Consistories Sentence Examples
Protestants were granted full civil rights and protection, and were permitted to hold their ecclesiastical assemblies - consistories, colloquies and synods, 1 Lindsay, Hist.
In the large towns there were consistories composed of all the ministers and of delegates from the various parishes.
Its consistories are grouped into two special synods, one at Paris and one at Montbliard (for the department of Doubs and Haute-Sane and the territory of Belfort, where the churches of this denomination are principally situated).
The Jewish parishes, called synagogues, are grouped into departmental consistories (Paris, Bordeaux, Nancy, Marseilles, Bayonne, Lille, Vesoul, Besancon and three in Algeria).
Discipline over ministers and other office-bearers was exercised by administrative methods in the form of trials before consistories or synods.
Consistories and synods have till near the end of the 18th century.
The bishops had consistorial courts; the patriarchs, chanceries and consistories (ib.).
Beginning with Paris, some fifteen communities with their consistories were established in French towns between 1555 and 1560.
The Reformed Church has consistories in Dresden and Leipzig.
Instead of the appointments to the membership of the consistories being made by the bishops, they were made by the supreme civil authority, whatever that might be.
AdvertisementIn Sweden they preside over local consistories composed of clerical and lay members.
In general, these engagements bore upon the limitation of the number of cardinals, the prohibition to nominate new ones without previous notification to the Sacred College, the sharing between the cardinals and the pope of certain revenues specified by a bull of Nicholas IV., and the obligatory consultation of the consistories for the principal acts of the temporal and spiritual government.