Contented Sentence Examples
There was no denying the contented expression on his face.
But now she's a contented ghost.
To have a contented life and be loved by someone.
Right now she felt more contented than she had ever felt in her life.
I staggered back to my room, away from the contented people playing around the pool, not wanting them to see me in tears.
And I am so contented and happy with him.
With a contented sigh, she sat down in the chair he held for her.
Katie sat back with a contented sigh, gaze dropping to her arm.
Dean sighed, feeling more contented than he'd felt in days.
They nowhere built permanent dwellings, but contented themselves with mere hovels for temporary shelter.
AdvertisementHe that is contented with his lot.
He drained her life until she was near blackness before he flung his head back with a contented sigh.
After this event, the semi-independent chiefs of the Lombard tribe, who borrowed the title of dukes from their Roman predecessors, seem to have been contented with consolidating their power in the districts each had occupied.
In Italy a Bembo and a Sadoleto wrote a purer Latin than Erasmus, but contented themselves with pretty phrases, and were careful to touch no living chord of feeling.
Dean caught enough of a look to see a contented smile on the face of the well dressed woman.
AdvertisementIt had seemed a contented life at the time, but not so much so in retrospect.
The Aeginetans at first contented themselves with sending the images of the Aeacidae, the tutelary heroes of their island.
Boccaccio, the contented bourgeois, succeeded to Dante, the fierce aristocrat.
The story of the last scene in Elisha's life implies in Joash an easily contented disposition which hindered him from completing his successes.
The ground continued to be cropped so long as it produced two seeds; the best farmers were contented with four seeds, which was more than the general produce.
AdvertisementFelipa returned a few minutes later, eyes shining and a contented smile on her face.
Now the penalty had been paid, and the Babylonians, whose policy was less destructive than that of Assyria, contented themselves with appointing as governor a certain Gedaliah.
By the union of great moral qualities with high, though not the highest, intellectual faculties, he carried the Indian empire safely through the stress of the storm, and, what was perhaps a harder task still, he dealt wisely with the enormous difficulties arising at the close of such a war, established a more liberal policy and a sounder financial system, and left the people more contented than they were before.
He contented himself therefore with establishing in his paradise (vara) a heavenly kingdom in miniature, to serve at the same time as a pattern for the heavenly kingdom that was to come.
The sultan, though inclined to take up the cause of the Polish dissidents, was slow to move, and contented himself for a while with protests and threats.
AdvertisementRostov had become a bluff, good-natured fellow, whom his Moscow acquaintances would have considered rather bad form, but who was liked and respected by his comrades, subordinates, and superiors, and was well contented with his life.
Having wrung a submissive "I understand" from Dron, Alpatych contented himself with that, though he not only doubted but felt almost certain that without the help of troops the carts would not be forthcoming.
A contented cat will often knead your lap before she lies down.
Formerly map makers contented themselves with placing upon their maps a linear scale of miles, deduced from the central meridian or the equator.
The general reform on which the council had failed to come to an understanding had to be adjourned, and the council contented itself with promulgating, on the 9th of October 1417, the only reforming decrees on which an agreement could be reached.
But the latter contented hilnself with an annual stipend which would enable him to devote all his time to his favorite studies of mathematics and astronomy.
The gaiety of Vienna had for centuries depended on the brilliancy of its court, recruited from all parts of Europe, including the nobility of the whole empire, and on its musical, light-hearted and contented population.
About Datia and Jhansi the inhabitants are a stout and handsome race of men, well off and contented.
Protestant writers once contented themselves with a brief caricature of the Church, Position of Object.
In short Luther contented himself with setting forth general principles of divine service, leaving them to be applied as his followers thought best.
In 1802 Napoleon contented himself by embodying Bossuet's declaration textually in a statute.
Arnulf's real authority did not extend far beyond the confines of Bavaria, and he contented himself with a nominal recognition of his supremacy by the kings who sprang up in various parts of the Empire.
In other words, most men since his day who have not been contented with a mere concordat, have let religion go and contented themselves with reason.
The realm was on the whole contented and even flourishing.
I've tumbled through the air long enough to make me contented on this roof.
Jim was trotting along the well-known road, shaking his ears and whisking his tail with a contented motion.
Napoleon was in that well-known after-dinner mood which, more than any reasoned cause, makes a man contented with himself and disposed to consider everyone his friend.
Those of Bishop Watson and Lord Hailes were the best, but simply because they contented themselves with a dispassionate exposition of the general argument in favour of Christianity.
