Consumed Sentence Examples
Lisa stared at the floor, consumed by loneliness.
A tiny voice whispered a warning about the longing that consumed her.
Consumed with sobs, Dulce simply shook her head.
Covering her mouth, she sank to the floor, consumed with silent sobs.
Its end led directly to the Cold War, which consumed inconceivable amounts of money and almost pushed the world to the brink of nuclear devastation.
She looked over the car and expressed her approval, but her mind was consumed with guilt.
Do not be consumed by them.
All concern for the victim vanished as he savagely consumed the life from her.
With the exception of Parmesan, Gorgonzola, La Fontina and Gruyre, most of the Italian cheese is consumed in the locality of its production.
Many instances are on record of symptoms of poisoning, and even death, having followed the consumption of plants which have passed as true mushrooms; these cases have probably arisen from the examples consumed being in a state of decay, or from some mistake as to the species eaten.
AdvertisementTobacco slightly diminished in weight at a little over I lb per head, while the gross receipts are considerably increasedby over 23/4 millions sterling since 1884-1885---showing that the quality consumed is much better.
The principal sugar-producing states are Alagoas, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, and the production is between 200,000 and 300,000 tons, the greater part of which is consumed in the country.
The quantity consumed in Italy is far greater than that exported abroad.
This poison is then consumed by the scavengers - and they too die.
It adopted next excise duties on articles produced or consumed within the country, notably liquors and tobacco.
AdvertisementSome bitters, although possessing tonic properties, may be regarded as beverages pure and simple, notwithstanding the fact that they are seldom consumed in an undiluted state; others again, are obviously medicinal preparations and should be treated as such.
While the tables indicate the fluctuations of supply they show generally that Asiatic countries, in addition to supplying the necessities for their home trade, export to Europe and America about threefifths of the whole of the silk consumed in Western manufactures.
In combustion the particulae nitro-aereae - either pre-existent in the thing consumed or supplied by the air - combined with the material burnt; as he inferred from his observation that antimony, strongly heated with a burning glass, undergoes an increase of weight which can be attributed to nothing else but these particles.
In respiration he argued that the same particles are consumed, because he found that when a small animal and a lighted candle were placed in a closed vessel full of air the candle first went out and soon afterwards the animal died, but if there was no candle present it lived twice as long.
In effect, therefore, Mayow - who also gives a remarkably correct anatomical description of the mechanism of respiration - preceded Priestley and Lavoisier by a century in recognizing the existence of oxygen, under the guise of his spiritus nitro-aereus, as a separate entity distinct from the general mass of the air; he perceived the part it plays in combustion and in increasing the weight of the calces of metals as compared with metals themselves; and, rejecting the common notions of his time that the use of breathing is to cool the heart, or assist the passage of the blood from the right to the left side of the heart, or merely to agitate it, he saw in inspiration a mechanism for introducing oxygen into the body, where it is consumed for the production of heat and muscular activity, and even vaguely conceived of expiration as an excretory process.
AdvertisementOf animals, which were consumed at the sacrificial banquets, we hear chiefly of horses, but also of oxen and boars.
For a while interest charges consumed 85% of the income of the government.
In one experiment, specially undertaken for the sake of measurement, the total air employed was 9250 c.c., and the oxygen consumed, manipulated with the aid of partially deaerated water, amounted to 10,820 c.c. The oxygen contained in the air would be 1942 c.c.; so that the quantities of atmospheric nitrogen and of total oxygen which enter into combination would be 7308 c.c. and 12,762 c.c. respectively.
In connexion with their use as food we may observe that of recent years in Scandinavia and Russia an alcoholic spirit has been distilled from Cladonia rangiferina and extensively consumed, especially in seasons when potatoes were scarce and dear.
As a part of the voltage is consumed in the latter duty, only the residue can be converted into chemical work, and as the theoretical voltage of the aluminium fluoride in the cryolite is 4.0, provided the bath is kept properly supplied with alumina, the fluorides are not attacked.
AdvertisementThe various sclerotia, if kept moist, give rise to the fructifications of the fungi concerned, much as a potato tuber does to a potato plant, and in the same way the reserve materials are consumed.
They are largely consumed as food instead of ghi under the name of "metah" or sweet oil, but for all other purposes the same substance is known as "kurwah" or bitter oil.
The imperious terms in which he was summoned to come down were punished by fire from heaven,which descended at the bidding of Elijah and consumed the whole land.
Out of that total, Great Britain consumed only about 5,000,000 Ib, against a consumption of 126,000,000 lb of China tea in 1879.
This column brings out the remarkable fact that the Indian tea alone consumed in 1886 equalled the consumption of all kinds in 1860, and was double the quantity of all kinds in 1836.
Next to water, tea is the beverage most widely in use throughout the world as regards the number of its votaries as well as the total liquid quantity consumed.
Indeed, the products of irrigation will be consumed chiefly in upbuilding local centres of mining and other industries, which would otherwise not come into existence at all.
Almost the whole yield in hops is consumed in the country by the great breweries.
In the youth of the empire the amount of corn grown in Germany was sufficient for the needs of its inhabitants; the amount consumed in 1899 exceeded the amount produced by about one-quarter of the total.
At Vermont Station, in a 127 days' test, Chester Whites made an average gain of 1.36 lb and dressed 84.5% carcase, and they can gain fully 1 lb of live weight for 3 lb of grain consumed.
From 3 to 5 lb of meal consumed results in an increase of i lb of live weight in a pig, which is the most economical meat producer on a farm.
Nineteen-twentieths of the sulphur consumed in the world was formerly drawn from Sicilian mines, while some 50,000 persons were employed in the extraction, manufacture, transport and trade in the mineral.
Although pollack are wellflavoured fish, and smaller individuals (from 12 to 16 in.) excellent eating, they do not form any considerable article of trade, and are not preserved, the majority being consumed by the captors.
In England garlic is seldom used except as a seasoning, but in the southern countries of Europe it is a common ingredient in dishes, and is largely consumed by the agricultural population.
A large proportion of the sugar manufactured is, however, consumed in the country and does not figure in the trade returns.
The production of margarine is large, but not much is exported, margarine being largely consumed in Denmark instead of butter, which is exported.
Then the corpse is brought and laid in the midst; the pile is kindled and the roaring flame rises, mingled with weeping, till all is consumed.
In his later years an old blue uniform with red facings was his usual dress, and on his breast was generally some Spanish snuff, of which he consumed large quantities.
The resources of the state, which might better have been spent in defending the northern frontier against Sla y s and Huns and the eastern frontier against Persians, were consumed in the conquest of two countries which had suffered too much to be of any substantial value, and which, separated by language as well as by intervening seas, could not be permanently retained.
He appeared seated in his chariot surrounded by thunder and lightning; Semele was consumed by the flames and gave birth prematurely to a child, which was saved from the fire by a miraculous growth of ivy which sprang up round the palace of Cadmus.
Much of the sugar-cane produced is turned into rum, which is consumed in the country.
