Connects Sentence Examples
A submarine cable connects the town with Zanzibar.
The stream which connects them with the Zancara is called the Guadiana Bajo or Lower Guadiana.
A short channel connects lake Rotorua with lake Rotoiti to the N.E.
Chelyabinsk was linked by a transverse line with the middle Urals railway, which connects Perm, the head of navigation in the Volga basin, with Tyumen, the head of navigation on the Ob and Irtysh, passing through Ekaterinburg and other mining centres of the middle Urals.
The trunk line constructed by the Franco-Belgian syndicate connects Lu-Kou-ch'iao, the original terminus, with Hankow - hence the name Lu-Han by which this trunk line is generally spoken of, Lu being short for Lu-Kou-ch'iao and Han for Hankow.
A tramway connects the town with Dortmund.
The Game Boy Player is a similar device for Game Boy Advance games that connects to the Nintendo GameCube.
The black "Kaisow" teas are brought from the Ho-kow district, where they are grown, down the river Kin to Juy-hung on the lake, and the Siu-ho connects by a navigable stream I-ning Chow, in the neighbourhood of which city the best black teas of this part of China are produced, with Wu-ching, the principal mart of trade on the lake.
We can now Indianrs - fully appreciate the factor in practical politics which Afghan- that definite but somewhat irregular mountain system, represents which connects the water-divide north of istan Herat with the southern abutment of the Hindu Kush, near Bamian.
From the Khingan ranges to the Pacific, south of the Amur, stretch the rich districts of Manchuria, a province which connects Russia with the Korea by a series of valleys formed by the Sungari and its affluents - a land of hill and plain, forest and swamp, possessing a delightful climate, and vast undeveloped agricultural resources.
AdvertisementWe have here, therefore, a notice drawn from a distinct source which connects itself with the other omitted passage, xvii.
But the link that connects him with churchly realism, as well as with the NeoPlatonic mysticism, is the conviction that complete and certain knowledge rests wholly on divine revelation, i.e.
Westwood (Modern Classification of Insects, 1839-1840) connects these older writers with their successors of to-day.
An electric tramway connects Margate with Broadstairs and Ramsgate, and during the season it is served by numerous pleasure steamers from London.
A steel bridge across the Missouri (built in 1872; rebuilt in 1906) connects the city with Elwood, Kansas (pop. 1905, 711), and is used by two railways.
AdvertisementFrom Jaffa a short line runs to Jerusalem, and a steam tramway connects Beirut with Tripoli.
There is a complete postal and telegraphic service and a telephone line connects all government stations.
And small finds of it on other sites have shown that it was usual all over Mesopotamia, and connects on the one side with the early pot fabrics of Asia Minor and on the other with the pottery of Anau and the kurgans of Turkistan, found by Pumpelly.
Lancaster is served by the Hocking Valley, the Columbus & Southern and the Cincinnati & Muskingum Valley (Pennsylvania Lines) railways, and by the electric line of the Scioto Valley Traction Company, which connects it with Columbus.
They are first mentioned by Irenaeus, who connects them with the Valentinians.
AdvertisementThe arrangements are certainly such as indicate a congregational purpose, but the extreme narrowness of the suite, and still more of the passage which connects the two divisions, must have rendered it difficult for any but a small number to take any intelligent part in the services at the same time.
There are no steam railways, but an electric line connects South Hadley and South Hadley Falls with the New York, New Haven & Hartford and the Boston & Maine railways at Holyoke.
A stone building of the 13th century connects the Schlossberg with the Afraberg, which owes its name to the old convent of St Afra.
The communion meal would, according to the views of Robertson Smith, also involve the idea of a covenant; while the fact that no person joining in the meal should be uncircumcised connects the feast with the covenant of Abraham.
Finally, the association of the first-born with the festival specially referred to in the texts, and carried out both in Samaritan tradition, which marks the forehead of the first-born with the blood of the lamb, and in Jewish custom, which obliged the first-born to fast on the day preceding Passover, also connects the idea of the feast with the sacro-sanctity of the first-born.
AdvertisementThe Hebrew tradition further connects the revelation of the sacred name of the God of the Hebrews with this festival, which thus combines, in itself, all the associations connecting the Hebrews with their God.
It is not surprising therefore that Hebrew tradition connects it with the Exodus, the beginning of the theocratic life of the nation.
Now a well-known relation connects the available energy of a reversible system with the corresponding change in its total internal energy.
It is the terminus of the Nevada County Narrow Gauge railway, which connects with the Southern Pacific railway at Colfax, '23 m.
On the Lena and the Vitim there are steamers, and a small railway connects the Bodoibo river port with the Olekma gold-washings.
Another route of importance before the conquest of the Amur is that which connects Yakutsk with Okhotsk or Ayan.
This line connects Kaidalovo, 20 m.
It is the terminus of steamer navigation on the Brahmaputra, and also of a railway running to important coal-mines and petroleum wells, which connects with the Assam-Bengal system.
Bangor is served directly by the Maine Central railway, several important branches radiating from the city, and by the Eastern Steamship line; the Maine Central connects near the city with the Bangor & Aroostook railway (whose general offices are here) and with the Washington County railway.
A short canal connects Gravesend with Higham.
A system of electric tramways connects the town with its principal suburbs.
On the other bank Fort Chaudanne is now the innermost of several forts facing towards the southwest, and the foremost of these works connects the fortifications of the left bank with another chain of detached forts on the right bank.
A railway, however, connects southward with the Beirut-Damascus line at Rayak.
The Dorah connects Zebak and Ishkashim at the elbow, or bend, of the Oxus with the Lutku valley leading to Chitral.
An important line connects the thriving city of Barquisimeto with the port of Tucacas.
It is served by the Erie, the Lehigh Valley, the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, the Central of New Jersey, the Delaware & Hudson, and the Lackawanna & Wyoming Valley railways; there is an electric railway from Pittston to Scranton, and a belt-line electric railway connects Pittston with Avoca, Nanticoke, Plymouth and Wilkes-Barre.
The Rhine connects the highest Alps with the mud banks of Holland, and touches in its course the most varied geological periods; but the river valley itself is, geologically speaking, of comparatively recent formation.
