Consumption Sentence Examples
There was a rising worldwide consumption of consumer goods.
The export trade, however, is decreasing considerably, while the home consumption is increasing.
He died of consumption on the 25th of September 1 777.
Since then special laws have hampered development, some provinces, as for instance Sardinia, being allowed to manufacture for their own consumption but not for export.
Natural gas is largely used in the United States, and for some time, owing to defective methods of storage, delivery and consumption, great waste occurred.
Certain districts are distinguished for particular kinds of fruit, which form an important article of commerce both for inland consumption and for export.
Identity of the Food of Animals and Plants.rt is evidently to the actual seats of consumption of food, and of consequent nutrition and increase of living substance, that we should turn when we wish to inquire what are the nutritive materials of plants.
The former apply principally to successions, stamps, registrations, mortgages, &c.; the latter to distilleries, breweries, explosives, native sugar and matches, though the customs revenue and octrois upon articles of general consumption, such as corn, wine, spirits, meat, flour, petroleum butter, tea, coffee and sugar, may be considered as belonging to thu class.
Four out of the five essays are elaborate and powerful solutions of perplexing technical problems - the distribution of the gains of international commerce, the influence of consumption on production, the definition of productive and unproductive labour, the precise relations between profits and wages.
It is estimated that the amount thus used in India exclusive of the consumption of mills is equivalent to about 400,000 bales.
AdvertisementOf the total sugar consumption of the country in1899-1904Louisiana produced somewhat more than a fifteenth.
Consumption of Kohat salt is restricted, on account of its paying less duty, to the tracts lying to the north of the Indus and to the frontier tribes.
Louis, by his researches on pulmonary consumption and typhoid fever, had the chief merit of refuting the doctrines of Broussais.
Consumption is not uncommon.
Rice is grown in irrigated lands near the rivers and in the swamps, and also in rude clearings in the interior; sugar-cane of superior quality in Sambas and Montrado; cotton, sometimes exported in small quantities, on the banks of the Negara, a tributary of the Barito; tobacco, used very largely now in the production of cigars, in various parts of northern Borneo; and tobacco for native consumption, which is of small commercial importance, is cultivated in most parts of the island.
AdvertisementValues can therefore be accumulated only by being reproduced in the course or, as often happens, by the very act of consumption; hence his distinction between reproductive and unproductive consumption.
Lowness of price has not been the only factor in increasing the rate of consumption.
The value of the oranges exported from Jaffa in 1906 was £162,000; this amount increases annually, and of course in addition a considerable quantity is retained for home consumption.
Cheese and butter are manufactured in large quantities for home consumption.
Only government manufactures and manufactures for local consumption are at all large.
AdvertisementConsumption.-It is only natural that the consumption of wine should be greatest in the countries where it is produced on the largest scale, but the discrepancy between the consumption of different countries is little short of astonishing.
It qualifies as a consumption tax because it is collected from consumers.
Most cars achieve optimal power and fuel consumption between 2000 and 3500 RPM.
It isn't always easy to figure out your estimated fuel consumption and costs, but there are plenty of sites that will help you come up with an accurate estimate based on your car and its rated gas mileage.
Fuel calculators will help you figure out your car's precise fuel consumption, but you need to collect some information before you can get started with the online calculators.
AdvertisementThe sports concept of this vehicle will combine AWD technologies with hybrid technologies to produce a vehicle that offers better performance and energy consumption.
Consumers complained about the poor fuel economy of the V6, and engineers worked to improve the fuel consumption for this model.
Maybe you should consider avoiding having red Kool Aid beverages at home, or limiting their consumption to rooms that do not have carpet.
Unlike the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet does not encourage excessive consumption of saturated fats, such as those found in bacon, cheeses and butter.
South Beach also allows for greater consumption of vegetables than Atkins, primarily ones that rank low on the glycemic index.
Although it allows more fat consumption than some diets, that's not to say that quantities are unlimited.
I dramatically cut down on my sugar consumption after only two weeks.
The diet does not encourage excessive consumption of saturated fats, such as those found in bacon, cheeses and butter.
It also allows for greater consumption of vegetables, primarily ones that rank low on the glycemic index.
Quite. Although it allows more fat consumption than some diets, that's not to say that quantities are unlimited.
Limit fat intake, however, because too much fat of any type increases calorie consumption, which may induce weight gain.
The glycemic index is based on the principle that the over consumption of processed carbohydrates is bad for the body.
Naturally, balance is key even when it comes to the consumption of healthy fresh foods.
In addition, the plan authorizes the consumption of as much red meat, poultry, fried foods and high fat foods as you want.
As the total annual export of oats is now less than three million bushels the home consumption is large, and this is an advantage in maintaining the fertility of the soil.
Large flocks of geese are kept in the moist lowlands; their flesh is salted for domestic consumption during the winter, and their feathers are prepared for sale.
A little later, about 1868, successful experiments were made with gas as a manufacturing fuel, and in 1872 the gas industry was fairly well established near Titusville by drilling a well and piping the gas for consumption both as fuel and light.
One of the most universal articles of consumption in Tibet is the Chinese brick-tea, which even passes as currency.
In agriculture, European plants have not been successful, and of native products the supply is only sufficient for the home consumption.
The grain crop suffices only for a few months' local consumption; but considerable quantities of olive oil of good quality are produced.
This process, which is as yet imperfectly understood, is attended by the consumption of oxygen, the liberation of energy in the form of heat, and the exhalation of carbon dioxide and water vapour.
