Connections Sentence Examples
I had connections no one else did.
His father had connections... in Columbia?
His connections in Denver would get Ouray the attention it deserved.
Being a veterinarian gives you connections other people might not have.
In his person, honor was shown to a simple fighting Russian soldier without connections and intrigues, and to one who was associated by memories of the Italian campaign with the name of Suvorov.
He must have lots of connections.
Trade connections are rather with Tibet than with India.
By his age he should have belonged to the younger men, but by his wealth and connections he belonged to the groups of old and honored guests, and so he went from one group to another.
I don't have Shipton's dough or his connections, but I'm not going away either.
She pays well and has connections.
AdvertisementThe walls are pitted, and protoplasmic connections between the laticiferous tubes and neighboring parenchyma-cells have been seen.
His commercial connections at New Orleans enabled him to hold out the lure of a ready market at that port for Kentucky products, and this added greatly to the strength of the separatist movement.
The electrical connections to the calorimeter are actually made to thin metallic members in the liquid argon (" electrodes " ).
The next mail update will likewise enable TLS connections for outgoing mail.
What if the capability to see connections and even to have them detected was all there for us?
AdvertisementThe connections of its stele witl that of the parent axis are made across the pericycle of the latter Its cortex is never in connection with the cortex of the parent, but with its pericycle.
The Hamilton fauna which followed represents the admixture of the resident Onondaga fauna with new types which are thought to have come from South America, showing that faunal connections for marine life had been made between the interior of the United States and the lands south of the Caribbean Sea, a connection of which, before this time, there was no evidence.
The great personal qualities of the reigning emperors and the widely extended family connections of the house of Hohenzollern have enabled them to hold with ease their position as leaders among the ruling families.
We are thus able tc imagine a great variety of mechanical systems to which tht principle of virtual work can be applied without any regard tc the internal stresses, provided the hypothetical displacements be such that none of the connections of the system are violated.
The Paris flight will also open up 260 onward connections across the world to Norwich's global jet setters.
AdvertisementMost zippers are nylon coil and "self-healing", that is, a few zips back and forth, and any bad zipper teeth connections usually straighten out.
For the true natural history is to take nothing except instances, connections, observations and canons."
Maybe not in your blueberry muffin world but anyone who spent as much time as this guy in prison picks up a classroom of connections.
At that age, he was relatively low on the immortal totem pole, though his obvious wealth indicated he had powerful connections somewhere.
Chapter 3, ' absinthe for the people ', documents the connections between absinthe drinking by the poor and debates about degeneration.
AdvertisementAlternative inflation systems can be supplied, including compressors, fast inflation aspirators or connections to specific airline systems.
The first stanza contains a series of " connections " between certain words using assonance, rhyme and half-rhyme.
In addition, there are direct rail connections to the deep-water berths in King George Dock.
The worm's payload is a connection proxy that allows the attacker to initiate network connections through an infected computer.
To ensure fast access over slow connections, large documents have been segmented into " chunks " .
Even with faster connections, not many people will hang around long enough to download a huge file.
Logging Your Dial-up connections Having problems with your modem connection?
Connections are also available for external loud speaker and the Icom automatic antenna coupler.
All Shepherd, King, and Ass related connections count double. blind mornington crescent An ancient variation requiring immense skill.
Home users and small businesses can help the Nation secure cyberspace by securing their own connections to it.
With its road and rail connections, the village is a good center for exploring the woods and haymeadows of the surrounding dale.
The subjects and objects here may seem disparate, but as ever there are threads to follow and connections to make.
These services should include helping clients install and operate secure network connections as well as mechanisms to rapidly disseminate vulnerability information and corrections.
It overcame these drawbacks by providing the building blocks for implementing robust, modular data connections for a wide variety of hardware configurations.
Everyone will enjoy consistently high-speed connections, everywhere in your house - no signal dropouts or wireless dead spots.
The tanks were little dumpy things with 2 A-clamp connections.
Basically, any conscious effort to exercise your brain can potentially create new brain cell connections.
