Considers Sentence Examples
Wilson considers that convection currents in the upper atmosphere would be quite inadequate, but conduction may, he thinks, be sufficient alone.
The department is authorized, on receipt of such report, to direct an inquiry to be made into the cause of any accident so reported, and the inspector appointed to make the inquiry is given power to enter any railway premises for the purposes of his inquiry, and to summon any person engaged upon the railway to attend the inquiry as a witness, and to require the production of all books, papers and documents which he considers important for the purpose.
She acts like you should spank her and force her admit to doing something she considers really bad.
I'm not sure which of my sins she considers worst - being a Medena offspring or refusing my heritage.
Taking opossums to have been the ancestors of the group, the author considers that the present writer may be right in his view that marsupials entered Australia from Asia by way of New Guinea.
Dr Jack, late government geologist of Queensland, considers the extent of the coal-fields of that state to be practically unlimited, and is of opinion that the carboniferous formations extend to a considerable distance under the Great Western Plains.
Practically, therefore, the law has remained a one-sided enactment, by which Italy considers herself bound, and of which she has always observed the spirit, even though the exigencies of self-defence may have led in some minor respects to non-observance of the letter.
Livy regards him as a less trustworthy authority than Fabius Pictor, and Niebuhr considers him the first to introduce systematic forgeries into Roman history.
But this strong assertion is greatly qualified when Kant recurs to what he considers the least discredited portion of our theoretical knowledge.
Hickson considers that the families Milleporidae and Stylasteridae should stand quite apart from one another and should not be united in one order.
AdvertisementWoltereck considers the siphonophores most nearly allied to the Narcomedusae, producing like the buds from an aboral stolon, the first bud being represented by the pneumatophore or protocodon, in different cases.
So the Persian kings fixed their residence at Susa, which is always considered as the capital of the empire (therefore Aeschylus wrongly considers it as a Persian town and places the tomb of Darius here).
Berger g raphical considers that the expression was introduced by Eratos- views.
Dubois (1886), who considers that the luminosity is due to the influence of an enzyme in the cells of the organ upon a special substance in the blood.
Lameere, for example, considers some of his Cantharidif ormia as the most primitive Coleoptera.
AdvertisementThis tendency, however, he, unlike the earlier conservative writers, rightly considers to have emerged out of polytheism.
The Ego he considers not an entity sharply distinguished from the Non-ego, but merely, as it were, a medium of continuity of sensory impressions.
Although the offerings at the festival were bloodless, the ceremony of the presentation of the airapxai was probably accompanied by animal sacrifice (Farnell, Foucart); Mommsen, however, considers the offerings to have been pastry imitations.
Like Berthelot, he writes the chemical equation of the reaction, but in addition he considers the chemical formula of each substance to express not only its material composition, but also the (unknown) value of its intrinsic energy.
Ridgeway (Early Age of Greece, 1901) considers that the Belgic tribes were Cimbri, "who had moved directly across the Rhine into north-eastern Gaul."
AdvertisementWasmann considers that ants are neither miniature human beings nor mere reflex automata, and most students of their habits will probably accept this intermediate position as the most satisfactory.
This, indeed, is not surprising, when one considers that, from the first moment of his entering upon the career of an author, he had been altogether indifferent how numerous or how powerful might be the enemies he should provoke.
Oncken, to take the extreme of condemnation, looks upon him as a bad physiocrat and a confused thinker, while Leon Say considers that he was the founder of modern political economy, and that "though he failed in the 18th century he triumphed in the 1 9th."
Heymons considers that it represents the sternites of the three trophal segments, and that the gula is merely a secondary development.
Brisson has been charged with jealousy of, if not hostility to, the great Swede, and it is true that in the preface to his Ornithologie he complains of the insufficiency of the Linnaean characters, but, when one considers how much better acquainted with birds the Frenchman was, such criticism must be allowed to be pardonable if not wholly just.
AdvertisementThe part of this work, generally called Opus Tertium, is printed by Brewer (pp. 1-310), who considers it to be a complete treatise.
He considers that in its earliest origins Christian faith and the methods of Greek thought were so closely intermingled that much that is not essential to Christianity found its way into the resultant system.
The exercises are divided into four series of meditations technically called "weeks," each of which may last as long as the director considers necessary to achieve the end for which each week is destined.
Thomsen deduces the actual values of X, Y, Z to be 14.71, 13.27 and zero; the last value he considers to be in agreement with the labile equilibrium of acetylenic compounds.
It considers questions of policy, and some of its sittings are conferences for the consideration of reports on religious, philanthropic, educational and social work which is carried on.
The clerk ascertains what he considers to be the judgment of the assembly, and records it in a minute.
Castren considers them as a mixture of Ugrians with Mongolians, and Zograf as brachycephalic Mongolians.
Castren considers that three of their stems are of Ostiak origin, the remainder being Samoyedic. The Kamasins, in the Kansk district of Yeniseisk, are either herdsmen or agriculturists.
On the other hand, Alphonse de Candolle, from philological and other considerations, considers the peach to be of Chinese origin.
He successfully considers the systems of two and three simultaneous ternary quadratics.
Enmann, who interprets the name as "she who prevents increase" (in contrast to Leto, who made women prolific), considers the main point of the myth to be Niobe's loss of her children.
He considers that Hall's is the fundamental phenomenon, and that the Nernst effect is essentially identical with it, the primary electromotive force in the case of the latter being that of the Thomson effect in the unequally heated metal, while in the Hall experiment it is derived from an external source.
The Realists, he considers, have greatly sinned against this maxim in their theory of a real universal or common element in all the individuals of a class.