There are some very evident disadvantages of excessive height; for instance, that the weight of an excessively high column of solid coke, ore and limestone tends to crush the coke and jam the charge in the lower and narrowing part of the furnace, and that the frictional resistance of a long column calls for a greater consumption of power for driving the blast up through it.
He was ordained to the curacy of St Thomas's, Dublin, but, being threatened with consumption, went after two years to Malaga.
The best taxes, he says, are those levied on consumption, especially on Taxation luxuries, for these are least heavily felt.
On the 18th of May 1807 the duc de Montpensier died at Christchurch in Hampshire, where he had been taken for change of air, of consumption.
But it is quite certain, from the historical narrative of Lo Yu, who lived in the Tang dynasty (618-906 A.D.), that tea was already used as a beverage in the 6th century, and that during the 8th century its use had become so common that a tax was levied on its consumption in the 14th year of Tih Tsung (793).
As the 18th century progressed the use of tea in England rapidly increased, and by the close of the century the rate of consumption exceeded an average of 2 lb per person per annum, a rate in excess of that of to-day of all people except those of Mongol and Anglo-Saxon origin.
There is probably no article of large consumption the commerce in which has been so revolutionized during a single generation.
China and Japan have hitherto been regarded as the chief producers of tea, and the reputed large domestic consumption of those Mongolian peoples has led to assumptions of vast internal productions.
In both of those countries tea is grown principally in a retail manner, and much of it simply for family consumption.
The modern developments of production and consumption have rendered the subject of China tea one of subordinate interest, except China.
Out of that total, Great Britain consumed only about 5,000,000 Ib, against a consumption of 126,000,000 lb of China tea in 1879.
China Unknown Japan The countries of smallerconsumption absorbed about 25,000,000 lb but there is a considerable excess in the returns of production over those of consumption.
The progressive increase in the consumption of tea in Great Britain and Ireland during 50 years from 1836 to 1886 is shown in the table below.
The dotted line represents the average monthly consumption in each year; the fluctuations in price of good sound China congou are traced by the black line; and the years in which reduced customs duty came into operation are indicated along the base.
From 1860 onwards, the amount of Indian tea entered for home consumption is shown in monthly average by a black column.
This column brings out the remarkable fact that the Indian tea alone consumed in 1886 equalled the consumption of all kinds in 1860, and was double the quantity of all kinds in 1836.
In both, the price fluctuations and fiscal changes are shown that their effect upon consumption may be judged.
The quantity taken by the country is very large, but when spread over the enormous population the rate of consumption per person is not great.
Vertical lines show the average monthly consumption in Great Britain and Ireland in millions of pounds.
The increase in consumption there has been so small that it probably arises mainly from the increasing number of English and English-colonial visitors that spend portions of each year in the country.
The southern hemisphere ranks lightly in the matter of consumption, the only other country worth mentioning there besides the Australasian and Cape dependencies being Argentina.
Consequently, direct shipments are made now from the countries of production to those of consumption.
Impure teas are not permitted to pass into consumption, but the quantity condemned after analysis as unfit for food in the year 1906 was 41 packages, out of a total of 317,000,000 lb.
But, in spite of this considerable yield in cereals, Germany cannot cover her home consumption, and imported on the average of the six years 1900 1905 about 41/2 million tons of cereals to supply the deficiency.
On the whole, despite the prosperous condition of the German live-stock farming, the consumption of meat exceeds the amount rendered available by home production, and prices can only be kept down by a steady increase in the imports from abroad.
The actual production not only covers the home consumption, but also allows a yearly increasing exportation, especially to Russia, Austriaand Scandinavia.
Large quantities of peas, corn, tomatoes and other vegetables are canned, chiefly for home consumption.
Now, although the island still produces every year some 15 million bushels, the supply barely suffices for the consumption of a.
The total number of bullocks in the island is calculated to be less than 200,000; and although the ratio of consumption of meat is low in proportion to the population, some of the cattle for slaughter have to be imported.
A daughter, Helen, was born to him; but his young wife, after a long illness, died of consumption in September 1841.
Maize in Lower Egypt and millet (of which there are several varieties) in Upper Egypt are largely grown for home consumption, these grains forming a staple food of the peasantry.
Flour mills are found in every part of the country, the maize and other grains being ground for home consumption.
There was consequently somewhat less consumption of the old stone-work.
The commerce of Denmark is mainly based on home production and home consumption, but a certain quantity of goods is imported with a view to re-exportation, for which the free port and bonded warehouses at Copenhagen give facilities.
The first bill laid before the Estates by the government was to impose an excise tax on the principal articles of consumption, together with subsidiary taxes on cattle, poultry, &c., in return for which the abolition of all the old direct taxes was promised.
Richet considers that the fusel oil contained in spirits constitutes the chief danger in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
The expert can immediately detect the peculiarly virulent characters of the mixed intoxication due to the consumption of spirits containing a large percentage of fusel oil.
She died of consumption at Cannet, near Nice, on the 4th of January 1858, and was buried in the Jewish part of the cemetery of Pere Lachaise in Paris.
The principal industries are steam flour-milling, distilling, and the manufacture of machinery, railway plant, carriages, cutlery, gold and silver wares, chemicals, bricks, jute, and the usual articles produced in large towns for home consumption.
On the uplands, wheat, Indian corn, oats, barley, potatoes and vegetables of many kinds are successfully cultivated, but wholly for home consumption.
Dates are grown for the European market at Muscat and for local consumption on both sides of the Gulf, but not in considerable quantities.
