record contract, and the third time really was the charm.
He recently signed a contract extension to keep his show on the air through 2013.
Kiefer reportedly signed a $40 million contract for three more years of 24, as both an actor and executive producer, and is also developing a 24 movie.
She was quickly discovered by a modeling agency and signed a contract with the London newspaper, The Sun.
Her contract with the tabloid ended when she had breast implant surgery.
Longoria has noted in interviews that once her contract ends with Desperate Housewives, she will pursue a film career.
His deal with Major League Soccer Team L.A. Galaxy for an astounding $250 million five-year contract shows that his superstar image is worth the price tag.
He will be leaving Real Madrid at the end of the season when his contract expires.
The suit also alleges that there was a breach of contract, invasion of privacy, and fraud.
He changed his name when he signed his first record contract.
America's Next Top Model debuted in 2003 -- a model search where contestants competed for a $100,000 modeling contract with Cover Girl, as well photo spreads in fashion magazines.
Ripa's current contract, in which she is reportedly being paid $40 million, expires in 2009.
O'Brien's contract for Late Night with Conan O'Brien has been extended through 2009.
At the end of this "ultimate job interview," the winning candidate is offered a one-year contract, as well as other prizes.
Rosie O'Donnell disclosed April 25, 2007 on the show that contract negotiations with ABC television did not go well.
Letterman signed a contract in December 2006 to continue hosting The Late Show through fall 2010.
It was unclear why Washington's contract was not renewed by ABC Television Studios.
After Moore signed her first contract, she went on tour with the Backstreet Boys.
Owner of Paramount, Sumner Redstone is quoted as saying "His recent conduct has not been acceptable to Paramount" as to the reason why Cruise's contract wasn't renewed.
After winning the £1 million contract, Leona Lewis worked with Cowell and her first planned single released was a remake of A Moment Like This, originally sung by American Idol'' winner Kelly Clarkson.
Davis and Cowell signed Leona Lewis to a J Records/SyCo contract for five albums at the rate of £1 million per album.
Survivor Gabon marks the 17th season of the show and there are rumblings that host Jeff Probst's contract is up after the next two seasons.
It seems that during the relationship Caruso promised to always "take care" of Marquez, but a lawsuit seeking over $1 million for breach of contract and punitive damages years after the relationship has ended?
Just like her contract with Playboy, it seems that Heidi's Christian values she's always spouting off about are negotiable as well.
Though being a married 23-year old college student from Arkansas is going to be nothing like being a newly minted recording artist with a million dollar contract.
Octomom Nadya Suleman, who once swore that she wasn't interested in doing a reality TV show with her brood of 14 children, has signed a contract detailing exactly how much the family is to be paid for a three-year reality program.
Terms of the contract have been leaked, as they had to be filed in a Los Angeles court for a judge's approval and thus became public record.
According to the contract, each of Octomom's 14 kids will earn $250 per day, for a total payment of nearly $250,000.
Though, of course, some sources say that Seacrest negotiated a $45 million contract with Idol producers.
Show creator Shonda Rimes reportedly decided to release Heigl from her contract now, as opposed to later.
The prize was a $300,000 modeling contract with the company Metropolitan Models.
He has yet to resign his contract for Two and a Half Men, leaving many questioning the fate of the show's future.
Their 90-minute variety show, Donny & Marie, is under contract until October 2012.
She appeared in her first film in 1932, A Bill of Divorcement, and because the fans seemed to like her, RKO signed her to a new contract despite the studio worrying she'd never become a major star because of her behavior.
Other places may require you to sign a contract, agreeing to work for the company for as long as you attend school (i.e. if you go to school for a year, you must remain there for a year after the tuition reimbursement).
It is your contract with the federal government, legally binding you to repay the money.
Do not contract with those companies unless you have a reputable one in mind.
It is common for an office to contract out the work, so an audiologist may spend part of the day commuting between locations.
