Connectives Sentence Examples
I can use a range of time connectives to start some of my sentences.
At the point of the collar whence the nerve-cords arise are the cerebral ganglia; from these one pair of connectives passes to a pair of pedal ganglia, and another pair of connectives to a pair of pleural ganglia.
The centres for the antennal nerves form ganglionic swellings on the oesophageal connectives.
Close to each cerebral ganglion is a pleural ganglion, and each is connected by a long nerve with the pedal ganglion of the same side, the two connectives of either side being united in the distal part of their course.
Martha's diary - planning sheet Write Martha's diary with an emphasis on using connectives.
Linguistic features include connectives, e.g. therefore, however, all in all, in other words.
We take the propositional connectives & and ¬ to be primitive; other propositional connectives are defined as usual.
Relations for expr expr supports the usual logical connectives and relations.
This paper presents two experiments on the semantic similarity of discourse connectives.
MaGIC (Matrix Generator for implication connectives) is a program which finds matrices for implication connectives for a wide range of propositional logics.
AdvertisementA special " sympathetic " system arises by paired nerves from the oesophageal connectives; these nerves unite, and send back a median recurrent nerve associated with ganglia on the gullet and crop, whence proceed cords to various parts of the digestive system.
The cerebro pedal and pleuro-pedal connectives, however, in these cases are only separate in the initial parts of their course, and unite together for the lower half of their length, or for nearly the whole length.
The central nervous system is constructed on the same general plan as in the other Arthropoda, consisting of a supra-oesophageal ganglionic mass or brain, united by circumoesophageal connectives with a double ventral chain of segmentally arranged ganglia.
In the latter, the segmentally arranged ganglia are more sharply marked off from the connectives than in other Chaetopods, where nerve cells exist along the whole ventral chain, though more numerous in segmentally disposed swellings.
The most reliable test appears to be the nerve ganglia, which are more distinct from the intervening connectives than in other Annelids.
AdvertisementIn the middle of the body, where the limits of the somites can be checked by a comparison with the arrangement of the nephridia and the gonads, and where the ganglia are quite distinct and separated by long connectives, each ganglion is seen to consist of six masses of cells enclosed by capsules and to give off three nerves on each side.