The staple foods for the common people are potatoes on the plateau (which are chiefly consumed in the form of locro, or potato-soup) and yuccaor cassava-meal in the warmer regions.
There were also, in 1900, 35 direct and other indirect products made from Indian corn by glucose plants, which consumed one-fifth of the Indian corn product of the state, and the value of these products was $18,122,814; in 1905 it was only $ 1 4,53 2, 180.
The ample revenues which his predecessors had consumed in pomp and luxury he diligently applied to the establishment of hospitals; and the multitudes who were supported by his charity preferred the eloquent discourses of their benefactor to the amusements of the theatre or of the circus.
Until 1853 wine was the staple product, and although even the finest brand (known as Vidonia) never equalled the best Madeira vintages, it was largely consumed abroad, especially in England.
To the service of the colony he gave not merely unwearied devotion; but in its interests consumed strength and fortune.
As the weight of bleaching-powder consumed in the world is at most one-fifth of that of alkali, calculated as Na2C03, it follows that only about one-tenth of all the alkali required could be made by electrol y sis, even supposing the Leblanc process to be entirely abolished.
Though not personally extravagant, his salary, and the small income from his large estates, never sufficed to meet his generous maintenance of his representative position; and after his retirement from public life the numerous visitors to Monticello consumed the remnants of his property.
Bleached and unbleached rhubarb are both largely consumed, both raw and cooked.
The grain is consumed almost entirely in India, though a small amount is exported.
A large share of the produce is consumed in the form of gur or unrefined sugar, and the market for this preparation i= independent of foreign competition.
In the United States the word means an open-air feast, either political or social, where whole animals are roasted and eaten and hogsheads of beer and other vast quantities of food and drink consumed.
Eleven days before a fire, caused by imprudence, had consumed all the woodwork of the Ka`ba and burst the black stone in three places.
Brooklyn's largest manufacturing industry is the refining of sugar, about one-half of the sugar consumed in the United States being refined here; in 1900 the product of the sugar and molasses refining establishments was valued at $77,942,997.
Some idea of the size of Henry's following may be gathered from the fact that in one month 2200 sheep and other viands in a similar proportion were consumed.
The commercial acid is usually yellow in colour and contains many impurities, such as traces of arsenic, sulphuric acid, chlorine, ferric chloride and sulphurous acid; but these do not interfere with its application to the preparation of bleaching powder, in which it is chiefly consumed.
Amid great lamentation, the hero's body is laid on the funeral pile and consumed.
Rule Ix.-Cargo, Ship'S Materials, And Stores Burnt For Fuel Cargo, ship's materials and stores, or any of them, necessarily burnt for fuel for the common safety at a time of peril, shall be admitted as G.A., when and only when an ample supply of fuel had been provided; but the estimated quantity of coals that would have been consumed, calculated at the price current at the ship's last port of departure at the date of her leaving, shall be charged to the shipowner and credited to the G.A.
Thus a shipper of cattle is not entitled to have the extra wages and provisions of his cattlemen on board, nor the extra fodder consumed by the cattle during the stay at a repairing port, made as good as G.A.
The court of appeal held that both the damage sustained by the engines while worked to get the ship off, and the coal and stores consumed, were subjects for G.A.
According to Pliny, Spanish, Gallic and Greek wines were all consumed in Rome during the 1st century of the Christian era, but in Gaul the production of wine appears to have been limited to certain districts on the Rhone and Gironde.
The whole of the wine consumed in the United Kingdom is imported.
They felt that the great burden of this increased tariff fell on them, as they consumed, but did not produce, manufactured articles.
This is so rapidly consumed that the converters must be cooled and partially relined after 3 to 6 charges, dependent on the iron contents of the matte.
The quantity of air consumed in a converter which will blow up about 35 tons of matte per day is about 3000 cub.
When, however, a hot blast is used on highly sulphuretted copper ores, a concentration of 8 of ore into i of matte is obtained, with a consumption of less than one-third the fuel which would be consumed in smelting the charge had the ore been previously calcined.
About 1830 this evil reached its highest development, and it is estimated that nine gallons of spirits were then consumed annually per head of the population.
The cultivation of poppy for opium greatly increased after 1880, and it was estimated in 1900 that the annual produce of opium amounted to over 1000 tons, of which about two-fifths was consumed and smoked in the country.
The fishermen and fisherwomen form a quite distinct class of the people; both sexes are noted for their bodily strength, and the men for their bold and skilful seamanship. Tunny and sardines are cured and exported in large quantities, oysters are also exported, and many other sea fish, such as hake, sea-bream, whiting, conger and various flat-fish are consumed in the country.
In Geneva horse-chestnuts are largely consumed by grazing stock, a single sheep receiving 2 lb.
The central cattle market and slaughter-houseslfor the inspection and supply of the fresh meat consumed in the metropolis occupy an extensive area in the north-east of the city on the Ringbahn, upon which a station has been erected for the accommodation of meat trains and passengers attending the market.
It is shipped from Bombay to northern China, where nearly the whole of the exported Malwa opium is consumed.
It is less used in England now than formerly, but is still largely consumed in South America.
Veal is the one kind of meat generally consumed.
By far the greater part of the vintage has been, however, always consumed in the colony.
The cultivation of the turnip and other root crops, which require the soil to be wrought to a deep and free tilth, either becomes altdgether impracticable and must be abandoned for the safe but costly bare fallow, or is carried out with great labour and hazard; and the crop, when grown, can neither be removed from the ground, nor consumed upon it by sheep without damage by "poaching."
Most of the pyrites consumed in the United Kingdom come from Spain; this Spanish pyrites generally (not always) contains enough copper (say 3 or 4%) to make its extraction from the residues ("cinders) a paying process, and this of course cheapens the price of the sulphur to the acid manufacturer.
The dry substance consumed per zoo lb live weight in a ration of z lb cake and corn, 12 lb roots and i lb hay daily, would be 162 per week, and this gives an increase of nearly% live weight or i lb of live weight increase for 84 lb of dry food eaten.
On the first was a fire continually burning, in which the burnt-offerings were consumed.
In practical work about 4 lb of steam is decomposed for each pound of anthracite consumed, and no more than 5% of carbon dioxide is found in the resulting gas.
The next few years were consumed in struggles with his father and his uncle Abdullah ez Zagal.
Fire descended from heaven and consumed Korah and his confederates.
The gods restored Pelops to life, and the shoulder consumed by Demeter was replaced by one of ivory.
Bees are very generally kept, the honey being consumed in the country, the wax exported.
Previous to 1836, most of the coal worked in the parish was consumed locally, chiefly in the ironworks, but in that year the working of steam coal for export was begun, pits were sunk in rapid succession, and the coal trade, which at least since 1875 has been the chief support of the town, soon reached huge dimensions.
The manioc root is also largely consumed, together with several other roots and vegetables; but little animal foods (save fish and freshwater Crustacea) is taken by the mass of the people except at festival times.
The consumption of honey g y a s an article of food has also largely increased of late i years; a recent computation shows that from too to 125 million lb of honey, representing a money value of from eight to ten million dollars, is consumed annually in the United States alone.