Gradually since the time of Hunter and Cuvier anatomical study has associated itself with the more superficial morphography until to-day no one considers a study of animal form of any value which does not include internal structure, histology and embryology in its scope.
Gomme refers to an open space outside the western wall of Dorchester still called the Pummery as an indication of the Pomoerium in that place; and he considers that the name of Mile End, situated 1 m.
As the Hindu Kush strikes westwards, after first rounding the head of an Oxus tributary (the Ab-i-Panja, which Curzon considers to be the true source of the Oxus), it closely overlooks the trough of that glacier-fed stream under its northern spurs, its crest at the nearest point being separated from the river by a distance which cannot much exceed io m.
In the higher parts there are fine plains where Glaser found numerous Himyaritic remains, and which he considers were undoubtedly cultivated formerly, but they have long fallen out of cultivation owing to denudation and desiccation - the impoverishment of the country from these causes is increasing.
He had an interview with Napoleon III., who failed to impress him "as the great man which the world in general considers him."
Spencer, however, considers that he can not only anticipate such a state of complete adjustment, but even lay down the rules obtaining in it, which will constitute the code of "Absolute Ethics" and the standard for discerning the "least wrong" actions of relative ethics.
The first was the Memoirs of a Cavalier, which Lord Chatham believed to be true history, and which William Lee considers the embodiment at least of authentic private memoirs.
It is generally and traditionally praised, but those who have read it will be more disposed to agree with Charles Lamb, who considers it "of a vile and debasing tendency," and thinks it "almost impossible to suppose the author in earnest."
Boulenger rightly considers this snake in various ways intermediate between the Ilysiidae, Boidae and Colubridae.
The atmosphere of these schools was strictly ecclesiastical and the questions discussed by the scholars were often puerile, but the greatness of the educational work of Charles will not be doubted when one considers the rude condition of Frankish society half a century before.
In particular Sir John Murray considers that only deeps exceeding 3000 fathoms in depth should be named, and in his charts he has named these deeps after persons whether the individuals thus honoured had themselves discovered or explored the deeps in question or not.
It was then disposed of by the 4th earl of Carnarvon, at that time secretary of state for the colonies, who granted to the Free State fgo,000 " in full satisfaction of all claims which it considers it may possess to Griqualand West."
Barton, Worcester and Tennant, considers this to be parallel to the story which may underlie the account of the failure of the beasts, and the success of the woman Eve, as a "help-meet" for Adam.
The first investigates mathematical facts relating to the earth as a whole, its figure, dimensions, motions, their measurement, &c. The second part considers the earth as affected by the sun and stars, climates, seasons, the difference of apparent time at different places, variations in the length of the day, &c. The third part treats briefly of the actual divisions of_the surface of the earth, their relative positions, globe and map-construction, longitude, navigation, &c. Varenius, with the materials at his command, dealt with the subject in a truly philosophic spirit; and his work long held its position as the best treatise in existence on scientific and comparative geography.
Now as Altyn-tagh 2 is an accepted, though in point of fact erroneous, name for Astin-tagh, it is clear that Grenard considers the main Kuen-lun ranges to be continued directly by the Astin-tagh.
Indeed Bogdanovich considers that the Tokuz-davan, the Muzluktagh, the Moscow Range and the Chimen-tagh form one single closely connected chain, in which he also places Przhevalsky's isolated peak of Mount Kreml (15,055 ft.).
Abstraction differs from Analysis, inasmuch as its object is to select a particular quality for consideration in itself as it is found in all the objects to which it belongs, whereas analysis considers all the qualities which belong to a single object.
Lelewel, the Polish historian, considers that it is merely a translation into Latin of some such name as Kura, signifying "a fowl."
Mickiewicz is very loud in his praise, and considers him one of the best followers of Theocritus.
Giesbrecht (1900) considers Canu quite right in grouping together in this single family those parasites of ascidians, simple and compound, which had been previously distributed among families with the more or less significant names Notodelphyidae, Doropygidae, Buproridae, Schizoproctidae, Kossmechtridae, Enterocolidae, Enteropsidae.
There is little noticeable in Hobbes' dating of the prophets, though he considers it " not apparent " whether Amos wrote, as well as composed, his prophecy, or whether Jeremiah and the other prophets of the time of Josiah and Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai and Zechariah, who lived in the captivity, edited the prophecies ascribed to them.
Dörpfeld considers this as the Attic foot, and states the foot of the Greek metrological relief at Oxford as 11.65 (or 11.61, Hultsch).
First agriculture, then manufactures, lastly foreign commerce; any other order than this he considers "unnatural and retrograde."
Besides the institutions and works intended for public defence and the administration of justice, and those required for facilitating the commerce of the society, he considers those necessary for promoting the instruction of the people.
It was based on St Augustine's Enchiridion, and considers (a) Faith, i.e.
Recent discoveries of vertebrates are of the same significance, the most primitive fishes being traced to the Ordovician or base of the Silurian, 2 which proves that we shall discover more 2 Professor Bashford Dean doubts the fish characters of these Ordovic Rocky Mountain forms. Frech admits their fish character but considers the rocks infaulted Devonic.
In other words, he considers that these two Haemosporidian forms are really only phases in the life-history of particular Trypanosomes.
There is some difference of opinion as to the derivation of the vestment in the latter case; the Five Bishops (Report to Convocation, 1908) deriving it, like the cope, from the birrus, while Father Braun considers it, as well as the cope, to be a modification of the paenula.'