On the lower slopes of the Cordillera there are fertile irrigated valleys which produce grapes and olives for commercial purposes, and a considerable variety of fruits, cereals and vegetables for local consumption.
Exports of produce of the protectorate increased in value from £97,000 to £200,000, imports for home consumption from £111,000 to £189,000, the transit trade from £20,000 to £34,000.
Beside the agricultural there is a considerable pastoral industry, though it is principally confined to production for home consumption.
Although the consumption of salt-cake for the manufacture of alkali is now much less than formerly, since the Leblanc alkali process has been greatly restricted, yet it is largely made and will continue to be made for the use of glassmakers, who use it for the ordinary description of glass in the place of soda-ash.
It stands to reason that the electrolytic processes have been principally developed in localities where the electric current can be produced in the cheapest possible manner by means of water power, but this is not the only condition to be considered, as the question of freight to a centre of consumption and other circumstances may also play an important part.
The duty on local consumption, which is included under excise, yielded £981,000 in 1907-1908.
The Chinese government having issued an edict that the growth and consumption of opium in China should be entirely suppressed within ten years, the government ÿf India accordingly agreed in 1908 that the export of opum from India should be reduced year by year, so that the opium revenue would henceforth rapidly decline and might be expected to cease altogether.
The only excisable articles are intoxicants and drugs; and the avowed object of the state is to check consumption not less than to raise revenue.
Opium is issued for local consumption in India from the government manufactories at Ghazipur and Patna in the Behar and Benares Agencies, and sold through private retailers at a monopoly price.
In accordance with the recommendations of the Hemp Drugs Commission, the government of India passed an act in 1896 providing that, in regard to ganja and charas, cultivation of the plants should be restricted as much as possible, and that a direct quantitative duty should be levied on the drugs on issue from the warehouse in the province of consumption; while as regards bhang, cultivation of the hemp for its production should be prohibited or taxed, and collection of the drug from wild plants permitted only under licence, a moderate quantitative duty being levied in addition to vend fees.
The bastard date, grown chiefly in the country round Calcutta and in the north-east of the Madras presidency, supplies both the jaggery sugar of commerce and intoxicating liquors for local consumption.
India's consumption of tea is computed to average 84 million pounds, of which 52 millions are Indian and the remainder Chinese.
Manufactures exist only to a limited extent and chiefly for domestic consumption.
The natives care little for the garden vegetables common to Europe and America, but in the vicinity of Manila and other large centres of population the Chinese grow many of these for consumption by European and American inhabitants.
Instead of producing and collecting goods for immediate consumption, local society came more and more into the habit of exchanging corn, cattle, cloth, for money, and of laying money by as a means of getting all sorts of exchangeable goods, when required.
The coal consumption per brakehorse-power was no doubt much greater.
Their consumption increased from 4,250,000 to 35,671,000 barrels between 1900 and 1905, and the value of the product in 1905 was $8,201,846.
Squirrels and dormice are very destructive to the nut crop, as they not only take for present consumption but for a store for future supply.
Thus, at the present time, the consumption per head in France is practically a hundred times that of the United Kingdom and twenty times that of Germany-the latter, it must be remembered, being itself an important wine-producing area.
They are generally employed for local consumption and blending.
Wines intended for consumption in France receive a moderate quantity of liqueur, but those for the Russian and South American markets, where very sweet wines are liked, receive more.
As a rule, the supply considerably exceeds the demand, and the stock in hand at the present time amounts to roughly four years' consumption of finished wine, but to this must be added the stock existing in cask, which is considerable.
There is, thus, at the present a total annual consumption of rather over 30 millions of bottles.
These wines formerly were largely exported as y in de cargaison to South America, the United States, Australia, &c., and were also much employed for local consumption in other parts of France.
The shipments to the United Kingdom, however, which reached a maximum in 1820, when over half a million gallons were imported, has fallen off to one-tenth of that amount, and the consumption in these islands was barely 20,000 gallons in 1906.
Large quantities of wine are produced in Alsace-Lorraine, Baden and Wurttemberg, but the majority of these have little interest, inasmuch as they are used only for home consumption.
In 1751 he accompanied his half-brother Lawrence, who was stricken with consumption, to the West Indies, where he had an attack of small-pox which left him marked for life.
It is supposed that the forests were much richer before the settlement of the state, which was followed by reckless consumption and waste, and the more terrible ravages of fire.
That such dietary restrictions were merely ceremonial and superstitious, and not intended to prevent the consumption of meats which would revolt modern tastes, is certain from the fact that the Levitical law freely allowed the eating of locusts, grasshoppers, crickets and cockroaches, while forbidding the consumption of rabbits, hares, storks, swine, &c. The Pythagoreans were forbidden to eat beans.
The immense importance of this view of public expenditure as representing the consumption of the state in its unified condition is obvious; it has affected, for the most part unconsciously, the conception of all modern peoples as to the functions of the state and the right of the people to direct them.
Gypsum beds are widely distributed, and the supply is inexhaustible, but their great distance from centres of consumption has prevented their profitable working.
The production of qualities which would have suited many purposes of consumption was prohibited, and the odious supervision which became necessary involved great waste of time and a stereotyped regularity which resisted all improvements.
At the present day, the poorer Jews in large English cities make a great consumption Iv.
The consumption of fuel, however, does not exceed i of coal to io of ore.
