Containers Sentence Examples
All foods should be covered or stored in sealed containers.
Catering Services have reduced waste by using china plates rather than take-away containers for foods eaten in the refectory.
Some of the containers had a thin wire running around but most were standing alone.
Globally, over 48 million full cargo containers move between major seaports each year.
Foam or carbon dioxide extinguishers Use water spray to cool containers.
Planter boxes, wooden barrels, hanging baskets and large flowerpots are just some of the containers that can be used.
Use disposable beverage containers for the drinks you have while you wait to clear security.
When packing finger foods, use zip-lock baggies or small plastic containers.
Some good gift containers include storage bins and baskets that will fit in easily with the nursery or the new parents' living room.
Others use colorful hat boxes that can be used as storage containers.
AdvertisementSave the containers and packaging of any food product that is spoiled or damaged, and return it to the store for a refund.
Outdoor plants can be planted in containers as described above or in the ground.
Herbs are easy to grow in containers or in the garden and will reward you with a season full of delicious meals.
All of these are easy to grow in containers, as long as you keep them well watered and in good sunlight.
Herbs will keep longer if stored in a cool, dry, dark place in tins or dark-colored glass containers.
AdvertisementThis might mean buying additional containers or a free-standing pantry to add to your kitchen.
You can order everything from funeral basket containers to complete gift basket kits with just the click of a mouse.
You can browse product offerings by category which include holiday items, basket filler, fruit basket kits and biodegradable containers.
This freezes beautifully in single serving containers.
You will mix this together and pack it in the containers to freeze.
AdvertisementYou will also need containers to store and freeze the food to keep it fresh.
Place the food in serving size containers and freeze.
Split the contents into two containers if you are running out of room.
Finally, it's time to transfer to the limoncello to its serving containers.
For instance, instead of just throwing away newspapers, plastic containers (such as soda or water bottles) or other goods, sort them out and take them to the local recycling center.
AdvertisementSave cardboard boxes for craft projects, storage, or shipping containers.
They are the energy storage containers, much like the fuel tank stores the energy source in a gasoline engine.
Instead of using foil or plastic wrap to store leftovers, use reusable containers.
Composting occurs in the sealed container and the containers are rotated as needed.
Empty the first container of the fully decomposed compost for use around the yard and cycle through the rest of the containers in a similar fashion, filling the emptied containers with the new waste.
Growing vegetables in containers is a great way to produce great tasting produce in even the smallest of spaces.
This is good for water conservation as water consumption can be targeted at just the containers that hold the vegetable plants and this minimizes the waste of water.
Growing vegetables in containers means that even people with the smallest of gardens can grow a few items of produce.
The types of vegetables that are suitable for growing in containers will largely be dependent on location.
Plants with shallow roots are well suited to containers that are not deep, whereas plants with long roots or root vegetables need a deep container in order for them to grow well.
It is possible to buy special containers that are designed for growing vegetables.
Growing vegetables in containers is a great way to help the environment while also helping your pocket and providing great tasting vegetables.
Often, people think of it as coffee cups and food containers, and while that is a common use, Styrofoam is also used for items like insulation and packaging.
When used for food containers, some people warn that toxic chemicals leach from the Styrofoam into the food products they hold, especially if the food is reheated in a microwave while still in the container.
When Styrofoam containers are used for food chemicals can leach into the food, affecting human health and the reproductive systems.
First of all, switch from clear plastic food containers to glass, ceramic or stainless steel.
They also stick easier to containers and produce candles of an even texture and consistency.
Compostable salad containers are a great alternative to plastic containers.
Although salads are such a popular and versatile dish, they are often packed in disposable plastic containers, meaning that while the salad is good for us, the container is bad for the environment.
Disposable salad containers take many forms.
They range from small containers that contain salad dressing or accompaniments, through to large containers that can hold a salad meal for several people.
Plastic salad containers are often used to pack salads.
