Consistently Sentence Examples
The same principle was consistently applied in his university teaching.
Thiers had consistently opposed the emperor Napoleons pro-Italian policy.
Higher education was long forbidden and is consistently opposed by the Old Order.
When Gnosticism recognizes in this corporeal and material world the true seat of evil, consistently treating the bodily existence of mankind as essentially evil and the separation of the spiritual from the corporeal being as the object of salvation, this is an outcome of the contrast in Greek dualism between spirit and matter, soul and body.
If you begin to implement some of these ideas and consistently focus on how to teach spelling, your child will soon be one of the best spellers you've ever met.
Let's Homeschool - The site offers a small, but consistently growing collection of reviews for some of the most popular programs.
His or her job will entail maintaining the drilling equipment so that it is consistently working properly.
In order to facilitate the heel stretch of your less flexible leg, you will need to consistently practice a side split floor exercise that emphasizes your weaker leg.
Such an attitude on the part of a Christian is not explicable before the closing years of Domitian; for, apart from Caligula, he was the first Roman emperor who consistently demanded divine honours.
The consecration of material objects and in general their use in religion and cult was consistently avoided by the Manicheans; not because they failed to share the universal belief of earlier ages that spirits can be inducted by means of fitting prayers and incantations into inanimate things, but because the external material world was held to be the creation of an evil demiurge and so incapable of harbouring a pure spirit.
AdvertisementIt cannot be said that she developed as did the Western Church during this period, for she remained what she had been; but she freely developed her original characteristics, consistently, in every direction.
The United Kingdom and Holland alone held consistently and unfalteringly to the principle of free trade.
Moreover the clergy, to their eternal honour, consistently protected the lower from the tyranny of the upper classes.
Just as in Europe the ghost of a dead person is held to haunt the churchyard or the place of death, although more orthodox ideas may be held and enunciated by the same person as to the nature of a future life, so the savage, more consistently, assigns different abodes to the multiple souls with which he credits man.
Their pharmacological action is as obscure as their effects in certain diseased conditions are consistently brilliant and unexampled.
AdvertisementDown then to their common definition of pleasure as activity the three treatises present a harmonious system of morals, consistently with one another, and with the general philosophy of Aristotle.
He was one of the few prominent politicians who consistently maintained the struggle against state socialism on the one hand and democratic socialism on the other.
The irritation of the latter was greatly Mazarin's own fault; he had tried consistently to play off the king's brother Gaston of Orleans against Conde, and their respective followers against each other, and had also, as his carnets prove, jealously kept any courtier from getting into the good graces of the queen-regent except by his means, so that it was not unnatural that the nobility should hate him, while the queen found herself surrounded by his creatures alone.
His first acts, indeed, allayed the worst alarms of the Liberals; but it was soon apparent that the weight of the crown would be consistently thrown into the scale of the reactionary forces.
He did not travel much abroad, for his father, in his desire to exclude from Holy Russia the subversive ideas current in Western Europe, disapproved foreign tours, and could not consistently encourage in his own family what he tried to prevent among the rest of his subjects.
AdvertisementThe principle of the " open-door " in fact has already been consistently applied in connexion with certain non-European areas.
All through the American War he consistently declaimed against the colonies, and he was bitter in his attack on Benjamin Franklin before the Privy Council.
According to one alternative, which consistently flowed from the psychological idealism of Descartes, as well as from his own monadism, he suggested that bodies are real phenomena; phenomena, because they are aggregates of monads, which derive their unity only from appearing together to our perceptions; real phenomena well founded, because they result from real monads.
But his ardent love of consistency led him far away from Kant in the end; for he proceeded consistently from the assumption, that whatever we think beyond mental phenomena is ideal, to the logical conclusion that in practical matters our moral responsibility cannot prove the reality of a noumenal freedom, because, as on Kant's assumption we know ourselves from inner sense only as phenomena, we can prove only our phenomenal freedom.
In modern times, Spinoza, by a mere mistake, changed the meaning of " substance " from " existing apart " to " existing alone," and consistently concluded that there is only one.
AdvertisementCullen, therefore, while an ardent patriot, was consistently an opponent of Fenianism.
A Republican in politics, and a firm believer in the doctrines of strict construction and state sovereignty which Thomas Jefferson had been principally instrumental in formulating, he opposed consistently the demand for internal improvements and increased tariff duties, and declined to follow Henry Clay in the proposed recognition of the independence of the Spanish colonies in South America and in the Missouri Compromise legislation.
In the complicated Schleswig-Holstein question Bavaria, under Pfordten's guidance, consistently opposed Prussia, and headed the lesser states in their support of Frederick of Augustenburg against the policy of the two great German powers.
In his relations with the churches which lay outside the strict limits of his patriarchate, in northern Italy, Spain, Gaul, Africa and Illyricum and also in the East, Gregory consistently used his influence to increase the prestige and authority of the Roman See.
It was impossible, however, for him to carry out this view consistently.
The conduct of the king proves that he had a most sincere regard for the welfare of his the Academy of Science, and he consistently restrained the undue intervention of the church in secular affairs, and placed restrictions upon the accumulation of property in the hands of religious bodies.
He was educated at Cluny, and consistently exerted himself for the principles of Cluniac reform.
Here he was conspicuous as an ardent free-trader and an uncompromising advocate of "States Rights," opposed the protectionist tariff bills of 1824 and 1828, and consistently upheld the doctrine that slavery was a domestic institution and should be dealt with only by the individual states.
When British engineers first undertook the management of Egyptian irrigation many representations were made to them of the advantage of storing the Nile water; but they consistently maintained that before entering on that subject it was their duty to utilize every drop of the water at their disposal.
She was no doctrinMaria aire, and consistently acted on the principle once laid Ther down by Machiavelli, that while changing the substance, the prince should be careful to preserve the form of old institutions.
It appears that the principle of putting the longer suras before the shorter was more consistently carried out by him than by Zaid.
Akhenaton has been so consistently eclipsed by the later kings who destroyed his work, that the painted pavement and the rock tablets of Tell el Amarna are the only monuments of his still in position, beside a few small inscriptions.
The British government intervened on behalf of the khedive and consistently maintained that the Rafa-Akaba line must be the frontier.
Though living in a slave state he was consistently opposed to slavery, but he favoured gradual rather than immediate emancipation, and in 1838 he freed his own slaves.
Thessaly has been consistently studied by Arbanitopoullos in his capacity as Ephor of Antiquities and as a soldier in the Balkan wars (1912-3).
As the Bruce faction had asserted their fealty to Edward, the carefully patriotic attitude of the Scots may be ascribed to the two bishops, who did not consistently live on this level.
It seems probable that Wallace remained consistently loyal to Baliol, and hostile to the party of the wavering Bruce.
From 1877 onward Kruger's external policy was consistently anti-British, and on every side - in Bechuanaland, in Rhodesia, in Zululand - he attempted to enlarge the frontiers of the Transvaal at the expense of Great Britain.
Finally he was forced to an open protest, which he caused to be inscribed on the journals, but the action of Capo d'Istria in reading to the assembled Italian ministers, who were by no means reconciled to the large claims implied in the Austrian intervention, a declaration in which as the result of the "intimate union established by solemn acts between all the European powers" the Russian emperor offered to the allies "the aid of his arms, should new revolutions threaten new dangers," an attempt to revive that idea of a "universal union" based on the Holy Alliance against which Great Britain had consistently protested.