This contradiction presents itself to his mind primarily as elemental, and only in the second instance as ethical, inasmuch as he considers the sensual nature of man to be the outflow of the evil elements in nature.
The governor-general has, however, the independent right to withhold his assent to any bill which he considers in conflict with imperial interests.
Hantzsch (Ber., 18 99, 3 2, pp. 59 o, 3089) considers that the oxyazo compounds are to be classed as pseudoacids, possessing in the free condition the configuration of quinone hydrazones, their salts, however, being of the normal phenolic type.
Crawfurd, on philological grounds, considers that rice was introduced into Persia from southern India.
In all matters affecting the Near East, it considers itself supreme.
On the other hand, if local elections are held on the " off " or odd year, and there be no national or state candidates, the voter feels much more free to select only those candidates whom he considers best qualified for the various offices.
The most typical family is the Drepanidae, so named for the stout sickle-shaped beak with which the birds extract insects from heavy-barked trees; Gadow considers the family American in its origin, and thinks that the Moho,' a family of honey-suckers, were later corners and from Australia.
Tschelinzeff (Ber., 1906, 39, p. 773) considers that they contain two molecules of ether.
When he applies sensation and will to nature, and through plants to the lowest animals, he considers their sensation and will to be rudimentary and unconscious.
He supposes that this evolution does not remain cosmic, but becomes organic. In accordance with Lamarck's hypothesis, he supposes an evolution of organisms by hereditary adaptation to the environment (which he considers necessary to natural selection), and even the possibility of an evolution of life, which, according to him, is the continuous adjustment of internal to external relations.
But Laurie, applying them to " attuitions " of objects outside, considers that, though they are " reason-born," yet they make us know the objects outside to which they are applied.
The difference is that Clifford considers " mind-stuff " to be unconscious, and denies that there is any evidence of consciousness apart from a nervous system.
Sir William Ramsay considers that probably the volume of all of them taken together does not exceed part of that of the argon.
Although the Hyperborean legends are mainly connected with Delphi and Delos, traces of them are found in Argos (the stories of Heracles, Perseus, Io), Attica, Macedonia, Thrace, Sicily and Italy (which Niebuhr indeed considers their original home).
The two kinds of 4, thalli Blakeslee considers to have a differentiation 5, of the nature of sex and he distinguishes them as (+) and (-) forms; the former being usually distinguished by a somewhat greater luxuriance of growth.
Aristotle, who speaks highly of the sincerity of Eudoxus's convictions, while giving a qualified approval to his arguments, considers him wrong in not distinguishing the different kinds of pleasure and in making pleasure the summum bonum.
He considers that the tea-plant had, from the remotest times, two distinct varieties, the Assam and Chinese, as he thinks that the period of known cultivation has been too short to produce the differences that exist between them.
For the size and density of particles which he considers most likely, Arrhenius calculates the time required to travel from the sun as forty-six hours.
Petrie considers that one of the kings buried at Abydos, provisionally called Nar-mer and whose real name may be Mer or Beza, preceded Menes; of him there are several inscribed records, notably a magnificent carved and inscribed remembered that even Manetho attributes to him ninety-four years; its length probably caused the ruin of the dynasty.
Richet considers that the fusel oil contained in spirits constitutes the chief danger in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Osborn, who recognises four genera, Titanotherium, Megacerops, Symborodon and Brontotherium, in the typical section of the family, considers that each of these represents a distinct line of descent from the Palaeosyops-like group. The whole assemblage forms one of the four main sections of the Perissodactyla, namely the Titanotheroidea.
It is clear that this (z) implicitly considers truth as a value, and so connects it with the conception of good, and (2) openly raises the question - What is truth, and how is it to be distinguished from error ?
He finds no spindle fibres or true chromosomes, and considers the division direct, not indirect.
Milchhofer considers he has found one of them in the neighbourhood of Peiraeus.s Our chief authority for the legend of Theseus is the life by Plutarch, which is a compilation from earlier writers; see also Bacchylides.
Rawlinson considers they were a dark race not belonging to the Semitic family.
Although it has the deciduous dentition, Mme Pavlow considers herself justified in referring the Kherson skull to the genus Procamelus previously known only from the Lower Pliocene or Upper Miocene strata of North America, and differing from modern camels, among other features, by the retention of a fuller series of premolar teeth.
Kant has a special use of the term for that part of the Metaphysic of Nature which considers motion and rest as predicates of a judgment about things.
At all events, when one considers the Babylonian-Assyrian conceptions of Shamash as the supreme and righteous judge, god of truth and justice, or the monotheism of Amenophis IV.
Griesbach considers that the general outline of the land configuration has remained much the same since Pliocene times, and that the force which brought about the wrinkling of the older deposits still continues to add fold on fold.
If from habit and tradition he respects a stranger within his threshold, he yet considers it legitimate to warn a neighbour of the prey that is afoot, or even to overtake and plunder his guest after he has quitted his roof.
According to its discoverer it represents the oldest account of the Babylonian Deluge story extant; and he considers it of fundamental importance for determining the age of Israel's earliest traditions, since he would regard it as having been written "before Abraham had left his Babylonian home in Ur of the Chaldees."
Those writings alone he considers genuine in which the conflict between Jewish-Christians and Gentile-Christians is clearly marked.
Logic is related to all the sciences, because it considers the common inferences and varying methods used in investigating different subjects.
But it is not the whole method of logic, which also and rightly considers the mental process necessary to language, without substituting linguistic for mental distinctions.
And what is to be said of the judgment of a writer who considers the relativity of thought demonstrated by the fact that every judgment unites two members?
