Connect Sentence Examples
Steam tramways connect it S.E.
She doesn't need to connect the dots back to me.
You could start looking around for lines that connect things we didn't previously think were connected.
He located the spot where his fangs would connect, but first he would rock her world.
She has learned to connect certain movements of the body with anger, others with joy, and others still with sorrow.
We are building the Internet to connect with each other better, to share information, to collaborate, to offer mutual support, and so on.
His gaze was steady and commanding as he sought to connect with her panicked mind.
There were a few strands here and there, though certainly not enough to connect to the dream.
To English people, therefore, the Presbyterian is still the "Scotch Church," and they are as a whole slow to connect themselves with it.
If we have a large range of examples, if our observation is constantly directed to seeking the correlation of cause and effect in people's actions, their actions appear to us more under compulsion and less free the more correctly we connect the effects with the causes.
AdvertisementLines of steamers connect Australia with London and other British ports, with Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, China, India, San Francisco, Vancouver, New York and Montevideo, several important lines being subsidized by the countries to which they belong, notably Germany, France and Japan.
Computers can connect to and control highly specialized scientific instruments, and equipment can be accessed remotely.
The general American doctrine is that where the contract is contained in separate writings they must connect themselves by reference, and that parol evidence is not admissible to connect them.
Daily stages connect the village with Farmville (pop. in 1900, 2471), the county-seat, 6 m.
They are Nature's watchmen--links which connect the days of animated life.
AdvertisementJenn felt worn from the inside as her internal magic tried to connect with that of the world.
It is not practicable to connect each subscriber directly to all the others, hence a system of exchanges has been adopted.
The stems are frequently characterized by aeration channels, which connect the aerial parts with the parts which are buried in practically airless mud or silt.
Perhaps Byrne was afraid someone would connect him to the theft, a fear that would be eliminated by his "death"—a fear that was turning out to be well founded.
He resigned this post in 1820, upon the death of his wife, to whom he was fondly attached, and, though making some efforts to connect himself with journalism, spent the years immediately succeeding in idleness, residing for the most part in Paris.
AdvertisementTiedemann, 2 the Heidelberg anatomist, who has been generally ignored, although he surpassed many a recent zoogeographer by the wide view he took of the problem; in fact he was the first to connect distribution with environmental or bionomic factors; e.g.
Unless it be quite short, it can scarcely ever be planned simply to connect its two terminal points, without regard to the intervening country; in order to be of the greatest utility and to secure the greatest.
C. Behr, to connect Liverpool and Manchester, was sanctioned by Parliament in 1901.
David's hurried flight, attended only by his bodyguard, indicates that his position was not a very strong one, and it is difficult to connect this with the fact that he had already waged the wars mentioned in 2 Sam.
A railway line to connect the North Caucasian line (Rostov to Petrovsk) with the Transcaucasian line (Batum to Baku) has been built along the Caspian shore from Petrovsk, through the "gate" or pass of Derbent, to Baku.
AdvertisementThere is reason to believe that before the 6th century B.C. the caravans reached Damascus without coming near the oasis of Tadmor; probably, therefore, we may connect the origin of the city with the gradual forward movement of the nomad Arabs which followed on the overthrow of the ancient nationalities of Syria by the Babylonian Empire (6th century B.C.).
Branches were promoted (a) from Mukden to Antung on the Yalu, to connect with the Korean system, and (b) from Kwang-cheng-tsze to Kirin.
Close to it are a series of steps hewn in the rock which connect with those discovered in 1886 within the Acropolis wall.
With the breadth and depth of the Saviour's sympathy, which are so fully exhibited in this Gospel, we may connect the clearness with which His true humanity is here portrayed.
Navigable branches connect the canal with Muttra and Agra.
Canals are numerous and connect the various river systems.
Five fine bridges connect the Altstadt and Neustadt.
Tramways and "feeder roads" have been built to connect various places with the railway; one such road goes from railhead to Kailahun in Liberia.
With the press of a button, you can connect the appropriate pod to the machine, then with another press of a button, you can release the pod.
It's a good idea to go for a man whose profile you connect with on a more personal level.
This is a totally free website designed to connect Christian singles.
Also known as browser games, online games are often social, with online chat rooms or forums to help connect players.
The first is to find websites that have chord generators, and the second is to find a program that can connect you to great chord resources.
It was only a matter of time before someone began to connect our tips.
Following on this he made an interesting experiment, using Morse's method, to connect the Isle of Wight telegraphically with the mainland, by conduction across the Solent in two places, during a temporary failure of the submarine cable in 1882 in that channel.
When the subscribers in a local area exceed a certain number, or when for some other reason it is not convenient or economical to connect all the subscribers in the area to one exchange, it is usual to divide the area into a number of districts in each of which an exchange is placed, and to connect these district exchanges together by means of " junction circuits."
The idea of automatic telephony is to substitute for the operator of the manual exchange an electromechanical or other switching system, which, controlled in its movement by the action of the subscriber, will automatically select, connect and disconnect circuits as desired.
Colour and Constitution.-In this article a summary of the theories which have been promoted in order to connect the colour of organic compounds with their constitution will be given, and the reader is referred to the article Colour for the physical explanation of this property, and to Vision for the physiological and psychological bearings.
The attempts to connect the name Yahweh with that of an Indo-European deity (Jehovah-Jove, &c.), or to derive it from Egyptian or Chinese, may be passed over.
The river is navigable for barges, and railways connect the town with all parts of Germany.
Similarly the Jewish synagogues have each their eternal lamp; while in the religion of Islam lighted lamps mark things and places specially holy; thus the Ka`ba at Mecca is illuminated by thousands of lamps hanging from the gold and silver rods that connect the columns of the surrounding colonnade.
Demonstrate how to safely and efficiently use the tools and fasteners and encourage everyone to use each tool to connect some boards together.
Work and Connect is the place for green entrepreneurs to get ideas and advice on starting green businesses.
For smaller, basic windmills, you can use a shaft to connect your blades to the tower.
The turning blades connect to a main drive shaft that spins a generator, converting the kinetic energy to electrical energy.
Charitable organizations such as Cell Phones for Soldiers provide those serving overseas with prepaid phones to connect with family members.
You can remain energy independent or connect to the power company's power grid as a back-up source of electricity.
Once registered, you can connect with others to discuss Hyland's homeopathics and a healthy, natural lifestyle.
If you already have a fireplace in the bedroom wall of the bathroom, it will be easier to connect to the flue.
If drawing an even line is too challenging, then draw little dots and then just connect them.
Then, go back and connect that line to the next line you draw on the outer edge of your eye.
If you feel uncomfortable with this process, or if it feels unnatural, simply reverse the process and draw the outer line first, and then go back and draw the inner line, being sure to connect the two.
While you rub, connect the foundation dots, being sure to include your hairline and jaw line.
If you are not used to working with a lip pencil, draw dots along your lips, then use the liner to gently connect the dots.
It was something that we all knew well and could personally connect with, making it easy to bring to life in a realistic manner," says Brad.
If you're looking for a place to not only view pictures of the stars' toes, but also connect with others who share your interest, the Celebrity Feet Forum is a site that allows you to do both.
Facebook alone has hundreds of pages devoted to her and fans can easily join and connect with others to share information and thoughts.
Infants and toddlers' two-piece pajamas are often designed to connect via buttons or snaps.
These programs make it easier for students to connect their Villanova education to the real world by proving a helping hand during a major transitional phase.
Students can also use the distance learning program to connect with other readers for a virtual book group or audit another course in the Penn system.
Also, connect with others on forums for tips on making your river vacation exactly what you want.
Yelling or screaming "No" can startle your pet so much that he fails to connect it directly to his offense.
Perhaps you have a great family name with meaning, or maybe there's a great story connect to how you got your pet that you can draw inspiration from.
These online gardening clubs are a fun way to connect with other gardeners and learn more about the hobby you love.
It's also a place to connect with like-minded musicians in the members forum and even take some online guitar lessons.The site is well organized and easy to navigate.
If you're in a hurry connect to the cafe's modern online ordering system via your laptop or cell phone.