The down side of disposable salad containers, however, is the fact that they do not decompose.
As such, these plastic containers fill up landfills, where they will stay in the ground for many years to come, though many plastics can now be recycled and this is obviously a good alternative.
An important and more attractive alternative to plastic salad containers and one that is good for the environment, is compostable salad containers.
Compostable salad containers will quickly biodegrade into compost after use.
Unlike traditional salad containers, compostable containers can be placed in a compost bin where, over time, they will break down and will not harm the environment.
The salad containers look similar to traditional containers and often are fitted with a lid which will keep the salad fresh and they are available in many sizes.
Compostable containers are also suitable for keeping in a refrigerator and some are suitable for holding heated foods.
Compostable containers for salads and other foods are made from natural materials such as plant fiber and starches.
There are many benefits to compostable food and salad containers.
Besides the fact that they are compostable and therefore kind to the environment, most compostable containers are made from 100 percent renewable and sustainable sources.
There are many manufacturers of compostable food containers.
Compostable food and salad containers and plates have many real advantages, yet they are not commonly used.
If your local stores don't offer compostable packaging as an alternative to traditional containers then make sure they know that there is a demand.
The Klean Kanteen Company offers an array of beverage containers and accessories free of BPA plastics.
Adding color to their beverage containers was another challenge but was successful by using safe, lead-free acrylic paint.
The inside is not coated with plastic or epoxy like some other beverage containers so it's safe for kids.
Klean Kanteen beverage containers and accessories can be ordered from their website, through their store locator, and distributors.
The actual products were BPA free, stainless steel drink containers that came in 26 ounce and 12 ounce sizes.
When you are considering starting a compost pile, you should research what types of compost containers are available to choose the one that best suits your needs.
These interior compost containers come in various sizes, and some can sit right on your kitchen counter.
While you may be able to purchase compost containers at your local home improvement store or nursery, a plethora of containers are available for purchase online.
Outdoor containers should be placed in convenient proximity to your back door so you'll be more likely to add food waste from the kitchen.
There are a variety of compost containers to choose from, including tumblers, bio orbs, as well as standard compost bins.
Some containers have mechanisms to turn the compost for you, but heaps and bins will need to be turned using a rake or pitchfork.
Growing Vegetables in Containers - every little bit helps, and growing your own vegetables is a good way towards being self sufficient, even if it is just in vegetables.
If you are currently making compost, growing vegetables in containers or looking to start growing your own fruit and vegetables, then a greenhouse can be a sound investment.
Most compostable food containers can be composted by placing them in a household or community composting service.
While compostable and biodegradable food boxes offer a good alternative to traditional nonbiodegradable food containers, they still create waste.
Reusable food containers can simply be washed after use.
Some food takeaway stores run schemes where they will fill reusable food containers.
Most glass bottles and containers can be recycled, including beer bottles, used jars and baby food containers.
Typically milk jugs, two-litter plastic bottles and plastic take-out containers can be recycled.
Recycled plastics also create new food and beverage containers, but can be used to make shoes, purses and home décor items.
To encourage consumers to think recyclable, the institute offers its own recycling symbol that can be stamped onto glass containers.
Most bottles are recyclable as are milk cartons, plastic shopping bags, and most food containers.
Recycled plastics find new life as termite resistant deck planks, containers, shopping bags, bottles, and outdoor patio rugs.
All of the food plates and containers are made out of reusable or biodegradable materials.
Keep several small containers handy for the recycling of used batteries and other items that must be recycled separately.
Label the containers and place them near your other recycling bins so it's easy to use them.
You can make mixes of dried herbs and store them in airtight containers - you can even make dry mixes to use in gifts, such as herbal tea remedies gift baskets.
Simply lay the berries out in the sun to dry out, then store in air tight containers until ready to use.
Look for high quality oils bottled in light-resistant containers and refrigerated.
Pack the frozen herbs tightly into freezer containers.
When the cubes are frozen solid, pop them out of the tray into freezer bags or containers.
