Conform Sentence Examples
You must conform to the school's rules, or else you will get detention.
Aria tried her hardest to conform to the group of girls around her, but never seemed to succeed.
I am but too ready to conform to them.
They didn't like the new design but the engineers had toconform to the plan that the architect gave them.
That is, the instructions and assembler directives all conform to the standard required by the assembler.
And so solar people have to conform to some rules, such as rules for good argumentation.
The question, however, still remains, what motive any individual has to conform to these social principles when they conflict with his natural desires.
The story of the southern beau and Southern belle who fall in love, but he marries his cousin to conform to social pressure.
The woman beside her was far too subservient for her comfort; if their brother expected her behavior to conform, he was in for a surprise.
The views of the scholars at the Leipzig conference simply do not conform to the dominant paradigm.
AdvertisementAccessibility conformance All pages on this site have been tested and conform to " Bobby WorldWide Approved A " .
To conform to class 3 regulations it is supplied with a full light set, including indicators and hazard flashers.
While in the north he was active in forcing the recusants to conform to the Church of England, preaching hundreds of sermons and carrying out thorough visitations.
They broadly conform to the principles and processes outlined in the sections above.
Echoing his fierce esthetic independence, he did not conform to the image or lifestyle of his avant-garde colleagues.
AdvertisementThe cafeteria must conform to the state's nutrition guidelines.
His bishop, Grindal, was his friend, and his vagaries were overlooked until 1566, when he resigned his living rather than conform.
The outer parts of these systems are little diluted by freshwater and typically conform to Annex I type 1160 Large shallow inlets and bays.
Such written material should conform to the RNIB clear print guidelines.
All of your work must conform to organizational procedures and budgetary limitations.
AdvertisementAuthors ' initials should precede their names; journal title abbreviations should conform to the style of the American Physical Society.
However, his claustrophobic world and the huge pressure to conform proves inescapable.
Trusts which enjoy tax-exempt status must conform strictly to their remit and cannot disburse any surplus monies except to fulfill their stated objectives.
The rig is used to carry out full-scale bus rollover tests which conform to the ECE Regulation 66.
The cattle of Ankole, on the Uganda frontier, which have immense horns, conform to this type.
AdvertisementThe cross-section of the cars was made to conform approximately to the section of the tunnel, the idea being that each train would act like a piston in a cylinder, expelling in front of it a column of air, to be forced up the station shaft next ahead of the train, and sucking down a similar column through the station shaft just behind.
Despite everyone's best intentions, ratings of computers don't conform to any sort of industry-wide standard.
We query the urge to make conjoined twins conform to societal norms.
Within a century pagans would be persecuted because they would not conform to the state religion that ensured the safety of the empire.
We have asked Berkeleys to redesign this junction - to conform to their stated policy of making the whole site permeable on foot.
The windows in the round nave were designed to conform to the style of glazing appropriate to the style of architecture.
We know the subdivision of the wood took place before the twelfth century, as parish boundaries conform to the divisions.
Thus, neither carbon tillers, nor tillers bonded to the head of the rudder, nor laminated rudders conform to the new rules.
They provide that irregular bands in order to enjoy recognition as belligerent forces shall (a) have at their head a person responsible for his subordinates, (b) wear some fixed distinctive badge recognizable at a distance, (c) carry arms openly, and (d) conform in their operations to the laws and customs of war.
In lacking a browtine, and dividing in a regular fork-like manner some distance above the burr, the large and cylindrical antlers of this species conform to the general structural type characteristic of the American deer.
The waters are used in cases of liver affections, gout, diabetes and obesity; and the patients must conform during the cure to a strictly regulated diet.
St Francis concurred in these measures, and, three years later, even requested that those who, as he said, "follow their heresy, rather as a party than a religion," should be ordered either to conform or to leave their country, with leave to sell their goods.
In 1840 he showed that when an electric current was produced by means of a dynamo-magneto-electric machine the heat generated in the conductor, when no external work was done by the current, was the same as if the energy employed in producing the current had been converted into heat by friction, thus showing that electric currents conform to the principle of the conservation of energy, since energy can neither be created nor destroyed by them.
Public instruction in Italy is regulated by the state, which maintains public schools of every grade, and requires that other public schools shall conform to the rules of the state schools.
Parliamentary pressure further obliged Bonghi, minister of public instruction, to compel clerical seminaries either to forgo the instruction of lay pupils or to conform to the laws of the state in regard to inspection and examination, an ordinance which gave rise to conflicts between ecclesiastical and lay authorities, and led to the forcible dissolution of the Mantua seminary and to the suppression of the Catholic university in Rome.