Although his faith in the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church never swerved, his strenuous protests against papal corruptions, his reliance on the Bible as his surest guide, and his intense moral earnestness undoubtedly connect Savonarola with the movement that heralded the Reformation.
Frequent steamers connect Hakodate and Yokohama and other ports, and there is daily communication with Aomori, 56 m.
Thus we acquire a bodyof empirical generalizations as to social phenomena, and then we connect the generalizations with the positive theory of human nature.
The ceilings of the loggias are generally sloping, with richly carved roof-timbers showing below at intervals; and quaintly carved braces connect the outer pillars with the main posts of the building.
The Servian chroniclers connect its origin with their own nationality, basing this view upon the identification of Sarab with Sorb or Serbia.
In the southern portion of the district the scenery in parts of the hill-ranges and the highlands which connect them is very beautiful.
Below Calcutta important boat routes through the delta connect the Hugli with the eastern branches of the river, for both native craft and steamers.
It is impossible to trace directly the influence exercised upon him by the great men of his time, but one cannot fail to connect his emancipation of medicine from superstition with the widespread power exercised over Greek life and thought by the living work of Socrates, Plato, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Herodotus and Thucydides.
Such legends often arise to connect towns bearing identical or similar names (such as are common in Greece) and to justify political events or ambitions by legendary precedents; and this certainly happened during the successive political rivalries of Dorian Sparta with non-Dorian Athens and Thebes.
Skeat refers it to a root meaning "to kill," which may connect it with Gr.
Many fine buildings are to be seen - the various public offices, the arsenal, the mint, the palaces of various princes and, in addition to these, schools, hospitals, markets and Christian churches of many denominations, chiefly Roman Catholic. There are four railway stations in Bangkok,the termini of the lines which connect the provinces with the capital.
The word is considered by some to be of Egyptian origin, while others connect it with the Gr.
The first railway was opened in 1853 to connect Lisbon with Badajoz.
A railway to connect the town with Manila was under construction in 1908.
Steamtramways connect Arnhem and Zutphen,Wageningen, Nijmwegen, Velp, Doetinchem (by way of Dieren and Doesburg), whence there are various lines to Emmerich and Gendringen on the Prussian borders.
A railway drawbridge and a traffic bridge across the river connect the city with Perth Amboy.
The sockets can change angle from 90 to 180 degrees, and will connect with any straight curtain rods of similar size and finish.
Keeping the skin of the upper lid taut, apply dots of liquid liner along the upper lash line as a guide, then connect the dots.
Important for Christian singles is the ability to connect with people who share your values.
You do not need to connect adjacent letter blocks to form the words.
You can connect any of the letter blocks together, regardless of their relative position on the virtual game board.
Connect Four takes the concept of Tic Tac Toe to a new level, making it a favorite puzzle game among friends and family.
The Game Boy Advance is the first system (console or otherwise) that can connect to wireless phones for the Internet.
For smartphones in the past, you had to download the application from the Internet on your computer, connect your phone to the computer with a USB cable, and then send the program over to your handheld.
He erected a stone bridge with wooden piers across the Rhine at Mainz, and began a canal between the Altmiihl and the Rednitz to connect the Rhine and the Danube, but this work was not finished.
The next vision serves to connect the Source and Sustainer of all things with the world and its history.
Such a mass of imaginary matter as we are now considering may be compared to a collection of heavy particles held in position relatively to one another by a system of light spiral springs, one spring being supposed to connect each pair of adjacent particles.
Good roads connect Entebbe and Butiaba (the steamboat terminus on Albert Nyanza) and other districts.
Tramways connect it with Vreeswyk on the Lek (where are the large locks of the Merwede canal), Amsterdam, and by way of De Bilt with Zeist, and thence with Arnhem.
The Mexican and Interoceanic lines connect with Vera Cruz, the Mexican Central with Manzanillo, via Guadalajara and Colima, and the Vera Cruz & Pacific (from Cordoba) with the Tehuantepec line and the port of Salina Cruz.
These railways, with the shorter lines radiating from the city, connect it with nearly all the state capitals and principal ports.
The large and brightly coloured bongo (Boocercus euryceros) of the equatorial forest-districts serves in some respects to connect the bushbucks with the elands, having horns in both sexes, and a tufted tail, but a brilliant orange coat with vertical white stripes.
German commercial undertakings had been encouraged and assisted by the German Government to acquire immense and valuable interests within Ottoman domains; among them the construction and working of the great line of railway designed to connect Constantinople with Syria, Arabia and Bagdad.
Telegraph lines connect the coast with all the principal stations in the interior, with the Gold Coast, and with the other French colonies in West Africa.
The pledge made at confederation with regard to the building of the Intercolonial railway to connect the maritime provinces with those of the St Lawrence was fulfilled.
The temperature of the lake varies greatly, in a manner resembling that of the sea, and many connect its origin with a sea of the Miocene period, the waters of which are said to have covered the Hungarian plain.
After the cessation in 1882 of works in connexion with the Channel tunnel, to connect England and France, coal-boring was attempted in the disused shaft, west of the Shakespeare Cliff railway tunnel near Dover.
Canals connect with the great manufacturing district of South Yorkshire, and the Trent opens up wide communications with the Midlands.
The leading varieties of teaching, the Sayings of Jesus, Paul, the Johannine writings, the Epistle to the Hebrews, connect the atonement with Christ especially with His death, and associate it with faith in Him and with repentance and amendment of life.12 These ideas are also common to Christian teaching generally.
The works, begun in 1877 and completed in 1886, connect the town with Tanjong ("cape") Priok by a canal, and include an outer port formed by two breakwaters, 6072 ft.
The greatest obstacle to such a search for the fundamental medium is the illimitable complexity of matter, as contrasted with the theoretical simplicity and uniformity of the physical agencies which connect together its different parts.
The construction of a British railway to connect Burma with Yun-nan Fu and onwards to the Yangtsze-kiang has been in contemplation.
During the season steamers connect it with London and the intermediate watering-places on the north coast, and with Calais and Boulogne.
The transcontinental railway from Limon to Puntarenas was begun in 1871, and forms the nucleus of a system intended ultimately to connect all the fertile parts of the country, and to join the railways of Nicaragua and Panama.
Incidentally also it would seem that those versions which connect the table more closely with Arthur are the more correct.
Its origin is unknown, but some connect it with Roman days and others with the Saxon Hengist.
Found in Asia Minor and northern Greece, it does not appear unreasonable to connect it, as Hultsch does, with the Belgic foot of the Tungri, which was legalized (or perhaps introduced) by Drusus when governor, as 1/8 longer than the Roman foot, or 13.07; this statement was evidently an approximation by an increase of 2 digits, so that the small difference from 13.3 is not worth notice.
Gythium being the southern port of Greece, it seems not too far to connect this 58 cub.
The earliest Christian philosophers, particularly Justin and Athenagoras, likewise prepared the way for the speculations of the Neoplatonists - partly by their attempts to connect Christianity with Stoicism and Platonism, partly by their ambition to exhibit Christianity as " hyperplatonic."
Sclater, Alfred Russel Wallace and others, largely upon the present distribution of animal life, is now encountering through palaeontology a new and fascinating series of problems. In brief, it must connect living distribution with distribution in past time, and develop a system which will be in harmony with the main facts of zoology and palaeontology.
Of these two kinds of genetic and adaptive resemblance, homogeny is the warp composed of the vertical, hereditary strands, which connect animals with their ancestors and their successors, while analogy is the woof, composed of the horizontal strands which tie animals together by their superficial resemblances.
These two lines, popularly called the Mexican Central and Mexican National, have their northern termini at Ciudad Juarez and Laredo on the Rio Grande and connect with American trunk lines at El Paso and Laredo.
It is not unfair to connect the apparent failings of Schelling's philosophizing with the very nature of the thinker and with the historical accidents of his career.
There is a good deal of evidence to connect the Greek goddess Artemis with a cult of the bear; girls danced as "bears" in her honour, and might not marry before undergoing this ceremony.
The Senate decided to connect the two measures, and passed a bill for the admission of Maine with an amendment enabling the people of Missouri to form a state constitution.