He considers two cases, viz.
Clifford considers an octonion p+wq as the quotient of two motors p+wv, p'+wo'.
For example, when one considers how often milk is used in the tending and propitiation of venerated snakes, it is noteworthy that in Roman cult the truly rustic deities are offered milk (Fowler), and it is no less singular that many of the old goddesses of Greece have serpent attributes (Harrison).'
He considers the outbreaks are favoured by the seasonal heat and moisture of the spring and early summer, and the movement from place to place of infected rats or persons.
The report also considers it proved that the bacillus pestis multiplies in the stomach of a flea and may remain a considerable time within its host.
A substance of similar physical character is found in the Coorong district of South Australia, and is hence termed coorongite, but Prof. Ralph Tate considers this to be a vegetable product.
Blanford considers that it dwells among grass and bushes rather than in forests.
Joseph Berington, himself a distinguished Catholic priest, considers that this number was above the mark; he reports that his co-religionists were most numerous in Lancashire and London; next came Yorkshire, Northumberland and Staffordshire.
In this he considers briefly the best means of peaceable resistance to the policy of the ministry, but even at that early date faces frankly and fully the probable final necessity of resisting by force, and endorses it, though only as a last resort.
The same authority observes that William of Warenne and Richard Clare (Bienfaite), who were left in charge of England in 1074, are named by a writer in the next generation " praecipui Angliae justitiarii "; but he considers the name to have not yet been definitely attached to any particular office, and that there is no evidence to show that officers appointed to this trust exercised any functions at all when the king was at home, or in his absence exercised supreme judicial authority to the exclusion of other high officers of the court.
Stubbs considers that the English form of the office is to be accounted for by the king's desire to prevent the administration falling into the hands of an hereditary noble.
In it Oersted describes the action he considers is taking place around 2 Faraday discussed the chemical theory of the pile and arguments in support of it in the 8th and 16th series of his Experimental Researches on Electricity.
He crowns his criticism by expounding what he considers to be the true scientific method, which, as has been pointed out by Fischer, is simply that Baconian doctrine against which his attack ought to have been directed.
Such a distinction of caste is regarded by Ballanche as the original state of historical society; and history, as a whole, he considers to have followed the same course as that taken by the Roman plebs in its attempts to attain equality with the patriciate.
Besides the Palingenesie, Ballanche wrote a poem on the siege at Lyons (unpublished); Du sentiment considers dans la littrature et dans les arts (i 80 i); Antigone, a prose poem (1814); Essai sur les institutions sociales (1818), intended as a prelude to his great work; Le Vieillard et le jeune homme, a philosophical dialogue (1819); L'Homme sans nom, a novel (1820).
Robertson Smith considers the sacrifices offered to the wolf-Zeus in Arcadia to have been originally cannibal feasts of a wolf-tribe, who recognized the wolf as their totem.
A Persian who obtains an advance of money at less than 12% considers that he gets money for nothing.
It considers folkland as landownership by folkright - at common law, as might be said in modern legal speech.
Out of twenty so-called species he considers six to be really distinct, while the others are merely synonymous or trifling variations.
Middendorff estimated the number of tusks which have yearly come into the market during the last two centuries at at least a hundred pairs, but Nordenskiiild considers this estimate too low.
Duclaux, for this reason, considers that agglutinins are coagulative ferments.
The above date he therefore considers to be the date of the erection of this great national monument, within a margin of possible error, on either side, of 200 years.
At this point the epistemologist takes up the question of empirical knowledge and considers the kind of validity, if any, which it can possess.
Man, he considers, is to be placed " apart, as not only the head and culminating point of the grand series of organic nature, but as in some degree a new and distinct order of being."
Thus the modern Hindu, though using civilized means for lighting his household fires, retains the savage " fire-drill " for obtaining fire by friction of wood when what he considers pure or sacred fire has to be produced for sacrificial purposes; while in Europe into modern times the same primitive process has been kept up in producing the sacred and magical " need-fire," which was lighted to deliver cattle from a murrain.
Their relation to the Antalo limestones is uncertain, but Blanford considers them to be not later in age than the Oolite.
Giesebrecht, on the other hand, maintains that there are passages which are certainly Jeremiah's, but which are not in what Duhm calls Jeremiah's metre; Giesebrecht also, himself rather conservative, considers Duhm remarkably free with his emendations.
He considers " bodily effects " incidentals to the real work of God, but his own mystic devotion and the experiences of his wife during the Awakening (which he gives in detail) make him think that the divine visitation usually overpowers the body, a view in support of which he quotes Scripture.
Gaston Paris, who made a special study of the Historia, considers that the first five chapters were written by a monk of Compostella in the 11th century and the remainder by a monk of Vienne between 1109 and 1119.
Osborn considers that the Ancylopoda are directly descended from the Condylarthra.
C. Chandler considers the value 20.52" is well established; this would give a parallax of 8.78".
The scheme shall contain in full safeguards for the protection of the Assyro-Chaldeans and other racial or religious minorities within these areas, and with this object a Commission composed of British, French, Italian, Persian and Kurdish representatives shall visit the spot to examine and decide what rectifications, if any, should be made in the Turkish frontier where, under the provisions of the present Treaty, that frontier coincides with that of Persia."(Article 63.)" The Turkish Government hereby agrees to accept and execute the decisions of both the Commissions mentioned in Article 62 within three months from their communication to the said Government."(Article 64.)" If within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Kurdish peoples within the areas defined in Article 62 shall address themselves to the Council of the League of Nations in such a manner as to show that a majority of the population of these areas desires independence from Turkey, and if the Council then considers that these peoples are capable of such independence and recommends that it should be granted to them, Turkey hereby agrees to execute such a recommendation, and to renounce all rights and title over these areas.
