Constituency Sentence Examples
He left his constituency to fight N.W.
Once a benefit is established, it creates a constituency fiercely dedicated to defending it.
Dunbar used to form one of the Haddington district group of parliamentary burghs, but its constituency was merged in that of the county in 1885.
At the general election of 1790 he came forward as a candidate for that distinguished constituency, in opposition to Fox and Lord Hood, but was defeated; and, at a second trial in 1796, he was again at the bottom of the poll.
Rhode Island was finally fixed upon, partly as the abode of religious liberty and because of its intelligent, influential and relatively wealthy Baptist constituency, the consequent likelihood of procuring a charter from its legislature, and the probability that the co-operation of other denominations in an institution under Baptist control would be available.
It was not till 1863 that he re-entered political life, being elected by a Parisian constituency.
Each councillor represents a separate constituency, these constituencies, as far as possible, to be the same as the parliamentary constituencies.
The conference recognizes the fact that its constituency is Congregational in tradition and polity.
The record here involves 19 contenders in a parliamentary constituency.
Each candidate must make, at least five days before the elections, a declaration setting forth in what constituency he intends to stand.
AdvertisementThe borough returned a member only to the parliament of 1658; its elected member, Secretary Thurloe, chose then to represent another constituency.
I relish the prospect of finally getting up to date with my constituency workload.
There are issues that are causing much anguish in my constituency.
There are many good faith schools which are a positive boon to the communities they serve - I have three in my constituency.
Blair first ran for Parliament as a Labor Party candidate in 1982, when he lost a by-election for the Beaconsfield constituency.
AdvertisementShe contested the constituency of North West Durham in the 1992 General Election and Barking in a 1994 by-election.
In a working-class constituency like mine, this is a lifeline.
Will the speaker sometimes exclude all non-English constituency MPs, and other times only the Scottish, or perhaps only the Welsh and Scottish?
The Alliance acknowledges the desire of Courage to remain within the evangelical constituency and their desire for evangelical unity.
Constituency MSPs have been particularly concerned that list MSPs have been interfering in local constituency MSPs have been particularly concerned that list MSPs have been interfering in local constituency casework.
AdvertisementThe Commission also amended the name of one proposed county constituency.
I am, however, my constituency delegate to the Labor conference this year so may get a chance to speak.
In general, the intention is to ensure that constituency electorates are kept roughly equal.
The effort to create a European constituency in an effort to promote federalism has been positively counter productive.
If they cannot even garner support from this constituency, how can they possibly suggest their proposals have any level of public support?
AdvertisementThe root of the problem is intellectual incoherence, even more than constituency pressures.
This gives rise to an acute situation in my constituency, where we have only five PayPoint outlets.
Thus, Harriet Harman remained on the NEC ballot paper despite having failed to be properly nominated by her constituency party.
Alike Tory grandees and constituency loyalists are reveling in their party's new-found popularity.
In my constituency child rapists are being put into an open prison from which they can walk out at any time.
The data from the labor force survey, which is a sample survey, are not statistically reliable at the constituency level.
The maligned Liberal Democrat leader issued an immediate riposte from the floor of his rocking constituency office in downtown Inverness.
An accident occurred in my constituency where a farmer, who was spreading slurry, crossed a railroad line.
Seven pro-establishment candidates contested the six constituency seats, thus splitting their vote.
Consequently, if any single deputy believed that a measure already approved of by the rest of the house might be injurious to his constituency, he had the right to rise and exclaim nie pozwalam, " I disapprove," when the measure in question fell at once to the ground.
In May 1869 he was returned to the Assembly, both by the first circumscription of Paris and by Marseilles, defeating Hippolyte Carnot for the former constituency and Thiers and Lesseps for the latter.
This dispute had been raised in 1847 into a question of practical moment by the election of Baron Lionel Nathan Rothschild as representative of the City of London, and its importance had been emphasized in 1851 by the return of another Jew, Alderman Salomons, for another constituency.
A very strong campaign for that is based in Bilston in my constituency, led by the redoubtable campaigner, Tom Larkin.
I am also relishing the prospect of finally getting up to date with my constituency workload.
The voters in each constituency will elect a single person to represent them in the House of Commons.
Four of the seven wards in the constituency now have at least one Liberal Democrat Councilor.
Its constituency was largely the unemployed and the working poor.
The constituency refers to the number of people who have the potential to be customers for the pieces you are considering.
He would not canvass, nor pay agents to canvass for him, nor would he engage to attend to the local business of the constituency.
He was afterwards successively elected for Middlesex (1830), Kilkenny (1837) and for the Montrose burghs (1842), in the service of which constituency he died.
General Botha was defeated at Pretoria East by Sir Percy Fitzpatrick, and at Georgetown - a Rand constituency - Mr Hull was beaten by Sir George Farrar.
His daughter Julia died at Beirut, and before long he received the news of his election by a constituency (Bergues) in the department of the Nord.
He was the first tenant farmer to represent a Scottish constituency, and was returned to parliament, unopposed, as Liberal member for the western division of Aberdeen in 1868.
His support of Pitt's Reform Bill was qualified by a just dislike of the ministers' proposal to treat the possession of the franchise by a constituency as a property and not as a trust.
There is a biennial registration of voters, and every five years the electoral areas are to be redivided, with the object of giving to each constituency an approximately equal number of voters.
The provincial council consists of 25 members (each representing a separate constituency) elected by the parliamentary voters and has a statutory existence of three years.
In the bye-election which followed Laurier's admission to the cabinet he was defeated-- the only personal defeat he ever sustained; but a few weeks later he was returned for Quebec East, a constituency which he held thenceforth by enormous majorities.