The Right also hoped that closer accord with Germany and Austria would compel Italy to conform her home policy more nearly to the principles of order prevailing in those empires.
After the death of Faustina and the pacification of Syria, Aurelius proceeded, on his return to Italy, through Athens, and was initiated in the Eleusinian mysteries, the reason assigned for his doing so being that it was his custom to conform to the established rites of the countries he visited.
For the more "advanced" Churches, Lenten practice tends to conform to that of the pre-Reformation Church.
In the United Kingdom there was almost as much immunity from legislative interference with charges, but the companies were compelled to secure special charters, and to conform to regulations made by the Board of Trade in the interests of public safety.
It will be seen in the sequel that this was destined to be the growing tendency of Jewish religious life - to conform itself to prescribed rules, in other words, it became legalism.
As then constituted, the northern boundary of Nevada was the 42nd parallel, its southern the 37th, and its western boundary was made to conform to the eastern limits of the state of California.
An ordinance of secession was passed on the 9th of January 1861, and the constitution was soon amended to conform to the new constitution of the Confederate States.
It is the exposition of a relation governed by artificial and arbitrary rules, to which the principal actors in the drama must perforce conform.
Thus the renal organ of Aplysia is shown to conform to the Molluscan type.
The British government, however, caused the Cape government to conform to the views of Philip, who for over twenty years exercised a powerful, and in many respects unfavourable, influence over the destinies of the country.
To conform to the decrees of the council, the new pope drew up a project of reform with the concurrence of the fathers still remaining at Constance, and subsequently made various reforming treaties or concordats with the nations of the council, which finally broke up after the 45th session, held on the 22nd of April 1418.
Consider it a red flag in a relationship if the other person is pressuring you to conform to a certain image they have of who you should be.
If we eliminate the reverse electromotive forces of polarization at the two electrodes, the conduction of electricity through electrolytes is found to conform to Ohm's law; that is, once the polarization is overcome, the current is proportional to the electromotive force applied to the bulk of the liquid.
Now, a prince or legislative assembly that accepted the doctrine of Luther, that the temporal power had been " ordained by God for the chastisement of the wicked and the protection of the good " and must be permitted to exercise its functions " unhampered throughout the whole Christian body, without respect to persons, whether it strikes popes, bishops, priests, monks, nuns, or whoever else " - such a government could proceed to ratify such modifications of the Christian faith as appealed to it in a particular religious confession; it could order its subject to conform to the innovations, and could expel, persecute or tolerate dissenters, as seemed good to it.
It is impossible to offer any exhaustive classification of those who, while they rejected the teachings of the old Church, refused at the same time to conform to the particular types of Protestantism which had found favour in the eyes of the princes and been imposed by them on their subjects.
Between 1580 and 1581, when Browne formed in Norwich the first known church of this order on definite scriptural theory, and October 1585, when, being convinced that the times were not yet ripe for the realization of the perfect polity, and taking a more charitable view of the established Church, he yielded to the pressure brought to bear on him by his kinsman Lord Burghley, so far as partially to conform to parochial public worship as defined by law (see Browne, Robert), the history of Congregationalism is mainly that of Browne and of his writings.
Forced to admit that Christians are not infructuosi in negotiis, he wants them to be good citizens, to retain their own belief but conform to the state religion.
The Poles would not abolish the jury to please the tsar, nor conform as he wished them to do to the Russian law of divorce.
The bishops were soon active against those who refused to conform to the doctrines of the Roman church.
Furthermore, the prevailing philosophies of the r8th century tended to demand that a real divine revelation should be one which expressed itself in a form convincing to the reason of the average plain man, whatever his predispositions might be; it was obvious that the New Testament did not wholly conform to this standard.
Such diverse organisms as brachiopods, ammonites, horses and rhinoceroses absolutely conform to this law in all those rare localities where we have been able to observe closely sequent stages.
But popular phraseology did not conform to this canon, and comitia, which gained in current Latin the sense of "elections" was sometimes used of the assemblies of the Halley concluded that all the three orbits belonged to the same comet, of which the periodic time was about 76 years.
In its rejection of this doctrine Manichaeism agreed with Neo-Platonism; but, while the latter, notwithstanding all its attempts to conform itself to Christianity, could find no formula by which to inaugurate within its own limits the special veneration of Christ, the Western Manichaeans succeeded in giving their teaching a Christian tinge.