The democracy consistently supported the victorious Thebans against Sparta, figuring with a large contingent on the decisive field of Mantineia (362).
His policy, consistently maintained, was to permit no kind of foreign interference, on any pretext, with the interior concerns or the economical conditions of his country.
On the other hand, Louis granted privileges to the towns and consistently used their alliance to overthrow the nobility.
It must be so designed as to give as flat an image as is possible consistently with freedom from astigmatism of oblique pencils.
He consistently maintained that sense is knowledge of particulars and the origin of scientific knowledge of universals.
It may, perhaps, be accounted to Hume for righteousness that he declares - whether consistently or not is another matter - that " the same effect never arises but from the same cause," and that he still follows Bacon in the conception of absentia in proximo.
They had devised canons for the investigation of the concrete problems of this, but had either ignored altogether the need to give an account of the mirroring mind, or, in the alternative had been, with some naïveté, content to assume that their nominalist friends, consistently their allies in the long struggle with traditionalism, had adequately supplied or could adequately supply the need.
It follows consistently enough that inference is from particular to particular.
In these writings he consistently upheld the doctrine of civil liberty against the pretensions of the papacy.
The sultan's policy had been consistently directed to crushing the overgrown power of his vassals; in the spring of 1831 two rebellious pashas, Hussein of Bosnia and Mustafa of Scutari, had succumbed to his arms; and, since he was surrounded and counselled by the personal enemies of the pasha of Egypt, it was likely that, so soon as he should feel himself strong enough, he would deal in like manner with Mehemet Ali.
We do not know why it has developed a diffusive activity of late years, nor why it has attacked some places and consistently passed by others, such as Singapore.
In oruer to diminish that pressure to the smallest possible amount, the effort, and the resultant of the useful resistance, and the weight of the piece (called above the given force) ought to be opposed to each other as directly as is practicable consistently with the purposes of the machine.
The merest pleasurelover may consistently say that he prefers a single glass of good champagne to several bottles of cooking-sherry; the slight but delicate experience of the single glass of good wine may fairly be regarded as preferable to the more massive but coarser experience of the large quantity of bad wine.
Bacon took a considerable share in the debates, consistently upheld the prerogative, and seemed yet to possess the confidence of the Commons.
The prince of Gwynedd henceforth considered himself as a sovereign, independent, but owing a personal allegiance to the king of England, and it was to obtain a recognition of his rights as such that Llewelyn ap Iorwerth, " the Great," consistently strove under three English kings, and though his resources were small, it seemed for a time as though he might be able by uniting his countrymen to place the recognized autonomy of Gwynedd on a firm and enduring basis.
But he had consistently adopted towards John as conciliatory an attitude as his duty to the church would allow, and had more than once entered upon negotiations for a peaceful compromise.
The greater part of the treatise is devoted to working out this line of thought; and in so doing Spinoza consistently applies to the interpretation of the Old Testament those canons of historical exegesis which are often regarded as of comparatively recent growth.
The pressure of despotism was manifest, not so much in that the king and his officials consistently interfered in individual cases, but that they did so on isolated and arbitrary occasions, and then swept aside the privileges of the subject, who was impotent to resist.
The emperor Constantius conducted the war feebly and was consistently beaten in the field.
The Cape governments - both Dutch and British - had been consistently averse from the importation of slaves in large numbers, and the great majority of the slaves were therefore Hottentots.
Rhodes, who had large interests in the Rand mines, had consistently endeavoured to conciliate the extreme Boer section in the Transvaal and win it over (as had happened in the case of the Cape Dutch) to a policy which should benefit the whole of South Africa.
It follows that of " parts " of the soul, as previous thinkers imagined, there can be no question; all that can consistently be maintained is that from the centre of the body - the heart - seven distinct air-currents are discharged to various organs, which are so many modes of the one soul's activity.'
A Stoic might consistently maintain that World-Soul, Providence, Destiny and Germinal Reason are not mere synonyms, for they express different aspects of God, different relations of God to things.
Hence if the energy is the greater, the greater the area of the exposed surface,' the liquid will tend to move in such a way as to diminish the area of the exposed surface, or, in other words, the exposed surface will tend to diminish if it can do so consistently with the other conditions.
The actual phenomena, however, of this Gospel, and of its relation to sources that have been used in it, cannot be explained consistently with either of the two views just mentioned.
Any attempt to classify examples by their colours fails, for, while at some periods the particular tints employed in certain chanceries may have been selected with a view to marking the character of the documents so sealed, such practice was not consistently followed.
His work had rendered great service to the government, and he might have had high preferment in the Church but for the Puritan views which he consistently maintained.
Most noticeable among these doctrines is the complete system of angelology consistently followed out in the Book of Daniel, according to which the management of human affairs is entrusted to a regular hierarchy of commanding angels, two of whom, Gabriel and Michael, are even mentioned by name.
He here breaks with Augustine and the Westminster Confession by arguing, consistently with his theory of the Will, that Adam had no more freedom of will than we have, but had a special endowment, a supernatural gift of grace, which by rebellion against God was lost, and that this gift was withdrawn from his descendants, not because of any fictitious imputation of guilt, but because of their real participation in his guilt by actual identity with him in his transgression.
He had consistently advocated Alexander's project of a "universal union," symbolized by the Holy Alliance, in contradistinction to the narrower system of the alliance of the great powers; and, when the Greek insurrection broke out, he did much to determine the tsar to sacrifice his sympathy with the Orthodox Greeks to his dream of the European confederation (see Alexander I., emperor of Russia).
Although he was recognized leader of the Dutch party in Cape Colony, he consistently refused to take office, preferring to direct the policy and the action of others from an independent position.
But President Kruger, consistently pursuing his own policy, hoped through the Delagoa Bay railway to make the South African Republic entirely independent of Cape Colony.
On the native question he held a consistently strong attitude, defending their rights, and uncompromisingly opposing the native liquor traffic. In 1901 he went to the Transvaal as chief justice of that colony.
The road southwards to Ghazni and Kandahar was always naturally excellent and has probably needed little engineering, but the general principle of road-making in support of a military advance has always been consistently maintained, and the expeditions of Kabul troops to Kafiristan have been supported by a very well graded and substantially constructed road up the Kunar valley from Jalalabad to Asmar, and onwards to the Bashgol valley of Kafiristan.
In the National Assembly he sat on the extreme Left, consistently opposing the opportunist policy of successive governments.
Consistently with his desire to remain neutral, Hale took the engagement to the Commonwealth as he had done to the king, and in 1653, already serjeant, he became a judge in the court of common pleas.
In Great Britain and her colonies, however, and in the United States, other systems of notation still survive, though there is none which is consistently in one scale, other than the denary.
The number ten having been taken as the basis of numeration, there are various methods that might consistently be adopted for naming large numbers.
A considerable fraction of them adhered consistently to the English cause from this time forth, and ultimately lost their lands for refusing to follow the rest of the nation in the next insurrection.
It was everywhere felt that the new kingdom owed much to the moral support which had been steadily and consistently given to it by Great Britain.
After 1547 a different plan is adopted, though not consistently followed.
It was solely through his efforts that Hungary did not accede to the league of Cambrai, was consistently friendly with Venice, and formed a family compact with the Habsburgs.
The deities worshipped by them were Ares (who is consistently assigned to them as a god of war, and as a god of Thracian and generally northern origin) and Artemis, not the usual Greek goddess of that name, but an Asiatic deity in some respects her equivalent.