Date the bags or containers, place them in the freezer, and use when needed.
Basil grows best in warm, sunny spots and is often planted in containers by home gardeners.
Take in Clay and Ceramic Pots -- Clay and ceramic containers will crack if allowed to remain outside in the freezing and thawing weather.
Once a year we need to go through our closets, garages shelves, dresser drawers and storage containers stashed in the attic and see what we can get rid of.
Buy storage containers and baskets that match or contrast with the room's color scheme.
Urns and containers made of bronze or copper also fit nicely in a Mediterranean room.
Since shells can be potential choking hazards, consider using shadow boxes or sealed containers to display the tiny treasures.
Target, Wal-Mart, and Kmart all have tons of storage containers designed to organize your Christmas decorating materials.
You can get great storage containers designed for your Christmas gear at Target and Wal-Mart - for good prices on these containers, pick them up on your post-Christmas bargain shopping spree.
Fluffy white towels, candles, and beautiful containers to hold everyday items help create a calming, peaceful atmosphere.
To enjoy an uncluttered room and save space, use a closet organizing system and under-the-bed storage containers.
Make garbage and recycling containers accessible.
Purchase mixing bowls, containers, and serving pieces in matching colors to create a sense of unity.
Get in a different direction and create various molds from plastic containers, drop in berries and holly, pinecones and pine boughs, and other elements.
There are all kinds of different baskets and decorative storage containers out there that can hold your belongings so that they're visible but not unattractive.
In response to her belief of practical makeup, she also offers "empties" - empty cosmetic containers to allow as customer to customize their makeup and enabling a lighter load for traveling.
Makeup Artist Kit - offering a completely empty makeup case with all the compartments and containers to create your own individual set.
In addition to the makeup products, there are an assortment of specialized brushes and storage containers to sell alongside the minerals.
With its pink, beige, and sea foam green containers, a consumer purchasing from this line for the first time is visually assured that they are making a wise decision.
In turn, if you are not completely satisfied, you can return the whole package (even if the containers are empty) for a complete refund within 60 days of purchase.
However, with so many small eyeshadow and lipstick containers rolling around inside a cosmetic bag, it is difficult to organize the makeup, let alone prevent the compacts from hitting against one another and cracking.
Sephora sales associates will package products such as foundation and skin care products into sample-size containers for trial usage.
I think you can get 5-gram MAC jars at the pro stores, but you can also buy small containers at other types of stores, as well.
These include a range of different makeup mirrors, makeup train cases in several sizes, cosmetic organizers and trays, beauty care containers, and easy-to-use grooming tools such as the Esca wet/dry bikini trimmer.
Everything from lipstick to body lotion is housed inside eye-catching containers or bottles, each more feminine and charming than the last.
The line features simple items such as cotton swabs, sponges and powder puffs as well as more professional tools such as sharpeners, eyelash curlers and refillable makeup containers.
Keep in mind that if you choose to store fresh fruit in the refrigerator, it should be in covered containers so it doesn't absorb the odor of other foods.
Bread, cereal, and dry packaged goods are best kept at room temperature in airtight containers.
Heavy duty aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and airtight containers appropriate for food storage are good choices to keep food fresh and safe to eat.
Vacuum packaging removes all the air from specially designed bags, canisters, and containers and then seals them.
Frozen yogurt - Freeze regular yogurt in their containers and enjoy them like you would a Popsicle.
While you can put your child's lunch items into Ziploc baggies, you can cut down on costs by purchasing some small Tupperware or Gladware containers.
If you have items that you'd prefer to keep hidden, try to choose storage containers that make a decorative statement instead of simply stashing everything in boring plastic boxes.
Decoupage sturdy cardboard boxes with coordinating patterned papers to create unique storage containers for all the photos you have yet to scrapbook.
Open storage solutions use items such as clear storage containers, peg boards, and bulletin boards to keep all of your supplies visible and within arm's reach.