The remains then change to buff colour, afterwards turning brown, when decomposition sets in, and as the bacilli present in the dead larvae increase and the nutrient matter is consumed, the mass in some cases becomes sticky and ropy in character, making its removal impossible by the bees.
Pease straw, if not sandy, and good bright oat straw are good fodder for horses; but with barley and wheat straw, in the case of a horse, more energy is consumed during its passage through the alimentary canal than the digested straw yields.
The early symptoms are highly pleasurable, and it is for these, as in the case of other stimulants, that the drug is so largely consumed in the East.
Furnaces are constructed according to many different patterns with varying degrees of complexity in arrangement; but all may be considered as combining three essential parts, namely, the fire-place in which the fuel is consumed, the heated chamber, laboratory, hearth or working bed, as it is variously called, where the heat is applied to the special work for which the furnace is designed, and the apparatus for producing rapid combustion by the supply of air under pressure to the fire.
But the pope marked the intensity of his hatred by causing the dummy to be carved and dressed with such lifelike resemblance that he was almost able to persuade himself that his hated enemy was really consumed in the flames.
Unfortunately, most of the day was consumed with similar thoughts.
He related how she'd been injured, adding that he guessed the volume of vodka she consumed afterward contributed more to her morning sick leave than her scraped knee.
Worms and small fish are also consumed when locally abundant.
By being presented as Grid services, numerical optimization algorithms can be consumed with a number of message interactions.
When Panorama put out a program which included some Conservative backbenchers expressing doubts about the use of military force she was consumed with rage.
Single caffeine doses found at the level in commonly consumed beverages have little or no diuretic action.
In 1989 the largest ever outbreak of food-borne botulism in the UK affected 27 people who had consumed hazelnut yogurt.
Rice does not grow well in the arid north, so noodles and steamed buns made of wheat flour are consumed frequently.
Several recent scholars of early modern cartography have noted the close association of maps with the studies in which writers imagine them being consumed.
They are almost casual in their telling of the horrors that consumed them.
In fact you're probably MORE likely to get up the duff because of the amount of alcohol consumed!
I also consumed vast amounts of my favorite drink â pints of blackcurrant cordial with water (no ice, thank you ).
The middle layer is likely to be the merged grains consumed by the intergranular corrosion.
By using quality European produced creatine and ensuring that sufficient fluid is consumed, creatine can be used completely safely without any side effects.
Therefore, along with every 5 gram dose of Micronized creatine 15 to 20 oz of water should be consumed.
The unbelievers, evil doers, arrogant are going to be consumed.
This would approximately equate to one full container of illicit spirits being consumed in the UK each day of the year.
Time for a quick break, Tortilla & chocolate were eagerly consumed and lights fettled before setting off again.
Doctors recommended that the woman, who was suffering from pre-eclampsia, consumed 20 g from pre-eclampsia, consumed 20 g of salt a day.
He does, but consumed by guilt, he turns himself in to the Egyptian priests.
Should either of the bars go higher than this line, you will know you have consumed too much food for that day!
The consumption of coffee is fairly inelastic, in that a change in price translates into a relatively small change in the quantity consumed.
Annie begs Gilbert to spare Peter's life, but he refuses, consumed by jealousy and suspicion that Annie still loves Peter.
The maximal volume of oxygen consumed per unit time, also maximal oxygen consumption.
Never has so much water melon been consumed by so few.
The national policy on heroin treatment is to dispense methadone to be consumed orally, every day, in the presence of the pharmacist.
Fresh udon noodles should be consumed with three days of purchase; alternatively, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
The study showed that the group eating instant oatmeal consumed more food later in the day than the unprocessed group.
These galaxies seem to have consumed only a tiny percentage of their reservoir of gas.
The once plentiful energy was consumed and drained by the tireless fighting.
The amount of carbon dioxide produced is directly proportionate to the oxygen consumed.
They have consumed Italian prosecutors for the best part of a decade.
An inverse association was also found for increasing quintiles of beta-carotene among premenopausal women who consumed 15 g or more of alcohol per day.
For women the highest quintile consumed an average of 39 grams of alcohol per day.
Normally these proceed hand in hand, with the energy produced by respiration consumed by ATP formation.
The seeds of wall speedwell are consumed by several species of ground beetle.
Coffee represents three-quarters of all the caffeine consumed in the USA.
Even where they do, meat tends to be consumed by people who are relatively wealthy and already well-fed.
What follows is an acute and emotionally wrought portrait of a man and his brood consumed with guilt and despair.
If it can be shown that, however the duration and all other conditions of the experiment may be varied, the same amount of heat can in the end be always produced when the same amount of energy is expended, then, and only then, can we infer that heat is a form of energy, and that the energy consumed has been really transformed into heat.
The heat absorbed was consumed in giving motion to the issuing stream of air, and was reproduced by the impact of the particles on the sides of the exhausted vessel.
Then the work done by the battery per second will be EC' or CC'R, while the heat generated per second will be C' 2 R, so that we have the difference (C - C')C'R for the energy consumed in driving the engine.
Lord Sunderland possessed a keen intellect and was consumed by intense restlessness; but his character was wanting in steadfastness, and he yielded too easily to opposition.
Leroy-Beaulieu,' the fines inflicted by the court were commonly paid in vodka, which was consumed on the premises by the judges and the parties to the suit; there is no reason to suppose that this amiable custom has been abandoned.
The blood of the victim may be drunk by the priest as a means of inducing inspiration, its entrails may be employed in divination, its flesh consumed in a common meal, exposed to the birds and beasts of prey or buried in the earth.
Animal sacrifices became much more frequent, and included not only the bloody sacrifice (Zebah) but also burnt offerings (kalil, `olah) whereby the whole animal was consumed (see Sacrifice).
As affecting agricultural practice there were three noteworthy improvements in respect of the making of which, without the consent of or notice to his landlord, a tenant might claim compensation - (1) the consumption on the holding " by horses, other than those regularly employed on the holding," of corn, cake or other feeding-stuff not produced on the holding; (2) the "consumption on the holding by cattle, sheep, or pigs, or by horses other than those regularly employed on the holding, of corn proved by satisfactory evidence to have been produced and consumed on the holding "; (3) " laying down temporary pasture with clover, grass, lucerne, sainfoin or other seeds sown more than two years prior to the determination of the tenancy."
Over and above the great advantage arising from the opportunity which the growth of root-crops affords for the cleaning of the land, the benefits of growing the root-crop in rotation are due (1) to the large amount of manure applied for its growth, (2) to the large residue of the manure left in the soil for future crops, (3) to the large amount of matter at once returned as manure again in the leaves, (4) to the large amount of food produced, and (5) to the small proportion of the most important manurial constituents of the roots which is retained by store or fattening animals consuming them, the rest returning as manure again; though, when the roots are consumed for the production of milk, a much larger proportion of the constituents is lost to the manure.
It is well known that the earlier editions of this work, especially if they be upon large paper, command extravagant prices; but in reality the copies on smaller paper are now the rarer, for the stock of them has been consumed in nurseries and schoolrooms, where they have been torn up or worn out with incessant use.