On the accession of Elizabeth Feckenham consistently opposed all the legislation for changes in religion, and, when the hour of trial came, he refused the oath of supremacy, rejecting also Elizabeth's offer to remain with his monks at Westminster if he would conform to the new laws.
In 1904 a commission of cardinals was appointed to undertake the stupendous task of codifying the canon law (see Canon Law), and in 1908 an extensive reorganization of the Curia was x s of carried out, in order to conform its machinery more nearly to present-day needs (see Curia Romana).
The state ratified the Federal Constitution, in spite of a powerful opposition - largely the old (state) Constitutional party - on the 22nd of December 1787, and three years later revised its own constitution to make it conform to that document.
The phenomena of solution and of vapour pressure constitute cases of equilibrium, and conform to the laws deduced by Gibbs, which thus yield a valuable method of investigating and classifying the equilibria of solutions.
Gases at high pressures fail to conform to Boyle's law, and solu tions at moderate concentrations give osmotic pressures which increase faster than the concentration.
Similar practical considerations forced the nobles of other European countries either to conform to less sentimental methods of warfare and to growing conceptions of nationality, or to become mere Ishmaels of the type which outlived the middle ages in Gdtz von Berlichingen and his compeers.
Lee (New York, 1886); Fitzhugh Lee was strongly averse to secession, but felt obliged to conform Lee, General Lee (New York, 1894, "Great Commanders" series); to the action of his own state.
Believing that under existing conditions such a step was both detrimental in present policy and unauthorized in law, President Lincoln directed him (2nd September) to modify the order to make it conform to the Confiscation Act of Congress, and on the 11th of September annulled the parts of the order which conflicted with this act.
In 1 Maccabees he is represented as writing an order to all his subjects to forsake the ways of their fathers and conform to a single prescribed pattern, and though in this form the account can hardly be 'exact, it does no doubt represent the spirit of his action.
Thebes and Ammon and the traditions of the Empire savoured too much now of the Ethiopian; the priests of1 the Memphite and Deltaic dynasty thereupon turned deliberately for their models to the times of the ancient supremacy of Memphis, and the sculptures and texts on tomb and temple had to conform as closely as possible to those of the Old Kingdom.
The numerical results of the civil service examinations are reduced so as to conform to a certain symmetrical "frequency-curve," of which the abscissae represent percentages of marks between definite limits and the ordinates the number of candidates obtaining marks between those limits.
At the same time there were incidents in Kruger's life which but ill conform to any Biblical standard he might choose to adopt or feel imposed upon him.
If he appears unscrupulous and even treacherous he did but conform to the standards of 16th-century Italy.
As an illustration of the manner in which the doctrines of the religion were made to conform to the all-pervading astral theory, it will be sufficient to refer to the modification undergone in this process of the view developed in a very early period which apportioned the control of the universe among the three gods Anu, Bel and Ea.
In these series we can trace the attempt to gather the incantation formulae and prayers produced in different centres, and to make them conform to the tendency to centralize the cult in the worship of Marduk and his consort in the south, and of Assur and Ishtar in the north.
The value of these works is impaired somewhat by Baur's habit of making the history of dogma conform to the formulae of Hegel's philosophy, a procedure "which only served to obscure the truth and profundity of his conception of history as a true development of the human mind" (Pfleiderer).
The place was the scene of animal sacrifices and a yearly visit of women, and apparently preserved the traces of an old serpent-cult.8 Several practices conform to the idea that " a hair of the dog that bit you " is a sure remedy, and that the serpent was best fitted to overcome other serpents.
It is the pitfall of physical science, immersed as its students are apt to be in problems dealing with tangible facts in the world of experience, that there is a tendency among them to claim a superior status of objective reality and finality for the laws to which their data are found to conform.
The appearance, in September 1604, of a new star in the constellation Serpentarius afforded him indeed an opportunity, of which he eagerly availed himself, for making an onslaught upon the Aristotelian axiom of the incorruptibility of the heavens; but he continued to conform his public teachings in the main to Ptolemaic principles, until the discovery of a novel and potent implement of research in the shape of the telescope placed at his command startling and hitherto unsuspected evidence as to the constitution and mutual relations of the heavenly bodies.
In regard to this project of marriage for me, I will tell you, dear sweet friend, that I look on marriage as a divine institution to which we must conform.
State repression was used against people who failed to conform.