The government offices are principally in Whitehall, the fine thoroughfare which connects Parliament Square, in the angle between the Houses and the Abbey, with Trafalgar Square.
Thus the West London Extension line carries local traffic between the North Western and Great Western and the Brighton and South-Western systems, while the Metropolitan Extension through the City connects the Midland and Great Northern with the South-Eastern & Chatham lines.
The East London line connects Shoreditch with New Cross (Deptford) by way of the Thames Tunnel, a subway under the river originally built for footpassengers.
The London & India Docks line connects the city with the docks on the north bank of the river as far as North Woolwich.
For deep workings the milling method is usually employed, in which the ore is excavated in funnel-shaped pits, each of which connects with underground haulage roads by a shaft.
The finished cylinder is next carried to a rack and the pipe detached from it by applying a cold iron to the neck of thick hot glass which connects pipe-butt and cylinder, the neck cracking at the touch.
The railway which connects at Sakania with the.
A narrow-gauge railway connects these with Port Penrhyn, at the mouth of the stream Cegid (hemlock, "cicuta"), which admits the entry of vessels of 300 tons to the quay at low water.
A bridge, 300 yards long, connects it with its suburb Etwashausen on the left bank of the river.
The canal was constructed between 1761 and 1790, and connects with the Forth and Clyde Canal near Maryhill.
A railway connects the city with the interior - the old Cantagallo line, now a part of the Leopoldina system, a branch of which runs north-eastward to Macahe, on the coast, and another northward from Nova Friburgo to a junction with the railway lines of Minas Geraes.
An electric street railway connects all the outlying districts with the ferry stations of Praia Grande and Sao Domingos.
In addition to the axis-railway of the island, which connects it with Havana and Santiago, the city has connexion by a branch line with Nuevitas.
The second railway connects the capital with the frontier of Algeria, where, at Suk Ahras, it joins the main line to Constantine, Algiers, &c. This line was built by the Bone-Guelma Company.
From Puerto Bermudez, on the Pachitea or Pichis river, the terminus of a government road and telegraph line, a wireless system connects with Massisea on the Ucayali, and thence with Iquitos, on the Maranon-a distance of 930 m.
The Peruvian telegraph system connects with those of Ecuador and Bolivia.
His defect lies rather in not presenting the historic Christ as the Christian's chief inspiration, a fact which connects itself with the strange absence of the names " Jesus " and " Christ."
The Kenites also, with whom another tradition connects Moses, seem to have been worshippers of Yahweh.
A railway connects Dhulia with Chalisgaon, on the main line of the Great Indian Peninsula railway.
A good carriage road constructed and worked by a Russian company and opened to traffic in 1899 connects Resht with Teheran via Kazvin.
A railway owned by the London & NorthWestern company connects Newry with the deep-water harbour at Greenore; and there is an electric railway to Bessbrook in Co.
The ancient trade road to Canton, which connects Yun-nan Fu with Pai-se Fu, in Kwang-si, on the Canton West River, a land journey which occupies about twenty days.
Disregarding popular tradition, which connects the origin of the town with a legend that Charlemagne, when retreating before the Saxons, was safely conducted across the river by a doe, it may be asserted that the first genuine historical notice of the town occurs in 793, when Einhard, Charlemagne's biographer, tells us that he spent the winter in the villa Frankonovurd.
The river is here crossed by a bridge of twelve arches, which connects the town with the suburb of The Port.
On the south, the RikiU Islands bring her within reach of Formosa and the Malayan archipelago; on the west, Oki, Iki, and Tsushima bridge the sea between her and Korea; on the north-west Sakhalin connects her with the Amur region; and on the north, the Kuriles form an almost continuous route to Kamchatka.
The alpine flora of Lebanon thus connects itself directly with the Oriental flora of lower altitudes, and is unrelated to the glacial flora of Europe and northern Asia.
The Berkeley Ship Canal connects Gloucester with docks at Sharpness, avoiding the difficult navigation of the upper part of the Severn estuary.
It is served by the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern, the Oregon & Washington, and the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railways, and by steamship lines, being accessible to sea-going vessels; a ferry connects with the Portland Electric railway.
It is an important railway centre, being served by the Delaware & Hudson, the Erie, and the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railways; and an extensive system of electric railways connects it with the suburbs and neighbouring towns.
The New English Dictionary connects it with a Teutonic stem meaning "holy"; from which is derived the Lithuanian szwentas, and Lettish swats.
Local tradition connects the name with that of Wallis or Wallace, a Scottish buccaneer, who, in 1638, settled, with a party of logwood cutters, on St George's Cay, a small island off the town.
Its railway mileage in January 1907 was J33.6 m.; the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington (Pennsylvania system), the Baltimore & Philadelphia (Baltimore & Ohio system), and the Wilmington & Northern (Philadelphia & Reading system) cross the northern part of the state, while the Delaware railway (leased by the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington) runs the length of the state below Wilmington, and another line, the Maryland, Delaware & Virginia (controlled by the Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic railway, which is related to the Pennsylvania system), connects Lewes, Del., with Love Point, Md., on the Chesapeake Bay.
In Koepe's method the drum is replaced by a disk with a grooved rim for the rope, which passes from the top of one cage over the guide pulley, round the disk, and back over the second guide to the second cage, and a tail rope, passing round a pulley at the bottom of the shaft, connects the bottoms of the cages, so that the dead weight of cage, tubs and rope is completely counterbalanced at all positions of the cages, and the work of the engine is confined to the useful weight of coal raised.
Grimm (Leipzig, 1897) connects the word with an ancient common Teut.
A vague tradition connects the house with the Colonna family of Rome, or the Colalto family of Lombardy; but one more definite unites the Hohenzollerns with the Burkhardingers, who were counts in Raetia during the early part of the 10th century, and two of whom became dukes of Swabia.
The canal which traverses the shallow Bahira, and connects Tunis with the Mediterranean, is nearly seven miles long.
It connects Dera Ismail Khan with the Gomal valley in Afghanistan, and has formed for centuries the outlet for the povindah trade.
Davenport is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Iowa & Illinois (interurban), and the Davenport, Rock Island & North Western railways; opposite the city is the western terminus of the Illinois and Mississippi, or Hennepin, Canal (which connects the Mississippi and Illinois rivers).
