Continuously Sentence Examples
Prince Andrew had spent two years continuously in the country.
The main reef, continuously traced, measures about 62 m.
She could no longer think of him by herself calmly and continuously as she had done before.
The prevalent winds from the west, south-west and south blow continuously, at times approaching the force of a hurricane.
This problem of "the one and the many" has been discussed continuously by the philosophers.
Melting and working are carried on continuously.
It flowed continuously, though in gradually diminishing quantity, for fifteen months; afterwards the flow became intermittent.
The sky is continuously cloudless from the beginning of May till about the end of October; during the summer months the nights as a rule are dewy, except in the desert.
These two will continuously feed off of each other's energy.
This wasting may be general or local - continuously from the embryonic period there is this natural process of displacement and decay of tissues going on in the growing organism.
AdvertisementMagnetic force has not merely the property of acting upon magnetic poles, it has the additional property of producing a phenomenon known as magnetic induction, or magnetic flux, a physical condition which is of the nature of a flow continuously circulating through the magnet and the space outside it.
As senator he sat continuously until he became secretary of the treasury in 1877.
The still is usually fed continuously by the heated water from the condenser.
Games are said to have been held continuously for four months.
When the flame is at a certain distance within the tube the air is set in vibration, and the sounding tube gives out its fundamental note continuously.
AdvertisementThe cell is filled up with cryolite, and the current is turned on till this is melted; then the pure powdered alumina is fed in continuously as long as the operation proceeds.
They consist largely of limestone; but marls and sandstones are by no means rare, and there are considerable gaps in the succession indicating that the region was not continuously beneath the sea.
Spastic diplegia, for example, refers to continuously tight muscles that have no voluntary control in both legs, while athetoid quadraparesis describes uncontrolled writhing movements and muscle weakness in all four limbs.
With the popularity of their motorcycle division continuously growing, they have branched out even further to meet the diverse needs of all motorcycle enthusiasts, and have done a great job at it.
In the same convention he served on the committee which drafted the first constitution for Virginia, and was elected governor of the State - to which office he was re-elected in 1777 and 1778, thus serving as long as the new constitution allowed any man to serve continuously.
AdvertisementThus the cereal crops, when grown in rotation, yield more produce for sale in the season of growth than when grown continuously.
Lastly, in the production of gaseous hydriodic acid from hydrogen and solid iodine H2 - 1 - 12=HI+HI, so much energy is expended in the decomposition of the hydrogen and iodine molecules and in the conversion of the iodine into the gaseous condition, that the heat which it may be supposed is developed by the combination of the hydrogen and iodine atoms is insufficient to balance the expenditure, and the final result is therefore negative; hence it is necessary in forming hydriodic acid from its elements to apply heat continuously.
The water being present in excess, the hydrogen and hydroxyl are re-formed at once and therefore are set free continuously.
Among the finest office buildings are the structures of the Albany City Savings Institution, National Commerical Bank, Union Trust Company, Albany Trust Company, the National Savings Bank, First National Bank, the New York State National Bank (1803, probably the oldest building in the United States used continuously for banking purposes) and the Albany Savings Bank.
There are generally two shifts of workmen, each shift working six hours, and the work is carried on continuously from Monday morning until Friday morning.
AdvertisementThus the dimensions of the largest glass tanks greatly exceed those of the largest steel furnaces; glass furnaces containing up to 250 tons of molten sible to work glass-tanks continuously for many months together; on the other hand, glass is not readily freed from foreign bodies that may become admixed with it, so that the absence of detachable particles is much more essential in glass than in steel melting.
For the production of coloured sheet-glass, however, the employment of pot furnaces is still almost universal, probably because the quantities of glass required of any one tint are insufficient to employ even a small tank furnace continuously; the exact control of the colour is also more readily attained with the smaller bulk of glass which has to be dealt with in pots.
With ordinary care on the part of the men in charge Hatton defecators will work continuously for several days and nights, and the number required to deal with a given volume of juice is half the number of ordinary defecators of equal capacity which would do the same work; for it must be borne in mind that an ordinary double-bottomed defecator takes two hours to deliver its charge and be in readiness to receive a fresh charge, i.e.
In the Philosophy of the Practical, but more especially in the work entitled What is living and what is dead of the Philosophy of Hegel Croce criticizes the erroneous treatment of the opposites, and shows that on the contrary every opposition has at bottom a distinction from which it arises, and that therefore the true unity is unity-distinction, which is development and, as such, opposition that is continuously surpassed and continually re-appearing to be again surpassed.
But whereas, from its construction, the Siemens furnace was intermittent in operation, necessitating stoppage of the current while the contents of the crucible were poured out, many of the newer forms are specially designed either to minimize the time required in effecting the withdrawal of one charge and the introduction of the next, or to ensure absolute continuity of action, raw material being constantly charged in at the top and the finished substance and by-products (slag, &c.) withdrawn either continuously or at intervals, as sufficient quantity shall have accumulated.
He was a member of the South Carolina legislature almost continuously from 1760 to 1780, and represented his province in the Stamp Act Congress of 1765 and in the Continental Congress in 1774-1776.
Within the area thus defined tsetse-flies are not found continuously, however, but occur only in small tracts called" belts " or " patches," which, since cover and shade are necessities of life to these insects, are always situated in forest, bush or banana plantations, or among other shady vegetation.
The Political journals, while fighting continuously against each Parties.
He ruled ten years, quarrelled almost continuously with the Jews - whom Sejanus, diverging from the Caesar tradition, is said to have disliked - and in A.D.
The manufacture of woollen cloth has been established since the 15th century, Frome being the only Somerset town in which this staple industry has flourished continuously.
The Scottish shore, however, is not continuously flat, and such elevations as Criffell (1866 ft.), Bengairn (1250) and Cairnharrow (1497), above Wigtown Bay, rise close to it.
It owes its value to the decomposition described above, by means of which a powerful antiseptic action is safely and continuously exerted.
But when a committee of the Royal Asiatic Society, with George Grote at its head, decided that the translations of an Assyrian text made independently by the scholars just named were at once perfectly intelligible and closely in accord with one another, scepticism was silenced, and the new science was admitted to have made good its claims. Naturally the early investigators did not fathom all the niceties of the language, and the work of grammatical investigation has gone on continuously under the auspices of a constantly growing band of workers.
Pick machines have also been introduced by Jones and Levick, Bidder, and other inventors, but their use is now mostly abandoned in favour of those working continuously.
The rails used are of flat bottomed or bridge section varying in weight from 15 to 25 lb to the yd.; they are laid upon cross sleepers in a temporary manner, so that they can be easily shifted along the working faces, but are carefully secured along main roads intended to carry traffic continuously for some time.
The tubs are placed on at intervals of about 20 yds., the chain moving continuously at a speed of from 21 to 4 m.
This system presents the greatest advantages in point of economy of driving power, especially where the gradients are variable, but is expensive in first cost, and is not well suited for curves, and branch roads cannot be worked continuously, as a fresh set of pulleys worked by bevel gearing is required for each branch.
Motion is obtained from a continuous-current generator driven by an alternating motor with a very heavy fly-wheel, a combination known as the Ilgner transformer, which runs continuously with a constant draught on the generating station, the extremely variable demand of the winding engine during the acceleration period being met by the energy stored in the fly-wheel, which runs at a very high speed.
The heating at the surfaces, the variations in their smoothness, and the variations of the lubrication make continuously variable, and necessitate frequent adjustment of W or of the nuts.
Water trickles continuously into the trough, and the centrifugal action holds it as an inside lining against the rim, where it slowly evaporates.
Webb to measure the tractive resistance of trains on the London & North-Western railway, a tractive pull or push compresses two spiral springs by a definite amount, which is recorded to scale by a pencil on a sheet of paper, drawn continuously from a storage drum at the rate of 3 in.