P. in the Conservative interest for Hertford, and represented that constituency until 1885.
The measure transferred the right of electing members of the Reichsrath from the diets to the direct vote of the people, the result being to deprive the Federalists of their chief weapon; it was no longer possible to take a formal vote of the legal representatives in any territory refusing to appoint deputies, and if a Czech or Slovene member did not take his seat the only result was that a single constituency was unrepresented, and the opposition weakened.
At the Birmingham election in 1885 he stood for the central division of the redistributed constituency; he was opposed by Lord Randolph Churchill, but was elected by a large majority.
However, he won the seat by a large majority at the General Election in 1880 and, after the Reform bill of 1884 had altered the constituency, sat for Tyneside for a few months in 1885-6.
He represented that constituency until November 1885, when he was returned for the Brightside division of Sheffield, which he continued to represent until his death.
On his return he resumed his office as commissioner of the Great Seal, was appointed a commissioner of the treasury with a salary of 1000, and was returned to the parliament of 1654 for each of the four constituencies of Bedford, Exeter, Oxford and Buckinghamshire, electing to sit for the latter constituency.
The qualifications for electors and members of the council are the same as for the members elected by the province to the House of Assembly (save that a provincial councillor must live in the province in which his constituency is situated).
His apparently inconsistent record on the coinage question becomes consistent if considered in the same way, as the expression of the gradually changing views of his constituency.
And it may not be fanciful to suggest that the obvious growth of McKinley in breadth and power during his term as president was due to his being the representative of a larger constituency, less local and less narrowminded.
Eligibility to the lower house necessitates possession of the elective franchise, an age of at least 25 years, and residence within the constituency.
The qualifications for membership are knowledge of the Persian language and ability to read and write it and good repute in the constituency.
The House of Assembly consists (as originally constituted) of 121 members, elected by single-membered constituencies, each constituency containing as nearly as possible the same number of voters.
Meanwhile in 1885 the parliamentary constituency was made into two divisions with a member each, namely Swansea Town consisting of the original borough with St Thomas's, and Swansea District consisting of the remainder of the borough with the four contributory boroughs.
In Wales eight smaller or less populous counties form each one parliamentary constituency, while the four larger are divided, the number of Welsh county parliamentary areas being 19.
Each Welsh borough constituency returns one member, except Merthyr Tydfil, which returns two, so that there are eleven Welsh borough members.
Sent to the Rigsforsamling of 1848 as member for the first district of Copenhagen, a constituency he continued to represent in the Folketing till 1881, he immediately took his place in the front rank of Danish politicians.
The House of Representatives comprises members elected for four years by universal suffrage, each department forming a constituency and returning one member for every 50,000 inhabitants.
Mr Hofmeyr sat in the house of assembly as member for Stellenbosch, a strong Dutch constituency.
Rhodes was first returned as member of the House of Assembly for Barkly West in 1880, and in spite of all vicissitudes this constituency remained loyal to him.
The area of the city extends to 6602 acres, the burghs of Old Aberdeen and Woodside, and the district of Torry (for parliamentary purposes in the constituency of Kincardineshire) to the south of the Dee, having been incorporated in 1891.
In the toWns the new 10 household franchise secured a democratic constituency; in the counties the inclusion of tenants at will (of 50 annual rent), as well as of copyholders and leaseholders, only tended to increase the influence of the landlords.
R011fl Several of its members were in favor of assimilating the borough franchise to that in force in municipal elections, and practically conferring a vote on every householder who had three years residence in the constituency.
But the tenure of his seat for Launceston was brought to an end by the dissolution of the parliament in 1865, and he did not again offer himself to the constituency.
In 1847 he was returned for Buckinghamshire, and never again had occasion to change his constituency.
In 1812, on account of failing health, he exchanged the representation of Yorkshire for that of a constituency which would make less demands on his time, and was returned for Bramber, Sussex.
He soon found another constituency at Oxford, and upon the formation of Lord Aberdeen's coalition ministry became president of the Board of Trade, although debarred by the jealousy of his Whig colleagues from a seat in the cabinet.
Mr Walter Long, unseated at Bristol, had made himself very popular among Irish Unionists, and a seat was found him in the constituency of South Dublin.
He entered parliament in 1625 as member for Truro, and continued to represent that or some neighbouring west country constituency in such parliaments as were summoned till his death.
A trial of strength took place between him and Mr de Justh, the champion of the extreme demands in the matter of Hungarian financial and economic autonomy; on the 7th of November rival banquets were held, one at Mako, Justh's constituency, over which he presided, one at Budapest with Kossuth in the chair; the attendance at each foreshadowed the outcome of the general meeting of the party held at Budapest on the 11th, when Kossuth found himself in a minority of 46.
At the dissolution in 1774 he had been returned for Okehampton in Devonshire, and for Castle Rising in Norfolk, and selected the former constituency; on his promotion as leading law officer of the crown he returned to Bishop's Castle.
In 1880 he entered the Reichstag as representative of a Berlin constituency, but was ousted in 1893 by a Social Democrat.
After standing unsuccessfully for the department of the Aisne in 1865 and 1869, Waddington was returned by that constituency at the election of 1871.
In this year he was elected a member of the North German Reichstag for a Saxon constituency, and, with an interval from 1881 to 1883, remained a member of the German parliament.
In 1523 he was returned to parliament for Essex, and represented this constituency in subsequent parliaments.
Their ideal in fact was a combination of a king who frankly accepted the results of the Revolution, and who governed in a liberal spirit, with the advice of a chamber elected by a very limited constituency, in which men of property and education formed, if not the whole, at least the very great majority of the voters.
The seats allotted to each province are determined by its number of European male adults as ascertained by a quinquennial census, the quota for a constituency being obtained by dividing the total number of such adults in the Union as ascertained at the 1904 census by the number of members at the establishment of the Union.