High shelves and containers with locks or latches are the best safety-conscious storage choices.
If you can find enough childproof pill bottles, these containers work very well for storing eyelets, brads, and other very tiny embellishments.
Instead of paying for expensive containers to store your scrapbooking supplies, consider making your own from old shoeboxes.
There are hundreds of containers, shelves, folders, dividers, gadgets and gizmos designed to help you get things in order, but it doesn't matter which one you use.
If you visit a vitamin, supplement, or body building products shop, you'll often find whey protein packages in big containers or as shake mixes in envelopes.
Silk packages several of their products in single-serving containers to market to consumers who pack lunches or only need small amounts of soy milk.
Things like ring bearer pillows, unity candles, and containers to use for wedding card boxes can be purchased cheaply from discount and dollar stores.
Small potted plants in decorative containers can be grouped together to form a centerpiece and then taken home individually as wedding favors.
Alternately, pretty tins or containers are a great way to display inexpensive gifts like candy.
Other types of pots perfect for lucky bamboo shoots include cracked glass decorative pots, flared pots, square dishes, miniature terra cotta pots, or small ceramic containers.
Small pots, containers, or troughs suitable for holding water and plant matter can be used.
Using fall and harvest oriented containers instead of predictable glass vases; copper or aluminum pails, dark wicker baskets, and hollowed out gourds are great fall containers for floral arrangements.
No matter what kind of leaves you end up making, be sure to store them in airtight containers (and possibly refrigerate, depending upon ingredients) for safekeeping before the wedding.
Beau Coup Weddings offers nautical and beach favor tins, containers, and personalized candy rolls.
Couples should also be careful in their choice of vases or containers if opting for flowers.
Tall or lightweight vases can be knocked over should the wind pick up the beach, so choose heavier containers or add weight to help them keep their stability.
Decorate the candy table with appropriate linens, and consider tying bows around scoop handles or the candy containers for a coordinated look.
Because heroin is not typically grown domestically, it must be smuggled into the U.S. Smuggling used to be as simple as packing it into luggage, shipping it in containers, or bringing it by courier.
It's usually sold in small containers called tins.
Depending on what a person hoards, that person may be unable to move around his or her house or be at risk of inhaling dangerous fumes from a collection of gas containers.
Serve the food on clean containers, and promptly refrigerate any unused food if you cook more than one serving.
I collect different types of containers, old dog books, gift wrap and dog-themed newspaper comics all year long; anything with a dog theme.
In the home garden growing strawberries in planters such as strawberry pots, tall terracotta containers with pockets for the plants to poke out of is an easy endevour.
Pick off the plant with the stem and cap intact, and collect in shallow containers to prevent bruising.
You can trap slugs and snails by sinking containers of beer into your garden near damaged plants.
Tupelo wood is used today for furniture, millwork, veneer, plywood, bridge ties, crossties, crossing planks, and shipping containers.
Trees in containers sometimes suffer from root girdling.
Plant containers can be works of art all on their own, or fill them with colorful annuals as a moveable color spot.
Large containers, such as whiskey barrels, can also be used.
They can also be used quite well in containers or hanging baskets.
The biggest difference is that you are usually growing your flowers and vegetables in containers rather than directly in the ground.
When designing a container garden to adorn your patio, deck or balcony, a successful layout will depend on the plants and containers you choose.
Answering these kinds of questions will dictate what containers to buy as well as which plants to purchase.
Due to the different goals people have in mind when they set out to create a container garden, the types of containers chosen will be selected for their decorative look or functionality.
As you choose your containers, it's a good idea to consider the climate they will have to endure.
For example, if you live where it gets really cold, you'll want to be sure to use durable containers that are frost proof.
Other qualities that should be considered include buying containers that resist rot, rust and corrosion.
Look at your garden as the canvas, your plants as the paints and your containers as the brushes to help you create a work of art.
Choosing your containers is only part of the process of planning your container garden.