He therefore abstained from determining for each case the specific heats of the solutions he employed, and contented himself with the above approximation.
For as Athanasius and Marcellus of Ancyra appeared on the scene, and the Western bishops declined to exclude them, the Eusebian bishops of the East absolutely refused to discuss, and contented themselves with formulating a written protest addressed to numerous foreign prelates.
Remains of Roman villas are found in Southwark, which was evidently a portion of Londinium, and it therefore hardly seems likely that a bridge-building people such as the Romans would remain contented with a ferry.
On the whole the people of Burma are prosperous and contented.
Thousands of cultivators who had emigrated across the Wardha to the peshwa's dominions, in order to escape the ruinous fiscal system of the nizam's government, now returned; the American Civil War gave an immense stimulus to the cotton trade; the laying of a line of railway across the province provided yet further employment, and the people rapidly became prosperous and contented.
He did, indeed, in February 1631 call a meeting of Protestant princes at Leipzig, but in spite of the appeals of the preacher Matthias Hoe von Hohenegg (1580-1645) he contented himself with a formal protest.
His editors have contented themselves with republishing his "Practical Works," and his ethical, philosophical, historical and political writings still await a competent editor.
In Prussia numerous private companies, in the first instance, constructed their systems, and the state contented itself for the most part with laying lines in such districts only as were not likely to attract private capital.
Many of the Germans were, however, not contented with this, and disputes regarding the rights of German settlers in Fiji caused some change of feeling.
This constitution had failed; territories so different in size, history and circumstances were not contented with similar institutions, and a form of self-government which satisfied Lower Austria and Salzburg did not satisfy Galicia and Bohemia..
In this work his natural conservatism is apparent, and he contented himself with such changes as would make room for the action of evangelical principles.
Another society, less hospitable, less happy, less contented, but also less mild, better tempered for building states, and more " progressive," took the place of the old.
When on the 19th of March the news reached him at Naples of the rising in Gaul, he allowed a week to elapse before he could tear himself away from his pleasures, and then contented himself with proscribing Vindex, and setting a price on his head.
Believing in one God, they contented themselves with the Decalogue and the Paternoster.
Besides the influence of Newman, the friendship and work of Robert Dolling made a great impression on him, and as he admitted, saved him from being contented with a merely academic and ecclesiastical type of religion.
The physical difficulties which an invading force had to contend with in Assam, however, prevented anything like a regular subjugation of the country; and after repeated efforts, the Mussulmans contented themselves with occupying the western districts at the mouth of the Assam valley.
They prided themselves on having " set King Gus in the high seat," but they were quite ready to unseat him if his rule was not to their liking, and there were many things with which they were by no means contented.
The Riksdag, however, delayed coming to a decision, and contented itself by earmarking money for an insurance fund.
For a short time the wily usurper placed Tahmasps son on the throne, a little child, with the title of Abbas III., while he contented himself with the office of regent.
Ferdinand treated the nobles and knights with great forbearance, and contented himself with the confiscation of the estates of some of those who had been most compromised.
He began to write at a time when, after a century of disturbance, the mass of men had been contented to purchase peace at the price of liberty.
The typical faults of the dark ages, pluralism, simony, lax observation of the clerical rules, contented ignorance, worldliness in every aspect, were all too prevalent in England.
They showed signs of an intention to make open resistance; but to their surprise the king contented himself with making complete lists of all franchises then existing, and did no more; this being his method of preventing the growth of any further trespasses on his prerogative.
Instead of introducing any general scheme of reform they contented themselves with putting him under the tutelage of twenty-one lords The ordainers, a baronial committee like that which had LosJs been appointed by the Provisions of Oxford, fifty Oryears back.
His father had spared their lay chiefs, and contented himself with burning preachers or tradesmen.
When parliament met (1625) the Commons at first contented themselves with voting a sum of money far too small to carry on the extensive military and naval operations in which Charles had embarked.
But he never understood that power only attends sympathetic leadership. He contented himself with putting himself technically in the right, and with resting his case on the favorable decisions of the judges.
He treated the struggle as one simply for the establishment of free institutions; and when at last the crimes of the leaders became patent to the world, he contented himself with lamenting the unfortunate fact, and fell back on the argument that though England could not sympathize with the French tyrants, there was no reason why she should go to war with them.
Having made these remarks, however, he judged it wise to refrain from giving any formal reply to Count Walewskis despatch, and contented himself with privately communicating to the British ambassador in Paris the difficulties of the British government.