The erroneous derivation from irnyrl, "a spring of water," may have given birth to the legends which connect Pegasus with water; e.g.
Throughout his philosophy he endeavours to connect metaphysics with ethics and the theory of education.
Finally, having a great number of discourses and treatises, containing all those small blemishes, around him in his library, and determined to collect, consolidate and connect them into a philosophical system, he would naturally be often taking them down from their places to consult and compare one with another, and as naturally enter in them references one to the other, and cross-references between one another.
So he might afterwards add the preface to the De Interpretatione, in order to connect it with the De Anima, though written afterwards, in order to connect his treatises on mind and on its expression.
There are three points about a man's life which both connect him with, and distinguish him from, God.
The First Problem Which The Construction Of The Calendar Presents Is To Connect The Week With The Year, Or To Find The Day Of The Week Corresponding To A Given Day Of Any Year Of The Era.
As a rule the prophets directly connect the final restoration with the removal of the sins of their own age; to Isaiah the last troubles are those of Assyrian invasion, to Jeremiah the restoration follows on the exile to Babylon, to Daniel on the overthrow of the Greek monarchy.
It was, however, only very gradually that the figure and name of the Messiah acquired the prominence which they have in 2 The hopes which Haggai and Zechariah connect with the name of Zerubbabel, a descendant of David, hardly form an exception to this statement.
His purpose was, as Otto Pfleiderer says, "to connect the metaphysical ideas, which had been arrived at by means of philosophical dialectic, directly with the persons and events of the Gospel narratives, thus raising these above the region of ordinary experience into that of the supernatural, and regarding the most absurd assertions as philosophically justified.
These are small rodents with somewhat the appearance of the pigmy squirrels (Nannosciurus), which in some degree connect the family with the Muridae.
In the absence of faceglands, as well as in certain other features, the bharal serves to connect more typical sheep with goats.
From this chain minor ranges run in a south-westerly direction the whole length of Bajour and Swat, till they merge into the Mohmand hills and connect the mid-Himalayas with the Safed Koh.
Considering the complexity of the subject it is not surprising that the efforts to connect theoretically the possible periods of the atom considered as a vibrating system have met with no considerable success.
The river crosses the richest agricultural and timber districts of the state, and railways connect it with the mineral regions of north central Alabama.
The traditions connect them closely with the beginning of Rome, and with a large number of its early institutions, such as the worship of Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus, and the patrician form of marriage (confarreatio).
Strategically it is an important topographical feature, for it divides the basin of the Kabul river and the Khyber route from the valley of Kurram, leaving no practicable pass across its rugged crest to connect the two.
They can be recognized by Application their reciprocal character, and it is found to be of the possible to connect them by permanent laws with the Theory.
It is difficult in any case not to connect with this catastrophe the carrying away to Khani of the Marduk statue afterwards recovered by Agum, one of the earlier kings of the Kassite dynasty.
As early as 1762 David Rittenhouse and others made a survey for a canal to connect the Schuylkill and the Susquehanna rivers, and in 1791 a committee of the state legislature reported in favour of a project for establishing communication by canals and river improvement from Philadelphia to Lake Erie by way of the Susquehanna river.
Work was begun on the system in 1826 and was continued without interruption until 1840, when the completed or nearly completed portions embraced a railway from Philadelphia to Columbia on the Susquehanna, a canal up the Susquehanna and the Juniata from Columbia to Hollidaysburg, a portage railway from Hollidaysburg through Blair's Gap in the Alleghany Front to Johnstown on the Conemaugh river, a canal down the Conemaugh, Kiskiminetas, and Allegheny rivers to Pittsburg, a canal up the Susquehanna and its west branch from the mouth of the Juniata to Farrandsville, in Clinton county, a canal up the Susquehanna and its north branch from Northumberland nearly to the New York border, and a canal up the Delaware river from Bristol to the mouth of the Lehigh; considerable work had also been done on two canals to connect the Ohio river with Lake Erie.
Let us suppose that we possess a partition such as that described above, which is permeable to the solvent but not to the solute when dissolved in it, and let us connect the solution and solvent of fig.
Returning to theology, he attempted to connect it with philosophy in a treatise, Dilucidationes philosophicae, de deo, anima humana, mundo (Tubingen, 1725, 1746, 1768).
The more interesting question connected with the left bank is whether it does not provide, as Napoleon thought, the most natural outlet for the expansion of Antwerp. Proposals to connect the two banks by a tunnel under the Scheldt have been made from time to time in a fitful manner, but nothing whatever had been done by 1908 to realize what appears to be a natural and easy project.
Biblical traditions connect it closely with the patriarch Abraham and make it a "city of refuge."
King has shown that the tradition, which was supposed to connect Sargon I.
The Firth of Forth had been selected, before the war, as the eastern terminus of a mid-Scotland canal which was to connect with the existing canal and follow its line for part of the way, and then crossing the low ground in the neighbourhood of Stirling, to enter Loch Lomond, and ultimately to reach the sea by a short canal from Balloch to a point near Dumbarton.
Some of the modifications of the family are very gradual, and therefore conclusions founded on them are likely to be correct; others are further apart, and the links which connect them, if not altogether missing, can but be surmised.
Several canals connect it with these lakes, as well as with other rivers - e.g.
The derivation of " adouber," corresponding to " dub," from " adoptare," which is given by Du Cange, and would connect the ceremony with " adoptio per arma," is certainly inaccurate.
The Grand Canal runs through it from south to north; the Yangtszekiang crosses its southern portion from west to east; it possesses several lakes, of which the T'ai-hu is the most noteworthy, and numberless streams connect the canal with the sea.
No attempt, of course, has been made to give a complete catalogue of the peaks and passes of the Alps, while in the case of the peaks the culminating point of a lower halfdetached group has been included rather than the loftier spurs of the higher and main group; in the case of the passes, the villages or valleys they connect have been indicated, and also the general character of the route over each pass.
The feed should connect with the return pipe near the point at which it enters the boiler.
Steam tramways connect it with Schiedam, and with Numansdorp on the south of the island of Beierland, and there is a regular service of steamers by river and canal to Antwerp by way of the South Holland and Zeeland Islands and in every direction.
A small strip of territory was added, to connect Bavaria with the Palatinate, and Bavarian troops were to garrison the federal fortress of Mainz.
The fossil plants connect this group with the coal-measures; the marine fossils have, to some extent, a Carboniferous limestone aspect.
All along the main coasts of the former sultanate of Achin military posts have been established and military roads constructed; even in Pedir, on the north coast, until 1899 the most actively turbulent centre of resistance of the sultan's party, and still later only pacified in parts, Dutch engineers were able to build a highway to connect the west with the east coast, and other works have been successfully carried out.
In Zeeland they connect the towns of the interior with the sea or the river mouths; for example, the one from Middelburg to Veere and Flushing (1866-1878), from Goes to the East Scheldt, and from Zierikzee also to the East Scheldt.
In Friesland, finally, besides the ship canal from Harlingen to the Lauwers Zee there are canals from Leeuwarden to the Lemmer, whence there is a busy traffic with Amsterdam; and the Caspar Robles or Kolonels Diep, and the Hoendiep connect it with Groningen.
Telegraph lines connect Kumasi with the coast towns and with the towns in the Northern Territories.
Furthermore it is not till 457 that even a Zeugite archon is known, according to the Constitution of Athens (c. 26), which dates the change as five years after the death of Ephialtes and does not connect it with Aristides.
In 1896 a beginning was made with the continuation of this line through the mountains to connect with Christiania.
Telegraph lines connect Asuncion with other towns, and two cables put the republic in communication with the rest of the world by way of Corrientes and Posadas.
The left wing of cavalry was to move under cover of woods, houses and hollows to gain Wangenies, where it was to connect with the frontal attack of the French centre from Fleurus and to envelop Waldeck's right.
Two lines of railway now connect Quetta with Sind, the one known as the Harnai loop, the other as the Bolan or Mashkaf line.