Even solar people have to conform to some rules. ' Cupitt errs in dividing philosophy from social and economic life.
There are some species that do not conform to the norm and may take up to 6 months to go through the tadpole stage.
The apparent enthusiasm with which the revised ritual is being taken up is a measure of the pressure being put on Chapters to conform.
You can't change your personality to conform to the ideal founder, but you can be aware of the qualities that increase the likelihood of success.
Childcare providers will need to conform to the basic principles and the majority will also desire to rise above them.
Traditional Siamese do not compete at cat shows against Modern Siamese since they do not conform to most cat associations breed standards.
They will also conform to the exacting standards of the decorator in your family.
A pressure to conform to the group is particularly challenging when you already feel different.
Many teens that you may expect to conform actually revel in the thought of having a dress that is guaranteed to be different from that of their friends.
Responsible breeders care deeply about their animals as well as the betterment of the particular breed they choose to breed, and for this reason, they go to great lengths to produce next generation dogs that conform to strict standards.
This type of breeding is done to produce dogs that closely conform to the standards for their breed as defined by the registering body.
You don't have to conform to uniform rules of dressing and wear nothing but blue, gray and black all the time.
Closeout denim shorts often manufactured abroad for major retailers conform to some strict quality guidelines.
The manufacturing process would also have to conform to organic standards.
They fit to conform to the body, and are, of course, quite body-conscious.
Wraparound styles to conform to the head and limit excessive light while providing a snug, secure fit.
While not all wines produced outside of Europe follow EU guidelines in winemaking, any winemaker outside of Europe who labels a wine with a Brut designation must conform to EU guidelines.
Internal backpack frames are flexible yet strong, and they conform to the camper's body.
Homosexual males are under pressure to conform to an ideal body weight that is about 20 pounds lighter than the standard attractive weight for heterosexual males.
Gender schema models stress the roles of children's selective attention to gender and their internal motivation to conform to societal standards and stereotypes of gender roles.
He reasoned that there was a process by which children conform to society's norms of what is right and wrong, and that the process was active rather than passive.
Risky behaviors such as speeding, drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or engaging in sexual behavior may be related to peer pressure and wanting to conform to the group or may be a way to defy authority.
Children at this stage are eager to conform and are very sensitive to teasing or criticism from classmates.
Specifically, adolescents are more likely to conform to their peers' opinions when it comes to short-term, day-to-day, and social matters-styles of dress, tastes in music, and choices among leisure activities.
It can be frustrating when children's sleep habits do not conform to the household schedule.
Adherents of multicultural educational theory believe that the idea that students should be Americanized, in reality, assumed they should conform to a white, Eurocentric cultural model.
Children and teenagers feel social pressure to conform to the group of peers with whom they socialize.
In the early 2000s, a non-right-handed child may still feel pressure to conform to a right-handed world.
This focus often causes them to conform to their peers, which stifles their creativity and makes their thoughts less flexible.
In mathematical terminology, 1.62 is an irrational number because its properties don't conform to rational number expectations.
The Golden Ratio is unique because it's an irregular number, which means it doesn't conform to the properties associated with typical numbers, called rational numbers.
Emo hair styles are just one way that teenagers express their emotions through individual style that does not necessarily conform to established guidelines.
Then either tweeze, wax, or trim the brow to conform to that shape.
A guy's choice to wear long hair needs to conform to his hair type, face shape, image, personality, lifestyle, and the expectations of his workplace.
This may seem time-consuming and unnecessary, but until there is a single set of standards for manufacturers to conform to, this is unfortunately a necessary part of "going organic."
Since the introduction of printing, the Talmud is always cited by the number of the leaf in the first edition (Venice, 1520, &c.), to which all subsequent editions conform.
That island, which had been ceded by France in 1810, three years after the abolition, had special facilities for escaping observation in consequence of the proximity of the African coast; but it was soon obliged to conform.
It is as grateful to those who, like many " Anglo-Catholics," desire on religious grounds to establish the doctrinal continuity of the Anglican Church with that of the ' Only one of the Marian bishops, Kitchin of Llandaff, was found willing to conform.
The see remained vacant from 1580 to 1606, and from 1638 till the Restoration, and, after the accession of William II., the episcopacy was finally abolished (1697), although many of the clergy refused to conform.
Hence in their view all who did not participate in the national worship and conform to the national usages were outcasts.
Jesus also refuses to conform to the current ideas as to the establishment of the kingdom.