Bethune Baker vehemently denies that these great leaders were contented with Homoiousianism.
Macedonia was now at the mercy of Rome, but Flamininus contented himself with his previous demands.
Art, so widespread in the wealthy villas of Gaul, contented itself with imitation, produced nothing original and remained mediocre.
When Thibaud (Theobald), count of Champagne, attempted to marry the daughter of Pierre Mauclerc, duke of Brittany, without the kings consent, Louis IX., who held the county of Champagne at his mercy, contented himself with exacting guarantees of peace.
After the attempt at Montceaux the Protestants had to be contented with Charles IX.s word.
The Great Powers contented themselves with securing by agreements the same treatment for their commerce in Spain as that granted by those five treaties.
But, as a general rule, medieval and Renaissance astrologers did not give themselves the trouble of reading the stars, but contented themselves with telling fortunes by faces.
From this time the estates were only once convoked by Charles, who contented himself thenceforward by appeals to the assembly of notables or to the provincial bodies.
Charles's generals avoided pitched battles, and contented themselves with defensive and guerrilla tactics, with the result that in 1380 only Bayonne, Bordeaux, Brest and Calais were still in English hands.
Yarrell proved conclusively that Donovan's opinion was founded upon an error; unfortunately he contented himself with comparing whitebait with the shad only, and in the end adopted the opinion of the Thames fishermen, whose interest it was to represent it as a distinct adult form; thus the whitebait is introduced into Yarrell's History of British Fishes (1836) as Clupea alba.
Germany was at this time menaced by the Mongols; but Frederick contented himself with issuing directions for a campaign against them, until in 1242 he was able to pay a short visit to Germany, where he gained some support from the towns by grants of extensive privileges.
He quelled disorder, and under his rule the island was prosperous and contented.
Marie seems to have contented herself with giving new literary form to the stories she heard by turning them into Norman octosyllabic verse, and apparently made few radical changes from her originals.
Jackson barely brushed her neck with his lips, and as she let out a soft contented sigh, he backed off for just a second to find his mark, then sunk his fangs into her.
This letter from the contented buyer of a Scottish barony should be of interest to readers who wish to acquire genuine titles.
The saints are well and perfectly contented if men know how to content themselves and cease their useless discussions.
I could bee well contented to be there, in respect of the loue I beare your house.
Over the years we have been very contented with the manner in which our leaders have been chosen.
Lee looked so contented, and when I watched the match... what can I say... he looked so contented!
Be not contented with outward happiness; things are worthy according to their duration.
They both seem very contented with their home which is the most important thing of all.
It is enough to make you feel very contented with life!
We met a Hospital train here, with the patients looking very contented.
If the prophet himself had written them he would assuredly not have contented himself with such fragments.
She said at evening parties, that if she could have known Cicero, she thought she could have died contented.
Proud of this pride, He is contented thy poor drudge to be, To stand in thy affairs, fall by thy side.
The creature was too unwieldy to lift, so the hunter contented himself with cutting away one haunch and part of the flank.
Our Greek style yogurt uses rich organic milk from contented cows to produce a perfectly smooth yogurt.
If Descartes had contented himself with thus explaining the phenomena of gravity, heat, magnetism, light and similar forces by means of the molecular movements of his vortices, even such a theory would have excited admiration.
It contented itself with reaffirming the Nicene and Constantinopolitan creeds and the Ephesine formula of 431, and accepting, only after examination, the Christological statement contained in the Epistola Dogmatica of Leo I.
Not contented with a careful attention to details, Tull set himself, with admirable skill and perseverance, to investigate the growth of plants, and thus to arrive at a knowledge of the principles by which the cultivation of field-crops should be regulated.
It was not till the 5th that Napoleon received tidings of his advance, and for the moment these were so vague that he contented himself by warning the remainder of his forces to be prepared to move on the 6th.
Although by this migration the white population was again considerably reduced, 'those who remained were contented and loyal, and through the arrival of 4500 emigrants from England in the years1848-1851and by subsequent immigration from oversea the colony became overwhelmingly British in character.
Up to the World War there was actually no articulate irredentism among the Austrian Poles; they were more contented than their co-nationals in Russia and Germany, and this explains their attitude of vacillation and indecision during a long period of the war.
Moreover, he did not spare his own estate, for in his Sexagesima sermon he boldly attacked the current style of preaching, its subtleties, affectation, obscurity and abuse of metaphor, and declared the ideal of a sermon to be one which sent men away "not contented with the preacher, but discontented with themselves."
