Confronted Sentence Examples
But during the first few weeks I was confronted with unforeseen difficulties.
I had my gun out when I confronted him.
In fact, if she confronted him now and then, he might be more inclined to volunteer information before she found out about it.
He was going to play games with her until she confronted him.
Why couldn't he have confronted Claudette, instead of acting like a beast?
For the first time in his life, Damian was speechless when confronted with the horror before him.
Two burning questions at the outset confronted Margaret and Granvelle - the question of the new bishoprics and the question of the presence in the Netherlands of a number of Spanish troops.
I wanted to see what you would do when confronted with the man you thought you were going to return to, he replied.
Dean did feel a pang of regret at not having confronted Joseph Dawkins on one important matter.
Dusty and Jule knew better than to pry what happened when he confronted Claire.
AdvertisementI just wasn.t expecting to be confronted with … what were those things?
Visit just about any basic nail salon and you'll likely be confronted by row upon row of OPI nail polish bottles.
Dean explained to his wife the number of times in his police career he'd seen battered women refuse to follow through when confronted by their abusive mate.
If she had simply confronted him and told him she knew Dad sent him, everything would have been brought into the open then.
Though too weak and good-natured to cope with the problem which confronted him, Agis was characterized by a sincerity of purpose and a blend of youthful modesty with royal dignity, which render him perhaps the most attractive figure in the whole of Spartan history.
AdvertisementConfronted by civil war, and deprived of Hlum by the Hungarians, she was compelled to acknowledge the suzerainty of Stephen Dushan, and afterwards of Louis.
She stepped closer to him as she had in their dream, gazing up into his molten silver eyes. He'd gone to Hell for Hannah and confronted Death for her. He'd killed demons to protect her and defied his family to find – and keep – her.
She wondered why it was no longer triumphant when confronted with her betrayer.
His partisans, however, found themselves confronted by a compact provincial party, who proposed to put forward the other strong man of the republic, General Roca, to oppose him.
The terms of the treaty of CateauCambresis (February 1559) were entirely favourable to Philip. Internal difficulties, however, confronted him.
AdvertisementAs finance minister in the Rattazzi cabinet of that year he had been confronted with a public debt of nearly 120,000,000, and with an immediate deficit of nearly 18,000,000.
Now, in considering the body of writings connected with this Veda, we are at once confronted by the fact that there are two different schools, an older and a younger one, in which the traditional body of ritualistic matter has been treated in a very different way.
Here he was confronted by his first wife or victim, Anne Thorssen, whose claims he satisfied by the gift of a ship and promises of an annuity, and on his identity becoming known he was sent by the authorities to Copenhagen, where he arrived on the 30th of September.
All the proceedings were conducted in writing, and the judges were not confronted with either the parties or the witnesses until they emerged to deliver judgment.
On the 6th of October Pache, Chaumette, Hebert and others visited him and secured from him admissions of infamous accusations against his mother, with his signature to a list of her alleged crimes since her entry in the Temple, and next day he was confronted with his'sister Marie Therese for the last time.
AdvertisementHis sensitively honourable nature, which in early life had caused him to shrink from asserting his belief in Thirty-nine articles of faith which he had not examined, was shocked by the enormous abuses which confronted him on commencing the study of the law.
When the world has settled down to the new conditions, if it ever does so, we may be confronted with problems similar to those which our forefathers had to solve.
Confronted by this serious danger, the Convention entrusted its defence to Barras, who appointed the young officer to be one of the generals assisting him.
Barely eight months after the restoration of the Bourbons in the autumn of 1875, Sagasta accepted the new state of things, and organized the Liberal dynastic party that confronted Canovas and the Conservatives for five years in the Cortes, until the Liberal leader used the influence of his military allies, Jovellar, Campos and others, to induce the king to ask him to form a Cabinet in 1881.
Confronted by crusaders where he had asked for auxiliaries, Alexius had two alternative policies presented to his choice.
Yet one must remember, in justice to Alexius, the gravity of the problem by which he was confronted; nor was the conduct of the crusaders themselves such that he could readily make them his brethren in arms.
