Context Sentence Examples
That said, he would set out the broader context for manufacturing.
Setting guidelines can help in defining the context of your search.
The first section lays out the basics of the "wider organizational context" mentioned above.
What is important is the social context of the organization for health.
The toneof the president's speech was just right in the context of current tragic events.
But in its new context, this meaning can hardly be retained.
The course aims to examine the cultural context of the built environment and the relationships between design and society.
The context of the word completely changes the meaning.
The course places the history of medicine in a social and cultural context.
In other cases the pronunciation can be ascertained only from the context, as in use, unvoiced for the substantive, voiced for the verb.
AdvertisementThere is a mention of Marcion in the same context, but it is unintelligible.
Dr. Cummins places the story of the Picts in its historical context.
In the wider context, dementia services need to be considered.
Use the context clues surrounding the word to interpret its meaning.
Be sure to look for context clues if a homonym is giving you trouble.
AdvertisementThe context of the religious debates was current when the plays were written and performed.
In the context of the situation, the statement made sense.
There is also a need to understand the more specific context, in which racism is reproduced in society on an everyday basis.
Then the teacher can move from that to a classroom context.
A bathing suit is appropriate in the context of a pool party, but not in that of a wedding.
AdvertisementIn this context, we seek concrete realization of our commitments at the fifth Review Conference of the BWC.
An evangelistic sermon delivered within the context of Sunday morning worship is very different from an evangelistic sermon delivered on a street corner.
These dosages should always be reviewed in the context of the age, weight and general health of the person taking the tinctures.
What is said of this affair interrupts the original context of chap. xviii., to which the insertion has been clumsily fitted by an interpolation in the second half of ver.
But in its new context this meaning can hardly be retained.
AdvertisementWithin the context of family life, this causes immense pressure.
This was presented in the form of a precise scale maquette placed in the context of an architectural model.
In the present context, where there are no expected benefits for the participant, this phrase appears meaningless.
The proposed research will explore the concept of situated learning in the context and accomplishment of safety in technologically mediated medical work.
Surely we cannot afford to ignore so omnipresent a human activity in the context of learning?
The run 3 resource context was highly restrictive, while the run 4 context was very permissive.
For Harris the ability to value life and express preferences in the context of a future defines personhood.
If you have a plasmid that might be interesting to sequence in this context please contact Christopher Thomas.
A similar format was followed during the closing plenary which examined issues of concern in the context of legal education in Europe.
The deliberations of the 3rd plenum took place in the context of developments nationally and internationally which put great demands on the Party.
This project aims to explore the gendered global political economy of governance in the context of globalization.
It is often seen in the context of " all practicable steps " or " best practicable means.
The Importance of Context A woman entered the Democratic primary for governor of the state of Texas.
In the context of (constraint) logic programming, part of this problem reduces to figuring out how to query a program.
Now they can be heard together in the context of this exciting new quintet.
As true business stars, the best rainmakers are excellent performers in the context of the firm's values.
They have never been fully realized, however, within the context of French to Russian revolutionary history.
In the context of land reform in South Africa, their success is bucking a trend.
In the context of the model this works by mutual reinforcement.
The second form of relativity might be called relativity to the context of inquiry.
In the context of working applications where there is often a difference between the schema in use and the ' standard ' namespace schema.
Top of page How I teach the schwa Fast dictation I find this activity useful for introducing the schwa in context.
The second approach focused on phoneme segmentation and blending in the context of sounding out actual words.
In the context of racially segregated America, the play looks inwards to explore the pressures upon family unity.
Create a TCP server socket on a port, using the default authentication context.
The Group deliberately steered clear of detail, believing that this is better covered elsewhere within the appropriate context.
These transition from the actual film into the animated storyboard, letting you put them into the context of the film.
Context menus are shown by holding the stylus down for a moment.
Determining the Context As mentioned above, you can determine the context of the currently executing subroutine in Perl with wantarray.
User-defined subroutines may choose to care whether they are being called in a void, scalar, or list context.
However, even when some interventions have been deemed successful, it is difficult to export these experiences to different context and situations.
You will find that some verbs can be either transitive or intransitive depending on the context of their sentence.
They regard knowledge derived from a business context as often transitory and of limited long-term value to students.
In five phase it reflects the interactions of cooperative exchange (top trigram) in a context of competitive exchange (bottom trigram ).
Some of the same issues relating to joint trusteeship arise in the context of corporate trustees.
