Const Sentence Examples
The rate of acceleration will be dv/dt = const.
In the notation of the calculus the relations become - dH/dp (0 const) = odv /do (p const) (4) dH/dv (0 const) =odp/do (v const) The negative sign is prefixed to dH/dp because absorption of heat +dH corresponds to diminution of pressure - dp. The utility of these relations results from the circumstance that the pressure and expansion co efficients are familiar and easily measured, whereas the latent heat of expansion is difficult to determine.
The change of energy at constant volume is simply sdo, the change at constant temperature is (odp/de - p)dv, which may be written dE/de (v const) =s, dE/dv (0 const) =odp/do - p .
We thus obtain the relation ds/dv(o const) =od 2 p/d0 2 (v const),.
Observing that F is a function of the co-ordinates expressing the state of the substance, we obtain for the variation of S with pressure at constant temperature, dS/dp (0 const) '=' 2 F/dedp =-0d 2 v/d0 2 (p const) (12) If the heat supplied to a substance which is expanding reversibly and doing external work, pdv, is equal to the external work done, the intrinsic energy, E, remains constant.
During the Crusades vast armies were set on foot in which feudal rights s Stubbs, Const.
It is often stated that the writ is founded on the article of the Great Charter already quoted; but there are extant instances 1 See Hallam, Const.
Changed all API arguments that take a format string from char * to const char * for Solaris.
Returns RW_NPOS if there is no TRUE bit. unsigned hash () const; Returns a value suitable for hashing.
K* remove (const K* key ); Removes the first association with key j in self that compares equal to *key.
AdvertisementPublic Member Functions void acquire () const; Attempts to acquire the internal mutex lock.
Character array literals The place where strict const ness is not enforced is with character array literals.
The standard contains no prohibitions against casting away any const qualifier.
Both any initialised const B and global var C will be stored in the Data Segment, which is limited to 64K bytes.
It is declared as void * (const void * for msgsnd() ) with glibc 2.2, following the SUSv2.
AdvertisementIt is declared as void * (const void * for msgsnd()) with glibc 2.2, following the SUSv2.