In 1900 the Hydrotechnical Congress of Russia discussed the plan of constructing a canal to connect the Caspian more directly with the Black Sea by cutting an artificial waterway about 22 ft.
Luke preferred to connect it with the call of Peter, the writer of John xxi.
Bavaria, in her turn, received back the greater part of the Palatinate on the left bank of the Rhine, with a strip of territory to connect it with the main body of her dominions.
Several bridges across the Fox River connect Menasha with Neenah, with which it really forms one community industrially.
It is on the Grand Trunk, Canadian Pacific, Pere Marquette and Michigan Central railways, which connect at this point with the railways of the United States by means of large and powerful car-ferries.
French river, the outlet of Lake Nipissing, and Severn river, draining Lake Simcoe, come into Georgian Bay from the east, and canals have been projected to connect Lake Huron with the St Lawrence by each of these routes, the northern one to make use of the Ottawa and the southern one of Trent river.
There is a service of steam trams in the principal streets, and three fine bridges connect the town with Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Good roads connect some of the great Hausa cities, and Kano and Kuka are starting-points for caravans across the Sahara to the Mediterranean.
Two bridges, opened in 1908, connect Old Cairo with Roda, and a third bridge joins Roda to Giza on the west bank of the river.
Branch lines connect Cairo and Alexandria with Suez and with almost every town in the Delta.
In the Delta the light railways supplement the ordinary lines and connect the villages with the towns and seaports.
The railway from Amsterdam to Groningen traverses Drente; branch lines connect Meppel with Leeuwarden and Assen with Delfzyl.
Besides the numerous steam-ferries which connect island and island, and Jutland with the islands, and the Gjedser-Warnemiinde route, a favourite passenger line from Germany is that between Kiel and KorsOr, while most of the German Baltic ports have direct connexion with Copenhagen.
Other writers whose names connect the age of romanticism with a later period were Meyer Aron Goldschmidt (1819-1887), author of novels and tales; Herman Frederik Ewald (1821-1908), who wrote a long series of historical novels; Jens Christian Hostrup (1818-1892), a writer of exquisite comedies; and the miscellaneous writer Erik Biigh (1822-1899).
In the priestly narrative (P) the plagues assume the form of a trial of skill between Aaron, who acts at Moses' command, and the Egyptian magicians, and thus connect with vii.
This, however, does not entitle us to assume the origin of Monocotyledons from Dicotyledons, although there is manifestly a temptation to connect helobic forms of the former with ranal ones of the latter.
Another form, P. sibiricus, from eastern Asia, of which much less is known, appears to connect the true minks with the polecats.
The German name is usually derived from the seven principal fortified towns or burgs," founded by the German colonists, though some authorities prefer to connect it with the Cibin Mountains on the south frontier.
The attempts to connect the language with the Indo-European family have been unsuccessful; it belongs to a separate family of speech which we may term "Asianic."
Steam ferries connect it with Papendrecht and Zwyndrecht on the opposite shore, and it has excellent communication by water in every direction.
Certainly there is no reason to connect them with the ancient Egyptians.
Two bridges connect the town with the south side of the Tweed.
A road will connect Charog with the Alichur Pamir, following the general course of the Ghund stream, a road which will form a valuable link in the chain of communications between Bokhara and Sarikol.
The first transportation problem was to connect Lake Michigan and the Mississippi river; this was accomplished by building the Illinois & Michigan canal to La Salle, at the head of the navigation on the Illinois river, a work which was begun in 1836 and completed in 1848 under the auspices of the state.
The Algerian Pleistocene camel was doubtless the direct ancestor of the living African species, which it serves to connect with the extinct C. sivalensis.
The Nematomorpha form an isolated group; at first sight they seem to be connected with the Nematoda, but in reality their only common feature is the tubular genitalia opening into a cloaca, and it seems at present impossible to connect them with the Annelida.
This derivation of the word Mass, which would connect it with the special formula of dismissal still preserved in the Roman liturgy - Ite, missa est- once generally accepted, is now disputed.
Railways connect the harbour with the town, and the town with Motupiko, &c. The harbour, with extensive wharves, is protected by the long and remarkable Boulder Bank, whose southern portion forms the natural breakwater to that anchorage.
In the 18th century, under the hetman Oginsky, a canal was dug to connect the Shchara with the Dnieper.
This was undertaken in 2901 to connect Damascus with Mecca; in 1906 it was finished as far as Ma'an, and in 1908 the section to Medina was completed.
The simplicity of the legislation (traditionally associated with Moab and Sinai and with Kadesh in South Palestine), the humanitarian and reforming spirit, the condemnation of abuses and customs are features which, in view of the background and scope of Deuteronomy, can hardly be severed from the internal events which connect Palestine of the Assyrian supremacy with the time of Nehemiah.'
With this it is natural to connect the transmission and presence in the Old Testament of specifically Kenite tradition, of the " southern " stories in Genesis, and of the stories of Levi.
As a Hebrew word it might connect with nuah, " rest"; and the Septuagint has, "he will give us rest," instead of "he will comfort us"; and this is sometimes accepted as the original reading.
In 469 B.C. it was conquered by the Athenians under Cimon,- and it was probably about this time that the legends arose which connect it with the Attic hero Theseus, who was said to have been treacherously slain and buried there.
There was a sanctuary of Achilles on the island, and numerous traditions connect Scyros with that hero.
Later the system was extended to connect with the Erie and Pennsylvania terminals in Jersey City, and in 1909 the tunnel under the Hudson river to downtown New York was finished.
Eastward from the Bengal delta, two alluvial plains stretch up between the hills which connect the Himalayan system with that of the Burmese peninsula.
Railways connect all the principal places and sugar estates on the island, that known as the Midland line, 36 miles long, beginning at Port Louis crosses the island to Mahebourg, passing through Curepipe, where it is 1822 ft.
The name is generally derived from Eipos (wool) in reference to the woollen bands, but some connect it with E'ipaw (to speak), the eiresione being regarded as the "spokesman" of the suppliants.
Submarine mountain ranges connect not only the islands within the archipelago, but also the archipelago itself with Borneo and Celebes, so that only shallow channels connect the interior waters with the Pacific Ocean and the China Sea.
There are, moreover, considerable railway works attached to Willesden Junction, where the suburban lines of the London & North Western, North London, and Great Western railways connect with the main line of the first-named company.
To complete the conquest of Germany and to connect the frontier with the line of the Danube, it seemed that only one thing remained to be done, to break the power of the Marcomanni and their king Maroboduus.
Farther to the left, Bertrand's (IV.) corps was held back to connect with Ney, who had then reached Weissig with the head of his column.
It is difficult to connect this historical event with the legend of St John of Nepomuk, who was canonized by the church of Rome in 1729, mainly by the influence of the Jesuits, who hoped that this new cult would obliterate the memory of Hus.
Subway lines, begun in 1904, connect Brooklyn with the subway system of Manhattan.
It has regular steamboat communication with Rotterdam, Cologne and Arnhem, and steamtramways connect it with the popular resorts of Neerbosch, Beek and Berg - en - Dal in the vicinity.
Occupying a position, then, at the confluence of the roads which connect northeastern China with its western and south-western portions, Si-gan Fu is a city of great commercial importance.
Similarly, at Oporto, personal connexion was traced in all the earlier cases; there was no mortality among rats, and no evidence to connect them with the outbreak (Jorge).
In the small space of seven chapters he pursues all these lines and tries also to connect them together, at the same time preparing and sketching the great transition of the Gospel from Judaism to the Greek world.
Short lines of railway connect it with Facatativa (24 m.) on the road to Honda, and with Zipaquira, where extensive salt mines are worked.
That they have been attributed to Beowulf in particular might seem to be adequately accounted for by the general tendency to connect mythical achievements with the name of any famous hero.
Steamboats plying on Chesapeake Bay connect Alexandria with Norfolk.
From the Elizabeth river on which Norfolk is situated lead the Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal and the Dismal Swamp Canal, which connect with the waters of Albemarle Sound.
When, in any problem, the values of u, v, w, p, q, r have been determined as functions of t, it still remains to connect the moving axes with some fixed frame of reference.
