Contacted Sentence Examples
Alex contacted his father and then made flight arrangements.
Thank God it didn't appear she had been contacted by her husband, but something was seriously wrong and Dean was smack-dab in the middle of it.
Cleary had contacted her by telephone, saying he was looking for a furnished apartment to use when he traveled to the city.
You're the thirty-fourth person who's contacted me saying you were the tipster.
Why hasn't she contacted any of us on her net?
When she expressed the thought to Alex, he contacted a lawyer.
He contacted Mr. Tim when I was four, after my mother died.
The Ancient Kris probably contacted the other three, because we only have about forty Immortal refugees here now.
Also, South Carolina contacted us regarding water for its residents in Charlotte.
But nobody's contacted him yet.
AdvertisementI have contacted Sir John and explained the mix-up.
Gabriel almost stopped mid-step, having forgotten he contacted the Dark One yesterday.
If he had been contacted he might have considered pituitary apoplexy.
The Course Director may also be contacted at any time during office hours by students wishing to discuss matters relating to the course.
At this point, the Animal Health Trust was contacted because they are world leaders in veterinary ophthalmology.
AdvertisementAfter filing for provisional patents was complete, Tony Hickson contacted InnovationRCA for assistance with design and rapid prototyping.
After losing his job, he contacted his lawyer to request that his alimony payments to his ex-wife be reduced.
What if a consumer doesn't want to be contacted?
If further information is required you will be contacted by an American Express representative for the clarification they need.
Your privacy is protected, as you generally can only be contacted through the website.
AdvertisementThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that less that one-third (29 percent) of people with depression contacted a mental health professional for treatment.
She claims that Farrell contacted her after learning of her self-published book, My S/M Romp with Alec Baldwin.
It is rumored that she has contacted celebrity divorce lawyer, Robert Kaufman--the same attorney that represented Jennifer Aniston in her divorce from Brad Pitt in 2005.
After you submit an information request, you'll be contacted by an admissions counselor who will discuss program requirements and financial aid options.
If your name is chosen in the drawing, you will be contacted, either by text or via a phone call.
AdvertisementCaught in the media spotlight, a United official finally contacted Carroll to apologize for the incident, make an undisclosed monetary offer and actually ask if United could use the video as part of their training program.
His reputation with gamers notwithstanding, Thompson has contacted numerous political and legal figures in an attempt to keep young children (and in some cases, everyone) from playing violent or otherwise graphic video games.
A healthcare professional should be contacted if a child experiences persistent abdominal distention, is unable to have normal bowel movements, or exhibits other symptoms of ileus.
This is an obstacle for some young people who do not want their parents contacted, even though the shelter does not press them to return home.
If you feel you have been contacted by a scammer who is posing as a representative of a charity, you have the right to take action.
Inform your local law enforcement agency about the suspected scam, especially if you're being contacted in person or over the phone or you feel harassed or threatened.
Contacted customers to follow-up on sales calls.
I'll tell the world at this end I'm off on a ten day fishing trip and can't be contacted.
We travelled to Keene and our two families and Howie contacted separate realtors.
As well as the on-air apology, Channel 4 also contacted viewers who had complained to say sorry directly.
She has gone on to treat some of our rescue guinea pigs and has contacted Vedra for advice, without being prompted.
Richard Crosby from Devon contacted us about his 'adopted ' small leaved lime he was worried about.
Small companies which improvements more preventive who had contacted.
One medium claimed to to have contacted her and gave a full recitation in English.
He notified the on-call gynecology registrar about Mrs Y's condition and he contacted the ITU SHO on three occasions during the night.
During the past six months, property developers and investors seeking funding for their property transactions have contacted me on an increasingly regular basis.
My wife had been contacted, we had a tearful reunion.
When I contacted fujitsu siemens customer support I felt they did not listen to the issues I had with their product.
The aluminum silicates comprising asbestos are relatively benign if not in nanoscale form and not breathed in or contacted directly in nanoscale form.
I first met Rick back in 1994 when I contacted him to teach me how to drive a sled.
The Met was contacted but was seemingly unable to spare an officer to come and pick the man up.
In which Gilbert is contacted by a fantastically wealthy refugee who wants to invest in the hotel business.
We contacted windjammer reached high stretching to battle terrorism writers on terrorism.