A system of waterways (the Geeste and Hadelner canals, meeting one another at Bederkesa) connects the estuary of the Weser with that of the Elbe; a canal between the Hunte and the Leda gives connexion with the Ems. On the upper Weser (above Bremen) the navigation, which is interrupted by occasional rapids, is assisted by locks and weirs.
The Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway connects the three cities named by way of the Columbia Valley; and the Spokane & Inland Empire sends a line eastward into Idaho to the Coeur d'Alene country and another through the south-eastern part of the state into Nevada.
The Oregon Short Line from the south connects with the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound at Butte, and the Burlington system, also from the south, connects with the Northern Pacific at Billings, Yellowstone county.
A tramway connects with Coventry, and the Coventry canal passes through.
The last-named connects with the main line at Ludington, Michigan, by means of a railway ferry across Lake Michigan; the Grand Trunk has a railway ferry from Milwaukee to Grand Haven.
The city's extensive street railway system connects with interurban electric lines leading to Waukesha, Oconomowoc and Watertown on the west, Sheboygan and Fond du Lac on the north, and Chicago and intermediate points along the lake shore on the south.
The Royal military canal which runs along the inland border of Romney Marsh, and connects the Rother with Hythe, was constructed in 1807 as part of a scheme of defence in connexion with the martello towers or small forts along the coast.
St Paul's teaching connects with the Jewish doctrine of vicarious suffering, represented in the Old Testament by Is.
Relationship of a more intimate kind connects the Hindu lunar mansions with those of the Arabs and Chinese.
An iron swing-bridge connects the dock with the Great Northern railway.
The town carries on considerable trade, due to the navigable river Pina, which connects it with the fertile regions in the basin of the Dnieper, and, by means of the Dnieper-and-Bug canal, with Poland and Prussia, while the Oginsky canal connects it with the basin of the Niemen.
As a wholly inland nation, Czechoslovakia has to rely in the matter of transport upon its railways and its waterways, notably the Elbe, which connects the republic with Hamburg and the North Sea, and the Danube, which unites it with the east of Europe and the Balkans.
A branch line connects it with the Canadian Pacific. It has steamer communication with the St Lawrence and Lake Ontario ports, and is a summer resort.
A stone arch bridge, with nine arches, built of granite at a cost of $1,700,000 and dedicated in 1908, spans the Connecticut (replacing the old Connecticut river bridge built in 1818 and burned in 1895), and connects Hartford with the village of East Hartford in the township of East Hartford (pop. 1900, 6406), which has important paper-manufacturing and tobacco-growing interests.
A steam ferry connects it with Calafat, on the Rumanian bank of the Danube, and there is a branch railway to Mezdra, on the main line Sofia-Plevna.
Tide-water Maryland is afforded rather unusual facilities of water transportation by the Chesapeake Bay, with its deep channel, numerous deep inlets and navigable tributaries, together with the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, which crosses the state of Delaware and connects its waters with those of the Delaware river and bay.
Another group which Bousset has tried to identify is that headed by B, which he connects with the recension of Hesychius, but this theory, though widely accepted in Germany, does not seem to rest on a very solid basis.
At Toulouse the canal connects with the Canal du Midi, which runs to the Mediterranean.
A relation which is of historical interest connects the logarithmic function with the quadrature of the hyperbola, for, by considering the equation of the hyperbola in the form xy=const., it is evident that the area included between the arc of a hyperbola, its nearest asymptote, and two ordinates drawn parallel to the other asymptote from points on the first asymptote distant a and b from their point of intersection, is proportional to log bla.
At the same time it connects itself with the second problem, how to attain in conjunction with the abstractly rational character of the absolute an explanation of actuality.
Hence the stress laid on will as the realizing factor, in opposition to thought, a view through which Schelling connects himself with Schopenhauer and Von Hartmann, and on the ground of which he has been recognized by the latter as the reconciler of idealism and realism.
It is served by the Cambridge branch of the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington railway (Pennsylvania railway), which connects with the main line at Seaford, 30 m.
Of these O'Connell bridge (formerly known as Carlisle) is the principal, as it connects the chief thoroughfare on the north side, namely Sackville (or O'Connell) Street, with Great Brunswick Street and others on the south.
There are three fronts; the principal, towards College Green, is a colonnade of the Ionic order, with façade and two projecting wings; it connects with the western portico by a colonnade of the same order, forming the quadrant of a circle.
An electric railway connects it with the town of Waterloo (pop. 4100) 2 m.
No railway enters this township; the Ledyard Free Bridge (the first free bridge across the Connecticut) connects it with Norwich,Vt., which is served by the Boston & Maine railway.
But all agree in giving the central place to the realization of a real effective kingship of Yahweh; in fact the conception of the religious subject as the nation of Israel, with a national organization under Yahweh as king, is common to the whole Old Testament, and connects prophecy proper with the so-called Messianic psalms and similar passages which speak of the religious relations of the Hebrew commonwealth, the religious meaning of national institutions, and so necessarily contain ideal elements reaching beyond the empirical present.
Still less specialized are Chrotomys and Xeromys, which include Philippine land-rats, while Crunomys, from the sane area, retains the third molars, and thus connects the group with the Murinae.
It is a station on the East Coast railway, which connects Calcutta with Madras.
For the historical and archaeological evidence which connects the Sabines with the patricians of Rome, see Rome, Ancient History.
There is further an important piece of evidence which connects together all the Safine tribes and distinguishes them sharply, at least in the 5th and following centuries B.C., from the earlier strata of population in Italy.
In fulfilment of these rights a railway has been constructed connecting Kiao-chow with Chinanfu, the capital; there it connects with another railway crossing the province north to south and forming part of the Tientsin and Chin-kiang line.
Besides these five groups, an obscure road, called by the Saxons Akeman Street, gave alternative access from London through Alchester (outside of Bicester) to Bath, while another obscure road winds south from near Sheffield, past Derby and Birmingham, and connects the lower Severn with the Humber.