There may be several or an indefinite number of lines of connection, or there may be but one; and a line of connection may connect either the same pair of points or a succession of different pairs.
Wrapping connectors for communicating reciprocating motion have usually their ends made fast to the pulleys or drums which they connect, and which in this case may be sectors.
It is difficult to connect them with the Dorians of history.
For the present purpose it is sufficient to connect the rate of marriage with that of births by using as a basis for the former the number of women of conceptive age, or between 15 and 45 years old.
We have a right to connect this later period with the Renaissance, because the diststcted state of the Netherlands during the 16th century suspended, while it could not extinguish, their aesthetic development.
Considerable works have also been made to connect the different lakes and lake-basins for inland navigation, a sum of £1,000,000 having been spent for that purpose.
By a system of canals which connect the upper Volga with the Neva, the commercial mouth of the Volga has been transferred, so to speak, from the Caspian to the Baltic, thus making St Petersburg, the capital and chief seaport of Russia, the chief port of the Volga basin as well.
Other less important canals connect it with the Western Dvina (Riga) and the White Sea (Archangel); while a railway only 45 m.
In this article religions are treated from the point of view of morphology, and no attempt can be made in the allotted limits to connect them with the phases of ritual, sociological or ethical development.
He also sought to secure a modification of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and in an extended correspondence with the British government strongly asserted the policy of an exclusive American control of any isthmian canal which might be built to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
Many scholars connect the origin of the deity with the popular German and Swedish belief in a raging host (in Germany called das wiitende Heer or Wutes Heer, but in Sweden Odens Jagt), which passes through the forests on stormy nights.
At Boden the main line joins a line originally built to connect the iron-mines of Gellivara with the port of Lulea; the system is continued past Gellivara to Narvik on the Ofoten Fjord in Norway, this being far north of the Arctic Circle, and the line the most northerly in the world.
On the north-west Persia is united by the highlands of Armenia to the mountains of Asia Minor; on the north-west the Paropamisus and Hindu Kush connect it with the Himalayas.
The railway consists of a single line, one-metre gauge, from Teheran to Shah-abdul-Azim, south of TeherAn, and of two branch lines which connect the main line with some limestone quarries in the hills south-east of the city.
Verses 12-15 relate to the portions of the mealand peace-offerings which fell to the lot of the priests, and connect, therefore, with chap. ix.; possibly they have been wrongly transferred from that chapter.
Few names belong by exclusive right to San Francisco's literary annals, - the most noteworthy being those of Bret Harte, Joaquin Miller and Henry George; but perhaps a score among the better known of the more recent writers in the country have done enough of their work here to connect them enduringly with the city.
Since the French conquest in 1895 good roads have been constructed throughout the city, broad flights of steps connect places too steep for the formation of carriage roads, and the central space, called Andohalo, has become a handsome place, with walks and terraces, flower-beds and trees.
These jetties are provided with hydraulic cranes, &c., and railways connect them with the main line, so that goods can be sent direct from the jetties to every part of South Africa.
Each cylinder has a platinum wire fused to the upper circumference to connect with a clamp from which a wire leads to the proper pole of the battery.
It was the policy of Augustus to obliterate all traces of recent revolution, and to connect the new imperial regime as closely as possible with the ancient traditions and institutions of Rome and Italy.
Further, his use of &eacovuvn (" righteousness") and 61Kacos (" righteous") (specially frequent in this Gospel) is such as to connect the New with the Old; the standard in mind is the law which "fulfilled" that previously given.
Electric tramways connect the city and suburbs and traverse the principal streets and the St Patrick's and Parnell bridges.
The construction of a ship canal to connect Georgian bay with Montreal by way of French river, Lake Nipissing and Ottawa river began in 1910.
Several bridges connect it with Menasha, on the opposite side of the river, and the two cities form one industrial community.
There is communication with Sydney by private steamer, and a steamer sails between Jaluit and Ponape to connect with the French boats for Singapore.
The analogies which connect the water with the air, the ship with the balloon, and the ship and the balloon with the flying creature and flying machine are false analogies.
Certain cross-country routes, however, are provided to connect the systems of some of the companies, among which the following may be noticed.
The obvious answer is, that the power of using words as signs to express thoughts with which their sound does not directly connect them, in fact as arbitrary symbols, is the highest grade of the special human faculty in language, the presence of which binds together all races of mankind in substantial mental unity.
All along its course from Chivasso (below Turin) down to the delta the river is connected with several of its tributaries by canals, and at the same time other canals connect the tributaries and carry off their waters and the waters of the Po purely for purposes of irrigation.
Telegraph lines connect Adis Ababa and several important towns in northern Abyssinia with Massawa, Harrar and Jibuti.
Menelek, in addition, agreed not to obstruct the waters of Lake Tsana, the Blue Nile or the Sobat, so as not to interfere with the Nile irrigation question, and he also agreed to give a concession, if such should be required, for the construction of a British railway through his dominions, to connect the Sudan with Uganda.
It has communication by railway and canal in every direction; steam-tramways connect it with Edam, Purmerend, Alkmaar and Hilversum, and electric railways with Haarlem and the seaside resort of Zandvoort.
He drew the designs for a new palace at Amboise, and was much engaged with the project of a great canal to connect the Loire and Saone.
In this reference logic does not tell us how our intellections connect themselves as mental phenomena, but how we ought to connect our thoughts if they are to realize truth (either as consistency with what we thought before or as agreement with observed facts).
At each line of flooror roofbeams, lateral connexion between the ends of the beams and girders shall be made by passing wrought-iron or steel straps across or through the cast-iron column, in such a manner as to rigidly connect the beams and girders with each other on the direction of their length.
Among existing Cycadophyta we find surviving types which, in their present isolation, their close resemblance to fossil forms, and in certain morphological features, constitute links with the past that not only connect the present with former periods in the earth's history, but serve as sign-posts pointing the way back along one of the many lines which evolution has followed.
These centres of production are also separated from each other by high ridges and deep valleys, making it extremely difficult to connect them by a single transportation route.
There is no system outlined in the location of these detached lines, though in 1905-1908 President Reyes planned to connect them in such a way as to form an extensive system radiating from the national capital.
From Sterkstroom junction on the eastern main line a branch railway goes through the Transkei to connect at Riverside, the frontier station, with the Natal railways.
Cables connect the colony with Europe (1) via Loanda and Bathurst, (2) via St Helena, Ascension and St Vincent; with Europe and Asia (3) via Natal, Zanzibar and Aden, and with Australia (4) via Natal, Mauritius and Cocos.
Other lines connect Cape Town with all other South African states, while within the colony there is a complete system of telegraphic communication, over 8000 m.
Then, in order to connect with these the effect of the rightand left-hand slopes, there should be at least one gauge on each side about the middle height, and approximatel y in a line perpendicular to the axis of the valley passing through the central gauge.
Bridges across the Teviot connect Hawick with the suburb of Wilton, in which a public park has been laid out, and St Leonard's Park and race-course are situated on the Common, 2 m.
It seems impossible not to connect the latter with the Scottish Atteile or Atteal, to be found in many old records, though this last word (however it be spelt) is generally used in conjunction with teal, as if to mean a different kind of bird; and commentators have shown a marvellous ineptitude in surmising what that bird was.
As Jacobi starts with the doctrine that thought is partial and limited, applicable only to connect facts, but incapable of explaining their existence, it is evident that for him any demonstrative system of metaphysic which should attempt to subject all existence to the principle of logical ground must be repulsive.
As Spiegel remarks (Die arische Periode, p. 105), though it is easy enough to connect the word with a root ar-, there are several roots of that form which have different meanings, and there is no certain criterion whereby to decide to which of them it is related.
At the same time, and as part of the same general plan, a canal, the Dortmund-Ems Canal, was dug to connect the river (from Munster) with Herne in the Westphalian coal-field.
To connect the upper Mississippi river and the Great Lakes, between 1840 and 1850 a canal was begun between the Fox, flowing into Green Bay, an arm of Lake Michigan and the Wisconsin river, flowing into the Mississippi,' and improvement of navigation on these rivers was undertaken by the state with the assistance of the Federal government; in 1853 the work came into the hands of a private corporation which in 1856 opened the canal.