It is by their recognition of the duty of living consistently by theory instead of mere impulse or custom, their sense of the new value given to life through this rationalization, and their effort to maintain the easy, calm, unwavering firmness of the Socratic temper, that we recognize both Antisthenes and Aristippus as " Socratic men," in spite of the completeness with which they divided their master's positive doctrine into systems diametrically opposed.
The latter system gave the simplest and most obvious answer to the inquiry after ultimate good for man; but besides being liable, when developed consistently, to offend the common moral consciousness, it conspicuously failed to provide the " completeness " and " security " which, as Aristotle says, " one divines to belong to man's true 'Good."
Scotus consistently maintained that the divine will is similarly independent of reason, and that the divine ordering of the world is to be conceived as absolutely arbitrary.
As Locke cannot consistently mean by God's " goodness " anything but the disposition to give pleasure, it might be inferred that the ultimate standard of right rules of action ought to be the common happiness of the beings affected by the action; but Locke does not explicitly adopt this standard.
This wise policy, to which he consistently adhered to the close of his reign, was not followed by his son and successor Constans, who, after repeated attempts to win over the sect by bribes, resorted to persecution.
Unlike Lord Hartington (afterwards duke of Devonshire) and other Liberals, who declined to join Mr Gladstone in view of the altered attitude he was adopting towards Ireland, Mr Chamberlain entered the cabinet as president of the Local Government Board (with Mr Jesse Collings as parliamentary secretary), but on the 15th of March 1886 he resigned, explaining in the House of Commons (8th April) that, while he had always been in favour of the largest possible extension of local government to Ireland consistently with the integrity of the empire and the supremacy of parliament, and had therefore joined Mr Gladstone when he believed that this was what was intended, he was unable to consider that the scheme communicated by Mr Gladstone to his colleagues maintained those limitations.
In general, however, his Turkish policy was sound, as he consistently adopted the Jagiellonic policy of being friendly with so dangerous a neighbour as the Porte.
The feeble inadequacy of conception, infirmity of power, factional jealousy, disintegrating particularism, and vicious finance of the Confederation were realized by many others; but none other saw so clearly the concrete nationalistic remedies for these concrete ills, or pursued remedial ends so constantly, so ably, and so consistently.
To this conception of history Polybius is on the whole consistently faithful.
In the Nibelungen story, on the other hand, though its extant versions are of much earlier date, and though it contains elements equally primitive not found in the other, the spirit and the motives of the earlier story have to a large extent been transmuted by later influences, the setting of the story being - though by no means consistently - medieval rather than primitive.
Best advice is to use consistently and to always expand the abbreviation somewhere in the main body of the text.
Here, one of our elephants suffers from a foot abscess, which has been treated consistently for 8 weeks.
There is no physical reason why any of us should not more consistently serve aces or hit perfect returns.
The University consistently achieves graduate employment rates higher than the national average.
Consistently strong performance in meeting national service priorities and improvement targets and carrying forward the Government's modernizing agenda for social services.
The encoding and decoding algorithms are simple, but the encoded data are consistently only about 33 percent larger than the uncoded data.
Model-based linkage disequilibrium unit (LDU) maps appear robust to marker density and consistently influenced by marker allele frequency.
One London has consistently opposed the decision to suspend the Mayor for four weeks for allegedly anti-Semitic remarks to a journalist.
Detailed attrition data are understood by staff and specific measures are taken consistently to reduce attrition data are understood by staff and specific measures are taken consistently to reduce attrition rate.
A fluorescent, Gram-negative bacterium was consistently isolated from diseased tissues onto King's B medium.
It outlines a method to consistently measure the junction capacitances accurately.
They, therefore, endeavor, and that consistently, to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms.
Nonetheless Scillonian children are more outgoing and confident than their counterparts on the mainland and have consistently achieved examination results comparable to the best.
Chronic epilepsy All hospital studies of newly diagnosed epilepsy have consistently demonstrated that 20 - 30% of patients do not enter remission 1-3.
They are able to provide dependable, reliable technical assistance to ensure your stencil consistently achieves the best results.
In terms of functionally, the Grand Banks ' reputation for consistently delivering dependable, stable boats is second to none.
The problems and failings of PPPs are consistently downplayed.
Each year we introduce dozens of new toys, yet many of our original designs have remained consistently popular for two decades.
Everyone will enjoy consistently high-speed connections, everywhere in your house - no signal dropouts or wireless dead spots.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones consistently emphasized the significance of Christ's sacrifice for our sake.
He has consistently opposed human cloning, eugenics, coercive population polices, abortion, destructive experiments on human embryos and euthanasia.
With the ability to work well under pressure, you must consistently deliver first-rate, cost-effective solutions and meet challenging deadlines.
The various events have had fluctuating fortunes over the years with the West of England leading the way with its consistently high entry.
Over the last few decades the Nordic countries have consistently been the most Ge... .
Consistently challenging gremlins that give you close match results can result in consistently recieving challenges from those grems.
Official studies have consistently shown that the vast majority of human remains do not constitute a health hazard.
In times of moral panic, Parliament has consistently shown itself easily capable of distinctly illiberal legislation.
As we had underlined consistently, military action was neither imminent nor inevitable.
Pinnock feels that Fuller is not consistently inductive; Fuller says the converse is true.
Chapman is consistently late for meetings and sometimes too inebriated to perform well in Python stage shows.
I have a pair of suede loafers which I've worn pretty consistently since February, and they show it.
Elected to Parliament in 1983 since when she has fought courageously and consistently in support of the pro-life lobby.
Flt Lt Ann Gibson won the ladies master-at-arms with a consistently high performance throughout the weekend.
I also suffer from a debilitating degenerative disease that has been consistently misdiagnosed a lazyness.
Silence and secrecy, punctuated with disingenuousness have consistently been its preferred modus operandi.
Suitable for competent mountaineers who have climbed consistently at these standards.
Iraq has acknowledged using mustard gas against Iranian troops but has consistently denied using chemical weapons against civilians.
Throughout the 1990's there have been many successful vintages with 1995, 1996, and 1997 being consistently outstanding.
This landmark would have been reached earlier as demand has consistently outstripped supply, but they are working at capacity.
Music consistently outwits all attempts to store, own, quantify and of course sell it - as I pointed out last time.
The general public consistently overestimates the amount of Lottery money earmarked for the Good Causes.
Only in ' contemporary ' Fine Art has drawing been consistently undervalued, or dismissed (despite occasional weak protestations to the contrary ).
It offers an extensive range of structured products to IFA's which is consistently available.
This stretch of border land has consistently attracted artists commonly seeking restorative, often spiritual experience.
Continue to feed on a regular basis, mist the plants daily and remember to water well and consistently to avoid blossom end rot.
She works super consistently into the contact in an established outline and is exceptionally well trained already for her age.
I just wanted to say thanks, my expectations are consistently surpassed by your friendly staff and fast delivery.
This is to ensure that licensed taxis are consistently fit for use by the public for the purposes for which they are licensed.
Hopkin was consistent - consistently unable to find a teammate with his passing.
These consistently showed a depth of about 35cm of gray sandy topsoil directly overlying the natural sand of the Bagshot Beds.
The Commission must ensure even transposition across the EU and consistently take measures against member states that fail to comply with their obligations.
In the UK for example, the sector as a whole consistently undervalues the enormous contribution made over the years by the co-operative movement.
As a matter of fact, the book which Macaulay was professing to review describes at length the honourable part consistently taken by Hastings in opposition to the great majority of the council.