Geographically the Safed Koh is not an isolated range, for there is no break in the continuity of water divide which connects it with the great Shandur offshoot of the Hindu Kush except the narrow trough of the Kabul river, which cuts a deep waterway across where it makes its way from Dakka into the Peshawar plains.
An electric tramway connects the railway station and the adjacent wharves with the market, about 1 m.
His name connects him, too, with the god Frey, who was also called Yngvifreyr and Ingunarfreyr, and he must at one time have been closely associated with Nerthus.
A funicular railway connects the upper town with the central railway station and with Ouchy, the port of Lausanne on the lake of Geneva.
A canal connects the Great Kaz, a tributary of the Yenisei., with the Ket, an affluent of the Ob.
It has railway communication with both south and north, and a steam ferry connects with Middelfart, a seaside resort and railway station on Fiinen.
A steam ferry connects with the Rangoon-Mandalay line, and the steamers of the Irrawaddy Flotilla.
The other six are connected to each other and to the lowest one by wire cables and pulleys in such a way that when the cable which connects the two lowest tubes is wound in by means of a winch, each of the tubes except the fixed one will rise within the next one through the same distance.
A bridge connects the town with the suburb of Ballydaheen.
Tradition also connects Laraish with the garden of the Hesperides, `Arasi being the Arabic for "pleasure-gardens," and the "golden apples" perhaps the familiar oranges.
Scarcely more is to be said in favour of the suggestion made by Von Hammer; but better known in connexion with the name of Lagarde, who connects the name Purim with the old Zoroastrian festival of the dead, entitled Farwardigan.
Lagarde, who is followed by Renan, connects this form with the LXX.
The most plausible etymology connects the name with the Assyrian guru, either in the sense of "turn" of office at the beginning of the New Year or in that of "pebble" used for votes or lots.
Under this duke the castello was rebuilt and the canal of the Martesana, which connects Milan with the Adda, and the Great Hospital were carried out.
The principal canal is the Ludwigskanal, which connects the Rhine with the Danube, extending from Bamberg on the Regnitz to Dietfurt on the Altmuhl.
The rotation, by destroying the contacts, preserves this unequal distribution, and carries B from A to C at the same time that the tail K connects the ball with the plate C. In this situation, the electricity in B acts upon that in C, and produces the contrary state, by virtue of the communication between C and the ball; which last must therefore acquire an electricity of the same kind with that of the revolving plate.
The wire which connects two armature plates for a moment is the neutralizing conductor.
But he gives a new name to his hero and directly connects his fate with Matt.
A second railway in the district of Deli connects the inland plantations with the coast; and there is another, as already indicated, in the lower Achin valley.
The South Beveland (1862-1866) canal connects the East and West Scheldt; similarly in South Holland the Voorne canal unites the Haringvliet with the New Maas, which does not allow the passage of large vessels above Brielle; whilst owing to the banks and shallows in front of Hellevoetsluis the New Waterway was cut to Rotterdam.
Thus in Overysel, in addition to the canals already mentioned, the Dedemsvaart connects the Vecht with the Zwarte Water near Hasselt; in Drente the Smildervaart and Drentsche Hoofdvaart unites Assen with Meppel, and receives on the eastern side the drainage canals of the Drente fens, namely, the Orange canal and the Hoogeveen Vaart (1850-1860; 1880-1893).
A lift connects the villages.
It is connected with the main railway station by means of a circular railway, while a short branch connects it with the ordinary custom-house quay.
The Judaean David, for his part, sought to cultivate friendly relations with Ammon, and tradition connects him closely with Moab.
The Dnieper and Bug canal in Grodno connects the Mukhavets, a tributary of the Bug, with the Pina in the basin of the Pripet, that is, the Dnieper with the Vistula.
In Poland proper, the Augustowo canal connects the Vistula with the Memel, by means of the rivers Black Hancza, Netta, Biebrz and Narew.
Another canal, to the west of Leczyca, connects the Bzura, a tributary of the Vistula, with the Ner and the Warta; and the bed of the former has been altered so as to obtain regular irrigation of the meadows along its banks.
A branch line, parallel to this last, connects Skierniewice with Thorn and Bromberg; while a military railway connects the fortresses of Warsaw and Ivangorod with Brest-Litovsk, via.
The passage of the Kwaja Amran involves a rise and fall of some 2300 ft., but the range has been tunnelled and a railway now connects the frontier post of New Chaman with Quetta.
Like the stories appended to Judges (by a post-Deuteronomic hand) the book of Ruth connects itself with Bethlehem, the.
Haifa is the northern terminus of the Sudan railway and the southern terminus of a steamboat service on the Nile, which, running to Shellal (Assuan), connects there with the Egyptian railways.
It connects the teaching of Plato with the doctrines of Neoplatonism and brings it into line with the later Stoicism and with the ascetic system of the Essenes.
But now the railroad is the great highway which connects Upper India with Lower Bengal.
In the north-east the Fichtelgebirge connects itself directly with the Erzgebirge, which forms the northern boundary of Bohemia.
Constantine Porphyrogenitus, in the 10th century, connects its early form, Lausa, with Xau, a "precipice."
Detroit river connects Lake St Clair with Lake Erie at an elevation of 570 ft.; and this comparatively shallow lake, running for 240 m.
Trenton is served by the Pennsylvania (main line and Belvidere division) and the Philadelphia & Reading railway systems, by inter-urban electric railways, and by small freight and passenger steamers on the Delaware river; the Delaware && Raritan Canal connects with r 0 U Argent Diagram of Half of Trente et Quarante Table.
This Hesiodic genealogy connects the Achaeans closely with the Ionians, but historically they approach nearer to the Aeolians.
Another line connects at Wadi Haifa with the Sudan system, affording direct telegraphic communication via Khartum and Gondokoro with Uganda and Mombasa.
The Rayya Menufia, or Menuf canal, connects the two branches of the Nile and supplies water to the large number of canals in the central part of the Delta.
A railway connects Aalborg with HjOrring, Frederikshavn and Skagen to the north, and with Aarhus and the lines from Germany to the south.
It is clear that this (z) implicitly considers truth as a value, and so connects it with the conception of good, and (2) openly raises the question - What is truth, and how is it to be distinguished from error ?