The author considers not only plane curves, but also cones, or, what is almost the same thing, the spherical curves which are their sections by a concentric sphere.
Matthew, an American palaeontologist, considers himself provisionally justified in so extending it as to include all mammals.
He considers that Christianity is best defended on the basis of the doctrine that Christ is a man chosen and equipped for His task by God.
Of course this does not mean that Harnack considers monophysitism nearer the historic truth, or nearer the normal type of Christian thought.
A name of a deity on an Assyrian inscription of the 12th century B.C. has been read as Baal-zabubi, but this reading has now been abandoned in favour of Baal-sapunu (Baal-Zephon).5 Cheyne considers that Baalzebub is a " contemptuous uneuphonic Jewish modification of the true name Baalzebul."
Haeckel considers that there are three species.
Mommsen, however, considers the mercuriales to be a purely local gild - the pagani of the Circus valley.
Then, in arranging the other special virtues, he begins with courage and temperance, which (after Plato) he considers as the excellences of the " irrational element " of the soul.
Aristotle goes somewhat further in recognizing the moral value of friendship (c1xAia); and though he considers that in its highest form it can be realized only by the fellowship of the wise and good, he yet extends the notion so as to include the domestic affections, and takes notice of the importance of mutual kindness in binding together all human societies.
Augustine is fully aware of the theoretical indispensability of maintaining Free Will, from its logical connexion with human responsibility and divine justice; but he considers that these latter points are sufficiently secured if actual freedom of choice between good and evil is allowed in the single case of our progenitor Adam.
The truth is, that Hume's notion of moral approbation was very loose, as is sufficiently shown by the list of " useful and agreeable " qualities which he considers worthy of approbation.'
The spontaneous play of this sympathy he treats as an original and inexplicable fact of human nature, but he considers that its action is powerfully sustained by the pleasure that each man finds in the accord of his feelings with another's.
Reid considers " regard for one's good on the whole " (Butler's self-love) and " sense of duty " (Butler's conscience) as two essentially distinct and co-ordinate rational principles, though naturally often comprehended under the one term, Reason.
He considers actions solely in respect of their pleasurable a nd painful consequences ex ected or actual; and he P q, P actual; school.
He considers that this fundamental rule or imperative " act on a maxim which thou canst will to be law universal " supplies a sufficient criterion for determining particular duties in all cases.
Sir Leslie Stephen, for instance, wishes to substitute the conception of " social health " for that of universal happiness, and considers that the conditions of social health are to be discovered by an examination of the " social organism " or of " social tissue," the laws of which can be studied apart from those laws by which the individuals composing society regulate their conduct.
He considers, then, that by a judicious comparison of larval forms with these two easily determinable stages the poverty of existing information on the subject may be gradually, if laboriously, diminished.
Gardner considers the plants to point to subtropical conditions.
He considers the flora to be the most tropical of any that has so far been studied in the northern hemisphere.
In a general way, spiny plants, with stiff branches and dry and coriaceous leaves, dominate the flora, as they now do in Central Africa, to which region on the whole Saporta considers the flora to be most allied.
Saporta considers that in central and southern Europe the alternate dry and moist heat of the Eocene period gave place to a climate more equally and more universally humid, and that these conditions continued without material change into the succeeding Miocene stage.
The Aesthetik isolates sense-perception, and considers its forms as though it were an independent, complete faculty.
And she abhors the false prophets who abound and considers the million dollar reward offered a direct invasion of her privacy.
It boasts an associate Dean for Enterprise, and considers linking academia with enterprise central to its activity.
It then considers implications for legal academia over the next two decades, based partly on various experiments in recent years.
The paper then considers three change issues in HE which seem particularly apposite to key elements of the new paradigm.
It is no secret that the Bishop considers St Thomas' deanery as a model for the other deaneries of the diocese.
Moreover, at one point, Stirner explicitly considers adopting the explanatory stance of psychological egoism only to reject it.
Each man considers himself to be the genuine champion of inductive empiricism in the attempt to relate faith to history.
The stem of the agave seems enormous in size when one considers that it is the growth of a few weeks.
It is the United States ' decision to withdraw from the ABM Treaty of 1972, which Russia considers erroneous.
This book considers ethnic boundaries in the context of European integration from the perspective of European ethnology.
This means that before the Council considers using a Non-absolute exemption then they must carry out test.
For smaller amounts, a single signatory shall suffice where the Steering Group considers this expedient.
Such a notorious gunslinger as Blair didn't want to close off any options with a country he considers deadly and dangerous.
Seeman's paper considers the hermeneutics of ritual within social and cultural life.
He considers pictographic languages ranging from the natural Mayan hieroglyphics and Sumerian cuneiform, to recent experiments such as Elephant's Memory.
You must be in compliance with export laws and not associated with countries the USA considers naughty, like Cuba.
It considers the representation of women in the British propaganda newsreel, Indian News Parade, which ran in India 1943-1946.
Metzger also considers the possibility that " the final nu came into the text in order to avoid hiatus with the following vowel " .
The Holy Father will evaluate the propositions the synod fathers have presented and make the decisions he considers opportune.
For what the judgment of men considers praiseworthy is often worthy of blame in My sight.
This article considers the propriety of inventing a third category of public policy.
Zetnet reserves the right not to host material it considers questionable in nature.
Despite later encouragement from Bernard Hermann, Philip considers himself virtually self-taught in both disciplines.