When, however, a hot blast is used on highly sulphuretted copper ores, a concentration of 8 of ore into i of matte is obtained, with a consumption of less than one-third the fuel which would be consumed in smelting the charge had the ore been previously calcined.
Austin, of Denver, Colorado, and both at Leadville and Silverton raw ores are successfully smelted with as low a fuel consumption as 3 of coke to zoo of charge.
The large demand for copper to be used in sheathing ships ceased on the introduction of iron in shipbuilding because of the difficulty of coating iron with an impervious layer of copper; but the consumption in the manufacture of electric apparatus and for electric conductors has far more than compensated.
The difference between the production and the exports represents the native consumption, for very little jute is sent overland.
The temperance movement has had its reward; the average of consumption of beer and spirits in Sweden is considerably lower than in Europe as a whole, though the effect of intoxicants is sometimes very apparent.
Barley is largely produced, chiefly for home consumption.
Brewing and distilling have made noteworthy progress, the domestic consumption of their products being very large.
The resulting liquid, which has a muddy or café-au-lait appearance, or is of a greenish hue if made from leaves, is now ready for consumption.
The most important rice-growing districts which produce more than they require for local consumption and supply other districts, or export great quantities, are Astarabad, Mazandaran, Gilan, Veramin, (near Teheran).
His naturally weak constitution fell a prey to consumption, which he hoped to cure by visiting Italy, but he died on his return at Marseilles on the 8th of September 1853.
Like that vegetable, also, they are earthed over to keep them longer fit for consumption; and they afford a continuous supply during the whole year, though it is more abundant in autumn.
Apart from the cattle driven into the mining districts for consumption, a number of saladeros are employed in preparing (usually salting and sun-drying) beef for the home markets.
These revenues are derived from a lighting tax, leases and ground rents, cemetery fees, consumption and market taxes, licences, tolls, taxes on hides and skins, personal and various minor taxes.
The city is divided into twelve radial systems, each with a pumping station, and the drainage is forced through five mains to eighteen sewage farms, each of which is under careful sanitary supervision, in respect both of the persons employed thereon, and the products, mainly milk, passing thence to the city for human consumption.
The inspection is rigorously carried out, and only carcases which have been stamped as having been certified good are permitted to be taken away for human consumption.
Of this amount China required for home consumption 325,270 piculs, the remainder being chiefly exported to IndoChina, whilst 54,225 piculs of foreign opium were imported into China.
The Chinese government regarding the use of opium as one of the most acute moral and economic questions a nation they have to face, representing an annual loss to the country of 856,250,000 taels, decided in 1906 to put an end to the use of the drug within ten years, and issued an edict on the 10th of September 1906, forbidding the consumption of opium and the cultivation of the poppy.
The chief markets for the soft or shipping varieties of opium are, China, Korea, the West Indian Islands, Cuba, British Guiana, Japan and Java; the United States also purchase for re-exportation as well as for home consumption.
Opium is also grown in Bulgaria, but almost entirely for home consumption; any surplus produce is, however, bought by Jews, and Turks at low prices and sent to Constantinople, where it is sold as Turkish opium.
Provision opium manufactured for' export, and Excise or Akbari opium intended for local consumption in India.
In 1906 it was estimated of Chinese smoked opium, or 27% of adult males; but during1908-1910the consumption of opium is believed to have diminished by about one-third.
In 1876 Clifford, a man of high-strung and athletic, but not robust, physique, began to fall into ill-health, and after two voyages to the South, died during the third of pulmonary consumption at Madeira, on the 3rd of March 1879, leaving his widow with two daughters.
Chemical reagents are sometimes added - lime or sulphuric acid, to neutralize an excess of acid or alkali; copper sulphate, to form cuprous chloride with sodium chloride; and iron and zinc, to make the galvanic action more energetic and reduce the consumption of iron.
In Britain their chief consumption is in the deep-sea line fishery, where they are held to be the most effective of all baits.
Among occupations not already detailed, those of the male population include transport of every sort (1,094,301), building and other works of construction (1,042,864), manufacture of articles of human consumption, lodging, &c. (774,291), commerce, banking, &c. (530,685), domestic service, &c. (304,195), professional occupations (311,618).
Payment on account of the conveyance of electors to or from the poll; payment for any committee room in excess of a prescribed number; the incurring of expenses in and about the election beyond a certain maximum; employing, for the conveyance of electors to or from the poll, hackney carriages or carriages kept for hire; payments for bands, flags, cockades, &c.; employing for payment persons at the election beyond the prescribed number; printing and publishing bills, placards or posters which do not disclose the name and address of the printer or publisher; using as committee rooms or for meetings any licensed premises, or any premises where food or drink is ordinarily sold for consumption on the premises, or any club premises where intoxicating liquor is supplied to members.
The same year a threatened consumption compelled him to take a long journey in the south.
Among the indirect taxes the most important are excise and customs duties upon articles of general consumption, the principal articles almost everywhere being spirits, beer and tobacco.
Sometimes also, when a charge upon a commodity is not of such a figure as to be easily divisible among the ordinary units of retail consumption, so that it can be passed on to a consumer of the articles in the form of an increased price, it may remain fixed upon those who first pay it, at least for a time.
These, it is said, can be distributed among different classes of tax-payers, because the income tax falls on the owners of incomes of all kinds of property subject to the duty, if their incomes are above a certain limit, while the incidence of customs and excise duties can be ascertained by inquiries as to the consumption of dutiable articles by different classes.