The Great Barrier Reef of Australia can be traced more or less continuously round the Gulf of Papua and along the south-east coast to the extremity of the Louisiades.
In 1900 less than 1.3% of the population was coloured; 30.2% were foreign-born (this element having almost continuously risen from 16.49% in 1855), and 62.3% of all inhabitants and 46.5% of those nativeborn had one or both parents of foreign birth.
In 1886 he was elected to the National House of Representatives and was returned continuously until 1908, excepting the term 1891-3.
When Rennes and Dinan were attacked by the duke of Lancaster in 1356, Du Guesclin fought continuously against the English, and at this time he engaged in a celebrated duel with Sir Thomas Canterbury.
The cutting machines at the Mint work at 160 revolutions per minute, so that each of the eleven machines would be capable of cutting 19,200 blanks in an hour if it could be fed continuously.
If while the air within the receiver is at atmospheric pressure the bell is set ringing continuously, the sound is very audible.
Harlan, it is said, found his chief pleasure in the society of his sister `Abbasa and Ja`far, and in order that these two might be with him continuously without breach of etiquette, persuaded them to contract a purely formal marriage.
Her success brought her other leading roles - Bellario, in Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster; Flora, in Rhodes's Flora's Vagaries; Samira, in Sir Robert Howard's Surprisal; and she remained a member of the Drury Lane company until 1669, playing continuously save for a brief absence in the summer of 1667 when she lived at Epsom as the mistress of Lord Buckhurst, afterwards 6th earl of Dorset (q.v.).
Up to this time - that is to say, till his thirty-third year - Rousseau's life, though continuously described by himself, was of the kind called subterranean, and the account of it must be taken with considerable allowances.
From 1451 to 1522 the see was almost continuously held by a cadet of the house of Savoy, which thus treated it as a kind of appange.
Otey, deceased, and was continuously reelected thereafter to serve through 1919.
He was neither a general nor a statesman, nor even an honest man, but he was the most conspicuous and continuously active of the military adventurers who filled Spanish America with violence during the first two generations of its independence.
Depths of less than 2000 fathoms occur continuously on a bank extending from south-eastern Asia, on which stands the Malay Archipelago.
Thus both invertebrate and vertebrate palaeontologists have reached independently the conclusion that the evolution of groups is not continuously at a uniform rate, but that there are, especially in the beginnings of new phyla or at the time of acquisition of new organs, sudden variations in the rate of evolution which have been termed variously " rhythmic," "pulsating," " efflorescent," "intermittent " and even " explosive " (Deperet).
Similar conflicts are exhibited, though less continuously, by most of the other Spanish-American states.
Since there are 8760 hours in a year, if such an instrument were connected continuously to the circuit it would take up energy equal to 263,000 watt-hours, or 260 Board of Trade units per annum, If the cost of production of this energy was only one penny per unit, the working expenses of keeping such a voltmeter in connexion with a circuit would therefore be more than £i per annum, representing a capitalized value of, say, £io.
Moreover, the practice of reservation which has prevailed in Scotland for over 150 years would appear to have arisen out of the special circumstances of that church during the 18th century, and not to have prevailed continuously from earlier times.
Moreover, whatever the rocky understructure, the till soil has been averaged by a thorough mechanical mixture of rock grindings; hence the prairies are continuously fertile for scores of miles together.
An Aristotelian work often goes on continuously at first, and then becomes disappointing by suddenly introducing discussions which break the connexion or are even inconsistent with the beginning; as in the Posterior Analytics, which, after developing a theory of demonstration from necessary principles, suddenly makes the admission, which is also the main theory of science in the Metaphysics, that demonstration is about either the necessary or the contingent, from principles either necessary or contingent, only not accidental.
Thompson and others have shown however that they contain both neutral and charged molecules in a relative proportion which adjusts itself continuously, so that even neutral molecules may partake of the translatory motion which they gained while carrying a charge.
It was occupied continuously by the Spanish, Mexican and American governors of New Mexico until 1909, and houses the historical museum of the Historical Society of New Mexico (founded in 1859, incorporated in 1880), the School of American Archaeology and the New Mexico Museum of Archaeology.
Also of interest are the Rosario chapel; the ruined earthworks of Fort Marcy, north of the city, constructed by General Kearny in 1846; the ruins of the Garita, an old Spanish fortification used as a custom house under the Mexican government; the so-called "oldest house," a dilapidated adobe structure claimed to be the oldest building, continuously inhabited, in the United States; the state library; and the national cemetery, in which 1022 American soldiers are buried.
Thereafter they went about their daily tasks, working continuously at whatever trade they knew till the fifth hour, when they assembled, and, girding on a garment of linen, bathed in cold water.
D is due to transient induction in horizontal soft iron, the direction of which passes continuously under or over the compass.
Silesia remained a principal objective of the various contending armies and was occupied almost continuously by a succession of ill-disciplined mercenary forces whose depredations and exactions, accentuated at times by religious fanaticism, reduced the country to a state of helpless misery.
When the relative quantities of the components can vary continuously within certain limits, the substance is either a solution or a mixture.
Crystals of ice may lie side by side with crystals of common salt, but each crystalline individual is either ice or salt; no one crystal contains both components in proportions which can be varied continuously.
Here the other metal may be one, such as potassium, or two, such as potassium and sodium, and, in the latter case, the proportion between the two may vary continuously throughout wide limits.
This solution is stirred continuously and the temperature falls slowly below the freezing point, till the supersaturation point is reached, or until a crystal of ice is introduced.
In the case of a culvert the circumferential rods are sometimes laid continuously in the form of a spiral as in the Bordenave system.
Their evidence suggests that he died in or shortly after 1210, and that he had resided almost continuously at Canterbury from the time of his admission.
On the death of John Winthrop in 1649 he became governor, and by annual re-elections served continuously until his death, with the exception of two years (1650-1651 and 1654-1655), when he was deputy-governor.
In the cool or odontoglossum house a considerable degree of moisture must be maintained at all times, for in these the plants keep growing more or less continuously.
Most of the sharks lived in the sea continuously, but the ganoids frequenting the coastal waters appear to have migrated inland.
The liberals were in power from 1871 to 1888 continuously, but a Catholic-anti-revolutionary ministry under Baron Mackay held office from 1888 to 1891, and again a coalition ministry was formed in 1901 with Dr Kuyper at its h e ad.
Second, though the brittleness should be lessened somewhat by the decrease in the extent to which the continuity of the strong matrix is broken up by the graphite skeleton, yet this effect is outweighed greatly by that of the rapid substitution in the matrix of the brittle cementite for the' very ductile copper-like ferrite, so that the brittleness increases continuously (RS), from that of the very grey graphitic cast irons, which, like that of soapstone, is so slight that the metal can endure severe shock and even indentation without breaking, to that of the pure white cast iron which is about as brittle as porcelain.
To sum this up, as graphite is replaced by carbon combined as cementite, the hardness, brittleness and density increase, and the expansion in solidification decreases, in both cases continuously, while the tensile strength increases till the combined carbon-content rises a little above I %, and then in turn decreases.
Special grease is then rubbed in and the skin placed in a machine which softly and continuously beats in the softening mixture, after which it is put into a slowly revolving drum, fitted with wooden paddles, partly filled with various kinds of fine hard sawdust according to the nature of the furs dealt with.
It is true that Moab was continuously hard pressed by desert hordes; the exposed condition of the land is emphasized by the chains of ruined forts and castles which even the Romans were compelled to construct.
It is the law of diminishing returns from land, involving as it does - though only hypothetically - the prospect of a continuously increasing difficulty in obtaining the necessary sustenance for all the members of a society, that gives the principal importance to population as an economic factor.
