Contexts Sentence Examples
In contexts where a truth value is expected, any non- nil value is considered to be true.
All previous series revolved around rather rarefied contexts - nobility, aristocracy, and royalty.
To design, implement and evaluate intervention for individuals or groups with speech difficulties in a range of contexts.
These three contexts were the only ones from the entire site to contain oats and hazel nutshell.
They have been produced by practitioners and employers using real-life working contexts drawn from the sector.
In such contexts, research into the safety issues becomes a red herring.
The contexts include retail, care, childcare, health and safety and catering.
They relate changes of state to energy transfers in a range of contexts for example, the formation of igneous rocks.
The blurring of these boundaries is particularly salient in many African contexts.
It is argued that phonological or phonetic similarity of forms favors diachronic syncretism in certain morphological contexts.
AdvertisementLectures will introduce the students to relevant theatrical, institutional, political and historical contexts.
However, the significance of a mathematical theorem is relative to its contexts.
The difference, moreover, is immediately recognizable in all concrete human contexts where people are actually paying attention to each other.
Graduates have a thorough understanding of current practice in a range of heritage contexts.
The conservation area was respected through use of vernacular styling demonstrating that principles of good design are especially relevant to sensitive contexts.
AdvertisementBut in certain contexts there is clearly an element of intention or volition involved.
Despite this, there is no doubt that wobbly episodes have been observed by any number of people in any number of contexts.
The result is a child who is a better listener, both in conversation and in other contexts.
Every assignment will require the student to focus on simulated issues in real world contexts.
When a coder produces a video game render, it is a relatively isolated item that can be placed under different contexts.
AdvertisementThey can adapt language to different contexts, master abstract thinking, explore and prepare for future careers and roles, set goals based on feelings of personal needs and priorities, and are likely to reject goals set by others.
If you're looking for an Aquarius love compatibility horoscope, know that there are several potential astrological matches that can be explored in variety of contexts.
Additionally, potentially objectionable subject matter, such as violence, nudity, sex, profanity, and other topics might be perceived by some parents as acceptable in some contexts and completely inappropriate in others.
Connaître means 'to know', but the specific contexts in which it is used are limited.
These additional expressions are not interchangeable the way that "bienvenue" is, meaning you'll have to learn these expressions carefully so that you use them in the right contexts.
AdvertisementWhenever you are exposed to native speakers speaking French, note the types of contexts where each of these phrases is used so that you develop a deep understanding of how to use them.
Incongruities manifest themselves not only between certain sections and the main scheme of the book, but also between these and their immediate contexts.
Here again we note that they do not appear at the corresponding point in Luke, though some of them are given by him in other contexts.
Sherds of Roman pottery were recovered from most contexts but all the sherds were much abraded and likely to be residual.
If the input was a normal diff, many of the contexts are simply null.
Both The Riot Act and The Cure at Troy remain inseparable from their immediate political contexts.
She has worked in a variety of contexts, including multicultural inner city schools.
We intend to continue exploring map-based navigation in several different contexts.
The content and scale of study are prescribed and locational contexts stipulated which restricts scope for innovation.
In some group contexts, this could, I think, represent an intelligent usage of a relatively unintelligent technology.
Yet, the faster planets form aspects to Pluto on their own journeys round the zodiac, thus pulling longterm issues into shorter-term contexts.
It follows that "pragmatic" lines of thought may originate from a multiplicity of considerations and in a variety of contexts.
Recent scholarship has absolutely disproved this legend, founded on a few trite phrases in monastic chronicles, and still to be heard in similar contexts.
Modern forms of Buddhism are essentially contiguous with traditional forms despite different social arenas and cultural contexts.
Finally, I totally agree with Bond that discourse contexts will improve generating more accurate determiners that have anaphoric relations.
For this reason, the course will seek to explore specific dimensions of world cinema in terms of historical and social contexts of production.
It is therefore likely that our three educational contexts will become increasingly distinctive.
These processes aim to understand potential end-users ' habitual activities in their usual work or educational contexts.
Indeed, the best ESOL sessions engage and stretch learners to handle complex language in emotionally and intellectually engaging contexts.
It had also revealed the still formative, transitory, and potentially transformative nature of artists' networks in local, national and global contexts.
Thus transfer of learning from school / academic contexts to outside ones is pretty hopeless.
The oldest narratives are not in their original contexts, and they contain features which render it questionable whether a very trustworthy recollection of the period was retained.
Not only are the resemblances too close, and their character in part not of a kind, to be thus accounted for, but even many of the differences between parallel contexts are rather such as would arise through the revision of a document than through the freedom of oral delivery.