Those I send you I value in quires at 6 shillings, to take my money as they are sold, or at 5sh' for ready, or else at some short time; for I am satisfied there is no dealing in books without interesting the booksellers; and I am contented to let them go halves with me, rather than have your excellent work smothered by their combinations.
My father made holes in these so that I could string them, and for a long time they kept me happy and contented.
What is the pill which will keep us well, serene, contented?
A quarter of an hour later the old count came in from his club, cheerful and contented.
I know that no better man than he exists, and I am calm and contented now.
You can take a walk, do some housework, etc. with baby next to you, contented and happy.
Instead, this strange vocal behavior is isolated to the smaller domestic cat, and it typically manifests itself when kitty is contented.
The entire human population has become nothing more than a collection of batteries to fuel the life of the machines, and what Neo thought was life is just a diversion the machines constructed to keep the 'fuel' happy and contented.
He paused and said a silent prayer for the spirit of this person who had brought so much grief to Bird Song and his previously contented life.
He seems, however, not to have been contented with this position, and to have entertained the design of putting an end to the dependent kingdoms. At all events we hear of no kings of the Hwicce after about 780, and the kings of Sussex seem to have given up the royal title about the same time.
Timur did not cross into Europe, and contented himself with accepting some trifling presents from the Greek emperor.
Large areas of cultivable waste have been brought under cultivation, and the general result has been a contented people.
The king, realizing what street fighting in Florence would mean, at once came to terms; he contented himself with 120,000 florins, agreeing to assume the title of "Protector and Restorer of the liberty of Florence," and to give up the fortresses he had taken within two years, unless his expedition to Naples should be concluded sooner; the Medici were to remain banished, but the price on their heads was withdrawn.
He does not seem to have returned to Rome after his accession, but contented himself with an announcement of the fact to the senate.
He arranged with Marchand to leave the political question to be settled by diplomacy, and contented himself with hoisting the British and Egyptian flags to the south of the French flag, and leaving a gunboat and a Sudanese battalion to guard them.
He attempted no subjects at all commensurate with those of his great woodcuts, but contented himself for the most part with Madonnas, single figures of scripture or of the saints, some nude mythologies of a kind wholly new in northern art and founded upon the impressions received in Italy, and groups, sometimes bordering on the satirical, of humble folk and peasants.
Most pilgrims, probably, contented themselves with the brief guidebooks which seem to have originated in the catalogues of indulgences.
The pope thinking that the whole dispute was a monkish quarrel, contented himself with asking the general of the Augustinian Eremites to keep his monks quiet.
But it was found that there were no funds in the treasury to satisfy their inordinate demands, and they were obliged to be contented with one-half the stipulated sums, which, after many difficulties, were paid in specie and in jewels, with the exception of 584,905 rupees.
By the Treaty of Corbeil, with Louis IX., signed the r rth of May 1258, he frankly withdrew from conflict with the French king, and contented himself with the recognition of his position, and the surrender of antiquated French claims to the overlordship of Catalonia.
For more than fifty years the Roman world was undisturbed by any aggressive act on the part of the new invaders, who contented themselves with overpowering various tribes which lived to the north of the Danube.
Moghira contented himself with a warning.
As to the family of his predecessor, he contented himself with confiscating their possessions, with the single exception of Suleiman b.
He thus endorsed the contention of the colonists on the ground of principle, while the majority of those who acted with him contented themselves with resisting the disastrous taxation scheme on the ground of expediency.
But, had the later annalists contented themselves with simply reproducing the earlier ones, we should at least have had the old tradition before us in a simple and tolerably genuine form.
Had he contented himself with the sovereignty of Amhara and Tigre, he might have maintained his position; but he was led to exhaust his strength against the Wollo Gallas, which was probably one of the chief causes of his ruin.
Senac went in 1792 to Russia, where he hoped to become imperial historiographer, but his manners displeased Catherine, who contented herself with dismissing him with a pension.
It was then thought that, if the sepoys mutinied, they would march off to Delhi, and Wheeler contented himself by throwing up a rude entrenchment round the hospital barracks, where he thought that the Europeans would be safe during the first tumult of a rising.
Returning to Milan with his law-suits ended in 1511, Leonardo might have looked forward to an old age of contented labour, the chief task of which, had he had his will, would undoubtedly have been to put in order the vast mass of observations and speculations accumulated in his note-books, and to prepare some of them for publication.
The quarrels between the Hook and Cod factions still continued, but the outbreaks of civil strife were quickly repressed by the strong hand of Philip. Holland during this time contented Flourish- herself with growing material prosperity.