But the cynical expressions of such a man are not to be taken too literally; and the mere fact that he lived and died in the esteem of many friends suffices to show that the theoretical selfishness which he sometimes professed cannot have been consistently and at all times carried into practice.
On the accession of Elizabeth Feckenham consistently opposed all the legislation for changes in religion, and, when the hour of trial came, he refused the oath of supremacy, rejecting also Elizabeth's offer to remain with his monks at Westminster if he would conform to the new laws.
Under the first head he attacks mechanics precisely as Mach had done (see above); if this attack had been consistently carried out it would have carried him no further than Mach.
He took an active share in the Oregon controversy, asserting his unalterable determination, in spite of President Polk's faltering from the declaration of his party's platform, not to " yield up one inch " of the territory to Great Britain, and advocating its occupation by a military force; indeed he consistently regarded Great Britain as the natural and foremost rival of the United States, the interests of the two nations, he thought, being always opposed, and few senators fought more vigorously the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty or Great Britain's reassertion of the right of search on the high seas.
The quartet of soloists was first class and the ensemble work was consistently of the highest order.
Any attempt at an authentic translation of an Euripidean vision is consistently obscured by the quotidian world of Irish sexual politics.
Esporta 's racquets clubs are consistently performing well in the market with new members for the same period up by 13 %.
It offers an extensive range of structured products to IFA 's which is consistently available.
Medical patients, whether recuperating from surgery or suffering other medical conditions, consistently recover better in the home environment.
It has an extended roman alphabet to accurately and consistently represent the Thai alphabet.
Despite this, it maintains a consistently saccharine tone; it is also, as might be expected, unconscionably pompous.
Windows treated consistently with gray sandstone dressings, all splayed.
As mentioned above, skeptics cannot consistently say that they know nothing.
However, our own self- assessment established that we havenât achieved a consistently high standard of cleanliness across our seven hospital sites.
All of these are deeply relevant to the post-tsunami response and must be consistently upheld by every agency.
Christian Aid has consistently condemned human rights violations on both sides of the conflict.
Prime/target pairs sharing the vocalic melody but not the CV-Skeleton consistently failed to prime.
I've had the privilege of working with some extraordinary investors who consistently add a tremendous amount of value.
Once she has reached six months of age, she should be consistently sleeping through the night for a period of nine to eleven hours.
In fact, there has been a correlation found showing a decrease in breastfeeding among infants who consistently use them.
The concept that a newborn can be spoiled has consistently been dispelled.
Give yourself and your child some time to create a schedule that works consistently.
Effective potty training occurs when both parent and child make a conscious decision to consistently change their potty habits.
If your baby attends a childcare facility or is cared for in a group when you return to work and is consistently getting sick, put her on a good multivitamin.
However, keep in mind that there are well-known brands such as West Point or Cannon that have earned a reputation over the years for consistently producing high-end towels at affordable prices.
By doing some research, talking to people with experience in buying fresh seafood, and experimenting to see what types you like best, you can consistently buy high quality seafood products.
Consumers consistently rate the following models as their favorites, according to buyer reviews on and Consumer Search.
Granted, most of the ties are available at competitors, but they seem to be on sale more consistently.
Just hold onto your receipt until you make sure the product is consistently living up to the standards the directions inspire.
When they first came out, the Eee PCs ranged from seven to nine inches, but now Asus consistently produces ten to twelve inch netbooks.
One of these cats consistently pees on my bathroom rugs -- or any rug for that matter.
This way her nutritional needs are met consistently.
You may try every brand of flushable litter on the shelves only to find that the only type your cat will use consistently is the clay based litter.
There are some cat breeds that are consistently popular with cat owners.
After throwing out much of his original material, Kinney felt able to complete a book that was consistently funny and interesting throughout.
There are some drinks that are ordered consistently in bars or restaurants and mixed up for backyard parties or festive family events.
Another option, if you have the money, is to purchase a frozen drink machine to ensure consistently smooth Daiquiris.
All the consumer needs to do is consistently pay the monthly payment to the consolidation company.
They may consistently underpay certain creditors, which makes it harder to detect since partial payments tend to set off fewer red flags than no payments, and thus can drag the scam out for months and months.
Paying your bills consistently is one of the best ways to raise your FICO score.
These consumers report that their statements consistently arrived late, causing them to pay their charges late, resulting in overcharge fees.
However, for each bank, you must consistently make your payments for that period of time.
The car is consistently responsive and moves at maximum power while maintaining energy efficiency.
Drive consistently without speeding, quick acceleration and sudden braking.
Hypertension is a term used to describe consistently elevated blood pressure.
While many herbs may be associated with hormone replacement there are a few that seem to consistently work well for a majority of women.
Some people think that white is boring, but over the years it has consistently been a popular color choice for kitchens.
Though new colors may be added and some hues may be discontinued as seasons change, expect to consistently find neutral shades with splashes of color in the Pottery Barn paint collection.
At LoveToKnow Makeup we employ a full-time editor to consistently oversee all the content, submissions and changes.
In her native country of Somalia, she was consistently teased about her long neck.
Investing in the products you can afford and then using them consistently will offer you a much better result than overspending on a product you don't use consistently.
Mark cosmetics offers the same world renowned independent sales opportunities as its' parent company, Avon, while consistently keeping up with the beat of the ever changing cosmetic and fashion industry.
Although the intensity and shades of makeup that she wears vary from ensemble to ensemble, Rhianna consistently embraces a sexy and sultry style with confidence.
Regardless of which one you like to consistently use, make sure you save the web address to your bookmarks so you can open your web browser and load it up in a matter of seconds.
The company's digital cameras consistently rate well among consumers and are highly regarded for holding their value.'s red-eye removal tool consistently gets positive reviews, so if red-eye concerns are something you spend a lot of editing time with, this might be the tool for you.
Do I attend unnecessary meetings or spend time in meetings that are consistently unproductive?
At LoveToKnow, we employ full-time editors to consistently oversee all the content, submissions, and changes.
Here are a few schools to watch that consistently come in above their peers.
They consistently turn out record-breaking seasons with an overall record of 453 wins and 167 losses.
De la Salle in California is yet another school that consistently produces top athletes that go on to play in the NCAA and the NFL.
However, any school that consistently wins back-to-back state championship deserves some attention.
Most, if not all, of the high school teams that consistently rank in the top have a great support network of coaches, parents, and fans to cheer them on.
Their programs probably have good funding and they consistently go to state championships, if not win them.
Another idea would be to make a list of companies that consistently use images of a thin ideal in their advertising, and send a letter to their marketing departments.
Or, is the best player the one who consistently rebounds the ball and puts it into the hands of the top scorer?
If your partner is consistently bothered by you leaving your dirty socks on the bedroom floor, make an effort to remember putting them in the laundry hamper.
When it is used for a prolonged period of time, Percocet doesn't always work consistently.
These strong opinions have opened him to ridicule by many of his contemporaries and fans, leading many to wonder if his consistently high box office draws will continue or if he is on a downward swing to one amazing career.
Smith consistently ranks on Forbes 40 Richest Under 40 lists.
Whether singing with Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child or his idol Chaka Khan, Alfonso performed consistently well week after week.
American Idol, hosted by Ryan Seacrest, has consistently ranked in the top spot all six seasons, while the Emmy awards has slowly declined.
Despite being number two in the ratings, Letterman consistently ranks higher than Leno in a yearly poll for the "Nation's Favorite TV Personality."
Despite her artificial limb, she consistently raised the stakes, incorporating complicated moves and even a back flip into one of her dance routines.