David Fitzpatrick (Trinity College Dublin) chronicles the somewhat uneasy history of commemoration in the Free State, given the civil war context.
In the context of these summary affairs, Haig's approval of Morris's execution would have been relatively unexceptional.
What is the Future for National Policy Making in Education in the Context of an Enlarged European union?
Each chapter of this slim volume opens with the historical context of the religious debates current when the plays were written and performed.
The dividing line between hard and soft X-rays is not well defined and can depend on the context.
It is a language of the isolating class, in which every word is a monosyllable, and may be employed either as a noun or as a verb according to its context and its position in a sentence.
Still, the context in which the quotation occurs makes it evident that the subject-matter was not the nature of particular species nor the spiritual lessons to be drawn therefrom, but rather the place occupied by animal beings in the system of creation.
But the recovery of successive historical nuclei does not furnish a continuous thread, and if one is to be guided by the historical context of events the true background to each nucleus must be sought.
Number is never indicated when the sense is obvious or can be gathered from the context; otherwise plurality is expressed by adjectives such as sagala, all, and banak, many more rarely by the repetition of the noun, and the indefinite singular by sa or satu, one, with a class-word.
In .other cases the pronunciation can be ascertained only from the context, as in use, unvoiced for the substantive, voiced for the verb.
And some forty of these propositions represent, more or less accurately, certain sentences or ideas of Loisy, when torn from their context and their reasons.
The division (often inept) of the text into chapters, the references to chapter and verse of a printed N.T., and sundry pious stanzas which interrupt the context, are due to a later editor, perhaps to the copyist of the existing text of 1782.
Here the editor simply changed the name Noah in the context before him into Enoch, for the statement is based on Gen.
But the words have little connexion with the context in Isaiah, and may be the quotation of a copyist suggested by ver.
If these words, therefore, belong to the original context, they mark it as not from Micah's hand; though they might be a later gloss.
But there is no mention of a third article in the creed, beyond a reference to the Holy Ghost in the context of 2 Tim.
To the latter context belongs the list of names which reappears in Ezr.
Its main intention in its present context is apparently to explain Satan's dominion over the world and the bitterness of his rage against the church and against Christ.
Scepticism is deprived of its persistent argument if it is seen that, while our individual experiences are to be judged by their coherence with the context of experience in general, experience as a whole does not admit of being judged by reference to anything beyond itself.
These are not the words of a man who is following a complete and authoritative poem; judging from the context of the other references to Bleheris he was rather a collector and versifier of short episodic tales, and it seems far more natural to understand Thomas as having wrought into one complete and consecutive form the various poems with which the name of Breri was associated, than to hold that that, or a similar, work had already been achieved by another.
The context speaks of places in or near Canaan; and it is possible that the reference is to Israelite clans who either had not gone down into Egypt at all, or had already found their way back to Palestine.
Moreover, not only are passages thus taken out of their context, but they are combined, especially when they contain the same words or phrases, or appear to have the same or similar thoughts or aims. The Talmud, with a reference to Prov.
He maintains that " the Greek of the New Testament may never be understood as classical Greek is understood," and accuses the revisers of distorting the meaning " by translating in accordance with Attic idiom phrases that convey in later Greek a wholly different sense, the sense which the earlier translators in happy ignorance had recognized that the context demanded."
Either the sense of the passage is blotted out for the reader and the conservation of the corruption is tantamount to the expunging of the rest of the sentence, or else he will obtain the required sense by wresting the meaning of the other constituents of the context until they furnish it.
When he said that the act of consciousness " I think," is in allem Bewusstsein ein and dasselbe, he meant, as the whole context shows, not that it is one in all thinkers, but only that it accompanies all my other ideas and is one and the same in all my consciousness, while it is different in different thinkers.
In theology the term "accommodation" is used rather loosely to describe the employment of a word, phrase, sentence or idea, in a context other than that in which it originally occurred; the actual wording of the quotation may be modified to a greater or lesser extent.
In the later pieces, Mahomet often inserts edifying remarks, entirely out of keeping with the context, merely to complete his rhyme.
Unfortunately the methods pursued were as little reasonable as those adopted by the medieval Jewish Rabbis; instead of the context being studied as a whole, with a view to the recovery of its literal sense, each single verse was considered separately, and explained as an allusion to some obscure myth or as embodying some mystical meaning.