Exhaustive next generation connections, and removable faceplates ensure that the Control Center will remain an essential part of your gaming lifestyle.
Data Centers offer redundant power, lightning-fast fiber connections and 24X7X365 support from a staff with more than a decade of networking experience.
Install backflow valves or plugs on drains, toilets and other sewer connections to prevent floodwaters from entering your home.
Connections shown in red have an excitatory effect on target structures (primarily through the transmitter glutamate ).
The blue male griffin has connections with a local legend concerning the Bold family, which once had strong associations with Farnworth Parish Church.
The development has been monitored on an ongoing basis by a multi-agency steering group combining representation from CAMHS, AMHS, Connections and YES.
Either undo the supply pipe connections at the base of the tap or cut the pipe with a small hacksaw.
Features Allows unlimited concurrent connections for any device running terminal emulation, including hand-held RF systems.
All mobile phone and prepaid SIM card connections (excluding prepay handsets) are subject to a 12 month airtime contract.
The underlying meaning of the connections between these two levels represents a third and often hidden dimension of culture.
We have had an overwhelming response to our service and delivered new connections to many high tech and research clients.
A typical USB four-port hub accepts 4 " A " connections.
Even connections that appear identical may vary in size, even as little as 1mm.
Comodo Personal Firewall renders malware impotent by preventing malware from making outgoing connections needed to harvest confidential consumer information.
Janet connections to Local Authorities, but many already have facilities.
This has been warmly received by jockeys, trainers and connections of horses as the track is now fairer and produces much less kickback.
It will also keep a log of all your connections.
Business cards Connections business cards feature a 40mm Connections logotype with a regional identifier in two colors.
Make sure you position the connections logotype in the same place throughout the presentation - for example, in the bottom right hand corner.
But its interesting how often that happens, that you read a book and see connections and similarities to the last one you read.
Initial requests for help in caring for Romanian orphans came through CRY's Romanian church connections.
Ofsted reports tell you about further education and sixth form colleges, as well as youth services and connections partnerships.
This chant will activate the pathways to serenity that already exist within you and will allow you to forge new and indestructible connections.
It is the connections between objects that allow some unity to distributed personhood.
All our silencers are matched for each size of fan and require no reducers to make the necessary connections.
Updating transactional replication requires a high quality infrastructure with reliable connections between all of the sites.
Our main UK Internet transit (to our servers in Telehouse) is provided by Netscalibur via two diversely routed 100Mbps connections.
Most of the villages in the area have strong connections to the days of lead and old mine chimneys still stipple the landscape.
There are other routing points via Windhoek, but the connections with London Heathrow require at least an overnight stopover.
Connections Derbyshire Is your child safe surfing the net?
Since Ireland had only recently emerged from a period of outright rebellion one might even surmise that printers would keep Irish connections quiet.
Nina's musical connections go further - her husband, Richard Coxon, is a freelance solo tenor.
We are investigating both the structure and function of these cortical areas and their reciprocal connections with the auditory thalamus.
Using Aber University connections enabled me to get a supply of Equine corneas to assist my research into corneal transparency!
The case against the defendants had very substantial connections with the United States and was perfectly properly triable there.
Unicast refers to networking in which computers establish two-way, point-to-point connections.
Connections The " Do Not Connect " pin should be left unconnected.
Yet workers with old boys ' connections remained unquestioned.
The table view gives a fairly unsophisticated view of the database, with no connections made between different tables.
Because an essential measure for the ranking will be the number of connections to your site when these engines trawl the web.
In this way links create a complex virtual web of connections which allow you to move within and between web pages and web sites.
Google's network industrial Wellingtons will offer 256 Industries kbps - 384 kbps connections for free.
Tonight I finally resolved the network connections (including a messed up setting on my laptop ), and ran yum again.
At this point a papyrus of stories written in the popular language of the Middle Kingdom provided Erman with a stepping-stone from Old Egyptian to the Late Egyptian of the Neuagyptische Grammatik, and gave the connections that would bind solidly together the whole structtire of Egyptian grammar (see Sprache des Papyrus Westcar, 1889).