Another proposition on which Say insists is that every value is consumed and is created only to be consumed.
In this province, therefore, we find a part of one of those ancient mountain regions, initiated by crustal deformation, but reduced by long continued erosion to a peneplain of modern relief, with occasional surmounting monadnocks of moderate height not completely consumed during the peneplanation of the rest of the surface.
Laurent and others were right, and that Clostridium pasteurianum, for instance, if protected from access of free oxygen by an envelope of aerobic bacteria or fungi, and provided with the carbohydrates and minerals necessary for its growth, fixes nitrogen in proportion to the amount of sugar consumed.
A fresh convention was drafted at this time, and under it " a uniform tariff on all imported goods consumed within such union, and an equitable distribution of the duties collected on such goods amongst the parties to such union, and free trade between the colonies and state in respect of all South African products," was arranged.
In the desert the souls of men are either consumed by the fire or reborn from the ashes.
The crowd was relaxed, old friends arrived, caipirinhas were consumed, and some great LSS moments were relived on video.
But since remunerative capital can be consumed by unproductive consumers, this argument will not hold.
But it whistled, consumed vast quantities of electricity and was scabby on the outside.
Sports drinks should be consumed as quickly as possible, preferably with a straw and not be held or swished around the mouth.
State and federal revenues from tobacco consumed by minors.
This morning he 'd been consumed with brooding and terror, but that was transmuting into something else.
These formerly constituted almost the only bread consumed in the district, but home-baked wheaten loaves are now coming into general use.
Citrus fruit should be stored at room temperature, but must be consumed quickly, usually within a week.
These are naturally consumed when a cat eats its prey.
This product would not be effective at keeping cats away from vegetation that is to be consumed by humans since it should not be ingested.
In the second of these books, Greg is consumed by keeping a secret from his friends.
Because parents and hospital caregivers are understandably consumed with the care of a child who is chronically ill, the purchase of extra items, such as toys and books, is often put on hold.
A mixture of grenadine, gin, cherry brandy, sweet and sour mix and club soda, the drink was often considered a "gateway" drink for novices who had never before consumed an alcoholic beverage.
Changing how resources are consumed and how much waste is created can help move the planet back to a time where these critical environmental concerns were not yet issues.
Renewable natural resources are those that can be replenished faster than they can be consumed without any artificial intervention.
There are some toxic chemicals, such as mercury, that don't breakdown once they are consumed by a living organism.
Mercury, as is the case with many toxic elements in nature, does not lose strength when it is consumed.
Rather, as that organism that first consumes it get consumed by the next creature on the food chain, the mercury level combines with the first animal's making it stronger and more toxic.
Hybrid cars use a variety of different fuel sources and this reduces the amount of gasoline that is consumed.
Many people are surprised to learn that heating domestic water is the third largest energy expense consumed in households.
These not only support your neighborhood and region, but also help the environment by reducing the amount of energy that is consumed in the delivery and shipping process.
Studies have shown that much of the residue of these pesticides continue past the other skin of these foodstuffs and lodge in the inner fruit that's consumed by humans.
While this herb has been consumed for thousands of years it can have side effects when taken in medicinal quantities, as well as having reactions with various medications.
Natives have consumed acai berries for centuries.
Since the berries do not transport well, they are dried and consumed as a powder or juiced into a delicious, refreshing drink.
Glutathione is a crucial compound for liver detoxification and in one study, glutathione levels in the body were raised by more than 30 percent after participants consumed the herb.
According to some research, people have consumed ginger for over 2000 years as a way of curing various ailments.
In one, documented in the medical journal Diabetes Care, published in 2003, 60 people with Type 2 diabetes consumed one, three or six grams of cinnamon each day.
Oats are able to reduce hypertension in many people if consumed regularly.
The blood electrolytes sodium and potassium need to be consumed in a certain balance for good health.
However, there is plenty of discussion about what happens to the health of people who regularly consumed high fat diets.
For example, many Chinese emperors consumed high fat, high cholesterol diets, and as a result lived very short lives.
The paste is then mixed into a drink that, when consumed, helps soothe the gastrointestinal tract.
When consumed, these ingredients help cleanse the liver of toxins and aid good digestion.
The ginger rhizome can be consumed raw or dried and ground into powder.
Many who promote Maqui juice explain that this historical tribe of warriors have eaten the berry as part of their daily food and also consumed it as a concentrated juice used to treat a variety of ailments.
While beef is the number one red meat consumed in the United States, there are a whole slew of meats available to consumers.
Knowing this, it might seem curious that most Italian-American restaurants serve so few of the dishes that are consumed across Italy, but a look at the history of immigration from Italy to the United States provides a clue.
It was widely believed that tomatoes would incite ardor in those who consumed them.
By the time they have finished high school, three out of every four students have consumed alcohol.
You may feel like you are always eating, but the total amount of calories you consume will be less than what you would have consumed if you ate junk food instead or binged on food later because you hadn't eaten all day.
Tofu is a good source of protein, but it is a concentrated protein and should be consumed in small amounts that equal around four tablespoons for an adult serving.
A raw diet is an eating plan in which at least 75 percent of all food consumed is raw.
Also, remember that the body stores away 1/6th of all iron consumed.
Therefore it does not need to be consumed every day.
The good news for vegetarians and vegans is that as long as we eat a healthy and well balanced diet, adequate amounts of vitamin K should be consumed.
By eating a range of different fruit and vegetables many different nutrients are consumed and this helps to ensure a healthy body.
Beyond that, this juice, if consumed by pregnant women, is believed to produce a healthier fetus.
Basically, they must be living when they enter the body, they must have been documented as having some kind of health benefit, and they must be consumed in amounts that could conceivably offer those benefits.
Probiotic foods have been consumed by many cultures for centuries due to their health-promoting properties.
The raw seed can be consumed as a food, of course, but it can also be made into a plethora of other healthy goods, such as oils and butters to treat skin conditions and to beautify the skin.
Once they get married, many couples become consumed by the daily necessities of work, housekeeping, raising children, and other obligations.
While not all the candy may be consumed, a thin buffet looks less elegant and more haphazard than one that features full candy dishes and a wide selection.
You can't know exactly how many drinks that slightly tipsy guy or gal you just met may have consumed.
If alcohol is consumed too quickly, the liver can't keep up and the blood alcohol level becomes dangerously high.
I was definitely an isolator and loved drinking alone so nobody could tell the quantities I consumed.
Nicorette gum should not be consumed by children or pets.
Small amounts of pain desensitization - this can occur with just one drink and can intensify as more alcohol is consumed.
Your BAL depends on your body type, amount of alcohol consumed, rate of consumption and how often you drink alcohol.
Among teens aged 16-17, the percentage who consumed alcohol was 26.2 percent.
After 12 rejections, her manuscript was purchased and the world soon became consumed with the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
For a little while, Tiger spottings seemed to have consumed the world of celebrity.