As regards indirect taxes, again, there appears no small difficulty in ascertaining the relative consumption of different classes, for the simple reason that in the same class so called the habits of consumption differ widely.
On the other hand, the consumption by the income tax paying classes of customs and excise articles must vary indefinitely amongst themselves, according to personal habits, size of families, and even their geographical distribution.
The grain is very small, and is gathered for consumption only by the poorest.
He died of consumption at Ville-d'Avray, near Paris, on the 14th of July 1827.
It is probable that Adonis himself was looked upon as incarnate in the swine, so that the sacrifice to him by way of expiation on special occasions of an animal which otherwise was specially sacred, and its consumption by its worshippers, was a sacramental act.
The tropical productions of the lower plains include, among others, many of the leading products of the world, such as cacao, cotton, sugar, rice, tobacco, and bananas, with others destined wholly for home consumption, as yams, cassava and arracacha.
Athough it is found growing wild, cacao is cultivated to a limited extent, and the product is insufficient for home consumption.
Sugar cane is another plant admirably adapted to the Colombian lowlands, but it is cultivated to so limited an extent that the sugar produced is barely sufficient for home consumption.
The value of imports for local consumption in 1906 was £12,847,188, the value of exports, the produce of the colony being £15,302,854.
But, apart from the diurnal fluctuations of consumption which may be equalized by local " service reservoirs," uniform distribution of supply throughout twelve months is rarely what we require; and to represent the demand in most towns correctly, we should increase the angle of this line to the horizontal during the summer and diminish it during the winter months, as indicated by the dotted lines b b.
To the latter belong those Rajputs who though generally in sympathy with the movement declined to adhere to the tenet of the Samaj which forbade the destruction of animal life and the consumption of animal food.
The success of this budget in stimulating consumption and in promoting trade induced Sir Robert Peel to follow it up in 1845 with an even more remarkable proposal.
Sugar and pineapples are the chief products for export, but sweet potatoes, yams, maize and guinea corn are grown for local consumption.
His health was uncertain, for he suffered through life from chronic consumption and asthma.
Sugar is still grown, and rum and molasses are made, but the consumption of these is confined to the island.
The consumption of honey g y a s an article of food has also largely increased of late i years; a recent computation shows that from too to 125 million lb of honey, representing a money value of from eight to ten million dollars, is consumed annually in the United States alone.
To meet any increased cost of living, he proposed to reduce the duties on tea, sugar and other articles of general consumption, and he estimated that his scheme would in no case increase a workingman's expenditure, and in most cases would reduce it.
Treatment with other chemicals renders the oils and fats unfit for consumption.
Next in importance is margarine, the British production of which does not suffice for the consumption, so that large quantities must be imported from Holland, edible olive oil from Italy, the south of France, Spain and the Mediterranean ports generally.
Spermaceti is a comparatively unimportant article of commerce; and of Chinese wax small quantities only are imported, as the home consumption takes up the bulk of the wax for the manufacture of candles, polishes and sizes.
Tobacco, which was first grown here between 1640 and 1660, because of a law restricting the use of tobacco to that grown in the colony, was in the decade 1890-1900 the only crop raised for consumption.
It is well known that the habitual consumption of certain drugs, such as tobacco, Indian hemp, opium, arsenic, alcohol and many others, gradually induces a condition of tolerance to their effects, so that large doses can be taken without causing symptoms of poisoning.
Dean's day was calming down, mellowed by his minimal consumption of ale and the coziness of Bird Song's kitchen.
Between drinking and driving, public drunkenness, wife-beating and under age imbibing, the whole subject of alcohol consumption has been considerably skewed.
There was conspicuous consumption under the early emperors.
A change in the marginal propensity to consume causes a pivotal change in the consumption function.
With extremely fast access times and low power consumption flash harddrives are a very interesting choice, especially to the portable market.
Hence consumption of food rich in saturated fatty acids would raise cholesterol levels concurrently.
The designer fashion section matters as it is meeting the needs of increasing consumer affluence and global consumption of fashion products and services.
Sit forward and sit back models of media consumption are now outdated and everything is becoming more amorphous.
However, it should not be thought that propylene glycol based antifreeze is safe for consumption.
One brewery saved the cost of its MES installation within one month â through the revelation of incorrect billing for consumption of materials.
Animals on fur factory farms are fed meat byproducts considered unfit for human consumption.
The open-air cafes with their emphasis on consumption attempt to meet the needs of a very different audience.
Modified deep V hull with reverse chines to give soft dry ride, maximum speed, with minimum fuel consumption.
For example, careful repair an reuse of wooden pallets reduced consumption from 5000 to 2000 pallets per year.
The high quality design which this site deserves should include ambitious strategies to minimize resource consumption.
Dietary changes that may be helpful excessive caffeine consumption has been associated with arrhythmia in human studies.
High culture is for them a form of conspicuous consumption.
Driving forces of and barriers to sustainable consumption (international workshop ).
This reflects reduced energy consumption by the Environment Business.
The purpose of the course is to teach you about the effects of alcohol consumption.
Second, we can reduce inputs of carbon dioxide by reducing wasteful energy consumption.
Moreover, there is a rise in metabolic rate and oxygen consumption.
Owing to the high electricity consumption per customer in Texas, overall average consumption rose by 56% .
It allows America to fund its wars and consumption with a depreciating currency.
The consequent decrease in the cost of producing electricity, reduced specific fuel consumption and reduced environmental pollution promises great benefit to the community.
Fluoridation does not address the real causes of tooth decay - poor dental hygiene and excessive refined sugar consumption.