But that's because I would be sharing the experience with another human being, and human beings form connections with other human beings.
Artificial surrogates for human companionship are always vastly inferior to the real thing; we crave connections with people, not machines.
Dolokhov was a man of small means and no connections.
You know he has important connections...
What also conduced to Bagration's being selected as Moscow's hero was the fact that he had no connections in the city and was a stranger there.
No doubt he" (indicating Rostov) "has connections on the staff.
I have my position in the service, she has connections and some means.
I 've had the top cover off, looked at connections have n't found a fuse nor reset switch.
But in the case of Early Christian sarcophagi the iconographic connections of portraits to either visual context or survivors receive short shrift.
Various built-in electronic functions are available, ranging from simple speed controls to programmable servo controllers with bus connections.
The Paris flight will also open up 260 onward connections across the world to Norwich 's global jet setters.
Ensure the connections are well insulated with heat shrink sleeving as short circuits must be avoided.
Users with slower connections can also download individual chapters in Adobe Acrobat format by using the links on the left hand side.
Nina 's musical connections go further - her husband, Richard Coxon, is a freelance solo tenor.
Reducing audio file load times Remember - not everyone uses T1 connections to the internet !
Using Aber University connections enabled me to get a supply of Equine corneas to assist my research into corneal transparency !
The term " underworld connections " just took on a whole new meaning.
Google 's network industrial wellingtons will offer 256 Industries kbps - 384 kbps connections for free.
A workable alternative to having a second line installed for an Internet connections.
Tonight I finally resolved the network connections (including a messed up setting on my laptop), and ran yum again.
If you decide to disown someone, you should lose all connections with them.
Keep in mind that the more nerve connections your baby makes, the stronger his brain will become, so educational stimulation is important.
Digital Subscriber Line, or DSL, offers fast access through broadband connections.
Broadband connections provide high data transfer speeds up to 1 Mbps (megabyte per second), about 50 times the speed of dial-up.
Companies prefer to split total available bandwidth connections into multiple connections routed to desktops.
Leased connections are very expensive but work well for small business or corporate setups and upscale apartment units.
Dell offers good pricing on DSL connections.
Color units are available that can be tied into DVD players or VCRs, although connections utilizing VCRs are fast becoming obsolete as DVDs replace the older technology.
With a maintenance-free battery, you have nothing to do except keep it clean and make sure the terminals and connections are in good shape.
They bring experience and connections to the process, calling on a network of sellers and knowing what to look for in a quality used sailboat.
Computers with USB, audio, video and Firewire ports on the front of the machine are much more convenient and allow you to make your connections fast and easy.
Larger companies may even store the information on secure servers that cannot be accessed from modems or other external connections, which guarantees that hackers cannot find your information.
This program can also be used with dial-up or cell phone connections so you can make sales just about anywhere.
Use caution when making online payments via shared computers or over unsecured Wi-Fi connections.
Keep in mind that Amazon, being one of the largest Internet retailers, has connections with various companies across the country, and so Amazon gift cards are actually very easy to find.
These do-it-yourself kits are available in a wide variety of types, and each kit includes everything you will need to complete the job including solar cells, solder, soldering iron, flux, and all necessary connections.
Chi connects all things - Though most of us find our strongest connections with people and animals, we are also connected to things we possess and our abstract relationships.
Her extensive experience in the industry, coupled with her fashion connections, helped Wang established her own sense of design as she developed her label.
You'll be amazed at what you can find - and even if you don't get the job now, you never know what kind of connections you might make by getting your resume on file with a company you're interested in joining.
Tetris games won't tax your computer's processing power, and even those with slow Internet connections can enjoy the game without any annoying lags.
The website loads pretty quickly on broadband connections, even with the graphics-heavy design, but dial-up users will have more difficulty navigating the site.
Most VT skiing maps will also show you where to find the online restaurants, bathrooms and connections to other trails.