The Mexican Riviera is an oasis consumed with extraordinary natural beauty.
Although you may not think of these items as traditional dog foods, a dog living in the wild would have naturally consumed these foods when it consumed prey animals that existed on them.
The higher the efficiency level, the less fuel is consumed.
By sprouting the grain and then milling the sprouted seeds, the final product allows you to bypass the grain's natural self-defense against being consumed.
Although black tea is the most popular tea consumed in the U.S., green tea is growing in popularity.
The Mayo Clinic states that the acceptable alcohol limit to be consumed in any one day by a female is one drink; two for males.
Those who smoke should note the amount of nicotine they consumed in the hours leading up to bedtime.
Traditionally consumed as an herbal tea, kava-kava is also found in capsules tablets and extracts.
Passion Flower-an herbal remedy used to treat insomnia, typically consumed as a tea.
These teas can generally be consumed several times a day - the major role of these teas is to increase relaxation.
How about 300,000 pounds of it - and don't forget the 13 million bottles of water that are consumed.
The amount of food and beverage consumed at the parks is one of the most remarkable Walt Disney World facts around.
Most are youthful drinkers with little aging potential, and many of the wines in this region are consumed as table wines.
Wines stored at room temperature should be consumed within a month or two, otherwise they should be moved to a cooler area for long-term storage.
Some people like to put wines they have opened and consumed with friends or wines that have special meanings to them on the rack as well.
Whether your wine storage is portable or permanent, here are a few wine storage tips you should follow to ensure that your wine does not turn or go bad while it is patiently waiting to be consumed.
When consumed, the body converts these simple carbs into energy.
Physicians warn against drinking too much red wine, since the benefits can be counteracted when it is consumed in large amounts.
Additionally, boxed wine avoids "cork taint," which is a culprit that has ruined many perfectly good bottles of wine that weren't consumed quickly enough after opening.
Once opened, port lasts longer than most wines and can be stored at room temperature, but it should be consumed within a few weeks of opening.
Vintage ports must be consumed within a few days of decanting.
Long after the wine has been consumed, the recipient can use this special box to keep mementos or store stemware.
The amount of data consumed over the cellular connection will vary based on a number of different factors, but you can easily rifle through several megabytes or even gigabytes of data by listening to music online through your iPhone.
Total fat intake should comprise 30 percent or less of total calories consumed per day.
Calories consumed as saturated fat should equal no more than 8-10 percent of total calories consumed per day.
Goat's milk can sometimes be tolerated but should be consumed with meals.
Fish, fowl, and lean meats can be consumed in small amounts.
Cholesterol is also a component of animal tissue and can be consumed in products such as meat, eggs, fish, milk, and milk products such as butter and cheese.
Ironically, cholesterol can also be a problem, if too much is manufactured by the liver or consumed through the diet and not metabolized or used.
If plasma glucose levels taken two hours after the glucose drink is consumed are 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/L) or higher, the test is diagnostic of diabetes (and should be confirmed on a subsequent day if possible).
They must, therefore, be consumed regularly as foods or supplements to maintain health.
A few instances of zinc toxicity have been reported in people who consumed acidic food or beverages that had been stored in galvanized zinc containers.
When calories consumed from food and beverages equal calories expended during physical activity, body weight is maintained.
When calories consumed exceed calories expended, weight gain results.
To gain one pound, 3,500 additional calories must be consumed.
In American society, excess calories are easily consumed just by drinking soft drinks and eating "supersized" fast food meals.
Tryptophan-An essential amino acid that has to consumed in the diet because it cannot be manufactured by the body.
The combination of rice, beans, and meat consumed with fresh citrus fruit provides an excellent source of absorbable iron.
Calories consumed as saturated fat should equal no more than 8 to 10 percent of total calories consumed per day.
Prenatal history is important, and the doctor will want to know if the pregnant mother smoked, consumed alcohol, used any medications, or had any illness during the pregnancy.
One promising line of PKU research involves the synthesis (manufacturing) of a new type of enzyme that can break down phenylalanine in food consumed by the patient.
Fish, fowl, and lean meats can be consumed in moderation.
Food poisoning is not spread from one individual to another but through direct contact with the causative bacteria, viruses, or other toxins in consumed food.
The severity of symptoms depends on the type of bacteria, the amount consumed, and the individual's general health and sensitivity to the toxin.
During a period of active vomiting and diarrhea, solid food should be avoided and only small quantities of clear liquids should be consumed as frequently as possible.
Once active symptoms stop, bland, soft, easy-to-digest foods should be consumed for two to three days.
Generally, small amounts of lactose-containing foods eaten throughout the day are better tolerated than a large amount consumed all at once.
Only 1 mg of iron, however, is absorbed for every 10 mg. consumed, which mean sources of iron must be carefully chosen.
Minerals are consumed in food from plants and plant-eating animals.
Vitamin D deficiency impairs the absorption of dietary calcium and can provoke calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia) even when adequate calcium is consumed.
While waiting for diagnostic test results, doctors ask about recently consumed food, possible open sores, recent activities and behavior, and other factors that may help to rule out other disease possibilities.
Alcohol, phenothiazines, and benzodiazepines may all increase the likelihood of seizures if consumed with bupropion (Wellbutrin).
Depending on the circumstances and the amount consumed, nicotine can act as either a stimulant or tranquilizer.
It is not known how much nicotine may be consumed before the body becomes addicted.
The first day may be consumed by tests to determine the proper course of treatment.
Once consumed or made in the body, vitamin D is further altered to produce a substance called 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D (1,25-diOH-D).
Commercially prepared peppermint is generally considered safe for use in pregnancy if it is consumed in moderate amounts - no more than two to three cups per day.
Protein content has been assessed at about twenty percent, higher than most commonly consumed grains like corn, rice, wheat, and oats.
A variety of foods are rich in vitamin B12 and the recommended daily amount can be consumed eating a good well rounded diet.
However, this is the amount that the body needs to absorb, so as well as ensuring that enough vitamin B12 is consumed, it is also important to ensure that it is being absorbed.
It is therefore important that vitamin C is consumed every day.
However some experts believe that organic selenium consumed through a healthy diet is better absorbed by the body.
Instead it is made up of medium chain fatty acids like lauric acid that have been shown to have a number of health benefits when consumed by humans.
Many liquid vitamins, including this product, can be consumed like a medicine.
If consumed in addition to a balanced, healthy diet, Boku Superfood may help to promote health.
For those of you who are a bit hypoglycemic, this tonic can be consumed because the protein and fats in the almond milk help mitigate the influx of natural sugars going into the bloodstream.
This term refers to the grams of wax consumed per hour.
With dripless candles, the wax is either consumed by the wick or contained within the middle of the candle itself.
Many bottles of prosecco or spumante are consumed as well.
When your body's immune system attacks the gluten you have consumed, it damages the small intestine walls, making it difficult for the small intestine to absorb nutrients.
The immune system attacks the gluten consumed, which in turn causes inflammation in the small intestine.
That leads to further complications including the inability for the small intestine to absorb nutrients from food consumed.