The narrative which introduces the covenant laws of J has been preserved partly in its present context, ch.
The passage from Numbers xi., which is here included, is obviously out of place in its present context (the story of the quails), and supplies in part the necessary antecedent to Ex.
Because truth is a value and vitally valuable, and all meaning depends on its context and its relation to us, there cannot be any abstract "absolute" truth disconnected from all human purposes.
It expressly refers itself to the maxim of Protagoras that "man is the measure of all things," and is best conceived as a protest against the assumption that logic can treat thought in abstraction from its psychological context and the personality of the knower, i.e.
St Luke appears to have taken it over in sections for the most part without much modification; but in St Matthew's Gospel its incidents seldom find an independent place; the sayings to which they gave rise are often detached from their context and grouped with sayings of a similar character so as to form considerable discourses, or else they are linked n to sayings which were uttered on other occasions recorded y St Mark.
Context quadratic time prominent role in these assets were in canada should.
Naturally, this idea is tangled in a quagmire of issues about authorship, editing, context and reception.
As true business stars, the best rainmakers are excellent performers in the context of the firm 's values.
This link will take you to a page explaining how to use redox potentials in the present context.
The results of the reading experiment, however, revealed no significant interaction of referential context with the attachment preference of the relative clause.
Theological reflection must make its contribution within the context of that history.
It 's not directly relevant in this context who owns it.
In music, creative practice could include composition or performance, and also editing and the exploration of musical repertories within their original context.
Plant Pathology is an applied science, at some point research findings should be put into a practical context.
This context is also one of the retreat of revolution and within this the all-round retrogression represented by the " Third Way ".
The course is designed to place Romanticism in a large context of political, social and literary change going back much earlier.
But in the case of Early Christian sarcophagi the iconographic connections of portraits to either visual context or survivors receive short shrift.
Question 3 Explain what a net is in the context of schematic capture means.
The pages reproduced here give a flavor of what, in a slightly different context, has been called ' scribal publication '.
All applications receive careful scrutiny by the assessors, in the context of competing claims on available funding.
Our increased vote has to be seen in the context of the left vote in general declining.
It also aims to provide students the opportunity to develop self-awareness in the context of career decision making and knowledge of career opportunities.
In that context it was natural to think about self-replicating machines.
No shit Sherlock I hear you say but I would say any of the difficulties I had in a professional context where culturally based.
Context There is a strong link between drug misuse and crimes such as shoplifting, burglary, vehicle crime and theft.
The word " catenary " actually means the natural sag of such a wire and has more significance in this context than normally realized.
Literacy is viewed as ideological, related to power, and embedded in a sociocultural context.
The above sociopolitical context provides a backdrop to an understanding of the wage disclosures in company annual reports.
Various designs of soliton gates are discussed in a context of massively-parallel processors.
The derived open-closed field line boundary can be combined with appropriate field line mapping to place spacecraft observations into their magnetospheric context.
In an ecological context, host specificity may be a major driving force for speciation in parasitic plants.
All three, in context, clearly refer to the sphericity of the earth.
The organic course was spoon-feeding students with techniques, without the context for it to make sense.
We explore the potential of the suffix tree data structure in this context.
In a European context, we need to set out the case for supply-side reforms.
While minimal swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing will result in your comment being removed.
The synoptic paper looks at economic theory within the European context.
However tacit transfer of knowledge is more complex in a distance learning context.
The ratios of different taxa within the context classes are given in Figs.
So why does RWMAC consider that eventual deep disposal is the only tenable solution within the context of sustainable development?
In the context of the exceptionally tense confrontation over Kashmir, a small spark could trigger another war.
It is in some ways a rewriting of the contemptus mundi topoi of the other poems within a specifically English/British context.
In five phase it reflects the interactions of cooperative exchange (top trigram) in a context of competitive exchange (bottom trigram).
Instead they suggest a sequence of trilateral initiatives without any context in the implementation of the Formal Conversations report.
Create an unbound TCP server socket using the default authentication context.
Each layer, structure or deposit uncovered during an excavation is called a ' context ' and given a unique context number.
In the context of these summary affairs, Haig 's approval of Morris 's execution would have been relatively unexceptional.
And some of the uninteresting stuff gets pretty interesting in context, so I included my thoughts in the form of comments.
What is the Future for National Policy Making in Education in the Context of an Enlarged European Union?
Default interpretations are here defaults for processing of an utterance in a particular context.