By practicing cosmic meditation, we can renew our connections to the universe and realize that our stresses, no matter how crucial they may seem at the moment, are really insignificant in the vastness of all things cosmic.
Under the right circumstances, brain cells may be able to form new connections, essentially restoring some lost functionality.
Adolescence is a wondrous time of exploring your sense of self, learning about the connections between people, and discovering new avenues of thinking.
They usually have connections to help get you whatever you need for your big night.
They usually have connections with these same vendors, allowing you to get a better price and personalized service.
Someone new to this particular part of Hawaii, or Hawaii itself, may not have all the connections you are looking for in a planner.
Native American Connections has culturally appropriate outpatient and inpatient services.
With their inherent talent, energy, and connections, they have quickly slid into an extremely competitive movie industry.
Snoop Dogg has many connections in the hip hop world, including his best friend, Warren G, stepbrother of Dr. Dre.
But this bedroom-eyed cutie could have succeeded with or without the solid connections.
There's no doubt that in Hollywood, Drew Barrymore has plenty of family connections.
These connections and her natural acting ability more than likely shepherded her first official appearance on television when she was 11-months old in a dog food commercial.
In a city, this was comparatively easy, as there used to be thriving garment districts and so people had connections.
Going back to school will offer you a chance to meet new people and foster new personal and professional connections through networking.
Look at the work opportunities available at the schools on your list, and consider work placement possibilities that may arise through program connections.
If you have strong connections to family and friends, you may not want to set sail for months at a time (contracts are typically 6-10 months long with little time off).
Because of the city's size, popularity, and connections with many print and news media sources, it also serves as a port during many maiden voyages.
They live very much in the moment, and they only make immediate connections between what they've done and whether they should do it again.
Christian music is also exploding on the Internet with a number of sites offering connections to CDs, standard sheet music and simpler guitar chords and tabs.
Turn on the faucet and check all connections for leaks or drips.
Similarly, do not over-tighten the water supply hose connections on the shut-off valves.
Celtic knots are delicate and highly symbolic designs with different twists representing the connections between nature, life, and spiritualism.
Perhaps Seventies styles lacked staying power because it didn't conjure up powerful memories and connections to the past.
If your children are interested in super heroes, the AT&T Internet Safety Connections site would be a good choice.
The object of the prank may not think to check the connections right away to find the source of the problem.
If you use a gas grill, check all connections before lighting it.
After retirement, you may have lost some of the connections you made with co-workers.
As scientists have since learned, motor and cognitive skills deteriorate as brain cells and connections between nerve cells die.
It might not pay but the experience and connections could lead to bigger things.
Some people use chat rooms to look for romantic connections.
This might include posting questions in online forums, visiting the premises prior to moving in, and making local connections and asking questions via email early in the process.
Many relationships form from conversations through emails and online chats and develop into more meaningful connections.
More research is necessary to develop a better understanding of the possible connections.
When planning your Disney vacation, you can share in the excitement of a forum and make a lot of enjoyable connections with people across the globe.
Kings Island opened its doors in 1972 and was an instant success, in part because of Tafts Broadcasting Company’s Hollywood connections.
The festival will focus on the increasing connections among film, music, literature and interactive entertainment.From August 10 - 14 the festival will feature an online gaming tournament called Go Play Games.
The Santa Monica office was launched in 2004, with hopes to take advantage of the close proximity to the Hollywood machine as well as the West Coast's Asia connections.
With the wide availability of broadband internet connections, games can now be delivered quickly, either as a full download or by way of real-time streaming.
For TV connections, the Wii comes with standard RCA/composite plugs, but if you have an HDTV, you can get better connections with a Component cable.
Since then, over 10 million wireless game connections have been made.
The dongle supports up to 5 DS connections simultaneously.
In addition to the console-specific audio-video cables for the Nintendo Wii, you will also need two other basic connections before you can enjoy the video game system.
The round "Power" and "Open" buttons were found on top, with all the necessary A/V connections found in the rear.
Like its predecessor, this machine also came with two controller ports and two memory card slots found at the front, with all the usual AV connections in the rear.