When there is a problem, such as feeling symptoms of being ill, the food consumed is removed from the diet for good.
This disease triggers an autoimmune response when the protein gluten is consumed.
If gluten continues to be consumed, damage to the intestine's velvety surface reduces the person's ability to absorb nutrients.
The CSA maintains that, at this time, oats cannot be said to be a risk-free choice for the gluten intolerant, and should only be consumed with caution.
Whereas the overall energy of fire is indicated by action and force, the grounding qualities of fixed signs lead Leos to be a bit consumed with the acquisition and maintenance of leadership.
Aquarius will often feel consumed by Aries but knows how to fan the flames without getting burned.
Almost every home has a number of household items that are poisonous if consumed.
This gait naturally reduces impact, shortens stride length, and according to one study, even reduces the volume of oxygen consumed, making running feel easier.
And the present record for the most bottles of beer consumed here in one night is 16,000 (during a Hank Williams Jr. concert).
After 1843, Robert's time was consumed with his work as partner with the new company.
Because the sun rises early during the mornings in the summer, there is limited negative effect on the amount of energy consumed by needing additional lights early in the morning.
It's a good idea to consider steps to reduce the likelihood of spills that can result in stains by updating the rules in your household regarding what kinds of beverages can be consumed in certain areas of your home.
Once your dog is wearing the sweater, keep him busy by playing with him and petting him so he isn't consumed by the new feeling of the sweater.
Refined and high-sugar carbohydrates, which have a high glycemic index, will raise blood sugar when consumed.
Drink 11 to 12 glasses per day to ensure that at least 1200 calories are consumed.
Once a gluten-free, lactose-free diet is followed and the small intestine begins to heal itself, lactose can usually be consumed again.
The meal plans ardently suggest grapefruit as the first food consumed upon waking and at each meal thereafter.
It has long been known through prominent studies that replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats is more effective in reducing heart disease risk than the total amount of fat consumed.
Fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens, such as spinach or kale, should also be consumed in abundant quantities.
Flax, olive, and canola oils should only be consumed in very limited quantities.
Diet is the easiest to implement, with its "stoplight" coded system for identifying which foods are best suited for the diet, which can be consumed on occasion, and which should be avoided entirely.
This is true only to a point, and the quality and type of fat consumed is just as important as the quantity.
Other rules include drinking at least 4 glasses of water or diet drink each day, and no fat may be consumed.
Some bingers are so desperate to lose weight that they will binge because they are starving, but then they will purge in some way to "atone" for having consumed such great quantities of food.
For one, it does not clearly define the types of oils and carbohydrates that are best to be consumed for good health.
However, if chosen, these items should be consumed in small amounts only.
When too many calories are consumed at once, the excess ends up being stored as fat.
For example, liquid diets (no solid foods are consumed) are a drastic drop in calories.
It is a drastic measure to limit the amount of food intake and only allows liquids to be consumed.
When Meridia is taken, it acts on this appetite control mechanism and less food is desired or eaten which results in less calories being consumed.
Rather, it means we need to refocus on eating better and exercising more to make up for the extra calories we consumed.
He believed that the tastiness of the foods consumed controls the "set point", making your body want to gain weight when the food is good tasting, while more bland food lowers your "set point".
Fiber helps keep you fuller longer, hence fewer calories being consumed over the course of the day.
It should be limited in the amount of fatty foods and sugars consumed.
Limiting fat to about 20 or 30 percent of calories consumed daily.
It is also recommended that alcohol not be consumed when taking Ionamin or other phentermine drugs.
The drug works by blocking absorption of some of the fat consumed in the diet.
Limit the amount of trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium consumed each day.
Despite the fact that red wine is a staple of many dinners in the Mediterranean diet, this too should be consumed in moderation.
In addition to this drink the only other beverages consumed are an herbal laxative tea, salt water flush and peppermint tea.
The drink is consumed throughout the day, and laxative tea is taken in the evenings.
High protein/low carbohydrate diets are hard on the kidneys - The American Kidney Foundation warns people that the Atkins diet plan puts undue strain on the kidneys due to the high level of proteins consumed.
In order to lose weight these items have to be consumed less.
These are best consumed in their raw states.
In an interview promoting their literary guide, the ladies revealed that they once suffered from poor self-image and obsessed about every calorie they consumed.
However after extensive self-reflection, they say they realized their problem had less to do with how much chocolate they consumed and more to do with a serious lack of self-confidence.
So how did this tiny berry consumed by natives in the Amazon make its way onto the American diet scene?
Any calorie consumed that your body does not convert to energy is stored as body fat.
Oily fish such as tuna and salmon should be consumed twice a week.
These foods can be a part of a diet that is healthy for your heart, as long as they are consumed occasionally and in moderation.
It is usually suggested that sugar-substitutes be consumed minimally, if at all.
Record the date and each meal or item of food consumed.
Though researchers struggle to understand just how protein helps control hunger, they deduce it may be due to the brain receiving lower levels of appetite stimulating hormones when more protein is consumed.
Fasting juice recipes are believed by many people to cleanse the body of toxins, and encourage healing due to the quality vitamins, minerals and enzymes consumed in raw form.
Water should still be consumed while on a juice fast.
For the most part, fresh vegetable juices are consumed more than fruit juices on a fast because fruit juices tend to be too sweet.
Broth-based soups have a lower energy density and are low in calories, filling and able to be consumed in greater volume than other foods.
Once consumed, these supplements form large undigested masses that move through the colon, virtually sweeping everything down.
The exact amount of fats consumed in a low fat gall bladder diet will vary depending on the patient.
For example, if there are 120 calories in a half-cup serving of brown rice, and you choose to eat one cup with your dinner, you have consumed two servings, or 240 calories.
Usually, these individuals are referring to calories consumed, meaning the number of calories he or she eats at a meal or throughout the day.
If you are looking to count calories, either burned or consumed, you are probably trying to either lose weight or maintain your current weight.
If you increase your total caloric intake to account for added energy consumed during exercise, this alone will make up for any expenditures of protein as fuel.
Many diets tell you to cut soda and alcohol, but fruit juice, even 100 percent juice, contains many extra calories that would be better consumed in whole, healthy foods.
Monounsaturated fatty acids are a type of fat considered to be healthy for your heart when consumed in moderation.
It is one of few spices that can be consumed directly.
Many people believe children perform better in school if they have consumed a hearty breakfast such as cereal and fruit or whole grain waffles.
From the time you climbed out of bed in the morning until noon, fruit was the only thing to be consumed.
For lunch and dinner, a variety of foods could be consumed but the rule of thumb for combining foods properly was never to eat protein with a starch.
This reduces the number of calories consumed and thereby allows an individual to lose weight.
Large amounts of fresh vegetables are recommended while lesser amounts of fruit should be consumed.
Benefits associated with coconut oil listed in the book point to the low obesity rates in cultures such as in the Philippines where coconuts are consumed as a part of a regular diet.
Many naturopaths do recommend coconut oil, and some doctors have said it may be beneficial when consumed in moderation.