You can also vary the amount of context or scope displayed for each result.
It is set in the context of certain eternal verities which are the substance of our faith.
The paper reports on the accuracy of these techniques and evaluates them in the context of the traditional walkover survey.
A well-rounded graduate may, for example, have skills which are useful in a wider cultural or political context.
The thinker exists first in a larger context; that of the whole of creation.
George Moorey, Technical Co-ordinator of the WIRED project, looks at youth bands in a wider context.
The dividing line between hard and soft x-rays is not well defined and can depend on the context.
Use the context cluessurrounding the word to interpret its meaning.
These customer reviews lack sufficient context to help you determine how to compare other people's opinions with your own preferences.
It's helpful to get context from people who you know personally.
Read as many consumer buyers guides as you can in order to put the material in context.
Even if the stories aren't for reading along, kids who are careful listeners can pick out words they've heard in books when they're learning to read, and they'll have the added bonus of hearing those words used in context.
The Adirondack-style furniture befitting of a rustic setting may also look great in a poolside suburban setting, given the context.
It's within this context that Dr. Brinkenhoff, along with a specialized team of cosmetic chemists, developed an eyelash conditioner that within a few weeks grows lush, lengthy lashes.
If the request is out of context or against your moral or ethical beliefs, then you will not do it.
It simply depends on what context the image is being used.
This site is full of videos which explain Photoshop CS5 in context for different users.
Funny baby pictures are even cuter when you take a Disney quote completely out of context and use it as a page title or speech balloon.
Within this context, the speaker may also address some of the common causes of stress.
Already by the time of its compilation the influence of Chinese civilization and Chinese literature had prevailed so greatly in Japan that the next authentic work, composed only eight years later, was completely Chinese in style and embodied Chinese traditions and Chinese philosophical doctrines, not distinguishing them from their Japanese context.
Thus, by degrees, the reproduction of the original text became of secondary importance, and merely served as a pretext for the discussion of topics that had little or no bearing on the context.
Other repetitions of words already written and anticipations of words yet to be written are also found, through the scribe's eye wandering into the preceding or the following context.
Sometimes he spoke of mind as an effect of matter; but, though his expressions may be careless, nothing is to be made of the difference, for he called it movement and effect indifferently in the same context.
This is a totally different thing from mere hunting for inscriptions, statues or other portable objects which will present a greater or less value in themselves even when torn from their context.
The Battle with Amalek at Rephidim.-This incident is derived from E, but is clearly out of place in its present context.
Since this website contains information dating from 1911, it should NOT be used for any health, medical, science or any other purposes other than providing historical information and context.
If this raises the presumption that even the oldest and most isolated biblical evidence may rest upon still older authority, it shows also that the fuller details and context cannot be confidently recovered, and that earlier forms would accord with earlier Palestinian belief.'
It seems, therefore, that in the original context Noah had been described as "the husbandman," a title in no way suggested by Gen.
External evidence is against this, nor does it seem demanded by the context; in fact xv.
In general the extraneous episodes have no great appropriateness to their context, and have the appearance of being abridged versions of stories that had been related at length in poetry.
It is hardly doubtful that the verses are derived from a different source to that of their immediate context, possibly the same as v.
These additions, the secondary character of which is obvious both from the way in which they interrupt the context and also from their contents, are (1), v.
The ethical end is taken to be the idea of humanity, not in the abstract as formulated by Kant, but in the context of the state and of history.
That he used it in senses differing with the context is proved by r Cor.
Whether "the elder" referred to in the passage on Mark, or some other like authority, was the source of this statement also does not appear; but it is probable that this was the case from the context in which Eusebius gives it.
The writer now sees that it belongs to the text of the Similitudes though it is dislocated from its original context.
This derivation is impossible in Semitic. This context is found elsewhere in the Sibyllines iii.
But the context alone can determine the question; and that is often so ambiguous that a sure inference is impossible.
Elsewhere, in the records of the Exodus, there are traces of specific traditions associated with Kadesh, Kenites, Caleb and Jeralimeel, and with a movement into Judah, all originally independent of their present context.
For purposes of civil government the term "parish" means a district for, which a separate poor-rate is or can be made, or for which a separate overseer is or can be appointed; and by the Interpretation Act 1889 this definition is to be used in interpreting all statues subsequent to 1866, except where the context is inconsistent therewith.