The Central Wales section of the London & North-Western railway from Craven Arms to Swansea crosses the north-west corner of the county, and is intersected at Builth Road by a branch of the Cambrian, which, running for the most part on the Radnorshire side of the Wye, follows that river from Rhayader to Three Cocks; the Midland railway from Hereford to Swansea runs through the centre of the county, effecting junctions at Three Cocks with the Cambrian, at Talyllyn with the Brecon & Merthyr railway (which connects the county with the industrial areas of East Glamorgan and West Monmouthshire), and at Capel Colbren with the Neath and Brecon line.
It is situated in a fertile plain near the Franz Josef canal, which connects the Danube and the Theiss, and is the centre of the corn and cattle trade of an extensive area.
Tradition, obviously resting on the Epistle to Titus, has it that he died in Crete as bishop at an advanced age; another line connects him with Venice.
A line of railway connects the 2 Y town of Singapore with the spot on the strait opposite to the town of Johor Bharu.
Situated in the basin of the Wei river, along which runs the great road which connects northern China with Central Asia, at a point where the valley opens out on the plains of China, Si-gan Fu occupies a strategical position of great importance, and repeatedly in the annals of the empire has history been made around and within its walls.
Another story connects him with the musical contest between Apollo and Marsyas (or Pan).
A belt line railway connects the several systems. Superior shares with Duluth one of the finest natural inland harbours in the world.
On the eastern side of the watershed the most important feature is perhaps the great valley system that connects the Mukhnah (the plain south of Nablus) with the Ghor - beginning with the impressive Wadi Bilan and proceeding through the important and abundantly watered Wadi Far`a.
From near the Dorah pass (14,800 ft.), which connects Chitral with the Panja (or Oxus) river, a long, straight, snow-clad spur reaches southwards, which divides the Kafiristan valley of Bashgol from that of Chitral, and this continues to denote the eastern limits of Afghanistan till it nearly touches the Chitral river opposite the village of Arnawai, m.
A third route also passes through Badakshan, and connects Kunduz with Charikar by the Khawak pass and Panjshir river.
It has been carefully surveyed for a possible railway alignment; and an excellent road now connects Tank (at its foot) with the Zhob line of communications to Quetta, and with Wana on the southern flank of Waziristan.
In this polymath we see at once the degradation of the sophistry of culture and the link which connects Protagoras and Prodicus with the eristics, who at a later period taught, not, like Hippias, all branches of learning, but a universally applicable method of disputation.
Beaucaire gives its name to the canal which communicates with the sea (near Aigues-Mortes) and connects it with the Canal du Midi, forming part of the line of communication between the Rhone and the Garonne.
On the other hand, William of Malmesbury prefers to read Heruligena, which would make Scotus a Pannonian, while Bale says he was born at St David's, Dempster connects him with Ayr, and Gale with Eriuven in Hereford.
North of the river the Oudh & Rohilkhand system connects with Bengal and with the Punjab.
Although much evidence connects the serpent with the dead, especially as a guardian-spirit over the living, any discussion of this aspect of the subject is bound up with the varying beliefs regarding ancestors and death.
Primitive man seldom connects sacrifice with notions of propitiation, indeed only in highly ethicized religions is the consciousness of sin or of guilt pre-eminent.
A ferry connects the island with Stralsund, and from the landing-stage at Altefahr a railway traverses the island, passing the capital Bergen to Sassnitz, on the north-east coast.
Hence a regular steamboat service connects with Trelleborg in Sweden, thus affording direct communication between Berlin and Stockholm.
DefinitionsAn elementary combination in mechanism consists of two pieces whose kinds of motion are determined by their connection with the frame, and their comparative motion by their connection with each otherthat connection being effected either by direct contact of the pieces, or by a connecting piece, which is not connected with the frame, and whose motion depends entirely on the motions of the pieces which it connects.
The link is known by various names in various circumstances, such as coupling-rod, connectingrod, crank-rod, eccentric-rod, &c. It is attached to the pieces which it connects by two pins, about which it is free to turn.
Nothing here connects the Homeridae with Chios.
A steam tramway connects it northwards with Waalwijk.
It derives its importance from its situation on the Volga, opposite the mouth of the Sheksna, which connects the Volga with the regions around Lake Ladoga.
Crawley interprets it by the vital instinct, and connects its first manifestations with the processes of the organic life.
A road along the east coast, cut for the most part out of the solid rock, connects Oran and Mers-el-Kebir.
The Tractatus politicus develops his philosophy of law and government on the lines indicated in his other works, and connects itself closely with the theory enunciated by Hobbes a generation before.
Finally, these observers traced the variation to the fact that the wire supporting the aluminium needle as well as the wire which connects the needle with the sulphuric acid in the Leyden jar in the White pattern of Leyden jar is enclosed in a metallic guard tube to screen the wire from external action.
The French philosopher Descartes, who died at Christina's court at Stockholm in 1650, found his chief, though posthumous, disciple in Andreas Rydelius (1671-1738), bishop of Lund, who was the master of Dalin, and thus connects us with the next epoch.
A branch of the Valparaiso and Santiago line runs to Los Andes, and its extension across the Andes connects with the Argentine lines from Buenos Aires to Mendoza and the Chilean frontier-all sections together forming a transcontinental route about 850 m.
A West Coast cable also connects with Europe and North American states by way of Panama.
According to Spengel, the pair of ganglia near the mouth, variously called labial or cerebral, represent the cerebral pair and pleural pair of a gastropod combined, and the parietosplanchnic pair correspond to the visceral ganglia, the commissure which connects them with the cerebro-pleural representing the visceral commissure.
An electric tramway which runs along the north bank of the ship canal connects Goletta with the city of Tunis (q.v.).
In all these features the musk-kangaroo connects the Macropodidae with the Phalangeridae.
The simplest reflection among savages and halfcivilized men connects vitality with the air inhaled in Pneuma.
The historical narrative with which P connects his account of the sacred institutions of Israel is reduced in Leviticus to a minimum, and presents no special features.
The first section, doubtless, belongs to the main narrative of P; it connects directly with chap. x.