Action Holland and Barrett have been contacted about these surveillance results and have voluntarily withdrawn the affected batch of peanut butter from sale.
Finney recounts one episode; When I came to a town to start revival, a lady contacted me.
They contacted Nelly 's MP who contacted the Immigration Minister and got the removal stayed pending representations.
In 1998 they contacted a surrogacy agency in the USA and they attempted to have babies by one surrogate mother but the pregnancy failed.
I too was contacted by this lady with a view to knowing more about my dog guard and tailgate guard.
Contacted for an explanation of their tardy response to the disaster, Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott issued the following statement.
Online Vehicle Reservations You should be contacted withing 24hrs after making a booking online (Monday - Saturday, Except Bank Holidays).
The adjustor offered me an insurance settlement that was much too low, so I contacted an attorney to file a personal injury claim.
For example, grandparents who are not present at the birth should be contacted by phone as should other relatives and close friends.
Provide real information for the registration details since you may be contacted for verification of ownership of the domain name.
I have contacted the food company to see if they have been contacted by any other pet owners having similar experiences, and I am awaiting a response.
I hope your vet has considered this angle and contacted the vaccine manufacturer to see if other people have reported the same problem.
Don't worry about being embarrassed; it's far more embarrassing to ignore the problem and eventually get contacted by a collection agency.
Bell Canada contacted the firm to inquire about the calls, but only after the bills had been racked up.
When contacted by a spam profile, the text will often be something very generic about having just signed up for the site and expressing interest in meeting new people with few specifics.
And if you contacted a lawyer or a local collection agency, you would probably end up spending a lot more money to get your debts settled.
Therefore, each state department must be contacted individually for directions on how to submit a request.
The daytime funny man said he contacted his friend, late-night talk show host David Letterman, who himself successfully went through a similar surgery in 2000.
I am also contacted quite often by celebrity magazines, which give me photos and information on the latest in celebrity plastic surgery.
Have you ever been contacted by a celebrity featured on your site?
When contacted by Us Weekly to confirm the rumors, Jessica's brother Josh, replied "My sister!?
For further piece of mind, young passengers are often required to wear a wristband identifying their cabin number in case they should get accidentally separated or the parents need to be contacted.
References are also important, and should be contacted before any contract is signed.
On a whim, she contacted Wilhelminia Models plus size division and was signed on the spot.
Once the dispatchers are contacted, they immediately send paramedics to the person's location.
Our fees are cost per lead, which means that community partners only pay when they receive a qualified lead that specifically requests to be contacted by their community.
A physician should be contacted immediately and treatment sought.
Again, you are just required to fill out your name, email address, and select yes or no to being contacted about future promotions.
Eyemart Express can be contacted by calling (405) 741-2020.
They can be contacted by calling their center at (405) 749-4285?.
The only difference here is that after the damage has been assessed, you will be contacted with an estimate.
Many are online and can be contacted directly from their websites.
Apparently forum members at Penny Arcade contacted the FBA about the matter which led to the investigation.
A healthcare provider should be contacted after a febrile seizure.
If symptoms do not go away or if they get worse, a physician should be contacted.
If the child has had a sore throat and fever for more than 24 hours, a doctor should be contacted so a strep test can be performed.
The local school district or the state agency for the blind should be contacted during the child's infancy or during preschool years to determine what assistive services might be available for the child.
Even when a child has had surgery or is on medication, the doctor should be contacted when any abnormal symptoms arise, such as shortness of breath, difficulty in feeding (with infants), and poor weight gain.
A physician or other healthcare provider should be contacted when the number of bowel movements exceeds three per day for 2 days or more or when fecal material contains blood.
If the needle puncture site continues to bleed, or if hours or days later the site looks infected (red and swollen), then a doctor should be contacted.
A healthcare professional should be contacted whenever exposure to any heavy metal is suspected.
If the child is itchy all over or has a localized itch in combination with a rash, fever, infection, or is acting sick, the doctor should be contacted.
In the event of complications, a physician should be contacted at once.
The doctor should be contacted if the child is displaying any of the signs or symptoms of rheumatic fever.
The doctor should also be contacted if the child has had a sore throat and fever for more than 24 hours.
A healthcare provider should be contacted if a child develops symptoms suggestive of peroxisomal disorder or if a child already diagnosed with a peroxisomal disorder shows signs of worsening disease.