Here " on its beginning " is set over antithetically against " to torment," whereas the context requires " to its blessedness."
Classic difference of context; to Quinn this is a scientific question while to Howie, it's like a gift from God, not to question and not to abuse.
In the context, Gabriel almost thought Darkyn was admitting to taking a mate.
Its function could determine the meaning of the symbols, since the most ancient Immortal writing is based on a complex system of symbolic context.
They're better than lawyers when it comes to taking things out of context, and there are no judges keeping track of what really happened.
Some of the Old Testament passages cited are clearly taken out of context.
Whatever constitutes bullying in the academic context should also be developed and publicized.
The only area that remains contentious in that context is the debate on the Welsh language.
What is contentious in that context is the debate on the Welsh language.
You can infer the meaning of the word from the context of the rest of the sentence.
The Malayan Emergency illustrates how the British government grappled with the issue of political terminology within the broader context of anti-communist propaganda.
However tacit, transfer of knowledge is more complex in a distance learning context.
The findings are discussed in the context of a competing theory.
Do you think this historical context seems absent in the current debate about ' Communist guilt '?
These are unleashed in the context of state crisis where former loyalties are replaced with highly affective commitment to rectification of imagined historical wrongs.
Site Description / Context The site is a 76 hectare former airfield which closed in 1957.
The social context clearly constrains the teacher's freedom of choice and action, restricting the ambit of the teacher's autonomy.
Seems to me a fitting choice of word in the context, even if it is imported Americana.
It is the equivalent, in this rather arcane context, of the delivery up of infringing goods.
Combining interaction and context design to support collaborative argumentation using synchronous CMC.
As you might expect in this context, this was a fast and highly athletic piece, ... just the fierce exhilaration of performance.
The intention is to make students aware of the wider context in which formal accounting controls are set.
Last year's Lisbon summit took place in the context of a relatively benign economic climate.
Species diversity will be considered in the context of island biogeography, and measures of diversity and the question of stress will be raised.
But the whole problem has to be viewed in the context of increasingly bitter club versus country divide.
Name ' em, do n't bullshit ME Canto LXXIV The context of the poem is not of much help.
In the context of the Berkeley students who worked on BSD, Evi's comments are considered canonical.
A table is used to map context identifiers to cluster centroids, each of which is represented by a weight vector of terms.
In her introductory chapter, Bush sets the context for the emergence of female imperialist organizations in Edwardian Britain.
The Growing Up proposals in 1999 put this sharply into context for the United Reformed church in relation to the Five Marks of Mission.
Researchers have pointed to [22] the " distributed cognition " which results from collaborative learning within a shared context.
This report provides useful context and we welcome the call for better information collation.
In that context, we would see the setting of or operation of a cap on hours as best approached through sectoral collective bargaining.
Her research is focused on consumer behavior in the context of mobile commerce.
Develop methods for managing change within the e commerce context.
In this context, the community became the common denominator.
A robot companion approaching a seated person in a helping context.
The context of my work within the Australian higher education sector is a site of knowledge contestation.
Celestial Excursions defies this convention by presenting characters without context.
We also support addressing the issue of explosive remnants of war in the context of strengthening the convention.
The result seems to be a rather conventional disciplinary hierarchy in which history provides the context which English uses to inform its literary analysis.
This would be an extraordinary proposal in normal times; in today's context, it is barely credible.
The context is absolutely critical to properly interpreting Bible verses.
Paralinguistic cues What are paralinguistic cues in the context of text-based communication?
The coaxial arrangement is of particular interest in this context, as its essentially cylindrical form factor lends itself to packaging into munitions.
This is because his radical deconstruction of the Qur'an relies heavily on locating it within its original context.
It is notable (and probably deliberate) that at few radon conferences are the benefits of marginal intervention assessed in a health context.
The generic framework will be deployed in a proof of concept demonstrator in the context of maintenance applications for civil aerospace engines.
The meaning of locality in this context will be wholly dependent upon local circumstances.
To register a listener, include a deployment descriptor for the listener class in the configuration file of the context.
The context diff header takes precedence over an Index line.
I am re-working classic museum habitat dioramas in the context of current human and physical geographical thinking.
It also needs to be analyzed in the context of New Labor's emerging Third Way discourse.
What then follows, is the gradual disintegration of what seems like a cohesive family within the greater context of a changing Japan.
The single biggest challenge identified by the mediators was to maintain neutrality in the context of the diversity of their relationships with various disputants.