Where do you plan to place the containers in your garden?
Deciding this will help you figure out what kind of containers to purchase.
Another factor that plays an important role in designing a container garden is the size of the containers.
If you want to be able to move the garden, you'll choose smaller containers that are easy to move.
The shape and size of containers add to the over-all look for your container garden.
Plants that grow in containers should not be taller than twice the height of the pot or one and a half times the width.
This can be accomplished by adding shelves, benches or boxes on which to place the containers.
Before you buy your plants and containers, take a moment to sketch out your plan on paper.
Whimsical containers, such as old wheel barrows or watering cans, go well with a cottage garden style.
If you don't have a yard, you can grow some vegetables in containers on a deck or patio.
You can grow vegetables directly in the ground, in raised beds, in pots or containers.
Be sure to water pots and containers thoroughly and check them daily.
All you need is some space, some sun, vegetables and containers big enough for them to grow and you're on your way to a successful garden.
If you plant them in containers or hanging baskets, you will probably need to replant them each year like an annual.
Strawberries are extremely versatile and grow well either in the ground or in containers.
If space is limited and you are planting strawberries in strawberry jars, containers or planters, try either Everbearing or Day Neutral strawberries, which take up less space than June Bearing types.
They tend to be symmetrical and clipped, with neat hedges, straight pathways, and traditional plants such as boxwood, azaleas, and containers.
Strawberries can be grown in many different containers as long as a few basic conditions are met.
As you can see, strawberries aren't particularly fussy about their containers.
Gardening container strawberries in strawberry jars or planters is fun, yet many people are unsure of how to actually plant their strawberries in these fancy containers.
If you've purchased grape vines in the box containers and you won't be able to plan them right way, place the roots in a bucket of water but be sure to plant them within a day or two.
While it's true that the cardboard box will disintegrate over time, plastic doesn't, and such containers end up choking the plant.
Some people plan for a few containers of tomatoes and peppers, while others create elaborate kitchen gardens with fruit, vegetables and flowers.
The answer to "When do you plant strawberries?" may also be as simple as "almost anytime" if you choose to grow in indoor containers or hanging baskets, and you choose a late blooming variety.
They are usually plastic containers with a spray nozzle attached.
This will give your tomato seedlings time to take root and to become established without concern of them over-growing their containers.
Strawberries can be grown in pots, containers, or hanging baskets too.
Don't be afraid to grow strawberries in containers if all your backyard is in shade but your patio gets full sun.
Special planting containers called strawberry jars have pockets or spaces around the outside to fit more plants into one space.
You can still get plenty of berries from plants grown in containers.
You can use many different types of containers to start seeds indoors.
Containers do not offer the plant's roots the same amount of protection from the cold as the soil in the ground offers.
With containers, there are only a few inches of soil or less between the tender roots and the outer shell of the container.
Don't forget to move your strawberry containers back into the garden when ready.
Containers or trays - These hold each individual plant and grow medium.
Deep Water Culture (Reservoir Method) - One of the easiest growing systems, individual plant containers with holes in the bottom sit in a reservoir that contains a couple of inches of liquid nutrient solution.
Flood and Drain (Ebb and Flow) - The plant containers sit above the nutrient reservoir.
Wick System - Absorbent material, such as nylon rope, extends from the individual plant containers down into the nutrient reservoir.
Containers aren't included, but all the plants you need to create lovely and interesting container gardens are included in your order.
Don't use metal containers, as these may skew the test results.
If your backyard is in shadow most of the afternoon but the deck is in sunlight, you can grow vegetables in containers on the deck.
You can find ballet-themed jewelry containers in a range of prices, depending on the craftsmanship, the manufacturer or designer, and the materials used.
Ballerina jewelry containers are a great addition to any little or big girl's collection.
The containers come in leather, glass, ceramic, porcelain, sterling silver, resins, and pewter.
Many modern jewelry containers have slots because of the high rate of customer preference for this convenience.