They are fully-contained, making them the perfect option for extended stay travel, particularly when electrical, water, and sewer connections aren't available.
For example, a hot water tank will require some plumbing work, and a stove may require gas connections to be disconnected.
Never push yourself beyond what you're comfortable with or you may risk putting yourself or your family in danger with faulty utility connections.
The multi-media geared cell phones including high-end gaming capabilities, fast data connections, and smartphone functionality.
The receiving party will have to activate something similar to "Find Me" in their Bluetooth connections menu.
Most smartphones are capable of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections so extra common sense in important.
Unlike some other applications that require a 3G or Wi-Fi connection for any sort of usability, FlyCast has been designed to accommodate slower EDGE connections as well.
A recall was issued in February 2009, because certain units from the series suffer from dropped connections or poor connections on emergency 911 calls.
For example, if you are selling your iPhone and want to delete all of your apps, as well as all of your personal data and account connections, doing a factory reset is the best option.
Their eye muscles gain strength, and the connections between nerves multiply.
The attachment relationship not only forms the emotional basis for the continued development of the parent-child relationship, but can serve as a foundation for future social connections.
Also nerve connections between the retina and brain are altered if melanin is not present in the retina during development.
They may have reduced depth perception due to altered nerve connections from the retina to the brain.
Instead, the pulmonary veins drain through abnormal connections to the right atrium.
Furthermore, the bowel and bladder have inadequate nerve connections, causing an inability to control bowel and bladder function.
In the spinal cord, these neurons make connections with other neurons that run up to the brain.
Differentiation-The ability to retain one's identity within a family system while maintaining emotional connections with the other members.
Parents who wrongfully remove or retain a child in order to create a home state or significant connections will usually be denied custody.
Because of abnormal blood vessel connections in the placenta, one twin pumps the circulating blood for both twins.
If this fails, prenatal surgery may be used to destroy the abnormal blood vessel connections in the placenta.
In prenatal surgery for TRAP sequence, the connections between the twins are severed.
The abnormal blood vessel connections are located and eliminated with a laser beam.
Addiction comes about through an array of changes in the brain and the strengthening of new memory connections.
Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a birth defect causing a fatal condition in which there is a reversal, or switch, in the primary connections of the two main (great) blood vessels to the heart, the aorta and pulmonary artery.
Several studies have uncovered a number of possible genetic connections to the predisposition for bipolar disorder.
Although both the artery and the vein retain their normal connections, the new opening between the two causes some arterial blood to shunt (be diverted) into the vein because of the blood pressure difference.
It can help create new social connections, or may be part of simply expanding your dance skills and appreciation.
Reach out for help; there is a lot there and you can find most connections to resources right on the Internet.
It also relates to your overall development of your way of life, your social connections and your soul purpose during your lifetime.
It can be a fascinating addition to an existing I Ching library, but tackle it after you have some experience to help you appreciate the challenge of making connections between this and other translations.
You'll need to make sure the waterline and electrical connections are either added to wall or installed when the wall is erected.
The Mormon faith strongly encourages people to value family bonds, including connections with ancestors.
This new high-tech research method can help you establish connections, find lost relatives, and solve some of the mysteries in your family tree.
This can be an exciting search, since these old records may offer unexpected information and reinforce your connections to your ancestors.
Connections Academy is a free homeschool program online providing programs for students from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Connections Academy is a parent-led program with strong teacher support through the internet, by telephone and by mail.
Lots of hands-on experiences help them build strong connections in their understanding of life.
Homeschool Connections offers a solution with courses taught by experts in various fields.
Make sure your computer and Internet connections are stable; there is no need for additional obstacles.
Selected Med Connections shows openings for nursing jobs in Canada as well as in the United States and Australia.
High-level coaches have connections, work long hours and achieve years of success within their given sport.
Though there is some personal information you will need to supply to get an accurate quote, all connections should be safe and secure.
Some brokers do not have the experience or desire to deal with commercial loans while some brokers simply lack the business connections with suitable lenders for commercial properties.