Chapter Two considers the normative syllogism, a formalization of the process of (deductively) applying law to facts.
Nakata says he considers himself more a ' celluloid craftsman ' than a master story teller.
The module then considers examples of literary texts which exemplify a postmodern outlook on reality (or, on ' reality ' ).
It's refreshing to meet someone who makes the separation, who considers something theatrical.
Carlton Independent Television John Romer considers the life of the people who built the Pharaohs ' tombs in the valley of the kings.
It covers paroxysmal, persistent and permanent AF, considers AF developing after surgical procedures, and offers advice on haemodynamically unstable AF.
Cicero held an unfavourable opinion of his methods, which were approved by Quintilian, although he considers that Hermagoras neglected the practical side of rhetoric for the theoretical.
Ekholm and Arrhenius (84) claim to have established the existence of a tropical lunar period, and a 25.929-day period; while P. Polis (85) considers a synodic lunar period probable.
Pottier, who does not dispute the historical personality of Minos, in view of the story of Phalaris considers it probable that in Crete (where a bull-cult may have existed by the side of that of the double axe) victims were tortured by being shut up in the belly of a red-hot brazen bull.
As to the formation of precipitated sulphur, Smith considers that the element first separates in the liquid S,,, condition, which is transformed into SA and finally into Sa; the insoluble (in carbon bisulphide) forms arise when little of the Sw has been transformed; whilst the soluble consist mainly of Sa.
Hylen, De Tantalo (Upsala, 1896), who considers the story of the thirst of Tantalus in the underworld to be due to the Orphic interpolator in the Nhcvta of the Odyssey, and the Pandareus story to be an innovation of the Alexandrine poets.
The magnitude of Richelieu's achievement grows when one considers his relations with the king.
Notwithstanding his reverence, therefore, for the great scholar with whose name it is associated, and to whose memory he would pay both grateful and humble tribute, he has ventured to omit or rewrite all those portions of the original article which he considers no longer tenable, while retaining every word which is still valuable.
In his work De aquaeductibus urbis Romae commentarius, he considers the methods which were at that time employed for ascertaining the quantity of water discharged from ajutages, and the mode of distributing the waters of an aqueduct or a fountain.
One view, the monozoic, regards the whole development as a prolonged metamorphosis; another, the polyzoic view, considers that not only is the Cestode a colony, the proglottides being produced asexually, but that the scolex which buds off these individuals is itself a bud produced by the spherical embryo or onchosphere.
Dr Begemann considers that possibly during the decade from 1720 to 1730 a kind of Rosicrucian or Hermetic influence took place in the lodges of London, some additions to the ritual of that period not having been derived from operative masonry; but in the previous century no such influence is traceable.
It is thus contrasted with metaphysics, which considers the nature of reality, and with psychology, which deals with the objective part of cognition, and, as Prof. James Ward said, "is essentially genetic in its method" (Mind, April 1883, pp. 166-167).
He enlarges in particular upon what he considers the folly of the declaration of war upon Russia (see Bethmann Hollweg).
Thus it is to Luther a matter of indifference whether or not Moses wrote the Pentateuch; the books of Chronicles he definitely pronounces less credible than those of Kings, and he considers that the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Hosea probably owe their present form to later hands.
Dörpfeld considers this as the Attic foot, and states the foot of the Greek metrological relief at Oxford as 11.65 (or 11.61, Hultsch).
In the blood of the owl resting, intracellular phases of both parasites alternate with active trypaniform ones; and, when in the former condition, Schaudinn considers that the parasites are identical with what have been formerly regarded as distinct Haemosporidia, Halteridium and a Leucocytozoon respectively.
Reference should be made to the articles Reflexion, Refraction, and Caustic for the general characters of reflected and refracted rays (the article Lens considers in detail the properties of this instrument, and should also be consulted); in this article will be discussed the nature, varieties and modes of aberrations mainly from the practical point of view, i.e.
Justice, veracity, fidelity to compacts and to governments, are all co 1 It is worth noticing that Hutcheson's express definition of the object of self-love includes " perfection " as well as " happiness "; but in the working out of his system he considers private good exclusively as happiness or pleasure.
Hume admits the difficulty that arises, especially in the case of the " artificial " virtues, such as justice, &c., from the undeniable fact that we praise them and blame their opposites without consciously reflecting on useful or pernicious consequences; but considers that this maybe explained as an effect of " education and acquired habits."
She thinks it is wonderful that two people should write stories so much alike; but she still considers her own as original.
I know a woodchopper, of middle age, who takes a French paper, not for news as he says, for he is above that, but to "keep himself in practice," he being a Canadian by birth; and when I ask him what he considers the best thing he can do in this world, he says, beside this, to keep up and add to his English.
Vienna considers the bases of the proposed treaty so unattainable that not even a continuity of most brilliant successes would secure them, and she doubts the means we have of gaining them.
Napoleon was experiencing a feeling of depression like that of an ever- lucky gambler who, after recklessly flinging money about and always winning, suddenly just when he has calculated all the chances of the game, finds that the more he considers his play the more surely he loses.
In the first place the historian describes the activity of individuals who in his opinion have directed humanity (one historian considers only monarchs, generals, and ministers as being such men, while another includes also orators, learned men, reformers, philosophers, and poets).
Similarly a man who committed a murder twenty years ago and has since lived peaceably and harmlessly in society seems less guilty and his action more due to the law of inevitability, to someone who considers his action after twenty years have elapsed than to one who examined it the day after it was committed.
This paper considers a linear triangular simultaneous equations model with conditional quantile restrictions.