The line of railway between Adrianople and the Aegean Sea has been prejudicial to the transit trade of Gallipoli, and several attempts have been made to obtain concessions for the construction of a railway that would connect this port with the Turkish railway system.
Some authorities see in it a descriptive epithet, derived from Arabic darasa (those who read the Book), or darisa (those in possession of Truth) or du g s (the clever or initiated); but more connect it with the name of the first missionary, Ismael Darazi.
The Shatt el-Arab is deep and broad, easily navigable for ocean steamers, and there is weekly communication by passenger steamer with India, while two or more freight lines, which also take passengers, connect Basra directly with the Mediterranean, and with European and British ports.
The development of this trade is favoured by the canals which connect the Rhine with the Rhone and the Marne, and by a new port of 250 acres in extent with quays and wharves on the Rhine, which has been constructed since 1891.
When after the great war with Persia the Aegean cities under the leadership of Athens united in a political league (477 B.C.), they chose as its centre the temple of the Delian Apollo, doubtless through a desire to connect the new alliance with the associations of the old amphictyony.
In 1836 the Ulster railway to connect Belfast and Armagh, and the Dublin and Drogheda railway uniting these two towns were sanctioned.
Two canals - the Grand and the Royal - connect Dublin with the Shannon; the former leading from the south of Dublin to Shannon Harbour and thence on the other side of that river to Ballinasloe, with numerous branches; the latter from the north side of Dublin to Cloondera on the Shannon, with a branch to Longford.
The French have built carriage roads from the interior to the principal ports as well as to connect the principal towns.
Meanwhile carriage roads were commenced to connect all the chief centres, and the military posts were gradually extended so as to consolidate French rule over all the outlying tribes.
If he had originally an elemental character, it is now difficult to distinguish, though interpreters connect him with the wind.
Others derive Kpovos from Kpatvw, and connect it with Kpovca, a kind of harvest-home festival.
The movements of the patriarchs serve mainly to connect them with traditions which were originally independent.
Canals connect Louth with the Humber, Sleaford with the Witham, and Grantham with the Trent near Nottingham; but the greater rivers and many of the drainage cuts are navigable, being artificially deepened and embanked.
He perceived the analogy between the power which holds the moon in the neighbourhood of the earth, and compels Jupiter's satellites to circulate round their primary, and the attraction exercised by the earth on bodies at its surface; 1 but he failed to conceive the combination of central force with tangential velocity, and was disposed to connect the revolutions of the planets with the axial rotation of the sun.
Vizcaya (Biscay)a tongue which is utterly unlike Celtic or Italian or any Indo-Germanic languagesuggests that the Iberians may have been an older people than the Celts and alien from them in race, though the attempts hitherto made to connect Basque with ancient traces of strange tongues in the Basque lands have not yielded clear results.
The trouble, long brewing, broke out in July, with the attack by the Riff tribesmen upon the workmen engaged on the railway being built to connect Melilla with the mines in the hills, held by Spanish concessionaires.
A true hypothesis, therefore, seeks not merely to connect or colligate two separate facts, but to do this in the light of and subject to certain fundamental principles.
Broad open flights of stone steps connect the storeys.
Through its long valleys run the roads that connect the Iranian plateau with the fertile lands and protected harbours of Asia Minor, and for its possession nations have contended from the remotest past.
The principal rays, which on the object-side connect the object-points with the centre of the entrance pupil, intersect the axis on the image-side at the centre of rotation M of the eye.
The Sakhalin Gulf and Gulf of Tartary connect it with the Japanese Sea on the west of the island of Sakhalin, and on the south of this island is the La Perouse Strait.
Not until the 8th century were the religious and theological questions which connect themselves with image-worship distinctly raised in the Eastern Church in their entirety.
How is it possible for the individual thinking subject to connect together the parts of his experience in the mode we call cognition?
In this deduction of the categories, as Kant calls it, there appears for the first time an endeavour to connect together into one organic whole the several elements entering into experience.
Railways connect with Culverden to the north and with Dunedin and the south coast, with many branches through the agricultural districts; also with Lyttelton, the port of Christchurch, 8 m.
I am never-the-less deeply annoyed by this culprit's ability to connect me to you.
Perhaps Byrne was afraid someone would connect him to the theft, a fear that would be eliminated by his "death"—a fear that was turning out to be well founded.
This is absolutely incredulous, requiring one to connect with ancient astronaut theories or Atlantis myths.
Connect the ohmmeter across the contacts of the switch and actuate the switch's arm several times while checking the meter reading.
Then do we supply them with modules of 1 bit adders, so that they can connect them up to make a larger adder?
You can either connect the loop amplifier directly to your television or sound system, or you can put a microphone near the loudspeaker.
Seven bridges, including the famous Chain and Elisabeth Bridges, connect ancient Buda on the right bank with Pest on the left.
The term derives from the notion of cultural brokering developed by anthropologists to describe the activities of individuals who connect local with national worlds.
So, Does that mean even if I connect to an outside Ariel it would not work?
In some cases they may connect directly to dilated arterioles.
With the absence of any physical shape to connect their signs, the term itself suggests a state of natural aversion.
The assembly pads are supported on concrete pillars that connect directly with the sandstone bedrock below.
To operate a BES service the blackberry enterprise server is required to connect the mobile Blackberries with the enterprise systems in use.
In short, you can designate any system as an environment monitoring station and connect this little black box to your serial port.
These new phones feature built-in WiFi adapters, so you can instantly connect to any wireless network and make and receive Skype calls.
In parallel to this reset button you need to connect the relay from our watchdog.
I use an IDE to USB gizmo found in an old external harddisk caddy to connect via USB to my laptop.
You can connect an 8mm camcorder to a television to view tapes and you can make copies of your film using a video recorder.
At first we might be tempted to connect the tank capacitor directly across the output of the HVDC supply.
To watch closed captions you need to connect a caption reader to your video recorder.
Unless you have your own cesspit or septic tanks your private sewer will eventually connect to a public sewer.
Glazed express lifts rise vertically at the northern end of the plaza to connect the rail services with the arrivals and departures concourses.
How do I manually configure Outlook 2003 to connect to your exchange servers?
To recite the creed is to reaffirm the tradition, to connect with the past, to glory in the poetry.
You do not need to run a telnet or ftp server daemon in order to connect to somebody else's telnet or ftp server.
Using this configuration, end users connect to a virtual desktop on the company's application servers, which all run VNC server.
You will first need to connect the device from the LAN port, to your router.
There is a particular problem if you try to connect multiple diodes in parallel unless they are ' matched ' .
Typically, leased lines are used by businesses to connect geographically distant offices, or simply to provide very high-speed dedicated Internet access.
They can connect to your server and view your published documents by typing this address in their web browser.
The library is a m ember of the Connect 2 Learning Network.
If the central character does not emote, then there is little for an audience to connect to.
Nearly all college accommodation has Ethernet sockets where you can connect your own computers.
External models that will connect to most Amigas retail for £ 69.95, or £ 99.95 with the flicker fixer.
You will be transferred to Perth Airport to connect with your onward flight.
Use our APIs to connect your applications to our global SMS gateway, with free testing.
Try to connect with your interviewer on a human level, without being too goofy and informal.
I don't want to have his child just to relieve the guilt Trying to connect Three years ago, my mother died suddenly.
In a call center, Bluetooth may be used to connect your wireless headset to your phone without a cable.
Connect Now The LJMU web Site Provides access to the Liverpool John Moores University web site home page.
If you wish to connect multiple devices to your one network socket, you might need to use an Ethernet hub.
Within yourself the reversed Pope indicates an inability to connect with our higher self and a lack of trust in our intuition.
Fit lenses to cameras and connect auto iris lenses.
Connect NG tube to the pump and collect four samples of gastric juice, each over 15 min into polystyrene cups.
To connect to a domestic television use the phono to co-axial connecting lead supplied.
With the exception of a few special cranes in which friction wheels are employed, it is universally the practice, in steam cranes, to connect the engine shaft with the barrel shaft by spur toothed gearing, the gear being connected or disconnected by sliding pinions.