Even alternative therapies generally considered safe during pregnancy can cause a problem if overused or if you don't maintain good connections between your primary care provider and your alternative care provider.
When shopping for reliable phone connections services, San Francisco Bay area cell phone users have a variety of choices.
A good way to research the current quality of the connections of the various services is to ask your friends and associates whose calling patterns are similar to yours.
You can save yourself a lot of poor connections and dropped calls if you do some research with friends who have similar calling patterns to yours.
Once you have narrowed your selection down to a couple of phone connections services, San Francisco Bay Area phone stores are great places to check out the number of minutes in the pricing plans and the styles of the phones offered.
The votive candle also has religious connections and is used in many churches as a form of prayer or remembrance candle.
Dating web sites are popular internet destinations for people looking to make love connections with like-minded singles.
The Internet abounds with websites dedicated toward helping singles make love connections.
These websites have many seniors just waiting to make connections with people such as yourself.
Large and Lovely Connections is a more personalized site, designed from the ground up to cater to the needs of BBW and BHM (Big Handsome Men) and those who admire them.
If there are no personal connections the couple can utilize for appropriate help, they can consult professional sources.
This form of dating has become more than just culturally acceptable over the last decade; it has become one of the most popular methods for forming connections.
Some people do enjoy chatting with the same person regularly, but others prefer briefer connections.
Providing a nurturing environment is important, but ultimately he will have to be able to initiate social connections on his own.
There's also a "missed connections" section where you can post a shout-out to that cute girl in the checkout line or the guy you flirted with on the freeway.
Online chat rooms provide a safe, convenient venue to release pent up frustrations and make new connections.
As the boundaries between countries and ethnicities are intermingled, more interracial connections are going to occur.
In general, it will benefit your own sense of community and social connections.
It isn't difficult for a teen to make connections with people who might not have the best intentions.
Whether you're a service member or are interested in dating one, here are some tips to help you make the connections you want.
Others struggle to find their perfect match or even to make connections outside the military world.
Volunteer opportunities can be another good way to make local connections.
One unique aspect of personals is the "Missed Connections" section.
If you're posting in the "Missed Connections" section, be as specific as possible about your encounter.
Catch up with old friends, and make some new connections.
But if you use your own code, you can lose those connections.
Planning a girls' night can help you maintain these important connections.
Whether its rock climbing, a morning jog, or walks in the park, new activities will help you form strong connections.
The missed connections section allows you to try and make contact with someone you saw-at a restaurant, bar, in a car-but were unable to communicate with.
Connections define your compatibility with other people.
For years the series has followed the intricate connections, difficulties, and triumphs of a group of lesbians.
Look at the gestures and movements that are normal, and then when you see a deviation from the norm, you can observe connections between emotional state and behavior.
The challenge, however, is in how Sims make love connections.
They differentiate their relationships from casual sex by emphasizing the emotional connections and commitment to their partners.
There are several articles on the site about transgender issues, as well as links to other websites that do offer personals and dating connections for the transgendered community.
Founded by people like gay community activist David Kooy, the online community of Lovetastic prides itself on not "making assumptions" about its members, and encouraging "meaningful connections."
Teenagers with strong Christian values and connections to their church may participate in purity ceremonies to affirm their commitment to abstinence, and a ring is often given to them as a physical symbol of that promise.
If you're lucky enough to have the budget and the jewelry industry connections, your engagement ring could share some of this sparkling mystique.
The trees are instantly recognized for their carefree, relaxing, tropical connections, and can be a beautiful gift for a bride or any other woman involved with the wedding.
A good publisher will have connections with studios, music managers, record labels and more.
You may also want to think about your connections and whether or not these contacts could be useful.
Connections to coaches, players, or other athletic insiders are also worth mentioning.
As you know, May is Awareness Month and here at, we have tried to do our part in our Social Media connections and our website, to give information and links for education.
Besides romantic connections, there are just some people you'll meet and like instantly.
With so many different view points, it's wonderful to watch love connections happen.
They can keep a lot below the surface while still having intense emotional connections with others.