He was confronted, however, by Raymund, count of Tripoli, the one man of ability among the decadent Franks, who acted as guardian of the kingdom; while he was also occupied in trying to win for himself the Syrian possessions of Nureddin.
Almost his last public act was a speech, on the 24th of April 1844, in New York City, against the annexation of Texas; and in his eighty-fourth year he confronted a howling New York mob with the same cool, unflinching courage which he had displayed half a century before when he faced the armed frontiersmen of Redstone Old Fort.
Meanwhile, again confronted by a rebellion of the prince of Karamania, Murad had crossed into Asia and reduced him to submission, granting him honourable terms, in view of the urgency of the peril in Europe.
Greece and Crete were thus confronted with what was in effect a defensive alliance between Turkey and Rumania.
Hitherto the French had been operating in a rich country, untouched for half a century past by the ravages of war, but as the necessity for a campaign against the Russians confronted the emperor, he realized that his whole supply and transport service must be put on a different footing.
The French army was thus disposed almost in an equilateral triangle with sides of about 570 m., with 95,000 men at the apex at Moscow opposed to 120,000, 30,000 about Brest opposite ioo,000, and 17,000 about Drissa confronted by 40,000, whilst in the centre of the base at Smolensk lay Victor's corps, about 30,000.
The law was invoked, and, confronted for the first time with the intricacies of the Ornaments Rubric, spoke with an uncertain voice.
When suddenly confronted in a situation where immediate escape is impossible, the fox, like the wolf, will not hesitate to resort to the death-feigning instinct.
One of the first problems which confronted the Botha ministry was the attitude to be adopted towards the other British colonies in South Africa.
The ships sailed away to Carthage; on their way back to Syracuse with supplies they could not get beyond Cape Pachynus owing to adverse winds, and they were confronted by a Roman fleet.
The only Ottoman detachments which during the 7th and 8th confronted the two British divisions that had made a descent on this locality were those which had been on guard on the spot when the landing was taking place.
The southern boundary never greatly altered; it did at times reach the Kur and the Aras, but on that side the Khazars were confronted by Byzantium and Persia, and were for the most part restrained within the passes of the Caucasus by the fortifications of Dariel.
Iwleanwhile an inquirer is confronted by the strange fact that of three neighboring countries between which frequent communication existed, one (China) never deviated from an ideographic script; another (Korea) invented an alphabet, and the third (Japan) devised a syllabary.
These students, confronted by i strong reaction in favor of pure Japanese art, have fought manfully to win public sympathy, and though their success is not yet crowned, it is not impossible that an Occidental school may ultimately be established.
The cold cynicism with which he acted towards de Witt is only matched by the heroic obstinacy with which he confronted Louis.
We seem to be confronted with actual clairvoyance, or vue et distance.
At Rome and Carthage, and in all other places where sincere Montanists were found, they were confronted by the imposing edifice of the Catholic Church, and they had neither the courage nor the inclination to undermine her sacred foundations.
If we go back in imagination to the beginning of the Victorian era and ask what was then known of the history of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, we find ourselves confronted with a startling paucity of knowledge.
It was impossible for a soldier like Trajan to endure the conditions accepted by Domitian; but the conquest of Dacia had become one of the most formidable tasks that had ever confronted the empire.
The never-ending Parthian problem confronted him, and with it were more or less connected a number of minor difficulties.
British influence was, however, still so powerful in Zanzibar that the agents of the German Colonization Society, who in 1884 sought to secure for their country territory on the east coast, deemed it prudent to act secretly, so that both Great Britain and Zanzibar might be confronted with accomplished facts.
Nerra (21st of July 987-21st of June 1040) found himself confronted on his accession with a coalition of Odo I., count of Blois, and Conan I., count of Rennes.
The position was simplified when, in 1220, Albert van Cuyck, the last of the hereditary burgraves, sold his rights to the bishop. These ecclesiastical princes were churchmen in little but name, and their desire to be absolute rulers found itself confronted by the determination of the burghers to secure greater independence.
If confronted by a rear-guard he would drive it off and occupy Quatre Bras; and if Wellington was still there the marshal would promptly engage and hold fast the Anglo-Dutch army, and report to the emperor.