Also informed by his appearence on at the ICA on the panel debate dying of Consumption and lecturing at the Royal Institution.
Nocturnal intake rates were higher than diurnal intake rates owing to the consumption of more large earthworms at night.
Any number of control loops can be imposed on the simulation allowing control system evaluation and realistic energy consumption estimates.
In Canada, the government aims for 45 percent of the country's gasoline consumption to contain 10 percent ethanol by 2010.
The most direct way for humans to reduce dietary exposure to dioxins, the report finds, is to reduce consumption of animal fat.
The loud music produced by the young person is a negative consumption externality to the older person.
What there is not enough of is animal feed - cereals to drive the predicted increase in meat consumption.
At the moment fop ' s memory consumption forbids compiling cookbooks with more than a couple of hundred recipes even on recent computers.
On the one hand, it was simply a system to regulate consumption in the " besieged fortress " .
The captured vapors are burned to generate enough electrical energy for the Shell grid to compensate for the new loading gantry 's consumption.
SiGe chips are similar to standard silicon chips, but they also contain germanium for better performance and lower power consumption.
Carbon neutral Our way of life, transport, production and consumption all need to change if we want to halt global warming.
With man-made global warming out of the equation, mankind's ' consumption ' in biosphere terms is entirely sustainable.
Welcome to the world of conspicuous consumption, preening celebrities, snowbound indie film hopefuls and arrogant distributor moguls.
The consumption of coffee is fairly inelastic, in that a change in price translates into a relatively small change in the quantity consumed.
Food premises are governed by numerous regulations to ensure that all food intended for human consumption is not rendered injurious to health.
It reduces the price of meat for human consumption and reduces the demands on the human food larder.
It produces cold pressed linseed oil from home grown crops for human consumption.
They all recognize the importance of consumption, but most seem loath to discuss the details.
Consumption of raw and processed tomatoes in British people aged 65 years and over was significantly related to plasma lycopene concentration.
The maximal volume of oxygen consumed per unit time, also maximal oxygen consumption.
Nor am I advocating global monoculture or an increase in consumption.
The other 2, who presented 10 days after consumption of the mushrooms, developed severe interstitial nephritis and did not recover renal function.
Our proposed ban on bovine offal for human consumption would not affect these uses, I assume.
Even without any increase in this consumption the present known reserves, of what is mainly low-grade ore, will last around 50 years.
Table 1. Relative risk of heart disease at the 90th percentile of consumption compared to the 10th percentile.
The 97.5th percentile level of consumption is generally taken to be representative of the upper limit of normal dietary behavior.
In fact, regular consumption of bee pollen can provide significant relief from allergies.
At the same time, there is an equally pressing demand for lower power consumption, especially for circuits in portable equipment.
They want to be part of the creative process and get involved beyond the mere consumption of music.
They are increasing in consumption and whilst widely used raw in salads, are not necessarily mild.
The royal families have rubbed salt in their middle classes resentment by engaging in excesses of conspicuous consumption.
All the exotic ruminants appear to be linked to the BSE epidemic via the consumption of contaminated feed.
Similarly in rough conditions consumption of alcohol can cause seasickness.
When supplying table wine for consumption with other food ensure you are showing the prices of at least five bottles of such wine.
Tax revenue Part of the adjustment to major declines in tobacco consumption will be some fall in tobacco consumption will be some fall in tobacco tax revenue.
A trial begins in Hull of men accused of conspiring to sell poultry meat unfit for human consumption to a supermarket chain.
Consumption of cherries lowers plasma urate in healthy women.
I then built a 20 foot high water tower near to the house, intended for my personal consumption.
The salt-pans at Cagliari and of Carloforte are of considerable importance; they are let by the government to contractors, who have the sole right of manufacture, but are bound to sell the salt necessary for Sardinian consumption at 35 centesimi (3d.) per cwt.; the government does not exercise the salt monopoly in Sardinia any more than in Sicily, but in the latter island the right of manufacture is unrestricted.
Maize is the favourite grain for home consumption, but considerable quantities of this cereal, as well as, barley, rye and oats are exported.
The production of coal and lignite averaging 33,465,000 metric tons in the years 1901-1905 represents about 73% of the total consumption of the country; the surplus is supplied from Great Britain, Belgium and Germany.
The production of wine in the vintage of 1907, which was extraordinarily abundant all over the country, was estimated at 1232 million gallons (56 million hectolitres), the average for 1901f 903 being some 352 million gallons less; of this the probable home consumption was estimated at rather over half, while a considerable amount remained over from 1906.
As affecting agricultural practice there were three noteworthy improvements in respect of the making of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord, a tenant might claim compensation - (1) the consumption on the holding " by horses, other than those regularly employed on the holding," of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff not produced on the holding; (2) the "consumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn proved by satisfactory evidence to have been produced and consumed on the holding "; (3) " laying down temporary pasture with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds sown more than two years prior to the determination of the tenancy."
Maceio, The total production in 1906 was estimated at about 275,000 bales, but only a portion was available for export, there being an increasing consumption in Brazil itself.
Consumption is very prevalent.
The ceremony may be the spiritualized descent of the primitive oriental practice of drinking or being baptized in the blood of an animal, based upon a belief that the strength of brute creation could be acquired by consumption of its substance or contact with its blood.
Street, is a fine example of modern Gothic. Among the principal buildings and institutions are the town-hall, museum of the natural history society, theatre and opera-house (1880), market, schools of art and science, the Torbay infirmary and dispensary, the Western hospital for consumption, Crypt House institution for invalid ladies and the Mildmay home for incurable consumptives.