We want to make Ireland loyal and contented; we want to get rid of pauperism in this country; we want to fight against a class which is more to be dreaded than the holders of a 7 franchise - I mean the dangerous class in our large towns.
The people of the protectorate are in general peaceful and contented, and slave trading is a thing of the past.
Nothing but enmity on your part, and deep-rooted dislike, can account for your resting contented without possession of the Father's gift.
And since it had to be so, Nicholas Rostov, as was natural to him, felt contented with the life he led in the regiment and was able to find pleasure in that life.
She leaned her head back on his shoulder and released a deep contented sigh, smiling as his hands released hers and lifted to her bodice.
The people were for the most part prosperous and contented, but under Verres the island experienced more misery and desolation than during the time of the first Punic or the recent servile wars.
Under the superintendence of Shepstone the original refugees were quiet and contented, enjoying security from injustice and considerable freedom.
No writer in any literature, who has contented himself with so limited a function, has gained so great a reputation as Terence.
But the fate of his predecessor had filled him with a lively terror of Kanaris and his fire-ships; he contented himself with a cruise round the coasts of Greece, and was happy Campaign to return to safety under the guns of the Dardanelles of 1823.
A very happy married life at home contented him, and at the opening of the Free Trade hall in January 1840 he sat with the Rochdale deputation, undistinguished in the body of the meeting.
The English did not attempt a winter blockade, but contented themselves with destroying all the supplies in the neighbourhood.
True to his conception of independent intellectual activity, he abstained from a legal career, refused important ecclesiastical office, and contented himself with paltry benefices which implied no spiritual or administrative duties, because he was resolved to follow the one purpose of his lifeself-culture.
Had Shakespeare treated it, he would hardly have contented himself with investing the hero with the nobility given by Ford to this personage of his play, - for it is hardly possible to speak of a personage as a character when the clue to his conduct is intentionally withheld.
He also contemplated a thorough-going reform of the ferme generale, but contented himself, as a beginning, with imposing certain conditions on the leases as they were renewed - such as a more efficient personnel, and the abolition for the future of the abuse of the croupes (the name given to a class of pensions), a reform which Terray had shirked on finding how many persons in high places were interested in them, and annulling certain leases, such as those of the manufacture of gunpowder and the administration of the messageries, the former of which was handed over to a company with the scientist Lavoisier as one of its advisers, and the latter superseded by a quicker and more comfortable service of diligences which were nicknamed" turgotines."He also prepared a regular budget.
The establishment of an orderly administration, one outcome of which was a general fall of prices that made the unwonted regularity of the collection of taxes doubly unwelcome, naturally excited a certain amount of misgiving and resentment; but on the whole the population was prosperous and contented, and under Lord Elphinstone (1853-1860) the presidency passed through the crisis of the Mutiny without any general rising.
Moreover, the higher problems of rhythmic movement in the classical sonata forms are far beyond the scope of academic teaching; which is compelled to be contented with a practical plausibility of musical design; and the instrumental music which was considered the highest style of art in 18 3 0 was as far beyond Wagner's early command of such plausibility as it was obviously already becoming a mere academic game.
But they were so happy and contented that I lost all sense of pain in the pleasure of their companionship.
Here they had their own lands, and some form of local government by elders, and appear to have been prosperous and contented; probably the only demand made on them by the Babylonian government was the payment of taxes.
The map, apparently of the 3rd century, was copied by a monk at Colmar, in 1265, who fortunately contented himself with adding a few scriptural names, and having been acquired by the learned Conrad Peutinger of FIG.
Afterward, they lay in each other's arms in contented silence.
Though the vast ultimate consequences of this sudden appearance of the great western republic in the arena of international politics were not realized even by those in sympathy with Monroe's action, the weight of the United States thrown into the scale on the side of Great Britain made any effective protest by the European powers impossible; Russia, Austria and Prussia contented themselves with joining in a mild expression of regret that the action of Great Britain "tended to encourage that revolutionary spirit it had been found so difficult to control in Europe."
But Fulk le Rechin (the Cross-looking), brother of Geoffrey the Bearded, who had at first been contented with an appanage consisting of Saintonge and the chcitellenie of Vihiers, having allowed Saintonge to be taken in 1062 by the duke of Aquitaine, took advantage of the general discontent aroused in the countship by the unskilful policy of Geoffrey to make himself master of Saumur (25th of February 1067) and Angers (4 th of April), and cast Geoffrey into prison at Sable.