Consistency Sentence Examples
They had the consistency of rubber mats.
The art of his comedies consists in the clearness and simplicity with which the situation is presented and developed, and in the consistency and moderation with which his various characters play their parts.
Vassalage, too, acquired a greater consistency at this period, and its rules began to crystallize.
The chemicals provide stability and consistency in the results.
His oracular reserve, personal honesty and consistency of aim had gained him the suffrages of all who hoped to save France from the harpies of the Directory and the violent rhetoricians of the now reconstituted Jacobin Club.
He often prided himself on his absolute consistency, and we have Chaptal's warrant for the statement that, after the time of the Consulate, his habit of following his own opinions and rejecting all advice, even when he had asked for it, became more and more pronounced.
Once you reach this consistency, stop mixing.
They did much to excite thinking, and advanced many problems by more than one step, but they did not furnish a coherent system, and the doctrines which were then new have since been worked out with greater consistency and clearness.
The branches may be quite free or they may be united laterally to form a solid body of more or less firm and compact consistency.
It is made up of a number of points of view which successively appeared acceptable to a personality whose self-appreciation verges more and more upon the insane, and exhibits neither consecutiveness nor consistency.
AdvertisementHis career was distinguished by uprightness, by piety, by a devotion to duty, by courage and consistency.
Natty Bumpo, however, is a creation of no common unity and consistency.
Add enough of the reserved stock to form a syrupy consistency.
It will have the consistency of cottage cheese.
When a, b, X are regarded as constant, the first factor may be omitted, - as indeed should be done for consistency's sake, inasmuch as other factors of the same nature have been omitted already.
AdvertisementHaving, however, made a deduction, which is at all events consistent, that on Kantian assumptions all we know is mental phenomena, Lange proceeded to reduce the rest of Kantism to consistency.
He was even unable, in dealing with the elementary conceptions of geometry, to work out with any consistency the few original thoughts he had, and thus became the easy sport of Wallis.
By evaporation of a solution of lanthanum oxide in hydrochloric acid to the consistency of a syrup, and allowing the solution to stand, large colourless crystals of a hydrated chloride of the composition 2LaC1 3.15H 2 O are obtained.
None of them had literary pedantry enough to question the consistency of the divine revelation on that ground.
Many zealots objected to the introduction of these innovations in the sacred text, but theological consistency had to yield to practical necessity.
AdvertisementHe was indeed bound by consistency to withstand what his own government, by the words of Sir Edward Grey, had declared would be an unfriendly act on the part of France.
First, Socrates, whilst he conceived that the physicists had mistaken the field of inquiry, absolute truth being unattainable, maintained, as has been seen, that one opinion was better than another, and that consistency of opinion, resulting in consistency of action, was the end which the human intellect properly proposes to itself.
When Lord Curzon became viceroy in 1898, he reversed the policy on the north-west frontier which had given rise to the Tirah campaign, withdrew outlying garrisons in tribal country, substituted for them tribal militia, and created the new North-West Frontier province, for the purpose of introducing consistency of policy and firmness of control upon that disturbed border.
This fatty substance is at first semifluid and yellow, but afterwards acquires the consistency of pomade and becomes darker.
When the Assembly met it became apparent that the great majority were more anxious to act as a dignified branch of the legislature than to maintain consistency with their pre-election declarations.
AdvertisementA kind of thick paste, known as jujube paste, was also made of a composition of gum arabic and sugar dissolved in a decoction of jujube fruit evaporated to the proper consistency.
He held that in relation to the will things possess an objective fitness similar to the mutual consistency of things in the physical universe.
But at length many of them became formal logicians, who held that logic is the investigation of formal thinking, or consistent conception, judgment and reasoning; that it shows how we infer formal truths of consistency without material truth of signifying things; that, as the science of the form or process, it must entirely abstract from the matter, or objects, of thought; and that it does not tell us how we infer from experience.
Formal logic has arisen out of the narrowness of conceptual logic. The science of inference no doubt has to deal primarily with formal truth or the consistency of premises and conclusion.
Sigwart, indeed, adopting Kant's argument, concludes that we must be satisfied with consistency among the thoughts which presuppose an existent; this, too, is the reason why he thinks that induction is reduction, on the theory that we can show the necessary consequence of the given particular, but that truth of fact is unattainable.
The aim of logic in general is to find the laws of all inference, which, so far as it obeys those laws, is always consistent, but is true or false according to its data as well as its consistency; and the aim of the special logic of knowledge is to find the laws of direct and indirect inferences from sense, because as sense produces sensory judgments which are always true of the sensible things actually perceived, inference from sense produces inferential judgments which, so far as they are consequent on sensory judgments, are always true of things similar to sensible things, by the very consistency of inference, or, as we say, by parity of reasoning.