Although young, Kristen Stewart has consistently impressed audiences and the film industry with her performances.
She's one of the few actors that has had a consistently successful acting career, and is still getting great roles well into her sixties.
Graduates of the health science programs are consistently ranked beyond the national average in terms of their professional certifications.
Special privileges are not extended to groups beyond dedicated events, and groups that are consistently disruptive may not be permitted on future cruises.
When you use your remote training device correctly and consistently, you should quickly see an improvement in your canine companion's behavior.
The foods that consistently rated high with consumers were made of recognizable products, and all food sources were listed individually.
These brands stay on top in the dog food ratings because they consistently provide a large number of consumers with a high quality product that works.
This dog food consistently scored top ratings.
While it is consistently high in protein, owners of both small and large dogs are satisfied with the quality of the nutrition that their dogs are receiving.
A lime-free soil suits them best, a generous mixture of loam, leaf soil and sand, with consistently cool or moist conditions, meeting all requirements.
Transplant the seedlings outside when daytime temperatures are consistently 80 degrees or higher.
As with watermelons, you can either start the seeds indoors a few weeks before the last frost-free date, or plant seeds directly into the garden once the daytime temperatures hit 80 degrees consistently.
Strawberries produce consistently for several years.
Most cannot withstand temperatures consistently dipping below 50 or 60 degrees.
From their inception in the late 1980s through their hey day during the grunge movement in the 1990s, Alice in Chains has consistently made music of a unique style.
Enthusiastic, raw and inspiring, he delivers consistently bold performances with the guileless swagger of enduring innocence.
Place rugs in high traffic areas and places that are consistently in direct sunlight.
Cabot deck stain is consistently rated the best deck stain on the market by Consumer Reports.
Whether he's consistently polished, perennially preppy, all-out sporty, favors a rock-inspired aesthetic or something else entirely, chances are he can - and does - express himself perfectly through his attire.
Their fleeces, rain jackets and coats are consistently the most worn of all such products in the industry.
Unfortunately, there are not a lot of online organics stores that consistently offer free shipping.
When you pay a little extra for USDA certified products, you are buying a known quantity that is consistently produced in a reliable way.
Always measure your flour consistently, and don't use measuring cups meant for liquid ingredients (those with curved mouths).
Look for dog foods that are consistently in the top five or ten on a variety of listings.
You should also try some shops that consistently carry a decent selection of fashionable plus size clothing, such as Target and Old Navy.
The company offers free USPS shipping on orders more than $40, and the site features an abundant sale rack that is consistently updated.
Items that consistently do well typically will remain on the shelves.
Of the two, consignment shops tend to be better organized and offer consistently higher quality clothing.
Students who consistently behave poorly on the bus may have their seat assigned, be required to have their parents ride with them, or may lose their bus riding privileges altogether.
As of 2011, there were ten levels of Medigap insurance plans offered, each providing the same level of care consistently throughout the United States.
This mouth device may help those who snore consistently.
These medications are effective for a season, but you should not use them consistently, as they lose their effectiveness with habitual use.
If you buy replacement parts from the same company consistently, a copy of your most current prescription and your insurance information should be kept on file to make ordering new CPAP masks simple.
If you do it consistently for a week, you just may find that you will become a pro at contact lens removal in no time.
No matter what their reputation, they have consistently remained in the spotlight.
Of course, lodging preferences vary, but if a property gets consistently bad reviews, you may want to rethink your overnight choices.
Consistently voted one of the best amusement parks in the world by leading roller coaster enthusiast groups, industry organizations, and travel professionals, Cedar Point is a top theme park destination all summer long.
In addition to having plenty of thrill rides to please adventurous park goers, Kings Island consistently wins awards for their kid-friendly offerings.
Video games have only been around for a few decades, but there are already many classic titles that are consistently near and dear to the hearts of many players around the world.
The game consistently slowed when you plunged your taxi into the water, which was neat and hard to get out of.
A slight advantage, especially since I'm 6'1" and 220 lbs. But alas, I overcame my bulkiness (ok, HUSKY) to consistently beat her... but I can still see the vengeance in her eyes.
Other time problems are skipping work or being consistently late; ignoring friends and family to play games; and-as mentioned before-not sleeping or eating.
Until you can consistently pass songs with a 'B' or an 'A', keep plodding away before moving to the harder levels.
In order to keep the fish alive, you need to consistently feed them fish food.
Find a Chief Brute with a gravity hammer (or any Chief Brute, but the one with a gravity hammer makes you invincible more consistently).
If you consistently score lousy, then the audience will start walking out on you and you'll fail the song.
He is a plumber by trade--though you never really see him in his environment--that consistently gets charged to rescue Princess Peach, who routinely gets kidnapped by Bowser and his underlings.
It's easy enough to understand how to play the game Tetris, but creating a strategy to get consistently high scores takes a lot of time on the keyboard or controller.
For all these reasons, it should come as little surprise that Mario Kart DS has consistently been considered one of the best Nintendo DS games ever available.
They were founded in 1983 by the Stamper brothers and have consistently produced high-quality titles since their inception.
Being one of the older emulators that hasn't been updated since 2003, Ages is not rated very high by nostalgic gamers, but is one of the rare emulators that supports Sega Game Gear games and plays them consistently.
There's a reason why this title is consistently featured as one of the best rated Wii games released to date.
Seeing how it is consistently rated as one of the most addictive puzzle games of all time and one of the top video games that never get old, it should really come as little surprise that Tetris is so prevalent, even to this day.
Wines were consistently good and generally ready to drink (though they could go at least another 5-10 years).
While the wines from the region are consistently good, certain vintages proved spectacular for producing delicious wines.
Williams Selyem wines consistently receive scores in the good to superior range from reviewers like Wine Spectator and Robert Parker.
Archery Summit also produces world-class Pinot Noir wines that have won many awards and consistently rate high in Wine Spectator for quality.
Beaux Frerers makes some of the most powerful and consistently good Pinot Noir wines in Oregon.
But, Malbec is synonymous with Argentina wine and the Alamos Malbec has been consistently good year after year.
Covey Run makes affordable and consistently good wines from Washington State.
Stags' Leap Winery produces consistently good, reasonably priced red and white wines.
Jean produces consistently good Chardonnay wines, as well as the fabulous flagship red, Cinq Cipages.
They have consistently produced the proverbial citrus-apple fruited white, with its overtones of grass-herb flavors.
Among their award-winning wines, their Sauvignon Blanc is consistently highly rated, year-in, year-out.
Over the years, Murphy-Goode has consistently produced excellent versions at an excellent value.
The wines are extremely affordable and consistently good, though not exceptional.
Chardonnays from Acacia Vineyards are no exception, remaining consistently good from vintage to vintage.
Greatness in the bottle does not happen consistently and often occurs merely by serendipity.
In the United States, it is believed that the plants may be grown successfully and consistently in the Willamette Valley of Oregon.
Knowledge of vintners who consistently turn out quality wines can help in selecting fine wines.
Lenoble non-vintage Blanc de blanc Champagne is reasonably priced (about $35 a bottle), consistently delicious, well rated by wine reviewers and makes the perfect wine for your appetizer course.
The Reserve Pinot Noir from Oregon's Argyle Winery is a consistently good, relatively affordable (around $40 a bottle) Pinot Noir.
Laughing Magpie is usually under $20 per bottle, and it is consistently good from vintage to vintage.
Yalumba wines are consistently good and very affordable.