It is the cell-walls which connect the different cells of a tissue (see below), and it is upon their characters (thickness, sculpture and constitution) that the qualities of the tissue largely depend.
They all connect and interchange passengers freely; so that the ordinary American five-cent fare enables a passenger to travel between almost any two points over an area of 100 sq.
In 1898 Russia obtained a lease of the Liao-tung peninsula, and a clause of this contract empowered her to connect Port Arthur and Dalny (now Tairen) with the main Manchurian railway by a branch southward from Harbin.
Attempts to connect a change of symmetry with stability show equally a lack of generality.
In both classes, accepted tradition (written or oral) was reinterpreted in order to justify or to deduce new teaching (in its widest sense), to connect the present with a hallowed past, and to be a guide for the future; and the prevalence of this process, the innumerable different examples of its working, and the particular application of the term Midrash to an important section of Rabbinical literature complicates both the study of the subject and any attempt to treat it concisely.'
There are good roads, and railways connect the chief town with Batavia, Samarang, Surakarta, &c. The town of Jokjakarta (see Java) is the seat of the resident, the sultan and the Paku Alam princes; its most remarkable section is the kraton or citadel of the sultan.
So early as 1849 Guerin Meneville observed in the blood of diseased silkworms certain vibratory corpuscles, but neither did he nor the Italian Filippi, who studied them later, connect them distinctly with the disease.
We, on the contrary, mainly through the influence of Descartes, rather ask what are the things we know, and therefore, some more and some less, come to connect ontology with epistemology, and in consequence come to treat metaphysics in relation to psychology and logic, from which epistemology is an offshoot.
A shorter form of this name is Khani, which it is difficult not to connect with Khana, the capital of which at one time was Tirqa, on the Euphrates, below the Khabur (see § 4).
Pluquet, in his Essai historique sur la vale de Bayeux (Caen, 1829), was the first to reject this belief, and to connect it with the Conqueror's half-brother Odo, bishop of Bayeux, and this view, which is now accepted, is confirmed by the fact that three of the bishop's followers mentioned in Domesday Book are among the very few named figures on the tapestry.
It is perhaps not wholly fanciful to connect with this attitude the fact that Aristotle's pupils dealt with a surer hand than the master with the conclusions from premises of unlike modality, and that a formal advance of some significance attributable to Theophrastus and Eudemus is the doctrine of the hypothetical and disjunctive syllogisms.
With these inroads of the Cimmerians and Scythians (see ScYTIIIA), we must doubtless connect the great ethnographical revolution in the north of anterior Asia; the Indo-European Armenians (Haik), displacing the old Alaro..
Three trans-continental railway systems - the Southern Pacific (with two trans-continental lines, the Southern and the old Central Pacific), the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the Western Pacific - connect the city with the Eastern States; and besides these, it has traffic connexions with the three trans-continental lines of the north, the Canadian Pacific, Great Northern and Northern Pacific. Lines of the Southern Pacific and its branches connect the whole state with the city, a number of smaller roads - of which the most important is the North-Western Pacific - joining it with the surrounding districts.
The plan was to connect Rowlands Gill with the Victoria Garesfield Reservoir by means of a pipe alongside the colliery railroad to Pipe Bridge.
Do n't connect waste pipes to drains which collect rainwater from your roof or paths.
There is still a real need for the public to connect with, but also reshape, mainstream politics.
What 's the best way for a traveling salesperson to connect with his company 's databases?
Amidst a pile of boxes, we scrabbled to find televisions, computers and the all-important cables to connect everything up.
To connect to the VPN after installation You will have a new desktop shortcut called ' Connect to Stirling VPN '.
If you 've ever tried to connect your guitar to your computer, you'll appreciate the simplicity of the GarageBand Guitar Cable.
People really connect with others who are sincere, and sincerity cannot be faked.
Connect the male spade connector to the brown wires you have just removed.
Can You please also tell me if the cable to connect the sub woofer system to the pc is included in the box.
The Rajas of other states of Vedic America will connect via teleconference call from their domains.
Simply select modules from the library and connect them to interactively read and visualize data for analysis, presentation and publication.
Connect to the WAP site using your mobile phone WAP connection and enter the 5 digit order I.D. for your chosen game.
Lifting free weights improves your coordination by improving the neuromuscular pathways that connect your muscles to the central nervous system.
I connect my love for science and music by thinking of the vibration waves that make beautiful sounds.
To connect the idea of parallel lines to geography, the teacher us taught about latitude and longitude.
The detectives searched for any scintilla of evidence to connect the suspect back to the crime.
Create the extra time to connect with your baby's new childcare "family."
Connect the buds to the leaves with more wire and tape.
Multiple room baby monitors allow you to connect up to four monitors onto one receiver.
This site will connect you with dealers, educational resources, grading services and more.
The cables that come with the system must be able to connect to the outlets on the television in order for the system to work.
Be sure, however, that the LCD TV you consider will connect to a DVD player and surround sound stereo speakers. will connect you with dealer invoice reports.
Most have conference call capability allowing you to connect two or three of your associate's phone lines for impromptu meetings.
The best phones require just a push of a one button and replacement of the receiver back onto its cradle to connect the conversation and engage the speaker.
These days, a good model can connect to at least three phone lines.
Cell Phone Finder will connect you with a camera phone and a service plan.
Shop online and connect with an e-representative who will help you choose the right cosmetics.
For users that want to be able to connect to the Internet wherever they may be, a wireless card is a must.
An Ethernet port allows users to connect to the Internet by use of an Ethernet cable.
Make sure you have enough ports on the TV to support the number of peripherals you want to connect.
Bluetooth. Connect your phone, Bluetooth-capable MP3 player and headphones to your GPS.
It can connect by USB cable or Bluetooth and uses the Traffic Message Channel to help you navigate to your destination while avoiding traffic-related delays.
One other complaint from the reviewer at GPS Magazine includes the issue of having to connect the power cord to the GPS rather than the mount and you have to wait to plug it in until after you've got the GPS in the cradle.
Remember that netbooks already have a wireless card embedded and/or an Ethernet port so you don't have to worry how you'll connect to the Internet.
All the media is digitally stored on the device and the PMPs can connect with WiFi to the Internet.
For those with Wi-Fi capable Nooks, you can enter any Barnes & Noble, connect to the store's free Wi-Fi service and read any book for free for up to one hour per day.
You can connect to the Internet with either a wireless or an Ethernet connection.
The network bandwidth is handled separately, so if one band (like the 2.4GHz) is currently bogged down, you can connect to the 5GHz network for increased speed and throughput.
Depending on the exact model, the USB port may be used to connect a network printer that can then be shared with every computer that connects to the network.
Some units use a spring-tension rod to secure the tree between floor and ceiling while others use a screw-based mechanism to semi-permanently connect the tree to the ceiling.
Since each story has a character, the sooner they connect with him or her, the easier it will be understand what is being taught.
The online interactive book club allows teens to connect to other teens throughout the world to discuss books and play online games.
With support, you'll be able to connect with others who understand how you feel and what you are going through.
The Internet provides you with a world of women to connect with that you otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to contact.
While they're mature enough to connect their pain with the breakup, they aren't yet old enough to understand abstract causes of divorce and have difficulty controlling their feelings.
Understanding how faith and values connect is an important step for passing along those values and the faith that supports them.
Once you choose a list of family values and connect them to your faith, you can share them with other family members in ways that make both the values and faith stronger.
Most rain barrel kits provide you with a diverter or adapter so you can connect directly to the downspout of your rooftop rain gutter system.
These are smaller generators used to generate electricity on farms, in island communities, on boats, or other places where it is too expensive or even impossible to connect to the main power grid.
Unfortunately, the online survey market is filled with companies asking for a registration fee before they will connect you with surveys and focus groups.
One way is by using a wireless network to connect to other players with one of the newer Pokemon video games.
You've seen this option in many browsers when you have to tell your computer where to look in order to connect to the Internet.
This popular board game helps individuals connect with spirits from the beyond and has been used as both a divination mechanism and a form of entertainment for many years.