They cannot go beyond the limits of formal consistency or analytic correctness.
As the living organism includes something of mechanism - the skeleton, for example - so an organic logic doubtless includes determinations of formal consistency.
In these pieces, as in almost every production of his, in lieu of melody Liszt offers fragments of melody - touching and beautiful, it may be, or passionate, or tinged with triviality; in lieu of a rational distribution of centres of harmony in accordance with some definite plan, he presents clever combinations of chords and ingenious modulations from point to point; in lieu of musical logic and consistency of design, he is content with rhapsodical improvisation.
It varies somewhat in consistency, being sometimes soft, elastic and sticky; often closely resembling india-rubber; and occasionally hard and brittle.
The degree of smoothness or consistency which is to be expected on the hypothesis of a single author will be determined by taste rather than argument.
The latter is made by boiling wine down until it attains the consistency of a liqueur.
This reputation he owes partly to the vast fertility of his pen - according to the historian Sozomen he was credited with having written altogether 3,000,000 lines - partly to the elegance of his style and a certain measure of poetic inspiration, more perhaps to the strength and consistency of his personal character, and his ardour in defence of the creed formulated at Nicaea.
He resembles the first in his method of investigating the end which human nature is intended to realize; he reminds of the other by the consistency with which he upholds the absolute supremacy of moral law.
But it is characteristic of his strong nature that, where he does betray any sign of human sympathy or tenderness, it is for those who by their weakness and position are dependent on others for their protection - as for " the peasant boy with the little dog, his playfellow," 1 or for " the home-sick lad from the Sabine highlands, who sighs for his mother whom he has not seen for a long time, and for the little hut and the familiar kids."2 If Juvenal is to be ranked as a great moralist, it is not for his greatness and consistency as a thinker on moral questions.
But this criterion was open to the persistent attacks of Epicureans and Academics, who made clear (t) that reason is dependent upon, if not derived from, sense, and (2) that the utterances of reason lack consistency.
The rigour and consistency of the older system became sensibly modified.
His utter want of care and consistency appears most clearly in his vacillation as to the relations between ecclesiastical and political history.
Alexander seeks consistency by holding to the first position alone.
To the south-west of the picturesque belts of palm trees which stretch inland from the northern coast of Bahrein, is a wide space of open sandy plain filled with gigantic tumuli or earth mounds, of which the outer layers of gravel and clay have been hardened by the weather action of centuries to the consistency of conglomerate.
This broad comprehensiveness, which to outsiders looks like ecclesiastical anarchy, is the characteristic note of the Church of England; it may be, and has been, defended as consonant with Christian charity and suited to the genius of a people not remarkable for logical consistency; but it makes it all the more difficult to say what the religion of Englishmen actually is, even within the English Church.
Finally, protoplasm contains various inorganic substances, such as salts and water, the latter giving it its varying degrees of liquid consistency.
Very finely triturated soluble particles are rubbed into a smooth paste with an oil of the requisite consistency.
In this reference logic does not tell us how our intellections connect themselves as mental phenomena, but how we ought to connect our thoughts if they are to realize truth (either as consistency with what we thought before or as agreement with observed facts).
I was averse, but upon his pressing consented, before I considered what I did, for I am extremely troubled at the embroilment I am in, and have neither ate nor slept well this twelvemonth, nor have my former consistency of mind.
A few months afterwards Burke published the Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs, a grave, calm and most cogent vindication of the perfect consistency of his criticisms upon the English Revolution of 1688 and upon the French Revolution of 1789, with the doctrines of the great Whigs who conducted and afterwards defended in Anne's reign the transfer of the crown from James to William and Mary.
In each case the data rest on an ultimate basis, undemonstrable, indeed, to any one who denies them (even if he be called mad for doing so), except by the continuous process of working out their own proofs, and showing their consistency with, or necessity in, the scheme of things terrestrial on the one hand, or the mind and happiness of man on the other.
The union of the negative and the positive elements in his work has caused historians no little perplexity, and we cannot quite save the philosopher's consistency unless we regard some of the doctrines attributed to him by Xenophon as merely tentative and provisional.
On the whole, it must be admitted that the doctrine of the intuitional school of the 18th and 19th centuries has been developed with less care and consistency than might have been expected, in its statement of the fundamental axioms or intuitively known premises of moral reasoning.
In unity, consistency and thoroughness of method, Bentham's utilitarianism has a decided superiority over Paley's.