Injunctions and Stop Notices Used in exceptional circumstances where the Council considers it necessary to restrain an immediately harmful breach of planning control.
The module then considers examples of literary texts which exemplify a postmodern outlook on reality (or, on ' reality ').
It 's refreshing to meet someone who makes the separation, who considers something theatrical.
Carlton Independent Television John Romer considers the life of the people who built the pharaohs ' tombs in the valley of the kings.
If the Board considers the proposed conditions of a tournament to be undesirable in the interests of the sport, it may withhold sanction.
The Catholic Church considers baptism as one of the seven sacraments, which also includes the Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick.
The first thing to considers is your sleep requirements.
However, if you are allowed to choose an out-of-network dentist, you may be responsible for paying the difference between what the insurance company considers UCR and what your dentist charges for the service.
My theory is that although your cat usually likes your mom quite well, she views her as one of the girls, so when she's in heat she considers your mom competition.
This considers how well you do at paying your accounts on time.
The Internal Revenue Service considers any amount of debt reduction over $600 as taxable income.
Instead, the court only considers what is in the best interest of the child.
When the judge needs to calculate the rate of alimony payments, he or she considers the length of the marriage, as well as how likely it is that the spouse receiving the payments will be able to become self-supporting.
The Court can make any determination that it considers to be fair, which may mean that one person gets nothing and the other one is awarded 100 percent of the marital property.
He or she can also remind parents that when it comes to deciding where children will live, the Court considers what is best for them.
A judge may decide to consider any other economic factors that he or she considers relevant when making a decision about whether to award alimony, and how much spousal support should be paid.
Even when the couple has separate bedrooms or resides in separate parts of a dwelling, the law considers the home a shared residence.
Simply Fountains considers themselves to be the fountain experts with over 600 water features online for sale.
Blinc considers its company's mission to be providing quality products while revolutionizing the way that we apply, wear, and remove them. still considers the scent romantic, but doesn't play up the floral notes as much as other websites.
Lange also considers the design of the boot's shell, sole and adjustments when designing new styles to provide skiers with the best possible product.
Everyone considers different activities as fun so you may not find that all of the following suggestions good for you.
And of course, Shake, being quintessential Shake, considers himself the unchallenged, supreme leader of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Your Prom magazine considers itself the "number one" prom magazine, and here you'll find everything from fashion, to beauty and hair, to a feature the site calls Win (a section dedicated to contests and "free stuff").
Her two older sisters and older brother used to call her "Bugs" because of her overbite, which she considers being the "hugest," and in Jr. High the mole on her left cheek was the source of much teasing from her classmates.
No matter how often she moved when she was young, Biel considers Boulder her childhood home.
Even though Jessica considers Boulder her childhood home, this isn't where she first began acting.
Now everyone pretty much considers her an A-list star, many of them feature a Kristen Stewart page.
Jake told the Jewish News Weekly he considers himself "more Jewish than anything else."
Odsox is a novelty sock store that definitely considers slipper socks part of their repertoire.
The U.S. Department of Education considers this "gift" aid.
The Admissions Committee considers an array of factors when judging each individual applicant.
The estimator considers the most recent school year's costs and financial aid rules to help students get a feeling for what it might cost to attend Purdue.
Remember to submit your application on or before the deadline to ensure that the grant committee considers you for funding.
Traditionally, well-known colleges have achieved their reputations based purely on academics, but The Princeton Review considers other factors as well.
The Darmstadt collection fills a large rock garden formed of limestone blocks, and Dr Purpus considers the use of limestone essential for these plants, all being found on soils of this nature.
A sustainable approach to agriculture is really an approach that considers the health of people and the planet as well as the amount of produce the land can yield.
The company considers itself to be a lifestyle company.
If there aren't any scheduled, don't be afraid to ask that your local garden center considers hosting one.
While the fashion industry considers you petite, the problem is that that same industry understands that women are individuals and has responded with various types of petite fits.
Besides, everyone you already know considers you to be terrific!
Holistic medicine considers all aspects of an individual's health with the recognition that one system has an effect on other systems of the body.
The rehearsal-based perspective considers dreaming to be a process that helps one part of the brain share information (or "teach") another part of the brain.
If repairs such as fixing scratched lenses become necessary, the company considers such damage to be normal everyday wear and tear on the glasses and thus does not cover this type of damage in its warranty.
Regardless of the type of animal, if someone considers it their pet, there is certain to be collectible items available.
Unfortunately, the body considers the uterus to be a non-essential organ.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers a blood lead level of 10 mg/dL or higher in children a cause for concern.
A distinctive feature of the KABC is that it defines intelligence as problem-solving ability rather than knowledge of facts, which it considers achievement.
The surgeon also considers the wishes and lifestyle of the child and parents.
Clinical diagnosis of delayed speech and language in children also considers hearing loss and autism, among other possible causes.
Although controversy over the safety of HBV resulted in congressional hearings in 1999, the National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine, as well as other authorities, considers HBV to be safe.
However, an individual's immune system considers only that person's specific blood type, or a close match, acceptable.
She also finds motivation in the fact she considers her particular style of dancing is unique.
Since the IRS considers direct sales representatives to be independent contractors and not employees of one particular company, you'll be expected to pay a self-employment tax on all of your earnings.
The Internal Revenue Service considers unemployment checks as taxable and they count as income when filing annual taxes.
Verizon considers itself a socially responsible company that gives back to local and global communities, and is a workforce committed to employee diversity.
Sears considers a prospective intern's extracurricular activities, as well as whether he or she has good communication skills and is dedicated to providing good customer service.