Theae men truly view love as a deep spiritual connection, and want to experience the connections to the world that they feel, with someone.
You require intimate relationships and powerful connections.
One of their reports will tell you if a possible partner is better as A friend or a lover while another report will let you know about your soul mate connections.
It's not uncommon to see both south and north karmic connections in a chart.
The sign prefers to make love connections in a relaxed setting.
That doesn't mean there can't be more intellectual and even spiritual connections; it'll depend on the rest of this couple's individual charts.
Unless both individual's charts make strong connections to one another, this relationship might not have a strong romantic foundation.
No matter what your sun sign is, if you are paired with an Aquarius in a successful relationship, the odds are quite good that you and your partner have planets that make key connections to one another.
Many of the games on the Cartoon Network website are fairly large in size, but download quickly onto computers with high-speed Internet connections.
Some high speed Internet connections can be ready to watch a full movie in seconds while slower dial-up systems can take a good few minutes.
However, with the competitive market today, you can find lots of deals on high speed connections that allow you much more freedom for surfing for additional ways to save money using the Internet.
Even when purchased on a deal, it tends to cost more per month than other types of connections.
While slower than DSL or cable connections, it is still a better option for most people than dial-up.
The Lacoste brand has close connections with tennis.
His gang connections want him to get rid of Sally.
Daytime soap operas are predicated on family connections.
Eric uses his blood to bond Lafayette to him because of Lafayette's connections to Sookie.
Different astrologers have different ideas about these connections, so be sure to do your own research before you settle on your tattoo.
If you want to be a tattoo artist, learn to draw, make connections and don't jump at any old opportunity that comes your way.
Those traveling for business love the convenience of wireless Internet connections in every room.
Online alarm clocks are very reliable - however Internet connections do go down.
Eating Wisely - A part of yogic beliefs, this section examines the deep connections between spirit and food.
Practitioners of Superbrain Yoga perform an ear-stimulation exercise, in which placement, pressure, and breathing play important roles, in order to energize their bodies and brains, and hone the connections between the two.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and medical research groups conducted a number of studies looking for possible connections between the vaccine and autism.
Many different studies have addressed possible connections between vaccines and autism.
Tolerance and acceptance are critical aspects of the children's esteem as well as their ability to make meaningful connections with neurotypical people.
Since other pervasive developmental disorders, such as Fragile X Syndrome, have genetic causes and autism appears to run in some families, researchers have looked for possible genetic connections to autism.
In fact, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee has approved a CDC proposal to study possible connections between autism and vaccinations.
Childhood vaccinations were one of the many theories of possible causes of autism and studies investigated possible connections.
The presence of a pervasive developmental delay leads to possible connections between autism and mitochondrial disorder.
According to a Boston Globe Magazine article, Wakefield vows to continue researching possible connections between autism and vaccines.
Treatment for Aspergers disease include behavioral and cognitive exercises that may help build normal neurological connections in the brain, with practice.
Play therapy for children can help them make connections with others.
The CDC also continues to study any possible connections.
It also has limited abilities to fix broken Internet connections. uses a compressive bandwidth-adaptive technology, ensuring participants with different connections, including dial-ups, don't fall behind the presentation.
While dial-ups are supported, a DSL connection allowing landline and ISP connections would be required for those having one phone line and a computer.
The alternative is to make the connections and arrangements for hotels and vehicles yourself.
Most hotels now offer fast and secure Internet connections in guest and conference rooms, with additional laptop hookups poolside.
Public phones have been replaced with functional ports and Wi-Fi connections.
Broadband connections are on the increase.
The benefits to the business traveler is faster connections and far less time spent arranging itineraries that can save money.
Schedule air travel terminal connections well in advance.
Normal dialup connections only allow one function at a time at a maximum speed of 56 kilobytes per second (kbps), AKA 56K.
Traditional telephone connections are made of switches and copper wired pairs that cross-connect lines across the U.S. installed in home offices or businesses.