With Price, again, he holds that rightness of intention and motive is not only an indispensable condition or element of the rightness of an action, but actually the sole determinant of its moral worth; but with more philosophical consistency he draws the inference - of which the English moralist does not seem to have dreamt - that there can be no separate rational principles for determining the " material " rightness of conduct, as distinct from its " formal " rightness; and therefore that all rules of duty, so far as universally binding, must admit of being exhibited as applications of the one general principle that duty ought to be done for duty's sake.
A continuous shifting of the standpoint was in large measure substituted for the displacements of the objects viewed, which thus acquired a regularity and consistency heretofore lacking to them.
His labours on Epicurus have a certain historical value, but the want of consistency inherent in the philosophical system raised on Epicureanism is such as to deprive it of genuine worth.
There is no such consistency of opinion in myths, whether of civilized or savage races.
The ideas which may be gathered about the gods from the hymns are (as is usual in heathen religions) without consistency.
But it was solely in this consistency and steadfastness that the greatness of Sparta lay.
But it could not be pursued, since it required for its application a consistency, and a power to act on a definite political principle, of which the Mahommedan conquerors were absolutely destitute.
The prejudice we are considering is closely connected with the Manichaean view of matter, which in strict consistency rejected the belief that God was really made flesh, or really died on the cross.
The "creation" took place on 12th May, with the title of St George in Velabro, Newman taking occasion while in Rome to insist on the lifelong consistency of his opposition to "liberalism in religion."
In the Lower Carboniferous of central Russia beds of coal occur consisting of the cuticles of a Bothrodendron, which are not fossilized, but retain the consistency and chemical composition of similar tissues in recent plants.
In about three months the resin has attained the required degree of consistency.
The position assigned to logic by Kant is not, in all probability, one which can be defended; indeed, it is hard to see how Kant himself, in consistency with the critical doctrine of knowledge, could have retained many of the older logical theorems, but the precision with which the position was stated, and the sharpness with which logic was marked off from cognate philosophic disciplines, prepared the way for the more thoughtful treatment of the whole question.
The only thing that could be said was for the sterling consistency twixt both shows - they were equally appalling.
Overall our members would support international regulatory consistency to avoid regulatory arbitrage.
This feed has a very nice consistency and unlike some organic feeds doesn't smell too bad either.
Do today's steel bollards have the same solid design consistency of their cast iron ancestors?
The Scriptures state that consistency with the previous revelation is essential in establishing canonicity.
Chief Executive of English Partnerships has pledged to deliver " consistency and coherence " in design.
But beside consistency checks, there are other, often overlooked, sources of complexity that are purely combinatorial.
Year teams meet on a regular basis to ensure consistency of approach across teaching groups.
There should only be enough water to maintain a thick consistency.
To achieve greater consistency in workshop groups week to week.
Moreover, it is definitional, which guarantees consistency within a classical type theory.
One of the aims of the annual review of the assessment regulations is to improve the consistency of treatment of students.
And our clients are assured complete consistency and total brand protection.
You may wish to add a little oil or margarine to the mash to give a creamy consistency.
Finlay's enthusiasms were diverse, yet achieved a remarkable consistency in his hands.
However ways need to be found that enable logical consistency reporting to be extended to include differences in data meaning.
Add only enough water to achieve a thick shake consistency.
The new Lynx Air Flow sole design prevents dipping on the head on the downswing for exceptional swing consistency and accuracy.
It's got an almost creamy consistency to it which is nice.
The Sibel Dedezade Pro Bono Prize rewards students who have shown exemplary dedication, consistency and commitment to pro bono.
Control your dough Whether you're handling pastry or bread dough, consistency is the name of the game.
The performances in the original dub are more even, however, and that consistency makes all the difference.
Consistency should then lead environmentalists to demand bans on green manure!
Should any side show a modicum of consistency in a cramped leading pack, then a clear run to promotion might be theirs.
The consistency of these findings with prior imaging reports demonstrates the utility of the VBM technique for investigating the neuroanatomy of DS.
Other offal listed has been included for the sake of consistency with existing regulations specifying offal.
You do not need to spend time off-site to train and you can be sure of consistency in course content and standards.
A good roaster must be part artist, and part scientist, to maintain quality and consistency.
It is truly sacrificial and I am constantly amazed at their consistency and dependability.
When she uses oil paint it gets thickened into the consistency of pitch or of mud spattered against a wall.
They improve consistency and cooking tolerance and decrease stickiness, checking and oil uptake in noodles and pasta made from regular wheat.
The consistency should be quite thick, but not stodgy.