Other sources of revenue are stamp taxes on business transactions, domestic consumption taxes (usually payable in stamps) on manufactured tobaccos, beverages, boots and shoes, textiles, matches, salt, preserved foods, hats, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumeries, candles, vinegar, walking sticks and playing cards, and taxes on lotteries, passenger tickets, salaries and dividends of joint-stock companies.
The air-bladder of this fish furnishes isinglass, little, if at all, inferior to that obtained from the sturgeon, while from the liver is obtained cod-liver oil, largely used in medicine as a remedy in scrofulous complaints and pulmonary consumption (see CODLIVER OIL).
How important the consumption of frankincense in the worship of the gods became in Egypt is shown by two of its monuments, both of the greatest interest and value for the light they throw on the early history of the commerce of the Indian Ocean.
But the consumption of all manner of odoriferous resins, gum resins, roots, woods, dried leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds in India, in social as well as religious observances, is enormous.
The oxygen contained in that fluid, and destined for consumption by the tissues, is retained by the influence of alcohol in its combination with the haemoglobin or colouring matter of the red blood corpuscles.
Cod-liver oil may be given in all wasting diseases, and is occasionally valuable in cases of chronic rheumatoid arthritis; but its great therapeutic value is in cases of tuberculosis of whatever kind, and notably in pulmonary tuberculosis or consumption.
Since, then, the destruction of the hardy germs is so difficult, the greater care should be taken, by washing the udder, hands and milk vessels, to secure extreme cleanliness in the preparation of milk intended for infant consumption.
The rice crop covers a very great proportion of the cultivated land, but it is used for local consumption, and the Brahmaputra valley does not produce enough for its own consumption, large quantities being imported for the coolies.
Consumption had been making its insidious inroads upon Spinoza for many years, and early in 1677 he must have been conscious that he was seriously ill.
Nominally, the import duties are moderate, so much so that Bolivia is sometimes called a " free-trade country," but this is a misnomer, for in addition to the schedule rates of io to 40% ad valorem on imports, there are a consular fee of i-% for the registration of invoices exceeding 200 bolivianos, a consumption tax of 10 centavos per quintal (46 kilogrammes), fees for viseing certificates to accompany merchandise in transit, special " octroi " taxes on certain kinds of merchandise controlled by monopolies (spirits, tobacco, &c.), and the import and consumption taxes levied by the departments and municipalities.
Calculations, for instance, as to what people at the lower levels of the income tax must pay because they happen to be struck by every sort of tax as no other class is, and calculations as to the freedom from taxation of large numbers of other classes whose habits of consumption and living enable them to escape the tax-gatherer as the class to which they belong cannot generally do, may help a finance minister in the selection of taxes to be repealed or reduced or to be newly imposed.
A considerable part of the sugarcane produced is likewise devoted to the manufacture of chicha (rum), the consumption of which is common among the Indians and half-breeds of the Andean regions.
In 1875 the London Argand, giving a duty of 3.2 candles illuminating power per cubic foot of ordinary 16 candle gas, was looked upon as the most perfect burner of the day, and little hope was entertained that any burner capable of universal adoption would surpass it in its power of developing light from the combustion of coal gas; but the close of the century found the incandescent mantle and the atmospheric burner yielding six times the light that was given by the Argand for the consumption of an equal volume of gas, and to-day, by supplying gas at an increased pressure, a light of ten times the power may be obtained.
A problem arises because of the strong correlation between standard of living and energy consumption.
An ongoing debate is whether a high amount of energy raises a nation or region's gross national product (GNP) or whether rising GNP increases the consumption of energy.
It is not presently available for human consumption.
This means that milk containing 400 million pus cells per liter can be sold legally for human consumption.
Houseflies can transmit diseases when feeding on liquefiable solid food, which may be moist, putrefying material or food stored for human consumption.
The disadvantage of this approach is that reified structures are created which do not structure things in any natural way for human consumption.
However, alcohol consumption and oral contraceptives may cause a riboflavin deficiency.
It is not intended, by itself, to protect the quality of shellfish for consumption.
In shunting duties, the fuel consumption should equal the diesel one.
It is possible to estimate personal material consumption for an average South West resident by SIC category.
No animal appearing to suffer from such a disease could be slaughtered for human consumption.
The process can also have a high energy consumption due to the use of sorbent slurry pumps and fans.
In response to the research, the EST called for policy measures to stem the tide of energy consumption.
However, domestic consumption and investment remained subdued due to near record unemployment and uncertainty about the future.
Recent developments in the USA are also of interest, where tilapia consumption has moved beyond these niche markets into the mainstream.
Tax revenue Part of the adjustment to major declines in tobacco consumption will be some fall in tobacco tax revenue.
The tragedy of Chopin 's short life was consumption (tuberculosis of the lungs).
Dead animals unfit for human consumption, should not enter the food chain at all.
By replacing 68 vane type air motors with piston type air motors, an automotive paint plant has cut air consumption by 85 %.
Well-taken care of consumption (Association of responsible consumption), Cultural Association [canada] alberta hamilton maritimes Montreal Ontario PEOPLE.
In this case, some mothers pump their milk to ensure their babies get the health benefits of breast milk consumption, even if they won't drink it straight from the breast.
Always check on the rated power consumption of the unit.
Buy a model that sleeps or reduces power consumption in the sleep mode.