They are consistently good from vintage to vintage and retail for less than $15 per bottle.
The best club for you is one that consistently sends you bottles of wine that you enjoy.
K&L Wine Merchants wine clubs are consistently rated as top picks by wine lovers.
Gold Medal Wine Club is consistently well rated with a variety of options in multiple price ranges.
Madame Alexander earned a place of honor in the world of collectible dolls by consistently producing high quality dolls of the finest materials.
However, iPhone rumors consistently arise on the Internet about the possibility of a version for other networks.
For example, if you are consistently getting harassing calls from the same number and would like to know who it is that is calling you, it may be in your interest to look into reverse cellular phone directories.
Wet cell phone problems occur whenever the phone gets consistently wet or moisture manages to penetrate the internal workings of the phone.
If iTunes consistently does not open when you connect your iPhone to your computer, report the problem to Apple.
Thus, if the parent views the child as wild, the child begins to view himself that way and soon his actions consistently reinforce his self image.
Lying that is consistently self-serving with no prosocial motive is a serious issue.
It is at this stage that friends and romantic partners consistently rival parents as the primary sources of intimacy and social support.
Children who are diagnosed early enough and take colchicine consistently have an excellent prognosis.
It is wise for parents to consult a physician if a child is consistently overweight and diet or exercise does not seem to make a significant difference.
Sluggishness may also be noted if a child's veins and arteries are consistently filled with higher than normal amounts of fatty substances that are not being metabolized by the body.
If the child is consistently below the fifth percentile on standard growth charts or if a child stops growing at all, the parent(s) should discuss the implications with the child's pediatrician.
Children do not consistently favor one hand over the other before 12 to 18 months of age, and doing so may be a sign that the child has difficulty using the other hand.
A child with primary enuresis has never been consistently dry through the night.
At this time, the child has developed specific schema, or symbols for people and objects in his or her environment, and will draw them consistently over and over.
It is important for parents to consistently set limits and stick to them.
If rules for behavior have been consistently modeled and expected by the parents, children should exhibit an increased sense of responsibility and self-control when they become school age.
Apply rules and discipline clearly and consistently.
In mutism, the child has the ability to converse normally and does so, for example, in the home, but consistently fails to speak in specific situations such as at school or with strangers.
The heart may not be able to "work around" the damaged valve, which may result in a consistently inadequate amount of blood entering the circulation.
Studies consistently report that anxiety disorders can be debilitating and impinge seriously on a person's quality of life.
These children have trouble organizing the sounds of speech in common patterns and may consistently replace one sound with another.
Several subsequent studies have consistently verified Murakami's research.
They vary greatly in their reliability or validity (how consistently the test measures what it purports to measure).
For the remaining parent, it is important to cuddle and care for the infant or toddler warmly, frequently, and consistently.
They gradually learn that they are loved as the people who care for them consistently treat them gently, kindly, comfort them when they cry, and show them attention.
The availability of iron in plants ranges from only 1 to 10 percent, with some exceptions, while that in meat, fish, chicken, and liver is consistently 20-30 percent.
If time outs are used in a preschool or daycare situation, parents may want to discuss this with the teachers or caregivers so that time outs can be used consistently in situations at home too.
Prevention of lice infestation depends on adequate personal hygiene and consistently not sharing combs, brushes, hair accessories, hats, towels, or bedding.
When used consistently and correctly, however, condoms offer the best protection against acquisition of STDs, including HIV.
Observing which hand the child consistently uses for various activities-or whether the child switches hands when repeating the activity-can help the teacher make this determination.
Secure styles show a child consistently connected to the primary caregiver, with a firmly established sense of trust and a nurturing response; however, insecure styles of attachment have features of instability.
Insecure attachment develops when a primary care-giver does not consistently respond in ways that are warm, affectionate, loving, dependable, and sensitive to the infant's needs.
Insecure attachment-Develops when a primary caregiver does not consistently respond in ways that are warm, affectionate, and sensitive to a baby's needs.
The best meal and snack plan is one that the family or caregiver is able to aply routinely and consistently.
Since the method I have been taught to make pie dough utilizes shortening and I have gotten consistently excellent results with this recipe, I am, this time, advocating the use of shortening.
For the safety of your students, it is important to choose a product that has been tested over time and that consistently performs well.
Each character is translated consistently and you can check to see all the instances in which it appears in the text.
Bangs are essential, and if you have extremely curly hair, you'll probably end up using a hair dryer or straightner consistently in order to get the desired droopy effect.
If you've had long hair for a while, you're probably already pretty good at putting it up and know a few basic hair styles that consistently work well for you, even on your worst hair day.
If you find a shampoo product that works for you, use is consistently to produce best results.
If you find a shampoo product that works for you, use is consistently or as much as you can afford to produce best results.
However, homeschooling has shown to be more effective for many children than public school, with the average scores on standardized achievement tests consistently higher for homeschoolers than those of public school students.
As long as time is spent consistently teaching a child skills such as the alphabet, reading readiness, writing and numbers, there really is no one choice that is best.
Simply because Singapore students test consistently higher in mathematics on international tests.
They should also have positive attitudes and consistently exhibit appropriate behavior and performance levels.
Studies consistently go back and fourth about weight gain and hormones.
Male condoms are noted as being around 98 percent effective when used consistently and properly.
Frequent sex is a simple approach but it may be too difficult to follow through consistently.
This taboo surrounding sexual activity is a contributing factor of why many teens do not consistently use adequate birth control methods to avoid conception, which leads to many pregnancies.
In fact, San Francisco has been consistently credited for having the most authentic festivities outside of China itself.
This model, which sells for under $300, consistently gets good reviews from consumers, who praise its ease of use and stitch variety.
However, there are a few stores that consistently provide a quality selection year after year.
Roxy shorts tend to be a bit more pricey, but they consistently reign supreme in quality and durability.
From red carpet debuts to bumming around at the beach, Jag has been there consistently for years.
Though name-brand swimwear may be more costly initially, you could save plenty of money in the end because you will not have to consistently replace it.
By encouraging the arms to consistently move faster, you breathe more, thus gaining more oxygen which keeps the muscles working at maximum capacity.
Once you are consistently swimming any given stroke as it's meant to be swum, you can begin to pick up speed.
Others, like vitamin E, are fat-soluble and can make you quite sick if you consistently overdose it for an extended period of time.
These are vitamins, minerals, or groups of either substance that have shown themselves consistently helpful.
Otherwise, provided you eat a diverse diet that consistently contains the foods listed above, folic acid supplementation may not be necessary.
If you consistently wear a uniform of neutrals, you probably won't have much use for a transparent, lacy style that oozes sex appeal.
MarBeck is a consistently trusted name in small appliance replacement parts.
It is known for producing consistently even grounds for making espresso, regular coffee or even Turkish coffee.
In its "Vision 2010" Strategy, Philips emphasizes that it is a "people-centric company" that strives to consistently deliver their brand of "sense and simplicity" products, improving the quality of life through meaningful innovations.
The griddle plugs into an outlet and heats the grill more consistently than burners on a stove top.
As you research, make a list of models that are consistently mentioned in positive reviews.
This means your food will cook consistently with less chance of meats having uncooked centers.
It glides effortlessly over fabric and heats quickly and consistently.
Unlike most microwaves that cycle the power between no heat and full power, this model uses inverter technology, which provides a continuous stream of power that cooks large portions of food faster and more consistently.
The show has been honored with six Emmy and three Golden Globe awards, and it has consistently ranked well in the Nielson ratings.