After the execution of Louis XVI., a statement by Sanson was inserted in the Thermometre politique (13th February 1793) in contradiction of the false statements made in respect of the king's behaviour when confronted with death.
The Basutoland difficulties were no sooner arranged than the Free Staters found themselves confronted with a serious difficulty on their western border.
In its efforts to break into the gaol and court-house the mob was confronted by the militia, and bloodshed and loss of life resulted; during the rioting the courthouse was fired by the mob and practically destroyed, and many valuable records were burned.
Y p important towns in 1594, and not allowed to return until 1609, when they found themselves confronted once more by their rival, the university of Paris.
These theories are confronted by the problem of reconciling and adjusting the claims of the individual with those of society.
Many times in the course of his investigations the critic will be confronted with problems which cannot be resolved by xxvi.
Latterly Jewel had been confronted with criticism from a different quarter.
When he found himself confronted with the blind forces of Nature he was obliged to divest irrational will of feeling.
But instead of any longer identifying the experience of the race and universal experience, he concludes his book by saying " our reason is confronted and determined by universal reason."
But he was soon confronted with an extremely dangerous enemy, in the person of Duke Gian Galeazzo Visconti of Milan, who was aiming at the sovereignty of all Italy.
Here, too, we are everywhere confronted with the name of Julius II.
The disease was inherent in the body politic. Each pope, confronted by the spectre of Ne p otism.
Thus the pious Hindu, confronted by the impossibility of obtaining perfect knowledge by the senses or by reason, finds his sole perfection in the contemplation of the infinite (Brahma).
It appears, then, that, confronted with the "problem of ascertaining the relative diameter of the particles of which, he was convinced, all gases were made up, he had recourse to the results of chemical analysis.
The sharp dissensions which existed among the princes over the question of reform culminated in open warfare in 1460, when Albert was confronted with a league under the leadership of the elector palatine, Frederick I., and Louis IX.
In the better classes of castings it is usually between 0.40 and 0.70%, and in chilled railroad car-wheels it may well be between 0.15 and 0.30%; but skilful founders, confronted with the task of making use of cast iron rich in manganese, have succeeded in making good grey iron castings with even as much as 2.20% of this element.
He is now the champion of freedom and purity of life, like Nathan when he confronted David for the murder of Uriah.
Luther had confronted the cardinal legate Cajetan, had passed through his famous controversy at Leipzig with Johann Eck, and was about to burn the bull of excommunication.
In the controversy which ensued, Lutz, the chief member of the ministry, found himself confronted by an Ultramontane majority, and the priests used their influence to stir up the people.
What the attitude of the New People should be to it, whether it was all bad, or whether there were good things in it which Christians should appropriate, was a vital question that always confronted them.
Amr recrossed the river and joined it, but presently was confronted by a Roman army, which he defeated at the battle of Heliopolis (July 640); this victory was followed by the siege of Babylon, which after some futile attempts at negotiation was taken partly by storm and partly by capitulation.
Although this charge was demonstrably false, Randolph when confronted with it immediately resigned, and subsequently secured a retractation from Fauchet; he published A Vindication of Mr Randolph's Resignation (1795) and Political Truth, or Animadversions on the Past and Present State of Public Af f airs (1796).
Or again, the process of scientific induction is a threefold chain; the original hypothesis (the first unification of the fact) seems to melt away when confronted with opposite facts, and yet no scientific progress is possible unless the stimulus of the original unification is strong enough to clasp the discordant facts and establish a reunification.
They affirmed that he had remained behind at Tarentum; upon which they were suddenly confronted by Anion himself, arrayed in the same garments in which he had leapt overboard.
Luther felt himself confronted with the pope's absolute supremacy in all ecclesiastical matters.
But Egypt was now at once confronted by the Neo-Babylonian or Chaldean Empire (under Nabopolassar), which, after annihilating Assyria with the help of the Medians, naturally claimed a right to the Mediterranean coast-lands.
There he was confronted by the ambassadors of Rome, who expressed their surprise at his actions.
The monuments of the great Buddhist monarchs, Asoka and Kanishka, confronted him from the time he neared the Punjab frontier; but so also did the temples of Siva and his " dread " queen Bhima.