The practice of irrigating differs in different places with differences in the quality of the water, the soil, the drainage, &c. As a general rule, when the irrigating season begins in November the water may flow for a fortnight continuously, but subsequent waterings, especially after December, should be shortened gradually in duration till the first week in April, when irrigation should cease.
Any person of eighteen years, who has continuously resided with a local union for the space of two years, there acquires his domicile.
It has been continuously and carefully bred in Cornwall, Devon, Essex and Suffolk, and from these centres it has rapidly spread all over the country.
East of the oases of Baharia and Farafra is a very striking line of these sand dunes; rarely more than 3 miles wide, it extends almost continuously from Moghara in the north, passing along the west side of Kharga Oasis to a point near the Nile in the neighborhood of Abu Siinbelhaving thus a length of nearly 550 m.
In December, January and February, at Cairo, the north wind slightly predominates, though those from the south and west often nearly equal it, but after this the north blows almost continuously for the rest of theyear.
The nervous impulse is, so to say, the sudden evanescent glow of an ember continuously black-hot.
The temple and town continued to be rebuilt at intervals down to the times of the XXXth dynasty, and the cemetery was used continuously.
In 1885 he entered parliament as liberal member for Haddingtonshire, for which he was re-elected continuously up to and including 1910.
The Lower, with its abundant intercalated lavas and tuffs, extends continuously as a broad belt along the northern margin of the Central Plain, reappears in detached tracts along the southern border, is found again on the south side of the Uplands in Berwickshire and the Cheviot Hills, occupies a tract of Lorne (Oban and the vicinity) in Argyllshire, and on the north side of the Highlands underlies most of the low ground on both sides of the Moray Firth, stretches across Caithness and through nearly the whole of the Orkney Islands, and is prolonged into Shetland.
In France an alien desiring naturalization, if he has not resided continuously in the country for ten years, must obtain permission to establish his domicile in France; three years after (in special cases one year) he is entitled to apply for naturalization, which involves the renunciation of any existing allegiance.
The Polynesian race has been continuously, and in some places rapidly, decreasing since their first contact with Europeans.
It was, in his judgment, quite in accordance with the genius of the Catholic Church that she should continuously assimilate all that is worthy in the civilization around.
No pantheistic theory of an eternal substance continuously expressing itself in different individuals who fall back into its being like drops into the ocean will here be sufficient.
In the house he was continuously a member of the ways and means committee (of which he was chairman in 1865-1867), and in the Senate of the finance committee (of which he was chairman in 1877-1879,1881-1893and 1893-1898).
The mixture is fed in continuously to the central pan (e), whence it overflows into the compartments (c'), (c 2), (c 3) successively until it reaches the circumference, where it is discharged continously by o and into the collecting-box (q), being now converted into salt-cake.
This last post was filled continuously up to the Revolution by his descendants.
When, on the 4th of March 1809, Jefferson retired from the presidency, he had been almost continuously in the public service for forty years.
Later the Bengal Tenancy Act of 1885, since amended by an act of 1898, created various classes of privileged tenants, including one class known as " settled ryots," in which the qualifying condition is holding land, not necessarily the same land, for twelve years continuously in one village.
The difficulty is that the automatic motion of a single mirror capable of reflecting the rays of any star continuously along the axis of a fixed horizontal telescope, requires a rather complex mechanism owing to the variation of the angle of reflexion with the diurnal motion.
The Jewish community of Worms (about 1300 in number) claims to be the most ancient in Germany and to have existed continuously since the Christian era, though the earliest authentic mention of it occurs in 588.
The continuous flow method is specially applicable to the important case of calorific value of gaseous fuel, where a large quantity of heat is continuously generated at a nearly uniform rate by combustion.
For accurate work it is essential that the liquid in the calorimeter should be continuously stirred, and also in the enclosure, the lid of which must be waterjacketed, and kept at the same steady temperature as the sides.
The condition may even go on to a fatal result should morphine be continuously withheld, but injection of even a small quantity of morphine causes these symptoms to cease abruptly.
About 56 Algol variables were known in 1907; the variables of this class are the most difficult to detect, for the short period of obscuration may easily escape notice unless the star is watched continuously.
The changes take place continuously, so that there is no period of steady luminosity.
As the line of centres becomes more ob.ique, the surface is seen more and more foreshortened and the brilliancy diminishes continuously.
On these the belt of greatest density can be easily traced, and it follows very closely the course of the Milky Way; but, whereas the latter is a belt having rather sharply defined boundaries, the star-density decreases gradually and continuously from the galactic equator to the galactic poles.
According to their results the star-density increases continuously from 109 per square degree at the poles to 2019 along the galactic equator.
There every prisoner was kept continuously in complete isolation.
Yet more; steady willing labour continuously performed will earn a remission of a fourth of the sentence.
Bertotti had four brigades under his command, including the remains of the Roma, and the 6th Group of Alpini, and he changed his troops continuously.
The physical properties of a heterogeneous body (provided they vary continuously from point to point) are known to depend, in the neighbourhood of any one point of the body, on a quadric function of the co-ordinates with reference to that point.
No other national literature is so continuously and so highly religious.
This chain can hardly be said to extend continuously to the extreme north of the island, but it carries on the line of elevation towards the mountains of Sarawak to the west, and those of British North Borneo to the north, of which latter Kinabalu is the most remarkable.
A magnetograph is an instrument for continuously recording the values of the magnetic elements, the three universally chosen being the declination, the horizontal component and the vertical component.
What we mean is that there is evidence to show that under various names a disease identical with plague has been more or less continuously prevalent for a number of years, but how long and how continuously is not known.
When taken continuously the drug soon loses its power as a hypnotic. Its unpleasant taste usually prevents the formation of a paraldehyde habit, but it occasionally occurs with symptoms resembling delirium tremens.
In the treatment of stiffened joints, massage under water is very serviceable, and in the so-called Aix douche a nozzle from which water continuously streams is fastened to the wrist of the masseur, so that a current of water is constantly playing upon the joint which he is rubbing.
The key to reach this resting place is to keep the right hand continuously in contact with the hedge from first to last, going round all the stops.
During the long Napoleonic wars, in which the house of Habsburg was almost continuously engaged, Bohemia continued in its previous lethargic state.
Nitrate of silver is eliminated from the system very slowly and the objection to its employment continuously as a drug is that it is deposited in the tissues causing argyria, chronic silver poisoning, of which the most prominent symptom is dark slate-blue colour of the lips, cheeks, gums and later of the skin.
It has been continuously tenanted by the Roses, one of the most remarkable families in Scotland.
If the anterior margins of natural and artificial wings were rigid, it would be impossible to make them vibrate smoothly and continuously.
The dominating surface-feature formed by the Cretaceous rocks is the Chalk escarpment, the northern edge of the great sheet of chalk that once spread continuously over the whole south-east.
If during his term of office a member of the council becomes bankrupt, or compounds with his creditors, or is (except in case of illness) continuously absent from the county, being chairman for more than two months, or being alderman or councillor for more than six months, his office becomes vacant by declaration of the council.
The crest of the main range runs continuously at an altitude exceeding 10,000 ft., but even it is surpassed in elevation by the secondary range to the north, the Bokovoi Khrebet.
Even in the rainy season on the lower river the rain does not fall continuously for a long period, the storms rarely lasting more than a few hours, but frequently attaining great violence.
The river is embanked from Piacenza, and continuously from Cremona, the total length of the embankments exceeding 600 m.
In the article Refraction it is shown that a ray of light traversing a homogeneous medium is deviated from its rectilinear path when it enters a medium of different refractive index; it is therefore readily seen that the path of a ray through continuously varying media is necessarily curvilinear, being compounded of an infinite number of infinitesimally small rectilinear deviations.