The doctor should be contacted as soon as possible if a treatment session is missed, or a dose of the drug is skipped, for whatever reasons.
If the parent notices red scaly lumps, strange patterns of discoloration, or lesions on a child's skin the doctor should be contacted.
If there is excess bleeding, a doctor should be contacted.
School officials and counselors should be contacted to help students with academic problems; temporary homebound instruction or day therapy programs may be necessary.
When a child's deviation from the average milestones of development causes the parents concern, a pediatrician or other professional may be contacted for advice.
A doctor or other healthcare provider should be contacted whenever urination becomes painful or the voided urine is cloudy or bloody, or when a child complains of pain when voiding urine.
If the child is displaying the signs of sinusitis for more than a few days, the doctor should be contacted.
An attack of hives is set off when such a substance, called an allergen, is ingested, inhaled, or otherwise contacted.
If there is excess bleeding from the needle puncture site, or if hours to days later, the puncture site looks infected (red and swollen), then a doctor should be contacted.
If a child is known to have an immunodeficiency disorder, a healthcare provider should be contacted if the child shows signs of having an infection, such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the lymph nodes, or unusual fatigue.
If they do not, the physician who prescribed the medicine should be contacted.
If they continue or interfere with normal activity, the physician should be contacted.
A physician or other healthcare professional should be contacted during the first two months of life to arrange for immunization.
The child's doctor should be contacted if parents have concerns about the speech patterns of their child.
A healthcare provider should be contacted if a child exhibits symptoms of skeletal or growth abnormalities, such as abnormally short or tall height for age, frequent bone fractures, bony growths, or bone or joint pain.
Never divulge your information to someone who has contacted you first.
How do you want to be contacted if the letter's recipient has questions?
Give the employer each person's name, address, and phone number so that he or she may be contacted.
This is an efficient way to look for a job, but the job seeker doesn't have the opportunity to meet with a hiring manager personally unless he or she is contacted for an interview.
They can be contacted at 630-579-1589 or online.
They can be contacted at 866-455-9785 or online.
They can be contacted at (312) 288-0673.
Again, once you are contacted by one of their representatives, they are looking to make money and capitalize on a government mortgage modification plan.
Once you have contacted a lender who is willing to lend you the money for your new home, you will be able to discuss your options.
Once contacted, the lender will provide you with the basics about their product, including value limits and other terms.
In today's technological society, insurance agents and brokers can be contacted via the Internet if you prefer.
Aqua is located at 252 California Street in San Francisco, and can be contacted at (415) 956-9662.
Tell your postmaster if you're being contacted through the postal mail.
Report the crime to the Federal Trade Commission if you're being contacted via email.
If you cannot attend the fair itself, many of the merchants can be contacted and you can order something online.
Some of the advice includes not contacting men first, waiting 24 hours to respond when contacted, and delete a guy if he hasn't asked you out within four e-mails.
It's true that men and women who are very beautiful will be contacted by people solely on appearance.
If you choose to hide your photo to prevent this, you will be contacted less often than you should be.
I contacted the girl and she said she will send me a message but a week has passed and nothing has happened.
I told him that I contacted her to scare him off and he still says nothing happened and that it was a stupid and disrespectful mistake.
Instead of accepting him at his word, you contacted the other woman expecting her to either confirm your boyfriend's story or reveal information that could prove he lied to you.
She contacted me a few months ago and we have been talking.
Once you're matched with someone, you will be contacted about where and when you should meet.
It can be frustrating if you have your eye on a handful of other members but keep getting contacted by others you've already dismissed at a glance.
These messages look like you've just been contacted by a very attractive person, usually exactly the kind of person you said you were looking for in your profile.
Upon his discovery, Khabardin contacted the leaders of the expedition, using the code, "I am smoking the pipe of peace."
There are many, and most of them will have an option for you to enter exactly the sort of purse for which you are looking so that you will be contacted when something similar comes into stock.
Interestingly enough, Conan Doyle himself "appeared" in photographs taken after his death and he was "contacted" on at least one occasion during a seance.
He believed so strongly in his technique, that he contacted famous parapsychologist Dr. J.B.
The group claimed they were contacted in September 2002 and asked to investigate the video.
Essentially, they gave control over to whatever entity they seemingly contacted.
