Consolidating Sentence Examples
The death of Matthias in 1490 was a great relief to Poland, and Casimir employed the two remaining years of his reign in consolidating his position still further.
There are those binding stones and consolidating the material with burnt lime and volcanic tufa.
In every theatre the British strength was consolidating.
In spite of the frequent pillage and destruction of monasteries by Northmen, Saracens, Arabs and other invaders; in spite of the existence of even widespread local abuses, St Benedict's institute went on progressing and consolidating; and on the whole it may be said that throughout the early middle ages the general run of Benedictine houses continued to perform with substantial fidelity the religious and social functions for which they were created.
During the reigns of Julian and Jovian, Eunomius resided in Constantinople in close intercourse with Aetius, consolidating an heretical party and consecrating schismatical bishops.
Three years may be said to be spent in the process, one year warping, one year drying and consolidating, and one year growing the first crop, which is generally seed-hoed in by hand, as the mud at this time is too soft to admit of horse labour.
During the reign of Frederick the electors and the greater princes continued the process of consolidating and increasing their power.
The federal parliament began at once the task of consolidating the new institutions.
They were much offended by Caprivis statement that no greater injury could be done to Germany than to give her the whole of Africa, and they refused to accept his contention that the period of flag-hoisting was over, and that the time had come for consolidating their possessions.
This Codex constitutionum was formally promulgated and enacted as one great consolidating statute in 529, all imperial ordinances not included in it being repealed at one stroke.
AdvertisementIn face of obstacles apparently insurmountable he had made a nation, consolidating all the forces which Wallace had stirred into life.
In this capacity, seeing no hope of bringing his army back to France or of consolidating his conquests, he made the convention of El-Arish.
During the ten years following his accession in 1880 Abdur Rahman employed himself in extending and consolidating his dominion over the whole country.
He subsequently made over to his principal disciples the task of consolidating his community, and passed the last twelve years of his life at Puri in Orissa, the great centre of the worship of Vishnu as Jagannatha, or "lord of the world," which he remodelled in accordance with his doctrine, causing the mystic songs of Jayadeva to be recited before the images in the morning and evening as part of the daily service; and, in fact, as in the other Vaishnava creeds, seeking to humanize divine adoration by bringing it into accord with the experience of human love.
In November 1839 was proclaimed an edict, known as the Hatt-i-sherif of Gulhane, consolidating and enforcing these reforms, which was supplemented at the close of the Crimean war by a similar statute issued in February 1856.
AdvertisementThe time required for the work of confederating and of consolidating the confederated states Lord Carnarvon estimated at not more than two years, and he was sanguine enough First to hope that Frere would stay on at the Cape for two or three years " as the first governor-general of the of the South African dominion.
Of him also nothing is really known except the bare facts of his reign and of his comparative success in consolidating the kingdom known as "of Galicia" or "of Oviedo" during the weakness of the Omayyad princes of Cordova.
The county council may, with the consent of the Local Government Board, borrow money on the security of the county fund or any of its revenues, for consolidating the debts of the county; purchasing land or buildings; any permanent work or other thing, the cost of which ought to be spread over a term 'of years; making advances in aid of the emigration or colonization of inhabitants of the county; and any purpose for which quarter sessions or the county council are authorized by any act to borrow.
To Warren Hastings (1772-1785) belongs the glory of consolidating the British power, and converting a military occupation into a stable civil government.
In 1854 he carried, almost without opposition, a most important and complicated act consolidating all existing shipping laws, but in 1855 resigned, with his Peelite colleagues, upon the appointment of Mr Roebuck's Sevastopol inquiry committee, declining the offer of the chancellorship. of the Exchequer pressed upon him by Lord Palmerston.
AdvertisementAfter thus establishing peace and consolidating his power, Brian returned to his residence Cenn Corad and matured his plan of obtaining the high-kingship for himself.
Now was the time, and it might soon be lost, for consolidating British trade relations with the colonies.
By consolidating multiple requisitions for the same supplier into a single purchase order, you gain opportunities for economies of scale.
For instance on the bottom of page 15 reference is made to the ' (sub) consolidating supervisor ' .
That Heriberts device proved effectual in raising the spirit of his burghers, and consolidating them into a formidable band of warriors, is shown by the fact that it was speedily adopted in all the free cities.
AdvertisementHowever the opinion of later generations may stand in respect of the Vivisection Act, it will surely appear to them that the other acts, largely based upon the results of experimental methods, strengthening and consolidating the medical profession, and fortifying the advance of medical education, led directly to a fundamental change in the circumstances of the people in respect of health.
In many cases, by consolidating and regrouping different pension plans, you can gain considerably more.
Both the NCFE and the NCH bring you this jointly accredited credential in the interests of consolidating hypnotherapy training into an externally verified qualification.
Even if this is your attitude, you can still save money by consolidating orders and purchasing multiple items to take advantage of flat-rate shipping costs and additional-item discounts.
Consolidating debt of a smaller amount may not be worth the program's time.
Consolidating your unsecured debt can be a great financial tool only if you change the financial behavior that initially got you to the point of needing to consolidate debt.
Consolidating debt can save borrowers hundreds or thousands of dollars in interest payments, but it is not always an automatic fix to all financial woes.
Consolidating for the sake of getting all accounts into one payment with no regard for the interest rate, however, is not a good move.
Consolidating your balance into one account is often easier to manage and will eliminate a large number of monthly fees, annual fees and high finance charges.