Whatever the purpose, hCG should only be consumed as directed, if you want to get the best and safest results.
Users must enter the amount of calories consumed into a device like the Mio Motiva, which can track the number of calories burned and the number of calories consumed.
Each pound of fat is about 3,500 calories, so it is important to know how many calories have been burned and consumed to lose weight.
The body has consumed this total amount of calories in one day.
Throughout your day it will keep you abreast of how many calories you've burned, the number of calories you've consumed and the overall distance that you've traveled.
What better way to save space in the landfill that would otherwise be consumed by perfectly good textiles than by giving to those who have less?
Jesus is crucified - although notably the play does not depict the Resurrection - and Judas, consumed with guilt and angry at God, commits suicide.
With a greater variety of dishes, guests have more options if their favorites are quickly consumed.
Secrets and vitriol being spewed out when too much alcohol has been consumed.
The farm is 36 acres, much of it consumed by play areas for the kids, with other portions designated for growing.
The show is often disturbing and sad as viewers realize just how emotionally invested these people are in their possessions, even when the items have consumed their lives.
Buffy learns that Faith is consumed by self-hatred.
Certain categories of food are intended to be consumed under specific circumstances.
She glanced down at her conservative one-piece suit and was suddenly consumed with fury.
Deidre felt herself breathless and consumed before the end of their first kiss, yielding to the intensity of his kiss and the firmness of his touch.
Not because you deserve it, but because I understand you had a weakness that consumed you.
She didn't object when his fangs bit into her, instead sighing as the comforting warmth consumed her.
They clung to each other, molding their bodies as one until the raging fire of passion consumed her.
The contentment that consumed her body and soul wasn't merely the satisfaction of lovemaking.
She melted in his arms, consumed by the raging fire of emotion his embrace never failed to ignite.
She rocked in the chair, consumed by grief and breath-robbing sobs.
She sank to his chest, consumed by agonizing sobs.
She leaned into his kiss, instantly consumed by desire.
All the piled up stress and remorse bubbled up and she was suddenly and thoroughly consumed with seething rage.
Consumed by agonizing defeat, she whirled and started down the stairs, narrowly missing Denton.
It should always be specially noted whether the fungi to be consumed are in a fresh and wholesome condition, otherwise they act as a poison in precisely the same way as does any other semi-putrid vegetable.
He argued that, if heat be energy, then, when it is employed in doing work, as in a steam-engine, some of the heat must itself be consumed in the operation.
In 1839 Seguin endeavoured to determine the mechanical equivalent of heat from the loss of heat suffered by steam in expanding, assuming that the whole of the heat so lost was consumed in doing external work against the pressure to which the steam was exposed.
Mayer made an assumption the converse of that of Seguin, asserting that the whole of the work done in compressing the air was converted into heat, and neglecting the possibility of heat being consumed in doing work within the air itself or being produced by the transformation of internal potential energy.
A distinct feature of this ritual was wµocbayta (eating the flesh of the victim raw), whereby the communicants imagined that they consumed and assimilated the god represented by the victim, and thus became filled with the divine ecstasy.
That the fixation of the gas is carried out by the fungal organism either in the soil or in the plant, and the nitrogenous substance so produced is absorbed by the organism, which is in turn consumed by the green plant.
It is estimated that for domestic purposes nearly 150,000,000 tons of wood are consumed every year, while the steamships, railways and factories consume another 20 or 25 million tons.
The inclusive speed over a long journey is of course a different thing from the average running speed, on account of the time consumed in intermediate stops; the fewer the stops the more easily is the inclusive speed increased, - hence the advantage of the non-stop runs of 150 and zoo m.
By this definition the term sacrifice is extended to cover the inanimate offering which is consumed by fire, broken or otherwise rendered useless for the purpose of human life.
Other essential conditions of success will commonly include the liberal application of potash and phosphatic manures, and sometimes chalking or liming for the leguminous crop. As to how long the leguminous crop should occupy the land, the extent to which it should be consumed on the land, or the manure from its consumption be returned, and under what conditions the whole or part of it should be ploughed in - these are points which must be decided as they arise in practice.
In the feeding experiments which have been carried on at Rothamsted it has been shown that the amount consumed both for a given live weight of animal within a given time, and for the production of a given amount of increase, is, as current food-stuffs go, measurable more by the amounts they contain of digestible and available non-nitrogenous constituents than by the amounts of the digestible and available nitrogenous constituents they supply.
Of the nitrogenous compounds in food, on the other hand, only a small proportion of the whole consumed is finally stored up in the increase of the animal - in other words, a very large amount of nitrogen passes through the body beyond that which is finally retained in the increase, and so remains for manure.
Hence it is that the amount of food consumed to produce a given amount of increase in live weight, as well as that required for the sustentation of a given live weight for a given time, should - provided the food be not abnormally deficient in nitrogenous substance - be characteristically dependent on its supplies of digestible and available non-nitrogenous constituents.
The average daily gain in live weight is thus arrived at, and as the animal increases in age this average gradually diminishes, until the daily gain reaches a stage at which it does not afford any profitable return upon the food consumed.
In 1479 a fire consumed the earlier buildings along the Rio, and these were replaced (1480-1550) by the present Renaissance structure.
From 'goo to 1905 the crop was about ioo,000 bales per annum; the whole is consumed in local mills, and cotton is imported also from the United States.
About 50% of the cotton produced is consumed in Indian mills and the remainder is exported.
Their use is for gruel, which used to be consumed as an ordinary drink in the 17th century at the coffee-houses in London.
The upper woodwork was consumed by fire in 1836, but the rest of the building was saved.
The better (" purple ") varieties are mainly consumed in the island, and the smaller and less juicy " white " varieties exported.
On the i r th of October, when they began their march, the road along the Danube was swept into the river, carrying with it several guns and teams, and hours were consumed in passing the shortest distances.
There is, of course, no sewerage system, the surfaces of the streets serving that purpose, and what garbage and refuse is not consumed by the dog scavengers washes down into the Tigris at the same place from which the water for drinking is drawn.
The lamb thus drained of blood was to be roasted and entirely consumed by the Israelites, who should be ready with loins girded, shoes on feet and staff in hand so as to be prepared for the exodus.
When it was entirely consumed, the boundary stone, which had been previously anointed and crowned with garlands, was placed upon the hot ashes and fixed in the ground.
It is largely consumed in Bolivia and Matto Grosso, where it is used in the preparation of a beverage which has excellent medicinal properties.
A very large part of the jerked beef consumed in Brazil is imported from Argentina and Uruguay, and some beef cattle also are imported.
But much time was consumed and the plan underwent several modifications before its execution began in earnest on the 16th of January.
This quality is the only one consumed in the country, with the exception of a comparatively small quantity of granulated, and of refined sugar in tablets prepared for people of the well-to-do classes.
There are also many fruits found growing wild, like those of the cactus and various palms, and these are largely consumed.
These, salted and dried, are exported to all parts of the world, and form, when taken in connexion with the enormous quantity of fresh cod consumed, a valuable addition to the food resources of the human race.