Of these, the old bridge on the east, built in 1788, has a fine gateway and is adorned with statues of Minerva and the elector Charles Theodore of the Palatinate; the other, the lower bridge, on the west, built in 1877, connects Heidelberg with the important suburbs of Neuenheim and Handschuchsheim.
Internal communication is provided for by the Ringbahn, or outer circle, which was opened in 1871, and by a well-devised system connects the termini of the various main lines.
The through traffic coming from east and west is carried by the Stadtbahn, or city railway, which also connects with and forms an integral part of the outer circle.
The isthmus which connects the peninsula with the mainland is a flat tundra, sloping gently both ways.
Marie, which passes the rapids of St Mary's River; the St Clair Flats, at the north end of Lake St Clair, by which a deeper channel is made through shallow water; and the Portage Lake, in the copper district, which connects that lake with Lake Superior.
It is served by the Union Pacific, the Colorado & Southern, and the Colorado & North-western railways; the last connects with the neighbouring mining camps, and affords fine views of mountain scenery.
Saltillo is on the Mexican National railway and another railway connects it with the important mining and industrial town of Torreon, on the Mexican Central.
Mary river, is on the same level as Lake Michigan, which connects with its north-west extremity through the Strait of Mackinac, and is nearly 9 ft.
A railway connects with Quarahim (47 m.) on the Uruguayan frontier, and thence by a Uruguayan line with Montevideo by way of Paysandu.
At Phillipsburg it connects with an important coal carrying canal (lying almost entirely in Pennsylvania), the property of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co.
It connects with the Oxford Canal at Braunston in Northamptonshire, and through this with canals to Birmingham and the midlands, and continues to Leicester.
The great pilgrim route of Buddhist days was that which connects the ancient Buddhist cities of the Takla Makan in Chinese Turkestan with Chitral (Kashkar), by the Baroghil Pass across the Hindu Kush.
Thenceforward it was impossible to exclude a theory of descent of man from ancestral beings whom zoological similarity connects also, though by lines of descent not at all clearly defined, with ancestors of the anthropomorphic apes.
The lunar theory connects it with the disappearance of the moon at the time of change or during an eclipse.
The Basingstoke canal, which connects the town with the river Wey and so with the Thames, was opened about 1 794, but lost its trade owing to railway competition.
An old form of the name is Soereditch, and the origin is lost, though early tradition connects it with Jane Shore, mistress of Edward IV.
An electric tram connects the Saalburg with Homburg (distance 4 m.).
Union is served by the Southern and the Union & Glenn Springs railways; the latter connects at Pride, 16 m.
It is served by railway to the S.S.W., to Holguin and Cacocum (where it connects with the main line between Santiago and Havana), and is a port of call for the American Munson Line.
A branch of the Midland railway south from Bedford connects with the Great Northern line at Hitchin, and formerly afforded the Midland access to London over Great Northern metals.
A direct line connects Jassy with Galatz; another traverses the Dobrudja from Constantza to Cernavoda, where it crosses the Danube and proceeds north-west to join the main line.
The sun's distance is the indispensable link which connects terrestrial measures with all celestial ones, those of the moon alone excepted; hence the exceptional pains taken to deter mine it.
No satisfactory etymology of the name has been given, the least improbable perhaps being that which connects it with the Doric a714XXa ("assembly"), 1 so that Apollo would be the god of political life (for other suggested derivations, ancient and modern, see C. Wernicke in Pauly-Wissowa's Realencyclopddie).
When the poise arrives at zero it frees the clutch which connects the pulley and the sprocket wheel, and the machine is then ready for the next load.
The Miami and Erie canal, leading from Maumee river to Cincinnati, 2441m., with a branch to Port Jefferson, 14 m., with locks 90 by 15 by 4 ft., connects with Lake Erie through Toledo.
This relation was soon by the canonists identified with the blood-tie which connects real parents with their offspring, and the corollary drawn that children, who in baptism had the same god-parent, were real brothers and sisters, who might not marry either each the other or real children of the said god-parent.
The tradition which connects the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament into Greek with his name is not historical.
The construction of a carriage road to Tripoli led to a partial revival of prosperity and to an export of cereals and fruit, and this growth has, in turn, been accentuated by the railway, which now connects it with Aleppo and the Damascus-Beirut line.
The canal connects the upper Orinoco, 9 m.
The city is built chiefly along the banks of the river, occupying for the most part low and level ground except at its western extremity, and excepting the quay and the Mall, which connects with the southern end of the quay, its internal appearance is hardly of a piece with the beauty of its environs.
Another branch, from Olfen (north of Dortmund), connects with Duisburg, and so with the Rhine.
The Chicago, St Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha extends into the western part of the state, where it connects with the trans-Mississippi lines of the Chicago & North-Western.
The Trent valley canal connects Georgian Bay with the Bay of Quinte and Lake Ontario, and a canal system has long been projected to Montreal by way of the French and Ottawa rivers and Lake Nipissing.
So far as one can speak of a monotheistic tendency in Babylonia it connects itself with this conception that was gradually crystallized in regard to the old solar deity of Babylon.
It appears, however, that Rabbinical writings use yom (day-of) zebul for the festival of a heathen deity; and Jastrow connects this usage with the meaning " house " or " temple," so that the meaning " Lord of the False Gods" might be arrived at in a different way.
Another railway connects it with Natal via Harrismith.
The former theory recurs elsewhere in Jewish tradition, and may be associated with the representation in Ezra-Nehemiah which connects him with the law.
Tradition connects its origin with the appointment of "the Seven" recorded in Acts vi.
Their working is facilitated by the railway from Stockholm to Gellivara, Kirunavara and Narvik on the Norwegian coast, which also connects them with the port of Lulea, on the Gulf of Bothnia.
The eastern extremity of the state is served by a railway originally called the Conde d'Eu railway but now forming part of the Great Western of Brazil system, which runs westward and northward from Parahyba to Independencia (72 m.), where it connects with the extension of the Natal and Nova Cruz line, and a branch runs southward to Pilar, 15 m.
This engineering work, constructed in 1773-1774, by command of Frederick II., connects the Brahe with the Netze, and thus establishes communication between the Vistula, the Oder and the Elbe.
We may observe, too, that the notion of freedom connects ethics with jurisprudence in a simple and striking manner.