Such consistency was not found for antibody titers measured by ELISA.
Trigger the knowledge consistency checker (KCC) to recalculate the replication topology.
The results from this work indicated that the cognitive tests were relatively unbiased and possessed good internal consistency reliability.
It is extremely important to maintain good, quality-control practices, including consistency checks, to assure uniformity of plaster slurry.
Our focus will be to maximize the quality and consistency of the fermented wort or wash ahead of distilling.
There is no consistency between maps of different regions, and as a ' navigation tool ' they are essentially worthless.
In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks with 80g / 3 oz sugar to a ribbon consistency.
Weisse; but, whereas Weisse thought that the Hegelian structure was sound in the main, and that its imperfections might be mended, Fichte held it to be incurably defective, and spoke of it as a "masterpiece of erroneous consistency or consistent error."
It is among the Invertebrata that epidemics of destruction are referred to, though we should bear in mind that it is only the difference in numerical proportion that prevents our speaking of an epidemic of elephants or of rabbits, though we use the term when speaking of blight insects; there is little consistency in the matter, as it is usual to speak of an invasion or scourge of locusts, caterpillars, &c. Insect injuries are very varied in degree and in kind.
He attributed to his early discipline in this logic an impatience of vague language which in all likelihood was really fostered in him by his study of the Platonic dialogues and of Bentham, for he always had in himself more 6f Plato's fertile ingenuity in canvassing the meaning of vague terms than the schoolman's rigid consistency in the use of them.
The cocoon varies greatly in size, shape and consistency according to the nature of the spider that makes it.
Unfortunately for the consistency of historical writing, the view taken of Rousseau's biography affects those of Grimm, Diderot, Mme.
Again, in his Grundproblem der Erkenntnisstheorie (1889) he uses without proof the hypothesis of psychological idealism, that we perceive psychical effects, to infer with merely hypothetical consistency the conclusion of noumenal metaphysical idealism that all we can thereby know is psychical causes, or something transcendent, beyond phenomena indeed, yet not beyond mind.
In some of the simpler fungi the spores are not borne on or in hyphae which can be distinguished from the vege A tative parts or mycelium, but in the vast majority of cases the sporogenous hyphae either ascend free into the air or radiate into the surrounding water as distinct branches, or are grouped into special columns, cushions, layers or complex masses obviously different in colour, consistency, shape and other characters from the parts which gather up and assimilate the food-materials.
But if the view maintained above that formal logic must compromise or mitigate its rigour and so fail to maintain its independence, be correct, the logical consistency of Mansel's logic of consistency does but emphasize its barrenness.
It is a tale that history repeats with surprising consistency.
Moreover, the waves, I suspect, do not so much construct as wear down a material which has already acquired consistency.
Before you submit your order, Coddan will review the answers you provide on the questionnaire for consistency, completeness, spelling and grammar.
Maintaining a consistency between the different frontbench spokesmen and women in a party or government is absolutely crucial.
They had shown consistency throughout the design, build and teamwork aspects of the challenge.
Try to answer honestly; most tests will have built in consistency checks to identify untruthful responses.
I use small amounts of a well-known brand of bicycle oil which seems to have the right consistency.
Slowly whisk in 250ml milk to make a thick consistency & season with a pinch of salt.
It may take a few nights, but consistency and patience will pay off.
You want your little boy to be as comfortable as possible, and with patience and consistency, he will be potty trained in no time!
Some children enjoy trying new things, but others cling to consistency.
Adding this water helps to break up the sticky consistency of many starchy foods.
In the early stages of your baby's life, the food should be soft and of an even consistency, unless your baby is feeling quite ready for textures.
By all means, take a look at the tester to get an idea of the color, consistency and type of applicator, however.
Butt joints, gussets and structural beams and members are all made from the same wood for consistency and those are usually connected with epoxy.
Mix the shavings with a bit of carpenter's glue, until you have a paste-like consistency, and carefully putty the mix into the furniture until you're happy with the result.
Place everything in a blender or food processor and blend until you have a smooth liquid consistency.
For cats that like a smoother consistency to their food, try this recipe.
The system uses granules that similar in consistency to cat litter, but they are washed and used over and over again.
Fillers should only be present to modify the consistency, not to bulk up the product.
While the alcohol gets all the attention, you can add your own flourishes to your drink by paying close attention to the color, consistency, flavor and amount of these ingredients you choose to put into your Cosmopolitan cocktail.
The ideal method to enjoy vodka is to store it for at least a few hours in a freezer so the taste and consistency are perfect.
Mix all the ingredients in a blender until the desired consistency is reached.