On the 8th of Dhu'l-Hijja Hosain set out from Mecca with all his family, expecting to be received with enthusiasm by the citizens of Kuf a, but on his arrival at Kerbela west of the Euphrates, he was confronted by an army sent by Obaidallah under the command of Omar, son of the famous Sa`d b.
Meantime, Nasr had moved from Nishapur to Merv, and here the two Arabic armies confronted each other.
If we reject the infinite regress and the circle in proof (circulus in probando) which resolves itself ultimately into proving A by B and B by A, 7 we are confronted by the need for principles of two kinds, those which condition all search scientific for truth, and those which are the peculiar or proper principles.
The crisis is pronounced by Suetonius to have been more serious than any which had confronted Rome since the Hannibalic war, for it was not merely the loss of a province but the invasion of Italy that was threatened, and Augustus openly declared in the senate that the insurgents might be before Rome in ten days.
In the second or strictly Pauline half we are confronted by the so-called "we" passages.
This objection is curious when confronted with Bacon's reiterated assertion that the natural method pursued by the unassisted human reason is distinctly opposed to his; and it is besides an argument that tells so strongly against many sciences, as to be comparatively worthless when applied to any one.
He was minister for foreign affairs in the first cabinet of Louis Philippe's reign, and was confronted with the task of reconciling the European powers to the change of government.
Here, once more, the student is confronted with many qualifications.
The pioneers of the work were confronted with many difficulties; most people condemned the fibre and the cloth, many warps were discarded as unfit for weaving, and any attempt to mix the fibre with flax, tow or hemp was considered a form of deception.
The Rattazzi cabinet fell before Sella could efficaciously provide for the deficit of £17,500,000 with which he was confronted; but in 1864 he returned to the ministry of finance in the La Marmora cabinet, and dealt energetically with the deficit of £8,000,000 then existing.
Whenever it made an effort to enforce its claims, it retreated so soon as it was confronted by a resolute foe.
The man who thinks thus knows no compromise, and so Zoroastrianism and Christianity confronted each other as mortal enemies.
Marcion alone perceived their decisive religious importance, and with them confronted the legalizing, and in this sense judaizing, tendencies of his Christian contemporaries.
He marched rapidly towards Carthage and on the 13th of September was confronted by Gelimer at Ad Decimum, 10 m.
The most urgent matter which confronted the king - or the group of statesmen, led by Joao das Regras and the " Holy Constable " who inspired his policy - was the menace of Castilian aggression.
After 1565, when the power of Vijayanagar was broken at the battle of Talikot, a Mussulman coalition was at last formed, and the Portuguese were confronted by a line of hostile states stretching from Gujarat to Achin; but by this time they were strong enough to hold their own.
As the British proceeded to Concord the whole country was rising, and at Concord about 500 minute-men confronted the British regulars who were holding the village and searching for arms and stores.
On taking office, he was confronted with a deficit in the revenue, which he successfully cleared off by effecting a conversion of a greater part of the state loans.
Like most princes of the Habsburg dynasty, he was constantly confronted at this period by the difficulty of raising funds for warfare against the Turks.
As a theologian and as a patriot, he is confronted with the problem of Israel's collective repudiation of a boon to which their own history, as he read it, clearly pointed.
Passing to the third decade, we find ourselves at once confronted by a question which has been long and fully discussed - the relation between Livy and Polybius.
Hitherto the secret had been well kept and the preparations had been completed with extraordinary success and without a single drawback; but a very serious difficulty now confronted the conspirators as the time for action arrived, and disturbed their consciences.
They were immediately confronted by an acute economic crisis.
On the 18th of March 339 the exarch of Egypt suddenly confronted Athanasius with an imperial edict, by which he was deposed and a Cappadocian named Gregory was nominated bishop in his place.
Forster's pluck in speaking out like this was fully appreciated in England, but it was not till after the revelations connected with the Phoenix Park murders that the dangers he had confronted were properly realized, and it became known that several plans to murder him had only been frustrated by the merest accidents.
Sir Harry Smith, confronted by, a violent public agitation, agreed not to land the convicts, but to keep them on board ship in Simon's Bay till he received orders to send them elsewhere.
