Confronting Sentence Examples
This I believe, is the great challenge now confronting humankind.
Her heart slammed into her chest at the thought of confronting the devil.
In a free society, disparities are always going to exist, but the problem confronting the future is that these numbers are trending towards the wealthy owning more and more.
It was the cowards' way out, but right now she wasn't up to confronting him.
Now they're on a hospital roof confronting a rapidly ticking medical clock.
Is much of your writing a process of sorting out and confronting personal demons?
Listeners must have felt that Today ' s chief inquisitors, John Humphrys and James Naughtie, had moderated their toughness when confronting politicians.
Redundancy fuels nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism, since the economically insecure seek weaker scapegoats for the problems confronting them.
Two options for confronting the issue of rising Arab nationalism were discussed by the British Cabinet.
Talking to other parents and guardians about their experiences with troubled teens will also help you form a plan for confronting your teenager.
AdvertisementConfronting someone about a lying problem is challenging.
Non-confrontational - Passive personalities have difficulty confronting others.
St Augustine introduced the rule for good reason, primarily as means of confronting nepotism and its associated corruption within the Church.
Unfortunately, the position we are in often precludes us from physically confronting, or running from, a particular stressor.
A delator of infamous character, one Peter, had accused the authorities of the city to the tsar of conspiracy; Ivan, without even confronting the Novgorodians with their accuser, proceeded at the end of 1569 to punish them.
AdvertisementIn accordance with this scheme Pericles sought to educate the whole community to political wisdom by giving to all an active share in the government, and to train their aesthetic tastes by making accessible the best drama and music. It was most unfortunate that the Peloponnesian War ruined this great project by diverting the large supplies of money which were essential to it, and confronting the remodelled Athenian democracy, before it could dispense with his tutelage, with a series of intricate questions of foreign policy which, in view of its inexperience, it could hardly have been expected to grapple with successfully.
The Lebanese War was not, therefore, an asymmetric war confronting a well-equipped modern army with a ragtag band of guerillas.
School counselors can also provide help and guidance towards confronting alcoholism in your life, but if you want a more private road to walk on, you can explore other avenues available to you in your community.
An intervention is often seen as a final resort to confronting someone who is dealing with a drug addition.
Whether you learn the scarier versions or the more sanitized version, the powerful images of the girl wearing a red hood - and usually a cape - confronting a wolf dressed in her grandmother's clothing are indelible.
AdvertisementYou battle your way through the region, eventually confronting each of these seven warriors.
It may be hard for right-handers to appreciate the daily problems confronting non-right-handers.
Cheating is an especially hurtful way to end a relationship, as many people will cheat as an excuse to move on, rather than confronting the problems in the relationship and ending it first.
Jenna returns to school around the same time, confronting the four friends with their culpability at every corner.
If you're new to music downloading, this is a question you're sure to ask yourself as you're confronting the sheer number of sites out there interested in your downloading dollars.
AdvertisementHe eventually tries to help the brothers by confronting Lucifer (and also to save Kali, an old world spirit he'd come to love) and lost his life.
Brady sheathed his weapon and leapt over the boulders, confronting the struggling duo.
One morning, while Carmen was cleaning the house, he caught her standing in the living room, confronting the recliner with a questionable amount of courage.
Some delay was caused in beginning operations by Cromwell's dangerous illness, during which his life was despaired of; but in June he was confronting Leslie entrenched in the hills near Stirling, impregnable to attack and refusing an engagement.
No one shows truer courage, not marred by irreverence, in confronting the great problems of human destiny, or greater strength in triumphing over human weakness.
On one side are a boar and a leopard confronting each other, and on the other side two cocks in the same heraldic arrangement.
The beginning of the active opposition to the crown may be placed in the resistance, led by James Otis, to the issuing of writs (after 1 75 2, Otis's famous argument against them being made in 1760-1761) to compel citizens to assist the revenue officers; followed later by the outburst of feeling at the imposition of the Stamp Act (1765), when Massachusetts took the lead in confronting the royal power.
The tasks, almost infinite in number, confronting the new State were of great gravity.
Along the southern coast, where the houses of Seleucus and Ptolemy strove for predominance, we find the names of Berenice, Arsinoe and Ptolemais confronting those of Antioch and Seleucia.
The principal task confronting President Santa Maria on assuming the presidency was to negotiate a treaty of peace with Peru and provide for the evacuation of the Chilean army of occupation.
Confronting the various systems co-ordinated as sensualism, idealism, scepticism, mysticism, with the facts of consciousness, the Elects= sm ?
In view of all this information, when the enemy has scattered his forces in large detachments, and with Napoleon and his Guards in Moscow, is it possible that the enemy's forces confronting you are so considerable as not to allow of your taking the offensive?
Dean jogged up the hill to ice park, hoping to find Penny and Mick, and perhaps Donald Ryland, before confronting Jerome Shipton.
The walls of the throne room show frescoes with sacred griffins confronting each other in a Nile landscape, and a small bath chamber - perhaps of ritual use - is attached.