At Your Ghost, a young woman told her tale of first being contacted by her deceased uncle whom she believed was her guardian angel.
Savalas later contacted her again, and the woman verified that the clothes the Samaritan wore were her husband's burial clothes.
LoveToKnow Save contacted the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors to learn more ways for being frugal.
Should you be in need of emergency assistance and qualify for such assistance, you will be contacted within seven days of completing the forms.
Most likely, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted once there is available housing.
Writers on the daytime drama contacted Sen.
In 1994, the Navy contacted the company about creating a special dive watch for Navy SEAL night missions.
Several retailers for hearing aids and accessories have contacted me and are willing to distribute the product, not realizing that it is only a concept at this stage, so I guess that shows there's a real need and interest.
Three years later, a professional diver from Hiroshima contacted Seiko requesting a watch that could withstand the tremendous pressures and stresses of saturation dives to 350 meters.
If they can picture you fitting into the organization, you are more likely to be contacted for an interview and offered the job.
Black Book car trade-in values are accurate, but keep in mind, if you decide to use CarQuotes, you may be contacted by a third party dealership via email or telephone.
Wawanesa can be contacted via their website in Canada or in the United States, by mail, or by phone.
Panasonic can also be contacted by telephone at (800) 221-7262.
After you fill out a homeowners insurance quote request through the AAA website you will be contacted by a representative within one business day, unless your request is incomplete.
Additionally, this section should include the name, address, and phone number of the child's doctor so that the doctor can be contacted regarding any necessary referrals that the insurance company may require.
If the adult responsible for the child cannot be contacted, the medical emergency release form gives permission for the child to receive medical care until the parent or guardian can be located.
Possibly. I have been contacted by men regarding this issue.
The woman who runs the company is French, and she recognized some of the designers and contacted us immediately.
The Music Muse does ask to be contacted, however, if anything advertised is not what is represented.
Whether you're organizing a birthday party, a stag or just a casual get together, it is always important to ensure that everyone on your invite list is properly contacted and accounted for.
Once you have a company and sales rep contacted, set the date and time.
When the Gosselin sextuplets were two years old Dr. Glassman contacted Kate at the insistence of his wife and offered the beleaguered mother of eight a free tummy tuck.
Do not send additional e-mails unless you have been contacted and asked to do so.
Because Sisko is regularly contacted by these aliens, he is unwillingly given the title of Emissary, a religious figurehead position he uncomfortably accepts.As the seasons progress, more information about the gamma quadrant is learned.
I read an article by someone who thought Qui-Gon was rude for not saying 'hello' and 'goodbye' when he contacted Obi-Wan on the communicator.
While they lived hidden from the humans, an ancient Autobot by the name of Vector Prime contacted them and gave them information on how to stop the black hole.
For the most effective results, a professional exterminator should be contacted to assess the level of treatment needed to rid the bedbugs.
You will be required to enter your business name, address and how you would like to be contacted.
Should I at least remain mute that Julie had actually contacted the damn paper seeking the reward money?
The detective seemed unconvinced until I told him John Luke Grasso wanted something from my friend and he might have contacted him.
Jeffrey Byrne had contacted his wife and like a fool she was going off somewhere to meet the son-of-a-bitch.
Winston explained that Arthur had recently contacted the government about supplying information on his Philadelphia clients because, he claimed, he was beginning to get nervous.
If Jenn escaped, she'd have contacted him by now.
He had contacted the department of forestry about having the bear removed and put in a more remote area on Hobbs Estate.
Dean considered relating to Jonathan his suspicions that Nota had contacted Mrs. Glass but he was hesitant to even mention the Byrne matter to the FBI, nor did he wish to volunteer information on Fred's clandestine trip to Scranton.
When the Inland Revenue is not the petitioning creditor, they should be contacted and consulted like any other creditor.
I have contacted a bank manger who will do that for us.
The alleged noisemaker will be contacted and given advice.
They are people who heard of his gatherings, contacted him, and said, "I want to come to your dinner party."
If you wanted to secure the best deal on business travel arrangements, you contacted an agent who then proceeded to gather a listing of flights, hotels and auto rentals and made arrangements to fit your itinerary.
When you mirror back the kinds of words and ideas that are in the job ad, you have a better chance of being contacted by the employer.
Thankfully, Brennan or someone he contacted straightened Jackson out.