Blend the ingredients in a blender until the desired consistency is reached.
Blend the ingredients with a cup of ice until the consistency is smooth, and then pour into a cocktail glass.
Basically, a slush is a frozen drink that is similar in consistency to an Italian ice.
Turn the blender on high, and puree the mixture until it's at the consistency you desire.
The drink will be a little thinner in consistency, but it will still taste delicious.
Even if you use finely crushed ice, you can't truly produce the desired consistency of a frozen drink without one ofthese tools.
When you reach the desired consistency, turn off the machine and pour the drinks.
Consistency in this area is imperative to successful co-parenting.
They also stick easier to containers and produce candles of an even texture and consistency.
Add a little more oatmeal, or a little more honey to get the right consistency.
When mixed with water, the powder changes into a gel-like consistency which coats and soothes inflamed areas.
You may have to experiment with the amounts a little bit in order to get the desired consistency.
They don't budge, and their fluid-gel consistency make them a dream to apply.
Plus, the base notes that were the longer-lasting scents which maintained the consistency in a perfume's fragrance.
The gel's consistency is particulaly sticky to ensure it does not leak from the tray.
Despite its lightweight consistency, this (and other brands of micronized makeup) provides full coverage.
Though everything I've tried has had its share of pros and cons, cream blushes all share a generally similar consistency and offer the promise of a natural, long-lasting flush.
In Europe, it's packaged in a wide, light blue bottle with a white top, has a more liquid-like consistency and is known by the name Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover (or Augen Make-Up Entferner Lotion in Germany).
Women quickly delved into this pure and uncomplicated line, seeing instant results in their skin tone and overall consistency.
Considered to be the absolute best in the mineral industry, the key to this company's success is top notch quality and consistency.
Cosmetic formulas vary in consistency and color quality, often making choices vast and unpredictable.
Because mineral makeup is mined and milled naturally from the earth's resources, blushes and powders do not offer the same consistency as cream or fluid products.
Although lip gloss can often feel sticky and waxy, there are many brands on the cosmetic market that add shine without weighing down the consistency of lipstick.
Available in 20 shades that run the gamut from bold and sexy to neutral and understated, the lipsticks boast a smooth, silky consistency.
Packaged in a small glass jar, Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow is a dual eye shadow and liner with a creamy, almost whipped consistency.
It's just the right consistency to act as an enforcer for powder shadows to stay put!
The consistency of the product is excellent, very smooth and not at all clumpy.
This gloss is a steal with great color, smooth consistency, and versatility.
Given the consistency of MAC Fluidline Eye Liner Gel, some professional and amateur makeup artists use it as a cream eyeshadow.
Of course, one of the values a child should learn is consistency and determination.
If it doesn't thicken to the right consistency, add the cornstarch and whisk until it thickens.
While other kinds of potato soup may have a milk base, the creamy part of the recipe is usually because of ricing the potatoes or beating them until their consistency is more like mashed potatoes than cubed.
However, if you are going to cook the potatoes to a consistency that is similar to mashed, creamy potato soup can really handle any kind of potato.
With the motor still running, drip the olive oil in slowly until the paste is the consistency that you like.
The only draw back with using soymilk is that it is missing the fat content of milk, so some recipes that rely on that fat content, like pudding, will not have the same consistency.
Sometimes, when you are working with a themed page design, consistency is key throughout the entire project from the page's layout to its border.
You can try to do it at the same time every day, which helps build consistency, or experiment with doing it at different times of day to see if you get an energy boost doing it in the morning, for example.
The key to exercise, at least in the beginning, is consistency, not intensity.
Many soy cheeses have a different consistency than regular cheese, however, and often they don't melt very well.
If the batter is a little dry you can try adding another tablespoon of water until you get the right consistency.
Green smoothies have the consistency of a shake and often have a sweet flavor to them.
If you've sampled meatless lasagna before but were disappointed at its watery consistency, never fear.
Green, leafy vegetables don't usually grill very successfully since they have such a thin consistency they blacken quickly and dry out.
Use the thickness and consistency of your vegetables as a guide to estimate how long they'll take to cook.
If you’re not in love with the consistency, throw in a little more ice and give it another quick blend.
If you want to use chocolate fondant and have never made the frosting before, go with a store-bought version; it will have a super-smooth texture and consistency.
Chewing tobacco also has a coarse consistency and is prone to scratching at tooth enamel.
Similar in consistency to modeling clay, fondant is a sugar paste made from (in its basic form) confectioners' sugar, glucose (or corn syrup), and water.
Knead it as you would bread dough or play dough until it reaches a usable consistency.