Frere had no sooner taken office as high commissioner than he found himself confronted with serious native troubles in Zululand and on the Kaffir frontier of Cape Colony.
Brooks (1819-1857), a congressman from South Carolina, suddenly confronted Sumner as he sat writing at his desk in the Senate chamber, denounced his speech as a libel upon his state and upon Butler, his relative, and before Sumner, pinioned by his desk, could make the slightest resistance, rained blow after blow upon his head, till his victim sank bleeding and unconscious upon the floor.
By 1808 the opponents of slavery, found chiefly among the Quaker settlers in the south-eastern counties, began to awake to the danger that confronted them, and in 1809 elected their candidate, xIv.
Unfortunately for himself the third Henry inherited the continental cosmopolitanism of his Atigevin ancestors, and found himself confronted with a nation which was growing ever more and more insular in its ideals.
At the beginning of 1866 Lord Russells government thought itself compelled to suspend the Habeas Corpus Act In Ireland; and in 1867 Lord Derbys government was confronted in the spring by a plot to seize Chester Castle, and in the autumn by an attack on a prison van at Manchester containing Fenian prisoners, and by an atrocious attempt to blow up Clerkenwell prison.
It would be unfair to suggest that the inconvenient difficulty with which lie was thus confronted determined his policy, though he was probably insensibly influenced by it.
The Russid.n government, confronted with a quarrel with Great Britain.
Three years afterwards the same theme was rehandled with no less magnificent mastery in L'Homme qui rit; the theme of human heroism confronted with the superhuman tyranny of blind and unimaginable chance, overpowered and unbroken, defeated and invincible.
Burke confronted Jacobinism with the relentlessness of a Jacobin.
It was the first attempt on a great scale, and in the Baconian spirit, to estimate critically the certainty and the adequacy of human knowledge, when confronted with God and the universe.
Nevertheless there is a sense in which moral philosophy may be said to originate out of difficulties inherent in the nature of morality itself, although it remains true that the questions which ethics attempts to answer are never questions with which the moral consciousness as such is confronted.
It used to be supposed that the Tian-shan confronted the basin of the Tarim with a steep, wall-like versant.
It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the difficulties with which he found himself confronted, but he proved himself more than equal to the task.
In April 1921, a special session of the Southern (Canton) Parliament elected him to be President of the Chinese Republic, his supporters declaring the Canton " Military Government " to be the only lawfully constituted government in the country; but the influence of these Cantonese " Constitutionalists " over the other southern provinces had then become almost insignificant, and the " Military Government," prohibited by the Foreign Powers from interfering with the revenues of the Maritime Customs, was confronted by financial problems of a kind which threatened not only its reforming activities but its continued existence.
No longer firmly rooted in the soil, the monarchy was helpless before local powers which confronted it, seized upon the land, and cut off connection between throne and people.
The defection of his favorite son John gave Henry his deathblow, and Philip Augustus found himself confronted by a new Phil!
Confronted by a pale weakly boy like the dauphin Charles and the remnants of the discredited council, the situation of the states was stronger than ever.
For the first Joseph time Napoleon found himself confronted, not by Bonaparte terrified and selfish rulers, but by an infuriated proclaimed people The rising in Spain began the popular moveKing.
The new ministry, confronted by a rapidly spreading revolu.tionary agitation and by a rising provoked by a crop failure and famine in Andalusia, survived scarcely a month.
If an astronomer is confronted by some phenomenon which has no obvious explanation he may postulate some set of conditions which from his general knowledge of the subject would or might give rise to the phenomenon in question; he then tests his hypothesis until he discovers whether it does or does not conflict with the facts.
The author contends that the existence of evil is best explained by assuming that God is confronted with Satan, who in the process of evolution interferes with the divine designs, an interference which the instability of such an evolving process makes not incredible.
On reaching Varna, the Hungarians found that the Venetian galleys had failed to prevent the transit of the sultan, who now confronted them with fourfold odds, and on the 10th of November 1444 they were utterly routed, Wladislaus falling on the field and Hunyadi narrowly escaping.
He for the first time confronted the problems of Democracy.