The isthmus which connects the two is only m.
On the west of Mount Hekla this plain connects by a regular slope directly with the tableland, to the great injury of its inhabited districts, which are thus exposed to the clouds of pumice dust and driftsand that cover large areas of the interior.
The railway which connects western and central Europe with Constantinople and Salonica takes the same course.
A fine promenade, over a mile in length, connects Queenstown with Rushbrook, a favourite watering-place.
There are no archaeological remains in Viterbo itself, except a few courses of masonry under the bridge which connects the cathedral with the city, near the cathedral, possibly the pier of an older bridge.
It connects the moral world by a deductive process with the fundamental idea of knowledge and being; it offers a view of the entire world of human action which at all events aims at being exhaustive; it presents an arrangement of the matter of the science which tabulates its constituents after the model of the physical sciences; and it supplies a sharply defined treatment of specific moral phenomena in their relation to the fundamental idea of human life as a whole.
The Barrow Navigation connects a branch of the Grand canal with the tidal part of the river Barrow.
In Ulster the Bann navigation connects Coleraine, by means of Lough Neagh, with the Lagan navigation which serves Belfast; and the Ulster canal connects Lough Neagh with Lough Erne.
A curious passage in Cormac's Glossary connects one of the leaders of this sept, Cairpre Musc, with the settlements of the Irish in south Wales which may have taken place as early as the 3rd century.
Tradition connects the better known of these fairs with pagan rites performed round the tombs of the heroes of the race; thus the assembly of Telltown was stated to have been instituted by Lugaid Lamfada.
Below Mohacs the Franz Josef canal connects the Danube with the Theiss.
Max Muller, for example, connects Kronos (Kpbvos) with xpbvos, "time "; Preller with Kpatvw, " I fulfil," and so forth.
The Ebro Valley railway, which traverses southern Navarre and skirts the western frontier, sends out a branch line from Castejon to Pamplona and Alsasua junction, where it connects with the Northern railways from Madrid to France.
The Great Central railway connects the west, Sheffield and Doncaster with Grimsby, and with Hull by ferry from New Holland.
Farther south the mountains clustered on the east of the table-land (Sierra de Albarracin, Serrania de Cuenca) long rendered direct communication between Valencia and Madrid extremely difficult, and the principal communications with the east and south-east are effected where the southern table-land of La Mancha merges in the hill country which connects the interior of Spain with the Sierra Nevada.
One and the same vulgar tongue, diversely modified in the lapse of time, has produced Castilian and Portuguese as two varieties, while Catalan, the third language of the Peninsula, connects itself, as has already been pointed out, with the Gallo-Roman.
The last-mentioned species, by its frontal tuft, small rounded ears, general brown coloration, and minute antlers, connects the typical muntjacs with the small tufted deer or tufted muntjacs of the genus Elaphodus of eastern China and Tibet.
A highway connects it with the Yellow river, and it is joined by a railway 280 m.
The most common and consistent tradition connects Homer with the valley of Smyrna and the banks of the Meles; his figure was one of the stock types on Smyrnaean coins, one class of which was called Homerian; the epithet "Melesigenes" was applied to him; the cave where he was wont to compose his poems was shown near the source of the river; his temple, the Homereum, stood on its banks.
Zimmern indeed connects the Akitu festival with 'that of Purim on the 15th Adar (March); see K.A.T.
It is served by the Pennsylvania (Marietta Division), the Baltimore & Ohio (Marietta & Parkersburg, Marietta & Zanesville, and Ohio River divisions) and the Marietta, Columbus & Cleveland railways, and by steamboat lines to several river ports; a bridge across the Ohio connects it with Williamstown, West Virginia.
The recent addition of a third genus of Aglossa, Hymenochirus (24) from tropical Africa, combining characters of Pipa and Xenopus, has removed every doubt as to the real affinity which connects these genera.
A Syrian official record from this reign, preserved in the Edessene Chronicle, gives a somewhat detailed account of a violent flood (autumn, 201) of the Daisan river which did much damage, destroying 1 The inscription, which is difficult to read, connects the structure with Shalmat the queen, daughter of Ma`nu, who cannot be identified with certainty, and refers to some image(s), which probably excited the pious vandalism of the Arabs.
The teleology of nature is thus made to rest on a transcendental theology, which takes the ideal of supreme ontological perfection as a principle of systematic unity, a principle which connects all things according to universal and necessary natural laws, since they all have their origin in the absolute necessity of a single primal being" (p. 538).
The suburb of New Clee connects Cleethorpes with Grimsby.
This information connects them between the two Mayan civilization dates.
A shallow adit driven from near the old reducing works on the South connects with these workings, its mouth is however choked.
Pons - the part of the brainstem that joins the hemispheres of the cerebellum and connects the cerebrum with the cerebellum.
He shares his insights, as a hospice chaplain into the fundamental needs of human connection and how he connects with dying people.
A network that connects computer together within a small area, usually a single office.
Over a half-century later, a rookie cop connects Short's murder to a series of gruesome present-day killings.
Subjectivity is fractured and connects with others, but Haraway does not lose the agency - as often happens in postmodern discourse.
The plain adaptor connects the double skin flue to the stove or to the single skin flue pipe.
It connects the ilium, the large flared portion of the pelvic bone, with the upper part of the tibia.
Connects to radio via 3.5mm & 2.5mm mono jacks.
Each device connects to the LAN using a T junction to a single [logical] cable which forms the bus itself.
This PC also features Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Publisher and connects to a black and white laser printer.
The nasolacrimal duct connects the inferior end of the lacrimal sac to the inferior meatus of the nose.
The underground metro connects most places in central Shanghai, running under the river to Pudong.
Finally draw four diagonal lines in the form of a square that connects the midpoints of each side.
Rigger (or outrigger) The device that connects the oarlock to the shell and is bolted to the body of the shell.
Today, a third prong on grounded power plugs connects most stationary equipment to earth ground through the electrical wiring system.
Future plans reading Connects has provided a real focus to get the whole school reading for pleasure.
Your drain will probably connect to a private sewer which then connects to a public sewer.
She has studied shamanism, and connects her spirituality with her love of form and shape.