The FHA considers anyone who has not owned a home in the last three years to be first time home buyers.
Anytime an expectant mother considers ingesting medications or over the counter medications and herbal supplements, it is important that she consider the effects this could have on their baby as well as potential effects on her own health.
The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission Federal testing guidelines only considers these metals a danger if they are soluble, and the Zhu Zhu pets' are not.
When one considers that some of these looks also contain sheer fabric on the arms, or glitter, well, then the "sexy" quotient goes up even higher.
Parrafin is the most common type of wax the novice considers when making candles, but other popular types of wax include beeswax, soy wax and gels.
You won't have to wonder whether the man or woman across the table considers you a potential romantic partner or just a same-sex friend.
Basically, anyone who considers herself BBW or is interested in dating BBW are welcome to join.
What girls like in a guy is heavily influenced by what society considers positive male traits.
So getting his friends to like you may help you out if he considers asking you on a date.
In order to assuage consumer confusion, the Federal Trade Commission periodically considers banning the use of the terms precious and semi precious entirely.
It again has to do with whether there are cracks in the stone, but it also considers natural flaws or spots in the diamond.
Cinzia considers red a neutral color and her style and cutting edge design savvy is apparent in all her work.
He wants to talk about what he considers to be serious subjects, such as life, philosophy, politics and religion.
Such a contradiction is common and often the extrovert has been achieved as a self-directed attempt to overcome what Aquarius considers to be a personal flaw in her character.
Libra is enamored of the art of love and considers himself something of a Casanova, but a rather humble one.
Whether your girl considers herself a fashion diva or she just simply loves playing with her dolls, choosing to play kids dress up dolls will help her develop her creative side.
What one person considers acceptable behavior, another may find embarrassing or a poor use of time.
Pliner considers comfort one of the most important factors when designing his footwear.
After he recovers, Andy considers taking a job as a surgeon in Chicago, but his friends persuade him to stay in Everwood.
Sookie gives Jason her inheritance from Uncle Bartlett and he considers using it to go to the FellowShip of the Sun leadership retreat.
Minshew was born in Florida, and considers herself to be a passionate sports fan when she has downtime from acting.
Criminal Incarcerated (28 September 2010) - Jones reappears in Lux's orbit when she considers cheating on an exam because she is afraid she won't pass it.
He considers unleashing his dad on the two, but confronts his roommate privately instead.
Rufus is also not very happy, and considers turning Jenny in to the authorities, but Lily refuses to press charges.
Once your mentor considers your apprenticeship fulfilled, you are almost ready to begin your career.
For example, a script tattoo that states "Seize the Day" may not necessarily be a thug tattoo, but place this tattoo on a neck and make the script elaborate, and then it could be considers a thug-style design.
The College considers this Labor Program to be a vital part of the educational process.
Rand McNally markets the high-tech tool and considers the system among its greatest achievements.
Rated by New York Magazine as the "Best Yoga" for 2009 and 2010, Pure Yoga also has what Fitness Magazine considers "The Best Instructors in America".
The autism rights movement considers autism culture to be evidence of an identity and not a disability.
Before developing an Individual Education Program, the IEP team considers important factors.
Your writer should be someone the college, employer, agency or company considers worthy.
Kelley Blue Book will offer the highest trade-in value because it considers more vehicle information, such as paint and interior condition.
Dr. Barry Sears is an internationally acclaimed authority on hormonal responses caused by foods and considers dietary control to be vital to maintaining wellness to prevent illness.
Dr. Sears is a famed author and a scientist and researcher on the hormonal consequences of food, which he considers the foundation of a healthy life.
If the car insurance company considers you to be a high-risk client, that is someone likely to get in an accident, your auto insurance rates will be higher.
There are dozens of things that a car insurance company considers before offering you a policy.
The company considers that a claim has started as soon as an incident is reported by the insured physician.
When an insurance company is determining how much a customer will pay for life insurance coverage, the applicant's age is the main factor the company considers.
Ameriprise considers this type of insurance to just be one aspect of a complete financial plan.
Established in 1976 in Columbus, Ohio, Rod's considers itself to be the primary source of western apparel and gifts.
Lead singer Jason Wade considers himself a Christian, and the band's roots stem from worship music.
Whitmore considers himself a fierce competitor, but he's also counting his personal charisma as one of his strongest survival skills.
She considers leaving the business and going to college.
She considers herself a diva and she never fails to deliver on that sort of behavior.
Carissa Loughhead St. Aubin - Carissa is from North Carolina and considers cooking a hobby.
In his forties, he is an advertising salesman who is only legally married to one wife, but considers the other three women to be his wives despite the lack of a legal union.
Fahrenheit 451, his most famous novel, is the only one he considers to be true science fiction, and a case could be made that it is really a throw-back to an earlier form of literature, the morality play.
Yet the current Steward, Denathor, father of Boromir who betrayed the Fellowship in Book I, no longer considers himself the King's Steward, but ruler in his own right.
Ender's subsequent life, dealing with what he considers his 'crime', are told in Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind.
However, the IRS does not provide a list of what it considers reasonable.
The IRS considers any tax return not postmarked by midnight on the established due date as late.
The IRS considers any document postmarked by midnight on the date it is due as timely filed.
Avoid trying to spam keywords throughout your page, as Yahoo considers this "harming the accuracy" of Yahoo search results.
The more one considers the condition of science at the time, and the state of the country in which the discovery took place, the more wonderful does the invention of logarithms appear.
Goto, who considers the genus to be allied to Olindias.