There are certainly a lot of benefits to consolidating bills down to one lender.
Consolidating debt makes a person feel a lot more in control of his or situation.
Christian debt consolidation is a method of consolidating debts into monthly payments through a third party provider.
However, if consolidating your school debt will help you to pay off your other debt, it may be a good option.
There are several key benefits to consolidating loans in this manner.
In addition, consolidating your debt can sometimes simplify your payment life.
The first step to consolidating your student loans is to find a lender who offers consolidation.
It may be more financially advantageous to just pay off your higher rated loans separately first or to avoid consolidating those loans, making the minimum payments on the lower rate loans while you do so.
Consolidating debts often allows them to be repaid faster or at a lower interest rate.
After consolidating your closet, look for a space-maximizing solution for your closet, which can include everything from a few strategically placed shelves to an entire closet system from companies like Elfa.
If you're interested in consolidating your student loans, the first thing you need to know is what types of loans they are.
Through the combination of lower interest rates and longer payment plans, consolidating your loans usually results in a lower monthly payment.
While consolidating your loans into one payment can make you shell out less cash each month, you could end up paying more over time if your term is significantly extended.
In related news, Turbine has announced that they are closing their West Coast offices and consolidating into their Westwood, Massachusetts headquarters.
Physical activity and thought are suppressed in sleep, but the brain nonetheless remains active "processing information, consolidating and revising memory, and learning newly acquired skills."
Some support exists for consolidating child-support enforcement through the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rather than the states.
You may commit the excess proceeds toward consolidating your outstanding loans or can use the funds for something else entirely.
Once you've finished consolidating, it's time to sort.
The rest sat on, discussing the constitution, drawing up lists of damnable heresies and of incontrovertible articles of faith, producing plans for the reduction of the army and demanding - consolidating his rule and power.
After this event, the semi-independent chiefs of the Lombard tribe, who borrowed the title of dukes from their Roman predecessors, seem to have been contented with consolidating their power in the districts each had occupied.
The intervening years had been spent by the Lombards, not irs consolidating their union, but in attempting to secure special privileges for their several cities.
On the pretext 01 consolidating that republic, he invited 450 of its leading men tc come to Lyons to a consulta.
Having thus freed themselves from Tatar control, the Moscow princes continued to carry out energetically their traditional policy of extending and consolidating their dominions at the expense of their less powerful relations.
This was an amending act and not a consolidating act; consequently it had to be read as if incorporated into the already existing acts.
Victories in the field were not more effective in consolidating Napoleon's power than were his own coups d'etat and the supremely skilful use which he made of conspiracies directed against him.
In consolidating his empire and subduing contending factions he was ably assisted by Nizam ul-Mulk, his vizier, one of the most eminent statesmen in early Mahommedan history.
The capture of Damietta was a considerable feat of arms, but nothing was done to clinch the advantage which had been won, and the whole of the year 1220 was spent by the crusaders in Damietta, partly in consolidating their immediate position, and partly in waiting for the arrival of Frederick II., who had promised to appear in 1221.
The work, begun by his predecessors, of consolidating the kingdom internally and making its army a fighting-machine of high power was com pleted by the genius of Philip II.
Thus the two great houses of Orsini and Colonna, who had long fought for predominance in Rome and often flouted the pope's authority, were subjugated, and a great step achieved towards consolidating the Borgia's power.
Despite acute party dissensions and bad administration the new State was in 1921 steadily consolidating itself.
Meanwhile the king of Portugal went on consolidating the power of the crown at home and the influence of the nation abroad.
The subsequent occupation of Port Arthur and other Chinese harbours by European powers, and the evident intention of consolidating Russian influence in Manchuria, were again and again the subject of Japanese representations at St Petersburg, and these representations became more vigorous when, in 1903, Russia seemed to be about to extend her Manchurian policy into Korea.
The consolidating Merchant Shipping Act of 1854 and subsequent legislation so much increased the department that in 1866 it was divided into three, viz.
While the Dutch were thus consolidating their authority, other countries were acquiring new commercial or colonial interests in the archipelago.
A further step towards consolidating the protective system was taken by abolishing the duty on sugar, mainly a revenue duty.
During his twenty years' reign Denmark advanced steadily along the path of greatness and prosperity marked out for her by Valdemar I., consolidating and extending her dominion over the North Baltic coast and adopting a more and more independent attitude towards Germany.
By taking this course he sacrificed much of his remarkable popularity in his native province, but confirmed the work of consolidating the Dominion.
His speech at Birmingham (November 14, 1907), fully accepting the principles of Mr Chamberlain's fiscal policy, proved epoch-making in consolidating the Unionist party - except for a small number of free-traders, like Lord Robert Cecil, who continued to hold out - in favour of tariff reform; and during 1908 the process of recuperation went on, the by-elections showing toamarked degree the increased popular support given to the Unionist candidates.
All these changes tended to consolidating the centralized authority of the papacy.
Thenceforth he devoted himself to consolidating his party.
Mahommed (afterwards caliph), governor of Armenia and Azerbaijan (Adherbaijan), succeeded in repelling the Khazars, imposing peace on the petty princes of the eastern Caucasus, and consolidating the Arab power in that quarter.
Accordingly he suddenly took service, in the spring of 1502, with Cesare Borgia, duke of Valentinois, then almost within sight of the realization of his huge ambitions, and meanwhile occupied in consolidating his recent conquests in the Romagna.