If you believe that the online version will connect you with spirits, then it will probably work for you.
If you don't believe it can work or that it doesn't have the power to connect to the dead, you won't have much luck, which will ultimately feed your disbelief about online Ouija.
The site also has a variety of free online games as well as allowing participants to connect with other players in an online environment.
Connect with other "parents" by sending messages through the site and arranging playdates.
Pokemon Online, or POL, is a large virtual world, an MMORPG where players can connect with other Pokemon players around the world in order to go on quests and other virtual missions together.
Boom Box Tetris is an explosive Tetris game, featuring fire and smoke graphics when you connect three blocks of the same color.
These days, most digital video cameras come with either a memory card that you can put into your computer, or a cable that you can use to connect the camera to your computer.
However most of the consoles that connect to the Internet allow you to compete and share with other online gamers.
Our ultimate goal is to connect cooks from all over the world with one another to form the best recipe collection available.
You'll also be able to connect with other crafters in your area while brushing up on the latest scrapbooking techniques.
You'll be able to connect with scrapbookers from around the world, forming lifelong friendships with amazing women who share your passion for preserving life's precious memories.
Once you've located everything, you're ready to connect your machine.
Connect the Wishblade to the computer with the USB wire.
Although you connect with other scrappers via the Internet, treat them the same as you would if you were meeting them face-to-face.
Both machines connect right up to your computer using USB cables.
Creative Memories is a company with many different departments, all of them related to photographs and how photos can preserve the past and connect individuals to their memories.
The ski bindings connect the ski boots to the skis.
Connect with the people you love and who love you.
You'll connect to a higher power and be more in tune with yourself and the world around you.
CyberTeens - This site is dedicated to helping creative teens connect with each other.
TeenChatStorm - If you love chatting but also want to connect to other teens through games and private messaging ability, this site could be a great option for you.
Roomy Poncho Tops - These tops are of a lightweight material and have sleeves that connect from the cuff down to the waist band.
Free teen chat rooms are a great way to communicate, and connect with others in a completely new way.
If you want to connect a picture to your screen name, look for avatars and icons online featuring everything from you favorite movie stars to famous quotes.
I need ideas of things I could do with them for us to connect so that they can have fun and also meet new friends.
Hi Julia,You didn't clarify if you need to connect all girls at the same time or with each individually and that can make a difference in some of the choices you make.
Visually draw four lines to connect these dots.
Curfew has passed and it's the only way to connect with friends.
There are also teen chat sites where you can connect virtually with teenagers all over the world.
The brackets connect with an arch wire that runs through all of them and exerts pressure on the teeth to move them into their new, correct position.
A graduation poem or prayer will bring emotion into what you are saying and help the audience to connect with it.
The Connect section of the site makes it easy to get together with teens just like you who might be having similar issues.
Stores like Starbucks, McDonald's and Barnes and Noble also offer WI-FI hotspots where people can wirelessly connect to the Internet, though you might have to buy something to be able to use it.
If you play games like Halo, Call of Duty, or Guitar Hero, you can also connect your Wii, Xbox 360, or Play Station 3 into the Internet and play against other people all across the world.
Join your local vegan Meetup group to connect with others who share your interest in vegan cuisine.
Large arts and crafts shows can also offer favor ideas or connect you to a vendor who can make a unique favor just for your wedding.
After all, people connect with people more readily than they do with objects.
Many of them connect to the Internet to give you up-to-date information.
The first step is to use a guitar cable (the cable you use to plug your guitar into the amplifier) to connect the tuner to the guitar.
When you connect the strap to the new pegs, the two pieces lock together and will not come apart without your assistance.
Once you have an electrical box, you'll need to connect the new power source and hang the tracks.
Once you roll out your underlayment pad, connect the pieces with wide, clear, plastic tape.
Connect your marks using a t-square, creating an outline of where the cabinet is to sit.
Have an assistant hold the fan motor while you connect the fan's canopy to the ceiling plate.
One of the most well known features of a Hampton Bay fan is the Quick Connect Installation system.
The Quick Connect system allows even novice users to easily put together and install a fan.
Quick Connect was first introduced with Hampton Bay brand fans, and it is an innovative process replicated by other manufacturers.
With the circular saw, cut the boards to fit and continue to connect the flooring together until you are at your final row.
Connect the side of the cold water supply hose with the large connector to the cold water side of the faucet and the other side to the cold water shut-off valve.
Most curved light systems only connect to the energy source in one spot.
Connect the black wire(s) from the NM cable(s) to the black fixture wire inside the junction box using a wire connector.
Connect the white wire(s) from the NM cable(s) to the white fixture wire inside the junction box using a wire connector.
Connect the ground wire(s) from the NM cable(s) to the fixture's ground wire in the same manner.
Open up the junction box on the final light and connect the black wire from the feed circuit to the black fixture wire and the black wire from the cable leading to the next fixture.
The design of your pool deck will depend on the shape of your pool, the existing landscaping around your pool and whether the pool deck will connect with an existing deck in your backyard.
Connect each wire in the same way you disconnected the old outlet, with the black wire around the darker screws and the neutral and common wires around the lighter screws.
Switches are made to connect hot wires whenever the switch is turned on.
Connect the two black wires to the brass screws on your new switch, push the switch back into the box and attach with the two screws.
The individual modular link charms connect to form a continuous bracelet.
First, it taps into the unconscious self, as well as to what Carl Jung termed the "collective unconscious", the one that is ever connected to the "call" and rhythm of nature, as well as the gossamer threads that connect us to one another.
Visitors can also click on links to connect to merchants selling organic items.
It's a good way to connect with your favorite people without spending a lot of money.
Members pay a fee, work with a counselor to develop a compatibility profile, and then connect with other members through the service.
If you have a senior center close to your house, you may be able to connect with other seniors in your area to pursue traditional senior activities.
If you've decided to take advantage of Prudential Retirement services, the Web site will help connect you to a financial advisor in your area.
This is a real boost to those who hope to expand their circle of friends, find like-minded individuals to share in a particular hobby or activity, or even connect with a future love interest.
Whether you're ready for a relationship or just looking for some new friends, senior personals can really broaden your opportunities to connect.
The FotoDialer is a photo telephone dialing system that makes is simple to connect to the person you want to call.
Think about stretching and even hand and eye movements that can be done as a way to connect to the body.
Those who are widowed or divorced may miss the company of their former partners, however, and long to connect with another in the same way.
We help both seniors and the senior living communities connect to make the right match and make the experience easy for all involved.
Either way, the key is that it should connect to him as a person.
The website allows sellers and buyers to connect, update their equipment and find a place to relieve their storage of equipment that didn't work for them or that they no longer use.
The online community is a section of the website that offers tools to help individuals to connect with others online.
The website is one of the best places to connect with NSF and to take advantage of the resources this organization offers.
Those who want to connect with other patients for guidance and support can benefit from finding an organization that has networking or forum tools.
If you live in the United States, you can get the Clic style which hang around your neck and then connect via magnet at the bridge.
They also connect right at the bridge of the glasses.
If you don't, you don't have to connect it to the frame.
When this component breaks for whatever reason, the Nintendo Wii is no longer able to connect to your home wireless network to download content from the Virtual Console.
If you can't connect with friends, simply mail a few letters to your neighbors and attach a piece of fruit.
Blanca visits your town at random after you connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for your first time.
Your goal is to connect a string of three or more stones, tic-tac-toe style.
A hyper cube is born when you connect five stones of the same type.
Connect wirelessly to a neighboring Nintendo DS user and they can download free demo of Brain Age from your complete version.
One of the DS's major selling points is that it has the Wi-Fi functionality, the ability to wirelessly connect to nearby DS units.
However, where bullets connect has no bearing on movement, meaning injured players can move as well as healthy players (but do so much more carefully).
Connect Daxter to Jak X Combat Racing for the PS2 and you can unlock the option to toggle whether or not Daxter wears his goggles over his eyes.
Get 100% in Jak X and when you connect to Daxter, you can get a souped up scooter with different paint job and flaming decals.