Our atmosphere is a medium of continuously varying refractive index.
Julius Caesar was the first who used the title continuously (from 58 B.C. to his death in 44 B.C.), as well domi as militiae; and his nephew Augustus took a further step when he made the term imperator a praenomen, a practice which after the time of Nero becomes regular.
The most valuable forests are in the southern half of the state, which, except where cleared for farms, is almost continuously wooded.
The eastern line is the most continuously steep in the colony.
This cannot be determined from the rainfall; it entirely depends upon the power of the soil and rock to store water in the particular area under consideration, and to yield it continuously to the stream by means of concentrated springs or diffused seepage.
When, however, a reservoir is employed to equalize the flow during and before the period of dry weather, the minimum flow continuously available may be increased to a much higher figure, depending upon the capacity of that reservoir in relation to the mean flow of the stream supplying it.
The Thames at Teddington has been continuously gauged by the Thames Conservators since 1883, and the Severn at Worcester by the writer, on behalf of the corporation of Liverpool, during the io years 1881 to 1890 inclusive.
If the reservoir were larger it might equalize the flow of the four or more driest consecutive years, which would be somewhat greater than that of the three; if smaller, we might only be able to count upon the average of the flow of the two driest consecutive years, and there are many reservoirs which will not yield continuously the average flow of the stream even in the single driest year.
Thus in order to determine truly the continuously available discharge of any stream, it is necessary to know not only the mean flow of the stream, as represented by the rainfall less the evaporation, but also the least favourable distribution of that flow throughout any year.
The line a" a" drawn from zero parallel to the first line, produced to the boundaries of the diagram, will cut the vertical at the end of the first year at the percentage of the driest year's flow which may be safely drawn continuously from the reservoir throughout the two years.
In English practice there are as many separate endless ropes as there are pairs of grooves in the two pulleys to be connected, but in cases of American practice the rope is continuously wound round the two pulleys, and the free end passes over a pulley mounted on a movable weighted carriage to adjust the tension.
During the printing of this edition a correspondence went on continuously between Newton and Cotes.
After the war the control of the state alternated with considerable regularity between the Republican and Democratic parties, until 1896, between which time and 1904 the former were continuously successful.
In the Ixodidae the capitulum is not overlapped by a forward extension of the dorsal area, which is smooth and firmly chitinized either in front or all over; the palpi are usually modified, that is to say, their second and third segments are usually excavated internally to form a sheath for the hypostome; there is a distinct sucker beneath the claws and the difference between the sexes is well marked, the males having the dorsal integument thickly and continuously chitinized, whereas in the females only its anterior portion bears a chitinous plate, the rest of the integument being soft to admit of its distension by the blood which is imbibed in quantity by members of this sex.
Plucker first gave a scientific dual definition of a curve, viz.; " A curve is a locus generated by a point, and enveloped by a line - the point moving continuously along the line, while the line rotates continuously about the point "; the point is a point (ineunt.) of the curve, the line is a tangent of the curve.
In 1712 the slaughter of a band of Foxes near Detroit was the signal for hostilities which lasted almost continuously until 1740, 1 and in which every tribe in the Wisconsin country was sooner or later involved either in alliance with the Foxes or with the French; the Chippewa, always hostile to the Foxes, the Potawatomi and the Menominee sided with the French.
The Romans fasted three weeks continuously before Easter (Saturdays and Sundays excepted).
Although the second book is a sort of inventory of our ideas, as distinguished from the certainty and boundaries of our knowledge, Locke even here makes the assumption that the " simple ideas " of the five senses are practically qualities of things which exist without us, and that the mental " operations " discovered by " reflection " are those of a person continuously existing.
By continuously and systematically selecting the best grains from the best ears, Major Hallett succeeded in introducing "pedigree wheats" of fine quality.
And if freedom of choice be a possibility at all, it must in future be regarded as the prerogative of a man's whole personality, exhibited continuously throughout the development of his character, displayed to some extent in all conscious conative processes, though especially apparent in crises necessitating deliberate and serious purpose.
Iceland is one of the most volcanic regions of the earth; volcanic activity has gone on continuously from the formation of the island in the Tertiary period down to the present time.
When the varying elements are known these are computed by the equations (2) because, from the nature of the algebraic relations, the slowly varying elements are continuously determined by the equations (4), which express the same relations between the elements and the variables as do the equations (2) and (3).
Here he worked continuously at verse and prose, contributing largely to the magazines.
The best example of these folds is the axis of Leinster, its core being occupied by granite which is now exposed continuously for 70 m., forming a moorland from Dublin to New Ross.
No viceroy even pretended to reside continuously.
The north bank is mostly flat and marshy, whereas the Bulgarian bank is almost continuously crowned by low heights on which are built the considerable towns of Vidin (Widdin), Lom Palanka, Rustchuk and Silistria, all memorable names in Turko-Russian wars.
On the west coast Cretaceous rocks extend continuously from Mogador to Cape Blanco.
For forty years (6f5655) the office of mayor of Austrasia had gone down in his family almost continuously in direct descent from father to son.
The system is most extensively developed in the north, covering a considerable space in Asturias, whence it stretches more or less continuously through the provinces of Leon, Palencia and Santander.
This went on almost continuously as long as the rgime of moderate tariffs and commercial treatises lasted, ie.
Sagasta left the palace to form the first of several cabinets over which he presided continuously for five years.
The Missouri is noteworthy for high bluffs cut by ravines, which border it almost continuously on at least one side.
But the observations do not extend continuously throughout the year, and do not include a sufficient length of the central line on each evening to enable us to distinguish certainly the heliocentric latitude of the central line, as distinct from its apparent geocentric position.
He was elected to Congress in 1852, where, first as a Whig and afterwards as a Republican, he represented his district continuously until 1869, taking a prominent part in debate, and earning the name "watch-dog of the Treasury" by his consistent and vigorous opposition to extravagant and unwise appropriations.
Continuously working presses (compression by a conical screw) have been patented, but hitherto they have not been found practicable.
Wet compression theoretically is not quite so efficient as dry compression, but it possesses practical advantages in keeping the working parts of the compressor cool, and it also greatly facilitates the regulation of the liquid, and ensures the full duty of the machine being continuously performed.
The long, slender stems, somewhat tumid at the nodes, were ribbed, the ribs running continuously through the nodes, a fact correlated with the superposition of the whorled leaves, the number of which in each verticil was some multiple of 3, and usually 6.
Even the inferior arches or chevrons of the tail of salamanders are continuously ossified with the centra.
Above all, he is continuously under the influence of the individualist notion which he had done so much to explode.
It is set to run continuously whilst the heating element switches on & off, or turns on & off with the heat.
The service listens to its customers and offers them choice and flexibility, and will continuously strive to improve.
Once again, Police overreaction prevented free movement for protest by continuously penning people in and violently arresting protesters.
We found the Sailboat Obsession wine bar continuously and nautical artwork.
Our brains are continuously bombarded with enormous amounts of information from each of the senses.
The pipe was continuously welded, and concrete coated for protection and negative buoyancy.
Float drains operate by continuously opening and closing to allow liquid condensate to leave the filter.
He and three of his descendants held the curacy of Bolton Abbey continuously for 117 years.
The small size of the MultiMediaCard is allowing digital device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable devices.
A homeomorphism that has at least one continuous derivative (w.r.t. z) and a continuously differentiable inverse is a diffeomorphism.
The new cavity configuration allowed tuning of the laser continuously over 25 nm of the erbium gain bandwidth by using a bulk diffraction grating.
Armies on both sides have fought artillery duels almost continuously which have often come to a war across the line of control.