Absolute cleanliness is crucial and neither metal nor lead-based containers should be used.
These containers are specially designed to meet the needs of home composters who want a neat, enclosed option for creating their own organic gardening compost.
The milk can be decanted into smaller bottles or containers if this makes it easier to store.
We strive to use the most recycled containers for our products.
Flour has oils in it and can go rancid, so make sure you have air-tight containers and adequate storage.
This includes the fields, the crop storage containers, the packing area and the equipment sheds.
It is the focus of this company to package and ship products in environmentally friendly containers as well.
If you live in an apartment, you can grow many plants in containers on a balcony or small patio.
Since the plants are in containers, they can be moved out of the shaded area as the sun moves.
Containers that hold between 10 and 100 quarts are the most useful.
Rather than using containers, you build permanent, raised beds to create your small, organic vegetable garden.
Use plastic storage containers with tight fitting lids to keep a variety of pests out of the items you are storing.
If you want a natural mosquito and moth repellent, then plant lavender along your patio border or in several containers to ensure an insect free zone that's also aromatic.
Adults can also be exposed to lead through crystal containers that store alcoholic beverages.
Store any leftover food in shallow containers in the refrigerator or freezer within two hours after cooking.
Prepare favorite meals or bake a favorite dessert and wrap it in individual freezer containers.
Senior Ark includes dozens of fun craft projects for seniors, including faux stained glass, decorative containers and card-making.
Keep sharp objects, including glass containers, away from the slide to prevent accidental punctures.
While park employees do check bags before entering the park, they will only search your food looking for glass containers, which are prohibited.
When passing by some large containers, look on top.
Another goal of the game was to go after Dr. Robotnik (also known as Eggman), who captured animals and trapped them in metal containers.
Our hero travels through the world in top-down style gathering items like bombs, boomerangs and heart containers that allow a greater exploration of the land and an easier time fighting enemies.
Capturing all those forest animals and trapping them in those metal containers with that conveniently placed open button on the top.
If the goal is to preserve the cards for the future, they should be stored in appropriate containers away from direct sunlight and humidity.
Bears frequent all of the campgrounds in the Lake Tahoe area; all food must be kept in bear safe containers or your vehicle.
It certainly makes sense to purchase several containers when prices are low so that you can avoid having to pay top dollar if you completely run out of something you need during a camping trip.
It's a good idea to keep one or two extra containers in your RV for long trips.
Bear-resistant food storage containers are required in many campgrounds and national forests.
Some campgrounds provide bear-boxes or containers for day and overnight use.
If you camp often, you may want to invest in your own bear-resistant containers.
Camping supply stores carry a variety of styles and sizes of animal proof storage containers.
These containers can be made of thick plastic, metal, aluminum, carbon fiber, polycarbonate, or even cloth sacks that you hoist up into a tree.
Finally, pack all your supplies in coolers, picnic baskets, boxes, clothes baskets, and other containers.
Well, a cell phone case takes on several different forms, including leather pouches and holster-style containers.
It is often difficult to tell if a person has eaten a poisonous plant because there are no tell-tale empty containers and no unusual lesions or odors around the mouth.
Parents should remove all water from containers, such as pails and buckets, immediately after use.
Parents should check the garage for any toxic chemicals and gasoline containers.
Children may find extended periods of play with a toy, whether it was purchased in a store or found in the home (recycled plastic containers and empty spools of thread, for example).
A few instances of zinc toxicity have been reported in people who consumed acidic food or beverages that had been stored in galvanized zinc containers.
Zinc toxicity may be prevented by not storing food or beverages in zinc containers.
Parents should avoid preparing or serving food in containers that have lead in their glazing.
Toddler. Toddlers fill and empty containers and begin dramatic play.
Keep the areas around trash containers clean and at some distance away from where children are playing.
Petroleum products and any other poisonous substances should be stored up high, in appropriate containers, and locked.