Dial-up access has been replaced for the most part by DSL or cable modem connections which serves the needs of business owners because they allow opening of several Web site pages at the same time while performing phone conversations.
SightSpeed has been designed to deliver quality voice and video on everyday computers and consumer broadband connections.
Some staffing businesses start out of a home, until larger connections occur with businesses looking for staffing needs.
Check your nozzles, connections and tubing regularly.
These quilts celebrate family with leaves, roots and branches that represent the different connections between the generations.
Check the equipment over thoroughly to make sure there aren't any loose connections or hidden flaws.
Most major cities have some sort of French Institute often called Alliance Française which usually has some subsidy and other connections to France.
Dentists can access the website to check on their claims, make connections to other dentists, or get informational posters for their offices.
This covers missed airplane connections, or other delays occurred while traveling.
Whether the trip is for business or pleasure, one thing remains the same; you plan carefully and want everything to go smoothly, but missed flights, delayed connections, lost luggage or illness all can put a wrinkle in the best laid plans.
Baggage delay is covered for $500 and missed connections for $1000 under Custom Deluxe, but the Custom policy only covers $200 for baggage delay and $500 for missed connections.
There is coverage for missed connections as well.
Speak to a representative at a local unemployment office who might have the right contacts for you to start making connections and purchase the right insurance plan.
Vivacious blonde Bridget Ellen is great for the girly, feminine styles, given her connections with Playboy magazine and television.
With broadband internet connections rapidly becoming the norm, buying and downloading music files is increasingly popular.
The higher the number of bits the station is broadcasting, the better the sound quality will be, but most dial-up connections will not be able to support the technology.
Stations that broadcast in lower bandwith will be easier to hear with slow connections, but the quality will be poor.
Days at SXSW are focused around the exhibition hall, where, where 120 labels, distributors, magazines, and other industry bodies from around the world have booths set up to promote their product, and make connections with other businesses.
Gnutella then made this router their default router for their P2P connections.
People, especially college students, had access to high-speed connections like never before.
This kind of firewall protection is overkill and will slow down your Limewire connections even if your computer is letting you access the program.
The program, which can be downloaded for free here, is said to be reasonably easy to use with speedy searches, effective connections, and even support for the BitTorrent (BT) protocol which seems to be all the rage these days.
The soundtrack for Grease features several connections to the land down under.
The real story is that RCA Records bought Dorsey out, but the story - and stories of Sinatra's connections with the mafia - persisted throughout his life.
Party planners are an essential resource for anyone who wants an elaborate fete but doesn't have the time or connections to make all the arrangements themselves.
Planners for celebrity events and lavish weddings are often in high demand, and their personal connections are able to create flawless fantasy events.
Women who make connections with certain men on the show get to spend special one-on-one time with these men while the other women still participate in the group activities where they learn additional skills and meet new men.
Duff recruits those he has personal connections to, so it is not uncommon to see a member of his rock band struggling in the shop with buttercream frosting.
Having an agent with connections with the studios helping you out can make a great deal of difference, so if you're new to the business, approaching a few agents is a good first step.
The Real Housewives of DC cast is made up of five women, all of whom are active in political social circles and have connections in the White House and beyond.
On the show, one housewife, Danielle, takes the opposite approach and drops heavy-handed hints about her dangerous connections.
It's the little things like Ron's broken wand that seem so unimportant at times, but serve a larger purposes later on that are repeated relentlessly, as if people won't make the connections otherwise.
The following list of Battlestar Galactica character names encapsulates a brief history of the main characters and offers an overview of the fictional backgrounds and connections that interlink these characters.
This model kit has 43 pieces to assemble and has detailed features including hull surfaces and bridge connections.
Whether it's decorating their MySpace page, live-tweeting a concert, or planning a party with friends using Facebook, their connections and friendships span both the virtual and the real world.
MySpace is a social network or online gathering place where people make "friends" based on connections made in the real world or within MySpace itself.It is full of user-made content including pictures, videos, blogs, music clips and more.
Your network does not only consist of your immediate connections but also of their connections and the connections of those people also.