The music does not conform to any sufficiently definite musical plan - it is hardly intelligible as music without reference to the programme.
Latin, at all events, Spinoza learned to use with correctness, freedom and force, though his language does not, of course, conform to classical canons.
Anxious to retain so promising an adherent, and probably desirous at the same time to avoid public scandal, the chiefs of the community offered him a yearly pension of r000 florins if he would outwardly conform and appear now and then in the synagogue.
The private schools usually conform to the official requirements in regard to studies and examinations, which facilitates subsequent admission to the university and the obtainment of degrees; probably they do better work than the public schools, especially in the German settlements of the southern provinces.
The British government adopted his negrophil attitude and made its agents at the Cape conform to it.
Great hills were razed and tumbled into the bay for the gain of land; others were pierced with cuts, to conform to street grades and to the checker-board city plan adopted in the early days.
Between these and the Cordillera Oriental is an apparently confused mass of broken, intersecting ranges, which on closer examination are found to conform more or less closely to the two outside ranges.
The power of the royal officials who constituted the executive government of Bohemia was greatly curtailed, and though the chief representative of the sovereign in Prague continued to bear the ancient title of supreme burgrave, he was instructed to conform in all matters to the orders of the central government of Vienna.
Cranmer, Ridley, Bucer and others urged him to submit in vain; confinement to his house by order of the Council proved equally ineffectual; and it was not until he had spent some weeks in the Fleet prison that the "father of nonconformity" consented to conform, and Hooper submitted to consecration with the legal ceremonies (March 8, 1551).
The bishops almost unanimously refused to conform, and a clean sweep was made of the episcopal bench.
Admission is granted to any Druse of either sex who expresses willingness to conform to the laws of the society, and during a year of probation gives sufficient proof of sincerity and stability of purpose.
The ethical element in the " dark " philosophizing of Heraclitus (c. 530-470 B.C.), though it anticipates Stoicism in its conceptions of a law of the universe, to which the wise man will carefully conform, and a divine harmony, in the recognition of which he will find his truest satisfaction, is more profound, but even less systematic.
Kant, like Price and Reid, holds that man as a rational being is unconditionally bound to conform to a certain rule of right, or " categorical imperative " of reason.
In 1634 he took part in the convocation which drafted the code of canons that formed the basis of Irish ecclesiastical law till the disestablishment of the Irish Church in 1869, and defeated the attempt of John Bramhall, then bishop of Derry and later his own successor in Armagh, to conform the Irish Church exactly to the doctrinal standards of the English.
Catholics could not take longer leases than thiry-one years at two-thirds of a rack rent; they were even required to conform within six months of an inheritance accruing, on pain of being ousted by the next Protestant heir.
A test act requiring members of the assembly to conform to the Church of England and to take the sacrament of the Eucharist according to the rites and usages of that Church (1704) was defeated only through the intervention of the Whig House of Lords in England.
Internal disorders, due to attempts by the later Lusignan kings to make their subjects conform to the Roman Church, facilitated its conquest by Egypt, 1375.
To make his life conform to that of Christ, his contemporaries say that he had himself circumcised, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a cradle, and that he then, clad in a white robe and bare-footed, walked through the streets of Parma crying "Penitenz agite!"
The Royal Scyths who followed the body were accustomed to cut about their faces and arms, and each tribe that the cortege met upon its way had to join it and conform to this expression of grief.
The greater the degree of anaplasia the more the tumour cells conform in character and appearance to the embryonic type of cell and the more malignant is the new growth.
Savonarola, however, refused to conform to the usage.
Lebanon, are tending to emigrate or conform to Sunni Islam.
Should the Church take the decisive step into the world, conform to its customs, and acknowledge as far as possible its authorities ?
Turenne followed, unable to do more than conform to his opponent's movements, and took post to defend Trier and Alsace.
Since Shelia has such high self-esteem, she does not conform to the crowd.
Cats each have their own special personality, so while many traits are common in most felines, that is not to say that your cat will conform!
Whether you opt for a hair oil to help control strands while adding much needed sheen or opt for a lightweight hair gel to help shape and conform your curls into a uniform pattern, use each product liberally for best results.
These inspectors will ultimately recommend a rejection upon establishing that your preferred property does not conform to the FHA home inspection requirements.
Loans that conform to the limits are known as conforming loans and are eligible to be purchased by both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
What are your options if your mobile home does not conform to the standards for a refinance?
In a world where your bottom and top don't always conform to the traditional size six, this can be a relief.
