Contactor Sentence Examples
The WR Series Room Thermostats are designed to directly control individual heaters or, by using an external contactor, can control several heaters.
They also provide contactor switching for corridor lighting and other key loads.
Using models for coalescence and breakage from literature, DSA is successfully applied to the case of a laboratory scale rotating disk contactor.
This £ 300,000 project, also designed by NPS, was completed in April and the main contactor was R G Carter Thetford Limited.
That's the message from Project Integra, the partnership of all local authorities in Hampshire and private contactor Onyx Hampshire.
Unicorn is designed by Keith Williams Architects and Mansell Construction Services is lead contactor.
The Center will open toward the end of 2006 although we have recently heard that unfortunately the main building contactor has gone into receivership.
A contactor who has installed hundreds of railings over the course of a career will usually talk candidly about the appropriate style and material choice for the home.
If the homeowners owes back taxes or owes money to the contactor, you could buy those bills right along with the house.