Its doughy consistency means that it is a lot like modeling clay, so it's more versatile than other frostings, and it can be used to mold and shape intricate decorations and embellishments.
New as of late 2009, Wilton's line of UltraGold bakeware is designed to produce better results in cake texture and consistency than any other type of pan.
I like to make my own because I can control the ingredients and the consistency.
Many people want puppies and are less willing to adopt older dogs, but puppies require time, attention, and consistency much like babies.
That being said, the key to potty training success is consistency.
Keep in mind that every dog is an individual--some learn quickly, while others learn more slowly, but all dogs can learn when trained with consistency and praise.
Start off slowly, and keep stirring until you reach the right consistency.
Once you have your dough the consistency you want it to be, roll it into a log.
The key to effective dog training, no matter what type of training aid you use, is consistency.
You should wind up with a batter that is the consistency of cookie dough.
They have the consistency of tar and smell very foul.
Stir completely, until the mix is the consistency of thick paste.
Using a blender or food processor, blend all the dry ingredients until they have the consistency of cornmeal.
Batter should have a dough-like consistency.
The consistency should be free of lumps with a medium pourability and still spreadable with body.
These dogs are loyal, intelligent and enthusiastic, but they have a tendency to be a little stubborn if consistency isn't applied to their training.
House training requires diligence and consistency, and some dogs still just don't seem to understand what their owners want from them.
Consistency is the key with all dog training, and your dog will eventually learn that the process does not cause him pain.
As long as you're maintaining the basic ratio of dry ingredients to wet, it's easy to adjust amounts and make a dough that is the right consistency for rolling and cutting.
If the dough is too sticky to handle, work in a little extra flour until it's the right consistency.
Basic management consists of making your ground as much like loam as possible and then maintaining it to keep the correct consistency.
The consistency of your finishing coat should be a little thinner than the first two.
If using several cans of stain to cover your deck, mix them to ensure color consistency and stir thoroughly.
They always have the most popular styles, keeping customers happy with consistency.
The consistency is similar to sand, but it is able to absorb much more moisture.
The term shortening comes from the idea that the fat gets in the way of the flour making long, chewy strands of gluten and gives baked goods a consistency similar to shortbread.
The oil is then whipped with nitrogen, which makes the consistency similar to that of a hydrogenated oil without the unhealthy side effects.
It gives a fluffy, flaky consistency that is the hallmark of good homemade baked goods.
However, for the best consistency, make sure to allow the mixture to chill for at least an hour.
Stir in the mashed strawberries and sugar until the mixture has the desired consistency.
The consistency of bread flour is chewy and dense.
While it is possible to make your own food colors, there is little consistency.
Getting rid of squash bugs organically hinges on commitment and consistency.
When kneading bread dough or combining ingredients, add slightly greater amounts of liquid if necessary to keep the batter or dough at the right consistency.
What guarantee of consistency do I have, such as receiving the same caregiver at the same time?
The key is to look at consistency in getting the right amount of sleep for you each night.
Improve sleep patterns for more consistency, for example, sleeping the same hours each day.
Even adults benefit from consistency and routine in sleep habits, and everyone needs a deep and restful night's sleep to have adequate energy for living life each day.
Consistency is important, and in order to achieve a regular exercise regimen, it is necessary to work out in moderation.
Some are calling for a standard practice to use across the board for consistency.
They make wonderful special occasion and gift wines with guaranteed quality and consistency.
Pour into boiling water and serve when the preferred oatmeal consistency is achieved.
Keeping with the consistency offered by their other phones, this Helio phone also contains its PDA functions within the PLAN menu.
Pricing appears to be quite uniform across the three North American service providers that carry the iPhone and this consistency should continue.
They should continue to monitor the child's techniques and consistency thereafter.
Working with the child's school teachers to formulate a day-to-day schedule can help maintain consistency for the child and address specific developmental delays.
To most individuals, diarrhea means an increased frequency or decreased consistency of bowel movements; however, the medical definition is more exact than this.
Though consistency is important, parents should remember that it is sometimes appropriate to be flexible and allow for some negotiation, especially with older children.
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act has helped establish consistency in the treatment of custody decisions and helped solve problems created by kidnapping or disagreements over custody between parents living in different states.
If the stool is not hard (rabbit pellet in consistency), then these infants are not considered constipated.
Fibroids are firm in consistency but may become painful if they start to break down or apply pressure to areas within the body.
It can determine the position, size, and consistency of an internal organ.
In all of the years I have dined there, the thing that has struck me most is the consistency.
The mixture should be the consistency of play-dough.