Hastily quitting his quarters in Upper Swabia, Gustavus hastened towards Nuremberg on his way to Saxony, but finding that Wallenstein and Maximilian of Bavaria had united their forces, he abandoned the attempt to reach Saxony, and both armies confronted each other at Nuremberg which furnished Gustavus with a point of support of the first order.
They were brought blindfolded before the commission, and then suddenly confronted with their interrogators.
I just wasn.t expecting to be confronted with … what were those things?
She stepped closer to him as she had in their dream, gazing up into his molten silver eyes. He'd gone to Hell for Hannah and confronted Death for her. He'd killed demons to protect her and defied his family to find – and keep – her.
For instance, the followers of Stalinist communism were confronted by this dilemma at the end of the 1980s.
Hunting A stampeding herd of deer, driven by beaters are confronted by a line of bowmen.
Tory Conundrum When considering societal breakdown, we are confronted with what I call the ' Tory conundrum ' .
Once I had escaped the wild bull, the wild cow confronted me.
We had suddenly been confronted with terrorists who would stop at nothing to cause maximum carnage.
Alone, Blake is suddenly confronted by two glowing green eyes.
Miss Ward immediately confronted the kitchen porter and grabbed hold of him in an attempt to restrain him.
The working class and the Communist Party were confronted not only by internal counterrevolution, but the intervention of 14 foreign armies.
While sunbathing in my shreddies I was suddenly confronted by the ancient crone who dwelt in a nearby thatched hut and herded llamas.
Two nights before, I dreamt of being confronted by a fierce, very awake dragon and it evoked terror in me.
Simon is confronted by Miranda about his sexual encounter with Richie.
A policeman with a sub-machine gun is confronted by a hostile crowd.
Confronted with Wiggins ' claims this week, Conklin neither confirmed their affair, nor denied specifically the insinuation of plagiarism.
He describes the feelings that he and his comrades felt at the horrific scenes that confronted the brave liberators.
Either way, the international community is confronted with the growing failure of nonproliferation norms and supplier cartels to restrain proliferation.
They can also be confronted at the same with an urgent decision around whether to consider terminating the pregnancy.
He'd confronted Bert with accusations of onion swapping and doesn't believe the protestations of innocence.
The family turns a corner and is confronted with a vast pyre of burning cows, but nobody's talking about BSE.
It was the place, too, where Twain's youthful innocence confronted the grim reality of slavery.
Many children studying guitar were confronted with difficulties through their handedness, with 49% of left-handers being encouraged to play the guitar right-handed.
We have confronted the authorities and people of Spanish towns who perpetrate such sadism.
Confronted with something called sleaze, I find myself asking myself, what is sleaze?
However, the crime control strategies pursued within the era of penal welfarism were confronted by an array of practical and ideological difficulties.
The peace of 1839 had settled all differences between Holland and Belgium, and the new king found himself confronted with the task of the reorganization of the finances, and the necessity of meeting the popular demand for a revision of the fundamental law, and the establishment of the electoral franchise on a wider basis.
But oppressive, corrupt and inefficient as it was, the government was not confronted by the uncompromising hostility of the whole people; the ignorant priest-ridden masses were either indifferent or of mildly Bourbon sympathies; the opposition was constituted by the educated middle classes and a part of the aobility.
The thinker who sees man confronted by the infinite non-moral forces presumed by natural pantheism inevitably predominating over the finite powers of men may appear to the modern Christian theologian or to the evolutionist as a hopeless pessimist, and yet may himself have concluded that, though the future holds out no prospect save that of annihilation, man may yet by prudence and care enjoy a considerable measure of happiness.
But Alexander, a fugitive from Italy and menaced by an alliance of the emperor with an antipope, was indisposed to take extreme measures against Henry; and six years elapsed before the king found himself definitely confronted with the choice between an interdict and a surrender.
Yugoslavia's economic recovery had been surprisingly rapid, and the chief problems which confronted her in the autumn of 1921 were how best to exploit her vast undeveloped mineral and agricultural resources, improve her very faulty communications, and root out the illiteracy which was a legacy of alien rule.
No canon of literary criticism can treat as valuable external evidence an attestation which first appears so many centuries after the supposed date of the poems, especially when it is confronted by facts so conclusive as that Ps.