Emergencies / Fire IN THE event of fire, or other reasons necessitating the evacuation of the building, a siren will sound continuously.
This time she was leaning back chewing at a jaggedly cut fingernail, continuously checking the clock against her watch.
Q. I have been diabetic since I was 50, and now I have a continuously sore foreskin.
If kept frozen continuously, they will be safe indefinitely.
Or you can be given heparin continuously into a vein through a pump.
Courgettes are really just a highly selected form of summer squash whose fruit are picked continuously and eaten immature.
Clinical Governance is a framework which helps staff to continuously improve and safeguard standards of patient care.
The cost to users of continuously infused drug is half this cost.
However, the ' new business ' department of a marketing agency needs to continuously innovate in order to win business.
To produce a finite straight line continuously in a straight line.
In transcribing you might instead of preserving lineation mark it with ' | ' at each line end whilst writing continuously.
All of these must be continuously assessed to ensure they can withstand increased traffic loading.
Gradually add water, stirring continuously to prevent it turning lumpy.
A flash smelter operating continuously produces a matte containing 65 wt% Cu and 36 wt% Fe from a pure CuFeS 2 concentrate.
If sunlight is continuously destroying methane on Titan, how is methane getting into the atmosphere?
The on-board microprocessor provides fail-safe operation, by continuously monitoring the signal from the receiver.
The basic idea of these techniques, known as adaptive modulation, involves continuously modifying certain parameters of the transmitted signal.
Pain is controlled by strong pain killing drugs delivered continuously via a drip (e.g. morphine ).
It will continuously check for commands from the RS232 interface and button press events.
Curricula are continuously refined to keep ahead of educational developments.
The data is continuously refreshed and updated through rigorous research, and is regularly cross-referenced with the FSA Register.
Plus break times that come any time at our continuously replenished refreshment stations.
Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3 Starting Apache Invoking Apache The httpd program is usually run as a daemon which executes continuously, handling requests.
When it has formed a roux gradually add the milk, stirring continuously.
From that day to this, it has enjoyed the distinction of being the only village in Scotland to fly the saltire continuously.
Air samples were taken continuously every two minutes with a Casella slit sampler placed within 1 meter of the dental chair.
Identifies, promotes and tracks learning opportunities for group members, while continuously pursuing self-development and growth.
Once an employe has worked continuously for the same employer for one year s/he has qualified for employment protection.
It employs a continuously generated wave of molten solder to form the joints.
A new optical device was developed for continuously measuring the rate of sediment transport in the system.
The bloodstream form trypanosome is therefore continuously balancing on the brink of destruction.
The National Laser Radiometry Facility represents a £ 2 million investment in a unique suite of continuously tunable CW lasers.
From the 31st day onwards we will pay 1/30th of the monthly benefit for each day you remain continuously unemployed or disabled.
However, the kidneys are continuously removing urea from the blood and producing urine as a result.
The track in each rail tunnel has two continuously welded rails laid on pre-cast concrete supports embedded in the concrete track bed.
Methods of available for continuously feed oil to porous bearing using force feeding or using very simple wick feeds.
From the 3rd of May until the 30th of May he was continuously engaged against the Bourbon troops at Palestrina, Velletri and elsewhere, dispersing an army of 20,000 men with 3000 volunteers.
For, on account of the diurnal motion, the direction of the axis of the telescope when pointed to a star is always changing, so that, to follow a star with an altazimuth mounting, the observer requires to move continuously the two handles which give slow motion in altitude and azimuth.
The island is mountainous in the main, almost continuously so, indeed, along the east coast, and very largely granitic, with a number of lofty upland plains in the east, and volcanic in the west.
He was subsequently continuously engaged in extending the applications of the doctrine of electrolytic conduction in relation not only to the problems of chemical action but also, on the supposition that in certain conditions the air conducts electrolytically, to the phenomena of atmospheric electricity.
South of this anticyclone, from about the latitude of the Cape, we find the region where, on account of the uninterrupted sea surface right round the globe, the planetary circulation is developed to the greatest extent known; the pressure gradient is steep, and the region is swept continuously by strong westerly winds - the " roaring forties."
Machines used for lifting only are not called cranes, but winches, lifts or hoists, while the term elevator or conveyor is commonly given to appliances which continuously, not in separate loads, move materials like grain or coal in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction (see Conveyors).
The type-wheel is carried round continuously by the mechanism to which it is attached by a friction disk and ratchet drive.
Heavy clays, gravel and sands, containing cypress stumps, driftwood and mastodon bones, are characteristic. The loess or bluff formation lies along the bluffs bordering the Bottom, nearly continuously through the state.
With the fixed retorts these valves are worked from time to time by the attendant, but with revolving retorts they are worked continuously and automatically and allow from sixteen to twenty-four ounces of char to escape per minute from each cooler, and so make room in the retort above for a corresponding quantity to enter from the drying floor.
Morin (see Notice sur divers appareils dynamometriques, Paris, 1841), in his classical experiments on traction, arranged his appar atus so that the change in form of the spring was continuously recorded on a sheet of paper drawn under a style.
Winthrop served repeatedly, though not continuously, as governor of the colony till his death in 1649, his rejection in 1636 being due to a party of theological revolt which chose Henry Vane (afterwards Sir Henry) to the office.
The essentially dishonest practice of deluging yarn with water, which has sometimes even degenerated into the use of weighting materials deleterious to weaving, has been recognized as a great nuisance, but while various attempts have been made to protect the buyer the question seems to have pretty well settled itself on the principles which commonly rule the sales of commodities between those who intend to do business continuously.
In the former, in spite of, or perhaps because of, the attempt to crush the Polish language and spirit, the Polish element continuously increased, reinforced by immigrants from across the frontier; in the latter the Danish language more than held its own, for similar reasons, but the treaty signed on the 11111 of January 1907 between Prussia and Denmark, as to the status of the Danish optantsin the duchies, removed the worst grievance from which the province was suffering (see SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN QUESTION).
A further misfortune occurred in the Panama affair, Clemenceau's relations with Cornelius Herz leading to his being involved in the general suspicion; and, though he remained the leading spokesman of French Radicalism, his hostility to the Russian alliance so increased his unpopularity that in the election for 1893 he was defeated for the Chamber, after having sat in it continuously since 1876.
An absorption apparatus as applied to the cooling of liquids consist s s of a generator containing coils to which steam is supplied at suitable pressure, an analyser, a rectifier, a condenser either of the submerged or open type, a refrigerator in which the nearly anhydrous ammonia obtained in the condenser is allowed to evaporate, an absorber through which the weak liquor from the generator continually flows and absorbs the anhydrous vapour produced in the refrigerator, and a pump for forcing the strong liquor produced in the absorber back through an economizer into the analyser where, meeting with steam from the generator, the ammonia gas is again driven off, the process being thus carried on continuously.
There are clear benefits from Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel and ULSD with a continuously regenerating particle trap over standard diesel.
From that day to this, it has enjoyed the distinction of being the only village in Scotland to fly the Saltire continuously.
He further added, the service listens to its customers and offers them choice and flexibility, continuously striving to improve....
Any occupation of less than six weeks duration is ignored when determining whether a property has been continuously unoccupied for three months.
Mr C had not told Dr. M that Mrs D had been vomiting continuously.
Slowly start adding the milk, whisking continuously to prevent lumps from forming.
However, you will need to watch your inquisitive little one continuously.
This will be hard to do for newborns who nap continuously, but eventually you'll notice a more definite pattern in your baby's wake and sleep times.
A preemie who is growing in a healthy way will have a continuously upward climb of dots, eventually nearing very close to the line of full term babies his age.
My new kitten is only six weeks old, but he continuously scratches hard when he plays.