Avoid preparing or serving food in containers that have lead in their glazing.
Airtight containers are always the best option.
If you store food in airtight containers and refrigerate or freeze your food, you reduce the risk of illness and increase your food safety.
Instead of being placed in a metal coffin or concrete tomb, people who choose this method of burial are placed in biodegradable containers, which will naturally decompose over time.
There is nothing in the construction of the containers that is harmful to the environment, nor is the person buried with anything that will have any lasting effect on the environment.
Plastic pet caskets are economical and sometimes ecological alternatives to traditional burial containers for your favorite animals that have passed away.
Purses, briefcases, backpacks, boxes, and other large containers are not allowed.
Instead of using expensive "professional" materials like beakers and pipettes, a teacher can use common household containers, such as measuring cups and medicine droppers with measurements printed on the side.
Collect three clear containers and fill one with soil, another with clay, and the third with sand.
Divide up the sand into several containers and add food coloring or powdered drink mix in a variety of colors.
If brewing your own kombucha tea, be sure to use squeaky-clean containers.
The motor runs the blades that are located in the containers.
The Magic Bullet food processor uses a "Cyclonic Cutting Zone" technique that combines a special blade with the design of the bullet containers.
It is only $40 more, but it includes a more powerful motor and mixing containers.
Since the vacuums utilize canisters or washable dust cups, you do not have to buy bags or other containers.
Popping machines that are made to double as containers for the popcorn are very convenient.
The unit's unique three-spindle setup allows for quick mixing action to take place in three separate containers at one time.
The Ninja Master Prep Professional set comes with a 450 watt power pod, three containers designed to be used interchangeably with the pod, and lids and blades for each bowl.
The Ninja Master Prep Pro blender and food processor comes with a power pod with 450 watts of processing power, three different size blending containers and blades custom made for each container.
The smaller containers, one holding 40 ounces and the other holding 16 ounces, utilize four blades.
Simply wipe down the motor unit and wash the containers and blades after each use.
When the ice cream is done, it can be eaten right away or, if you prefer harder ice cream, it can be packed into sealed containers and frozen in a conventional freezer.
Most countertop dishwashers will hold four to six complete place settings or fewer place settings paired with serving pieces or small food storage containers.
The finish is stainless steel and the 13.5 inch turntable and super fast defrost setting can accommodate small to medium cooking containers.
Don't lose the plastic containers because they are a small size and are hard to find.
You may find some at a party goods store where they carry Play-Doh containers in party favor packs.
Gel candles can be made in a variety of containers, as long as you choose something that is flame proof and leak proof.
If you're on a tight budget, look for affordable containers for candle making at your local dollar or discount store.
They are frequently made in decorative glass containers.
After cooling, place in sealed plastic bags or containers and place in refrigerator.
Mason jars or glass votive candle holders are good containers to start with, but you can really use any heat-resistant glass or other material.
The wax is pretty soft, so it does better in containers than in pillar candles.
The companies that sell soy candle wax and supplies will often have a selection of containers to choose from.
There are waxes made for votives, pillars and containers, as well as general use wax.
They are formed from small wax discs that are held in small metal containers.
Fancy containers add to the decorative nature of candles.
Coffee mugs make excellent containers for making your own candles.
Candlewic sells a range of molds and containers, including an aluminum votive candle mold.
The soft nature of the gel means that the candles are usually created in glass containers.
Very ornate candle containers can look extremely dramatic and give a lovely and unusual candle glow, whereas many candle makers prefer plain candle containers as these let the natural beauty of the gel candle shine through.
Make container candles with intricately decorated containers.
The Soap Farm - Unscented, white soy wax in traditional metal tea light containers.
Any type of heat-resistant container that is free of chips or cracks will work for making candles, so you can save money by checking for containers at thrift shops, consignment stores, or garage sales in your area.
Before using your old soda fountain glasses as candle containers, check to make sure that they aren't valuable to collectors.