Most any budding young stylist will appreciate the fact that she can change her Liv doll's hair just by pulling off a wig, fitted with a plastic cap to conform perfectly to the doll's head, and sticking a new one on in its place.
While it might seem shapeless at first, look for pieces in thermal or jersey, like a long-sleeved top, which can conform to the curves of your figure.
However, it is unlikely that the proposal will conform exactly to the application requirements, which may leave you stuck with a proposal that is not the best possible or even relevant.
It should conform to your specifications and have the quality that you paid for.
Just because your relationship doesn't conform to someone else's ideal doesn't mean it's time to walk away if you're otherwise content.
They may be self-motivated, independent women who have long ago escaped the belief that they must conform to other people's idea of beauty.
The message can be private, shared solely between the loving couple, and as such needn't conform to any preconceived ideas.
However, if these traits don't conform to your natural personality, consider looking elsewhere; no one can keep up and act forever.
It surfaces with her refusal to follow schedules and conform to society's rules.
Many feel that young people are still developing who they are, and requiring them to conform every day in appearance may deter them from discovering their true individuality.
Look for shoes that conform to the shape of your foot as much as possible without squeezing anywhere.
Most of the shoes are made by hand, allowing the materials to conform well to the foot.
While the French can certainly be described as hospitable, there is an expectation that outsiders should conform to French social customs.
These sports briefs conform and support the body without a hint of "tightness."
In the past, girdles were meant to make women's bodies conform to a fashion ideal.
Saks Fifth Avenue features Equmen's Precision Brief, and true to the name, this style features a precision cut to help conform itself to your contours.
Additionally, leather is quite moldable, and while having it professionally cleaned might be a bit of a hassle, the fact that the fabric will conform to your shape makes it all the more sexy.
She won acclaim during her time on the TV show for being comfortable with her physique and not trying to conform to industry standards.
A particular piece of fanfiction can conform to canon, or not, at the discretion of the author.
When you are looking for an official Navy uniform, shop at a Navy uniform shop that offers items that conform to Navy uniform regulations.
The reason is that the shoes conform to the foot of the player, and each shoe fits only that person after it has been used a few times.
Although throwback jerseys that are worn in real games look similar to older styles and team colors, they must conform to the current regulations on the field for number and name placement and fit over padding.
A transparent GIF is an image file where the background of the image is transparent, and therefore the edges of the image conform to the shape of the image itself, rather than having a rectangular background surrounding the image.
It is said that he refused to conform to the rules for regular attendance at chapel, and that he protested both against the enforced celibacy of fellows and the obligation to take holy orders within seven years of their election.
But the antlers of all deer by no means conform to this type; and in certain groups other names have to be adopted for the branches.
In internal structure grass-culms, save in being hollow, conform to that usual in monocotyledons; the vascular bundles run parallel in the internodes, but a horizontal interlacement occurs at the nodes.
All recent corals, as has already been said, conform so closely to the anatomy of normal Actinians that they cannot be classified apart from them, except that they are distinguished by the possession of a calcareous skeleton.
To take the Echinoidea now living, and to divide them into Endocyclica and Exocyclica, Branchiate and Abranchiate, Gnathostomata and Atelostomata, is easy and convenient; or again to distinguish as Palechinoidea those pre-Jurassic genera which do not conform to the fixed type of twenty vertical columns found in the later Euechinoidea, is to express an interesting fact; but all such divisions obscure the true relationships, and the corresponding terms should be recognized as descriptive rather than classificatory.
Additionally, these cork insoles react with body heat and pressure to conform to your unique footprints.
The foot bed is cushioned and the lining is leather, allowing the shoe to conform to your foot for added comfort.
The all-leather make of the shoe means that it will eventually conform to your needs and you should wear it a few times before taking any further measures.
Resumes for federal jobs, for example, must conform to the government's required formats by listing KSAs.
The CRM Manager can help you streamline business processes so they conform to company policy.
For women who sometimes feel they have a little bit more on top than they are comfortable with, the minimizer bra allows them to conform what was given to them into something that might fit them more comfortably.
A strapless bra should conform to your body just as well as any other bra.
And the passive resistance of those who refused to conform at length gave rise to active opposition.
Sid was quiet and thoughtful and did not conform to the typical stereotype for a teenage athlete.
Amanda's desire to conform to the in-crowd made her succumb to peer pressure.
The events depicted from the life of Christ are but few, and always conform rigidly to the same traditional type.