You say that this guy is amazing and that before you; he had no respect for women and was consistently non-committed.
If you consistently play the "numbers game" eventually someone will say yes to that first date, especially if you are coming from a place of personal authenticity.
Despite the fact that diamonds are not nearly as rare as they once were, they are still consistently priced higher than most other gems of comparable quality.
By focusing on timeless pieces that are consistently popular, Kay is able to offer the finest quality of those pieces without spreading their expertise too thin on different options.
Diamonds are consistently the most popular gem chosen for engagement rings, and the vast majority of brides opt for diamonds in their wedding rings as well.
I am consistently amazed each time we add a new product to our shelves at the taste and quality.
However, Fossil handbags also come in a signature line that consistently offers certain basic models.
Anne Klein handbags are just another guiltless perk from an amazing designer who is consistently memorable for producing styles that remain relevant to the lives of American women.
Founded in 1965 by husband and wife team Francois and Marithe Girbaud, the French-based Girbaud clothing company specializes in chic apparel and accessories that are consistently cutting edge.
Individuals who refuse to settle for anything less than the very best (and who doesn't?) are consistently thrilled by the performance, value and quality of this dramatic, elegant lineup.
Both parents should consistently assure the children that they are not at fault for the split and that they are deeply loved.
But children who consistently do not follow through with their chores should understand that there are consequences.
Although breastfeeding is consistently advocated as the healthiest form of nutrition for infants, there has long been a controversy involving this form of infant sustenance.
They follow through consistently, with consequences that make sense.
Consequences are given consistently; children know what to expect.
Both demanding and responsive, they communicate clear expectations based on logical reasoning, and consistently follow through with consequences that make sense in accordance with the transgressions.
Hubert Pearce consistently guessed 558 correct hits, a resulting 30% success rate that was 188 successful hits above the expected results from simple chance.
However, disappearances and accidents do still occur in the Triangle, and researchers consistently log those accidents and try to understand their cause.
Whether it's to save a few pennies or an entire paycheck, knowing what tips apply to your specific shopping habits can help you consistently save money, time, and effort.
Studies have consistently proven that people find it easier to stick to a budget when they must physically count out the cash for a purchase.
Located in Papago Park, the zoo is one of the largest non-profit zoological parks in the nation, and consistently ranks as one of the top five best family-friendly zoos in the United States.
They consistently produce workout and training gear that any athlete would be proud to wear.
Rules had begun to be played with in the late 1960s, and by the 1980s, they were being fairly consistently broken.
The fleece-lined interior is the boots' biggest draw, offering wearers a comfortable, plush bed that keeps their feet consistently toasty.
The Home and Away writing team is consistently impressive; though they also share duties with other writers, individually they are responsible for writing many episodes.
Bold and the Beautiful is consistently the number two daytime drama in the United States just behind sister show The Young and the Restless.
The show has consistently provided plots that interest people of all ages.
The Emmerdale cast is quite diverse, and many of the females consistently grace the covers of British soap opera magazines.
It's consistently updated, so even if you're unable to watch current episodes, you'll still stay right on top of all things Eastenders.
Consistently earning high ratings overseas, The Bold and the Beautiful focuses primarily on the Forrester family and their fashion design business as well as romantic issues.
With Y&R consistently winning the number one slot, arguably, CBS daytime soaps are the number one choice for soap fans.
His actions are consistently targeted to take down the people in his father's life, a father that he feels abandoned him as a child.
Except for a one year break from the show due to a salary dispute, he has been featured on the soap consistently and is considered a fan favprite.
Soap opera characters, on the other hand, live in a consistently over dramatic world where they are always engaged in some sort of complicated plot twist or attempting to be rescued from a distinct level of peril.
However, it has also consistently battled Coronation Street and Emmerdale in the ratings.
In fact, ever since its founding, Skybus has consistently offered fares that are, on average, 65 percent lower than their competition.
Have A Flexible Schedule - One of the best ways to consistently save money on airline tickets is to allow the carriers to tell you when the best deals are and adjust your schedule accordingly.
As a chain, Beaches consistently wins awards for their family-friendly resorts, but their Turks and Caicos location is the jewel in their crown.
Citizen watches are consistently on the cutting edge of technology, providing unique and innovative products like the first water-resistant watch and the first shock-resistant watch.
For 64 years, the Gruen Watch Company consistently produced quality timepieces, but in 1958, the last remnants of the original company failed, marking the end of an American legacy.
Since 1921, Gucci has consistently offered the world a coveted selection of luxury items such as handbags, jewelry, shoes and watches.
To prove it, Accurist watch makers have consistently introduced quality, high precision women's watches like the ones below that any lady would be happy to wear on her wrist.
The manufacturer consistently offers coupons for Yoga Toes, and on LoveToKnow Yoga, we try to publish those coupon codes as we find them, as do our readers.
They are consistently the number one selling yoga mat in the world.
This study assessed computerized medical records in the Vaccine Safety Datalink to conclude that rates of autism spectrum disorders and other neurological problems rose consistently with increased exposure to thimerosal in vaccines.
However, if parents consistently find that the local grocery store is a source of great distress for the child, it is best to use desensitization rather than putting too many demands on the child all at once.
Individuals on the spectrum benefit from consistency, so having support and guidance that helps your family follow through with interventions consistently can maximize results.
Sometimes search engine optimization can seem a little arbitrary, but as you work with these concepts consistently you will see results.
If you consistently put off things you don't want to do, you'll end up wasting time dreading having to work on those tasks.
If your plan is to start an online business for Internet consumers, do some research to find out what people are consistently searching for online.
Just as having a single logo has a positive impact on building a brand for your business, using the same colors consistently also helps consumers recognize your company quickly and easily.
During this time, Ms. Smith has consistently impressed me with her upbeat demeanor, her customer service skills, and her innovative problem solving skills.
Ms. Smith was consistently patient in dealing with customer complaints, going above and beyond the call of duty to resolve issues customers were having.
He consistently keeps us on track and keeps us from getting lost.
Two additional auto waxes to consider are Zymol and Mother's, both rated consistently high among consumer reviews at Epinions.
Some vehicles are consistently rated near the top of the list.
However, some models consistently rank near the top.
Bridgestone consistently ranks at the top of most ratings on car consumer websites.
Based in Ohio, Goodyear tires consistently make the top of the quality rankings year after year.
One of the best ways to get the crowd involved is to perform a cheer consistently for every game so that the crowd knows the cheer.
It is best to order a swatch, purchase your hair piece and follow up by consistently ordering from the same company where your hair color is known and secure.
After practicing these split stretches consistently, you can progress to working on your straddle split.
The Kenmore brand is sold by Sears and is consistently rated as one of top appliance manufacturers in the industry.
If you do those things consistently, then chances are you will lose weight, not money.
The Weight Watchers magazine, a monthly publication, also consistently features several dessert recipes within its pages.
You can use any kind of diet and exercise plan you want (except for those crash diets, of course) but if you're following the plan of eating less and moving more consistently, you're sure to win your weight-loss battle, and that's no myth.
You cannot randomly decide what you will and won't eat from one day to the next and expect to consistently lose weight.
However, if you're consistently eating fast food once or twice (or more times) a week, look into minimizing health risks through meal planning strategies and eating the healthiest fast foods.
Those who experience this plateau are eating about the same calories each day, and exercising the same amount of time consistently.
These sudden fluctuations are not healthy for your body, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy weight consistently.
