Constructs Sentence Examples
The "immediate object of theological knowledge is the faith of the community," and from this positive religious datum theology constructs a "total view of the world and human life."
The former constructs its tunnels in the sandy flats near the shore at the Cape, but the latter generally frequent higher ground.
Thus, by the end of his seventeenth year his apprenticeship of study was There is, however, one true nest-building parrot, the greybreasted parrakeet (Myopsittacus monachus), which constructs a huge nest of twigs.
It constructs large ball-like nests of dried leaves, lodged in a fork of the branches of a large tree, and with the opening on one side.
Thus when one carries one's thoughts back to a series of events, one constructs a psychic whole made up of parts which take definite shape and character by their mutual interrelations.
The conclusions arrived at by earlier writers are combated by Joseph Bedier in the first volume, "Le Cycle de Guillaume d'Orange" (1908), of his Legendes epiques, in which he constructs a theory that the cycle of Guillaume d'Orange grew up round the various shrines on the pilgrim route to Saint Gilles of Provence and Saint James of Compostella - that the chansons de geste were, in fact, the product of 11th and 12th century trouveres, exploiting local ecclesiastical traditions, and were not developed from earlier poems dating back perhaps to the lifetime of Guillaume of Toulouse, the saint of Gellone.
This species usually constructs its nest on the bottom, excavating a hollow in which a bed of grass, rootlets or fibres is prepared; walls are then raised, and the whole is roofed over with the like material.
It constructs a nest of dried leaves and _herbage, placed in a hole in the ground or a bank or hollow tree, The Weasel (Putorius nivalis).
It constructs elaborate burrows containing several chambers, one of which is employed as a granary, and filled with corn, frequently of several kinds, for winter use.
He constructs his system on the Kantian order - sense, understanding, reason - and exhibits most clearly the necessary consequence from psychological to metaphysical idealism.
AdvertisementThe female constructs on a stone a series of cells, built of cement, which she compounds of particles of earth, minute stones and her own saliva.
One of the last (Collocalia troglodytes, Gray) constructs the edible nests so highly prized by the Chinese.
This is the philosophy of savage life, and it is on these principles that the savage constructs his myths, while these, again, are all the scientific explanations of the universe with which he has been able to supply himself.
In some cases the pupa upon emerging constructs a chimney of soil, the use of which is not known.
However, that does not mean GM constructs located on bacterial chromosomes do not transfer.
AdvertisementBut integration of transgenic constructs containing the 35S promoter may mobilize the elements.
Logic flowcharts can also describe these three programming constructs.
Dialog Constructs an initially invisible dialog Constructs an initially invisible Dialog with an empty title.
High throughput PCR primer design is then used to target specific protein domains and features allowing the team to produce fusion protein expression constructs.
C. McGowan (Scripps Research Institute, U.S.A.) for various constructs expressing human wee1 kinase.
AdvertisementIt is common to think that the biblical lawgiver only constructs laws as a direct response to social and economic forces in his time.
Against these two Constructs, Watts sets ' leprosy as Hansen's disease, i.e., clinically true leprosy ' .
We present generalizations of both constructs, which we call parameterised monads and parameterised Freyd categories, that also capture computational effects with parameters.
Further rounds of infection with other recombinant virus constructs could allow introduction of other oncogenes.
He constructs what firsts at hallowed of three cards chronicling the overabundance.
AdvertisementThe second is relevant to email in that it shows someone who constructs a different persona for themselves in their letters.
No genetic maps were given on the constructs or the plasmids used, nor whether any plasmid sequences are integrated into the transgenic plants.
Constructs of teacher professionalism within a changing literacy landscape.
All artificial constructs are structurally unstable [21 ], and hence prone to recombine and transfer horizontally.
However, we have now extended these studies to use retroviral gene transfer methods to stably transduce macrophage precursors with these DNA constructs.
To this end Weber constructs a typology of the different forms of social action.
Artificial constructs are well-known to be structurally unstable (7 ).
The metaphysics resulting from this epistemology is that the socalled thing in itself is not a cause of our sensations, but a product of one's own thinking, a determination of the Ego, a thing known to the Ego which constructs it.
It is not inconceivable that the CaMV 35S promoter in transgenic constructs can reactivate dormant viruses or generate new viruses by recombination.
The TRIANGULATE procedure constructs a Delaunay triangulation of a planar set of points.
Given the diversity and quality of care verses the budget of each individual family this constructs the stage for a difficult evaluation.
To reclaim his planet, Nile constructs a army of genetically engineered super humans.
It is through interaction with others that the child actively constructs his/her development.
Minnetonka constructs a variety or suede footwear and boots perfect for Indian reenactment.
Celtic engagement rings are one example of filigree designs, though many filigree patterns are simply beautiful constructs without any cultural significance.
The baking team constructs desserts with blow torches.
This company develops and constructs luxury residences and high-end shopping outlets in the Washington DC area.
The Earth of The Caves of Steel has been tamed and all mankind live in one of the great 'cities', huge domed constructs that make up the eponymous 'caves of steel'.
Science fiction is at its best when it examines or dissects and reconfigures social constructs.
In order to prove this novel conclusion he started afresh from the Cartesian " I think " in the Kantian form of the synthetic unity of apperception acting by a priori categories; but instead of allowing, with all previous metaphysicians, that the Ego passively receives sensations from something different, and not contenting himself with Kant's view that the Ego, by synthetically combining the matter of sensations with a priori forms, partially constructs objects, and therefore Nature as we know it, he boldly asserted that the Ego, in its synthetic unity, entirely constructs things; that its act of spontaneity is not mere synthesis of passive sensations, but construction of sensations into an object within itself; and that therefore understanding makes as well as shapes Nature.