If your co-parent is truly a jerk and doesn't take you seriously, continuously violating agreements and missing appointments, you may want to get a third party involved.
Crops can be grown continuously, and can easily be expanded to accommodate growing demand for fuel.
It is a renewable source of energy that is continuously present in the environment, it creates no waste or pollution, and it reduces strain on power companies while conserving other natural resources.
Because decaying radioactive particles inside the Earth continuously generate heat, geothermal energy is a very reliable form of renewable energy.
It is not dependent on specific weather conditions, and plants are designed to run continuously for as long as 730 days before they require refueling.
You may find that you are continuously drawn to a specific color or shade, or that a specific style or theme is repeated again and again.
A home is a continuously evolving process.
They monitor the stock market very closely and continuously buy and sell stocks throughout the course of the day.
Barclays continuously updates its site to make it as secure as possible.
Accuracy is Mapquest's forte, with a continuously updated database of roads and routes.
Martha Stewart's around the page punches allow crafters to achieve this goal for a consistent look continuously around the entire page.
While very intricate and detailed cuts will cause your machine to stutter a bit, it should not continuously be making loud noises while it cuts your files.
Scan your child's class photo into the computer, and then create a special background paper with small versions of the photo running continuously through the page.
Temporary stress reactions are healthy, but when the body remains in a continuously alert or stressed state, major health consequences result.
Unfortunately science classes in junior high settings are suffering continuously from state budget cuts.
You need to work continuously to get your name and face out there.
Releasing heartache by writing sad love poems will free your mind of heartrending thoughts you continuously brood over.
This is usually common among people who use the drug continuously to keep their high going.
You need to smoke continuously to keep feeling the effects of nicotine.
Pipe continuously, make loops, curves and turns, but never overlapping the lines or leaving any "loose" ends.
Lady Gaga extends her unusual wardrobe choices to her live shows, and audiences are continuously surprised by her frequent costume changes.
I paid my way through undergraduate and graduate school, fought for my first job at a financial services firm, where I was just one of a few women, and have continuously improved myself in my profession.
Today, most American stores are found on the West Coast, but the chain is continuously expanding and online shopping became available in 2007 so the store's merchandise is now available to parents living anywhere in the world.
To find them, you will need to monitor discounts and sales continuously occurring.
This could be as simple as having him wear a muzzle when he's loose with her and taking turns confining one dog or the other so Charlie doesn't have to wear the muzzle continuously.
The collar continuously transmits information regarding the dog's location back to the receiver, and the pet owner can access this information from an LCD screen on his or her receiver.
Second, it will grow continuously throughout the dog's life.
Since the Maltese's coat grows continuously, trimming is necessary.
Hardily grown subsequently they will be ready for bedding out in March or early April, and will flower long and continuously during the ensuing summer and early autumn months.
P. capensis, usually grown under glass, may be planted out in summer, bearing its lovely pale blue flowers continuously.
Ten-week Stocks, if sown in spring, will flower continuously during the summer and autumn.
A related plant, wild strawberry, has tiny, sweet fruits and bears continuously.
You can plant several crop sessions of 30 to 60 day maturing crops to have continuously growth.
This allows a long cable run to be run continuously but still allow small segments to be independently operated and powered.
As hot water circulates continuously through the coils, the coils give off infrared rays which warm the floor above.
The trench coat is continuously being redefined, so that more and more men can wear one that suits their unique style.
It also means that tainted meat that continuously comes from the same farm or processing plant may alert inspectors that there is a problem with that farm or plant that needs to be addressed.
Teens are continuously trapped in a stimulus filled world.
With a continuously growing variety, your child can wear glasses ranging from her favorite cartoon characters to a scaled down version of your designer frames.
Guests should also be aware that deals are not offered continuously, and while there may be no available coupons today, there may be a new offer tomorrow.
Spooky music plays continuously, while periodic shows such as monster parties and spooky sing-a-longs are fun options for everyone.
From television and movie roles to playing a famous character in a theme park, Disney is continuously casting for various roles throughout their company.
Disney is continuously casting for singers, actors, dancers, street performers, musicians, and characters.
They are recognized as one of the largest one-site employer in the United States, and are continuously growing as new developments happen.
Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln at the Disneyland Resort runs continuously during park hours.
Bear in mind that the laser cannot be used continuously, so players will need to use a little planning.
For instance, Relics can increase your magic reserve bar, Tarot Cards can give you access to bonus content, and the Dragon's Breath is an artifact that contains shoots out flame continuously when activated.
These evil trees will pop up, releasing multitudes of enemies at you continuously.
Even though you couldn't continuously look at it, the rumble pack vibrated like a heart to help you.
Many players are so enthralled by the continuously changing world that they log dozens of hours each week exploring and advancing their character.
Workout mode, as in most exercise games, is where you continuously dance until you either burn a calorie goal or reach a time limit.
They seem to spawn continuously, so you can keep doing this over and over.
Use the R1 button continuously to block and dodge his attacks, then press the X button.
What you have to do is use a nitro to pass a car and continuously block that car as it will try to regain the position.
Continuously go for the bonus fish to score maximum points.
Once you turn the machine on, the wine is continuously sprayed with jets of ice water.
Although the Airstreams have been produced continuously since the 1930s, it is estimated that up to 70 percent of the units ever made are still on the road according to company statistics.
It provides continuous monitoring and does not require the patient to be in bed continuously.
An intrathecal baclofen delivery system continuously releases prescribed amounts of baclofen in small doses directly into the spinal fluid via a small catheter and pump.
The medication is dispensed, either continuously or at certain intervals as determined by the doctor, via a tiny motor in the pump that moves the medication from the pump reservoir through the catheter.
Acquiring trachoma does not provide immunity against re-infection, so repeat infections are the norm in many communities where the disease circulates continuously among family members.
As with the standard antidepressants, however, it must be taken continuously and does not show an effect until used for four to six weeks.
If a child continuously misses speech milestones, or is significantly behind what is generally considered average for his or her age, a doctor should be consulted.
Normally, the human body continuously breaks down and rebuilds cells that contain GAGs.
Under normal conditions, gangliosides are continuously broken down, so that an appropriate balance is maintained.
A child with extreme failure to thrive may need hospitalization, during which he or she can be fed and monitored continuously.
Bottles containing liquids such as milk, formula, fruit juices, sweetened drink mixes, and sugar water continuously bathe an infant's mouth with sugar.
Electronic fetal monitoring is performed late in pregnancy or continuously during labor to ensure normal delivery of a healthy baby.
The EFM continuously prints out a record of both the FHR and the duration and frequency of the uterine contractions, so that deviations from normal patterns can be identified.
The medications are applied directly to the wick, enough times per day to allow the wick to remain continuously saturated.
Drainage, therefore, drips constantly down the back of the throat, resulting in a continuously sore throat and bad breath.
A periodic alternating nystagmus (PAN) is observed in primary gaze when the patient is looking straight ahead and is characterized by eye movements that continuously change direction and speed.
During both rehydration and maintenance phases, fluid losses from vomiting and diarrhea should be replaced continuously.
Cilia are small, hair-like projections that beat continuously and serve to constantly sweep the respiratory tract clean of such debris as mucus, bacteria, viruses, and dead cells.
Mucus and saliva will also be continuously removed via a catheter.
Surgery is conducted while the infant is under general anesthesia; a tube is placed through the mouth to continuously suction the esophageal pouch during the procedure.
Clinical trials are continuously evaluating new asthma medications.
A beta-receptor agonist is inhaled repeatedly or continuously.
After surgery children are fitted with a soft cervical collar that is worn continuously except during physical therapy and bathing or a stiff orthopedic collar that is worn during waking hours except for physical therapy.