Also, the bleaching chemicals need to be of a steady consistency.
Formulated in a gel cream consistency, you can add shine, take control and help define curls in just one step.
It is possible to choose a program that will provide consistency.
The key to success with kindergarten math worksheets is consistency.
Are there obvious changes in vaginal discharge throughout the month? - vaginal discharge changes in consistency depending on where a woman is at in her menstrual cycle.
Right before ovulation, cervical mucus becomes slippery and transparent, similar in consistency to raw egg whites.
The estrogen prepares the uterus walls for implantation and also changes the consistency of the mucous in the cervix.
Cervical fluid changes consistency throughout your monthly cycle, which can help you predict your ovulation window.
The sand sticks together with a sand/clay consistency, but it doesn't harden into a permanent shape.
Consumers mix one scoop of powder with 8 ounces of water and stir, shake or blend until it reaches the desired consistency.
Customers may increase or decrease the amount of water to change the consistency, and the power may also be mixed with any other liquid, such as fruit juice, to create different flavors.
Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a thick, nearly gel-like consistency.
Another nice feature is that you have a full fifteen choices for the consistency of your grounds.
The difference is in the consistency of the juice.
After a few twists, open to see if the herbs or spices are of the consistency you need.
This produces a very strong cup of coffee, with foam and a thick consistency.
Mixing all of the ingredients to a smooth consistency by hand is also rather time consuming.
The internal sensor can detect the consistency of your batter or mix and adjust the speed of the beaters accordingly.
This means that a steady mixing speed is achieved no matter what the ingredient's consistency is.
The coffee should ideally have the consistency of flowing honey and in order to be made properly, the water has to be forced through the coffee at nine atmospheres of pressure using a strong pump.
Making ice cream to your desired consistency and with the proper ratios of additives takes practice.
When melted properly, the gel will have a syrup-like consistency.
Its purpose was to regulate and watch over the Antwerp diamond industry as an enforcer of consistency and quality control.
The gluten in the flour causes that elastic consistency.
When you use coconut flour for baking, you should bear in mind that its dense consistency readily absorbs liquids in your recipes.
It should be noted that, when you make your own rice flour, you have more control over the consistency and fineness of the flour.
After the flour is ground to your desired consistency, you can store it in a cool dry place.
This is because the motor on an electrical blender can become very hot, causing the motor to halt and possibly altering the consistency of the rice.
Do not use precooked rice that may be labeled as "Quick Rice" or "Ten Minute Rice," etc. Such rice varieties will not give you a proper flour consistency and will completely alter the cooking process.
Their design consistency has created a distinctive look, much like a signature perfume.
If you're looking for a mate who will take care of business and family with style and consistency, this is the mate for you.
This chart works with consistency, parental praise and rewarding positive behavior.
Requiring parents to buy uniforms from one particular company ensures consistency in dress.
Among the most important aspects of raising children is consistency, but this can be very difficult to achieve if both parents are not on the same page.
Children have a need to know what to expect, and in an overly lenient household where very few boundaries or logical consequences exist, children lack the consistency required in their lives for security.
Setting clear boundaries provides consistency that allows children to feel secure.
Effective parents help their children develop both self-esteem and self-sufficiency via communication and consistency.
As a parent, it is important to create that consistency.
Consistency, communication, and modeling are especially important in this case.
Literally melts away, like into peanut butter consistency.
Movies often alter or tweak novel events when filming for time, consistency or budgetary reasons.
Once you've experimented with several tattoo dyes and inks, you may find that your favor one brand over the other due to consistency and pureness of the color saturation.
Homemade inks lack the vibrancy and consistency of professional products, and the final tattoo almost always needs to be touched up by a professional or removed by costly laser surgical procedures.
Some temporary ink will be in the form of a pen or marker, such as henna pens, and easy to manipulate, while some inks are a paint-like consistency.
Visit shops or view online portfolios of artists that interest you and look for consistency in the type of work you want to have done.
Luminox does not need an external light source in order to recharge and glow, and the light shines with the same consistency regardless of whether it sits in full sunlight for hours on end or resides in a dark drawer for months at a time.
Look for consistency within Yoga Toes reviews before you purchase the gadget for yourself.
People who like regularity and consistency are often drawn to Bikram Yoga.
Therapy that involves all members of the family can help create structure and consistency in all settings.
Parental involvement is very important because the child needs consistency to develop and practice new skills regularly.
Individuals on the spectrum benefit from consistency, so having support and guidance that helps your family follow through with interventions consistently can maximize results.
Generally, a minimum number of hours matters less than consistency, say, at least weekly.