The time consumed in lowering the men is shortened by the use of cages having two or more decks.
Nevertheless, in very deep and large mines the time consumed in handling the men may make serious inroads on the time available for hoisting ore.
England takes by far the greatest share of Burma's rice, though large quantities are also consumed in Germany, while France, Italy, Belgium and Holland also consume a considerable amount.
Jaggery production is entirely in native hands, and the greater part of the amount made is consumed locally; it only occasionally reaches the European market.
In the best days of the so-called Jamaica Trains in Demerara, three-quarters of a ton of coal in addition to the megass was burned per ton of sugar made, and with this for many years planters were content, because they pointed to the fact that in the central factories, then working in Martinique and Guadeloupe, with charcoal filters and triple-effect evaporation, 750 kilos of coal in addition to the megass were consumed to make woo kilos of sugar.
The whole of the sugar produced in India is consumed in the country and sugar is imported, the bulk of it being cane sugar coming from Mauritius and Java, and about 85% of the import is of high quality resembling refined sugar.
The tapeworm most frequently found in man in Western Europe is the Taenia solium, which is constant wherever pork is consumed, and is more common in parts where raw or imperfectly cooked pork is eaten.
The reduction is not due to electrolysis, but to the action of carbon on alumina, a part of the carbon in the charge being consumed and evolved as carbon monoxide gas, which burns at the orifice in the cover so long as reduction is taking place.
It is a universal article of food in Peru, and the output is consumed in the country.
The fruit is commonly used for the manufacture of oil, which is consumed in the country, and only a small part is exported.
Nevertheless the artistic value of the objects consumed has been greatly exaggerated by some writers.
It thus falls out that in spite of the enormous quantity of fish consumed as food or used as fertilizers year after year by the Japanese, the seas remain as richly stocked as ever.
This reduction of the temperature, carried to an undesirable extreme, is the reason why the man who has copiously consumed spirits "to keep out the cold" is often visited with pneumonia.
The largest amount of alcohol that can be burnt up within the healthy body in twenty-four hours is 12 oz., but it must be consumed in great dilution and divided into small doses taken every four hours.
In the sequel Daniel proves to the king that the priests with their wives and children came in through privy doors and consumed the viands set before the god; and the king, angered at their trickery, slew them all and gave Bel over to Daniel for destruction.
In 1706 and 1842 it was almost entirely consumed by fire.
The freezing machines were kept at work for 200 days, and 2191 tons of coal were consumed in supplying steam for the compressors and circulating pumps.
Some of these generators are constructed to make the gas only as fast as it is consumed at the burner, with the object of saving the expense and room which would be involved by a storage-holder.
When acetylene is burnt from a 000 union jet burner, at all ordinary pressures a smoky flame is obtained, but on the pressure being increased to 4 inches a magnificent flame results, free from smoke, and developing an illuminating value of 240 candles per 5 cubic feet of gas consumed.
Mutesa was a clever man of restless energy, but regardless of human life and suffering, and consumed by vanity.
Beavers also gnaw the bark of birch, poplar and willow trees; but during the summer a more varied herbage, with the addition of berries, is consumed.
He is thus led to recognize immaterial products, whose characteristic quality is that they are consumed immediately and are incapable of accumulation; under this head are to be ranged the services rendered either by a person, a capital or a portion of may= The bass in C. .
The bones of the animals consumed as food at this station were found in such numbers that 5 tons were collected in the construction of a watercourse which crossed the site.
With a supply pressure of 200 volts a 5 c.p. carbon filament lamp takes only 0.1 ampere; hence unless a meter will begin to register with 1 1 - 6 - ampere it will fail to record the current consumed by a single small incandescent lamp. In a large supply system such failure would mean a serious loss of revenue.
Rice-mills, saw-mills and a few distilleries of locally consumed liquor, one or two brick and tile factories, and here and there a shed in which coarse pottery is made, are all Siam has in the way of factories.
As butter is consumed in the raw state, a trustworthy preliminary treatment of the cream is in the highest degree desirable.
What is annually saved is as regularly consumed as what is spent, but by a different set of persons, by productive labourers instead of idlers or unproductive labourers; and the former reproduce with a profit the value of their consumption.
The greater part is consumed in the country, but there is a considerable export of cattle to the United States, Cuba and Central America, and of hides and skins to the United States and Europe.
Other estimates make the " panela " output much larger, the product being largely consumed in the rural districts and never appearing in the larger markets.
About one-half the raw cotton consumed was produced in Mexico, and the balance imported in fibre or as yarn.
Large quantities are consumed fresh, but many are pickled or smoked and others prepared like anchovies.
The food that is taboo must only be consumed by persons who are equally taboo or pure.
But such is not the view of the Church of England in her doctrinal standards, and there is an express rubric directing that any that remains of that which was consecrated is not to be carried out of the church, but reverently consumed.
Maize, beans and bananas, varied occasionally with dried meat and fresh pork, form their staple diet; drunkenness is common on pay-days and festivals, when large quantities of a fiery brandy called chicha are consumed.
Sugar, bananas, tobacco and cocoa are also cultivated; but much of the sugar and bananas, most of the cocoa, and all the tobacco are consumed in the country.
Its highly nutritious leaves and stems are usually consumed by folding the sheep upon it where it grows, there is no green food upon which they fatten faster.
The coal imported (which forms over 90% of the whole consumed) comes mainly from Great Britain; while most of the colonial produce, such as coffee and tobacco, comes through Germany.
How we need to pray for people today so many of whom are consumed by consumerism.
Eggs deposited by the adult tapeworm are shed into the environment where they are consumed by the flea larvae.
Several minutes were consumed in silent admiration before they noticed two very singular and unusual facts about this valley.
These preparations had not consumed a great deal of time, but the sleeping Gargoyles were beginning to wake up and move around, and soon some of them would be hunting for their missing wings.
For several weeks, no foods that contain gluten are consumed.
I'm not sure where you fall on this scale, JG, but it wouldn't hurt to take an honest look at the food coming into your home, how it is being prepared, and how much is being consumed.
No additional foods are consumed whilst on this diet.
Individuals who utilize this pyramid to guide their food choices will consume approximately 1,600 to 2,800 calories each day, depending on the number of servings consumed.
Sugar should be consumed rarely, and only in very small quantities.
It is recommended that if you eat dairy, it only be consumed in small amounts.
In fact, if you are an avid soda drinker, don't have a soda until you have consumed at least half your water for the day.
How many Zone Diet food blocks should be consumed is determined by a person’s size.
Howie, only a sometimes drinker, consumed his share.
They found the bull close to the spring, dead and partially consumed, his horns still entangled in brush.
Marie and Frederick consumed two vials each, leaving the majority, which Sarah and Jackson greedily consumed.
He perished at sea on board a steamboat which was totally consumed by fire while on a voyage from New York to Boston, on the night of the 13th-14th of January 1840.
And we all know about those that optimize for cost and nutrition but the resulting food tastes awful; I have consumed enough wheatgrass to attest to this.