The legal framework for jurisdiction over patent disputes is an area of significant interest in this context.
Graphics Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle using this graphics context's current color. drawstring (String, int, int ).
The Objectivist worldview can provide a context to the economic insights of the Austrian economists.
It places the emerging elite in the broader context of changing political, social and economic forces.
In the context of the city's role as a great international emporium, we analyze how trading contacts influenced architectural expression.
Last year I was involved in a series of Symposia exploring Socially engaged practice what was also called Art in Social Context.
In a local context, it is understood that parts of the magnesian limestone escarpment are potentially suitable for designation.
John's ' realized eschatology ' may also make sense in this context.
But understanding the Spirit's work within the context of inaugurated eschatology opens up a different way forward.
This book considers ethnic boundaries in the context of European integration from the perspective of European ethnology.
This proposal would involve conducting a reciprocal data exchange with Russia within the PJC context.
Experimentation The system could be used in the context of a psychological experimentation The system could be used in the context of a psychological experiment.
In the grammar explanations which follow each dialog, examples are taken from the dialog out of context.
Within this context, Joseph's human fatherhood was also " taken up " in the mystery of Christ's Incarnation.
The research will identify the required features are required analyze the feasibility of implementing the solutions designed for fixed networks in the mobile context.
Nor is the use of context among the processes that occurs during an initial eye fixation.
Cultural theories of translation go beyond a narrow focus on language and examine the interaction between translation and the wider historical and socio-cultural context.
Peterson has translated Latin terms and added copious footnotes, putting the instructions and references into context for the modern reader.
It contained a great deal of instructional context on how to make a folded paper crane.
Why hadn't she thought of his comment in that context?
The significance of the former is somewhat elastic, and is in large measure determined by the context.
The extracts are often scrappy and torn out of their context.
External evidence has proved the antiquity of various elements, but not that of the form or context in which they now appear; and the difference is an important one.
On the one hand, one can describe the humanities as almost abject in the contemporary socio-political context.
The next big advance in understanding suicide outside the context of it being a sin awaits the Advent of psychoanalysis.
Within the context of lowland permeable catchments, a single site would not be sufficient to address all issues satisfactorily.
It is important to see the dicta in context.
However, the context of the apostolic exhortation is always the grace of God.
Anyone who commits forgery in that context is guilty of a criminal offense.
This introduces the problem of the position of British Freemasons within the political context of the century governed by Walpole.
But it is not only the political context within which weapons of mass destruction are situated that is deeply gendered.
Furthermore, the theory of homology decompositions was developed in a much more general context which will allow further generalizations.
The noun being expressed in the context, or understood from it; also when followed by a temporal or partitive genitive.
It was fair comment in the context of the exceptionally gentle policing, code-named Operation Harmony.
But context is not only historical, it is also geographical, spatial.
The Astarte Plaques therefore depict the goddess in the context of her shrine.
The game itself merely provides a context; common ground where things happen to players.
More generally, the study is so short on context as to be almost hermetic.
Within this new context, Dave's guitar histrionics work well adding considerable flavor to the original compositions.
Coming from a somewhat humdrum industrial context, where corners can often be cut, all this professionalism was a breath of fresh air!
Family insults may be especially hurtful in the context of children's homes as family relationships were often strained, uncertain and sometimes severed.
The design and use of a simple computer model which simulates aspects of hillslope hydrology is described in a teaching context.
Some of the rantings of David Strathairn's Senator Estes Kefauver seem hysterical when set against the context of what's permissable today.
How are we to interpret imagery and artifacts from the past in a contemporary context?
Workers solidarity in this type of context can take transnational forms but also be thoroughly imbued with nationalism.
Meanwhile, Unabomber operates in a context of massive psychic immiseration and loss of faith in all of the system's institutions.
On the other hand Macdonald frequently mentions poverty and material immiseration as important elements of the context of suicide.
Manage risk within the e commerce context in order to minimize the impact of problems that emerge.
Except within the context of research, the uterine incision should be sutured with two layers.
The idea of managing finances seems almost inconceivable in the context of student life.
In some cases the primary tumor in the appendix can be quite inconspicuous in the context of abundant mucinous peritoneal tumor.
In the context of rising concerns about personal indebtedness, our reviews have suggested ways in which the Code could be strengthened.
Furthermore, TMD is reviewing the decision in the context of geographical indications.
