Consumerism Sentence Examples
Consumerism is imperative to our culture's paradigm.
In the days before consumerism, people were very mindful of what they bought or acquired.
As children become more eco-conscious, this is a good way to encourage that sensibility as a check against consumerism.
After the second world war, the idea of mass consumerism and a convenience-based economy took hold.
In the 1960s and 1970s, crocheting a bathing suit allowed a woman to express individuality even while swimming, and shirk consumerism as well.
Consumerism Commentary has an overview and description of the cards it believes are the best.
According to Gene Huang, FedEx chief economist and a Shanghai native, the Chinese emerging middle class and growing consumerism will continue to seek goods and luxury items from the rest of the world.
Promotion of consumerism to local business Three Guest speaker lunches are to be arranged to promote consumerism with local business.
How we need to pray for people today so many of whom are consumed by consumerism.
Christmas has become yet another victim of society's rampant consumerism.
AdvertisementConsumerism often creates the problem of a false sense of happiness, leaving the consumer destitute of the desire to confront a higher calling.
The Bugatti, the telephone, the female skier and the urban skyscraper include rather than reject the new consumerism.
A film which in many respects goes against the grain and openly challenges consumerism.
Either we find the nearly impossible, adequate response to mindless consumerism and accumulating technological power, or there is no hope.
These are western materialist consumerism, and its concomitant ideologies of the superiority of the new and the rejection of the old.
AdvertisementIt's more evidence of the growth in green consumerism in Britain.
Still, you can always tick the options box if you're endlessly fascinated with technological consumerism.
I worry a lot about the bling bling bling materialism, the rabid consumerism, that pervades many of our inner-city areas.
I worry a lot about the bling bling materialism, the rabid consumerism, that pervades many of our inner-city areas.
Should we think in terms of a linear expansion of western consumerism ending in global convergence?
AdvertisementSociety tends to emphasize success, materialism, consumerism, is becoming thoroughly secular.
Once, religion might have been somewhat standoffish from consumerism, and only entered the marketplace to censor and condemn it.