Even if cruise line employment seems like a good match for your personality, it is best to consider the overall lifestyle of crew members before committing to a lengthy contract.
A willingness to commit to a long term contract is also highly desirable because cruise ships prefer to employ persons who can take the time to learn procedures well and will be able to serve the cruise line for an extended period of time.
Passengers may find themselves at a completely different port or even simply staying at sea with no port call, and the cruise line has not committed any breach of contract.
In addition, onboard jobs require working seven days a week for the entire contract.
What's more, cruise ship jobs offer the incredible advantage of working a lot of hours and spending very little money over the course of a ship job contract.
The business should provide you with a written adoption contract that outlines all of their policies, the puppy's veterinary records, and any AKC registry papers.
Most importantly, will the sitter provide a written contract stipulating the exact services to be rendered, the approximate schedule, and the fee(s) being charged?
Although the vaccine greatly reduces the risk of infection, remember that it is still possible for your dog to contract another strain of Bordetella.
Failure to vaccinate leaves your dog at risk to contract the virus every time he meets another dog or takes a walk in public.
The group usually has a family sign a contract agreeing to never place the dog in an animal shelter and is willing to take the dog back, at any time, if the family can no longer care for it.
Maintaining a healthy living environment is the most important step to ensuring your dog does not contract canine nail fungus.
As a result of their rising popularity, LTJ bought their contract from Capitol and released 2000's Borders and Boundaries on Fat Wreck Records.
Merely searching for the lowest bidder on a home improvement contract will probably not turn out well, because you should care about the quality of work in addition to the cost.
Although these marketing tactics may get your attention, keep in mind that you should still demand a list of references and get estimates from a couple of other contractors prior to signing a contract.
While the compound is drying, it is a good idea to open each wood laminate flooring box at least 24 hours before you begin the flooring job to allow the wood to expand or contract.
Therefore, if you are planning to sell your current home, it may be more cost effective to set up a maintenance contract and hire a professional to do the dirty work.
If you're not sure, have your lawyer look over the contract.
The partners got a breakthrough when Hudson Motor Cars signed a large contract with Masco Screw.
References are also important, and should be contacted before any contract is signed.
This allows the material to expand and contract without bowing or cracking.
Hiring a remodeling contractor involves signing a contract with the contractor to carry out your remodeling project.
Most contractors have a standard contract for their business.
A warm color can be gold, yellow, orange or red, and when viewed it will contract or come toward you visually.
Warm tones, such as gold or yellow, contract or come toward you visually when you look at them.
This is because warm colors contract visually when they are viewed, making rooms feel cozy and inviting.
The licensing contract grants the company the right to re-create various interpretations of these religious artifacts for their Christian product line, which also features bookmarks, key chains and rosary boxes.
Farms that contract with FritoLay to produce their natural line must be inspected to ensure that ingredients are in fact organic.
Having students initial each point of the contract and sign the document is a way to require them to read the entire contract so they are aware of safety concerns.
It is also beneficial to have parents sign the contract so they are aware of the types of situations their child may be involved in and what is expected of them while working in the lab.
A contact person from the OSHA is available to offer assistance with the language of the contract.
The contract may be sent back for revisions before being approved, and once the approval has been granted, the OSHA will make arrangements for a formal signing ceremony.
Most people who contract GBS recover fully, but this condition can be fatal in rare instances.
Returning to the visiting grandkids' issue, make sure that children are allowed at the community pool before signing a contract on a gorgeous place that you envision as being yours, and once in a while, your grandkids'.
What terms and conditions are addressed in the facility's contract?
They typically work on contract or on a per-job basis.
The muscles in this region of the body contract and relax to open the airway enough to allow air to enter the lungs.
Little is known about why the leg or foot muscle can suddenly contract while you are sleeping, causing the painful cramp.
Avoid pointing your toes as that encourages the muscle to shorten and contract.
Leg cramps occur when the muscles in the leg contract or spasm.