The problem seems that it's so indistinct, so safe within the context of a familiar genre.
In the context of Sudan the policies pursued by the ruling northern elite resulted in apparent regional socio-economic inequality with southern Sudan suffering most.
In any other context mitochondrial antibodies are clinically insignificant.
Manipulation always appears in the context of communication and the manipulator's intentions are covert, albeit not always insincere.
The second of these cases is particularly instructive in the present context.
It's equally instructive, however, to consider the event in the context of its host's career.
The ESRC has supported the Forum to provide a truly interdisciplinary context for the study of genomics.
It is a highly interpretive notion, highly context dependent and highly volatile in its meaning.
It also provides insight into the processes relating to the administration of NRT in the context of cessation interventions.
In the context of livestock/arable farms next urban settlements, taking access to enclosed land should be deemed irresponsible.
Edwina Currie made some remark about wearing an extra jumper which you have taken out of context.
In this context PEEK is an acronym for polyether ether ketone.
The Primary keys for all the context lines are compared first, according to the collating sequence indicated.
The only attempt to fill this lacunae has occurred in the context of terrorism.
The legal context will be examined, and the reasons for such legalese as warranties and indemnities will be discussed.
In the context of global warming there are a wealth of targets for action including legislators, corporate executives and the general public.
A commentary on german military law published during the second world war, was quoted by Counsel in this context.
These antibodies will be used in the study of molecular mimicry in the context of autoimmune uveitis.
To call this the ethical approach, in this context, seems a misnomer.
In this context a minimum rate for local government workers of £ 5 an hour appears moderate.
In that context ' ant ' is a free morpheme.
PhD projects are available for students interested in studying morphogenesis in cell culture or in a developmental context in the fly.
The symbol for micro is the Greek letter mu, often written u in an ASCII context where this Greek letter is not available.
We have not found out what level of informal networking took place outside the context of the trial.
But we're not allowed to see nipples on TV, no matter the context.
The English translation includes biographical notes for each character which provides an invaluable context for the main text.
Weeks 9 and 10 are given to in-depth analysis of a set novella in the context of the author's work.
Maybe data mining really should only be done within the context of a clearly defined ontology of metadata.
In the context of modern computer operating systems, it is often defined as a code with a meaning attached to it.
This exit seems to me to have been particularly opportune in the current context and will help the stability of our shares.
In the later context, the reference is to those outside the band where only outright opposition could not be tolerated.
Ensure your child does not overplay in the context of the amount of physical activity they are undertaking.
Properties defined in a particular Context object effectively override those properties in the next higher level.
Giving in marriage These observations may seem overwrought in the context of the Internet.
I agree with you in the context of what is being implemented under the name ' DRM '; there's no simple panacea.
Right click Clicking in the editing pane with the right mouse button causes the Context Menu to be displayed.
The point was raised by a parishioner in the context of footpath 12.
The first day focused on globalization and decentralization, and explored the challenges of promoting participatory local governance in the context of globalization.
In our terms, some of the Old testament passages cited are clearly taken out of context.
In this context, the record of New Labor is decidedly patchy.
It is most likely that all of the remains, excepting the cattle pelvis from context 145, represent comparatively recent farmers ' losses.
The results of this analysis are placed in the context of the large scale cusp precipitation.
Taken out of its dramatic context, this could simply be the ' innocent ' duet between two lovers who are finally reunited.
Not shaking hands in this highly formal context would appear rude.
Eucharist in a mission context The church will be Eucharistic because this is a dominical sacrament.
This idea of ' difference '10 becomes particularly salient within the contemporary Balkan context.
Subroutines, like bare blocks, may return either a scalar or a list value to the calling context.
Forums and discussion threads have the advantage of preserving some semblance of context.
Both tutors would then become experts in how maths is used in the context of carpentry and both be able to teach this specialism.
European context Europe contains some 13,000 species of plant compared to some 500 bird species.
The importance of library services being connected to education superhighways was stressed in this context.
Think about customer experience in the context of a well-stocked supermarket with high-quality merchandise.
In a museum context, new technology is often used either to augment, or provide a surrogate for, the physical visit.
While minimal swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing will result in your comment being removed.
The text provides a lively survey, puts pieces into context and explains the symbolism behind the designs.
But it used to mean instilling terror and it still can given a subtle change of context.
Teachers allowed students to manage the board, but the context was entirely theirs and they retained control over the content and the questions.