An intrathecal baclofen delivery system, surgically placed by a neurosurgeon, continuously releases prescribed amounts of baclofen in small doses directly into the spinal fluid via a small catheter and pump.
Practice really does make perfect, and if you don't get enough rehearsal time in, then you will fall short next to other teams who were sure to run their drills continuously before arriving.
The ancient Chinese saw the world and all of nature as a single entity existing in a state of balance and harmony where the patterns of nature's changes continuously repeat.
Spain began St. Augustine in 1565, and it is the oldest continuously occupied city of European origin in the United States.
Female emo haircuts associate you with a portion of today's culture that is continuously expanding.
Instead of investing the considerable financial resources necessary to continuously upgrade equipment and train staff, it may make more sense to "borrow" the technology from a company that has already made this investment.
They also have to continuously research medications to familiarize themselves with potential reactions between medications and new drugs on the market.
I don't want to have to tear these girls away from the home they know, the friends and school they love, because I simply cannot afford the mortgage with its' interest rate continuously increasing.
Even if you don’t make a successful airplane on the first try, part of the appeal of origami lies in having the opportunity to continuously improve your skills.
Depending on the hospital, your care provider, your nurse, and any interventions you may have, you may be monitored intermittently or continuously.
For a long time, it's been sort of an open secret among doctors that women could avoid getting periods for months at a time by taking the hormone-containing pills continuously.
As the name suggests, you take them continuously, never taking a break between packets.
Roxy continuously sponsors and hosts various surf and snowboard competitions, and they are often endorsed by some of the biggest female names in the sports.
The arms and legs move continuously to keep the swimmer afloat, imitating the natural style that dogs and other animals use when in the water.
Once you've mastered the games and starter obstacles, you can use these pieces to continuously rearrange and increase the intensity of the game.
Collectors continuously hunt for the perfect piece of furniture or accessory to add to their house.
Others, like vitamin E and minerals like iron, tend to accumulate in the body and can turn toxic if you continuously overdose on them.
Everyone's gut contains flora that continuously colonizes in the intestines.
Continuously charging the battery after each use puts a strain on the battery which may lessen the overall lifetime.
You don't need to ever worry about excessive moisture creating mold and mildew buildup in your home, because the unit has a continuously operating auto-evaporation system.
They continuously remove and clean air so that it doesn't get stale or full of particles.
The game is good vs. evil constantly battling for control of the force - a continuously waging battle.
Since the songs last for about three to four minutes, you must continuously be on the move.
The fan does not turn off automatically, and if left running continuously the batteries can wear down quickly.
Bake sales and car washes are overused and overplayed in today's communities, so many non-profit groups are continuously looking for innovative money-raising ideas that will yield a profit that outweighs the cost and effort put into it.
For the healthiest of couples, continuously putting your children's needs ahead of your own can be a strain.
As you move through marriage counseling, your therapist will continuously monitor how you and your spouse are doing.
Because this type of spiritual promise is meant to be long term, if not lifelong, the ring should be worn continuously, though it will need to be removed for periodic cleanings and other necessary care.
It is meant to symbolize a river that continuously flows.
Passive income projects are great for writers with full-time day jobs because you'll be continuously making money, even on days you don't have time to write.
Some parents and educators of autistic children continuously search for alternative treatments.
Many of today's elementary schoolers already own laptops, and parents are continuously looking for a way to get them off of computer games and onto something of more substance and value.
When the screen's fluorescent backlighting remains lit continuously, the tubes wear out more quickly.
The Frye Company, makers of Frye boots, is the oldest continuously operated shoe company in the United States.
There, I had an idea to start a shoe company that would serve as a sustainable way to provide for these kids continuously.
Thankfully, color dyes and pigments are an affordable supply that will be replaced continuously, and this allows you plenty of time to test other formulas.
The shows change continuously, so keep an eye on the box office.
It's the oldest continuously operating hotel in Hawaii.
With the standards already set, Patek watchmakers continuously craft new watches to satiate the public's hunger for the brand.
The nearly constant movement that results from this process continuously winds the mainspring inside the clock.
Since the very first Atmos hit the market in 1939, JL has continuously produced new versions of this emblematic timepiece.
Recognizing a great thing when it sees it, the F&S Company has continuously introduced new models to its basic line of high-tech watches since they came up with the concept.
Her pants come in a variety of styles, including the continuously popular capri.
Finally, the vehicle must have been continuously registered and insured in the state where you reside for at least one year.
If your heel stretch isn't up to par, work your leg muscles into order by continuously stretching the integrity of your split.
Run the pool filter continuously until the water is clear making sure to backwash the filter as often as necessary.
Since the USDA has been continuously criticized for not offering various pyramid recommendations to account for various needs in the population, they have developed MyPyramid.
Thus, you have to continuously challenge them to achieve continuous improvement.
If swimming and hiking isn't your thing, you can substitute the cardio with tennis, treadmill, biking or whatever you prefer -- the important thing is to get your heart rate up and your lungs working continuously.
Pole dancing is enjoyable and adaptable; you can continuously change up the routines to keep your workout fresh.
This allows you to continuously make the workout more challenging as your fitness levels grow.
Experiment with going to the market at varying times and days as not every vendor is there continuously.
She continuously received steady votes from the viewers and managed to stay out of the bottom three during the entire run of the show.
You may rather listen to continuously screeching cat.
Although she continuously delivered good photographs, her extroverted personality sometimes bothered the judges because she was sometimes considered rude.
The hosts are continuously watching the participant and pop in for "surprise inspections" during the shopping trip.
Though her story of Harry Potter is continuously rising in intensity, Rowling's style of telling her tales stays on the same, straight line.
Two of the oldest continuously published magazines, Popular Science was first published in 1872 and continues to keep up with the world of science, opening its website in 1999.
When swimming or playing outdoors, remember to reapply sunscreen every couple of hours to keep skin continuously protected.
The company specializes in products that reflect the unique and continuously changing needs of facial skin.
Rich in vitamins A and E (powerful antioxidants), this thick cream does double duty by maintaining continuously soft skin and scenting it with a light, luxurious lemony scent.
So, too, are those who wear tight shoes and tight hosiery, both of which can contribute to a continuously moist, warm environment.
Kidz World offers free chat rooms that are continuously monitored to make sure no inappropriate comments are posted to the chat.
These significant events in blogging history continuously built a certain level of credibility and respect for professional bloggers.
Another option you will need to choose is whether you want the music to play continuously, or only once through.
Suppose, for instance, the paper ribbon to be soaked in a solution of iodide of potassium and a light contact spring made to press continuously on its surface as it is pulled forward by the mechanism.
The call-wires were usually equipped with drops in order that the exchange might be called at night when the operators were not listening continuously.
The circular system is developed continuously over the entire subumbral surface, and the velum represents a special local development of this system, at a region where it is able to act at the greatest mechanical advantage in producing the contractions of the umbrella by which the animal progresses.
But they sat again for this purpose under Mary and Elizabeth and (save between 1640 and 1661) continued regular criminal sessions till towards the end of the 17th century as continuously and constantly as the king's courts (op. cit.).
During the process the thin walls are stretched and the turns of the spiral become pulled apart without rupturing the wall of the tracheid or vessel, If the pitted type of tracheal element were similarly stretched its continuously thickened walls would resist the stretching and eventually break.
The young corm, at first about the diameter of the flower-stalk, grows continuously, till in the following July it attains the size of a small apricot.
From 1875 to 1887, when he entered the U.S. Senate, he was again a representative in Congress, and from 1877 almost continuously to the close of his service he was chairman of the Committee on Commerce, in which capacity he had a prominent part in securing the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.
It is evident that the buying of cotton on the principles suggested would be calculated to cause great unsteadiness of prices, especially as cotton is not continuously forthcoming, but is produced periodically in harvests.