Eating higher levels of protein than required occasionally is not likely to result in health problems; however, when you consistently eat high levels of protein, you may experience any of the following.
If you're consistently burning as many calories as you take in throughout the day, you'll achieve long term weight management, and those who burn more calories than they take in can even lose weight.
You want your heart consistently working to receive the full benefits of a cardio workout.
The body gets used to the same workout if done consistently; after a while, this fails to challenge your muscles and you may not see gains in calorie burning and strength.
This workout program can be effective if followed consistently.
Using your seat belts consistently can also save you money.
Consistently receiving the highest rankings from Fitch, A.M. Best, and Standard & Poor's, New York Life offers excellent life insurance coverage at an affordable price.
Auto insurance companies consistently ranking high in several different areas are considered to be at the top of the list for best companies.
Companies consistently ranking high among car insurers include Amica Mutual and USAA, although USAA is not included in the official list since membership is not available to everyone.
Although ratings change depending on a variety of fluctuating factors, there are some auto insurance companies consistently rank high when compared to other car insurance companies.
For example, if you do not consistently have more than $1000 sitting in a savings account, you should not choose a $1000 deductible.
Geico consistently receives a triple-A rating from Standard and Poor. consistently receives high marks from users.
In addition to consistently receiving high rankings in listings of the best places to work, this company also maintains an A+ rating with A.M. Best.
American Fidelity Assurance Company has boasted this high rating consistently for over a decade.
The annuity will give you great returns over time, but not if you don't consistently keep it growing.
It is proof positive that consistently good work will pay off in the end.
The band was consistently among the top 12 most requested artists from 2001 on according to and was nominated for Best Christian/ Gospel Album of the Year in 2005 and 2006.
New generations are consistently exposed to them through television commercials and movie soundtracks.
His extensive list of releases have always sold well, and his self titled album and Sweet Baby James album remain some of the consistently biggest selling back catalog albums year after year.
After his first hit in 2005, he has consistently topped the charts as a solo artist and with collaborations with other recording artists.
Plant is known for blending blues, rock and folk music and has consistently reinvented himself over the course of his long music career.
Although his solo albums didn't burn up the charts like a Zeppelin album, he consistently sold out arenas while touring solo, mostly with Zeppelin fans hoping (futilely, at this point), to hear some old Zep songs.
The band themselves consistently refused to explain what they had in mind when they wrote the lyrics, saying that it was important for them to allow fans to find their own meanings in the lyrics.
And the nature of this reality again can neither be consistently represented as a fixed and hard substance nor as an unalterable something, but only as a fixed order of recurrence of continually changing events or impressions.
He had to steer a middle course between the extremes represented by the Carbonari on the one hand and the Sanfedisti on the other, and he consistently refused to employ the cruel and inquisitorial methods in vogue under his successors.
Hence, in any cosmopolitan treatment of vegetation, it is necessary to consider the groups of plant communities from the standpoint of the climatic or geographical district in which they occur; and this indeed is consistently done by Schimper.
The history of his youth reveals no special predilection for the military service - the bent of his mind was political far more than military, but unlike the politicians of his epoch he consistently applied scientific and mathematical methods to his theories, and desired above all things a knowledge of facts in their true relation to one another.
The importance is now widely recognized of considering the mechanical properties of alloys in connexion with the freezing-point curves to which reference has already been made, but the subject is a very complicated one, and all that need be said here, is that when considered in relation to their meltingpoints the pure metals are consistently weaker than alloys.
The specific heats may be any function of the temperature consistently with the characteristic equation provided that their difference is constant.
Here for the first time a consistently elaborated world-historical interpretation is carried out from the reign of Domitian to Lyra's own period.
To civil war she was consistently opposed, and never ceased to dissociate herself from the plans of the emigres, but here again her very position made her an enemy of the republic. In any case, all her actions had as their aim - firstly, the safeguarding of the monarchy and the king's position, and later, when she saw this to be impossible, that of securing the safety of her husband and her son.
It has since been consistently Democratic. The supremacy of the party was threatened for a time by the growth of Populism, but the danger was ayoided by the acceptance of free silver, and the partial adoption of the Populist local programme.
Descartes, consistently with this doctrine, denies the existence of atoms as parts of matter, which by their own nature are indivisible.
Subsequent psycho-physical investigations have all been in the spirit of his work; and although he consistently advocated the introspective method in psychological investigation, he was among the first to appreciate the help that may be given to it by animal and social and infant psychology.
Consistently with this we have the conclusion stated in the succeeding section on the Will.
As a senator he consistently opposed the increasing monarchism of Napoleon, who, however, gave him in 1809 a pension and commissioned him to write a work on fortification for the school of Metz.
As a political adviser of the king Williams consistently counselled moderation and compromise between the unqualified assertion of the royal prerogative and the puritan views of popular liberties which were.
At the invitation of amateurs and professional friends he opened a school of composition at which several celebrated musicians were trained; as a teacher he consistently declared his preference for the traditions of the old Roman school of composition.
The Treatise is a reductio ad absurdum of the principles of Lockianism, inasmuch as these principles, when consistently applied, leave the structure of experience entirely " loosened " (to use Hume's own expression), or cemented together only by the irrational force of custom.
The rigid line between fact or fiction in religious literature, which readers often wish to draw, cannot be consistently justified, and in studying old Oriental religious narratives it is necessary to realize that the teaching was regarded as more essential than the method of presenting it.
This last conception lay beyond the horizon of Caesar, as of all ancient statesmen, but his first act on gaining control of Italy was to enfranchise the Transpadanes, whose claims he had consistently advocated, and in 45 B.C. he passed the Lex Julia Municipalis, an act of which considerable fragments are inscribed on two bronze tables found at Heraclea near Tarentum.3 This law deals inter alia with the police and the sanitary arrangements of the city of Rome, and hence it has been argued by Mommsen that it was Caesar's intention to reduce Rome to the level of a municipal town.
For his phenomenalism prevents him from consistently saying the truth inferred by reason - that there is a world beyond experience, a world of Nature, and a will of God, real as well as ideal.
If the personal idealist consistently denies other bodies, then the bodily signs become, according to him, only part of his experience, which can prove only the existence of himself.
It has also been noted that Kitchen does not consistently apply his own dictum.
To that end Kutuzov's activity was directed during the whole campaign from Moscow to Vilna--not casually or intermittently but so consistently that he never once deviated from it.
Hailing from Seattle, Washington, Alice in Chains has been consistently productive since their 1987 creation.
You might be surprised at how much your child will get out of these brief lessons if they are done consistently.
Consistently focusing on a weekly list of words that the child should memorize and know how to spell will build her vocabulary over time.
A really great tip I found for making consistently colored and correctly dyed candles is to melt a pound of wax as you normally would to make candles, then fill 10 sections of an ice cube tray evenly with wax (you'll have leftover wax).
Still, choosing a dripless candle will ensure ease of cleaning these holders as well as a consistently clean presentation.
The cartoon remains at the top of the charts consistently due to the quirky story lines and cast of unusual characters such as Sponge Bob and his various friends.
He is amazing but before me he had no respect for women and was consistently non-committed.
Joe consistently signs "thank you" and "smart."
They consistently wore robot costumes onstage and also produced elaborate light shows to accompany their sets.
Because beaches are very open, you may not be able to consistently close the party to those without invitations, unless you have several chaperones who can man the perimeters.
For example, Santa might give the person with the messiest office a maid for the day, or the person who consistently spills coffee on his shirt might be given a set of bibs.