Fast system scanning and low consumption of system resources, making it idea for slower computers.
Things you may want to keep in mind are gas consumption, safety equipment, options, and vehicle mileage.
Foods that deserve a glowing review when it comes to cat food ratings should be made using high-quality animal proteins formed from cuts of meat that would be considered safe for human consumption.
Small adjustments in fossil fuel consumption, when done on a grand scale, can make a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Solar panels are an excellent way to reduce energy consumption and create cleaner energy.
While active and passive solar powers work entirely differently, they both help reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future for the earth.
A program such as this has the potential to drastically reduce the amount of fossil fuel consumption in the United States, if the company signs-up a substantial number of homeowners to participate in the solar energy program.
While most collected rainwater is safe for watering plants, it is not safe for human consumption.
Climate change, pollution and reckless energy consumption, all remain important concerns.
Reversing the trends in climate change, pollution, non-renewable resource consumption and resource depletion require a vast majority of the population make changes in their daily lives.
While you might not think the actions of one person buying offsets and reducing consumption can make a big difference, remember that there are a lot of one persons out there making the same changes you are.
Studies have shown that biodiesel from virgin vegetable oil reduces carbon dioxide emissions and petroleum consumption when used in place of petroleum diesel.
Updating your washing machine, dryer, refrigerator, dishwasher, and other appliances can reduce your overall energy consumption.
Making this simple change will reduce energy consumption, lower the air temperature in your office, and save money on your energy bills.
If you are concerned with reducing your energy consumption, there are other energy efficient hot water heater options available.
Under-inflated tires can cause fuel consumption to increase by more than five percent.
Not only does this cut down on fuel consumption, it can make driving more pleasant too.
Buying an Energy Star appliance is a good first step to having a greener refrigerator, but there are other techniques to use to further reduce your refrigerator's energy consumption.
Regularly using a water bottle, along with other water saving devices can make a large impact on your family's annual water consumption.
In some bodies of water, fish and other aquatic life is so badly poisoned that they are unsafe for human consumption, containing heavy metals like mercury, chromium, manganese, and lead, or chemical substances like PCBs and pesticides.
Soil contamination finds its way into the food chain, absorbed by the crops that are grown for human consumption and as feed for livestock.
This is good for water conservation as water consumption can be targeted at just the containers that hold the vegetable plants and this minimizes the waste of water.
In the Western world, and America in particular, we are obsessed with consumption and so end up producing more trash than the rest of the world.
A grid-tied wind powered generator is a good choice for people whose electric consumption is high.
Prior to the 19th century, wind energy was primarily used for the purposes of boat propulsion, grinding grains to make bread and other food items, and to pump water for irrigation and consumption.
Switching to fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and avoiding other canned foods is another great way to reduce your consumption of BPA.
Sustainable development aims to establish a system of resource consumption that both meets the needs of human life and leaves the environment healthy enough to continue to produce the resources future generations will need.
Greywater accounts for over 30 percent of your indoor water use and is a great way to reduce not only your potable water consumption, but also the water heading to the sewer system.
Therefore using a more eco friendly water heater will help the householder to not only save on energy consumption, which in turn is kind to the environment, but also will help to save money.
People who are looking to decrease their consumption of non-renewable energy supplies do this in different ways.
Buy food and other products locally to cut down on fuel consumption and support local farmers and manufacturers.
It's important for individuals and businesses alike to explore ways that they can reduce water consumption.
You don't have to be able to afford new plumbing fixtures in order to reduce water consumption.
How soon you can recoup your investment depends on your household energy consumption.
The new industry can help replace some of the destruction caused by traditional sources of energy, including coal and petroleum consumption.
Clearly, the problem of municipal solid waste and energy consumption does not have a definite solution.
The legal allowance of pesticides used in the growing of foods is still considered to be "safe" for human consumption.
There are several things you can do to make a dent in your energy consumption.
A programmable thermostat certainly helps improve your energy consumption and savings, but you can maximize your benefits if your home is properly sealed.
For other ways you can be more energy efficient, to minimize energy consumption when you aren't using appliances and equipment.
Learn about some of the habits that lead to excessive energy use and find out what you can do to reduce electricity consumption in your own home.
If these sources are contaminated by dumping or sewage waste, they are no longer fit for consumption and all aquatic life is then threatened.
A recent paper published by the European Medicines Agency reports that it is safe to use on animals intended for food consumption.
Just because you see birds or animals eating berries doesn't mean they're safe for human consumption.
Some of the side effects of internal consumption are diarrhea, damaged immune system and in some cases, excessive drowsiness, confusion, coma and even fatality from depression of the central nervous system.
Other painful ailments such as headaches and backaches may be also somewhat relieved through the consumption of ginger.Another weapon in the ginger arsenal is the ability to fight menstrual symptoms.
Milk thistle may be used for treating patients who have cirrhosis of the liver due to excessive alcohol consumption.
The root is primarily eaten by moths and butterflies but is also cultivated for human consumption.
This type of turmeric has been standardized for use as a dietary supplement and may be safer overall for regular consumption.
Fluoride over consumption while the teeth are forming will cause white patches in mild cases and brown areas or even pitting in severe cases.
Skin type is often determined from the inside - i.e. diet, water consumption and genetics.
Reading the labels on cosmetic products is just as important as reading food labels prior to consumption.
Packages and canned goods are stamped with dates indicating when a product has expired and is no longer safe for human consumption.
Along with yogurt, they are the primary form of dairy consumption.