One of the unique features of the hotel is the shallow sand spit which connects The Retreat to the beautiful beaches on the island.
The SAN disk storage subsystem connects to the server through a Fiber Channel.
Advertisement your story continues below The underground subway connects the three platforms at the station.
It connects to the TV using the Scart and picks up digital telly!
A probe connects an electrostatic voltmeter to the hand.
The Goldfield and Bullfrog districts have a further outlet to the south through a second railway, the Nevada Short Line (Bullfrog-Goldfield and Tonopah & Tidewater railways) which connects with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe at Ludlow in California.
It is thus unnavigable except for small coasting and fishing boats, and sea-going vessels proceed through the Memeler Tief (Memel Deep), which connects the Baltic with Memel and has a depth of 19 ft.
The errors of common opinion arise to a great extent from the ambiguous use of the verb "to be," which may imply existence or be merely the copula which connects subject and predicate.
Another line, running south from Islington, uses the shallow-level subway under Kingsway and connects with the embankment line.
There are three fronts; the principal, towards College Green, is a colonnade of the Ionic order, with façade and two projecting wings; it connects with the western portico by a colonnade of the same order, forming the quadrant of a circle.
He goes even farther and connects our legend with mortals visiting earth, as the Yima in Parsism, and the " Ancient of Days " in the Books of Daniel and Enoch, and further connects the legend with the whole medieval tendency to regard the Jew as something uncanny and mysterious.
Its eastern division (including the El Paso & NorthEastern, the El Paso & Rock Island, the Alamogordo & Sacramento Mountain and the Dawson railways) connects with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific at Tucumcari; thus forming a connecting link between that system and the Southern Pacific. The Santa Fe Central, extending southward from Santa Fe to Torrance, is a connecting link between the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and the El Paso & South-Western systems. Branches of the Denver & Rio Grande serve the northern parts of New Mexico.
During the period of gasmaking G and d are closed, S now closes the air-blast and connects the generator with the scrubber; V is opened, and the gas passes from the scrubber into the gas-holder, the inlet w being under a pressure of 4 in.
Mention must be made, however, of an author whose work connects the literature of the Adriatic Servians of the 18th century with the regenerative efforts of the Danubian Servians in the second decade of the 19th century.
One of these is micro-lending, which directly connects the lender with the borrower and which the Internet has made appealingly easy and personal.
Future plans Reading Connects has provided a real focus to get the whole school reading for pleasure.
The addition of EtherCat integrates and connects networks to the Internet using fast real-time Ethernet.
The most common connects it with Crockern Tor stannary court which existed on Dartmoor by 1630.
It connects to the TV using the Scart and picks up digital telly !
Newer system All waste water is fed into one large vented drainage pipe which connects to the mains drainage.
The curvy line that connects the dots shows the doctor (and parents) how the baby is progressing.
Some bikinis come in a string bikini style, so that only a narrow waistband connects the panty's front to the back.
Both of these styles are designed to hide panty lines by cutting away the fabric from the bottom, leaving only enough fabric to "hide" along the crease of the buttocks, before it connects to the waistband in a "T."
Owner Direct's site connects vacationers with the owners of apartments, condos, villas, chalets, and cabins located worldwide.
PriceGrabber connects online browsers to leading nationwide retailers as well as smaller, local merchants.
Depending on the exact model, the USB port may be used to connect a network printer that can then be shared with every computer that connects to the network.
The processor then connects with the bank who issued the card to verify the validity of the account.
These pipes are connected to a horizontal pipe which connects to the heat pump.
Membership in ASID also connects designers to members of the public who are interested in the market for an interior designer through their referral service.
Chi connects all things - Though most of us find our strongest connections with people and animals, we are also connected to things we possess and our abstract relationships.
It connects multiple lights along its length and is capable of manipulation for the desired effect.
For example, a purple hallway that connects to a yellow kitchen could look a little harsh and disjointed.
Visiting Valspar online connects you with a great resource for researching paint colors, do-it-yourself projects and interactive features that allow you to virtually paint different rooms with different styles.
I swept the damp color in the crease that connects my upper and lower lid.
The site has a "match maker" function that connects you with Christian singles who share your spiritual beliefs on the basis of your answers to questions about the Christian faith.
The Vendor Fair Shopping area connects participants with a variety of vendors.
The 50-mile lake-and-lock type canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Service Magic is an online community that connects homeowners with contractors.The company prescreens service providers and then posts customer reviews on the site.
The neckline consists of a collar that connects to a band that fits around the neck like a choker necklace.
Another nice choice is the illusion neckline that consists of a satin band that connects to the gown with a sheer yolk, giving the illusion that the bride is wearing a choker necklace.
Senior Friend Finder is an online service that connects women, men, couples and groups.
The Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, connects seniors and caregivers with information on senior services.
This may mean you have purchased a gift that connects with his past, or it may reflect his future plans.
The interface also includes tubing that connects the mask to the CPAP machine and headgear that keeps the mask in place.
An oxygen adapter connects to the CPAP machine, and it provides a port for oxygen therapy devices.
Link VS Mode connects you with another Game Boy Advance for some intense head-to-head action against a friend.
The overworld connects the places you visit, such as towns, castles, underground caves, icy mountains, etc., and serves as a small resting point where you can save and recover your health.
This connects to the base of the Wii Remote and is typically used with the other hand.
First, there is the power supply cable that connects to the power brick.
This, in turn, connects to a cable that connects to an available wall outlet.
Jump down and head to the main corridor that connects all 3 rooms and there are disco lights, confetti, and corny music playing.
Sure, the characters' names are right, but that's the only thing that connects Alone in the Dark to the video game.
If you want to record from a Nintendo DS or PSP, grab a line-in cable that connects the microphone port of the system to your computer.
The product loads on to your PC and includes a device that connects your PC to your Xbox memory card.
Be wary about your purchase, because while the USB end of the cable is fairly universal, the part that connects to your cellular phone is quite specialized.
It features a large touchscreen display and an innovative TimeScape interface that connects users to online social networking services.
The way that a regular cell phone, like the one you may get from Fido or Telus, works is that your mobile phone connects to a local cell phone tower, which then relays you to the larger infrastructure so your call can be completed.