Finding a cheer camp that can meet the needs of every squad member will not only promote a sense of solidarity amongst the group, but it will also provide a consistency of training throughout the team.
The trickiest part of homemade hardwood floor cleaner is getting the right consistency, which is something you take for granted when purchasing store-bought brand names.
Red meat is porous and hard to saturate without altering the consistency and flavor.
The mixture will be the consistency of thick paste at first, but as you stir it will eventually break down into a heavy powdered detergent.
Mix until you have the consistency of Play-Doh.
Stir vigorously until "trace" occurs, which is when the soap that falls off your spoon kind of dents the surface and it has the consistency of thin pudding.
This isn't an exact recipe, so you may need to play around with the ingredients to get the perfect consistency for you.
Add some cold water until you get the consistency that you want.
You may need to dilute the paint to a consistency that does not block the openings in the canvas.
Wait a few minutes until the mixture appears to have a mud-like consistency, then combine the two halves and briskly shake the egg to make sure the chalk is completely mixed.
Add the plaster of Paris until it has the consistency of thick cream.
Simmer until vegetables are the consistency that you prefer.
Add broth to blender, 1 cup at a time, processing in between each cup, until desired consistency.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.Combine prunes and water in blender; blend to thick paste consistency.
This will direct you as to what parts of your diet to concentrate on such as carbohydrate counting and also offers ideas on the the diabetic exchange system, consistency and diet variation.
While the Vanilla was a bit bland for my taste, I added some powdered lemon flavor and made it "thick" for an almost cheesecake consistency that became a nightly treat I really looked forward to!
The oatmeal lacks the consistency of classic oatmeal, having a smoother texture more like "cream of wheat."
It also takes into consideration the texture and consistency of foods to be included in your diet.
The semi-liquid stage involves eating foods the consistency of baby food.
Its rich texture and consistency make it a pleasure to embrace nutrition and healthy eating.
You will find that it is denser and creamier in consistency.
Consistency is an important part of following a healthy diet.
Also, it is important to remember that the key to toning any part of the body is consistency, frequency, regularly changing routines, eating healthy and doing a balance of both cardio and strength training.
Keep in mind that consistency is the key when performing rehabilitation exercises, so devise an exercise schedule and stick to it.
Consistency is good in terms of actually going to the gym, but once there it's better to get imaginative.
Remember, consistency is critical to success.
It isn't hard to find decent kettlebell workouts for a beginner online, but the key to building strength and muscle mass depends on more than time and consistency.
Remember to concentrate on form and consistency when performing easy ab workouts.
Consistency when exercising is the key to seeing results.
The only way to ensure a high-quality grammatical text is to check and re-check your grammar for consistency.
The butter and the dough need to be of the same consistency.
Stir the mixture until it reaches the desired consistency.
Ganache recipes for dessert fillings usually have a consistency similar to mousse or pudding, and they can be used as icing for cakes and cookies.
Cover the ganache tightly with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for several hours, until it achieves a thick, fudge-like consistency.
Once it has achieved this consistency, scoop it out using a melon baller or tablespoon and roll it in cocoa powder, nuts or powdered sugar to create truffles.
While some financial experts praise the consistency and predictability of term policies, other financial experts make the claim that universal life is preferable because of the potential for dividends.
Outside auditors check payroll records for consistency between the job designations covered and each employer's actual staffing.
Because bra sizing can be so difficult for so many women and it's hard to maintain consistency, it is not unreasonable to perceive stretching as a danger of buying bras previously tried on.
An established brand like Playtex prides itself on consistency.
Mash up one fresh peach and puree with 1-2 tsp. olive oil until you have a spreadable consistency.
Its consistency is airy, so it's the ideal moisturizer to wear underneath makeup.
The granules in a scrub are typically suspended in a base that is either creamy and thick or lightweight and gel-like in consistency.
When using cleansers for oily skin, or any skincare product for that matter, consistency is key.
Take two tablespoons of sugar or ground oatmeal and mash it with a touch of water - you want the consistency thick.
Its lightweight consistency is second only to its soothing formula, and the ingredients work to brighten the skin, reduce blemishes, unclog congested pores and leave the skin feeling refreshed.
Grind an orange peel until it reaches a powdery consistency.
Though it's categorized as a cream, the consistency falls somewhere in between a thin lotion and a thicker moisturizer.
It's loaded up with raw honey and rice bran oil (a powerful antioxidant) and boasts a lightweight consistency.
In addition to a bath, oatmeal can be mixed to a desired consistency with water and applied directly to the skin topically to provide comfort.