But he brought home to Jews the perils that confronted them; he compelled many a "semi-detached" son of Israel to rejoin the camp; he forced the "assimilationists" to realize their position and to define it; his scheme gave a new impulse to "Jewish culture," including the popularization of Hebrew as a living speech; and he effectively roused Jews all the world over to an earnest and vital interest in their present and their future.
The success of Roman imperialism was particularly remarkable in England, where Innocent was confronted by one of the principal potentates of the West, by the heir of the power that had been founded by two statesmen of the first rank, William the Conqueror and Henry II.
No wonder, then, that the Vatican, confronted by a new Italy, observed The Papacy a passive and expectant attitude, and sanctioned no jot or tittle that could infringe its rights or be Italian interpreted as a renunciation of its temporal sovereignty.
The same problems in a different context confronted the monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity.
The use and abuse, confronted one with the other, could not but evoke it.
No European race confronted with the problem of an immense coloured population has solved it more successfully than the Portuguese and their kinsmen in Brazil; in both countries intermarriage was freely resorted to, and the offspring of these mixed unions are superior in character and intelligence to most half-breeds.
He had found himself confronted in England with a higher civilization and a more advanced social organization than those which he had known in his boyhood, and he accepted them with alacrity, feeling that he was thereby getting advantage.
Next year he published Le Pape, a vision of the spirit of Christ in appeal against the spirit of Christianity, his ideal follower confronted and contrasted with his nominal vicar; next year again La Pitie supreme, a plea for charity towards tyrants who know not what they do, perverted by omnipotence and degraded by adoration; two years later Religions et religion, a poem which is at once a cry of faith and a protest against the creeds which deform and distort and leave it misshapen and envenomed and defiled; and in the same year L'Ane, a paean of satiric invective against the past follies of learned ignorance, and lyric rapture of confidence in the future wisdom and the final conscience of the world.
It was the weakness of princes, the discouragement of freemen and landholders confronted by an inexorable system of financial and military tyranny, and the incompatibility of a vast empire with a too primitive governmental system, that wrecked the work of Charlemagne.
When confronted with any thorny societal problem, I apply the same basic thought process I used on the five topics of this book.
Our little boat confronted the gale fearlessly; with sails spread and ropes taut, she seemed to sit upon the wind.
But the guns remained loaded, the loopholes in blockhouses and entrenchments looked out just as menacingly, and the unlimbered cannon confronted one another as before.
The family turns a corner and is confronted with a vast pyre of burning cows, but nobody 's talking about BSE.
It was the place, too, where Twain 's youthful innocence confronted the grim reality of slavery.
The other frustration is that he often seems spooked when confronted with a decision as in this case.
Probably also this is true of a condition short of panic, in the case of women or timorous men suddenly confronted with danger.
On arriving in the swim we were confronted by a witch 's caldron - they were going mad.
Confronted by health zealots out to ban tobacco, Nick goes on a PR offensive, spinning away the dangers of cigarettes.
Flatware is one of the few items that a dinner table cannot do without, but knowing how to buy flatware can be a challenge when consumers are confronted with a wide array of styles, settings, and prices.
This can be from memories you have from when it first happened, flashbacks when confronted with triggers that remind you of the event, and/or nightmares about it.
These are just a few of the questions many parents of young men ask themselves when confronted with those first romantic feelings.
Role play with your teen on how he or she will respond when confronted with this issue.
Persons on the path to alcohol addiction are often hostile or aggressive when confronted about their drinking.
At the meeting, the alcoholic is confronted with his/her actions by friends, family members and professionals.
When they are confronted by an adult about their behavior, they lie to avoid being punished or to minimize the punishment that will be meted out.
Jeff Conaway's breakdown at a season three weigh-in, after being confronted for being intoxicated at a Fit Camp challenge.
Producers of the show confronted the actress, asking her if her problems with substance abuse had resurfaced.
Audrina confronted her, Lauren got upset (when is she not) and hung up on Audrina.
One of The Jonas Brothers' back-up dancers played tattle tale and told her father, who confronted Lovato.
When you're in the midst of redesigning your kitchen, you'll be confronted with the choice of kitchen countertops on the market.