The best containers for making gel candles are those which are made of tempered glass.
You can test containers for heat resistance by heating them up in your oven for a brief time.
This works well in clear glass containers.
In addition to your different embeds and colors, you can experiment with different glass containers.
You'll be melting the gel, adding color and scent, and pouring the gel into containers.
Gel used for candle making is sold in bags, containers, and tubes.
Candle gel is squishy and requires containers for candle making.
Mason jars are fun containers to use, or try ceramic mugs, cocktail glasses, or any other glassware that would be appropriate for the candle and the presentation.
You can purchase pre-tabbed candle wicks that are easy to secure to the bottom of your containers.
Also, metal containers conduct heat and can be too hot to handle when creating your container candle.
At some candle making supply outlets, you may find designer glass containers that provide you with ideas for your project.
Votives that are sold in containers may claim to be dripless, but that could be solely because of the holder.
The LoneStar Company sells candle containers and lids separately allowing candle makers to make their own unique candle style.
The company offers more than twenty-five different styles of glass containers with six different types of lids.
Many people like to reuse their candle containers to store loose change or other household items, so you will want to consider this possibility when making your purchase.
Another inexpensive way to obtain votive candle holders is to ask your friends to save the containers when they have finished burning their jar candles.
Once you clean out the leftover wax, many of these containers are perfect for use as votive holders.
If you take careful notes, you’ll soon learn what containers, fragrances, and dyes best suit your needs.
Harkey's company bottles Artesian water in containers that can be custom labeled for fundraisers with an organization's logo, slogan, or other marketing message.
Containers, duffels, totes and bags are available for storing Christmas trees.
Alternatively, trees can also be stored in multiple containers.
Purchasing a new one is not necessary if several empty containers are around the house.
Add a gift certificate to the grocery store or some reusable containers for storage.
You can forgo containers completely and wrap your gifts in a fleece throw or a fashionable shawl.
Loose diamonds and gems will typically be displayed in small, clear containers, preferably on white foam filler that highlights the stones' true color.
Women's wallets are detailed containers for all of life's important necessities.
If you are serious about your work, you will already have more convenient carrying containers for the various pieces of equipment and so all you really need is a good bag that will accommodate everything and zip up tightly.
That is, no alcohol containers or drug paraphernalia was ever found in the apartment whatsoever.
Make instant chocolate pudding according to package directions and pour into custard cups or other individual-sized containers.
Target and Walmart often run specials on their storage containers.
Purchase the clear containers so your child can see what is inside.
Labeling shelves, baskets and containers helps your children know where each item belongs.
If they are not reading, print out pictures of the toys and tape or glue them to the containers.
Many of these are in weather-resistant containers that offer the successful hunter a variety of small treasures from which to choose.
If you have any of the Easter egg dying containers left over from Easter, those would work well, or you could buy a package of disposable plastic cups.
In her arms, a live, crying infant and three empty containers of milk.
Cover sturdy cardboard boxes with old wrapping paper, magazine cutouts, or copies of family photos to make your own decorative storage containers.
Instead of spending money on expensive and often ugly plastic storage containers, decoupage sturdy cardboard boxes to use as totes for all your household items.
Save empty glass jars, plastic margarine tubs, and other containers to use for sending leftovers home after you've entertained guests.
This will save you from having to worry about your expensive storage containers disappearing.
Fortunately, you don't need to spend a lot of money on expensive containers to keep your things organized.
Cover sturdy cardboard boxes with pretty wrapping paper to create storage containers for magazines, children's boxes, or extra table linens.
Save empty powdered drink mix containers to use as storage containers for the cords that come with cameras, mp3 players, and other electronic devices.
Label the containers with the name of the device, then stack them all in an empty shoebox.
If you've got 100 pairs of heels and boots, they're not all going to fit under your bed in Tupperware containers.
Would small, lidded containers help contain certain items?
These organizers are containers that people physically place their coupons inside.