As we pass from the " future " of the month in which the quotation is made to the most distant "future" it will be observed that in the first and second cases price rises continuously, in the second case even passing "spot," whereas in the third case it falls first and then rises.
Consequently south Palestine has been continuously " Arabized "; and indeed the whole of Syria has been characterized by racial and religious fusions, and by civilization of a singularly syncretic and derived kind, of which the ancient Phoenician is a sufficient example.
Lemons yield continuously through the year, but like oranges, not much has yet been done with them commercially.
They sacrifice the paschal lamb, which is probably the oldest religious rite that has been continuously kept up. In two important points they differ from later Jewish interpretation.
The sternal surface wide, continuously chitinized, but with prosternal and metasternal FIG.
At first sight it appears difficult to understand how g PP the complicated series of actions which are definitely exhibited as so-called " instincts " by a variety of animals can have been due to the selection of congenital variations, or can be otherwise explained than by the transmission of habits acquired by the parent as the result of experience, and continuously elaborated and added to in successive generations.
He used to kill sometimes, but never wantonly or continuously."
He added greatly to the house and property, and lived in it continuously until his death in 1900.
Considerable additions, however, have been introduced in order to indicate subsequent developments of the subject; the new sections are numbered continuously with the old, objects to which they relate are intended to remain fixed or to move relatively to each otherthe former class being comprehended under the term Theory of Structures and the latter under the term Theory of Machines.
In wheels which rotate continuously for one revolution or more, it is obviously necessary that the pitch should be an aliquot part of the circumference.
Hence also, in any pair of circular wheels which rotate continuously for one revolution or more, the ratio of the numbers of teeth and its reciprocal the angular velocity ratio must be expressible in whole numbers.
When it is connected with a continuously turning piece (such as the crank of a steam-engine) the ends of the stroke of the reciprocating piece correspond to the d.ead-points of the path of the connected point of the turning piece, where the line of connection is continuous with or coincides with the crank-arm.
Let S be the length of stroke of the reciprocating piece, L the length of the line of connection, and R the crank-arm of the continuously turning piece.
Using this principle the method of finding the balance weights to be added to a given system of reciprocating weights in order to produce a system of forces on the frame continuously in equilibrium is exactly the same as that just explained for a system of revolving weights, because for the purpose of finding the balance weights each reciprocating weight may be supposed attached to the crank pin which operates it, thus forming an equivalent revolving system.
In the Church of England the cassock, which with the gown is prescribed by the above-mentioned canon of 1604 as the canonical dress of the clergy, has been continuously, though not universally, worn by the clergy since the Reformation.
A birthrate continuously in excess of the death-rate tends to lower the latter through the supply it affords of people annually reaching the more healthy ages.
In order continuously to attain this end, the revenue must be flexible, or, as is often said, elastic enough to vary in response to pressure.
In 1821 Michael Faraday (1791-1867), who was destined later on to do so much for the science of electricity, discovered electromagnetic rotation, having succeeded in causing a wire conveying a voltaic current to rotate continuously round the pole of a permanent magnet.
If instead of receding the sea rose continuously at the rate of ioo ft.
These two principles are defined as reciprocating, for the flat bed which travels backwards and forwards; and rotary, for that which continuously revolves or rotates.
During the period1890-1905gold mines were worked continuously in Merionethshire.
He saw over the mist that in a hollow between two hills near the village of Pratzen, the Russian columns, their bayonets glittering, were moving continuously in one direction toward the valley and disappearing one after another into the mist.
Unlike other systems of astrology, the astrology signs in Egyptian astrology do not run continuously.
According to his observations, in the Egyptian wild cat the pads of the toes are wholly black, while the black extends back either continuously or in long stripes as far as the calcaneum or heel-bone.
They, however, show no periodicity, and are found continuously both by day and by night; and their larval forms are termed Microfilaria perstans.
Machines used for lifting only are not called cranes, but winches, lifts or hoists, while the term elevator or conveyor is commonly given to appliances which continuously, not in separate loads, move materials like grain or coal in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction.
During the Civil War it was held continuously by the Unionists, but local sentiment was bitterly divided.
The last years of Bela's life were embittered by the ingratitude of his son Stephen, who rebelled continuously against his father and ultimately compelled him to divide the kingdom with him, the younger prince setting up a capital of his own at Sarospatak, and following a foreign policy directly contrary to that of his father.
It differs from the open circuit in only requiring one battery (although, as in the figure, half of it is often placed at each end), in having the re circuit ceiving instrument between the line and the key, and in having the battery continuously to the line.
In America and other countries where distances are great and passengers have to spend several days continuously in a train sleeping and restaurant cars are almost a necessity, and accordingly are to be found on most important through trains.
Yet again, Saul had been chosen by Yahweh to free his people from the Philistines; he had been rejected for his sins, and had suffered continuously from this enemy; Israel at his death was left in the unhappy state in which he had found it; it was the Judaean David, the faithful servant of Yahweh, who was now chosen to deliver Israel, and to the last the people gratefully remembered their debt.
Sheep, which numbered 32,J71,018 in 1878, declined continuously to 27,448,220 in 1882-a loss of over five million head in five years.
It had been continuously in Ptolemaic occupation, but the house of Seleucus maintained its claim.
If the burningup of humus and the leaching of the soil could be prevented, there is no reason whyia cotton soil should not produce good crops continuously for an indefinite time.
Turning to the study of radioactivity, he noticed its association with the minerals which yield helium, and in support of the hypothesis that that gas is a disintegration-product of radium he proved in 1903 that it is continuously formed by the latter substance in quantities sufficiently great to be directly recognizable in the spectroscope.
Turkey's Arabian possessions comprise, besides El-Hasa on the Persian Gulf, the low-lying, hot and insalubrious Tehama and the south-western highlands (vilayets of Hejaz and Yemen) stretching continuously along the east side of the Red Sea, and including the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
Since 1875 the expenditure of the state has passed through considerable fluctuations- It reached its maximum in 1883, descended E dl- in 1888 and 1889, and since then has continuously inxpeft creased.
The speed of the ship can be roughly estimated from the speed of the engines; it is more accurately obtained by one or other of the various forms of log, or it may be measured by paying out continuously a steel wire over a measuring wheel.
It has an extraordinary power over the pain of acute gout; it lessens the severity and frequency of the attacks when given continuously between them, and it markedly controls such symptoms of gout as eczema, bronchitis and neuritis, whilst it is entirely inoperative against these conditions when they are not of gouty origin.
When the service is frequent enough to give a good power factor continuously, the steam locomotive cannot compete with the electric motor for the purpose of quick acceleration, because the motors applied to the axles of a train may for a short time absorb power from the central station to an extent far in excess of anything which a locomotive boiler can supply.
It is noteworthy, however, that Ireland year by year places less reliance upon the potato crop. In 1888 the area of potatoes in Ireland was 804,566 acres, but it continuously contracted each year, until in 1905 it was only 616,755 acres, or 187,811 acres less than 17 years previously.
The work is almost wholly a compilation, and that not of the most discriminative kind, while a peculiar jealousy of Gesner is continuously displayed, though his statements are very constantly quoted - nearly always as those of " Ornithologus," his name appearing but few times in the text, and not at all in the list of authors cited.
In due course Ignatius arrived at Jerusalem, where he intended to remain, in order continuously to visit the holy places and help souls.
The use of a grating is very convenient, for not only are there several spectra in view at the same time, but the dispersion can be varied continuously by sloping the grating.
He gave the words of greeting, and the first regiment roared "Hurrah!" so deafeningly, continuously, and joyfully that the men themselves were awed by their multitude and the immensity of the power they constituted.