For many men in modern day society where fast food chains are common and jackets aren't required to eat, they may wonder "What does restaurant dress code mean?" when confronted with this style requirement.
Narrowing down your selection can be difficult if you're confronted with so many options!
Things can quickly spiral out of control, especially when confronted with new and spine-tingling shiny products.
When confronted with all of the different looks, it may feel a bit overwhelming.
While you can try all the lotions and potions out there to help prevent and reverse the aging, you could also find yourself confronted by UVA-induced skin cancer.
Zhu was surprised in his home one night when Qui broke in and confronted him with a knife.
Enraged, more and more people confronted Apple about the reception problem until an official press release was issued.
Parents who are already confronted with their child's allergies may be reluctant to have the child undergo testing.
They may also be unable to communicate nonverbally, may be unable to make eye contact, and may stand motionless with fear as they are confronted with specific social settings.
Children age 14 and younger were more likely to admit to falsifying symptoms when confronted than those between the ages of 15 and 18.
When the patient is confronted, they often react with outrage and check out of the hospital to seek treatment at another facility with a new caregiver.
At early ages, inhibited children cling to their mothers and may cry and hesitate when confronted with unfamiliar persons or events.
No one has a road map when it comes to grief and once one is confronted with it, it's easy to feel as if you are lost in a vast ocean, tossed this way and that, nary a paddle nor a boat in sight.
The wind and moisture issues confronted by Orlando homeowners can result in difficult issues such as mold and damage due to water and wind.
If you are ever seriously confronted with harassment at work, make a formal complaint.
I confronted him and he confessed to a 2-week fling with a woman whom he worked with for a brief time.
I confronted her about it and she admitted that she went out with a male friend of hers that I have never met before.
If you have this feeling and have confronted your spouse, but still think you're being lied to, you have to go deeper into finding signs of possible cheating or infidelity.
Modern consumers can go to any department store where they will commonly be confronted with many quilted styles of wallets and purses.
This can be slightly challenging when you find yourself confronted by so many options, which is why it's so helpful to "test" the bags out in a store before purchasing.
While its true that the crab might change his or her mind on a whim or lash out in anger when confronted, it's also true that Cancer's well known traits of kindness and generosity are the real deal.
It would blaze trails in the early years as it confronted storylines of artificial insemination, incest and interracial romance.
During the 11 year run of 7th Heaven, the Camdens confronted many social and family issues.
Season six and seven confronted internet stalkers, relationships and more as well as yet another pregnancy scare, this time for Emma.
Common challenges confronted by the students at Degrassi Community School include self-image issues, peer pressure, child abuse, sexual identity, gang violence, self-injury, school shootings, teenage pregnancy and drug abuse.
After poisoning Victor's dog Zapato, Victor confronted Patty and she shot him point blank, leaving him to die.
Reporters often confronted her about allowing the kids to be on the show, and her answer was either that she did not want to discuss it or that she just wanted people to get the truth about her life.
Through this reality show, viewers were supposed to get a look at the pressures women face around the world to feel beautiful while Simpson herself confronted her own issues.
During the first season finale, Buffy confronted the Master and lost her initial skirmish.
He later confronted Clark at the Fortress of Solitude, determined to destroy it and Clark.
He confronted Clark, aware of his secrets and all their past and once more put Clark on the path of his destiny.
The Guardians knew that betrayal would be confronted by Dusty, and even those loyal to Damian feared him appearing unexpectedly at their door.
His reputation alone was enough to make most men weep when confronted.
Emerging from the bathroom, she was confronted by a pacing Ully.
By economies and new taxes Sella had reduced the deficit to less than 2,000,000 in 1871, but for 1872 he found himself confronted with a total expenditure of 8,ooo,ooo in excess of revenue.
A similar problem confronted the Antigonid dynasty in the cities of Greece itself, for to maintain a predominant influence in Greece was a ground-principle of their policy.
Meanwhile the Young Turks were confronted with many difficulties within the empire.
The allies now confronted him with upwards of 86,000 men, including 16,000 cavalry.
This represents two lions confronted, resting their front legs on a low altar-like structure on which is a pillar which stands between them.